ill Weil Kl I- r I n Feby. 13. Meiar " Ira and H V Soots rateivei ths s.ii uawa of tti unexpected death of their ister,Hi Sarah Scott, of Boa, ''h;iLh.iu Cu oa lttat Friday and attended th funeral Siturd.tjr tit Fait Creek Bap tilt cbnrch The oold wave and 7 cent cottor Aota not prevent tlm bright stnilaa a tbe homo of deputy aberilf J V Brewer it's a 10 .mo i 1 -moora' boy, being tbs tenth child born u.-r tham ami all baioj boys owe, aigtt. Mis Roiie L Shield, of Thm rilte, who U.n Uwjii vmti.i. li-v -ter, Mr Millard York, Kiid spent a few days with her raj-h Mr Lou Shields, iu twu t.i-.- pi i week, returning h mi t.t ,v Almost a twin wadding oama off Sunday ereoinjr. il r Umber Xorn, of.doap Stone .It,, an 4 . MaueM were united iu uinrrUtf - a 2 o'clock p. ui. Mr Tryuu Ellu an Mils Maude Jo'iei warn m- I ni and wife at 4 o'olouk, Y M C Job ton officiating. The uiai nje of the old bachl of 65 summers mid tbd biudt i widow of 50 ariuiers wbioh w hsv taken pluun Sn-i-Iiv v ha been tide tracked until they ge older and the wither iuim. u ' Work at the new furuitur.- broom factories bat been juipen I for several diy on aooount f old weather. Several bran new cmci' of mi iag cough just arrived. Messrn A M M.miea a 1 1 ! 1 Miinnesj, of Oreannboio, w.-ro prese at the marriage of their sijter day. Long Shanks, who has been stiff ing o much with severe and u tinned colds, says he is two d.tyn hind blowing his nose. Some people whose religion v not let them use tobacco and n are substituting tlreplaue ashes. () course that is not filthy ami -m SHASKa. Oats from New Hope AcaJomy. February 8. The general heali of this neighborhood is trued, wi the exception of old ancle Ira So ders, who it the oldest man in N Hope township. He is iu feebl health and not expected to live U" v Mrs Milton Hill and Mrs Wni Strickland are on the sick list. School at this place is in a pri peroas condition. There is a larr attendance now and more studen's are eipected soon The stndentf will give the play, Ten Nights in h Bar Room, Easter. Come every body. I think we have the ligi man in the right place, for teacher Pearl Shaw made a business tri to Aiheboro this week. Mr Robert Kearna and wife, Ashiioro, and Mr Julius Reaves an wife, of Farmer, visited ut Mr Mil laid Varaer's on last Saturday night. Mr Mar'iu Kearns, of fanner, was in the neighborhood one tl this weak looking ufter tbs intere. af bis saw mill. Caincroa and Shaw, the horn traders, bare returned from a tri soith. Tbey did a lot of trading Mr Cameron bus gone to Norfolk, to buy more mules. Mr Alton Ilix and wife visited ai Mr U C Shaw's last night. Mr Charles Elliott, of Handy, visited at Mr Milton Hill s a niehU ago. Wonder what his buni nass was? I suppose he nas looking ufter some beef cattle. Mr William bVearns, of Lassiter, is