f r I ONQ SIEQES. The siege of Port Arthur was noi Feb 12th as generally believed bui from Jane 1st when the fort war completely isolated by land. Thert wag no escape from the garrison ex cept to jump into the tea. But the length of the siege was not o great as that of Savsstopol held also by Russians. The garrison of that town, nnder the most rigorous conditions, held the allied armies of France and En gland at bay for 327 days verj nearly s year. In 1871 Pari?, a cit infinitely more difficult of defense, resisted the German army for 13 days; at Plevna in 1877 the Turks were able to withstand the Kussiaut for 94 days; the Confederate troop at Vicksburg stood a siege for 74 days; iu the Anglo-Boer war Kim berly and Ladysmith resisted capture for 123 and 118 days, respectively, while Gibraltar probably holds the record of history with an old time resistance of 874 days. Capt. Siler'i Cimp Life. Troy Examiner. A member of the captain's com pany and one of the seven who were with him at Lee's surrender spent last week with him here and tha fol lowing are some of them he told on him. No father or mother could have been more kind to their children than ever cuptian was to his men. 1 never heurd of a cross word he ever gave them. He did all he could to save them of extra duty or punish ment of any kind. He lived ou sin gle rations till a preacher was sent to our company. He said he wanted uo more than his men had, but after (he preacher came and asked for loom and lations, he ordered hie double rations, made his bunk wider and shared with him. Or W H Moore, a presiding elder in the M E church, is the man, and will give the facts as 1 am giving them. Before the preacher came, our captain held company prayei every night in the tamp and some times on the march. Is it any won der that his men were such good sol diers, loved him so much and would light for him as long as they lived. His name is Vi'illiam Allmlge. It was a most affectionate scene at the depot to see 'he captain throw his arms around him as they were part ing. He uNu attended the courts w here a number of persons were tried for their lives and saved vime of them from death. Xo wonder Captain Siler has en rolled a much larger number of patronage than we have ever had here; is it any wonder that his patrons and pupils praise In in and bis work so much, and love him so very fond ly. Jas.Ali.ks. WINTER EATINGS RUINS STOMACHS. "Now Is the Time Vou Need Mi-o-na,' Says Aslnboro Drat Co. Think far a moment ef the extra strum you put upon the stomach the wi titer. The hearty food, the lute supper, tuiil the lack of exercise mid out door litV all weaken and strain the stomach, laying the foil 11 datum for poor health and aufferisg. Chronic stomach troubles, nervous irritability, and serious bowel and kidney discuses have often dated from a week of extra "good living." Nearly everyone is bo'heied with more or less headaches and back' aches, furred tongue, poor appetite, dry, hacking cough, heartburn, spots before the eyes, dizziness or Terligo, sleeplessness, luck of energy, loss of llesh or a general weak, tired feeling. Now is the time when Mi-o-na needed to repair the ravages and wastes the hearty euting of winter has caused in the stomach and diges tive system. This is theonly known agent that strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, so they can and will readily digest whatever food is eaten. A Mi-o-na tablet taken be fore each meal will remove all irri tutioD, inflammation and congestion in the digestive organs, and so strengthen them that they will ex tract from the food all that goes to make good rich blood, firm muscle, and a sonnd, healthy body. This remarkable remedy costs but 50 cents, and if its use does not re store your fnll vigor, vitality and health, Asheboro Drag Company on of the best known Drag Firms in this section will refund your money. Unbounded faith like this deserves yonr confidence. Wratca sad Dresses. "You women make mistake in devoting so mnch attention to dress to attract the men," said a male per ton who poses as a philosopher, the other day. "Men don't care mnch for that sort of thing in women. All the want is for a woman to be neat and tastefully attired. They are apt to be prejudiced against an over- j dressed woman.' ' The woman who was riven this valuable pointer replied: That speech is simply another instance of masculine vanity. Woven don't dress to pleat the . men. Tbej pleesemea wit a a jrreir ami teas trouble tikis that. Women dreea to outiV'oe and spite each other." cnura thy nnr UIIL1J Jtil UlE --T hat's what a prominent Iruggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time igo. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of i occasional note. From , , hmulsion offers a reliable mentis of remedvinir im- proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost llesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish ment t he kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott s Emulsion and gather good from it. we will send you a sample free. bt kure that this pUturs In titc form ot a Ubf I la on the srrsaptl ol rv tattle ef Bmulaien you SCOTT k BOWKE Chemists 409 Purl St. R. T. SfjsV" jOc.ine$i: alllmrflitt. Coca-Cola's Evil Effects. Prof M H Holt after writing to a number of the most eminent physic ians in the State and fully investi gating the evil effect of coca-cola has written the following article publish ed in the Oak Leaf: Dr H F Long, of Btatesville, writes: "those who dnuk coca-cola will soon have the habit fixed upon them, ani will fall easy victims to whiskey, morphine or cocaine. Next to those last, it is the most harmful drink I know of " Ir II T llahnsou, the celebrated physician and surgeon of Winston- Salem, writes: "I am sure that coca-cola drinking is one of the worst habits that a young mail cun form, and doubt if the alcohol habit is any woise. The sale of the poison ought to be prohibited by law." Dr George W Long, of (iraliam, writes: Believing coca-cola in any form to be injurious and dangerous, I advise everybody to let it alone." Dr Steward McGuire, .the well known physician of St Luke's Hos pital, Richmond, Va., writes: I re gard the coca-cola habit as extremely prejudicial to health, and think you should use every legitimate means to arrest its development among your students." Dr I' L Murphy, f the Western Hospital for the Insane at Morgan ton, says: I do most unhesitatingly condemn tbo use of coca-cola." The writer will not multiply these quotations, given without stint by more than 11 score of tho leading physicians iu this State and the South. Suffice it to say they are a unit ia its condemnation, and differ only in the strength of language used. But strong as this language is, it is not stronger than the experience of the last two years at Oak Ridge In stitute. Those who during that time have (men drinkers of coca-cola, have almost to a man become exces sive users of it, and not one of the number has been even au average student, while many have done al most absolutely nothing in their studies. Next to and along with the cigar ette, coca-cola is one of the most suc cessful devices of the devil to injure the unsuspecting youth. Men who read and think and observe, aud still continue to drink this drug, are not worth saving. Nor is this article written for the cigarette smoker Lord pity him who almost i avail ably is on tbe hunt of something to help nicotine finish its deadly work ou body, brain, and soul, and who re cognizes coca-cola as a boon compan ion. He hasn't mental concentration enough to read an appeal to reason, nor reason enough to see the truth when presented, nor moral force enough to accept it when be sees it. Mrs Mary S Crick, of White Plains, Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies hnt con tinned to grow worse. By the nse of Kodol Dys pepsia Core I began to improve at onee, and after taking a few bottles am tally restored in weignt, neaJtn and strength and can eat whatever 1 like." There to no remedy in the world ' equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Care. It digest what you eat. Bold by the Standard Drag Co. and Ashe boro Drag Co. Troy court for the trial of Crimi nal eases only will begin Jan. 23d and eontinns ons week. ' V1CT0RV OF THE MEEK. Wo read in Matthew 5th cljir a -J oth verse, "Blesaetl fire (he meek; for they shall inherit the earth." Bui Ho we ever try to consiiler the quulitiett that rouslimie the meek, or even consider who the nick are'' Meekness, in the sight of a majority f the jMvli, tioes uot wTand very hitfh in tin esti mation of the world. It Moni,' to the vu of virtm- which are cruised in theory, tmi ininlrnMed in practice and might hedeserils.il aH lined only tor Sunday and pulpit use; on u'l other d.iyit nud in all oilier iiliieesconsiiler ed inipnicticiilile. It it not very much latilil to children Ity jiurelitn r leather. Ipet-ause it in cotiMileretl ttm line and too visionary fur daily use; loo war weukni" to lie in ileiuund or of much consideration uftcr all. Hut is meekness in any way identical with weak neV N ii tImh neinilho, iiale, and dvliilifal- ; new t. which ii.ilu.lv ci i hut f , (iimre.' iKa-a H mviii idlt,,fV ,011 ,,1,1,1 u iiiwliiy wliieh, if it 1 that the Sav Id! ;h amoujr the virtues. what no many con drlicieut force and If it he so, then we nls, 11 savini! hard to and spring fret T personal jwwer 11 the Savior's w e; for it is the di Mil -trine taught in ilny that ihe siroutft'st only survive, and thi weakest always to to the wall. So that, if this be the