M, TheAsMoro Coiuier. TRICE QNE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. Evrj business man who baa ever tried it knows that newspaper ad vertising pav. It it good iuveat mnnt not in lit and jarka, now and then in spasms, bat in a system tio manner. The Courier acknowledge! with thanks the receipt of a copy of "Re making of a Uommenwealth," bjr C H Foe, editor ef the Progressiva Farmer. The article waa reprinted from the Revlsw ef Rsvisws. Mr Poe ia one of the beet writers in the State, A general game law for the State will be introduced in the next legis lature making uniform close sea son for game of all sorts . f state wide application. The lack of uniformi ty at present makes it difficult to en force existing laws. The Salisbury San comes to ns iu eight page form with Mr. Carl Ham mer as.managing editor and Hon II U Varner as president of the company. Mr. John M. Julian is editor and Mr. W. T. Bost is city editor. It is a bright paper. The moat rigid laws against the illegal sale of spirituous liquors are in Yancy county. At the last term of the ceart in that county a man was sent to the penitentiary for one year for retailing . Yancy county ia the only county in the State that aiakes retailing punishable by im prisonment in penitentiary. The Mocksville Times nndr the excellent management of Mr W K Clement has made great improve ment and bids fair to be one of the State's best county weeklies. The Times is engaged in an effort to es tablish a graded school in the pro gressive town in which it is publish ed. At a recent meeting of the Greens boro bar a resolution was offered bv Judge W P Bynnm which was un aninmnsly adopted asking that the legislature provide a court tenogra pher for Guilford superior court and recommending that the supreme and superior court judges' salary be increased to a turn uet less than $4,000. We acknowledge with thanks re ceipt of a copy of the report of state insurance commissioner, Hon J R Young. The report shows de cided progress on the part of home insurance companies. It would be difficult to find another man in the State who could improve on Mr Young's efficiency as an insurance commissioner. While charity organizations cn do most to alleviate suffering yet there are many cases where modesty prevents the making of the needs known. Indiscriminate giving en courages mendicancy and those who are most noisy in asking for aid are least deserving. There are those who suffer in this cold wintcry weather and need food and raiment They deserve attention and should have it. The servant protlem can be solv ed by every woman learning how to cook so that if cook cannot be had and occasion demands roll np her sleeves and get a meal without worry or inconvenience. State Anditor Dixon said in an address to school boys last summer: "Boys, I do not advise you to marry a cook, bat if were yon I would never marry a girl wno did not know how to cook.' Henry H Rogers one of the big men of the Standard Oil trust ,'tried to have Everybody's magazine for Jan uary excluded from the mails. Fail ing in that he warned the American News Company that it would be sued for libel if the January edition of Everybody's was distributed, A hat also failed. The trouble .with Roger is that there is an article in January Everybody's by Thos Lawson in which he 8 barges and gives the facts, details and eircum stance showing that the Standard Oil Co contributed $5,000,000 to the campaign in 1896 ard purchased the presidency. There are many who believe that democratio victory would blacken the land with rain and that there would be instaneneon collapse to very material interest; that under such control the (an would fail to shed its rays of warmth and bright ness oa the earth; that the rains and dews of heaven would be at an end. lea, many ongratnlato themselves that they are saved from being doom ed mi. damned. Yet when these mm people are compelled to p.y y?!j 70 per cent, mere for coaJ, tftJt and imt other articles thaa ia iT "A thai cr7 zrtic'.c ci feed and