e J i II' 11 RECOMMENDATIONS BV SIPI. JOYNER. The Present School Law Endorsed by the Superintendent who says few Changes Are Needed. Teacher's Institute and County Superintendents The biennial report of Superin tendent J 1 Joym-r is out. It con sists of a pHinphlft of niiH'ty-four pages and eoiiLitiiis u coinplote it view of eiluciitioiuil win!; in t In state for the past few rears undcuu -fully compiled statistical statements showing tiie progress of the school's considered in relation to former years and as compared to educational conditions existing in oilier States. The statistical pi ogress made by the school systems during the past two years is of interest and was out lished iu The Courier in its issue of December 22nd, l'JU-l. The recommendations of the sup erintendent are as follows: 1. That there snail lie little inter ference with the present School Law, which 1 believejto lie the liest Public School Liw that the State lias cur had. People and tcliool ollicers are beginning to become ,ic.iiainted v.nli the law and familiar with its walk ings. A few changes seem to be necessary, but there should be no radical changes. It will be wine to seek to continue to progress along the lines already inai ke I out by the present School I.uw and to begin to have u permanent educational policy. 2. That section So" of the School Law be so amended a to reiiui'v the appropriation of at lea-H two bun dled dollars biennial!;.' b e eh coun ty for condiicling one or more teachers' institutes a' .1 summer schools in that county for the reason set forth in this report under the heading '"Improvement of Teacheis." ;l. That the special appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars for the public schools be continued be cause at piesent there is no hope of getting a four niout lis school without it, and the State cannot afford to per mit the public school term to be de creased. 4. That section 12 of the Public School Law be so amended as to make the term of ollice of the mem bers ot the County ISuard of Educa tion six years, so arranged that the term of one mem her of the board shall expire every two vears. liv re taining a majority of old members on the boald eaeli year tins will prevent the possibility of a radical change in the educational policy of the county every two years. 5. Owing to the large increase iu the cost of living and the rapid de velopment of the work of the State Department of Public Instruction, necessarily accompanied !iy a gn-at increase in the work of tile entire clerical four of tile ollie", I recom mend that the annual clerk of the department Supplies, Appr.piiuti..i' ry of th. s't illsiies. d -eeeral business be increased at least tw hlll.dred mid tit'tv dollars, and tl annual salarv of the clerk of the de partment of Loans. Rural Libraries, C'onrse of fetn-i . and i-Mucatiotial Hulletins be increased at least. hundred and tiftv dollars, and that the annual sal and type fit" one hilndi'. d salarv tiftv dip fi.'Thai a) school lil.iat: libraries .shall or tin- sieiiograpu. e increased at lea liars, making In is a uiont h. (nation for rum and supplemental' continued and iii.it the rural school iioi-.o v in libra, v law shall I so amended as to take tin: appropria tion of ten doliars for the rural lib rary and the dollars for tin- ,-upple mentarv library from the mantv school fund instead of the di.-i fund. This small part of the S appropriation for the public scii cannot in my opinion I,.- more lv used, ihroiiu'li the continuation of this comparatively small biennial State uppropri;. lion for rural librar ever putilie seiiool in tiie Mate can be supplied with antral library about ten years. V. Iiiatan annual appropi latiou of live thousaJid dollars be made for a permanent plant and proper cm ment for the State Colored Normal Schcils. S. That the advisability of a rea soua'de appropriation for State Dis trict Summer Schools le caretullv considered. Without llatteiy I have endcinor ed also to make in this report ui honest pieseiitatiou of some of tl:. defects and needs of the public school system, of some ot the ihlli culties of the work that lies before us, and of the relative position ot the Statu in the column of iduca tional progress, so far as this posi tion may be revealed in statistics from the reports of the educational work of other states. It is painfully manifest that our public schools, the