ijI-l .-LJ"." First (ton of RHEUMATISM, nnnn.r... 1.1 aa 'I ran. Easy to I 'Xt'SSJjj Will probaMr do the work. Bid curt require mere. RHSUMACIDI i "irP J tfr,' t Ih Chr0n'C eoa,l'llton a" lne catarrh that follewa 10(11 a uaafr m ,H f " jhh ' ""' E. WallmrB. nl Hlstl Point, H. C, ll SO rent olj J J I I tvSlieCMACIDBd'aecTi If ' iS. I WHUMACini"iiii b' cored.0' " "" ,""" "" d,e"1 '"a t0 If ! j 4' I EV- '' WHRKLEX, a nntrd Mrinndlu mlnialer, el Rrlnerrnwn, II t 1V- I Md., wrketentlimli.tkailr ol RHEIMACIUS. wbicli eorrd eim. He it IS af iV"' i 'i",,0l ud faac been in the tnioiitrr 50 rcata. 1 I ium unit ran nta t I BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO.. PROPRIETORS, If I I DALTI MORE, MO. II 1 "GCT AT THS JOINTS PROM THC INSIDC." 11 World's P.jf st. Louis May-Novomber, 1904. ...Southern Railway... Account tin- . ni-cn-ion. ci .. wav placed on sale i a . v . in-kcts ai return, l-'nllowino :nv .at,s nimhi-i:.' North Carolina: Aslielior... . . s-m.iiti i-l.iii Charlotte . :s J. 1 1 oi'.lu Ol.iio (ireciishor,.. :i l.l! is.M iX.'hl llirWv. -I. lo vNjn J.:U Mi. Air.. . :';.ii' ;!o..s" .'". H Salislmrv. l.li '."vl" i-I.:St SaiifW.1.' . .. -u.'-f ol.'.m iii.i." Wilkcsl,,..-... - . I'1.1"1 :s:.-K !".." Southern I i ; i T ! . . . Ti'.-.-t i . An :', ii:, :i, innuu'tirntcil Through riillinan SltriiiL' l'.:r- --t v.-f.-ii ii r -. h.-I.oim, N. ('., ami SI. Louis. Mo., via Siilisluii-v, Aslievi".-. K -:o i!h-, 1. ,iii"ti.;! and I is ille; leaving (ireetis- boro daily at 7: in .'. M . For 'full i 1 1 f r 1 1 1; ! i i-: i ;.s t- rai. - from all points, Slccjii nir-C'iir reser vations, schedule-. il!";nii.-d li'.-mmrc, etc.. address any ahkxt, or i;. l. vki;m. t. r. a.. .i. ii. wood. i. i. .v. riiAi;; m i .-. s. .-. ' a.-mi. ii.i.k, n. c. S. H. HARDWICK, Pa.-.;! iVaific Mamr. Y. H. T.WLOE. Ccnl. Passenger Agent. WASrtlN.jTON. 1). C. EJ . A 'UT. 1 . jr.COR i'OHATEC.) Salesroom. and I'.'at-iilrre .-!.; V.'.i:-. ii u-e ", I ami t:( N. Hroad St.; (round Flour Kin.'-Aiuer:e;::i Uuildinir. Atlanta, (ia. Larjjtt Doakt.N :ui Host Rpuirct s 5.ulh. ll,(HK) Sulislied ClISi'MlKT.-. u ii'd, -ale and K. i.iil I aK r- in Wil!iasrs Typewriters. New Model No. Xow Out. (Mm All Kinds Typewriters Kcp.iircd. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAHiT LOUSS, MISSOURI. SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST ROUTE. Vestibuled, Electric-Lighted Trams with Pullman Sleepers and Dining OarB. Through tickets from North Carolina with direct con nections. Special Rates for Season, Sixtj or Fifteen Day lickets. Fifteen day tickets lYoiu Asheboro, N. C, $23.00. Sleeping car accommodations engaged upon application. SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS on authorized dates, tickets pood ten days at rate of $18.40 Correspondingly low rates from other stations. Special acconn.:ociLioiis f.rranged for parties Stop overs permitted without Lmit at C. & O. celebrated mountain resorts. USE THE C. O. ROUTE and rcurchase your tickets ac cordingly. For coach excursion rates, reservations and other infor mation, address W. 0. WARTHEN, D. P. A., C. & O. Ry Richmond, Va. r WlH-tlifr.v.u un .-t J.i,-i:h . r Hi i you iv If im n f-JB V.mi vl ll.i- l.-l for k- mom-)- in a -i-'UANKUV VMUc Wriliwc Ifrfii t AltKimi. nt. S,wl , sl.iii.lli ily. I p in qiulily-h,n n in in prlt. IxA. of s,.i inilitk lot. I in our Km- l';.I:J.i(nic. CUTTER TOWER COMPANY, 23 Drvemhrn Street. BOSTON. MASS So.tkcrn Uftkt miJ i-jlesrcou. Ii Campbelle Ave.. Roanoke Va.. Far AMK H TI YHI'.V U.. la Um oldeit (37 years) and flrat Basinccs to own a buildinaT erected for its u iiiai tta students, busiDwa men and Uio press. rhMiddfJua" titermirapker savs- i 'It i h 1p1:di Itniness Colt'-jro soulkof tbo Potomac Rivor.' " ; Wbe. I rnaebed Kiclunond, I iiMjuirod ot anrtr&l business btto for tbebrst ' Btmiimm olleue ia the city, aud, without c-tneiitiow. thay all nctmmu ' i ' , Srf-i;riara aa the bast." HVi. ff. .Sfrrrr"jprVnr, Kiohmcaii. I fr i.t i,), pouble) Entry anUrint-StCK.:k Uooklitreplitf, Commercial Ariuimrllr, ' f!.ia!i s WrlVnir, )iuim?ai lrv-tt.-n, Shorthauo, Typmrritinjr, Telefrrap!,, ! C oiren. ruial Lw. J-nplish la'partineni. Lad ins and jfoutlemen. Day and ui-tit ' n -r.. ho T.v-ninms. MudMiM --tor at any tiam. y Malt. Boohkwp. I in' . .. O.aiid. 1 wioantthlp, at hf.rno, to Uionc vboctuioot km to Collep. I ' Iik'ki er.ii nv to well edueuU-d young mrax. capanliUiy art tnaoaW. V r,n- -i-i-a-.i.. ; eud Juil parUt-uicu-a to 6. it. SsillBdui, Praa., ittt tiaanrl. V 'UJIIWWiUtgSl WS cura now. A aluglo bottle of April io, l'.Mi-l, S.mh Ikt.i Kail- .mviuiv low rates, to M. Louts and troiii principal points ill Slate- i-f i-il.l.