appanel ia worth from 25 per cent to 100 per oent, more bow than ia 1897, they my sot word. es. IMPROVEMENT IN SCHOOL' SYSTEM. While the town schoels are lead ing yet there is wonderful improve ment ia the country school. The progress made by the pnblio ohooli of Randolph county has been so rapid that it has been often men tioned by many citizens. The pub lic sehools of Asheboro, Randleman, Ramsenr, Fraaklinville and other towns in the county are well equipped and well mauaged and have become factors in the progress of theconnty. And when we go to the cos n try sohools progress is no lesa marked. Whore a few years ago stood the log school house, uow stands comfortable frame buildings with mar np-to-date equipment. Special taxes for sohools have been voted upon and levied in Ashe boro, Randleman, Franklinville and in Providence school district in Providenoe township. The special tax question has proved to be the best practicable method for the build ing of better houses and the length ening ef the school term. It is be lieved that a dozen or more districts will vote special taxes this year. NEWS ITEMS. B F Keitli, Collector of Custoen at Wilmington has smallpox, Rev 8 R Troywick, aged 75 years died at Jjannnbmrg. ri. U., Dec 39, Mrs J A Lock heart, ef Wadesboro, died of typhoid fever, Deo 29th. Mr John H Tate has established a wholesale gram and feed business In High Point. It is said that the Durham branc of the SAL wilt be extended to Greensboro. Gnilford county schools get, two dollars per capita this year and $10, 000 set aside for publio sohool build ing. Mr F II Witaker, who was chai man of the gold democratic party this State two years ago, di,d last rnday of appendicitis at Eafield, A bill will be in trod need for com pulsary attendance in the pnbl schools of Raleigh township, Wak county. Industrial graded schools have been opened in Raleigh, whore cook ing and all sorts of things taught. Congressman Gndger was robbed of $25 in money and $200 in checks while attending the funeral of Lien tenant Pritchard at Mai shall last Thursday. T A Grissoro, father of Rev. W L Grcisom, aged 75 vears, died at a home near Guilford Battle Ground Dec. 37th. The republicans of Hesderson county are pushing Mr. C J Harr late candidate for Governor for the colleetorship of the western district. the position now tilled by tfarkin Mr. Isaac N. Edwards, postmaster at Quiet, died Monday night after a long illness. Xna luneral took place at Uool bpriags on Wednesday morning. Carthage elide. The saw mill boiler of Cock Pick ler, of Stanly countv, was destroyed bg dynamite last Thursday night there is no clue to the crimiaal. Twenty-one men were rescued miles off Cape Hatteras on Thurs day of last week by heroic life savers, the big steel snip, the Northeastern was abandoned. The dwelling of Prof J Allen Holt, at Oak Ridge Institute was burned Dec 26th; loss $6,000. Cov ered ay insurance. F S Gannon, vice-president of the Metropolitan Street Railway, has oeen elected vice-president of the Uowland improvement Compan and is to be connected with the & N. C. lailroad. The real estate andlbrokerare firm of Millikan & Bain at Greensboro has been consolidated with R Glenn, insurance. The new firm will be knows as the Carolina In vestment Co and will have offices in the Hotel Guilford building. For some 20 vears or more ever now and men the project of a rail' read from Winston-Salem to Wades boro or Hamlet through thecoanties ot Davidson, Montgomery, Stanly, etc. is revived. At one time some places voted a special tax. Now Col Fries and others are interested and pushing the matter and will get a new cnarter. u xi ouom, ot Aewbern, was elected speaker of the lower House of the Legislature at the Demeeratic caucus in Raleigh Taesday night. tie was placed in nomination by Col. W P Wood, of Asheboro. and second ed by Judge A W Graham. Ftaok D Hackett was chosen chief olerk and B Arnedell reading clerk Officers 8 K Col was shot and killed while trying to arrest a negro named Will Springs near Charlotte