' ! THE ASHEBORO COURIER a me COURllER Ghe COURIER Leads ii Doth News and Circulation. i i A.t...lnlrM. f I m r m 'ertislng Colur Bring Results. 5 PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ASHEBORO. N. "c. niURSuAY JL'I.Y I4ih, 1904. $1.00 Per Tear Issued W eekly. VOL XXIX. No. 28. I 1 If I HIGH POINT NEWS. Knilll Klilvrirtk-. liable Freeman, n:is U(-''" 'i teaching in lioxwoml N-iiiinuiy at I I .vim. Cunti.. is a visitor in the city. Jolui Stewart, a colored buy, while f iHicraliiig a machine al High l'o'nt lied Srii.!j Co. hail hid iinu so badly lacerated that the doctors Hen-compelled lo amputate it a lew indies : l.clow tiic similiter. I'M Stanton. Moore ami Hurrus performed the ' opcrati in. Mr I'nil Kcker, a e,luss manufac turer, of New Vnrk City, will start, a plating a;ul beveling factory heie .January 1st, and will use a two story brick bmldimr .M'l.vSti f.-.-t to he built by the Hie h l'oint Machine Works, lie has made a live year contract with the Khctric I'nwer Co., for power needed ill this mill. Hit'li I'oii't is assured of two glass factories as will he seen from this issue of the Knterprise. Work of laving hrick for the Standard Com pany hegati this week and Mr O N Uiciiardsoii has the signed contract for .Mr Ke kef's building. MONTGOMERY NEWS. Tin KMiiiiiiar. Miss Zulu lint ton left last wvk for Moon iiiity where she will teach a short school. Mr A ( YVoolcv, of Middendoli', S ! '"i C, has heen visiting relatives in town ' '$ the last few days. Attorney .1 ii Hlair is attending the Fair and national Democratic convention at St I.otiis. The infant child of Dr and Mrs M 1' P.lair died Monday and its re mains were interred Tuesday. Something ipiite unusual for Troy occurred heie Tuesday. There were three hurial service ' in our little village. .Miss Nor;-. !'!.:.::.; t-iunicd list Friday trout a visit 1.1 i.-iatni.-i and friends in and around Mt tulead. Mr .1 C I '.at . T liuhy, S C, is spen ding a few days with rclatius ill Wadcville. Mr A 1. McAttl.iy. of lliihl.ard C i iv. Tex., is uniting n lames at Wa'deville. Mr II (i Scarl-oro. of Mt (itlcad. sends ws t!ic lirst. cotton bloom, of the season. It was found on the "J.'itli day of ,ll!l:e. ( nl Ii F Simmons after spending M-cral months in Florida, returned to his old home Saturday, coming by St Louis. wli.Tc he vi.-iteil the World's 1-air. His accounts, of his travels are . i v interesting. The lioard'of Film atiim was in regular session Monday and Tue.-day. Several eoinniilleeiniu w ere appoiu I cd.an.ial library was i -iidposheil.lwo mimed districts Wei.- consolidated, and the annual .villi tin nl vtilli the trui-iin r was made. KM.U'.il! 1.1. MM. A KclniUJ l)L-n..i:tacy I'aikcr anil Davis a i itiulii.: Ii.k;t the 1'l.it (iirin H.ul. Jusq lu;s baiiicl Kcclcwtcd National Cum-iiiillectr.an- t'..ir. ..,.al.'li. v I.. 1 l .-i'.mn. r Ualeigh, July II. Cue of the locally interesting incidents of the. Democratic national convention, which completed its work Saturday evening, is the report, that reaches this bureau that the following wire less telegraph message, punctuated with liquid ail, was entrusted to a carrier-pigeon, hut has nut yet been delivered, owing to St Louis messen ger boy's mistake, piohahly: St. Louis, July it. Judge Tot 1 1 I'urnell, l.'ahigli, N. '. Ke-elected national committeeman. Many thanks, Would probably have been re el -cted. any way; ! -:t your timclv aid helped to make it unani mous. Can never sufficiently thank you, I hank you, thank void J. 1. Well, we are all I'arker men now, Mr W J Brya" included, and, with all factions ot tin' J'emocrattc party