i" c"ov"r.ier "i 1PTJ EB0RO COU T5he COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. Leads in Both News and I Circulation. !- Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. sueboho,n.c, Thursday ai igust nth, 1904. $1.00 Per Year VOL XXIX. No. J2. RIER. i 5 We iln-Mn In tlio rammm- Wi' if'nrh tlif rwn inon,iiiw hero wiilu- iliuli K.rmv, Ami li Wo ilreaiu In tlio nimwt When eurtli l nil Lrlislit. Ami ny: ":? ". And wlillwr"lKjit. Ami the red ill the iiiiiil.mv THE YEAR FOR DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. . . . For All the IScws of the Campaign Read The Journal. jf The Atlanta Journal will not only j; strive to he right, but. it will he bright an I large, national in its ) news and views. K very-one who is interested in this vital Presidential I contest will need it every day. The Journal's fa"ilities for getting ? the news "while it is news" are bet- ter than any other paper published J in the South. S The rates are very low, being only S $7.00 per year for the Daily and $ Sunday by mail, $3.50 for six months. Daily only $5.00 per year, $2.50 six ! mouths, or delivered by our earners i io the different towns an t cities at 12c per week. SPECIAL CAMPAIGN OFPKK. f The Daily aud Sunday Journal i for the next six months, $3.00. i Agents are wanted to take sub- .! seriptions and a veiy liberal coinniis- ; sion will be allowed on all new sub- V scribers. Address Atlanta Journal, ft Circulation Department, Journal lildg., Atlanta, Ua. .' Terms subset iptiou blanks, sam- f pie copies, printed matter, etc., will be sentty return mail. ' If you "want all the news all the time -u- The Journal. GUILFORD COUNTY NEWS. , Till' I'utrlnt. 1 , The Greensboro Electric Company 1 has placed an order with the South ern Car Company, High Point, for tnree new cars to lie bciivercn una 1 fall. V-A (iovernor Aycock has authorized " the holding of a special term of criminal court here lasting one week, 1 to begin at the close of the regular j August term. -" j Gen J D tilenn and family have : returned from Waynesville and will I go to Virginia this week for a visit J with Mrs Glenn's people. Mr tilenn J was greatly benefited l.y his trip to . the mountains. '-"'-' The city lias granted Messrs C D ' V Pctibow and 15 11 Merrimoii perniis a sion to connect their hotel buildings h with an arcade crossing West Syca ' I more street. It will be placed on a level with the third Moors. ' A ' Mr W W lngold is here from C- Cedar liapid, Iowa, on a visit to his sister. Mis. F K (iorrell, on Spring Garden street. Mrlngold had not seen his native eou;.!y since he jj lift fir the West thirty-nine years 'ago, and is surprised at the devolop ' tnciit of old Guilford, lie recognizes J few places in the city, so glial has i been the change in his absence. V His friends hone that he mav eoii- ' elude to locate here. 3 Mrs Klizalieth scott. died at the A home of her son. David Scott, near Lihertv Store, htst Wednesday at J the age of '.it years. She was a j humble and devoitt christian all her life, esteemed by a huge circle of 4 friends, and has" entered into certain 1 reward. 4 J- W. Ia'c, who will be remembcr . ? ed us an evangelist of some proiui ' y't nence, has returned to the city after an absence of several years spent in j nortiiern cities. Ho is sultering with ? cousumption and is scarcely more tliait a shadow of his former self. Mr K L Stack, a young man who has lived near Pomona most all his life, died last, week of consumption "' at lite ago of 31 years and was bur 4 iiil at Muir's chapel. He was a son of Mr John Stack, who now lives at I High Point. H'J was sick thirteen months. I . f Raeford Power Co. Chartered. A uharterlias been grunled to the ' Keuford Power and Manufacturing Company, of Ueaford, Cunilerlaiid county, N C Object of corporation to develop and operate water and tlectric powers; to erect uud operate Snills, factories and other industrial . . and business enterprises; to spin, Weave, dye aud bleach cotton, woolen hemp, jute, silk and other materials in the manufacture of textile goods nd other products. Authorized capi !tal stock 20O,00O. Incorporators: :J V McLaughlin (50 shares, i T li 'i Upchurch (25 shares), John lilne (50 shares), W J Upchurch, (45 f hares. The company is authorized to begin business with an initial capi tal of $15,000, 1 Medical Use of Whiskey. I (The Hospital.) Whiskey as an alternative to win jaay undoubtedly ton employed medi cinally with advantage in certain . cases, both for men and women, lint this ia very different from the con stant recommendation