only hope for the education of the people's children, are still uneipial to the education demands of this century of education and inferior in most respects to the public schools of moBt ether sections of our com mon country, and they are still sadly inadequate to their stupendous task in houses and equipment, in teachers and length of school term, in super vision and in available school funds. As long as the average length of the public school term iu North Caro lina is only 85 days, while the aver age length of the public school term n the Southern States is 09 day, the average length of the public school term in the North Atlantic States 177.3. and the average length of the public school term in the United Sta 143 Hays; as long as North Carolina spends bat $1.14 for every man, woman and child of its population, while the average spent in the United States is $2.99; as long as she spends bat $4.39 for every papil enrolled in hr public schools, while the average spent in the Southern States is $6.95 and the average spent fn the United States is $20.39; as long aa she spends for every child of school age within her borders bnt $3.12, while the aver tt.'.'e spent in the Son t hern States is $4.0.' and the average spent in tne United States is $10.57; as long as th; s??rg wwmthlj aalary of white t. k I "is in North 'Carolina is bnt J while in the Southern States it is $35.03 for mea and $30.47 fur women, ami in th Uaited States 49.00 for men and $4'.00 for wo-j i en. no true friend of education, no! true lover of his State can afford to ! relax any effort for the improvement of her public schools. . I When 1 remember the past, how j through social and poutic.il refill-j tion, through destruction and re. on-, struction, through poverty and mis- nil-, these sturdy -North Carolina: people have, with heroic courage ; ' lought their way to the threshold of , a new and glorious era of industrial and educational development, I am ' Idled with hope for the future. Ours ito ,0 .lc ml.t. tht. best in ure a conservative people. 1 hey f01.Itmtj0I1 ou Uiviue teaching let it move slowly at lirst because they (.(llm. fl,,m wilat,.ver ,0lll.L.e, so long move ,.nly from conviction, but it is M h u jM M.ponl wjll tu b;,,le aml their history that tiny take no back- . ,la.mov mltll,0. We lie- ward step in any great movement lor ll4,v,. u" nigoui denominations good once begun. 1 hey are lighters (1.a u,.n,M 8l4,viltl0ll llfu.,. rt?I. . not quitters. No human power can .(mv :,lst r,.t.oni pea(3e after due sub stiy a mighty movement tor e.i-l lUsjj,M ti) tu wi ,, us. Iightenmeutaud civilization such as . y M iu t,)0e t,mt aK tin, cducauonal movement w hen once ;;niisl -ik.r;l,v cousijtent with the begun among a peop e such as ouis. ; u, .t f,,,,, " , ; mv vsmlt or I have no tear but that the move-, (i(1.nml u, b,.t by the dictates of a ment hen once begun among a peo-. f jw J, pie such as ours. I have no tear Individually, I belong to the M P but .hattheii.oveme.it will gat her ,.,,,.,.,,. M, Vife and wmc of our mon.entuin with the passing years. chMrvn M t the M K t.lHlrc,1 Demagogues and enemies of Dctnoc- , , , M .tl..i i.ui., ... .i... itiw racy in its broadest sense may inter- j pos their puny obstacles against Its ! onrusliing tide, but thev can do inil.e,t ,,i.,.o.,.i'iM, i ,n uiore tl.a.1 cause te.nporarv eddies in its current, lhev cannot stop or change its mighty onward course. l!a, k of it if a power m.ghter than l mail s. ... this last report to I I beg, in closin your 1.XUIHIH1. io i.vpi.ss p sense oi g.auume auu ia.-t- latitude and last obligation for your lovul support ami wise counsel in an my worn ami ; for the conspicuous sei N ice that you j have rendered the State and her hildreii by vour courageous champ ionship of ef tj progicssive eiluca- lional movement. Very truly yours, '.'. Y. JovsF.lt, Supt. Public Instruction. Impartial Account of Southern Lynhinp. j I!av Stannard Tinker's artie Lynching iu the South," which! reader will ttiiil in the dauuarv Me- j ("lure'.