pulling together for tin- election of v Democratic nominee, we have good , 5 reason to hope for his election, and the defeat of the "broncho buster" v which is the inai if object, after all. J Although Judge I'arker is so little I known among the masses, the wis I duiu of his nomination inusi be ad i niittcd when the overwhelming vote 1 lie n-ceived on the lirst ballot is con I sidered ii;;i out of total of Sail, J Hearst receiving l'.m. The addition- al fact that only about half of them had lieen iiistnictfd for him clearly ; proves that the leaders of the party ' all over the country became conlirui , I ed in the belief, after reaching St. ' 1eus, that lie was the most avail- f dile man. Otherwise lie could not have been iioniiimted; for there was lilcniv of time and there were enough i mo l. d n il votes to have defeated j him, if it bad been divined advioeable to do to. '' Of course I'arker will receive the electoral votes of all the Southern 'i SUites, and the only iiution is l. Hier be can carry New 1 ork and .nenr.. eilOlllll Votes tll-IC llllll ill 5 other States to accomplish his elec- 1 iinn s .ludffe Taker will boon be called ' upon to break the Bileuce w hich has characteri.ed hit attitude and his forthcoming letter of acceptance will be awaited with more interest than i (hat of any other nominee in many vears. hat u! bhiU Siiitnrday on the oueetioi' of finance and currency f wag eaoecially interesting aud im- portant,aml will ueceesarly gratlyUi Llisilt act accordingly if the PARKER AND DAVIS NOMINATED Named For President and Vice President By Democrats. STRUGGLE 0VL:R PLATFORM Bryan Men Defeat All Attempts to Insert Gold Standard Plank. PARKER CREATED A SENSATION New York Judge Refute to Straddle Currency Question, and Convention Sent Him a Message Saying That His Attitude Is Acceptable Bryan Declares He Is a Loyal Democrat Under All Conditions. St. Louli. July 11 The Democratic national convention adjourned sine die at 1.30 o'elc '; Sunday morning after nnmlnatliiK JiulKe Alton B. Parkor, ot Now York, for president, and Henry O. Davis, of West Virginia, air vice presi dent. Tim nomination of Judne Parker was dramatic la the extreme. Nearly 10 hours of oratory preceded the vole, thoso pluird In nomination besldn aLTOX 0. PARKER, .Tmlse I'arker IipIiir William R. Hears of New York; Senator F. M. roekrell. of Mlssnuri: lliehanl Olney, of Massa eliuselts: Edward (". Wall, of Wiseon Kin; Juiltie (!eori;e Gray, of Delaware; John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi, and (icnrrnl Nelson A. Miles. Iteiore hallotliiK hcRan Hryan ap penrcd on the staKe. After statins I hat twice he hail home the standard lor the pnrty. he continued: "I came to this Democratic conven tion to return the commission, and to say that yon may dispute whether 1 have fnticht a rowI flijht. Y'ou may dispute whether I have finished my eitiire. Ilt'i von i annul deny that 1 1-ave l:e;t the i;iiih. Toilny as a pri vate l uii ti I am more interested In ihe sil.-ies.i ot the Deniocralle ticket 'hail I was when I was a candidate." Win n he declared himself a loyal Democrat under all conditions the ap iilnn-i i-.