law, it i hard to understand li the meek, if they lie indeed the weak, are corning into jKiescssiuii as heirs of the earth. Our insight into this lientitude, and cur ac ceptance of the truth it contains, must lie-jin at just this point. Wc understand it first iu the analysis of the word moeknets. First, the essential quality nf meekness demon at once those conceptions of it which connect it with lack of personal force. Meekness is the highest type of moral strength- Kor meek ness means self-control aud self-a;ieriuce. Your meek man is he who has such complete mastery of himself, that he can pnt his own pride.lesire, and feeling aside aud pntieiitly endure oven hardship to the inner self f, -rllie -sike of his work and his pur)oc of righteous ness. And this is the very highest sort of strongih. It li'ios not mean external influences hut jsmer; the iwer hardest iu this world f.-.IC")uiro- the power that can hold -elf, '.the out.!- loan, iu one hand and control the inner inan, the oul, iu the interest of s..iiie grent truth. Meekness makes itself huiuhle, and so is alilc to submit to injury aud provocation. Hut it liears them without reseHtmi-nts, not he. ause it is too wviik to p'si-i, nor ! iu signilicanl lo f.s-l the hurt, hut Ivcliuse iu comparison with the principle lor which it endure- ili-se paina, th,y aro uot deemed worthy ,,f a thought. Meekness therefore cm not Is- svi down as a deli.-ienoy -f strength. Lui as one f.rin of its grentc-t development. A tvoak man cannot )e a meek man. He li..U 1 llm lirst elements of meekness; for he ot In- meek Hides he i- at once s,.nsil,I, - trials, aud a hie toc.-utr.-l himself .him nler thi-ir sires-, 'fle n- i- iu mi-.-knes-t a coward. Tliero i, i.otliing ,e,-k "Ih.ii u.fii wh" en-lures inj'i-ii-e or suUiiits 1 It lcau.e he is .,f,idt-. r-l.-l a,i., . That i.c -uarili- e. pure and simple its roots in ut-.ikiit-ss .in-1 unuorilo Heiier a nevk man must bccapableo ig p;'ssi,,ns mid capable of compiling . which is equivalent to saying that the nth .-f the meek is in the first pl.-ioe the gt!i ..f self-c-introl. II he has n.. pride tile with, no self-hoe to curb, no gra-p-ellishne-s to uver come, he may lie pli-ite-lTi-nsive, mild and harmless, hut he n,-i ! ms-k. Ko man bear- a en-s Willi! lut does uot lienr it for the sake -f e,-usiiess. Insensibility and timidity, are the .-oil in which true meekness grow.-, elf control is the uu.ililv which, nerh.ii-s bill - uio.l of all, distinguishes tlie Chii-liau fr-m the selli-h man. The uh.de pr,s.-,-s, of sivijl and religious ileM-lupnient has been to Iran--f-.nn lli.,t disposition of sclli-huess. f,l i lower n ature- of man, to the distinguishing elements of true meaknes-. And while niHch has beeu done along this line, the work i s vrt far f p. m cotilemplatiou as a whole. While many are living a life of meekness thousands aresiill held down by the chaiim of selli-h ness, owing to a want of proper training while learning Iho lirst elements of tnn nobility. Aud right le-p- h t tne say, all win p-ad The Courier, l- sure to read Mrs. Olin White iu Word and Work on "Training Children." iu lasl week's i.-sue. It will ay you to read it. ami re -read i', and to practice what she teaches will la- worth millions to tlin rising generations, in improving tin world. Yes! infancy is ihe time to nio-t effectually atart (he Irailiiug, then the at-hi.nl PHim, and at home, by precepi nad example, while the cliihl is yet w ith its jiap-nla. We today are teaching mr children, through in fluences; brought to lieur on our jvirents and even grandparents though more perfectly now than then, lieeause of the ateady growing principle, which Heta a limit to tho Mctsiona, and governa them more completely with each new- century. Itut mop' than thin, a farther analysis of meekuesa reveals tho fact that it rcts u on the jxiwer which beget and ia be gotten by aelf-aacrifice. It is only with time ami with the growth of our moral nature thai we leurn how logive np to sacrifice, forget self in the good of some noble cause. It ii. when we rise to acts of jirue aacrilice we scale the Iwights of noblest Wing, and do the greatest things humanity can possibly compaaa, J. F. Hamilton'. Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. No remedy effects such speedy relief. It draws out inflammation, soothes, cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for piles aud skin diseases. DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of counterfeits, they are dangerous. Sold by the Standard Drng Co. aud Asheboro Drng Co. The 0oee 0M Way. A severe told or attack of la grippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat it tbe better your chances are to overpower it. Bat few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a OMa-utsiiHHicu reiiKoe treatment; sunn as would be administered by their grandmothers backed by Bosc bee's German 8yrnp, which waa always liberally used in connection with the heme treatment oi colds and is still in greater household favor than any known remedy. Bat even without the arDlicatioa of the oldfashioned aids German 8yrnp will cure a sever cold ia quick time. It will care colds m children or grown people.! It relieve! toe congested orrn. allays the irritation, and effectively atop the cough. Any child will take it. It ia invaluable inn'' house hold of children. Triai sixe Oowie,' 35c; regnlar size, 75c. For sale by , 'he Standrad Drog Co. j Swannanoa Purely Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair, Restores Gray Hair. We have for a number of years been trying to find a hair restorer that would prove an antidote for the many ills of which the hair and scalp are subject. In our search and test we found no preparation claim ing to restore the hair but that contained some ingredient that would color the surface of the hair; but by actual test such coloring matter was found to be detrimental to the life and health of the hair. But believing, as we did, that a perfect hair restorer, if not then discovered, was some where in nature's gift, we persisted in our search until we are now prepared to offer the public a purely vegetable hair tonic, free from minerals, chemicals and dangerous dye matter. A perfect hair restorer, that will not stain the scalp or clothes, nor dye or gum the hair, but will impart to its roots the properties necessary for the perfect restoration of the hair to its original life and color. The hair is one of the most delicate members of the body, and as liable to disease as any other, and requires careful treatment for its restoration. Most people are alarmed at the approach of disease in other members, and act promptly in applying a remedy, but treat the hair as though it was either perfectly free from disease, or that premature decay ana death was inevitable. No greater mistake could be made, for, irrespective of age, the causes are many which render the scalp unable to supply the necessary nourishment to retain the health and color of the hair. What we call dandruff is only a danger signal, and should warn everyone that the deadly microbe is present that the means which nature provided for the growtl) and beauty of the hair is being destroyed at the fountain, and if left with out the proper remedy, must result in dry, harsh or gray hair and baldness. To attempt to save the hair with dyes or restoratives that contain minerals or chemicals, (deadly poisons to the hair) is a mistake which sooner or later must result disastrously to both hair and scalp. Gray hair can be restored to its natural color by natu ral means. The hair is a vegetable and requires a vegeta ble tonic for its perfect restoration. The herbs and plants which nature has so lavishly furnished, have in them all the elements of life, health and beauty that the gray hair requires for its restoration. Swannanoa Dandruffine is prepared from certain herbs and plants, which careful ex periment has proved to contain all the medical properties necessary to restore the life, health, beauty ana color of the hair. Swannanoa Dandruffine, beini; composed entirely of vegetable matter, contains no nothing that can in anywise injure the hair or scalp; but from its first application the hair begins to take on the gloss and beauty of youth, while gradually, but surely the hair returns to its natural color. Such a change is not brought about in a day, or a week, but as the roots of the hair absorb the health-giving ele ments of this wonderful tonic, nature gives it a fresh lease of life, and soon ten years have been lifted from your appearance. A little patience in the use of Dandruffine will bring you the rich reward of a head of beautifui, healthy, natural hair. Dandruffine prevents the hair from falling out, pro motes its growth; destroys all microbes, thereby curing dandruff; keeps the scalp clean and healthy; the hair soft and silky. Dandruffine restores the hair to its natural color by de stroying all disease germs, imparting health to the scalp, and supplying the roots of the hair with -the vegetable properties necessary to restore the hair to its original life, beauty and color. In cases where the diseased hair and scalp has been long neglected, the return to health and color must, of necessity, require more time than those of shorter duration; but as the roots of the hair absorb more and more of this vegetable tonic, (nature's own remedy) the hair will grow darker and darker until the desired effect is accomplished. Dandruffine is truly a hair restorer a fertilizer for the hair, free from dangerouc dye matter, and is the only hair restorer that is fit to put on the human head. There is more health and vigor to the hair in a single bottle of Sannanoa Dandruffine than in all the hair stains and dyes made. Something New Under the Sun. Swannanoa Dandruffine, when used according to direc tions, is sold upon the guarantee, First That it is purely vegetable. SECOND-That it will cure dandruff. Third That it will stop falling hair. Fourth That it will restore gray hair. Fifth That for the diseases of the scalp it has no equal. Ask your druggist or dealer for it and be convinced by actual test, that Dandruffine has no successful rival. PREPARED BY THE SWANNANOA COMPANY, W. A. Bunch, Manager, Ashebo o, N. C- What Others Say of Swannanoa Dandruffine. 