-, is an achievement all too rare iu thu discussiou of the negro prob lem. Neither academic nor partizaii i. is an authoritative study of the cause which led to the recent out breaks in State-boro. (!a., and Hunts ville. Ala., by a .rained journalist in whiMii huniaii sympathy takes lhe place of sectional prejudice. Vith no thesis to prove, .Mr Hakor isitcd the it' tual scenes of these mob trage dies, and obtained informal ion from , the very actors themselves, high anil l.iu. bbick and wind: l he tact ami conclusion muticallv will that he inns so dra - do more to break down .he barriers of sectional mis uudeistandi g I ban many an act of Congress. Mr HakiT lirst describes the home ly tamiliarit of the towns he visited, lie saw no barbarians; the places wire tvpicallv American. Iu llii- snirit he sketches tlr haracter of the Statesboro negro population; the! dairvr from the float in" in- mo class: th- poculiiirlviitrncii.il minder and hiirniii'' bv negroes of Planter Ho,'. - gs. his wiYeand threechildieii; tbe'two Lotties of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i.romi.t iitteini.t P. foresiall a Ivneh- im.' ami nr-serve the scaredne'ss of! tli 'l i'.v: lb- counter feeling, even among intelligent citizens, thai the courts and the law weie not io be I u-t. ! ; the foundation for this feel- i,,,',:, !n .ere 'Ivnobin.r t,,u.i", bv ! he large percentage of local I i'-' That ollicediolding will ruin any ..i.L.j i.i,,. i.,ii ,,i-,,o,,iii.iii ..f'maii is a self-evide.".t fact. That convictions. (Mr. Hakor disci linis anv attempt at palliation of t lie out - rag s; his facts, indeed, bear their i iv. ,i credentials.!. lie lMiiaiks furl her on theper-on-II-1 and psychology of the mob; how gridiiaily they overpowered tlieniili ti,.: how dramatically they were wr .light up to their horrible crime in tl... linrninrt ,,f tiin .i,.ro..s- l,u bv the inevitable after-effects of mob- aw, a chain of outrages on in- spite of the attacks upon the lv noli - ers bv the churches and better' class of citizens, it was iinnossible to con- i ti... e ..t 1...1... ing svmpathv. worse. Hy the use of hodol Dys- Mr liiiKer" regards this disgrace, 1 1HT" C',re,.1 he& to improve at however, as tyj.i. al of the Old Soiiih,om' "nd ttftcr ''"S tottlM nor of the New. And to show that ;. ti... .- n.inil. ......i,,,!;,., .. breaking and a new tmblie ooiii- mn lornung, lie cites tiie vigorous action taken against the lynchers of a convicted negro murderer in Huntsville, Ala. These men were promptly indicted for murder, and denounced bv a muss-meeting of citizens, and by flic strong papers of the slate and the whole South. That thev were not convicted Mr H.ik ribes to the tremendous family 1 nun poinieai iamiiv set 111 motion. ami also to the sincere feeling of in- tclligent Southerners that, in con- victmg tbem, a preccileiit would hive been established that would prevent Ivnchini for raw and there are Jew Southerners who do not regard this as h iieciwsnrv evil; Yet Mr Uakcr rinds that thinkins Southerners everyw here are saving: "We must stop lynching." And he believes that slowly ami aguinst great difficulties they will stop it. "The South," he concludes, "Iris no lessons to learn from the North in so far as the lynching problem is concerned.'' An article by the same author on "Lynching in the North" is promis ed for the next number of McUlure's. We awuit with deep interest another such temperate and illuminating contribution to onr national prob lem of lawlessness, bnch careful and honest work as Mr HaEer's puts to flight our prejudices, and estab lishes the rale of common sense. even over the most unruly of onr problems. Tank to the SyHe. . .. ,. 1 there is nothing better than DeWitt's 1 11- ti. .1 . . P '- .ThZ do D?' kea sysieni is num. pieawnt ana narm-. - , -and Asheboro Prng Co. ! bow Drnj Co. EXPLANATORY- Mk Kiutob: Perhaps it would U jn 0J 1U1J benelicial, even at this stage of our writing, to make ( fow ,)ri.ftttor? reDlttrka ia order to to'vollr ors, that the object we j(l y. thp I)vllll,tingj of mn. rffuI.u jn writj lh(Me lm.s lh;ll ,m,t. .,,,,1, ttml what. ,y m.lv vet c lllm, tt ,,,, t,e I I rvlil ou$ tU011ght art. altogether free f , o iii?,.,..u f pre.it nr .... ,1,.,, .,,. ,i:.0 : ,,Ut (.llurcn um, woli w;th , ... i,.i.,.J -......'ii.j ,,f i, L,, be Wlkshei, ttWav in t.'rossiM , tll9 .:,.,, ,i..,u iiL-. i..7,v,.. aru p,.,,,,,, the MiHhat lhcre , f ,, . . , will rind pleasure and profit in unv .,:J';(,1. ai. ' ilat teac es a larger faith in the ,,., lhfl mtienee an.l the vieh.ri- ous persistence in Divine Love. im,,. " ...i;:., .. tu. ,!,,. .i.:..i, .... iml uf hXk-l in the invincible love of the Father, working with the dehberaleness and the calm of omnipotence toward i's triumph in the salvation of souls, involves a new view of life, and presents new in centives to duty. It suggests new interpretations of discipline. It casts new lights of hope and com furt 011 l'f"' disasters. These vari ous smuies upon inemcs reiaieu io i , . ' ,.. Jt t..:n. the belief in tiie final triumph of " . 