improioif some. Mr Tomlinso: , of Tbomasville, ii talking of locating at New Hois and engaging in the mercantile busiueit at the bhaw staud. Stir ltm. Febrnary 6. Every thing seems lively at tlm place. The D. & (J. milroud is nomins all the time, it has been running donble- asadert nearly all list week. Mr A R Spivy has had a bad case or measles. Mr Q N Tillman is un.ibla to b ont. Mr John Henley is moving hii saw mill to D.ulinJton. S. C. Mis llattif RitHer, of Dailington, is visiting Miss Lou Hnrpt-r. Mr Bell, who lately moved to this place from Indiana, i very lick. Messrs John Tolland Sandy Jones vmtea in town last Saturday night. Mr J B Batten, of Elite, wa in town Saturday. All works are closed down on ac count of bad weather. Miss Ila Wright, of thit place, is visiting Her sister at Mt Gilead. The Oreatest Offer af the Year Three Paper for Price af One. We have arranged to end the Southern Agncnltnrut. nnhlished at Nashville, Tenn., one of the best agricultural paper pnblished in America, to every one who pay nt a dollar os either old or new subscrip tion. The nnmher of snbscription is limited and all will be taken op toon, but nntil the number give ont every one paying a dollar will get the Southern Agriculturist free for one rear. In addition te the above we bare arranged to make the greatest offer we Lave ever made. ; For every new subscriber who pays ' zi.uo lor the courier in advance and for every old subscriber whepaya op and alto pays on year ia advance we will not only send the Southern Agriooltttiit one year free bnt will also sand free for eae year the great newspaper magmine. Farm aad Fire side, pablitbed at Springfield, Ohia. This lust oer holds food only nn til Mar lOtb, 1903. If yoa Waat to take advaatsge of this effe plea end ia yoir money .n or before Mar iu. Addrss Tea Courier, ' Leek Bei 14 JB-2lKrO, St. U. W1NTE0 Wood e!wppen at AsfeaWa y,r,r nm: n um, Sfirt f taw . w ill im aaa . w (o .i Aptay ia W L laarnar. ! -Mat. 1 SEED TIME ST- erleneed farmer hac -ned that som grain require far diffei eat soil than others; tome crops need differ enthandling than others. H knows that a ereat deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in summer about a mis take made in the cpring. Decide before ths seed ia planted. best time to reme dy wasting conditions in the human body is be fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There is noth ing that will repair wasted tissue more quickly or replace loit flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely faiL SCOTTC& BOWNE CHBallSTS 499 Pearl 8traa NEW YOKS 5-c. aaS (it 11 Srugf um Sonlh Orceosbors Items Feby 13. Mr Talmnge Tayloi came Uome Saturday and returned 'oday, where he is in school. Mr Van Eirkman was called home from the Liberty Normal Colle last Tnesday te the bad side