Bandar afternoon, ft a Jiabors. machinists, who was assisting Cole in making the arrest, was also shot and dangeronsly wounded. The negro mad hi escape. Will Harris, on of the worst criminal negroes in th Stat in yeais, a oaptored in Fayetteville tart wee. Ha confessed that he was an escaped oonviot from the penitentiary and from the Johnston oountr chain rang, also that be with ail others, four white and two colored, robbed the mail of three thousand lollars at Smithfield, tell ing where the money was buried. Stat aati-Scleo Leaf. Chairman J W Bails' baa called meeting of the state Anil Saloon Lazzzs Beet ia Ssls-a ea Jss- M7 19th. All who are latere ted in temperance are invited to be pros FrsnkllnvUle Itens. Jan 2. Some of J M KllinoVs and T A Slack's borders left before Christmas to spend tho holidays and have not yet returned to settle tlirir bills. The following officers were elected Suudav morning at the M E Sunday school for the present year: W C Jones, superintendent; A I' Routh, assistant superintendent; C fl Julian, secretary; W D Maner, as sistant secretary; Miss Rossie Hit, organist and Miss Ada Ellison as sistant orgauist. Konj MofTUt, of Asheboro, visited our citv one day last week. Alfred tfllfcon, of, Durham, was on our streets last wssk. Geo Kinuov came very near getting his barn burned Satur day, Some brush and weeds near the railroad track caught by a spark from the engine and was making rapid headway for the barn when ex tinguished. Thore was no damage deue excupt, it is said a lot of fino timber was damaged. Jams Bark is well pleased with his Christ mas present a tine gill. Christ mas passed off very quietly in our city which is due, we believe, msinl) to the Watts law Dr T I Fo has purchased the Dow Lot and will make many improvements on it in the near future. J A York hat greatly improved his flower garden by fixing up the walks and putting up trellis work. Ho is a lover ot pretty (lowers. Prof D M Weath- erly's school Dpened Monday aud tho prospects aro bright for a pros perous year. The play at the Academy Friday night befort Christmas was quite a success and the manager alreudy has invitation to exhibit this popular piny at differ ent places. Mrs Elizabeth A Fentriss died Wednesday evening aud was laid to rest in the M K church cemetery beside her husband who had preceeded her nearly fifteen years. She was 73 years old and in 1855 was married to J W Kentrist to which union there wore nine children born, of whom only three survive her, L F Fentriss, J H Fen triss and Mrs Susan York. She connected herself with the Friend's church while in ber youth and eve; afterward livod a consistent chris tam life. She was a kind aud lov ing mother and has no doubt been' the instrument in Hod s hands in bringing her children to Christ. For several years she has been sore ly afflicted but bore her afflictions with fortitndo and often expressed a willingness t orojs the dark river at the master's call. Only a few days before the end came she was stricken down with pneumonia and all that loving hands and medi cal skill could do was done for her; but her mission wad finished and God summoned her to a better land. And while our hearts are saddened, yet we bow with humble submission to the Master's will and say not our will but thine he done. " Farewell dear mother 'tis hard to part with yon but her sufferings are now over and she has no doubt entered the pearly gates and will ever be ready to welcome her loved ones home. Csaar Falls Items. Dec 15th. 1904. We had a time at Xmas. The miUs stood en Monday and we all had an enjevabl time, but alas on Tnesday morning tns whistles called us together again, ana it is now the same old song. Oa Saturday night we had a real niee Xmas tree at the Methodist church, well attended, tree well laden, and many little heart made glad. We had many visitors in onr town during Xmas. M Welch and family, of Franklinville, visited Mrs Welch's parents. M Millard Campbell and family, of ureeneoero, visited relatives in onr city. Miss Dora Stout, of Hirh Point, visited her brother, Orlando stout. 