1 ' , .. . ,J,:i: .. and hope upon the "glad tidings that will serve, not only to deepen the spiritual life of those who cher ish this belief, but also to commend it to many who cannot yet trust fully in the universal or unbounded love. We will continue our sketches next week." Yours truly, J. K. Hamilton. I So More Slnmach Trouble. I All stomach trouble is icinoved bv ! I he t '"d'l Dyspepsia I lire. sU es the stomach perfect rest by lige-ting what vou ent without th' si i.nai h's acid. Tne food builds n) the boil v. the rest restores the sto.n ae'n to health. You don't hav !iet yourself when taking Kodo Dyspepsia Cure. J I) Erskine Allenville, Mich., say--, "I suffered i heiirtlHirn and stomach trouble for some time. My sister-in-law hi;s had i the same trouliles and was not able ' cat for six weeks. She lived en 1 tircly on warm water. After takin she was entirely cured. She now eats heartily and is iu good health I am glad to say Kodol gave me : instant relief." Sold by the Sland ard Drug Co. and Asheboro Ding Co. ! ! H ,,,iil'e to lu)l(l ofiice is matching is 1 'll'iratca by tiie fact that when Mr. Harris, the Kepnblicau noinin. j liovc' iior, made the race he ! nerauieii as tne nusiness man s can I diihite. Now he is legging like blaze i for the collectorthip nt present held ! by Mr. Harkness. When you fool witu a reu-hot poker yon get buriKil .ir. liiirris, is atio.it to get burned lltf ist'lrcady burning for oflice. '"'eensooro ftccord ! . Mr8 trick, of lute I '", Ky., writes: '"I have been a i peptic (or years; tried all kinds of .remedies but continued to ifiow .,.u, and strength aud can cat whatever 1 i llke:'.' Th(Te " "t! ia ,he world equal to Kodol Dyspep-ia vure. it ingest wliat you eat. Sold by the Standard Drug Co. and Ashe boro Unig Co. (Jlah News. January a. Mr and Mrs D 0 King, of Asheboro, spent Christmas at .Mrs Jj A rive's. Mr K W llmreg visited his irraudfather at 1 rimtv last week. Mr J A Craven spent A mas with home folks near Uumseur. Mr B II Dawson visit- led Mr Rnfus Craven SutunUv uml Snuday. Miss Roena Coltrane visited at Mr W S Oatlins last week Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, No remedy effects such speedy relief. It araws out inflammation, soothe, cools and heals all cuts, barns and bruises, A sure cure for piles aud skiu uiseaes. J'eWitt s is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of counterfeits, they are dangerous. com dv tne Standard Urug Co. aud Asheboro iirug Co. Aceaite. The Xnias t-ee at Flag Springs Xmos eve was enjoyed by all, Mr Hams An man is very tick with fever. Messrs Carl Ridze and Astor Cagle, of High Point, visited in tnis section last week. Coafhs ami CoUs. AH conghs, colds n& pahndnary complaints mat are ctirame are X ' ri tia MtT IL , L" , inHajBinayoo ana heals and soothes the affected parts, strengtheoa the pveiisleil Soil I iiivcnHhed soil, like impov risbi'il I. low, liectla a proper 1 iti!i;:ci". A chemiBt by Qimlyz ; i In- noil can fH you what :'i::iT to use for different I'.luclft. 'i yiiir blood is impoverished i" doctor will tell you wlint i.i need to fertilize it and give 1 1 it rich, red corpuscles tUnt ' 1 rkinjr iu it. It may be you o:-.l i) Ionic, but more likely you I ;i concentrated fat food, 1 ! f.-it is the element lacking y : i; 1 1 Hystclll. !"i ":i' is no fat food that is o.i.sily dijrented nnd nssiini- 1 I IIM :)tt s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil ' will i.uui'ish niul strengthen ! ..lv when milk and cri'iim 1 tit it. Scott's Emulsion niwiivs. the Hinne; uhviiyw lile niul always beiiclii inl . ;. the body is wnstinjr from v ciftise, either in children ;i. lulls. U V" will send 0u a sample tree. Ite Mire Ilia, tl.is pie. Hue in tin- form of 11 label is on lie" v r.i''r of every In Hie 01 laiiul H1.11 vou I. III. SCOTT k BQWNE (09 Pearl St., Hew Yart ".He. ami sfl.CO. All liruuiristH. Treasurer's kepert of Receipts sad Dis bursements of School Fund lor the Year Endlor June 30. 