- AViiiin-, IVrf.rt A!i-u- iii. Hail I '.i;iri nir. Stroiiiri-st Maii- ! ate-! Su,-d, Kxlr.-ine ;i-.,';.;iv. Isi! from I'ads, l'n-:-,ei; Miloliil't. S j c it J. -1 1 ;u i .1 D c pa r 1 1 i v n t -l !.'d ur I William-. i. i: .: his. Smith-,- Yosts, IVns- ali-i;;;ih- ami ot In r ina- '' in -;.mm1 rt-j air. Our inai liini s :d i ra . - ar.- the rh.-a.-st ill the or! !. Send for samples of work, t':.n-i preference as to make. etc. Trie's for Rcp.v'rs Reasonable '' "i" i-r im pmmn. ut a I II :;i:nllini" l,y ivrilil:); tll,.n U o a College tn Va.,(ocoiid in the South) f ttu tirRtt in lii ,i .r,,i va.....a INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION.: A. & M. COLLEGE, It M- Kill. S. ('. Arieiillui-al. Kiij'iiu-riti i'"ivil, l.lo. 'i it-iil, Meeliaitieal, ami .Mininjrl, Ir.dustri.i! C'luiuistry, Textile In dustry. o'i'-) Students, li.'i Iliytl'liu torti, Tuition fe-'il a year, Hoard !j-8 a iiionth, l'.'tt Helnd!irships. Address l'UrsiDKNT W1XST0X, lialeigh, X. C. wTwrjONES, Ioa!er In GUOCF.iaES, I'KOVISIOWS AND I'KODIXK, Scvinj; Maeliines, I'.-ittsj antl Attach ments. Also have a lot, of j;ood elothiiiir that will he closed out cheap. Produce bought and sold. Your patronage stdieited. (iive nic a call and I'll tieat you right. W. W JOXES, Allen stand. Depot St. 1- I. "'' pastime VOU SAI.K II V M 0 Ii I! I S-M ' A ll in l t;o- M 1 1 V V 1 T T 1 d., ASIlKIIOKIl, N. -. California Knight Templars Add Fel ows The Last Opportunity of the Year. llc'iinnine; August loth and con timtino; daily tt Seiteinher It c ii round t-'p tickets will he sold on iic count of the above conventions from ail point.- in iiie southeast to either Los Angeles or San Fram iseo at ex tremely low rates, u it Ii ii iiii I retui-n limit October -,':iril. Tickets will permit of ten days stop over iit St Louis and allow holder privt-lt-i;c of oinji one route and returning another without addi tional cost, except that tickets re turnini: via I'or'.hiud an idditioual chat-u'e of 1 1 will be made. The Fns.-o-ltrti-k Island Systems offer excellent routes in either direc tion. Write for rap s, descriptive litera ture and full information, and let vs plan vour trip. S. I.. I'aiiiioit, Ui.-!r:ct I'a.-ie-ier A-ent, Atlanta, li.i. Hoi Springs, Arksnsas, One Fere Tius $2 for the Kuund Trip. Tickets on -ale everv We.lnesdav and Saturdav, return limit sixty days. I'lie Frisco System in connect ion with the Koek Island Sysiein from Melllihis offers the In t route. Write for literature and full par ticulars. S. L. l'Ai;tioTT, liistriet l'as.-ci!";cr Agent, Atlanta, (ia New Blacksmith Shop. We have opened up ii lievv shop in South Asiieboro for gem nil repairing and black smithing. We make a specialty of mak ing Timber Whtvls! (Jiv.-tn vour work. Wo guarantee promiitness ami diirahilitr. A. M. Presnell. Coach Excursions to SI. Louis. On each Tuesday and Thursday during the month of June, special ten day coach excursion rates will be in effect to .St. Ixuiis and return via C. & 0. l!y. See display ad. for rates. Fast vestibuled trains with through coaches to St. Louis via. Cincinnati and Hig Four Iloutes. W. O. Wajitiikn-, Dist. I'ass. Agt., C. & 0. I!y., liichmond, Va. OPEBATtS Double Daily Trains tonHf Pallain Klini, fit Can (a U () u4 Ckair Can (Man Itm). Electric Lighted Throughout ICTWECN Bh-aOnIU!n,rirrrjMla ND TO AUL niNTS IN Tmaa, OUalwma mi tntiiaaTarrilaiiaa AND TM a Far Waal and Wort.aaL tviomi utEPiM ui xmx tm m jovrtiEtsT ra (nit ui IMUS OR ONE-WAY OR ROURD HIP Ha m a mi tMwai trmm tttu. Daw, ami iraalactoo. llau, to Mint Sal Miami aa aata Ihrat a4 aaaara Taaaaafa af aaca mmtkm Daaarlptrr HMratora. Ddtata aflantaai and ttarayga raia i n luaaa mada avail aiaav tao to r. a. ctaaa, ram. fm-m awr.. S. L. PARROTT, DISTNICT PA.SKN6CR AS CRT, ATLANTA, 6A. Buj a aewiag machine of feuider j js A LH lSIMP!!E5T mmmm . . OOUU aVBDCMiTO. ICopjrria-htrJSOS, by T. C. McClure. It waa a wet night. Tory wet uud chill, altbougb the fine rata barely made the gutters run. A saluratlns night, deceptive to tbo eye and bring ing woe to those uuguarded souls who braved its qpeinlng mildness senniltit,' umbrella or tnacklutosli.- In the house of l'lnch Mucouiber ull was hospitality nud cheer. The volume of many cordial voices uiinliui: with the stratus of the city's choicest orches tra poured out luto tho gloom as the doora opened to admit well covered figures whose somber wrappings Rave little hint of the rich oppuivl b-u-aih. She who a half hour uso was .lus tlna Miieomber, now to be known us lire. Almuii Harwell, stood. b.