1 nomas L Russell and his son, Joe, of Bom bar Institute, visited at Mr Joha Luther s. M Russell is a brother of Mrs John Luther. Mr Jesse Leonard and sister, Maggie, and Mr Goorge Camp- oeu oi Winston, visited relatives and friends here. Mr John Glass passed through onr place going to the mower school wheie he is teach' ing. The health of onr towa is good at present. Mr D O Oox is on the sick list, but we trust he will soon recover. Larrs Hep. from Th Dli patch. Mr C C Weesaer, of Arcadia town ship, recently killed three hogs each is nroaths old tt aetted him 1.139 pounds. The largest weighed 413 ponnds, the next 393 and the small est 934. Geo Mnsgrave recently killed all months old hog that weighed 3S6 pound. Mr W J Berner living about 1 mile from Lexington killed four hors ntteen months old which weighed 1,767 pounds. The largest weighed 483, the next 443, the third 431 and the smallest, whieh was by no mean a small one balanced the scales at 400 pounds vn. Cocksy Iteau. December 18. Bembar is full of lire. me entertainment which eun off on the 23rd show the im pravement made in the school rem. The pieces for the entertainment were gotten np well, recited well and were rreatlv amoved bv thou nrauiiL Prof Walter Anderson is having a prosperous scnooi. rrof J m way was oa nana ana nuae some verv appropriate remark on ednoatioa. which he is alwavs readv and able to do. Mis i-Qle Ingram baa bee visiting at Ui Anderson the twst few days, taking in Xmas at Dent Davidson Co. Onr hen dealer, Cameron and Sbaw, have a fine drove of mule and horse at C C Shaw', whieh tbey will be pleased to show to the peoole. Manied M the 22nd day of December 1904, Mr O M Loftin. a Drominn? yenng man and soa of Mr S T Lof- tin, of Bern hey institute, to Mia Kffie Elliott. eharminsr ladv and daughter of Mr HO Elliott, of Lilac. DsTidsea eoaaty. We wish tisa a loag and happy life. They were made man sod wift at the residence Of The L Bnsvell, ; P officiating. - 'Ayers You can hardly find a home without its Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what It does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up cold in single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad vise parents to keep it on hand. " Tti bMt wiifi iwdlrin WAa.v esn hmr to Ayvr't t'hsrrv Pctorl. Far th ent M of .kllArsa aomina onlil wmMMt asswr." J loon Sncu.SttmMft.tot. ae..a.. rrn. for. Throat, Lungs Ayer'e Pill greatly aid the Chen Pectoral Increasing up a coli Worthvlll Hens. . Jannary 8. The Christmas tree tnd entertainment are things of the ,iast. The tree, especially, was en j 'Ted by the Sunday school child ren. A good many of the former citiicns of the town spent Christmas here with friends. Among them were Mr II J Jackson and famil y of Elmore, Mr I e Trogdon, of Cooiee- nee. Mrs Eliza Stewart, of Franklin ville, Miss Daisy Osborne, wh is teaching at Lncma in Wilson conn tv, and Mr Tom Winslow, of High Point. Mr Daniel Uillard head of anybody we know on heg killing. Into December 30th had killed 93 hogs having a total weight of 13,950 sounds, lince that date he has killed 10 more- have not the figures as to weight. Mr Hillard seems to have a monop ly of the business in this section -The Sunday school was at its best on New Year's day there being 205 people present. West Raaissur Talks. Januarv 3. 1904 has been side tracked for 1906, which arrived on schedule time. Xmas was much enjoyed by all.' The outgoing aa incoming holiday visitors are too numerous to mention. Evangelist Crazier and wife have been called tnd accepted the pastorship of the Holiness chnroh. Their first ap pointment being filled Saturday night, Sunday and night. We sympathize with the parents ef the miscreant who had the audacity to ruin the signs at the repair shoe shop dnring holidays. We suppose they would tealy object to a position as cook on the chain gang. Mayor turner has had only one case be fore him dnring his terra ef office six months which is