1 liia i to certify that I hare um-iI m tluit ia claimed for it. I bad been truiilil aud had tried munlier of retnediea, and . NvrannanM Dandruffine e0ected a cure in I tonic on the market, I unheaitatinly rcci tlie kind. Pastor of -by certify that, alter teatiuu certify that, after teatiiiK Swannanoa Dandruffine Car mperior tn acalp. Iu every teat I heliee it will fullv I have tried Kannaii Ilaudrufiiiie fur dandruff mid cun trtttlifullv any that 1 fonnd it lienelicial, and believe it will effect a cure if tfireu a fair trial. II. D. I'AI DI.K, Aahehoro, S. f. IjET us do your Printing. WORK GUARANTEED ote Courier. Dandruffine Vegetable, lauoa Ilandrufttitp, utnl that it ia all kitltaaralp diitcaae for anme tinu, r all that I hail trinl hall failt-il, ilava, Aa I regard it the heat hair i.-ihI it to all in need of anvthinu uf W. K. SWAIX, . M. P. flmnh, Aahrlmiu, S. ('. Hi varum - , preprint lion for uie luitr, f hud other It reatorva to health both hair ami iustifv the claim made for it. V. A. M NCH, Aabelioro, X. ('. PRICES SATISFACTORY HOUISTCR'S Rocky Mountnln Tea Nists A Buy Hedliine for Ban; P. tela. Br!ea Onldu HWth ail Pr.aoJ V jt. A apeelno fnrC'n4tii:i't-'n. Tn a. l.tea md Kldaev TronMeJ. Flnnl - cm. llirbur ll.l. Itail Breath. Muwli fli- , II-MUch- Ml Uackache. It ,.-t. 'V!'-!- ' l...i,a bj isv. Ili.lt. Wla. form, an renra a I iu.iaraa Darn Oouc n.0-.H NUGGETS F-K Sr PEOPLE For sale by Asheboro Drug Company. mm Hfr If your Dealer cannet Supply You, Write Ue. "Silver Pimtt thMt HVam." t J THIS W TRIPLE PUTED KNIFE It a ta id pad 1 wmkt. I (And hat e Round .Bolster r doing away with all dtarp corner.) ou that pari hcv ingthchardestwear. This I847 Roaeits biios." patenteil imprnvcment inaurcs much longer wear on plain or fancy knives than the other makes should they be plated equally as heavy. Il by ImmIIi dealer evarvwbtra, lllanralnl catalofaa "C-L" addma lateraatlaaal SKvtr Ca., WLM. Ceaa. WANTED T Will j)By sjict casli f. o. b. your depot for All Kinds of Furs, Green and Dry Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, WooKwuHlietl or uD-wached) I ul no carrv n full line of Frriits ami Vegetables, Ba nanas, Oranges, Lemons, Peanuts at market prices. Write for prices, FORSYTH a W ATKINS, 110 Favetlfvillo Street, Grecni-sboro, X. C. MuKKjAOK hale. By irtut' of the power contatnet hi u umrt L'tuit tlwd execuUMt to tho undiniKiil by Pn oti Huliiulii uiul rccnntl hi .Mxtk JUT mko . Kitdtvni ottl nf RiMidoljsh county, I will wll for rush tn thp MnlieHt iiiticlur at the court hoiwe ilmir in Aitlifljnni, S. C, ou MoiHlny, Keby 6th, llAfi, t 1 ovlock If. the foll.nvlnir diwci-ibfii luud lying In Aaheboro towiuhip und bounded Adiulngthe Finhcr liuids, Jnlaii few-alien and otht'iK. and bounded as follovvit. to-wlt: Besin- iiIiik at aidoncon north side of Cwharric rood, Htitli'srornur, tlieiwi; on said Hue North STdfis Went 44 pnkn to LmiKhlln'o line, thence on mid line Houth Hb dKs Kast lit 14 polw to a stone, Lew a 1 lull's corner, thenoe on Lcwal Ion's line HMith t diis Weit 80 9ovm to a stone at t'wharrle mud, thuiice with said mad Botith fl drjrs West 16 puics ut uiu ueKiiming, eontaiiiuuj 4 acres more or luss. D. H. HOIXADY, MortKogcc, Tills IX 80, 1BIH. Special Bargains! A full line of nice Millinery at Mrs T Blair's shop, consisting of Hats, Ornaments, Ki boons, el vets, Corsets, etc., will be sold at greatly reduced prices timing the nolidays. A hint to the wise is sufficient. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. ARREST IT-EO.OO REWARD. A bottle of Ec-rine will be sent free to every reader of this paper who is suffering with any kind of slciu disease or ernptions, any form of Eczema, Blind or Bleeding Piles, Scrofula, Itch, Tetter, Barbers Itch, King worm, iJoils, Jilood jroison, Fever Sores of any name or nature. $50 reward will be paid for any case of Eczema that is not prompt ly cured witn Jic-zine. JSC-tin will heal anv tore or en re the worst skin and make it look like velvet. Here tofore there has been do Specific discovered that would cure Eczema and kindred diseasea until Ec-asine was discovered and now thousands are cored daiW. . Never mind whtxt you nave triedi forget tne iaiinree maae or outer remedies d tend for FREE SAMPLE of Eo-sine, which aiwayt gives re lief and a permanent core Ec-clna Akin SoalD II the Ix tt antioeptis soap made. It will cleanse anything will destroy microbes of dandruff, falling ntur, tore ueao, hands and fuet, pimples and black heads on face and make the skin smooth. The only antiseptie shav ing soap made, guaranteed to core germ diseases f50 if it don't. . 