-i::!,' In itrent volume. He read tl.ai K;rt ion nl' the speech of Governor lllael,. in New York. iiominatinH I'.ocisevep. which declared t lint wars wi re lial.l" to nunc at any time to any nation and declared the principle un derlyini; iiiat nttcranee was a chnl leniv to the civilization of the world. Iieehti in:; tliat Roosevelt. If he he lieved in war as an arbiter of disputes, was a danserous man to elect, he con tinued: "I helicvo ho ought to he defeated. I believe he can lie defeated. I tried to defeat the Republican party as your candidate. I failed, you say. "Yes. I did. Hut 1 received 1,000.000 more votes than any Democrat had ver received before. Y'et I failed." lien- Mr. Hryan paused and llitiiiK his head, swept the hall with his Kazo. "Why did I fall?" he asked, and re- llnc lo his own question, he said: 'Ilecause (here vcre some who had alliiiated with tne Democratic parly who thought my election daiiReroiis to the country. They helped to elect my opponent. That Is why. Out I have no criticism for them." Mr. Hryan declared that. If Hearst was the best man, Nebraska would support him. Thi n he spoke of Wall, and declared Nebraska would wil lingly support him. Then he spoke of PMIifon. and said Nebraska would support hint. Hryan said he only mentioned these men, and not to ask for their support affect liis candidacy, especially in New York and the east, Tlic silence of tlie platform i adopted after along and hard strug gle betw een the opposing elements on the committee) on the money ques tion evidently did not meet "the ap proval of Judge Parker und caused him to send a telegram to Mr Shec hnii tone of the manuirerg of hie cain- iaii;ii ) at M Jxitiig. in which he savs: I leiriml the cold standard at firailv and irrevwaldy established. He said finally that he desired to sec snd the nomination of Sonator Cock rell .of Missouri. The voto was brought about by Del egate James Kerr, of Pennsylvania, demanding the regular order. The chairman was rapping In vain for si lence and the clerks were Imploring tbo delegates to be seated. "Vote! Vote!" was heard and with out delay the clerk started the call. The call then went on rapidly and without causing comment. At the close It stood 658 for Parker. Before the vole was announced Idaho changed her six votes, giving him C64. and West Vir ginia added three votes, giving him the 667 votes, or two-thirds necessary. This was followed by a motion by Champ Clark to make the nomination of Parker unanimous. Great enthusi asm followed, and a monster American flag was unfurled from the dome of the building. The band struck up "The Star Spangled Hanner." Patrirk A. Collins, of Massachusetts, took the stand to second the motion to make the nomination unanimous, dele gates standing on chairs and waving flags, making it almost Impossible fur him to be heard. The vote was made unanimous, and then t tic convention broke loose. Kignt thousand small flags were waving from the pit to the galleries, and the great Coliseum wa.s a waving mass of red. white and blue, with the great yellow dome overhead alto gether it made a wonderful 'picture. ALTON BROOKS PARKER Allen HmnkH I'lirlier. tin- I cnmer.-H le lioinillcn rnr pr.'sil-nl. nils l.-.m In Cirl Innil. X. V.. May II. Is-.;. II,. iv.ih c'lu-cnli-.l III till' IHil.llc HchnnlK. no. I ImI.-i- nt-t.-ii.l .1 Hi,- I'urlhowl normal srhn,.l. lie 111. n : 1..I law .Old ur.idnal-l Hum the All.ioiy Inw sclm.il. sh.irllv nl'l.-r li.-lnu intuitu. I In the l.n r. Mr. I'.-irK.-r Is chief Jii.Ik.- ..f the New York lit or ll..ecls. lliivhiir I..- -i elc.1,.,1 In l.si.s. lie h;i h. it tlie fill lowllIK ..lllees: SlIITn- ris X. . Ni v V. l..ll. . Oil S 1.1 lllvlslOt m l of 'illl- I peals, iwi-M: K. ...ml t. i-in. 1 -::;-: ; iippel- 1 ale division. IV" :. Nominating a Vice President. I Henry (iassaway 'itvIs. ol' West Vir- glnla. former fnite! Stntii: sent:lor i from Hint stale, was ;i iminatml short ly after uililulght StiLi :y morning lor Vice president of the Vnit "1 States. On the first ballot e:: Se mtnr Davit reeelvetl H.'