-i-.ht eyed und siulllng, by her husband's side. Her hand nched from ninny fer vent grasps; her round chei-Us liln-lied from ninny kisses, weleoiue ami other wise, flic lonired for the r.ioia. lit when escape would be hers, nail with Almon's arm about her they noclit hear the shutting of another carriaco door olid speed nwny upon life's h pfy Journey. The mint t the door was sliil busy, nlthouuli that lull hail me b.-iw.vn general arrival and departure. At ilrst his broiitl. clean slmveii face Ird l orn. a grin of polite welcome. No"' i' was grave and worried, nml ho kI.i:i. I ipiently over his shoulder to s. iu ti.e thriing crowding the rooms l.. l:! i l Many knew the old famil.v ia l..r man and nodded at him f.na.'.l ir!.. . wonderintr at Ida perturl.-il b '.. V! ''ii his mlKtri-oH eanie up. "What's the trouble, out?" "N'o, mum." "Anything Co wnn-'V" "No, nnim; but there's ; ;:n? Tir.d any p. here. Most of 'em I l.n.ov. 'em I don't. I'm fret; a' t-t have winiethin' sml ". mum." Mrs. Mneniaber . bm '.led. Isn't the KliKhiest d ue..-'. Ia with nil otlleer wale! ii u- ll.. The pre and a detective r hi things, we needn't v. Why don't yon co now : eat and a cup of e. n. e sat down since mornim; to take your place." "So. mum' Not till t -.-. 1 JII.-'S. 1.1 iret a llit l.i I'll tell Mm all gone. mum." "You're foolish." said the lady and moved nwny. "Mavhe:" muttered (he eld man. leaning one thick shoulder a--" wall. Tlie bobby's a we-.ry told me. Throe nlnlit-t now sleeplu' . well, 'nan.' be - iy tins noon, 'I dread tlie evi n: ln.rd f..r e:.e pair of y. - m limb. Two of us Is on- loo !' liust 11;.' hoy he' and net s to me n "l'i cover a lie. 'bill Mr. Ma t r grand lauu-b. and I'll bav 'tend bar alone.' And It's so. "The detective? A net-ill.- in n hay stack! till. well, there'll p.nh'ly be liolliin' hap'M.n. Alt. but tliiak of Miss Tina a lavin' us. And I st.qi and ki-s old Han uo. .i;.y w Ii. a -he starts for the church, all e.!.!ia' gown like the am:el -be is. A bat Ilrst iiime twenty year a:: ' : the bnises. Liked inc. i 'twas ! mil. Dan;- till I wa- ! gal and in the boas,, h.-lpi ;'. three mouilis after a rile., b tiine I .nit; "Id. to. I've biH-n to g t where 1 ::l .lid. a ... a m:: And u lucky and no su-p.-etin . Mil!. trad.-, ninl only now ,-t n man. waller, a m er. a liuhier. a biil.-r. he - mid now a nice butler man niindiu' ilu thing else. Sure, 'tis a I tii.-n I'd i i In.. mi. a t.' a ma-se ;,1 re-pectable bio ipi.-.-r Utile kee, mollii-r Kuuli-h. me born ia Ans. tralia. brought up In rri-e... lit in K :i ti sas City and now for lu. aiy y. m- a New Yorker, decent and layin' no n.i-i. Dan. you're not a bad sort to t'.o so wt .1 by your gray hairs." These reileetions, cut -hurt by a burst of shouting mirth, a rush of f. n shower of ri.-e and a liyin." -i.! i' r. ehangeil to swift attention. 1 "a a ci..-. d the portal after the Hiving roup!. .;nd wateheil the seattnlng to tin- dr. .eg rooms, for the exodus was at hand. The crowd began to thill with Pan's rapid dispositions. A heavy set ma, with his iiver.oat collar high turn. .1 to his cars, pressed close upon the lie. '.s of the Irayliia party. Tln-re wns a sudden stoppage. Pan's watchful .ye cnrroweil sharply. The old senam's hand stole eamioiisly tip the ba. !. of the overcoat beside lit ill to touch ti.e hair nnd lift It slightly with nn urn. :t finger. Wig." he grnwliil lo himself, "and cropped ! I !y " "Illght nlnng!" sonmled h!s pl. aiant enll. nnd with the movement his fo .t went out. The gentleman Itoslde i im atitmbletl nnd i!l.ki-il bis tivth wi:h nn exclamation. "Iteg panlnn!" said (he buli.r and caught him gently around the l-dy. but with bands that ran setirelnngly and pressed on curious hard knub-. "lio nn. please." entreatetl I 'an calm ly, dropping his right arm nnd slipping to tlie left and forward. "Not hurt, t ;r. I hope?" A mumbled "No," with a shake of the lowered bead. "Io move out!" cried the butler. "I Want room. He's fainted." No otic had seen that henry, paralyz ing heart blow nor heard the gasp as the rletim sank to his. knees. Some looked bnek and shook their bends, un knowingly, to ce good old l'aii tender ly supporting the sufferer, while he railed genially across the hall to the detoctlve. talking to Mr. Mncomber: "Ttni relets!" After the last carriage had rolled awsy another was driven tip, and tha bracelets worn by the short haired, hard jawed man. so nneeremonfcroaly bundled in, were not Justinn's. . ELLIOT WALKEB. BUY SEWING MACHINE Do not be diTpivnl1 by tlnno who ad- Tcrtb a fHO.OO Kewlug ilu.