1404. KKl'Ell'TS. Received general state and county poll lax $5,()4t 00 Received general property school tax, '..'i'-)'i 15 Received special property tax. levied under local nets, or sections Tl or 1'-! of the school law, i 1 7 41 Ueeeived speitial poll tax, levied under local acts, or sections TI or Ti of the school law, !Mi C(. Received from State Treas urer, i;.I23T2 Fines, foifeitures and pen al tics, :IH3 15 Riceived from other sour- ces, Bui on hand .Iu ne 30, 11)03 141 30 i 0!i Total, 24.4'Jlt i-i IHMIlllSKMKNTs. i'.iid teachers of schotils for whites, $13,070 3H Paid teachers "f schools for colored. 2,lKi uv Paid for school -houses und sites, 3, Till I'l Paid 011 installment of loan fund, 201 00 Paid County Supt, J M Way, for last three months of school year ending June 30, 1903, K'3 Mi Paid County Supt, J M Way, for school year ending June 30, 11104, loH 34 Paid County Supt, Win C Hummer, bal due him from the year 1900, . 19 00 Paid for Teachers' In stitutes, ii T5 Paid Treofiuer's com missions 2 ier ceat on $21,6o9.T8, 433 20 Mileage and per diera of County Board of Edu cation, Expenses of County lid. of Education, includ ing stationery, postage, t4 25 Paid for taking censns, 8 50 Paid for book, map aud seal for Co Supt, Paid for repairs on school houses for whites. 299 2H Paid for repairs on school bonses for colored, 42 Tl Paid for rural libraries, 197 CO Paid for recording deeds, 1 0 00 Paid for fuel for whites, 313 13 Paid for fuel for colored, 19 4 Balance on hand June 30. 1904, 400 44 Total, 22,199 42 I, W J Miller. Treasurer of the County Board of Education, certify that the foregoing is a true state ment of the receipts and disburse ments of the school fund for the school year ending June 30, 1904, U I 4 Treas Co Bd of Ed, Te Qoo4 Old Way. A severe itold or attack of la grippe is like fire, the sooner yon combat it the better your chances are to overpower it. Bat few mothers in this age are willing to do tbe necessary work required to cHve a oiri-iasmonea reusoe treatment such as wonld be administered by their rranamotnera Dactea oy iSoscbees German Syrnp, which was always liberally Used 10 connection with the borne treatment of colds and is -stall ia greater household favor than any known remedy. Bnt evsn without the application of the oldfoshioned aids Germxn Syrnp will cure a sever cold id quick time. It will cure colds in children or grows people. it relieve tne concested orrann. allay tbe irritation, and effectively atop the cough. Any child will fske it. It ia tnvaluabl im a house hold of children. Trial six bottle. 35c, regular sise, 75c For Ml by at us DAMNUM mag uc. THE QUIET LIFE. , wtt.isc wish uii.l 1 h.we limit villi, milk. fields with hrcuil. :iiu II.K-k. supply him with Altin: Rim. In. rim lim'.'iiivnn'rtly liml ll'iur", .liiys, i..ii1 v:ir. slult' mii hwiiv In l.t'lllll. nl iMxty, inurf .f iniii'l. iuiet by 'lay. smiml s1h.'. by iilnlit: stmly niul case T'WtllL'l luix'd; IWIH'I ri':rt'Utli.1l. A;nl iiiiHH'cmv. wliU li nw-l .liK-h .l.-nsi' Willi iiiiilmitlon. Tliim lot lire. 11-s. i'M. iniknimii; Thus iiiilaliii'iit.-'l lei mi- illf: su-iil (nun llu' niir.il, unit m.l n slum' Yi-11 vth.Ti- I II.'. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. "Now I luy ino.lovvii lu k'r: 1 .n.v On-1. ml i.iv if.i.l I., li.'i'l'." Was inv i lili.lh...l M'.nlv 'n,. r TauiUil l.y my iim.Hi.t'- Inv,' aid nil.'. Many yi'iiisiiiivlli' li I.11U' llfl; Motlicr hluuilA'i- uilii llir ikn'l; Yet H'O'liiuk. 1 mi' her umv. Will. I .ve liteyeau-i l.nly l.i". As. kuiH'hliB I.; I.er-I im h. j.ray. Hhe nenllv t,.tiht me ln.w In si.y, "N..w I luy iwilowli t..le. : I pruv the l.l'il 111 H.ul In keep." oh! ttmhl the falll. .r 'h..hr.'. .lays, l.hl.siul'l il lull.' l.y. 1111-of tin-t ol. ei.ul'l ilo liiii.U-, J..... us trust Ik' en-ale.) fr..m lliedut Thai Hes an..u:.l II wauil life. I he lruils.il u.i.uy u hitler slrlle! Oh! ll.i'll at nii;ht iu prayer IM hetul. Ami mil my o.hL my Father Krieml. .Villi pray Willi .liil.llike fi.ill. ...lee lilur.'. Tne praver u.v innllier tiiuKht lite nl yur.' "N.m I lnyl.K'.l..wi.l..shvp: I pruv the Lnril my s.u.1 In keep."' Sel.T HOLLI3TER'i Bac'xy Mountrt.n A Busy Medic;:. j f.,r I... Bring! OoUca II;".:. j :.'