.l' votis. or 1.' b titan Iho two-thirds necessary to . I. Before the ballot was rmnounccd ,. number of states announced that their votes were changed In his favor, and n motion to make the nomination unanimous was carried with enthusiasm. The nomination of ex-Senator Iiavis. who is 81 years old, was the closing act riiAitr d.Ar.K. I'cminncnt Chairman of Iiemocratle. National Convention. of the stormy convention. Immediately after the nomination had been made unanimous the great gathering ad journed sine die. and the delegates rushed nut of the hall, some to seek their beds and hundreds of others to try to catch trains for home. Those placed In nomination beside Mr. Davis were: Kx-Si nator (Icorao Turner, of Washington: Ruben Wil liams, ot Illinois, and William A. Har ris, ol Kansas. Delegate John Lamb, of Indiana, moved that the Democratic national committee lie authorized to till any vacancy that might occur on the na tlonnl ticket. The motion was made In the form of a resolution which was adopted with out opposition. A resolution naming and thanking the officers of the convention was also adopted; also James K. Jones und the outgoing national committee. Chnlrman Champ Clark ami Tem porary Chairman John Sharp Williams were made respectively chairmen of the committees to notify Judge I'arker and ex-Senator Davis of their nomina tion. It was also announced that tlie new national committee would meet In New York on a date to be fixed by the chairman. HENRY GASSA WAY DAVIS. Fllchty-one yi ol. I. Idle heart v. wealthy nn.l n horn lie.hl.T-mich Is I'X-Cnlte.l Stall's Senator Henry ll. Davis, nf West VlrKlnia. the I i.-ni". rati lllimlne,. for vice pi. si.l.iil lie ha. I I already picked iin liemocrallc caiiill.tate tor governor of his state this fall. Henry Gussawny Dnvts was lioru in llaltlmorc. November lti. He was pihiritted at the country school, lint heliii; left fatherless hml to work thnniBhoiit his boyhood. In IKit he married Kate A., daughter If Judge "ild.nn Hants, of Frederick. Md. He liecnme superinten dent of a plantation, then br.tk man con ductor and later intent at l'l 'tmoiit. W. Va.. of the Haltlinore mid Ulilo rail road. Later Mr. TnvH became u merchant nnd leading" collier and projected and car ried to aucresa the West Vlryltila, Central and I'ltliiburg Railway, of which he Ik action of the convention today shall be ratillcil by the M-oplt. As the platform is silent on the subject, my views should lie known to the con vention. If unsatisfactory to the majority, I request you to decline the nomination for nie, so that another man may lie noniinutcd before ad journment." That dispatch wag a corker and will really be more effective with the "business interests" of the country than if an out-and-out gold plank had been incorporated m the. plat form. It baa genuine C rover pre-i i.-iit. lie I.- .1-.. i.n-sid.-nt f Hi" i'i.ili.i,.i'.l i.n.l riiiiih. i-: -u.l ltallw.iv. an I tl.e I -uli- r. ilii.r.l i ilt. of t'lc.lmol.l, W. Va. Mr. Il.n Ii w.'s ' ii'' ' 'he hoiiw of deleii.it. .if W.-it VlfUltea I'l r..m I -.I--:: ,. lielii lie ,-l.el. He has 1. . II a .1- I li.lii... -rail. ..eiv.-ie the Allien, an it- ! HlateS tl'telci.lillll. , m. fnii-.i lllH- lie Is lath. r-ln-l.. "I Mi.aloi- t-: I""'" Jt. i:iHns. the It- pill 'iciot Mi l X il'KHlii fellat' t', Hl'M Vllostl In ll'lf I aSS'L't- II I I'd ill I'lilu. l'"i" I. i-i i-iit-nii-ls-.-s. allhoui:! 0l-M.siiiK llllll pollllciilly. PARKER SPRUNG SENSATION New York Judpe Refuses to Straddle On the Currency Question. St. Louis. Jul) II.-Just .- lien the riciuiierati.