-blne lot JJflJiO. This kind of anuu-lijneeait be bought from on or an v of our dealers from $13.00 to tlS.UO. arc Maac a vanicrr THE HEW HOSE IS THE BEST. Tits Feed (k-UTmlneM the strength or wenknesa of Hettiug Machines, The Ionbl FrrU ciiiliui-d with other strung point makes the Kew Horn, the Iwst tScwing Jiaebiue to buy. TEE Kf mt tZTMUtmi CO. aaaaac. aiAaa M L'uIuq q. K. V, Chlowo, 1 IL, AUaato. OmL ecUu,ao., Iitliaa,Tii&,Maa riaaialni.l al ron attic ar For Teachers! A Summer School for teach er; will he held in the Graded Schuol building at Asheboro banning July 18th, 1904, and' L-.n uniting ior iour weeKs. i'iicro will hen general review iof 'the text books used in the public jselioi is. Methods ami school mm :oriim t t, w ill receive special attcu lion. Xo charge fot tuition to any i teacher or pt-r.-oii preparing to leach. jYakvs place of County Institute, i (Vrtitici.tcs of attendance, good in 'any county in the Stale, given those jwlit) attend regularly. Bring your I text books. For f uither information addresi: J. M. WAY, County Supt. of Schools. X. W. WALK F.I!. Conductor. NARROW ROADWAYS. Drilnrr Coat of Pnvlim nnd Arc Ad nuiMcroria la Many Wnjra. The ailvantages of narrow roadways on streets are well known to mnny en gine, rs. but the citiz -n are not so Well mlvlsed. To speak way Is apt to cans against any nr.rrov. for tiiey usually thli i narrow road pie to exclaim . of the street, of the roadway as being more than ju-t Ihe wltllh be tween curbs. No sensible person would cdvocate any narrowing of tlie streets. Tiny are often much too narrow. Many persons are deterred from lay-In,- pavements, however much they may be ilc-!tvd, because of Utu large llrst cost, says the Minneapolis Journal. If this cost can be reduced by providing less roadway to be paved much more pav.-mcat will be laid. The width of any roadway should be adapted to the trallle demands- tlu' greater the IratUc the w ider the road, nud vice versa. The advantages of a narrow road are: I'irst. lessened original cost; sec ond, maintenance, a sprinkling cart be ing able to cover a twenty four foot roadway with one passage, thus re ducing the cost of Fprinkling; the cost tif sweeping nnd repairing the pave ment Is also reduced; third, healthful ness. the stretch of green grass on either si 1" of the roadway being much more healthful thnn nny pavement; fourth, advantages In lighting, ns the street lamps may be placed away from the trees; fifth, tlie stretch of earth und grass afl'i rd.-i better means for wnter to get at the loom of trees; sixth, the ga nnd water mains, etc., being under the grass plots, there is no necessity of tear ing up the pavement with the well known evil results; seventh, less sur fuee for (lie collection of dirt aud dust. Tlw- only objections offered to narrow ron.hvays an- that a twenty-four foot roadway will not accommodate Its traf fic and that teams cannot turn around. The traliic of a street will determine the width of roatl, and ll will be easy to widen ut little cost if the trallle de mands It at any future time. Any waLian that Is too large to turn within twenty four feet can go to the llrst Ftnet inlersivtion. The saving In cost by paving but twenty-four feet as against thirty amounts to S7.0-IH per mile If the cost of pavement Is $J per s.p-.are ynrd. Every foot that the pavement Is nar rowed saves $1.17o per mile and each owner of a lifty foot lot the sum t.C So.oT. The amount that Is spent oa paving the extra width of street where It is not needed, to say nothing of the cost of maintenance, could be devoted to extending Hie paving and thus secur ing greater benelits to the town at large. ALL TOOK A HAND. How an Indiana Toivn V Irnurd IIh lllrena, A town in Indiana wns clt-ainil re cently at very little expense and In rather a novel manner and now looks ns If an army of "white wings" had gone over It. The members of the vil lage Improvement society decided that the town n.t-ded a general cleaning li and notice to that effect was published In the local newspaper. The society asked every one to aid It, particularly the school children, and announced that after the work was over lee cream nnd cake would tie served. The day set f :? the cleaning wns on Saturday, and the work was begun la the morning nnd kept up until late in tho evening. Men, women nnu cmi- dren, armed with rakes, hoes and heavy brooms, took bold with a will, nnd pa per, leaves, sticks and ether matt.