which is sug gested, as if, indeed, doctors regard twhiskev as a sort of panacea for ,; every disease under the sun and take perlecl Ueligiu in urging iu con sumption upon their patients. As a matter of fact, there never was time when medical men were more low to prescribe the use of alcohol any form than thev are in the resent day, nor a time when any refrained from advising its te at all. .? Bull fights re forbidden by the management ia St Louis, but the Director of the Fair has invited ijcador Spooner, and matador La ollett, to a tournament of points, -t wo ami tnree. GOVERNOR AVCOCK. Atlniiln Ni'tw. The people of the old North State nave begun in realize that thev made I a mistake when they did not insist more imnnrhiniili lv upon the nnnii Inntion of (ioreriior Aycock us vice president of the L mteil States. I It cannot lie denied that for several I days pteceding the final election of I the gentleman who was to occupy J tu, w.om, on tm. was languor, indilTereiiee and doubt as to w ho would be the running mate of tko Silent of F.sopus. They can vassed the situation with great de liberation, and the choice linally fell n poll an aged, but entirely worthy, Democrat from the state or West Virginia. The most critical caviller could lind no Haw in the harness of Mr Davis, but it would have been grati fying to the people of North Caro lma if they could have seen their "favorite son" this term employed in no hackneyed sense chosen as Vice president of the United States. The approaching campaign should be nn aggressive one on the part of the Democratic party. We have sat hack supinely and assumed the de fensive too iong already. It is high time that we assume the aggressive. To carry forward such a campaign, it is at "least desirable that there! should be a man on the ticket w in: can speak. Such a man, is (iovernor Ayeoe The eloiiience of the chief executive of the Iar Heel State is alisolut unrivaled among t lie governor.'1, a indeed among the ollicials whatever mav ue their position ot tin- eutir union. He was born with the gilt of oratory. He must have been "dipped in lb Liir.v." He has the persuasive charm which belongs peculiarly to the poj ular orator, lie can sway great masses ot people in the same manner that Abraham Lincoln twaved llieiil. lie is eloiiiient, argumentative and oratorical, w ithout ever once velazin his grasp upon the linn thread of his discourse. So far as his individual personality is concei ned, he is one of t he most charming men in the South. He numbers his friends by the legion', and each and everyone of them was more than anxious to see his name placed before the national Demo cratic convention as vice president of the I nited States. 1 he poet tells us that: "The icl.lh' in tlit' slr'-limlel :mt Th.-.L-u.ln.M '-"- H.i IH1-..I II We are not prepared to subscribe to the intimation that Governor Ay cock's career has been warped, lit is too great in mind and heart for any sucli casual circumstance per manently to effect his career, lint the fact'remains that if there had been some man wil li t he voice, the vigor and the courage, phvsicallv speaking, io place him in nomina tion In-fore the 1'eniocraiic conven tion, lie would have received a vote nlneli would more than have Hatter- I his vanity, and perhaps have 'cured fur linn the nomination, ltat lioveriior Avcock is larger than the vice presidency, lie is the governor of one of the really great states of the union. He is the chief executive, be it remembered, of tin state in w hich the .Mecklenburg de claration of independence was signed. I he people of that grand old state chose him from among all their worthy citizens as the rightful leader of Deniociacv. They know him and esteem him for his true worth. It mutters little to Governor Aycock that he is not the vice presidential nominee. He is great enough with in himself. Higher and larger honois uml opportunities await him in the future. Not only does North Carolina re cognize it, but the whole south real izes it. His Jay will yet come, and whatever may be the higher plane to which the foltunes of politics elevate him, he w ill reflect the greatest de gree of credit on his native state and on the south, over which he has thrown the charming glamour of his incomparable personality. One Dead, Another Shot. A negro excursion is always at tended with casualties of more or less gravity don t think we ever heard of one without a cii.siiH.lt v.I.ast Friday mi excursion ran from down the road to some point beyond Greensboro, lie- turning, the train passed here a little uftt-r 