The Asheboro Courier. Local and Personal. I)r C II Lewis, of Fanner, was lipre SuihInv. Miss Muie MeAlisler has returned from a visit to Charlotte. Mr S K Coble, of Providence township, spent Friday in town. Mr WT Corwiti spent Sunday here and leturned to Charlotte Mon day. Dr llenley was threatened with pneumonia the last of the week but js improving now. Mrs N V Walker has been sulTei inj from an attack of grippe but is nil pi ving. Miss Estella Lowe and brother, Yortti Lowe, of Mechanic, were visitors in town Saturday. , Mr ami Mrs Hal M Voitiiliave returned to Wiisliingtou after spend ing several weeks here with relatives. W. K. Hall, Jr., of Lexington, is to be married to Jliss Aimiudu Col wejl, of Pine liluff, Ark. ltev J K England will preach at Alomitnm lew church the second Sunday in March at 1 1 o'clock a. in. Miss Ella Hendricks has been elected to take Miss Hilliard's place in the Kamllemun Graded School, and will go up m a few days. Mr O A Blair left last Thursday for El l!no, Oklahoma, where he goes to join his brother in the news paper business. The Courier wishes him much success. Miss Pearl Annum, daughter of Mr Allison Annum, is heie for a few days. She will return to. Fay ctteville next week to finish u busi ness course. Messrs Allen Nance, of Jackson Creek, J A Brady and Numa Marsh, of ltamseur, and Elias Elder, of Maud, were in town Saturday. Rev J E Albright, of Mollitt, and .Ed Tomliuson, of (ilenola, were in town Saturday. . Miss Ktta Blair returned from a trip to High Point and (ireem-born last week. E 1) Tucker, of Seagrove, killed the largest hog of the seaton in Richland township. Its weight was 449 pounds. Mr. Brack Wagner's child Wjis so badly burned in Thomasville last Sunday the Times says its recovery is doubtful. Little Virginia Henly has gone to Fremont on a visit. Miss Lizzie Spencer came down from High Point to spend Sunday ikt home. Mr H It Craven, of Lexington, was in Asheboro Monday. Dr 1 L Fox, of l.-andlfiian, was in AsheWu J'ui-"''v to see his brother, Jr M f' Fox, who is ill with grippe. Mr W II Watki is, Jr., spent Mon day night in Ash ioio re'.urning to Greensboro frotr roy where he had been to purcb . floin Mr .1 li Blair his line uorse. Mr W W I)ui i pAuineiit farmer living near Star, passed through going to lUiiilletii-in Tues day. Mrs W C Hammond and Master William have returned from a visit to Lumberton. Mrs Hammond's sister, Miss Whitfield, came home with her and will be here for some time. Mr B A Allred spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Fiank linville. His father Rev J F All red came up to Asheboro w ith him Monday morning. Mr. Win C Hammer returned from Lexington court last week and will be at home until May 1st, except a few days at lavie court 'he week beginning the lirst Monday in April. ' Messrs J F Cameron and C C Sihaw have purchased from Mr B B Wagner of Thoinasville, the fine black Spanish jack known as the Milt Kendall jack. Notice will be given later as to places when. he may be found. The daily papers say Col. Wood led the singing "Wo won't go home till niorniug," "Good bye, ladies," "Tell me pretty maid, are there any more at home like you," and "Bye, Baby, Bye," at the close of the legislature. MrEdney Ridge, of Greensboro, a son of the late M 0 Ridge, of New Market township, has accepted a position with Myres and Williams, of Tuscaloosa, a two ring circus, ami will travel for them during the summer months. Mr W F McDowell left for St Louis Tuesday where he will pur chase a nice lot of horses and mules for spring trade. His stock is ex pected to arrive in about a week and can be seen at McDnwell Bros stable? on Depot street. . The typewriter has been 'in use for thirty years, and has wrought greater advances in the commercial world than any other invention. It has wrought wonders. It flas over come prejudices which have existed for thousands of years. Among those who were in town Monday and called to jee us were Messrs u u Allred. J M uncan non, Randolph Graves, Frank Las siter, E T Kearns, W