-r were raked Into heaps and (nrtcd away. Rome positive nuisances were Cleaned up which soon would have m quired the attention of the board of health. The town's enterprising Improvement association has been in existence only two years, but during that time It has accomplished a great deal. Through its efforts two new schoolhouses have been built, a fine library secured, ninny shade trees planted nnd the residential streets Improved 100 Jer cent. Its one run anil object Is to make the town a better place to live In Enllatlaac rkllUran'a Aid. The pioneer in civic Improvement work, an association in Stockbrldge, Mass., long ago saw the necessity of Interesting euildrea In town ImproTe- luent. and In another town where the boys nnd girlrf were trying to maintain beautiful surroundings a disinterested man offered ft to any boy or girl who catilil cultivate the best Bower bed. Sev eral town in Missouri, among tlie'a Carthage and lietliiiny, offer prlxes e ery summer nml urge children to ex hibit at their county fairs. In some In stances boys who are employed as newsboys carry water long distances after school hours that the little patcb .outside their forlorn homes may be cul tivated. Htill another phase of the work Is seen in Howrdale. ra., where the children pick np papers on the street and deposit them In tin cans pro vided for the purpose. To Boana aV Tafra. This ia an era of hustling. The doc tor, lawyer. Insurance man, real estate Kent and mechanic find competition and mnst hustle to met it. Aa wltb men so with towns. They have got to BfffT newcomers good wnter. sewerage, clean streets and pleasant surroundings to catch and bold tbem. Tbey canst do ft even to retain thorn who bare lived tar years In the place. A Ciaat laarawtsaaat. A Michigan town which expended fSn.OOO three or four yenra ago In grad ing- and paving the afreets, repairing and pnlatlng Its court bnne and la buying a fire engine and building a bridge across a creek Increase! tha aloe of rial estate SO per cent all i Rfonod aud added oTtV 3U0 mew tSU- to !t poDnlatloa. U ERI Ii" (Otistnal. Carl Eroaft, expert in chlrography, sat In his study in the city of Berlfa examining by lamplight a package of papers. Whllo thus engaged the door opened and a stranger entered. Krnaft had that afternoon testified in a murder case. In which be bad shown conclusively that the prisoner had written threatening letters to the murdered man. The expert's reasons why these letters bad been written by tie same person ns letters proved to have been written by the prisoner were so convincing that the Jury would have convicted him without leaving thoir seats. But the case must be summed up by prosecuting attorney and counsel, and that would require another day. "Herr Krnaft," said the visitor, "I listened to your testimony today In the Keller case, nnd my confidence In your skill Is so great that I have decided to employ you In a case I have In hand." "I'lease be seated, sir." "Here Is a letter which came to light after an Interval of twenty years. It was written In 1840. You will remem ber that the year prevlons occurred the revolutlonof ISIS. During that troublous period a prominent member of the leg islative bisly defied the revolutionists, throwing all his Influence with the gov ernment. He statist to several Intimate friends that he had U-eii threatened with death by Ihe revolutionists It he did not cease tils opposition to their work, tine day ho was found dead, and evorylKidy knew that be had been murdered. Nevertheless the murderer or murderers were never discovered. This letler. recently found among the papers of the murdered man that es- ap-il notice ut the time of the mur der, was evidently written by the leader of n revolutionary sociely and threat ened him with death If he did not ac cede to the socl'-ty'sMlemnnds." The speaker threw the letter on the desk before the expert. It rend: Herr K : Tin- rrvolnllonary cnmmltt-c warty yotl that if veil s;.-nli temi.rr.'W to the fit! lean of iatliti tii.hol.lliig the tyrant unit denouncing the motives f the revelation Isih y.-n w:.l m-vcr address r nether ns. s.-mblv. l:v i.rd.-r of the committee. HANS OHKHUHCK, President. Tho expert bent low over ihe letter us be read It. "Now. the receiver of this letter." the vlsltni- continued, "addressul tlie meeting referred to and the following day was found dead w ith a bitlli t In hi back. Hans t iln-rbeck Is well re t:.. inhered ns a young cnthiK-iast but twenty-two years of age. II. d'" '0 penivd as soon as the revolution wa suppressed. I have letters bearing date of IN".