11 o'clock Friday night. Just as Jule Holt got oil here some one shot him. The ball took effect in the upper part of the chest and it was thought bv some he would not live twenty-four hours, but he still alive. Saturday morning the dead body of a negro mini was found beside the railroad a mile east of Haw Kiver. This was Charley lirooks, well-to-do negro man of Chapel Hill, as was held. His body was coflined and sent Io his p '"pie. Whether he was knocked oil or fell oil an,', was kill ed is not known. One report is that he is the one who shot Jule liolt It is stated that Hrooks appeared to have been stricken a severe blow his upper lip with something like knucks, and that one ot his arms was broken. Also that he had on his oerson a watch, a nistol and small sum of money. How he came to his death may never be known, but it possible it should be ferreted out. Alamance G leaner, Now that the Democrats have in dorsed in their St Louis platform the great "Iowa Idea" of reciprocity I j 110gt of iu fascinations for Governor inn lair piay, tt seems to navo lost Cummins. SAM JUNKS' LETTER. Alhiutit .liiiriiul. Harrisonburg, Va., Aug 4, 1H0-I 1 am now engaged at the Shenan doah alley Chaut:iiiiiiii. 1 his va! ley is tumniis tor tine horss and lirst-class folks. Though there are many scrub horses and some shoddy ioiks lei c in tins neck ot the woods 1 his is a year of bumper crops the valley. Corn and hav to burn and other things in proportion. The people seem happy and contented. ami hopetul. J came from the 111 iuois chautau puis to tins point, and I .-.in sure i have never witnessed the crops inure potted. In some sections (he rains lave been abundant and i-rons line in others drought has well nigl ruined the corn, and if rain doesn't full soon it half crop will be a hi, crop with the fanners. I see my friend Torn Watson has accepted the nomination for ore dent on the Populist tick 't. Now wc nave leddv, Judge Parker. Debs, it-.. i l-. r. . .... iiiiiauii, onauow, etc. lake your choice, gentlemen. I was hopeful that Watson would decline, for h, is a splendid fellow, championing i losing cause and a dying eiowil, Many of the Pops will g. t to heaven, but they will never get to Washing ton, except on n visit, and then tlu signs will meet them ntcw-rv corner. "Keip off the Grass." Wuison is a 'ra', oraiiiy man, lit to he presi dent, bigger than iiis whole n;irtv. aiol deserves better things than he ,-l"it in by a cau.-e which has no chain aud run with a crowd that has no hope. I wish we had Tom Watsoi. r our piohihiiiuu date. ', . 't-on't win at tin but we wi, in in moral n and al the i. i of conseiein will win the ,. .'-oval ,f (,'i tin: disapp-ov... .-f the devil Watson as a U ' liter uin ycr is a tleiilenil ... siu-i-cs.. politician he is a i ilutv, i i-ainli- llle To not lull want of principles, nt for want of votes. I lind in my tritve!.- that there is a lack of enthusiasm M mound. There may be hope in i iiellhind- ers breaking things up I..:; it's ipiiel now. I he sp llbindeir. on one side and the pie counters on the oilier may wake up the voters later along. Teddy's crowd think thev have a cinch, and the Deniocrals'ki.ow thev haven't. New York and Indian:, will be the battle ground- "f the two parties. The candidate that carries both has the job, and if each candi date carries one only of those stales. then the election will be settled bv the way some other stales go. fair banks ami Taggarl are both strong in Indiana. Itoth will ring the hell aloud when the pie counter is ready tor the gang, lieally, this is one tion when the pie counter crowd will hold the balance of power, as sure as the longest pole gels the per simmon, so sure iu this light the t pie ci ter will get the ma jority vote. Loth the Populist and Socialist vote will pull from the l'i-ohibilion vote, and we prohibitionists will urcly eceed the vote of Hum. lint we are going to stay by our job and t lieneral Miles alone after this. That big elephant came near knock ing our engine olf the track and king our train. I am sure hen- is one prohibitionist that would have taken to the wood if our party had nominated him. I am kinder foolish about who I vote for, as well as about the plat form on which 1 stand, at least the camlidate ami platform must har monize. I would not give one. rnval fellow like Joseph Folk, of St Louis, for all the platforms of all partir.-, if a set of rascals must interpret and en- loree the principles of the plallorni. 