26 cents cake. Write today to BOYD CHETUCAL COHPANY. 70S Ri1-r7!cNl!y BWf., Tlie vobUther of this "paper knows of the reliability of Ce-nne and of the Boyd Chemical Co. iHlr ty'" 0rna: m vHJP litwufcfc' momomj jj-qfo Legal Advertisement Sale Valuable Timber and Land! tUfm of J. M. Brown, ami other- v Lydia Manet mi otnn, I null wn at purmc ouuimhi to the highest bidder on lliv premiiwn of the hereliiaJtfrdehcrlheri Uiul, ( the rwideiice nf thelAtc Hardy Burnt., decetiM), In the County ui Knunmpn oti mummy, uit men uuv oi jhu Couutlai of Kamhriph ami Mmtvnb follow, viz: Tract No, 1 Lying mitt bvlug.rti the watrr of Fork Cnk. in Wot Bmvrer Townshtp, County of Randolph find contain hi k (sou m-rcfl. For a full dtvcrtptioii m the locte and bouudx net out iu the petition la thh eimm rtwriUmr parcel No. I and pun -el No. 4. Tract No. Lying uiul being tn the County of knudoluh ami in Wot Xntwi-r townhip and oil Keedy Creek, mid containing 00 low unru or ttin bouillltt pK'UMKm-riirtKm Keu trie met irwl No. 4 then In, MO JJUHIIOU tKiT.lilii Tract No. 3 Lying ii i being Iu Mmre and Rimuolph Couiuiv ii mi Keedy Crifk. and contultitntrJHucr,tMtrfor lei. Fr a eoui pltte dvM-ripilt.il wc iheiviitloii dw v hiug par cel No, tit. ivln. rraet I Lying an I being in lui ni nit 8urtveresmm ..r lr. The U...-I uuji- ber of arnM Insing if un it or m. Thi l.iit-l hruvlly i itnleiHl with l igiml gniutii oi Ittng nud niin ituf piiio aim ej iKiti I ouk. It Ik Hell lcted, the nearest n being about four mlk- fnn a Ritilnmd. The onUrof the Court in for tne U -ell Hmt all the pine tlnilwr NUtnding nud In dliiiue .tMr uf itnrirma- mid timber to have two yv tliHi of the Hale la whleh to rviiHivc tin- timber Imm Mid luud. A fur the fale of the lii.ilier im nforvmild, then the tour tnn-t uf lano ubn'u defcrlbel will bu nold m rately with tlc p'nc tlintier meaMurlug IU iiichi-ntme font almve the gnxiud exeeptcil. Then the timber and the Iniul will be wild lu a body and together, mid the highest price ortercd lor theni, whether it I to- S ther or xcratety. will Iw renrtcd to the Airt. Hold luud ta hubject to the Dowel inter est of Carey A. Hrowii, widow, ou 400 aero- moiv or lew of the name. TermH of Mile omstnlrd caah. oncthIrrl iu six raoutlu and oue-thinl In twelve month- pur hiL-wr tt gie bond with approved security for uupHtd lulunce of purchaae money, and the wmif tn near Intent fmm the date of confirmation of sutd mK. title bi tie reserved until the full pay nicnt of the purchase money. K. MWFKITT. Coin mblouer. N..vemlrUHli. 1901 MDHTUAUK BALK. Hj vlrliie of the powera contained In a iniui ' Kiiuv (h-vl executeil to the umlentijrncct by Henry j KiiiiiMiml ihoir KaliuoiiithcWid, day ot March, I..U4 uM--iin- Ihe tymeut ot tho bond therein , .K-iTiUf I. wnli-h wnrtaatfe la duly n-corded In Ihvonlivol KuzMcroldteibot Kalldolph County in I'.ntli li , riie 4va, and di-iaujt naviug iievn tiiudiMii tin-laiymeiit of mid bond. I uliall aell ut 1'iiM.c auellou Ut the hlghenl Wdder fia- cah ui tin court bouae door fn Aahehoro, N. C. at Iu oclot-k m on Monday the ath, day of February 1WA, the lollowlna deaeiilied rent entatc.aui'rtaili tractor uiat'l ol land lylioj In Kaudaliih county atateof N. C, Columbia lownahii, ad)canlnitvthe land of Ni'l-un Patteraoo, Jamea CavineM, N 1 Johiaioti, Tlioniaa Fugb and others, and bounded aa follow; Beginning at a atone a corner lu Jamet Cavlnena'a line by the Ulwty n-ad, run ulna north 00 degree weatta mils to a matoak l-attcrmn-a aomer In the old Keece Hue, thcucc outh 90 rods to a ikme lu aald old Keece line, thence south 80 degrees. Kant to a atone near the Liberty road, thence to and along said road to tile beginning oontalulng 16 acrea mora or lea. UKO. M. KIMKRY Mortgagee. ThU January ard, 1WJ5. MuKTOAGK SALE. By vlniR of the power contained in a mortgaxn doi-d eaccuu-d to the undenlirued by U. K, lieDoHftl unit wife. Uattle MciJowell. and re- curdwt In Imok UI, pane Ma! of HegUtera Ofltoa of Kandol,n (Viuiity, North Carollua, 1 will sell at public him tluii to the highest bidder lor caah at the Court Moune door lu Ahnenoro, norm wir ol na. on Katunlay Jan. w iveo, at is o'cioca The fnllowliiK tract of land In Cedar Urova towiiKhtpaiid boumieil as iuiiowm, ith Mild naid 4i mda Ui aktake luaaiil