of lib grandfather. Mr Elkin Kassom is mighty low. Mrs Charlie Moter mid children have gone to Liberty to visit he r father, Mr John The infant of Mr and Mrs hd Wittv wri buried at MHrmh lust 3aturday. Cedar Fall Hans- 13.0wing to thi Feby bad to til! :burch weather Rev J J Eads fail his appointment at the M E Monday. Mr A F Cox spent a few days at Trov last week with his tister. Mrs Wrnn went to Greensboro last Friday to see her mother, aho is seriously ill. Messrs "W C and Tom Free sp.nt Saturday and Snnday with tli-ir brother, Mr J V Free,' of Franklin ville. We are very glad to see Mr D O (Jo I out again Mr S O Phillips and family, who moved to rroximity some time ago have reinmed. Don't think Pros imity agreed with them. Mr 6 R Uox made a bminss trir to Greensboro last week. Listen! Listen! I can almost hear the wedding bells. Gteat pre parations are being made for th weddine. I Hues Mr Bain will lose his boarder very soon. Mr Jim Wienn, of Worthville, was in town Saturday. Miss Rnshia Tillman has been on the sick list for a few days. Mr Allen is visiting bis aistt-i here, Mrs Bain. Mrs J J Glats returned homi from Wilmington last week when the attended the bnrial of her broth er. Mr Jim Bray, of Central frails, was here Satnrday on business. Rov Clark Franier preached ai excellent sermon here a few night ago. Mlllbore Locals. Feb 13. The road force bus mov. ed from Central falls to the Henry Smith placo near Worthville. Mr and Mrs Calvin Free vts:ted tbeir on, I L Free, our clever nnd accommodntmg depot agent. MrEdCoeand Miss Sarah Hin shaw, of Central Full, were marrlM last Thursday by J W Pujrh, Esq. Mr Clarkson Jnliun has entered Sings Business College at Raleigh. Mrs Mary Kirkman, of Gmlfonl, is visiting her brother, W D Under wood. Miss F.slhr Ronth, of Kandlenian, visited in Millboio lust Satnrday and Snndav. Mr Isaac Pngh, of Frsnklinville, spent one uight last week with K Ellis. Some of our older citizens say t are having the roughest winter u have had for years. The Swishiae ef Serinf. The salve that cores without s car it DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. Cuts, bnrna, boils, brnis s and pile disappear before the one of this salve as muf before tbe sunshine ol spring. Mis H M Hiddletoo, Thebes, ill. Says: "I was enionsiy afflicted with a fev-r sore that waa very painful. DeWitt'a Witch Haael Salve cored m in be than a week." (Jet the genuine. 