1 rather bate a good man mi a sorry platform than a rascal on agoodic. il s not m much in what a fellow stands on as what sort of a fellow is tainting "on it." A political paltv is never better than the gang that runs it. It's not so much the mime of the procession as it is who is beading the procession. If the Dcul was a good fellow, then perdition would im prove every dav in its chaiacter and climate. If God is king and universal tem perance is declared, then 1 don't care who is president or governor, or oronor. Hut the fact that w hisky loininates and dictates with the Iwo a rent parties of this country and the seetiiinglv hopelessness of the Pro hibition party at the polls, it looks like this country with all its churches and colleges and Christian civilization is forever to he ruin-ruled and rum-soaked. Platforms of each old party will champion some things and denounce other things, but both are as silent as the dead on the greatest evil that ever cursed man or insulted God. I hope the Georgia legislature has adjourned. They are no credit to the state, and j-ellect no honor upon themselves. Hoorah for Joe Hill Hall. He stands by his convictions, right or wrong, and he ain't "to let." All legislation that does not tend to the moral uplifting of a state or nation is corrupting and demoializ- ; i Lrt ULSION won't nuke i ' - i-.ritght, (Kltlwr will It make ..'.; In.ig. but It htdi toft bone -! hcib-Jc,Kastl bone nd il rnnong -- ' jeauln mini of recovery In r...d bone coneumptmn. Snd for frr Mmols. C.-i VTT IIIIWNK. Chf mlat. tafrtti I'wrt St, Nw York. toe. and ii.oo; ku dngtstaO. ing no matter who pays taxes. Gen tlemen, the foundation of a state is! laid iu the hearts and lives of the! The he. f trust has evidenllv dip good, upright God-fearing people ped into the mvstcrh-s of hygiene, which compose the state. acting on the theory that a vegetable The lMiior gang furnish the frmt- diet is advisable 'during the hot ful held in w hich anarchy grows and I months 'ci... i....... ,i .i.:..,.. I furnish the pie for demagogues and rascals to fatten on. The lawess vote is the source of corruption and contamination. 1 he steady, uptight farmer and the Cod-fearing city voter give character aud backbone to all goieriiiuint and permanent sovereignity. They are the salt of the earth, and it the salt has lost its avor, how, then, can the earth be ialted? I go from here today te I he great prohibition camp at Piercevillc, Va., titty miles outol Washington, up tne Potomac river, there are lrenuent-, ly ten thousand people there on the big occasions. I Thence 1 go to the Urbadii. Ohio, camp for three days, mid round aud round 1 go lor live weeks mo.c. There is a charm and an inspiration u this evei-shil ting scene nun rowds. There is a physical tired ness that goes with the constant travel, but there is mental stimulus in the cu T-changing crowds, and here one will do his bu.-t work. Yours, with the hope that, the legis lature has adjourned. Sam P. Jonks. NEWLAND IN THE EIGHTH. Wilkeshoro, Aug. I. -At 3 o'clock this iiioi-niiig on the "Mil ballot, .Mr W (' New land, of Lenoir, was nomi nated for Congress, in this, the ighth GongicsMimal district. The convention had I u iu ses- iiei'M-ption of tw o hours last night. The ballo,ingwa-"Xc,l,ng through - :.t and there was g, eat. enthusiasm whenit was ascertained that .Mr New laud had received the uoinina- t aiinul bv the fri"i Is fj dates, I Mr llackelt. one of the tain that the other aspirants i-oiiibiuc-l aiiist him thereby git ing the nom ination to Mr New-land. The convention, however, .'u'ljoiirn harmouiouslv and Mr Newland 1 receive the support of all those o opposed him in the convention. fell Over a Precipice. I'lio following is lb-' Morv of the id death of M iss Laura Devereux, f lialeigh us (old bv an Asheville pecial on Saturday morning of last 'i l: Asheville, N.C., Aug. o.Special. telephone message received here I cull Chimney Pock late (his after noon said dial the body of Miss leiix of lialeigh and a gm-sl I .-.Miieralda Inn at Hickory Nut Gap had been found at the foot of a eep precipice. Miss I'oureuv had been at Kstner iia Inn for about three weeks. Ycs rdav morning about P o'clock she left the inn presumably for a stroll over the mountains and upon her failure to return at tin-dinner hour. oiiie uneasiness, was fell us to her tfety. During the afternoon a large hiug party was formed and all the afp-rnoon and las! night the innlain.