-. 1.-.-.7 nud l'-co which are simi lar In el-iiography to Ihe one before you. though .lay bear a different sig nature. 1 have come to you for the pur pose of getting your opinion as to Ihe identity of the writer of these recent letters with the m.-n v. ho wrote the one of IMS." The siieekcr llo-.-w three more Inters on tho desk, wj;.'.! Kraafl opened and appeared to study i-il -ntly for n time. then said: of Ohorl: name of been vw b cause 1 I beck di d son 1 !:: be Idlers bearing the name ami hear! tin i i cannot possibly have y tie same person be to i- m, l.i'- -r that ler I, vo-,- t-i is; i. The rea r l-U d -I!- is that, he beln lat.onist, it cited considerable comment at tho time." 'And if he bad not tiled of a fever he would have died by the rope." "I remember that, ton." said tlie ex pert in a scarcely audible voice. "There is a chapter of tills little t tory with which yen tire perhaps no: fa miliar. A year ngo the grave of fiber bee!; was of net! and f. and t contain a coiliu tilhil Willi stone." Kraaft made no reply, hut bent lower over tlie l- il. is. as though deeply im mersed In tli -in. lilsiug with the letter of i ilH'i-b. . -k in his baud he held It near the lamp, as if to -..ot h-lter light. In deed, so near that a corn-r of It caught tire. In a twinkling the flame was blown out by the visitor, who covered the expert at the same time with a re volver. Tardon me." said the latter. "Your carelessness came near costing a life." "How so." "You arc not only to study this case, but you are to go over your testimony given today with a view to seeing If yon have not been mistaken." "What is your Interest In that case?" 'Th prisoner Is my brother nnd an innocent man. That I know, though I can't prove it." "How did yon get these letters?" "I am- the grandnepbew of Herr Keller, who wns murdered by the revo lutionary committee, probably by Hans Ohcilavk himself. The Olai-bet!; let ter only came into t-iy possession a year ngo. I Immediately examined Ober beck's grave, then put the case in the hands of ilet.fttves In America, where so many' revolutionists went after tho fiasco of 3 SIS. They got on the track of Oborbeck. who returned to the fa therland In 1-SiiO, under the name of Herman. In 18(il lie returned to Amer ica and entered the t'nlon army. In 18CC he came to llerlin and has since been llvlug here under the name of "Yes, yes; I see. I will go over my work In the Keller cast? and tomorrow will give revised testimony. A few days later I will sail for the t'uitcd States. Is this satisfaetnryf ' "It Is." The next day Carl Kraaft was re called to the stand at bis own request and pointed out errors In his testimony that he had discovered only the night before. As this was the main testi mony against the prisoner, be wns ac quitted. Three days later the expert sailed tor America. KATE CARTER. ,MMI, BO YEARS' vV. HejtKPgmtHcs VTsutot Masai. 7 . Denton. ' 'M0 CoanrstraKT. Ac. A a was aw ln a aMf nad aaataspuon aaar MrttTwiaruia our opnuoa rraa akwkar aa kimM ia arobablT 'r !" .S"'l U rKtlr ennadoa! i- Me:10l aa Pataat aatit fraa. ownm auraae? aeirra , as Mtas t Co. rva fataota taken thrones nana aa-tal WW amhoat akaraa, to t a9a4aaaeri TlaMAl aMiiaalllW JliaaVl a aanSaraatr ITHtirfaKal lVlfJi'l SMITHING AND GENERAL REPAIR TAV.W. SMITH. MaUUbutT ". itmm To call thestli'iitlonot Uw peoplo of ltHii...l'h county to tho fact that u Lave a eoripleU eftablifthnuait fir refuirlitK alt kinds of Ta-w-elry, - "Wat:hss and. Clcclcs. We hre.cmily the l..it norlu.u-it and '" Klvi In the- imli'.ii- liie l-l ivmc.-. Optical ZJspartrsient Is i-o'ill'lile. We cat. ilui.lieaa- any I-ii-h or broken cum.. Flat- 1. 1-u se - furnished to order on s Ii o r t noive :M:a5.1 Ordera will ruvivehiMM-lul attention. Wa entry u tin' need .iii'ythltnr In mir tine. Wry truly yours. i-Xio'li rt'olnr, 2.-T. C. O K COX, l'ni.U-u. W .1 A11MFIK1.P. V-I'iv- W J AttMKIKI.P, Jr., emitter. The Bank of Randolph, (lapital and Surplus, 3(,0uUti0 Total Assets, over $150,(100.00 With niople H-.-. U. exi-rl.'lie 1.1 protection. i.i 'unit' DIRECTORS. mil l ark-, sr., W .1 Annllt'l.l.W 1- W...I. ! II pi.. I r .M e. a.ler. r. M A niitii' l'i. ok t ox. W K Uc.l.lio-. cm Mottllt. 