'Bold by the Stand ard Drag Co. and Asheboro Drng Ue. Thst TkUlsf is the Threat One minute after taking One Mia ate Congo. Cure thai tickling ia tbe thrsst is scne. It wnxi in tha throat not the atomacb. Htnnlfti good for children. Sold by the Standaid i u, c. ksJ Aahefcere Pro a Oo, I ' " 9 I Annual Exhib.L Clamit) nuditttU nd allowru bv iln j B.i.rdt-f C.u(iv Ct--mmifiorert oil Ruudolph tuuniy, during the T' .rl OUilUtrlJt li k i'tttmber Ifty Iv- J, and endtug Nuvemtr 30tb, 1 90 CONVSYniO FACPEhfl TO COtTsTT fiOM i M Yirk un I V Uiuuilit it r A h Hixoh J r uii, c n . w; ying AtiBic Lhst, HI K!AL 1- XI Ff f OP KIT HE tit. ileHUiii 9ivim t o huilal cX VI Brdm'i Kiflun i.o tnrisU ex Marr Utit !r acarboa'-iiuIliit Co ada fur Ma U, UtUetJ, m n i. maae. a.u Halw C me a. lai..n.,.ul..J adl Co I i f'..Ilr n-.d., i-'l i 9lOt r-ODsl, Lf 1'Kiur uit vi .ufaJ smith, it c ..i.w a m j aatsA. (Ui M M j.-- i..Ui iXu i, t t UX M ktti j i rwA i".. u" "I'tf' tv Mjfgaaw... . u ilattimoMmlU tt v.l.UL, .tmv ua UiU) 4 4 V. UUftltJ tO' l. t oai'.iwu uruatiUat ti U lrihl KU .v hei.ia'aj vl-in sj v Lmttt is) Hot- o-aile tlr v xtv n ctj Jtrwwu M Mil- siA.UUai.iLi.sjiLil. M li U V-aiciiVa tt J Lj CuK U u r X K iafiit, tvUMttt. tilitll,... . wa.uutjtv. wa i Uks, mmiik s"Wi- J J v.nt,avajti a lAira nmilM el a Kearu J iUonrj, jirlntinsj. oto,. JL'UORi. (fuml Jury 4.4" o nVkyim pRutiioaa to jail. ikM en -v it b'b Lwt tram Rocttliiff- ta A kiioru 13 41 J it mm. L.. w iipwuan tjom stsuiie JH Mt-kuiiciucwiiT priiotitfn fTtm Muni- K uiir etiutiiy to A-ltvtbiin, Id 00 If Ucuf c.iiv'g Hon imm Tmr to r at a B d.ill . iiuv g h brnt tt Jatlt k k A n ngo C L Om i I ooav'tt Art k or Cofttw t-onVej Henry jiervr hi A l.ft.i W H V JM Bn w r tvtiv'K Kvruai Wloksj- tiMm Fillet, ro In A hrk h. f J ruirti arrwt it i hi ohq ( prte fnitt rfitor 16 Ul J M i J M Br. v'g pri frt'B Orawubiir tu 6bo PLKCTIOM KXPSHtH. telly Coltratie jti-iirc of vIsmUm Hot tM. 100 COUBT B tl'xR I MCI DUCTAL lXrWsiksl. B P Sjwby wood, nftr-, dw, ...... Mi--i;nsr)-K3Ud.u Uu Co id,.. Jim Kion JuUiUr svikI L-fuiMgojsjrl Jtio Kick Jrtinloi iiu UbttblatttfMirl 1 W iwn, as i h I so n 15 SIM Jim Kiek sultur aotu ekNUttuk Bwt kunwtt, T J Pm4 outit.gts.isl turausisig wejod... JoMu hick cUseut.iuf ttwri Iwcw, .......... Jim Hie T i riucb work Stc, A B H.ll'. JnoHuU Glililul(niurt 'KU... 1 tu 4tS COM KiTTaaa. B o Uiriin t diir. MttMnf vita w c HiMo .il CSC Mil W J jllltet Tras J M Way tdayr um. ISC J.itia..u s lUyt MM pi 37 iuO IMV 16 00 Ik IW mw Si. W c t Hun.ex oeiii, fie, rt...O oa OO.lB in-uvo, .-.lurticuiiiu peuii' i. ft oidM, NeatKtay ?Krw Oo mam, J f J arm 1 oJf , .Ju aOiirMU, ft'il 16 41 tfciio. Jf. toador, ii a nws.uHs tvmvr. C ClSUslUstt HUlia, g I ISUfk, i-uMiuiu, buvi co mom; uuwu) put Ui'li OlH(A, sut.l. uuib Hdw VO c (MM. afflithlnft , ID'lnO. alw CO mJ, , a i(rs?r, . M i,i.Ma avs)-k ufvlVVW, v Witsuiutusjusua, i) t v&cv .usntt It kluuvu; MiitUllllg, Us Vatuivruu OJlirO, f ,.unb) ku aVtd Ul-4, a ftttuvuj or.-rtior, M VWWtk sw I Uv-vrXKT, U-ev M Austri aUUUllQf, t um I ct stt siuctioa. 4tiurusuud, .uiura auaud, Xt sbuUUillg, uiittUi' s.niaui(, tcviu)-auaniiitf HJw Co)u4m, O uiua stuitutag, a it ivotii.cij uMMer, 1 d bbWl tV!lOveflMrl!f. iy ovorMvflr, (Mot OVUTHVI ru Kusud, unrt., iu guard. 