- national conv. ntcui dele gales loll thai they wire to lie al lowed to real aiur three Ktreuuous vfT-d; JOI1M SIIAIU WILLIAMS Temporary Chairman of lite Demo ciittie National Convention. day, and when the iiiiiuinatinn 'it the Vice jUVi id. If y se.'t'le.l to lie Hie I'll" thine !e:t to s. 'i'e. .ittil-i' Piirlo-r. th-' nomine for pp si lent. Cif-w .1 bomb Into ll'. l'.vci'.ti.'n l.i . it Il-g litis np.e.",,.,. to W.ilium i'. lib I.-ni. of Ni Void; : "I rciiiin! t!u -.;! .: -t nl a' inmly and li-rcv. -tV.y . st-l Ii-d ;::n! h-y.i act acoi iiie le If :! i-li..n of IV yenlicti slinl! It ri.tli.- d l.v the n. i,i!e. As 111 ilnl. 'ot :u I-' !'e!p i"! i. ' sith Jncl :. view - shot. 1.1 In- '. nl' known to the i o:iv. til ' " i. :i 'ui i'' ii is pi nvei! to le ntisniii :a. ii.'-y to i:." m-ijority I rciif. : vim ii- dii-'iii- th- :- t!n i tion lor me at i.i'ce. so t!i;:t U'l.ilh. r nut) I. ineiii!'.::!. d b n r. ;:i!L:iiarc inenl." A lo'it- eonf-ret. in" I- whi. I. did not in- 'u.l.- Mr. fry ..a. t. n.'-.'-c. the receipt of Hie to', .iv.in. S'na'or Tilliiinn and others were : i"..y an gered hV the tel. Cl'.IUl. l.te. tll'H-f t'lili- ing it over fo" M'veral Iv trs. an ; ment w.i.i rem h 'it to ;-. k tii" . civc". lion to aieivri-'. Hi" si mliti . of tlie followitc: lelncrani t .'um;'. 1'arl.er: The pl-'iionn aih ; : a . '' con vention is : i!i iil on the i" Me. i . .' '!' monetary standard. Is i a'l-" it i - not reuarde.i l.y u.. as a ,a iir- i.-e i in this i-Rpipaign and !.. e:n. laian issues v.'i t e meniiom d in the pla . -i a'.. Therefor there ::. nc.-.-.'i-. in I h..-views expressed by you in tl"' -rart! jast recciv. d whi. h ...tild pre ; ml a ri::n enlei tniiiiti'-' tie in !..:;. a -.i.iiii'. a nominal Ion on raid n!:" lot at. ' This I. t",;f.ia. ..a., n-id lb" con vcnlion by Sen. nor Tillieioi. and be. John SI. 'irp Wil'lai.is. .-' i r .. Ia.ti 1 and i il In-:--- e-u lastly ii;:...;l i' nu :i- tion to favor it. W. J. Hryan n -e r -n I ;- -e and cnici-id the cmv - it in oppose the scpiling of Hie I. I.s rani '.v!t:in,.i anieudinettt. He demand- I thai J:'.!.'.' I'arker b- :i.-l;iil to slate his vi. v.s on the rccolnac.e of silver and a- . ; cur rency. The debate on the Pud. tV prop:isl tlon lasted I'nr into tin- ni!.::!. when Mr. Hryan withdrew bis o' ,'.-i :ions in the ititi;'.';: ol' hnnt'i.ay. ; the iun vcntii'ti. by an iiv.-rvvln ::!:.. v. it", or dered ihe lilcjraii. ,r. piti.d hy the leader:! sent to .In. Ice i'ark.-r. NO MONEY PLANK IN PLATFOR VI Bryan Men Defeat All Attcrpto to Have Ore I - v ': '' St. Louis. July . V. nl. .'i.t I. Hryan and his followers were su.-i tl In iiri'Veui ;n : ;l: i n -t :, i, .e -i -a 'Id standard flanl in tin !' nun ta'ie plalform ai'i r a bun: ..n.'.'-!.' before tlie coni'iiiit"!' on re ''Miotis. wbi. h was In sc-.vii.it all niy.bt. It is b !. ' i I taa' Hie l'''! er mem bers ci, ui. I have .: -I ''!" :i ' -ption of a :;oh! il. 'til.. I. ui tl at tin y I n ! desire to ni ''" "-'in ll I ii -i - tlersl'io.l lleo .iip.j- i'e, .. : will ia his letter ol acc. plan. a I e r, i ll eilie declaration on the : 11I..M . t. j The iilalloi-'ii is :. cn-ipromls,' ac-1 ct ;it:ihle to ad of the itueri s's involved and was ii.'.i pte 1 iiiei:;i 'y n- ihe j roni.iiiiti'.'. It .nay I" : 1 in tl ral to have I,. . n a . on, . r i .:: t i ill- Htyan i win-.' of ihe i-arfy itli i'H in anv wav j Mtilli'yiti' l ir 'hi !: ran -!i of t'.e en- j .a rial iv.". Tit" ah t. ol .oiy tiniac'i t'tt : 'In I ' .'in i'd 'I'" - th. n Is .