quiet a com' pliment to the good town of Ram- seur under (What.'') the Watts law. Senator W H Watkins left to day for Balelgh to take his seat where the good people of Randolph and Montgomery eleeted him to re present tnem. Iteai fress dray's Chase! aad Millber. December 27. Married by J Pngh at his residence en December 25th, Mr Daniel Kivett and Miss bmma Allred. lhere bare bees 60hawks caught inthe last year inthi section by the following persons in steel traps set on trees and polls: 1'agi Konth 16, W C Routh 18, Eugene Routh 4, Geo W Pngh 15, Millard Coble 4 and C H Redding 3. We have an R F D route from Mill boro running east by way of Brower'i Mill, then northeast by Francis Jones' and N B Curtis' to the Lib erty read near P A Ronth's, then west to the railroad at .Nelson s, then north by W S Liueberry s to fow Salem road, then west on said road te W A Wood's, then south v Rcthanv church to Worthville road at W G Aldndge, then back to Mill boro with Jesse Julian as earner, is a great convenience to the patrons, On Sunday night the fly-wheel of J P Lineberry's feed cutter was stolen from Ueo Cagle barn. Cedar Falls Iteau. Januarv 2. There wa a Christ mas tree at the M JS onurch ea Christmas night, whieh wa greatly enjoyed by all. Mi Maggie Leonard, of Ureensboro, is visiting her sister, Mr J I Coward, this week. Mias Dora Stout, of High Poiat, is visiting Mr and Mr O B Stoat this week. There was young man so over joyed by the visit of certain young lady in this plaee that he became so ehartible that he gave away a suit of clothes nicely packed in dress snit oe. Mess Jim and George Campbell visited in Cedar Falls this week to the delight of some of the young ladies. -Mr Orlendo Cox, who- has been sick for tome time i improving. Mr ana Mr John llarper nave returned to South Carolina after spending Chnst- with her father, J li Uoward. Orandpa and Grandma Jennings ere the moat fortunate people of our town vJbriettxas. w nen we saw their maBT nreaenta we felt like we were at a M JE preacher's peuading. Mr Martiha Julian returned to Franklinville after (pending Christ ma at P M Julian's.- Mis Addie Bell Jenning, of Greensboro, has been visiting relative in Cedar Falls thi week. Mr Bob Langhlin, ef ureensboro, spent Ubnitma wits hi father, A O Langhlin. Ntki The reruiar annual meetinrof the stoek holders of the Bank of Randolph win neneid in uorooor said dmk Thursday January 11th, 105, at 2 p. m. for the transaction f such basiness as may properly com bifor . w. i. aiiiiui;, vaemar. T W Hartley aged 74 year fiied of paraiyvts Deo 27 th at hi bom on the Yadkin river new Yadkin pol leg. A flinty ALUIJJB. Jn3,I905. Mn J P Brnme it rial ting relative at hsa old home in Warren too Miasm Pearl and Ila Harria returned home SatnrtlaT from Elon College and Burlington. Wra Rogers, of Winston, ia the guest of her gn orf mother, Atrs Kmilr Heitman.... Mtaa Kra Heitman returned to Groans : bom Monday after spending tho holidaya at home Ur and Mrs A F Kirby have been visitors here during the holidays Miss Kffie White and Master tSpurgeon, of Greensboro, are visiting their sitter, Mrs A O English 4 A Carpenter, who has bean in Ansm coanty on husiniMH, retnmed horns Tuesday Miss Indin Young ia at honM for ths holidays E F Popper, of tiaoford, and W S Weeks, of Lexington, spent a few stays at home lust week Mrs Ired Peacock, who has been tmffering with qnite a severe case of erysipsli. is now greatly improved. Judge ! K Bulla has been confined to hi room with an attack of his heart, but at this writing is snmewhsft improved The entertainment and ChristmaM tree giren by the Snnday school on the night before Christmaa waa a great success iu every way Frank Woed. ef Marion, and Gaorge Wood, f Ihirham, have baan visiting their parents, Ir and Mrs H Wood, during the holidsys..... Hansom Carr, a slndenl of Davidson College, spent several days here last week with the fainilr of his uncle. Prof O W Carr ..Mr anS X&ZTZ iwij roiling. nacn amuwuneni wan t fnrtfod (he Maeublttd giieato hy the