- were scoured in an efi'oit lind the missing woman without ttail. I'his morning arr.ing 'iiieiils were mad,- to drag the river, but whether; this was done could not be learned. It was thought, that as no trace of he voitng l.ulv could be found that perhaps she hai. tallen into the river and wis drowuid. About Jo clock this afternoon two young men, members of u searching pally, found the cold and si iff body ot the lady lying utmost at the fool of the high cliff. She had been dead some time, and it is presumed that she had fal len from the cliff over the edge of the precipice the day before. NiujKcts I'rum ticoria- Wry few- people are taken to heaven iu a chariot of lire now, but the lire is waiting for I hem, just the tami'. The sav ing is the rich man has to sell out ter git tel heaven; but he's on tlic spot all right to bid him self in just the same. Some of us will In-so tired here after dat we'n dev wants us ter jine de heavenly band We'll tell 'em we diinno how to heat the bass drum. Atlanta Constitution. Firemen's Tuurament. The seventeenth annual session of the North Carolina til emeu's tourna ment, which convened iu Salisbury Tuesday morning, closed Fnuay The convent ion was pronouiic 1 by all to have been the lar gest, most interesting and prolitahlo r held in this State. Following the exhibition, came the State championship hand rcl race covering lot) yards and parti ipated in by the following teams with time and prizes as indicate Spencer, 'J ' seconds, lirst prize, $100. Charlotte Pioneer, :Jl 1-5 r-.onds, second prize, 'i(l. Monroe, 37 -5 seconds, third prize, ir25. The Fagle hose team of Salem en- tered and made an excllent run, but failed in connecting hose at tin plug. Spencer still holds the win Id's record acpiircd at Durham last year. Struck by Lightning. On last Friday night the barn belonging to Mr Johe IS Ixng, ft few miles west of this place, was struck by lightning and destioyed- A tine horse and cow were killed, and a reaper, buggy, drill, cutting knife, 2 sets buggy nai ness and 3 loads of oats were destroyed. Yadkin Ripple ITEMS OF NEWS. U't,,.,. w ;s ,,, that Pies- idem lioosevelt intends to manage ! i "''J ,U11 "l" sn g argument :u his own campaign it is met bv Dein- j l"' , of i''''f!'"S the Democratic oerat.- with a broad smile of approval. I "l"'''t 1 ill have great They couldn't be belter pleased, j Wl'hl "' '",1',lH'n! V"1, U t. ' C' make room for the Worlds article. Key Dr Ilillis declares that the Jt declares that "the real living, hand of Providence is directing the burning ,Ueetions of the campaign affair of the American nation. This ! are." is why he is regarded at Oyster Pay ",.,.,. ,,,, .,,,.;. as no better than a Democrat. i ... ,, , ,. . , Shall the people ol the L nited The Choctaw anil Chickasaw j Stutcs have for the next four years a Indians are being hoodooed out of personal oi a constitutional govern $3:13,1101) acres of coal and asphalt incut I he sovereignty of the people land iu Indian Territory, The job is a liougli-Iiider or a judge for chief ill I he hands of the Intel ior Depart-1 magistrate? "lent. It. IIKKoliM 1I1K TAItll T. The vault door of the Treasury Department got caught one day la.'t n.vk nnil I he Secretary hail to send to New York for experts to open it. le wan to M v'o.noo.noil tiial morning. It is ; easier to open that dn it. L'lierally much it than to shut It is now known that Speaker Henderson was driven out of I he Republican patty, like Senator Kd-niuud-', John Sherman, Curl Scliurz, (Iovernor lioutwell, aud Tom Heed, by the war of subjugation against 1 " The order that the Igorrotes in the St Louis Pike should wear pants has been rescinded, '"'here will be l.o nude departure. ..sati.sfa.'tiou in being able to go and j Ujt ,he grave of The school teacher I ,,.), ,,.,,1 t.. stunk him when he v,, , ,el,o,l. This eliminate"1''1""1""' ''partmeiii ot umi- another issue li the campaign. The Chicago Chronicle has turned lo'publieun, making about as much hange lit the editorials ol the paper s a man does in his personal ap- nearance when he changes a clean collar for a dirty one. The Universal Peace Society sent .tu earnest invitation to Secretary I'aiil Morton Io join its lanks, and he replied with much animation by .iiiiiouneiiig thai he is in urgent need of Il.iiOti good lighliug men on the new battle ships. A good deal of angry feeling has b en caused bv the Pi'-sident's post ponement as late as possible of re- j celling liie inioeis i uiiionn,-,- io , such cases a little promptness goes tin at ways. j ... It is considered dial New l orii is ihsoiutely lndispensatiio to a I'em oeratic victory this year. This is ; prudent conclusion: Inn it need r.oi be forgotten that the count ot ,-otes in I -i-,' showed that Mr Cleveland would have been elected even if New York had gone Republican. .Such luck can hardly be expected this year, how ever. The Hop of the Chicago Chron icle from llu- Democratic to the Re publican .