road, thence north M hmIm to a blnck Jack lu Thomas KeariiH' line orlKlnnl comer, tnetiee wil witn j. L. Phillip line Ml 1 -at Kali, to a punt oak. theme MMlth X? defrrece eaHt nala to a pine knot lu meeting house line, thence amith T 13 degree west iHJ rotbt to the beginning, containing lol-it acrea more or less. This Dev. svth, IMM. 8. W. KKAKNS, mortgagee, LAND BALK. Ity Irtiw of an order of the sutn'rior Court of Randolph munty in a saalal firoceudlug untitled Elijah Muftitt Aclinr. d. b. n. of Anulbuld K Kudi dcuiiw-il vs Uctiry Kiuh, I will sail at tbe court nout door in Aaneuiro. n. uM at taioi ui tloii tn th,. hlah,t bidder, at 11 oVluck M ou Saturday, lh ssli day of January IWJ6, tht followtiig duaorlbed real estate lu Uiu County of Kamimpn, uouuuru aa loiiowst An undivided one-tenth liitenjt In tun tnu'U nf Islid. Fiml Tract. A tract of land ronta nlinr HI ai-res, lying and being lu theCounty of haud.ilph uu the waters of Little Itlver. Ht-aiiiliiiia at white talk. Chandler's tinner, thence Maith li elialus to a red oak, them-v We.lM-U , hiiln l a white oak, theuce SiHith lVi-li,iiiis ui a suiki fence West 1 chains Ui a ili rt, Klliott snnier. thenoa Houth on his Hue UU t-halua to stake, thence Kast i i t chains to a black Jack, thence North a l-y cnains to a staae, ti Fun! IB 1S chains to a stake 111 Klliott a liu own corner, thence North on his own line and Hill's t H chains to a black Jack lit "tlt.l Hill's line, thence west to trie ueglnnutir Reference is luadc to a grant f mm Nurtb Carolina to Zebwlee Rush murdcd In limik IS noire 147 In the oBias of HeaMe IHdsof Kaudulph county for further dera:rip- .1 heinrf In the County nf Kaudolnh on tlte aU-rs of Hannah's Creelt. Healuulng at a white oak. Hill's comer, running tneuee ijouin ou sam UIU a Hue IU ctialna to a stitc, thence West chains aial 60 lluka toa black lack. Hill's conn thence bouth t! ehaina to a stake in Elliott's lis. titmice Kujtt on said liue at i elialiui crossing branch, in all &a chains to a t'fet oak. thence North 71 chains lo a stake, thence West to the beginning, cmuunlng au acres more or less. subject however lo luo acre snlil lo Henry Rush and ia acrea snkl to Z r Hil-Ii. Mr, Icavltig 71 acres net m said tract of land. Hee grant from the Sta e of North Carolina to zebeuee itusn recomea in wms ia siKe iaa in KLIJAH SIOKF1TT. ComY. North Carolina, Randolph County, In the Superior Court. Dora L. Hcdrlck, ; va. NOTICKI Wat. R. Hsdrlck. The defendant above named will lake notice that an action entitled as above baa been na. menced In the superior court of Randolph county by Dora L. Hedrlck to obtain divorce from the defendant Wot. R. Hendrtek, :and the said de fendant will further take notice that he la re quired to appear at the next term of the Superior court of Randolph county to be held on ,the second Monday alter tne lirst stonaay in Nairn, WOO, at the court house In said county In Ash- W. C. Hammond Clerk of the Superior coart. ThU Jan. Sid, 1906. LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of sate granted by the Superior Court of Randolph county on the peti tion ol a W Klvett Jr. aaalnst A af Osbarn and others, I shall aell at Ilia Court house door In AsDeboro, Ht, u IS ciooa UI. on amturuay ihe Uth, day of February WB the following described laiias sinuktea in BHoa teea townsoiii, lo the County of RaBdolpa and state of M.Cand known aa the honse paw ofS W Klvett Sr., all in oh body and composed of a part of three tracts. Tract no. I nounaea as loiiowai Beginning at a the branch g chants to a post oak, thenoe north IS degrees east 1 1-4 chains to a white oak, thenoa north 11 ehaina lo a turkey oak in John Bobbins line, theuoe west on vld line ST 1-S chains 'o a turkey oak old original comer of the Moulder breach, thence north 44 degrees east crossing thenee wsat 4714 chains to a eile of stooea, thence south si 1-S ehaina to a pile of stooea la the fotin HobMna line, thence west tt 1-1 chains to a stake, thenoe south 14 chains and 44 link to a a. thenoa east as I -a en sins to a wnite oas. nee south 14 ehaina to the beflnnlnc eoa- lalnlng 171 acres manor less. Trssl No. S. on the waters of Back Creek, and Mnniul u Uiu... suwiiinlne aa a black oak ...im u.i with jAhn MAhlilna line I SB nolss to a post oak In original line, thenoe north M rnlss to a pest oak, thenoe west IS paha to a stske. thence south M pates to the beginning eoulaui- rorttoTaTTiotinded as follows! Beginning at a white oak in fwn somsiw nne running west on the Klvett una 7 cnains so a wnite oss In said lusa. Utenos south degrees east t. tl .t, a aiMll deodwood In John RobMna line, l&rtrae aortn eat aaio une . Tscoauis so me Making In the three tracts e7g acrea nore or leaa, eaceptliig Ihe 10D acres more or leas, that was sold from aud lands by S