0 A ug lUilsV, ortu A Co m4. 4 it 14 06 AM A IX POX EXPBSiUBH. vV J MtsjtnnitrtMTTlioOswBvrti, iV I MMrcnel sjsjrricw, rsrixAr iltBakink bsjsvrsj ud bedding Oani. An4 rs A J Mf ajrlr), .: H llt nad Mrif V J MWfW sWVlOs), try rat Drhic m e C Johnma pmrtilo vT JJ Moon ml Mrrlot . Llf TARJCM POK Wi. Hngh McOaJo ltt tktr 1VM,.... 11 ) 5 itsrbnHigli ilt tmkrr IHOt J- L A Pinch n-i aktr 1A4 H i vV LslinsT ll-l ssk.r 1904 17 II B LeJaSUA IU' asVksir l0 U t n i MCJHiDm Mukor IMM. M Lu luti ttsker )M4 Id m , O iMgtvld lbi mr , atW Z P Kna Jr lii tkr . 9U00 j ffiilHipvllMlakar uuu j A Cox li- Mfccr 1U04, 1 Uu A L vVaiit) Uut irtkor 1904, iriou ; a Juhn iisHMksH 1004 oo a l. (aaw Ubi takttr iwM St ov j A Vrptmfr hit Mikr i04... Muu LttwrvDM li fff 1004, is) Ou f J tintsjQ II tkr 1004, 16 u a i tttufcer lift ittkw 14,...,.. eyiou I w Pogti lurk tskvr IWM, 400 To7 MAurmry ( swaa uuw Msviiiigiaia;rsww krldg. tT W JCOoi worst Mi ertdavftU ChfkA... iauu K A William kuildtug bridgadc IvuU C T HuVMia louiotsr 30 J C i ixtn ytiti t r krtdfvi pien, .... 00 00 J J Uul KMUiiiag kndgv, atgc i il tfrt.w lumber Cvdtf Kdils) M(g Co work sud OMteriAl,.... k (H A L Dsjlt lumbar eto. A tMtm naiha C tiU briS.,.. i; WDM p.iiiniij n..., J ft LllCMKMMt Stf. i A Barso mitmi Dukw httda,.... w iiHruKiqiii.M 109 a m au.f Iww 4 w Tihku. mrk rraMtilmlii. a'n. 4 at CMiroivn. wi wwfi P.IBMB. Wi Dum. ml.fc ft mm lit St Ortrfliw SM.I Sxiitj. ) Cm c ia'1 du. NatuiiHtiiH Jtstar CinliuaMlliMfitCnau'UiaM dui.lMMIMiia, IIM4T IMf w 4 Mil. HBBMf M m W c Brtl.. aa4 O B Sam Mtfl k-SM, SSSO IMC Mim Iwt ana WMmL ita HMtlxw CaaM Islahw tm. ,A -4 e C fUlua. liwtaT. ... r H amt i. .aMi.a atM. tm in j A rrafitf lutatM. ... 1ST W M FvMWk.M.. ... 9 X Bam. lam. A. . B A KiaiSai' fee... ... TOt jts CONVICT FORCK RXPRNrXUp. i ii kernel tniptmM lcro itu sxraita wr taitn. ata waa, . aaas tiovi -atiit n r.o B4W ia 3 r 1.0J )llnr DM I'.Wl. Wi V RmrHi laimr J ) 1. li ks a r t!.hy win n iv v nnv ua feuna itot, 1 H r Nwhv jtitnr ArHl HM ftn'lftr1 t)fi'f ro md'1. . . BP Nswhx May iPfll,. B K Npwhv jallorjii't IM) ., BPNhs tvDnlrtitB Jnli dmr-, ., BP N whv lathir Juh 1001 BR NtfWhv jftlinr Au 190t MPCtr7-rtt.M)nt H.lw (?r iml-a,., R P Npvrhv IK Iftr Wept lM, BPNowh o Otl)4, SCO 1 00 4 ft MfFERlOK COl'RT EXI'KNSEH. O B Fl dep'ty KrvlM Dec 7 IPOS, J M Hrow.r C H I.ucm 7 w W C Hninmon.1 muklnK docket. Dec 1 Kl. 4U Ou liiitrd tnurt crivr am Mrlxm.l Bnx ouuv Jiuui to c lioiuu ;i roati force, Jno Kicii ltd b JuntUir unrt cU-imliiK c li, J Kitten Hum 4W iunn Mi-n u tin. Iklcltowi'ii Bru aii 7 K jur lo c iiiuu, A k Hull juitiior Aieh tvnu, l-u'k jun.r Jlcii U.T.H. uiiiii .Men tvim. D F New by k ft iifptm Mch tcrtti 1001, C H LucAm rt c Uduiiniiiid makliiK ('(K'kt'ti Mch ten T J Fun'u Aum Jurors July utiu. in niei July unit. A k Huh it U's juiittoi Jui) U.