-ide of the fence did not li, .aire any change of mind on an.v-liilc- ecepl Philippine illdepcll deii, . a"d the tariff and on llie.-e il i el a.-, s io change. No doubt the Democratic party would like to amend the tariff where evvr it favors trusts or unjust dis eiimination but both parties may as Well remember that the election of a D nioeratie president and a Deniu cialic House of Representatives next Novel-.. her would not enable that o i hange a letter or a ligurc in the bit iff schedule of any existing law. l,Yv Kdward Kelly, a Roman Catholic priest of Chicago, return:, ig from a visit to the Philippims, adds his ie-limony to the overwhelming volume already existing that the islands can never lie of the slightest value to the I'nited Slates and ought to be got rid of. U is secretly understood that what the 1'iesideiit will say to the butchers committee is virtually, -Gentlemen, I admire you, 1 tun your friend. Put iloti't you see that this is about the worst possible time for a strike?" i. ,.i i.- .i... ,i:...i i .o ..,1 had a husky'vo'ith. At the age of life by ' twelve he saved his sister attacking a panther with his pocket knife and kilting the beast. Jl : ti ii afterwards killed live lions s handed, one,' raced for l:fe from enraced tleiihants, and was oneed ! nearly impaled on the horn of it maddened rhinoceros, lie and Queen Victoria were Chamberlain's royal victims. The new :i,ti(io,i mo hot.-! on Fifth Avenue. New York, built Astor family and called Ro-is, wants a bar-room very badly itid -eit. hut as the iront uoor is vv nn- in feet of a Presbyterian church, it has been closed and aside entrance will be utilized. This is the hotel which will not print the prices of dishes served on the menu, but will chanre according '" fancy and the i length of the patron's purse There never was a time when the Democratic party was more harm onious than it is just at present. There are no wings, and there is perfect peace in all directions. There arc no quarrels pending or impend ing and no jealousies to be adjusted and no heart-burnings to be cured. Most of the irritation that exists is in the editorials of Republican newspapers and the hopes of Repub lican leaders, who are greatly idisarmointed to find that Tillman carries something besides a pitchfork, THE TEN LIVING BURNING QUESTIONS, The New York World, w hich is taking an active and earnest interest in electing Judge Parker, has pre sented the ten living ipiestions ill this campaign, as it sees them, iu a singularly strung and clear wav. i " "'rill never lie revised excepl with the consent and unih r H'o direction i.f its heneliciaries bv I ".'be friends of its abuses, its extor tions, and its discriminations or shall it be revised of the masses an for the common weal?" 111. ( l Itll I llr. Tllf.-sis. Shall monopolies like the beef trust, controlling universal neces series of life, continue to receive the protection of a sheltering tariff, and enjoy still longer indulgence in the noii-eiifoivemeiit of anti-trust laws bv reason of their enormous contril.u- tions to party campaign funds and their potential liilluences w ith party I leaders? iv. 'ill K ai;i .-i: or powKli. j Shall the action of the President uiiting ininselt ot tin- one suc s,n' tn,M l1'""' '.' M'. to thl' -i-";rtt "taking r l.nVi'k' Sl',,vtl'!- ;'! . fiom the very corporations he was appointed to -'diligently investigate"' in appointing a rail read corpora Jlion official Secretary of the Navy, ! and a political agent of the Southern ' Pacitic liaiiway to the head of the ; department to supervise and curb i corporations tall to aid his own eam I paigu i shall this "surrender of the Kotigli-Itidci" be nppiovcd by the I people:- j V, Ml ( I'KI'llltA'l ION Ki l l:. Shall the rule of curient eorpora i tious in politics and their controlling I inllueiice in government be furtlu i jenlurgid and cou!inned by continu ing n power a parly closely all with them b.vjthe granting of special pi i neges io tue lariu, oy till' eieci ion f corporation agents to Congress and to State offices, and through the re- construction of the Cabinet to meet ( (lt.j r views? I.-.-TOI- Till-; KM 'It A V All Si K. Shall we continue a policy of reck less extravagance, as evidenced by the expenditure of more than &,' .i(iti,(llii.