-I :,:.il- ant and 'i : tl it. i in;, s dhi'it) i I liti ii:'-; i.n) THE Fl. ATfCr.M. Cleveland riiiy,, nnd at once sc;t!cs r. e. ived which would preclude a the fact that I'arker is not a ' dml- inaii ciitertainiii"; tliein frnm aet i pt gt.r." , in;,' a nomination on said platform." tin iiuil ion of .lohu Sharpc Will- Tin-vote on Ihe motion to send lams the cotiMlilion aitlliori.cil Mr ' I lit- :ilme answer was I ayes lo 1 S 1 Sheelian lo send the follow ini; reply no. s. to .luilce I'arki r: ' K-Seim!or Heiirv (i I "avis. West "The platform adopted is silent Virginia, was then nominated for j in l. mid who is generally rvco; upou the iptestion of the iiionctarv ' ice president on the lirst. ballot, rc- j nizod as the ablest political manager standard because it is not nyardetl i iiving '.a I votes to :iv):l diviiled be-) in thi.-' eoniiti v i w ill be asked to ac hy us as it poso'lilc issue in this cam- tvveen John Sharpe Williams, Tut tier jcept iif-air. this very important and piiign, und only campaign issues are , ami Harris. responsible position. Whether he mentioned in the platform. There-j The new iiatioi.nl committee w ill tan be prevailed upon to do 60 or fore, there is nothing in the views in. el in New York, on a date yet to .not i.s at present not known, expressed by vim in the telegram jiibl I U. li ved. The selection of a new I l'loniiiKiit Uemocratic leaders and nil tl nil .i ' , their nR i,r, ilin-i-lel.ll ties Impl me I n..ss hy I .ui.:i. ii per: al . Tlie ill fat priK'l ,l:,y IM II. I pca.v. Hi elirr of all . ol pall. unit s full,, Mm. el 0. : .' . vale i.Me.,n..iis. li.l. !i' n M of li'li'l la MV f.-ivi 111 tlie t,l t , II1IV l.l.l 'I- I shall ll -I" i-t. ll tll" 11 rati.- s. 'I.il. 1..ISI vvhl. li it v. e 1 'I'l.e II' 111... rat I. n: of that . lass viii. Ii certain I nl nil'.,!, tliionah . Tin, S Of Ihe IIOV'.II trust nietllO.ls. Is uupuliea, thiiii tiring dunifitle compptil Ion. whe-li was the only 1 iill.'K'.l elierk iiimhi 111.- e.iravi.i.-aht prof its n:.!.ie pojpi,. hy ii... protective sys tem. I'll. Se 111-1 11 t l l. 1 1 iOllll.llllUi.MlS. liy ..I 111. ..II. of tin. )tf.lllili ctitiaull weal. ' Us ahusi'S. It nitiiitl.nis. k. ep-.11.1- Of -e il- V nf ol'llulttlllt- imr.. "f ie""i ' al- ; ll, ..ii il in ' :'li..r,. I l of . .i,l' .! ; ii 1 I.l- ! honht lie .r.,!iil.I. .1 We csp. . i..l!y .1 ilis.riii.iiiiill.iii l.y l.v law. .md astlnc st all ninpo- . h inl-a.lc ot tin- sin V t- It shall I." . i t oinp, lent . iii.iaop..li.ili..ii c i-honl.l lie ,nt, M-iv. law-, lo In rly. should it I" . ad. .1 .a .1 1 i i i. n a ,1 trad" Of Ihe 1 to Insist a.l und I sli.ill ' proof "f Ui.- j opt. Ill Of . ill.ltna ol' a I w or ad.lilio .. and with,, ommlttrj t anil im- Ib .publle.ni pi rhitriirily dis i i it- ollle.s in md cmnlnved chairman of tlie national committee will, of course, depend largely upon l he w ishes of .Itnloe I'arker, if lie shall express a personal preference. It is ::i IM't-.tllv conce.li il, lion ever, that S.'ii I'ortioriuali twlto wnsehair inaii when Mr Cleveland was elected i .k in ovrreach an4 :. r, uiru which tha .ial.lMl.-.l. 1 1 . i h.i!. i.roimlil countlfBB :Hrv. 'I'he calm Wlmlom ie...c HhOlll.l See tO It ..I ..'..I ll.'l .fill el tie l-eoi..llllK he., l-l. Nfirth. iv. hut i tuly i.l share fraler- ':.!-. 1 . ..ml.. mil 1.1 Mi, n ow upli-lt nveinli.n at lo l iii.ll" anew n . I I strife. th. .,lH-r eoni- sj-ilil of the i:illllitli..t.iitlOll Ii". -" IIS iti.ihul, y. K I :is made A 1 1. Hi. ci.iii'.ress. the i ,,r.., tl. OB irnd il int. riintion.il lu. ..iik'i.is into hasty -ion. i.ti.l virtually ; I.' ilill'l its flight ill.-.!!'....! calletllllirS iisks. It msicie war. .1 ll. I Hi; w;,.. . i- il:, s.,1. pow-r of conifress. will, "in its i,-:i h-.i iiy. th.