-I1H, a i ' Muttlu 4 u'n tiitu't gjuiyjuly tt-nu. U r .Nt,V bj I A'dlliK JUiiTa Jul) U tiu, ft u Cmuiuru umu cmr Jul) tt'itu A fc Hail jduiior Jui u-rtu. Mornt. uwr) ausuuiutiv'y juU,c mul jury Mt n. ti. iu cj. ool A t neUUtu,; auiuir v-.. riuutut-ru ua.iixMid, K to du, v nsji vieu July term UaM, Ourfc wiuiuw. wiiuiur, etc, icva. MldCKLLANKOLo tSiirvAu Ult.l SAX. i, , UihUHIUUu ill s U 4'VtW iiS statu UUt. , ( iHM'dj' tMUliitf Ituttcu v ! IWUd, ildvr?. oufs isuautijttuuury ivoi, iJJtitvo t fvtuatM. a0 ixt, lu'nc 1W04, FUlj'lWl. KECAWTCLATION. inif iauperw bi iDiiuty nmuts. IUU at ,JiieOl i 'I tMtU,,'iK, a. a w.i uai imiuu, luMio. . o.l i mi a lauuu ,iu. imAi Uimi 40 IMS.' i II till., uu uu.. w, p. lamp, 1UWMC wuiu lo 1 S 4u.. Ml 1 i - - ju uiw uuf oi nana ol Bduu .rIL. Iftalh. UUIUI OO axtvu. cuana. wi u.u ltwm mj a Iwuu, tiitfuv. mu.a lo oa.. tut tluk. hi a pile ol Moua. iih. ..1 1 ca. at aiai. waiuut Miuao, tu.U' J 1 1 cunMiiUIuw..wm, attutfoaM cu. a pi. itua lu a Diac. .uul, kn. ciw .a a ,.ipoii Miuuip, i 4 cu., a iu... lo an oiu . 1 loo Olcoa. lOmM.-. .Oo oauri. ol clwi a. .i .Uiap, I...11UM t..l wio k UOltO 0 U. .n. o at luuuu laiia isBa ituetttU) bfua urvv TKl I.MiuU 4UUuUkaiU aCrni Ul.fTO Ot IU Trnu cw aalu, Csvu. isi-U. KHi tt Tau Jatt USX i kU. IVM. Utt HAUS V VisUAilLS iasiaSU. Ltonuaai , tvltava M I... .4ia ii1 al- IVtf tatAJaed UeVCt. ilttt lCMbUil iTlUslua U Jo 10.04 aUia atuacVv Irsvca uu eu iKsTbUsttjat, 1st w aeca. awni ur in, lairu taTews. kievira ts ike T.iOb Wittakm Uudt is aej HOIUI til UM WUMH IWu LTsVCln. MUfaUlatatsJ iaWsVl.ejS) iswcsj Ol .ttflsl ajuvptlta, ettttiUi SMUSB aae K Jtutusl uwHtf ul o uurtu Mit. t ataf UaWaat Ml. I U SOMl JSfpsUvi . 1 urj atru atitnil tvi aoa " uaVkV, i-Upistf kUiu ivliJI lv a(. rX-tt00. M. C. . A. i AAAaVAti, tary, M . C., . i iatiui by . .. MOBan-soiTBsoBo-itorFmr eo. 1, j. r. rouc, eiofa. w iwn.u ui cuuuo 0--.U.UlfJ.OUOI mr lU.Wl-.pU,, tW UVVIJ .K.ul) tin Utti lurtKuUttf aUtU-'utvub tv U j. atUvt uittt ttcul v.udu.) utul.utnniuut.-li ultu UtVatl tM tOMltra j SvaiTsl MORTGAGE SALE. Viift I '- :, I) . I MtlV lf IK "try- ., .. r . I...n...;el ,, f. wS n:ili vfti n pt:rl'i.iii li f n iluciHt bmk of I'wliamc. i1.ri.iv mi ucniM. in it k wlih li. I w C. Jolnm.ii lit u I6 lnili.a d iltlltiku to a I Jo it i loriur. t.r uce wKitli on will i Inn 8 itiuilu- i. link- tn ii lin k o ik. tht'iit'f 1 tft WC 11 iim ai it .1 1 itli i t -Ktti. v. l. iKi.buks, AAN1KU.HIAVK.4I ast llautol um UPPINCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tiie Best in Current Literature 12 Completc Novels Ycarlv MANY CHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PCilVCARS 25CTB. ACOPi ISO CONTINUED STORIE" j t'-.nV HUM BER COMPLETE IN I'Bt A FREE