'I ll"- J Kclilil.g. A V. K .ii- l. A M nanktit, i li II N. ilillng, Pr I' h R anise ur Academy. liauisciir Academy otTcra siicrior iidvatitaces to boys and Kind, i.it erarv, Xoriniil atuF Dusiness courses. Enrollment lull, full term open: August 1H04. Terms rcasoiiiilile Write for cataloouc. John' T. Couii, A. 1!., l'riu., Jianiseur, X. C. IfiDlGESTICIJ "I anaa tronblad with atom achtronbla. Tbedford'aBlackr Drauaht did ma mora good In ona n-aek thaa all the doo to's medicina 1 took In a year.' MRS. SARAH . BniRPtELD, Ellattarillo, lad. Tlntll'ord'iUlack Draught miiukly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and enr f. cvnn chronic cases of in.lif.'stion. If yon will ta! . oaall dose of Thed-i.t- i ttMelr pranght oeca ri,m liv you will keep your atonia.:h'anil liver in per fect condition. THEDFORW BLAdt-DRAUOH More sicknesa is caused by constipa'ion than by any other di'case. Thfslford's Black-Hranolit not only re lieves constipation butcures diarrbtea ami Hy.. -ntery and keep the bowels regular. 'Theilford'i Dlack Draught ia tlie best medi cine to rebuilt? the Uirrels I have errr iw.I." MRS. A. M. GRANT, Steads Kerry, N. C. Are You Willing To rjroilt bv tho experience of others ? "After taking vout '-n-centrated Iron and A I : : 1 1 1 Water myself, and u-ing i! in my family with lino re sults, 1 do not hesitate to recommend it as one of the best medicines to be found. We use it as a tonic, for Dyspepsia, and liludder trouble and regard it as in valiutble." J. J. LAWSON, Cailiier Hunk of South Hoston, South Iloston, Va "It gives me jilcasure to state that I have used your Concentrated Water and find it one of the lit-st tonics on the market, and can highly recommend it to any oue desiring a good appe tite, good health nnd good feeling." J. P. LEWIS, Photographer, l'i lot Mountain, X. C Even if your trouble is tJhioiiic, it will cost very little to make acom-nli-tc cure, so do not fail to L'ct a supply at once. 8oz bottles 5t i ts., looz bottles fl.OO. For aalc by Standard Drug Co., 'Asheboro, n.c. J. M ECHOLS COMPANY, LYNCHIJUKO, Va. If You Want The Best Laundry Sana! Your Laundry to tha Old RalUbta Charlotte Steam Laundry. Thev-are U-tter prepared to do your work right tlutu any Laundry in me outu , aim uu iv in Ol-, IVU. Leave Tour bundles -at Wood & Moriug'g store, Baakcta leaves Tuesdays and returns Kridaya. Vy A COFFI M. Aent. SUMMIT SClliSX Unlveraltr of Nwih .arolinau Monday .!';tv .Ill'.V " Saturday, !t. 1904. Into, rvcU-H hi a.lviuttrfl - lor.. HtMtnl a .1.1 k.iitlfrtr IK5 jr wrk liiclwirot ! t-'..ijw. J ral. Wrlfcr fc mil!"'. M U r. rSAAHI M, next i.ejral Advertisements wood ami Mary Parks, nitaiili., 1-y thoir tiiinnlian. The (invioloro l,.m ,V TnutCu. an.l IMii. u- rnri., Kx ..n le. tne tiinf n-iioi. it kIIIm-IIi -ill. I c. aol. at ,.i-'. uit. I a.itht liaiaor in lailii ilu. . (..tliiMhni .ieHtur parcels of Inn. I, Minute rneiiMiiniiii- loaiuliip and HniuU.I.l ii.t No. 1 r.'.:itaiiiing clKiiU-cll (IS) acn i i f. I hutulred- Utu.: theneal on.- luin.lri-.uni. 1 irv.ltiii. iio.n; IlillK the Iiiii.I- ot W. J. i.-an.lott..-r. j l. nioi.lii n'anK-r (la t-l) i.l. l' , lliei llr.j.ttli-elltlllis t. in A. H. s:.'.-U line ri.erol .l.mvr let .' la 'Villi -in.l SM I,.-, line V 4n cliallla I. v. tli I I'lon . line X ' io the In'iMiinfnK, ImiI I. I'-'i.t.'.".' aT'iV.'su-cIc ail. a! nilhul.l Ilia, k A. It Sle.l a 1 1 no north with Slwl'i lv. J. I'ntoii niiM.fsalu. Iiiiilniln. mihl in thiee mr- . ..I..--I.II I eieh an.l lh Uilanei Inxix mi.tillu.. ii len in a wv n., ,i. mi,. n uilm-U I. e l 1 llli l,HKI-:.st.lKo I.OAN- Tltl-ST CO.. uuui.li.iii uii (-.,niiniM,ioner. NOTICHI lint wt au ililiej aa n lniial.l.'at.ir.in the dale Is. W. Ki.eil,.sr.,ilt,.,a.,-.l. l-f..re W. f. lima, .on-:, i i. i k ot tae s;iTi.ir Curt oi l:ini,u,l.h lo the- llli.h r-1 ,li:iie.l. .Inly velitie,!, will Ik- oleiKlrtl in Uir of en- nioverj ; m il all iieiv.ii!. outnirMit.l ewtnU: ill eniiie lontitr.l unit make iiiiiii.-.llau- M-ttlu. cut. K H. KIVfcTT, Aiitur. Ha., tt.viidi!) otJuno laol. ..tslo: ..loll . 1'. Ilaye. A.lin . I.im l-rry, I liui-lutnil. J. I v. .I. ii, II .lliaa.liil. vliesl l.t.i.1, 1. I --l.it I -.11 ut i.iihlie imettou of Kan, I!, man. N. r. on 0. e i.i'. tiii-e, on saliir.lav. ilu- -,..-,ril .lay ot .lulv.tit l-Jo'el..ek M., Itie lolloaitiK .leMTila-d tin, I-'., i lan.l. vi: I. Mill.- nii.l l--i.ii; in llaii.lt. iiiiiii Tou teht., ml. iotiiin; tlu-lai.itM.f Mrh. Miriam shirh-v, I.. A. t--ii.vr, .1. T. lloMtck. W. II. V iiiiiliiKlo.nl an.l other., an.l ts.ntattiitii,' iiIhiiiI eicht iii-r.- more or lew. It U'liiK lit., iaiiuimiiisl l.y W. A. laneherry an. I known a- hi.