-rel.y i.siirviilK I I It. lua.l .ir.illlti.l pl-.'l'.r.ltlvrs. It v . 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 a plain st. ilnt. ol' the I'tiited Si. t.s. as Well us pi.-, in tr.ary nbllea tioiH. Ic.i.rii denial lisaii. s and cotistllii- t toll.. I I : . .OL I ll I lioae so lin-r pre tense "t X'.-iilii i' ;i trial public p.lliey w! , 'i eoiii. I :,.,v.. I n more easily effect ed I wlnll'.. ...ti-li"ition. II v and with ll to .1 st 1 unnatural con-ii.-urpliu judi hsiitutliiK con- of in vhlch h. repl til.:, of ll." prnplo iit.ll the slates the terror of evil iloets. It . i.n.ln. t. .1 a secretive InvestlBatlon of Us own nnd heiisle.l of a fow s.amiile coiivi.iii. vvliih- It thew a tiroad coverlet ova r the linri iiiis which hii l he. n their i I i Held of operative alms-ll. and kept la povv.-r the sap. lior o!ii'-.-rrf tinder w h." ...li.iltilst ration the chimes had il. it olll. I'"l ilSrilllll tipotl Millie in..noio- li. s. hat. paralyz. .1 l.y its lirst victory. it tlnlii' out th" llau of truce all. I crleil Pit rin li. clouded by " Hi"; the enmpaiKn upon this dec ol our principles and purposes .It.. t..i !' i aleli.lales the tnii- ,.t eiilv of n-'i- ureat and time ! ......ini-.:il!.ii'. I. ill also the actlvi all .11.1 .ill," NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETS Endorsed Thomas Taassrt, of Indiana, For Chairman. Ht. Louis. July 11. The national committee met at -." o'clock yesterday mini, inc. anil iti'.aiu al I o'clock yester day aiti'inii ii wjih ihe avowed inten I ii.p. on In Iial!' of tlie supporters of Tit." -.i t. of Indiana, of organising by electing him t bait niaii. It was pointed out by Xornian K. .Mack, of New York, that it would be discourteous to lake any action until .Mr. I'arker. as the can didate, was consulted. Chairman Jones made this state on nl: "The national convent ion. by rpi-i ilie resolution, adopted last night, am In. l ined tne. In fact Insiructcd me, t.i i all the tirst meeting of the new coiiiiuiitei. in New York city. I'ntll 1 all it. :ho new committee cannot or gsinii' and t tictiniis they have are tin a::t I ... iz. il. Now. Id. mo sny forcibly, if tie. d be. litKl in tin"; under the con vent:, n aiiihovity I call the national com mil tee in meet in New York city nl sii.ii lime as .lii.ls.-e I'arker shall de-iiinaie. for before I call it I shall .mi. ".I: him. II would he an unprocc: dented thing for Ihe new committee 16 or".a:ii.e without consultation with the i ainiiiiate Sin h a thing was never heard of." Al ter nearly I wo hours' debate. .Sen ator H.nley offered to compromise If t!:.- cniiiuiiitec would adopt a resolu tion endorsing the candidacy of Thus. Tiiiii-att for c h a i rut :i ti of ihe commit to... Mr. .Ma. k agreed to ,hi.-. and the ri . in'iti.m was ailopird. The commit tee will, therefore, meet in New York on lie' call of Chairman Jones. Tlic following is the new Demo oral!! national committee: Aiii' iiiiia II. I). Clayton. Ail.:: vus--William 11. .Martin. California - M. !'. Turpey. Colorado John 1. .Muliins. Delaware Hlchnri) R. Kcnney. Klerl. I.l-John II. Hrowne. (Ici-rgis- Clark Unwell. I laini Simiin I'. Donnelly. Illinois-- Kdgnr C. Sullivan. Indiana Thomas TaggarL low a -diaries A. Walsh. Kansas John 11. At wood. Ki mucky- t'rev Woodson. l oci- iana- N. C. lilanchanl. Mat-viand L. Yintor Haughinan. Ma-'.:ichn;, tls -William A. (laston. Mi l:';:tn-- Daniel .1. Canipau. V.nio sola T. T. Hudson. Mi sis-sippi C. 11. Williams. Mi suiiri-M'illiam A. Kothwell. Montana --C. Y. Hoffman. N' In -isha- Jam. s Dahlman. Ni l aita- John 11. Dennis. Now Hampshire T. L. Norrls. New