guinea ot "I'itt" and "Klinrli." Muter Will and Frank Kllit, of Durham, arwnt the holiday, with itUiivm here .The Elite Noreftj Co waa tha attraction here for two nighta laat weak. After epemling five daja al the Parker House, the two men and one woman wha eompoaed the tronpe, would only pay fl.lt in rah andau85o Ingeraoll watch for their lodging, leaving before other arrange ineota could be made by tha proprietor, Mr ltl'arkar Kraut Bowden, of Itandle- man, waa here for a few hours ftmrday.... Mr aud Mra T D Harria, of Aehehora. hava been apendina the holidayn hem aa gneata of Mr and Mra I) Tarter. Mr and Mra A Kirby and Mieaea Era and Nan HeiUuan attended the wedding of Miaa Sim mona Imheth to Mr Edar Piion in Themaaville on the evening of Pec ?8th ...Mia llrthel Fielda and brother, Will, leave Tuesday for Oreenaboro to remain aome time Mia ilert Harria apent eevf.:l lay in Elon lAiUoge and Burlington laat wnek retnraing home .Saturday night The apring term of Trinity High School opened Tneaday with very flattering proa- pert I R Reddifk and family pent Sunday in ThomaavUle. W (I Ilrokaw. who ia apeodiag the holiday at Fairriew lodge, bia palatial home near here, gave a doer chaee to hie frienda on Monday, the deer being taken from hi paature for tha purpose. Tha deer failed to kerp ahead of the doga far enough and waa caught niter having gone about a mile and half, Tha annual enke walk which he givea every New Year night and ia which only the negroea of the aurronnding country perticipata haa been postponed aattl Tuettday night Jan 3. J C t'eppar killed one ot the largeat hawka on Saturdny that haa ever lieen etwn in thia noignhorbuvd. Tha ilimenaiona of the bird are not eiactly known, but they wera "aeme thing lew" than that great bird the bald headed eagle which aland aa the emblem of the republic. Liberty Items. January 3. Mia Gertie Oweua, theyonng el daughter "f W II Owen,. U very nick with fevrr. Urn in rewrted aa bein; a little net ler. They hare with her Mix i'erry, a train ed mine, wlioe home i in t ruilforu but v.it here by the Charlotte hoepit.il. M Bra. Iky, the bird hunter and trainer, wa caEIih! u hi home in Connecticut on ac count of the dc.i'h u( hi mother, i line again alter lieing away three week, lie i npiewlid afiiilt'iueii and ho would lie ulati ha would mat atav here. l'r Sir Waltci Kaleigh Staley and wife, of Aurora, S'.C'.. and hia brother, Cicero and wife, of l'.ha City, have .ill been epeudiog a few day with tfit'tr inothor, Mr Abraham Ktaley, three milee north of brr. Mieea Nellie and Kallie Fattrou, the daughter of I)r A J ralterwin returned tu the UapUat but Inneniity al lisleigh on the third int., after pending ChrnUnae week at home. In Doctor gave a biif dinner while ther wera here to hi, eon. Dr II U I'attenien, and I noticed amoug the invited gucHt Spjire Louia henry iNnith and wife with their ix little boy and fot.tr little giria going that way. Miaa Joaia Uve gave a big dinner Chriatinaa in honor of her eiater, Mi Ura lxve, o llale:gb yuiat numlier of the young people ot tha town were invited ami they report a pleasant time, Iota to eat and ew many courae that it will take too much time and apace te tell on of the pom. haul tbey lud every tniiur aim men .oine deviliah eocra. The clubnouae where a dor.ea or more girla lioard caught on lire jnat before the echool eloBed and every thing in it waa carried out and every body waa sure it troulu hum. m a garment that you could mention I tut what waa aprcau aut the ground. Tha houae waa aaved. have hail with ua some of our young doc or will lie boon. Among the number we bad I loctora 1) LacT Fount, Thoa H !mitb, r rank Shenard. Bob VcHierwin, Charlie Mcl'herwn ami Willie Uilmore, t.f Ore Hill. 1 think lie i takmff a Hpecial couree, aa he Htnyed aU the time at one place and I aim thiuk he got 104 on examination. In weather totur la warm and rainy. Tha Mauy Smith that -ell and deliver fruit trees in Miiippi and Louiaiana are all at home now. Thev report collection real good until the Hapuhli cana nut cotton down to aix centa. Que fel low aaya ha collected 104 per cent, that ia the bent I have heard of up-to-date, if any one got more let him apeak or hereafter hold hia eT Mr uina Cauaey and awter, U ia homo to epana C-hriaune wi their parent, Mr and Mra H 0 Caneey. Onr new aafa came in for Chriatinaa and ita ui.