- honif i.lmv. '1 hi., tract ol : land "ill U- plotted in to lots -titlal.lt- lerilM.-tlitm an.) hii-inoM ItotiM-., and iu.lnlin rlat.p'a line, rtnililna tlieniv .-t la.:ateh. I., a Mono. John Keant-' eonier. tlieiuo North sso eha-. ton vtoiiii lit the If. K. rmlit .-( way. thenei- in n .V.rthnt: i It. II. rn:ht el nay -iM i .lolmi lapl.'snn.l s. i. Ilenl.-y'f null u it 1 1 .loin, clit.i.- Inn. -i.:. -third in month.. erUVfrl'm M'Tll-K. HitVhilt tiuilit'u .1 te-ialinitil.-lriitrixoti thettall.' .f.lalile.M. r'.. le in c. il.-e,-itM-.l. la-ton- Vt ,'. C. Ilaliillieli.t, , l.-rk .it tlie sii.'tior ei.utl of li.lll lolph o.lility. I .lull! m !i at pill. lie auction, lo lintl.-, ,.. r I. .Inly the P. , ll ..II.. tail laoperty. to a intli.it Kin ,o,.l C..O..II t.llVl.le.1 liull ,1. eaaaie and l.uler, ..an ol M,tlev, N. t.'., i. 11- to tilelill; 11. Hi. in-j.u.t Mil, I pstnM All p.- 1,111!.-, I 'tl'M" I si, - the i;oi .lay ..f June pU-ii.h .1 In liar .,1 their , ,-ov, ; 1111,1 ail . !m,iih OMIIIK Sli.l e-Ulte will o me l. ruul.l nil.! niiiki- tluiile.liute Mltlellletil. '1 1,1- l.ltli .tat ol.lieu- H,n. MiiS. M.MililK KOCS1IKK, A.iinrx. ut Jiuiu-k M. KoiNhee. Noilli t i.llu.'i. In l sui ..tm. I.I. due e thai ext term of ttiu i.lv p. k held on tlr-t Monilny In -iii ri..r ('..itrt ol l'..in,l.,lph i Ii,. .ixtlt Moii'lay l l..re II ,e.ellll..-r. VH. .: jv.ly ..Mli ...nn iiuihoi Mint I. Hint) III .x.neiaini, ,-. I ., tn.i miMur or. lemur to the e.,tnplaiiit lit Mti.i lec.oli.nr i-'nilutitl will a.ply lo i In-Court tor the,' relief ileim.i..!e. ut -aid . oinpUiiiil. Tnc iN feuy hull will at. U.ke tioll.v lh..l a warrant of ill .aelltill-llt wil I.Mii .l l.v tliei'lelk of the MI.-ri.T .,ph t'oimty o-i the I... lay ol nin :ilal lln- .n..tlv ..I at.l narrant U ntiiriial.te I.. I of Kan.Mph Cinay a-, the mi li.tmcl f. r tlie i. turn ol in an i-l w 1,,-ie III-.- IK I. ii.l.iiit I- ri el .a .l.-i .nr t. lite i ll, I it. ..t Will ..I June l H l,te.l. Sol U U! I tie u;,.l, r-l'.'ii,',l 1. !,, aitty nptailun.) mltnltt K. l;ii'.-li.'.'u-i'.a..-l,n.l urn-ol M. lel.il.l y irlvi-u to all I e-lan-1. pre- Atelil:ul.l V. I(u.h..lf tt. o. HarrlMiii ! II. II. hlder .l.epli K.ik. .1. T Have-. .lo pliin- lliivw, Wlllliitil llnv.-. Ilil.-e.a lollnine, Morehead t oltrau.-. Jao.l.lVllran.-. K. I . Wal.1. Mary K. tVanl. I'toia chricu-. s.itlie rjuipla-ll, lielm ra C..Urail.-ti.lar'll.ciof Je., Natl. all. Juliies and sallie c.ltt. in i.e-1 the tiiiktiewn luam-at-law of J.aeph lkik...'.:.a.-'.l. NOTICK! Tin- n..te tiiitne.1 ili fi nitatits. Ihe unktiowti l..cph lli'ek. UeiviTOit. will take ...iintv loperf.vt tlie title lo a certain iireel of Intel it,aite. in Kniiikliuville u.au.hit in .aid puri-Ttim,' to.-oliv.'V Nii-1 prolrty to the defetl .iatil Jiaa-ph n.-.-k. whieh iy nlli itl to t- a .Iced, iliei. n.a: anil Ilu- .l.-leli.l.mt lielr al -law ot I,,-, pa lt,. k. Hi,.. nr, 'Unknown will furlliertako inan e ttiul Itu-v an- r-'luin-.l l.inpH'ar lKf.irethc t'lerk ..( lite sai r.et Curl of Itan.loll-tl county it the !,., t; Hon.,. in Asliel.im, N. ('., on the lru t.iv,.f Jutv liaiiatul att.wrr the eolnplaiill at Kiiui at-laat, or tin- pialntitls will apply to tha court fur Ilu- relief Ueailrlcd Ui said eotnplainl. Thl. I,u9 luil W O HAUUlWll. NOTICKI Havliiiriiiuillileilaa i itsattia- of the lant will an.l lesta nent. .fJoh H. Hui.haw, ilee'.l, lualee ,l.i nl ,lnte to liln til, in Ull I, II,,. ,..!... Ik'ii.-. ,.n or iM-fotf the tMnl day of June IUO. ta-tld- n.J.1,1. will ! pIi-:i'1m1 in l.ir of their r,.i,v. 1'hLsJuiic 17, IW01.' Job H. lliiwllaw, .Ice d. N'W-lli Carolina. B. C. Kloyl tt.lmr.of Hannah laiVtar.il. c-d Atalrew laMar. Jee IaiM.tr and the other ua rtowii iH-lrv-ut law of Hannah ! a jlar dec 1. i Theil.-hai.laiitiinklHiuu heirv-at-law of ffan ah ljiVlur ilec'il will tiik-.-,., ,tt,. o,-, . Mn.tl i.r.M-ei-litia i-tililhtl in. ahnve Itaa lieeii rmmiiienc- -l in tla-Stta-rl..r i-ottrt of fttiurkitph ciainty au wll tl.e liui.lKof rliitiitati l,u Mar h-'il fia-aMseta to o' lie-r.l.'l.j. an.l Uie.l.-leu.1aiiU will further take notice that they ate reoullvit to apanr Iw. .ru ft. I., llaautnaid, elerk of tin sua-rior mrt ttl Mii.l i.Himv at Itla otrlec in the txairt laiM-nl A-hel.ni, I.C, on July IS. 1WII, and :mn-er or iluniur ki the u.iill'rti ia aaid anccial pna-eedlliKM. or Ui petition wtll atrt.ly lo tlie court for the rclf .k-tuainled iu aatd lietltiotl. This juih It, ISM. W.C. IIAUlltlNn,C.S. C. Oemi aao.ia'. ak.a-U ta- photo oi i aaao I tIUI- HUfttJ to r1 VeoanjslT ohtain II. h. ar-l rir WMmm ui