. i n. srwcillc rnrCnnKti;. nl Kl.lnev Trnul.les. I ..pi ii,:. i.m.li. l.y IIuLLITSR Dm il rollIMNV, Jlil.i.s Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE For sale by Asheboro Drugj Company. Horses & Mules, I will have a car load of fine Horses and Mules on ex hibition at inv stables Friday and Saturday, Oct 7th and 8th I shall be glad to serve U. R. R. ROSS, Ashebcro, N. 0. A Happy New Year Toyorj Farmers t Ton will cer tainly have A Merry Chrlatmu m ell m a prosperous, bappy Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. Now, to turare yoonwlf ft happy new Tear every Tr. ana all th ytmr throojf n to GET THE BEST Tho New and Enlarged Edition Contalna 25,000 New Words Ne-.v Cazcttoer of tho World whit i.H'rc limn :'.i.im titles, UiM.il on tli. Iulvl tv.if USlvturiis. Newlilographical Dictionary nll'iinlii'rthr nun:,-, of out 10.00 noli-l . i..il,'of hirlh, ili'iilh, Mr. 1 1 r V.-. V. II AKIll.l'h.n.. Lr..i . . . iiUvi Ti minilssit mcr of Euih-ui inn. 2380 Qjarto Pages 1'2 l.lMatrslioiu. KwS Biadlnc. ccdedlnEvcryHoroe i Colteftiate DttMiry i .loP-ta. i4o llluatrauumo. Sue: 7KiMaji. A Spc -i-l Thin Paper Edition D Luxe , " A Tett in FronuAtiAtwil," inf. rt.L. 1 ("liertumlliff. .'.!i illiiMtraieU pumphlcrts. J C. MERRIAM CO., h. nrlarield. Maaa. BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be deoolved by thone who ad- reraise fw.wi hewing Macbin for 120.00. Thkkindofaiuachinecita be boojrht from ueoranr of our deaion fromlfi.00to 118.00. . Wl Hani A VAMIITV. THE MEW HOIE IS TEE BEST. The Feed determines the trenartli nr weakness of Sewing Marhlnm. The Ioabl Ftel combined with othnr atrons; pohiU n taken the KtW Ifesate the beat Sewing Mw.hiite to buy. UM! ffrrPIDPIll 1D0 1?"- n- II I lib IIH Itllllilll Hilil nyissi ut uw mt am iihiri ci Vm ft. X. Y., Cbieasfo, IfL. Atlaate, Qaw Bt UmmM PttJlaa,TraBaa FrainnaiotQa 1 .Jrr.rvv FOB 6ALC T W. W. JONES, A-beboro, N. C. Legal Advertisementi' Sale f V Valuable Timber and Land 1 uf .1. M. lihiwti.' uiul other to im hifclut M.l'K'rtm ii.u iirtimtttcH of tli heruiimfUT U'tTllHHt IuikI. nl (Imj nwldmictJ or tlii-)uu Hnniy Hruuii. ikmifttl. in the County (f Kuiidfiliih on rhurlitv. tlic '.tith tluv of Juti- uury, lUOut oVItN-k M. (ho four rollbwttbg lWl lU"t triH-tff Of Klllil, 1V1I1K lu'lllR u W'l' CmiutU-wof HuiHlolth uiul MtHirvHb follmvi; Tiit Tnict No. 1 Lvliijt nurt U'fiiKn tlf wUt of Fork Ctwk. in KM Hniwer TuwnMilp, Coilnty of Ktindolph unU ittntulnin net arrou. For u full dtWhplKfll hW Ihu ItK'U II IU I iMHIIHil Mt OUt in Uio iK'lition iuthiKCiiUM'd-ribtiiijpimH'I No. 1 inn! parcel No. 4. Tiut t No. I.yhiK uiul beliiK In Uw County of Ktuidolph mid fu Wvt Knm. r tnwn-hip nti on Kwd Ciwk. Hini foiiiuininK '.' twx- mints or lew. rorniitmplctuiUfii'ripiton (khj tin im-lt mm iMHimlHH't oui in the iK'tUioti dchcrthing parcel No. it Uienlii. Tnicto. S I.yiuKUiid Ik-iiik In M(rc mid U.ii.iii.lphCouiuluimi.i on Hwdy i'rwk, hih! pli-U' dcM-riptlon mh- Hit- pel 1 lion dcM-ribtttn ptir -j eel No, 3 tlu-rvln. Tnift No 4 L.yiii(PHnii ih-mik in ine n eorlewi. Thftotttl tiunit J vilv tlmlHTiKl with nriiriiml unmtli in lonu nti'l Kliort lent pino innl oiij.'itil . oiik. H Ik Hi ll I'Htitiii, it i- nuance iitnt 1 it'll ib iibnut frnir mtU- from Rnilnxul. The onlrof thi' Court i fur inc to fHI flrxt till the pine timlN-r inii(linr und in Inn n" ttUllI ItUHl W fllt'll ll 1 u r one foot iiUivi- die mi 1.1 tfiubei' n imvf two yi un- froii tion of the wile in vfiirh t rvuuv (nun wild '.ttml. A fu r ihu Hih oi iiloreHiiid, then the lour trict i docribml will Ik-m.Im m .titel tlnilvr meOMiriiit; U fni h one fi the eoiihrnm. the timlier n tlmKr in land iiIjovo the pi iilm tfii Knnin.lxeeptiHl. I will l-ew.l.i In I. IH the tmiH 1 the lauil I'lhtr. mi'i ihe lieiln-r it lie ti rep -run to the hiKheitt price olieKil lor them, gel her or immtely. will le Court. 8unl lund i- Mihji-et to t of Can' A. BroHli. or UshoI the Ntine. Terturtof Mile one Hindi month niul oniMhtni in i ehuwr to jii-e Imml wiih . uniNilit luliinri'of puielia to be:ir inti r-t from the tl slid fill . in h to lie wirvi ment of the jmreha-f uiin NoviiiilxrHl). II"' I until toe liyl',h.i; -' tntni -l"'nr. ADMINI-TUATOK S SOTM'K. Huvinu uuiilllied n iidminhtrn'o! of t" if Win. Wi'lloni,diieaMfI. ueiimtiife l.il itify nil in-ionN iioiiiinu eii;.i.