J Baldwin, Baxter Rush, K G Coletrane, J R CoJetrane, E N Howard, R L Col trane, J N Winningham. C T Luck, J A Wall, A N Routh, H H Ken nedy, K L Winningham, J II Vestal, E V Vestal, W J Delk, Hugh Parks, . Jr., 1'rof U Al weatherly, W C Win slow, II M Daniel and A L Robbins. I lentenanl Rohbins Dead. Haywool Robbins, late Lieuten ant V. S. Army, but who has resid ed in California for the past year, died at the residence of liis mother in Back Creek township on March 1st of consumption. On leaving the army some year or two ago he mar ried a lady in California. A month or two ago he moved to this county where ho formerly lived, with a view to making it his future home. Ik was a sou of the late Rev Alexander Robbins, and w as a young man of the highest character and highly es teemed. Randolph's Members. We have watched carefully the course of the members of the general assembly elected from this county. 1 hey have been taithtul in the per formance of every duty. We hav heard them commended often; crit icized by no one. The county has been well and ably represented. All the three of our members served on important committees and each was chairman ot one ot the best com mittees. They were held in the highest es.eem by their associates L.-.ter the Courier will publish an article "tating soiiiethieg of their services. Program County Teachers' Meeting. I. The Necessity for Organized Co-operation Among the Teachers. J. T. Cobb, J. T. Henry, Miss Daisy Mewart J age, Miss Myrtle beuruoro and others. II. The Future of the Dead Head in I he Teaching Profession. D. M. Weatherly, V. C Wood, .1. C. Baldw in; and others. Intel mission, one hour. III. Open discussion of any points that may lie suggested in the meeting. IV. Business Meeting. This will be the last meeting of the County Teachers' Association to be held this spring, and it is very im portant that all the teachers atleiid. When the last meeting of the asso ciation was held the loads were in such condition as to make it almost impossible for teachers living ul a distance in the country to attend. The roads have improved very much, !tnd the teachers will lie expected at this meeting. Hie splendid new graded school building at Randlcmau is now about complete, and it will be worth the trip to see the progiess that lias been made along educational lin, s at that place. .1, .M. WW, 1 resident. Paint Your Buggy fur 75c. to.MlO w ith Devor-'s i loss Carriage l'aiut. It weighs 3 toSozs. more to the pint than otheis, wears longer gives a L'kifS e. i mil to new work. Sold by McCrary-Kedding Hdw. Book Club. The Book Club met with Mrs J D Simpson Friday mid had a very in teresting imeting. Mrs V II Mor iii.r imd prepared a paper on lli.-lorv of Russia and the different members read clippings. Miss Annie Touiiin- son sang a iiussiaii song and Airs Monng rendered the Polish dance w hich was especially suitable for the evening. Hie study ot luissia is continued for the next meeting with Mrs J 0 Redding. The editor regrets exceedingly that owing to the negligence of a careless passman w ho is no longer in our employ, several copies of the last issue of the Courier were mailed with only two pages printed. This was due to lhe fact that in printing the liist and fourth pages an insiilti- cient number of papclsweie piinting The Asheboro Electric Light Plant One of the newest and best enter prises is the electric light plant. Everything connected with the plant is lirst-alass. The material is the best and the equipments are in every respect first-class Those who have ist grace over the inferior oil tur- nislied by the Standard Oil Co. should have tlieir homes, ollices and business houses lighted by -lectneity. hen once in use vou will never go back to Standard Oil inferiority. Electric lights are not only far su perior but arc cheaper. Married. Mr W P Kagatl and Miss Klizi- beth Gurley were married at High Point on Wednesday night of last week, Rev Eli Reece, performing the ceremony. Died. Mis II Clay Thomas, of Salem, N. C, formerly "of Thoinasville