W Klrett Sr. bo A J Horrts. Jeseiih Causer and A S Roablna. berrinniror containing 114 acre store or less. Terms of sale eah. and title reserved till the farther order oi tne isirt- Thls January 7W iwo. JOHNTSR1TTAIN. Coaamlttea, ADMINUTRATOat NOT1CI. Having auaMned aa adnmlstnitor of tbe estate said estate to pioWl these to Ihe isnunilgisf oa or heasre January w-ilLlsca. ar uuaBotlot will be pleaded la bar of their race very. All persons MORTGAGE o4LE. By virtue of thv power" mnitaliiitl lit a wort nge deed executed to the umleniiKned by T 8 folwell and win HhUIa r..lullon the ?th. day of May te Hecure the imymout of the bond Randolph county In book TS pHgeMT. and defanet having hoeu made lu the payment l r-ald land. W will wll at public aurtion to the hiirlrvxt bid der fnrcmihon Katurday thellth.day of February 1U05 at lit in. at th court hmise dKr hi A-lu-Un N. C. the following described land i tun ted In Trinity towiudilp In the'enunty of Randolph and Ktnteof N.C., and bounded an follow : Begin ning at a Mtoiie on omt aldo of old plank nwid Tnmllntion,a corner, thoncc anuth uo degreo etut -M Icet to a "tone, thence east 7 chain- to a atone, thence north Hch'ree weft HKm to a "tows . thence wot 7 chaiuN to the beginning vontatulsg Thin Jtinunry 8th. ntitl.il ( Mary l i'ngte et al. the undersign lib) Ic to tlie hlahot bidder for wh al I anirt Ihiw iloia- tn Atihetxim. N. r tai .Mnnilm tili'-uerj Mh, in, the following ilmerlbul real eUK Mime being the tmet of land will, it by A.bfr. H.owrl.. l-smi Hivr aud described as h Iowh, to wit: nvgiiiuiuirnlawliite oak on tl, sntith hide of the hmne truct J H Kenrn's cornet, aad running North aa ili-tm rust 4 chains Ut mck. tlieni-c North 39 deirmi. Ka-t 4.tb ilmll. aj. tla'iice North I challiH to the miildbi of JaekMHi's cieek, tlienei- North tft .tegree Kaw 4.H7 chaliw to a i-tako nu the Maith biuik of U I'tw k, tlience North .T9 chaiiu hi the roruerfai the meadow, tllill, North MS datreea West Je elialua to a rock, thence North W rtirrees A in ehitlns to a pine, thence North H chain. J ihu big rod, tlii-uee up raid nanl S.0O cliaiit i the meeting house lot, thenoe ahmg the m i K.su chains toantake, TyHlnger's corner, then Kiu-X aM) I'halus to a rock. H H Tyrlniter'. corner iiaitlnuliig Kart ia .jo ihaliut to a rmk In Sear Mm', tireii.'e fcaith la.ao clialna to rock la III taihlic road, thence ttouth 17 dega hant &y. cliiiinatnastnkein Kearn's line, tlicnre Soutk m degs West la chains to a stake In the rol.i dle of Jackwnrs ereek, thsnce down Uio various C'lllrMi of suid creek in a south-weatcm direct tlu ia.90chah-s to a stake in tlie middle of the inn k. thence South l dugs Weal to a sock uf Ktiiru'sljue, thence North 70 decs West !f chill ns to the beginning containing i acsp uaire or less. j Title tn he reserved for the order of the vourfv Till January 8d, HMD. .. H, M, BOBBINS, i. J. A SPENCK, f CommlsalonatF, W. W. JONES, Dsalar In GKUCKU1KS, PROVISIONS An PRODUCE, I Sewing Machines, Parts aud Attack ments. Also have a lot of go clothinir that will be closed ou cheap. ; Produse bought and sold. Yor patronage solicited. Give me a at and I'll treat you right. r W. W JONES, Allan stand. Depot bU . WE HAVE A line of Fresh Grocer if aud Country Produce :of hand all the time. W want your trade and if living prices aad fat; treatment will get it v are going to have it. For anything to eat cog to us. SPOON & REDDING, Grocerymen. k T THE BEST The Naw and Ealdg4 f Edition Uontalna 25,000 New Word New Casetteer- of the World Willi nmro i ban ajuo tillca, beaod on the kileet ti'iiaus return. New Dlocraphlcal Dictionary contitinlair tbe naroea of over 10.01 JO noted 2360 Qaarto Patfoe r-wTUIn.. M00 lUilrslla. Bka HsSjsse Needed InEveryHoroe ( Vlx. Wsheter'a CeUegtate Dactssaarjr villi i titalH.s, iou lllustrstioas. Sissl 7sioas 'i.i. j A Speslal Thia Paper Edition De Lu;: J I J ,1'- nlmjMtf as JJn "'.'" ..-1Cit in Prmtitioo,"inr;r . c .'crtuullna-. , i t illiistrateil fmaunlilets, . 1 C. MCRRIAM C. j Srnrrild. M.ss. j BUY THE j mr SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by tboae who aii ' vertise a fjrlO.OO Sewing Machine ftir 20.00, Thia kind of a machine coil be brMiRht from nsor auy of our I deulers t torn $16.00 to 18.00. - ! wc makc a vanijtrv. . i THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the atrenstth t weakneisi of Hewing Msu-blnea, T' IMk)l l-'eM'st euuibtned with oti sCrotiK (Hjliita niukes the New Herat lue beat ot wing Aiavniue to buy. i WifteforCIRCOUesSai wo uuinutUcturotuid prici LM.'tore ptircha KZ RSW HOME JEWIR6 lUHIKE t oaaaae, aiaaai JSUnkmH,!. .V. V., Chicago, 111., Atlanta, 11 It Umiis.Mok Uillaa,Tuxnlajt lranaloo,G roa baic bv c W.W.JONES, I Asheboro, N. C. I jTOR 6ALC BI " JfORHS-ftCAagOEo-MorriTT CO., I asnaitoaO, sT. 0. T