- Miid etnle to preeet them to tin tnm. i iH-t'utitber "111. n'5,or IhVlioiie oleiidiil In liir of their All -tke lim lint wiin epiuie are requeieo LKK i'U.lVI,: MORltiAGKHAlK. Bv virtue of the itowem toiitninel In-ti tuort- imtce detnl executed U Ihe umlerMKlieil 1 l'r n- too Hiihiwtn Him reoonieu in hook iw. piRe kiterrlortlcof Uuudulph county, IwilUrll for vti to the mirneM waiter m me wun nonw Mr in Ashetxiro. N. Con Monday, Keby til h. IMKV. at 1 o'elock M. tlw follimiug dierirnit lund hiiiK in Aflteboro towtudiin uud bomidod iw followh; Adjoining uie r inner mnns, jonn tewaiienniia nlntc at u xtone on north klde of Cwharrie ivimI, nt 44 pi (let to l.uuKhlln'M line, thencu on .Htk :h'B corner, tiieiiee on oil due ortn vr ori lini' South Kdi:HKiut l 14 llo rmh : dK Wct ! le to a utone at Cwharrie I, tliwuee with Huid roua Houth ouyt west i& to the Uttuiutiij;, utntuliiing 4 acres more MfiKTtiA'.K bALE. Rv virtue of the powers contained in a niort Rnue iIi-ihI extx-iited to the undmiKneil by Henr Kuii mol (M ar Hutu oniric vaia, nayoi aiarcci, iwm to M-eurv the laiviuent of the bond there))! deieriU.it, w h ii'h uiortgtttfu ia duly recorded iu ihenilieeof KextUTol Uevikof Kaudolph -County in Hook li' puKe tit, and default having Ihtii it'Vuhlu' uut-iiou to the highest bidder t!Hi3, the following described real v .undoi Nolnon fatUTHon, Jaine lohiiMoti, Thujiim. fnith ttud otlnm otifolliu; BeiclmilnK t a utn tuue ravine' line by the Lilw liinc north tt deKnu wet nl rtitterMHiS uorniir in the outh 'M rod to a tono i illlC tlK'll I'l Jiein eMmth rtid. KrecM. Kai ,1 a clniuMicnr tl Liberty nmd, thence to and nlotnf Hiid nm'l I bile t-iuuiu eontaininn; 10 ai res more or li UK(. M. KIMKKY MurtKiiRw. Thi Junuury nl, 1!5. MhTi;AiKAl.E. liv virtue of the ntwer eotitaim-U in n tuortm levd executed to the uiiden.llKii bv H. Mi-UmcilundMife, Untttu MeUiwelt, and ixmU-it in iMiok Ul, miKcSiuof lii ici-.u r tln e Huil'loliih County, North Carolina, I will nell ut iublie auetinu to the biKbeat bidder for cash at thM.court Hoiiw diKir iu Ahebnn, orin Car The followuiK tract of land in Cedar limn- una. on hatuntuv Jan. w ltwo. at ix o eioiK tow ox inn and tHiunded an fo Mowk. HeuinitliiK at a Ntuku lu luiddlv of old plunk enitt uith Hiid mud 47 nnln to uiUike itiMiid nmd nnui in inv tinieweii ineciiiiB noii-tj line, ti tiit'iiee inirtli fWl rtns U a black jio-k in Thou Keaiiis' line onuhuil oomer, thom e went u ith .1 L. I'HilIii liiiefio l-K iod to a tuik, theme meeting bou-u line, tlienee wmtli A I i dt tti-st J nU to the tK'rUiiaiiti;. coutuhiiiiK 13 l- Vliln i'w. th, H. M. KKAKSH, tuiuucauee. LAND fSALK. Elijah Muilitt Adiur. d. b. n. of Archibald K titiiti deci'MMii va Henry Kuh. I Hill sell court houe diMr in AHhetxiro, N. C, at i hi bile tiuetinu to the hiKhe.vt bidder, at 1- o'clock M. on KiitHrdav. theiKth da- of Januorv lOufl. tin- follow tine deM-ribed real estate in the County of Haudolph, Ixiunded aa follow:, , An undivided one-tenth Interest fii two ceetain tracts oi laud, First Tract. A tract of land eonta'oinic HI . the waleri of LttUe River. BoKlnnJin at lyiimana neinir in tnecountyoi Kandoinii corner, thence Houth on hia line JiO ebaliiH 4tke. tiieiiee Kut if 1-2 clialutt to a hlw k ic k thence North a ! cliant-i to a stake, thence bat 16 l- ehnttia to a atake la KlltiHtV Hue hit own comer, tnence Norta on bia own line an Hlll'a4H 1-3 chainR to a black Jackie Mild Hiil line, thence Went to the faea-liinintr. Reference in made to a frruut from the Mate of nonn caronna to Moeaee Kiun roconled in book 16 K'e 147 In the office ol K. i-UT of Heed if Handotph county for further deacrip- A-eomi Tract. A tract of land containimr MO acre, le excefttioim hereinafter uuoied, lybig wenii iu wie wwiHT oi ftannoipn on ne wutent of UHUuah'h Creelc. Begin iiIuk at a white oalr. Hill'i rorner. nmnitifr theoi-e ;ouili on wild Hillaltue84chamittoa ftae. Uieoce SVcKt chairu aud au linkw to a black Jack, Ulll'a comer, mcuce eouui bi cnaini to a mnte iu Einott s uue, tlience Kant on aald Uue at 8 coatna croMdna a branch, lu all U chains to a pan oak, tiience North 71 rhaliw to a atakj, tlietios Weat to the buKlnnini, mntainlng aoo acres more tor lewt, aubiect however to 10a acres aold to Henrr.Huah. Ze bet lee Kiish recorded in book 1 natce I'M in Ihe offtee of the Heai"ter of Deeds for Kandolnh 1 "hi IX C kU. 1UU4. KI.IJAH MOFriTT. Cow i North Carolina, Randoliih County. Dora L. Hedrlck, Wn. R. Bejdrick. In the Superior court. The defendant above named will take aoticc that an action entitled aa above ha been com menced In the anterior court of Kaudo)h county tT Dora L. Hedrick to obtain divoroa from the defendant win. R. n end rick. ;and Uie aitld de fendant will further talte notice that he la ite. quired to appear at Ifac next tern of the Bopertor court of Randolph county to be Ada ouihe eeooud Mouday after tbe tint Monday In March, . wt wun oouse in emm county in an- ThfsJan.tid, IWtt. 