-elr ina tailed ia th place of the on tliat wa blown open on the uiimt ot iwcember lat Thoea fellow had better not corns back here any mora if they do aome one will be iu our guard houae. Moms ot our young people ait up on laat naturuay night to watcA the old nut ana toe new one come in and the Ijall waa runs and our fiuhtar thomrhi that Eteaat robber in town and thev ehouldcr 1 their muaketa with t ant J I rictett in the leail and Ijeut Logan Harden right at hi heel and they madia thing lively for a little while. Now tha heat and greatest thing that will take place in all thi aec.Uon ot thi good old North pJtate will be the big annual iveter nnnner to be mven on the ath of .lanu- rv al niahl at tlie ilotel Klondyke ty the K 1 1'. IxKlge. lhere will be plenty oi i.vnn Haven o- ovater , ml ok! countr; nam. , chick- ana coo! cooked up ny tha doaan aud jnat mtch a time aa we will have. Tha order ha already son, for thuae fancy veeta that were ued at the tea cream supper ana our young inenit l now at the depot so a to be in tima and 1 aura to get one. lxxtkout for bun. MlohiSeld Itm. Mra John Preanell. of thia alace, ia spend- in tha holiday with her parent and rala live at Ehro, FU. Mr Francena Piarrs and rhudren viaited at Carthaga racvntly Meaara John and Larkin rresneU and Mi Dora I'reanell awenl Xntaa at D B Preanell ' at I ales Mtore. r and Mra Walter 1'ma- oell are viaitiaw relativea nawr Entnrprwe Mr and Mra Sam Trogdon and family, of Piauah. apaot Hunuar at Noah Kitu; a. Mavma A I via Bean and M 1 Preanell went to Aahebors Monday. Harria An n. asa of Hedb Aumaa. died of typhoid favsr on the 25th inat after lin gering Ulnae. He learea a wifa and. two nail children and three aiaMra. Bia mother Lunda Aumaa died only few weeks ago of typhoid lever. K was" nest excellent yooa sua and his beet ef rneada ara griev ed to learn uf bia asalh, May God comfort and sustain tha bereaved family. TVer ia ao death; tba atara go down. To rtaa upon aoma fairer ehor Aad bright m He Tea's jeweled crown, They auuM I orevar mora. Tba bin) like voice whose joyous tones aud aud thews scene of ,tn and atrits. Sing now sa ararlasting aonf Arouad toe Ire ml 1 lite. A FilBrs. MULE WANTED! Will trada arml boras or aaar lor mule and pay eaBaraaae ny eaa as toit oa or will bn no at bargain price. Moatis umv rasu, Ahbr, Jf. C. DB. D.LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. Special Bargains! U LXJUU1B9 A full line of nice- Millinery , at Mrs E T Blair's shop, consisting of Hats, Ornaments, Ribbons, Velvets, Corsets, etc.; will be sold at greatly reduced prices dmiog the holidays. A hint to the wise is sufficient. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. W. W. JONES, i QKOCKR1ES, PROVISIONS AP PRODUCE, Sewing Machines, Parts and Attach ments. Also haro a tot' ot.foegl clothing tlutt will be ched, out cneap. Produse bought - and sold. Your patronage solicited. Oive rue a call and I'll treat you .i ight. . " W. VV JONE?,' Allen stand. Depot ht WE HAVE ' A Hue of Fresh Groceries and Country Prodncon hand all the time. W want your Jtrade aud if living prices ' and fair treatment will get it . we are going to have it. For anything to eaf come to us. SPOON & REDDING, Grooerymen. WANTED' Will pay spot cash f. o. b. your depot for All Kinds Of Furs, Green and Dry Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs Wool(waahed or nn-washed) I also carry full line of Fruits and Vegetables, Ba- ' nanas, Oranges, Lemons, Peanuts at market prices. . Writ for prices, , ; . ; FORSYTH V WATKINS, ' 112 Lewis Street, fireensboro, N. C, ARREST IT-S50.00 REWARD. A bottle of Ec-zm will be sent free to every reader of thi paper who is suffering with any kind of skin