PATTERN very lab- St aV a rvla.laiLLdAl( MAGAZINE A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A tm; beautiful colnr-t) alatet; rat set (uRiian; (Jfassnsakintf ecctunniea ; lai.ry wnth ; household lunia ; hi it.n, MC hub tent cr. arnd ltel C0fT LsuJp f nii ranted SeneJ lor Irrmi 8tyll"k, Reliable, Sim pi, IVin. date, and A Periecl-Fitting i'apcr Pattsrut n llr adP dl DATTTDlIcUrif 1HI lklsa U Imu Uhwt4 tas pfrfortllon riant tkt Bjliat iaS Stnt taut. f.l, lo anS it mil Mctinon. highrf BUY THE tl SEWING MACHINE Do not be d wived bv thorn who ad- venise a 100.00 (tewing Machine for 20.00. Thia kind of a machine con be bought frotn us or any of our dealer from $15.00 to $18.00. W( MAKE A VARIETY. THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Food determines the strength or w3iitnrnai i rowing jnacmnea. ine Donbl Feted coinhliird with other utrong M)lnta ninkea the New Iletae ine neat Bewing Mac nine to buy. Writs for CIRCULARS E7iiS THE RET HOME SEWMC IACBINE CO. anMc. naae 2S Union Bq. N. V., Cbloaco, III., Atlanta. Oa LqdIMo., DoHi,T8x.,8om KiuoolaooQai FOR BALE sv . . .o Kh, A.lielior i. . (. GET THE BEST J The New and Enlmrf ad coinoa coaiaini 25,000 New Words New Caisllarr of ihm World will! mora 1 10 'i Uttaa, Uucd ea ta Mtast cviwua Murna. Naw Biographical Dictionary onntatfiinT 1 no mmet of over Ml. GUI aotad pcnuiu. Cits or UrtU, Oakili, ata. rilltM r T . T. IIAMRia, Tb.l LL.D , CnuaalateoCommlailonarol Ktuoatloa. 23S0 Ourtt Paiu Needed InRveryHerne A- r'boaar't CaliiaM MctKnarjr A Sp.a.1 Thia P. ocr ESHIaa C Lima 'lrill..lWM..h.ii.Ifri,.,i ilK".l ,liran.!r . Hj--1,.1.-. I, la. Si'L. A Tew" la I'f .iuaciauaa,"lau.niu r I erlnrtain:iif. . : . C, MLRRIAM CO.. i i:l;. Snrlaiarute. Waaa. tsi s 3 otice of m IjJ is lijj ve v wc LicMic 10 iciLiin i:kiiik iu uui many irienas t and customers for theit very. liheial patronage during1 the year iust closed. We hope to have a good share j of your trade during the year 19 ), for it is our aim to - serve you better than in the We are now,- ofTeri: g some very great bargains in the following to make room for new goods: . 125 mi-ti's sliii ts tlmt sold f r 5(ie to Toe now 35c f ino m n's mid lioy's Ii itn prici' f0G to $1.(10 now 25c t liii) nn-n's imtl buy a liuis price .$1 HO to $1 50 now 50c ' 'it 1'iiir ni'ssiw si. size- 13 tn 2 now 75c J 80 uiii- woinoii's sloes fines 2J to 41 now 75c f : ii mi'M'i sni's nt. half Drice ! 88 uu-ii'. nvc- con! nml rain couN, lar.-s' it vies, J idiii I .uul with 'i Its, nt ereatlv reduced Drlces f A I -t of .'inxliiini . nil liiilic" ui 5C jf We have many other bargains ' that we cannot mention here, so come and see and we will convince' you. The sale on these goods will continue from day f to day for the next sixty days. 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