'ton tilt y MOBRli-sCaSBtHtb-lroPriTT Cfl... aHE10O, JT. 0. MDIQESTIGN ! - ''The'hoA-rinj? "death angel"' ;of millions gets ...fa ,tMnn-a .lirMtarl U'rvan vnn llaa. .. ..' ! . 'Si' "'.J . 6 -rl"" " '"'" J I KeH'uhi's .Siirb Cure for. Indigestion . ;. .. ' ' . first fcottl'WFVee. W -Sold, by- I 'sTAlDlfeD tjfeUO COMPANY,' Asheboro, N. 0. W:'A. UNDER WQOD, Randlemaa, N. 0. The Genuln Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. have all the qualities In design, work manship and finish of the best tter ling silver, at one-fourth1 to one-eighth the coit. ' 4 Much of the sterling now on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in ferior in every way to "Stivtr ' Plate thai Wears " j .-. . Ask you' dealer for "IM? ReSEtt . BROS." AToid tnbttitiitea. Onr fall tnde-mark .is !184T ROGERS BROS.", look for IU Sold by leading dealer! , ereTTwhera. Before boyin irritt for cat cttalogue "CL." r - . WTamilATtOWAIt tltTBE OOW MRtDCN BRITANNIA CO., Bttiim, CM. TAiX NOTICE. 1 will attend t'tha fqllowing lectirjg the taxes tor tue yeir 1801:. L O Sugg's, ' : -,' Brower township, T B TysoW, Brower township, Yow's Mills, '.' - Richland township, Central Falls, , . . 1( FranklirmUe township, Win i liviHi'. . RaniMt'eiatn tnwnehin. I he tivxi-s a'ro jmat ,due and everybody is requested to meet me prom: ,ii i he.furegoing tiiies and places and pay their taxes. f 'this November 19th, 1904- "'" t . r 4. t, T. J. Finch, Sheriff- Largest Commercial Schools in the Carolinas ' King's Business College .''' (INCORPORATED) i Capital Stock $j0,000.00 ( RALEK1H, N. C. ) . Pullen Building, j IniMvliliittl fiiMnK-tlnn. V? iilwi leiu-li ffcaili-kV-epltti:. Hhorthnnd. K'uuiuiiKlilp. by mull. Bii Hiuiiv stiuly uiti Write uxlit? lor oiir Cuuilimuu. oili'it uiul IIIki Iinluceinc'iits.. Thvy uru dvo. A.i.ln-. KING'S HVSINESS COLLEGE. ' ' 1 1 - . RijUlah. N. C. or Charlotte. N. C. If You Wacnl DisQocids .of all kincte, Merc's. YpiWs and Boy's Cloth-' BST " 'ing'Qvercoats, Hats, Shoes. Dry Goods, Notions, etc. 4v ..You cafl do no better eitlier io 'QUALITY or PRICE than t invest your.money in such goods from my stock. No misreprt sentation. My reputation is back of my stock. W. J. MILLER, i Hamlin llunilin Hciirhu'i tlie'uext section uf Aiheboro which we roposa' . tlfrow upon the market and sell, for what it will bring in building lot cif size to suit. This prtperty cqiisiats of about forty acres which lies to ) North of tbe SouthortT-Railway near the,iactory .ilistiict on "Y" stre High street and a ce intiiinateoo of Smith street, and Is the most elevat iu town, shady and healljif ul. I good neighborhood. tJODie nome seeKer anu inycwor lots are sold. Armf ielpl M Xaxighlin. Real Estrxte DeVlera. ' ' Southern -.Niursenj Comp'u WlNltESTER, TENNESSEE. ; , Oldest arid Largest Nursery in the State. Nearly 3,000,000 Peadi trees fall of 1903 and sDrhm of'1904w ..We of 1905, eur usual' large- tnpply.pf .pple. fcaj, Peach,. Cbeiry, Pi PrX-aus, English Walnuts,' fact all kiudaof trees that are .auccesaf grown io our climate i tr4iilla.ppo,4 , ... . , . i aj- vi ntc lor 1'nce iaat ana catalogue. --s ;'Js6lITHftN. NURSERY, CO.. Winchester, Ter llf- U..-.. iL. J..L. kAMaAll. and okildrens; aadmehfx-thoes' Hata, Nottons, IMie rths 'aftd X3hi)dieit i Union 8uitd,' Facie Hoods, Outings, CanynFbtnnotSnEfc. .'These goods were bought mi prices an "we ea'n,tv WiC1n30e? oy gttihe Vour goods of ng, . - We hav'e'over 100 Jairt ofNos. 3ajtfiladiei boei .which " we kaie ot at ani below ceit." ' ( ' Thanking yoti f pastlators wC. hope for a conunuanceor same. ( v, ''. ; -jTwiroly,' . ... ' ' ' ' - ' "ftlOGE, TOX It COMPANY. I TD1f Vble,liver pills. Tk AVCKS'aT 111 S con t'p s'lobfflio .Wat ywmoBRitfmteird' vcrauiui uwa i tsv hsi u ROGERS BROS. r(0) . ; . times and places r the purpose of a 5th, a. m.f 5th, p. m.l 6th. I 7th. a. ni. 7tb, p. ni. ' I CHARLOTTE. N. C. ? I Piedmont In. Ev Heights! aim gei nai. yuu warn, oviure inv w aiild and shipped direst to planted wilL have fur fall of 1904' and sr. mlin i II n.iailH lw.ua 'w...niOUfl. MUiafatttrod by the George De . '",",' ;. ' .. R J H K I N H n A f 1 RY; SHOES " i so. s vr. aia mum. a 1

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