disease or eruptions, any forru. of Eczema, Blind or Bleeding Pile, Scrofula, Itch, Tetter, Barber Itofa, King worm, lioils, Blood, Poison, Fsver Sores of any nam' or batnre. $50 reward will be paid for any case of Eczema that is not prompt ly cure witn Ji.e-r.ine. JSc-zinewiII heal arv sor or cure the worst skin and make it look like velvet. Here tofore thsr haa been - no Specific discovered that would cure Eczema and kindred diseases uutil Ec-utte was discovered and now thousands are cured daily. Never mind wheu you nave tried I .forget the failures made by other reftiedies and send for FREE SAMPLE of Ec-ziue, which always gives re- nei ana a permanent cure. Ec-zlne 5kla Soap is the best anticeptio soap made. It will cleanse anything will destroy microbes of aanarnn, tailing hair, sore head hands and feet, pimple and black head on face and make the skin- smooth. The only antiseptic shaV iuc soart made, trnarantaed to cure mna A ,mmm rt 1 il J.-U 1 A K cent a cake. Write today to BOYD CHETIICAL COHPANY, 70S Rand-McNallr Bldr., CMcaw. IB. The wnblisher of this narter knows ef the reliability of Ec-xine and of 1.11C xoju t- iicmicai to. i nix at aifHT. sm -eowiiM mvr Bm HE.0I8HE llaa all Meeeaee f Iks taaaak, Uew, (Maavs aa !. Caartlaallaa, IH Pla, litan aw ail (Ma laiaajilllas. . rot iaii r au P letswrs. rMM. I at aa II Oaata ar . Aot Me ultwtltut. For tale. n r-yerld aiul., a lot ol eora, two eow. IS peso ot rvuaaa tains noa. auinrr, wasao. Bar nes, ranahv tools, aousshoM aod KrleBea rantl urn a4 aianf atbar article too taSloaa to atan- Tbtaaev.SS.ltM. Staiai,N.C. lore House and Stock of . - flkeneral Merchandise For tale. The ond.rvlneS wtsalnf aa naase fa ecksr she bast counts bulMlm la Iks lak. ror ntbmr tannaatiaa sppij to w, m. aa j. u. auaiia. ranaar.a.t;. Asheboro Real Estate For alet, KtiTM-rwitM d TwlIirur. iatehlsm hlskf kanitaw nhnrn. mad arHl and faur mtm of trnrtA u th .ntsnas(v ttoa of SoutH rs7fHtiriitCwlitw four-room lw,iiuT. mood rll avivd emm bum) am Hhib KtM ot ku4 ao Pmnkil,1ii rood tsbsHit pb quortcr rBfie mmt ot oourt sLot. A ram. mora 1wc)iiiE, atebtaa) mo4 wHI Ihrm-qmitot man -o aidaintn; Anhabnr Tnnl uf Co. tm tttm mOtom on4 church no Ho4- TvoaHawVaVtwc lota i AsaltabairT tetmt wont suul vd)oiDtt.a; BmrJier iwtM, fmutiug raJtrcod. rot Mad ntn koewB M the LlndaaT MobowD pUscsx Qwosi stprtiig m& lot haum Boiaaw nam mm9mmmM if rim am ail, tipplrfn At Sank sVulHhuf, Mood mtorj, rosr 1 R.lACyp Ramseiiris Boomin Tte best 'place' make ypr prepiuations is to see thi. immense- stock now being shown t; 1 sold by, the Ramseur Store O. . . They have; a-large corpse" of saki . - ' men who aro always busy, but will giva you polite, ana prompt attention. We: sell more &00V th&tx lariy store irv Re, dqlph . ..We, are now selling over Se Thousand Dollars worth per month. ' Our -line is complete. Come f d us and we. will' treat you right. Cotton gin in fine shape; bring yo cotton,' :- 1 . H. B. Carter, Manager. I The f atkins-Leonard C . .:' ' i ; . . Prices are Battling Down ! ; 1' ::..(.' i ... . ' See oar dlapl&r of . , .., . " :;.- - " ', Buggies, , Wagons, . Harness, . Rober, ' . ' . Stoves, Guns, and Everything V i . in Hardware. I , wMMeal3 '-, , ..... ... ' -i New Store-New Goods! arid Low ( Don't fail to see us before buying elsewhere. The Watkins-Leonard 'Co. E. B. Leonard, and Managers. E. C. Watkins, Call ervd See Bfbre baying elsewhere oar Larfe ook ef We.tches Clocks, Jewelery and Spectacles, of erary kind that Is kept In - To the unfortmnate wa can or nlarht. aaTthlna yea want Tarniiihed, cloth COTwred, and Bamseor, tl.O, DO YOU TO. RIDE? It m, rst J A WARD a COMPANY furalsk ytw trBi. WF oaa pleas th trawtliag salemnaB, w eaa ple'j ' , ' ' Best servic and Tllt atttTjtiow t to go before j Ramseiir Store G , I Furniture J a firet-olaas famitars sor furnish jrou at saw tlms, Ac In a oheap eoCn. Oaakste met&lio. , J. O. FORRESTER Jt OO. WANT, caa pie ta mwrUug aassa, wtf ' " I t all time. 1

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