(Mlo during the last four years, or shall we return to a reason able economy? vii. ( iiKi K nn: i-ni!i!t rrios. Shall corruption hied of too long a lease of power, as instanced iu the half-disclosed postal frauds, in the laud o'lice scandals, iu the pension abuses, iu the sale of offices and ne gotiation of corrupt public ooiilrucls by Senator Dietrich and i'.urton, in the purchase of a seal in I hi.- Senate by the lleinocr.il, W. A. Clark, rat i lied by Republican Senators, and in the. ascendency aud exciitive recogni tion of notorious corruptions and professional spoilsmen, be condoned and continued? in. so "urn rii k" hi. is t nil. SI,-, II the .illiln,!,. ,,f II,.. Clot,., , , i ,.,:.. ..,:..,, i, ,i,ui of a hu'.ly with a "big stick', and a chip en his shoulder, or -hall we re turn to the policy of Washington and Jefferson -' Peace and friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none" minding our own busi ness and expecting other nations to do the same. what w i i.i. tiik rn.n-iNi no Shall we continue the malevolent effect ilium ourselves of so-called "be nevolent assimilation" iu the Philip pines until it is too late to withdraw from that deplorable and un-American adventure in Asiatic colonialism which becomes all the more dan- Kl'ro"8 1 h more we impose upon them the veneer of our civilization lim uuili toe oi oi iu unit loieier ilieii races of those islands shall be im-orpoialcd into our body politic, to casr i.ne uies in our national coim-u-tions, es the delegate fiom Hawaii did at Kansas City in 1 '.too: to partic ipate in our elections, to sit in Congnss, and eventually to help govern i hose who now bv force pon' upon I hem goverrnn nt without consent and taxation w it In ut reprc- illation. . "i.i.T t'.-s ti vv i; i-r.u i; " Shall wc. forty vears af ter the cud j , war and after a complete conciliation of the once hostile States, tear asunder by a revival of the sectional issue the bonds of fraternity and concord and this when the people of the South have just m-i iii-'d the nomination of a conservative and sound money Demo crat for 1 'resident, and have given rejwated instances of the strongest national and patriotic feeling. Pecs a high tariff protect the American Workman? Onr consul at Pirniinghani, Kngland, has just sent home report showing that the Fhiglish laliorer who lives on the same scale of comfort as the Ameri can pays more for his living than does tlie American workman. And Secretary Shaw savs that high prices indicate prosperity. TH0.MASVILLE NEWS Curre-l I, lie, ,, I i.o,li-n lil.ll. h. The Hell Telephone Company will complete their toll station to this city this week and then our people can talk to alums! any point in the L nited Stales. It IS said (hat talkimr is cheap hut if your will try a five minutes talk to New York City you w ill come pretty near changing your mill'. The Company's rates are a great deal higher than the rales of the local Company's. ihomasvill Correspondence. Mr Scott P.rown and Arinlicld his son, arrivid iu the city from Camden S. C. w here he h:: been .-essfiilly conducting a hold. One inghl last week bv some cause the hotel caught lire and before assist ance came it wa.i too tar gone, to tve anything. Mr Urown had very little insurance on the property and consequently it was almost a total lost. We de-ply sympathize with him in tln.i disiisterous loss. The work on the Thomasvill Hotel will he completed in about two weeks, and it will be one of the most comfortable hotels on the road lor a town the size of this. Jlr Griffith is doing all he can for tb comfort and convenience of his guests, sets one of the best till that can be found and he knows just how to make you feel perfectly at home. MONTGOMERY NEWS. The best representative Bet of men w e ever saw in Troy were here Mon- av to attend the convention. '.Mr R W Frazier left Wednesday for High Point to attend the yearly meeting of the Friends which is be ing held there this week. Miss's Rosa and Mora vox of Sparks, (ia are visiting their aunt. Mrs 1 K Saunders and cousin, Mrs S T Krown. They will spend some time in North Carolina visiting relatives and friends. Messrs John T and R M Cooper returned to Troy last Tuesday after spending an absence of about live months in Florida. It is needless to say that their many friends were delighted to shake their hands again. Several wagon loads of corn from Randolph Were here this week. Died. Miss Susa Jane Hamilton was in November lith, lST'J, and died J ulv-x'i'tli, i'.ml, her age being 21 rs, s months aud "3 days. She parted from her sins at the age of 11 or i vears, and joined the church at Spoon Chapel, an.! was baptised aud lived a christian life until her