Jersey -William !. Ciourley. New York - Norman K. Mack. Noti'ii Carolina-Josephus Daniels. Noilli Dakola. II. D. Allcrt. (I'iio- lobn It. McLean. Hi nnsyl inula--James SL Cuffcy. Kin. de Isiunil UiHirce N. Oreen. S... nh Carolina H. II. Tillman. S . it'll D;n, oia- K. S. Johnson. Ti iincsscc It. K. I.. Mountcastle. T. vas - It. M. Johnston. I'lali - I). II. 1'eiry. Vermont 11. n. Smalley. We-t Vitginia-Johii T. McGraw. Wis-i imsin- T. K. Ryan. Wyoming John K. Osborne. Ab'sl.u Arthur 11. Dadany. Ari "oiia -lien M. Crawford. Dii tricl of Columbia J. L. Norri. Indian T. rritury H. L. Williams. ' Nov. Motion Ii. It. I'ergusson. (ll.iab'.nna- R. A. Hillup. '- Hawaii Palmer P. Woods. Mate ollieials here express themselves as pleased at the Humiliation of Judge I'arker. (iov Ayeock said: "Jinloe I'm-ki-r is in all respects an admirable man to be made president. He is a true Democrat, and if his candidacy docs not create enthusi asm it docs satisfy the judgment of tlie voters. He will grow in the con fidence of thi' people as the campaign pnieiossis, and 1 believe he will be elected. The people want a faithful, servant, and not a dictatorial master, in the White House at Washington. Li.f.wxim. S. Bryant. Presideat J. H. Cole, Cashier &fie Dank of Randlema.n, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Profits, $25,00. The Bank of Randleman offert security to regular or special time Depositors. And resonable accom modation to all customers of the Bank. If you have not opened an acbount call and see us obout doing; UNIVERSITY NORTH CAROL.IN! Academic Department, LauJ, ryieeticlqe, Pbar macyT Free tuition to teachers and to milliliters' sons. Scholarships and loans for the needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. Ni-w Dormitories, (iyiuiiasiiiui, Water Works, Central Heating Sys tem. The Fall term begins Sept. 5, r.tU4. Address FltANdS V. Vknaiilk, I'll ksi dent, ( IIAI'Kl. Ill I.l., X. -'. Pianos and Organs Wholesale and Retail, A. D. Jones & Co. Southern Factory Distributor for the World Ffnrou KIMBALL WE loan you the money to buy them. WE give free trials. WE pay the freight. WE save you 25 per cent. WE add nothing to the prin cipal when sold on EASY PAYMENTS. Write for our laics Tiuno und Organ catalogue and for full par ticulars. A. D. Jones & Co., 208 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. Gents' And Little Gents' Clothing & Furnishings. Our Spring lines of Cloth ing for both men and boys are now ready for your in spection. Before buying your next suit call and bee the latest and get our prices They Will Fit Your Pocket! Our Shirts, Underwear and Hats arc the very best for the money. Our buyer's experience of more than 20 years with manufacturers is a guarantee of the best values. THE MERRITT JOHNSON CO Clothiers and Gents' Furn ishers, 308 S. Elm St. Salesmen T A Walker, C C Tuck er, K K Cartland, C C Johnson, J W Merritt. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. iuk'i liis pniii'mtiniiut mirvlrc to ttio l itians i.l Ashi'luim am! nutTouuiliiig ii.inmuiilty. nllli'ui: Central Hotel. FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Heavy aiul Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drugs, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Trunks, and Gen eral Merchandise at ourstore Our prices are right. Come to see us. Iiriiifi your produce, ejrgs chickens, etc., to exchange tliein for goods. We Bell you good goods at reason able prices and pay you pood prices for your pro duce. .... E. O. YORK STORE CO. CENTRAL FALLS. N. C. i

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