lealh. Site was a great christian worker at meetings to ask her friends i give their heart to Cod. She .ties a father, mother and three brothers and a host of friends to mourn her loss, but it is heaven's gain. V"! ''m,,'..','', ll""i -Ill'leU. '"' I I,.' !,!: imele vienlil in her home From Kalph. (Too late for last issue.) Ralph, August 1. On last Thurs day -Miss Susan .lane Hamilton died anil was buried at Bethel church Friday. Mr W illiam MoMitt, of lirowor's Mill, spent l-'ridav night with his In-other, Mr M 11 MoMitt. Children's Day exercises were con ducted at Prower's chapel Sunday. Miss Trent Rush, of Asheboro, furnished music for the occasion. All seemed to enjoy the day. The protiaeted meeting at Hrower's chapel is the fourth Sunday iu Au gust. Rain has been plentiful for the past week and jorn is looking line. Mr PLalti Spoon and sisters. Misses Moselle and ( ornie spent Saturday iiiL'ht at, Mr A C Cox's. Th'-eshiiij; machines are humming through our community these ilai ' 'Hi: (.I'ARANTF.F. PROTF.CTS Vol'. If Mi-o-na Docs Not Cure Dyspep sia. The Arlieboro Drug Co will Return Your Money. When you buy a box of Mi-o-na, nature's 'cure for dyspepsia, havt tin-in sign the following guarantee, Thin protects you absolutely against loss, should the treatment tail ti cure you. t.l A li.YN 1 Kl. We hereby agree to refund the money paid for Mi-o-na on return of the empty box, if the purchas er tells us that it has failed to cure dyspepsia or stomach trou bles. This guarantee covers two ode boxes, or a month's treatment. I Signed i Any one who has dyspepsia, indi gestion, headaches, iliz.iness, or specks l foie the eyes, or any form of liver and stoinaihe troubles, should lake advantage ol this chance to he cuied without risking a penny. The guarantee is plain and absolute. If Mi-o-na does not do all that is claimed for it, if it docs not give perfect satisfaction, if it does not cure dyspepsia in any form and, give perfect and natural digestion, your money i returned upon demand. Asheboro Drug Co gives a positive guarantee with every box, showing most conclusively their faith in this remarkable remedy. John C Dancy, an oilicer of the Roosevelt administration, is to stump the West. .Cole, CisMcr Ba.uk of RandlemoLn. Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Profits, $25,00. The Bank of Randleman offers security to regular or special time Depositors. And resonable accom modation to all customers of the Bank. If vou have not opened an acbount call and see us oboul dotngr UNIVERSITY NORTH CftROLINr! f4caderr)lc )epar trrCft, Laal, Medicine, Pnar rriacyT Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. Scholarships and loans for the needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. New- Dormitories, Gymnasium, Water Works, Central Heating Sys tem. The Fall term begins Sept. 5, r.Klt. Address Fll.VSI 13 P. VkNAIU.K, PliliSlDEXT, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Pianos and Organs Wholesale and Retail, A. D. Jones Co. Southern Factory Distributors Ifor tho World F&mous KIMBALL WE loan you the money to buy them. WE give free trials. WE pay the freight. WE save you 25 per cent. WE add nothing to the prin cipal when sold on EASY PAYMENTS. Write for our lales Piano and Organ catalogue and for full par ticulars. A. D. Jones & Co., 208 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. Gents' And Little Gents' Clothing & Furnishings. (lur Spring lines of Cloth ing for both men and boys are now ready for your in spection. Ilefore buying your next suit call and sec the latest and get our prices They Will Fit Your Pocket! Our Shirts, Underwear and Hats are the very beat for the money. Our buyer's experience of more than 20 years with manufacturers is a guarantee of the best values. THE MERRITT JOHNSON CO Clothiers and Gents Furn ishers, 308 S. Elm St. Salesmen T A Walker, C C Tuck er, F K Cartland, C 0 Johnson, J W Merritt. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. i ii1,t his irfftt.ioutiI wrviee to the i ilU.-ns ot AHlirlmm and iiurniuii'liiig c.inmiiniti . om.'i: Central Hotel. FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drugs, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Trunks, and Gen eral Merchandise at our store Our prices are right. Come to see us. Bring your produce, eggs chickens, etc., to exchange them for goods. We sell you good goods at reason able prices and pay jou (rood prices for your pro duce. - - E. O. YORK 8TORE CO. CENTRAL FALLS, N. C. S. Bryant, President J. me

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