died on Tuesday of last week. ' Mrs S F Tomliuson died in Dur ham Murch 3rd of heart trouble. After an illness of only a few min utes. The deceased is an aunt of Miss Annie Tomlinsou, of the Ashe boro Graded school. J Lindsay Cox died at his home live miles south-east of Asheboro in Grant township, on March 2nd at the advanced age of 7(1 years. He had suffered with a lingering illness being partially paralyzed for several years. He raised a large family of children and was a prominent and successful man. Fine Groceries. W D Stei. fan & Co have a first class grocery store on Depot street where they "keep on hand the laigest stock of line groceries to b had in the county. Feeding the people with the best edibles is tlieir part. Give them a call. Last Call for Town Taxes. All those who do not pay by March loth will have to pay costs for I shall begin levying on that date and will treat all alike. The tixes should have been collected, but. the weather has been bad and now they must be paid, so com-for-ward ami save costs and trouble. II. D. Cai iu.k, Tax Col. for town of Aheboro. The Sheriff Has Made Three Rounds for will keep the books in his ollice until after siutirt to accommo date those who desire to save costs, Shi riff Finch h .8 nude three rounds collecting tax, and has given the people in every part of the county an opportunity to pay their tax ileal home. J lie tax hooks will be open at the Sheriff's ollice in the con 1 1 house from now until court and through court, anil every one is urgently requested to come forward and pay Ins tax promptly. J he school funds are practically all due now. lhe tune rut-gettlemeut with the State Treasurer for state tax was on the first of January. The time is up for settling the various tax funds. Every one who does not ex pect to have to pay costs should make prompt payment. ' The Sheriff would be glad to give further in dulgence to those who do not hud it convenient to pay now, but he must treat all alike, and requests that publication bo made, and re quests us to give notice in these columns to one anil all to come for wrd and pay tlieir tax. Jlo means what he says, and there will be levies where prompt payment is not made Three Papers for Price of One. We are glad to say to our friends that we have arranged to extend the time for clubbing Farm iuid Fire side and the Southern Agriculturist with the Limner,, ror a limited time we will send all three of the papers foi one year to all old sub scribers w ho will pay what is now due and also pay one dollar for the Courier for one full year in advance. To new subscribers who pay one dollar for a year in advance we will end the Courier and also both the other papers for a year absolutely f rec. New Subscribers. The number of subscribers to the Courier are increasing rapidly. Scarcely a day passes that the mail s no: bring us one or more new subs.-uhers. We have started out to inciea.-e our subscription list luoo luring this year and with the aid of our friend- we are going to do it. Kverholv should take the Courier, both saint and sinner. They take it for the news. Subscriptions Paid. F (iatlm, Mrs Eila Kennedy, Mrs Al F Skei n, S II Walker, W T Branson, Mrs G G Gray. E K An num, J D Blower, I M liussell. .1 C Maner, .1 U Haves, Mrs Eliz.f Mollitt, I M Tippett, S L Ilayworth, S ISrv- ant. Miss Belle Dove, T A Royal, W Peeler. Miss .Mat lie Julian, W T Smith. L A! Caudle, C U" Hiiishaw, A M Ellison, J W Tippett, W I Shellield, Mrs Fiiiina F Kearns, Miss Giacie Nam, Miss Jessie M Prevo, .1 T Moov, J F Brower, W J Moore, (' II Julian, Is. iiuraiiuon, James In rt, Doc Hunt, M P Coward, E A Thomas, Rudolph Pounds, James Mai tiiul.i'e, James Kirkuian, C L Robbins, E A Ledwell, Jno B Trog- don, Albert Jordan, B F Burrow, I T Cox, Jos. M Brow n, W R Richard son. 11 P Baldwin, Mrs. Isiah Rich, T M Crowson, J C Reeves, E Sjkes. Jonathan Tucker, W li Craven, Cicero Trogdon, J C Pepper, J M Laughlin, N M Luther, T B Prevo, Z M Hiiishaw, Mrs. A J Luck, J W Crow, Thompson Silcr. Claudius I ndcrwoud, Jno, Richardson, K ( Coltrane. A M Curtis, V E Barker, Thfts. Russell, Addison Waldeii, C It Smith Jr, A li Steel, J A Ellis. Mrs C E .Parks, Jno. Tysinger, A Nance, N C Joliiisioii, II P Johnson, A L Coletrane, S L Adams, A L loiMiiiis, Miss Nellie Liims.leti Grace Moon, D Dove,.) L Luther, Martin Elder, W F McCrary. K L Kearns, T B Rush, W II Brown: J A Wall, Alvin Johnson:! II Pugh.J B Pugh, M II; E D I'rai.r, J W Strider, W X Haves, E B Kearns, Win Kearns, Jus. M Hinsliaw, II M Daniel, Columbus Tavlor, John Sellars. R L Albright, W W Dunn B K Ciaven, Vance York, Lindsay J Allen, M G Buie, Miss M A Elliott. Our Advertisers. By consulting the columns of the Courier you will find that the up-to- date business men of this see" ion ad vertise in our columns. Every white merchant in Asheboro except one uses our columns to tell the public the bargains ottered. Watch our ml- ve-Using columns for bargains. Our advertisers will treat you fair. Entertainment. Miss Nannie Bulla's music class ave a nust excellent entertainment at the Academy Friday night. The pupils ull did well and lellected much credit on their teacher. Little Miss Edna Laughlin won a prize for having the neatest book in theory work. Letter to S. W. Kivett, Asheboro, N. C. Dear Sir: Have you found out vou can paint a job with fewer gallons Devoe than ot anything else, lead and-oil or anything else? Mr. iloyd Almy, House and Sign Painter, Greenwich, N V, found it out three years ago; he writes' "I have used Devoe lead-aiul-zinc for the past three years, and cannot, say too much in its favor. I am using it now on a big job that I took by con tract, and it has sa.ed nic at least 'J5 in the cost of material." Devo is the strongest paint we know-of; goes furthest; takes less of it to do your job. Lead-and oil is pure; lead-and-zinc is stronger; eoyers more; goes futher. Have you found out you can paint a gallon Deyoe in less time than a gallon of anything else? That means less time foi the joh. Less time; less money. Less paiut; less money for that; less time, lesii money for that. Devoe lasts longer; do vou mind the less money for that? Vou are surer of it. Yours truly F W Devoe A Co, P."S. MeOrary-Rcdding Hdw. Co. sells our paint. Red Cross Locals. Mrs Julia fell and dislocated her left shoulder a few days ago. Mr M K Swiiim is quite ill' of la-grippe. Miss Lou Gray had a spelling mutch Inst Wednesday night and there was n large crowd present. Mr Frank Fields' son rode horse hack from Greensboro to this pluce and his horse died. Guess it died of lung fever. Mr Robby Reynolds and family of 1 1 reensiioro are visiting Ins mother, Mrs ictona Reynolds, of this place. Mrs Emilia Kanoy died suddenly i-euji loin i-.ioii. ii m supposeu sue mill an epileptic fit. Their physi cian, Dr Tyson, was summoned but she had depnrtd from this world to a better. Her bouy was interred in the family hurrying ground. Her pastor, Rev J R Hutioii, preached her funeral. The text can be found St Luke 13: 12. Brother Hutton preached an excellent sermon. Mr Kanoy leaves a host of relatives and friends and two dear boys. One precious to our he'U'ts has gone; lhe voice wu loved is still, The place made vacant in our home Can never more be filled. Our Father in his wisdom called The boon bis love had given, And though on earth the body lies, lhe soul is safe in heaven, A FltlENP. I f you can not eat, sleep or work, feel mean, cross or ugly, take Jtol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A tonic tor the sick. J here is n ) remedy equal to it, 35 cents, lea or ruble's. Asheboro J 'rug Co, Gold Alines. Two new mining companies hav been orjrnuized at Candor. One of them began operation near Macedo nia church last week. Mr. O M Allen is president of both the new companies. 1 lie tola lias struck the vein again, very rich and 2(H) feet deep. A Card of Thanks. I desire to express through the Courier mv heart-felt thanks to the bvsicians, neighbors and ull the good people ot Asheboro, tor their stance, interest and sympathy, luring tn v wife's recent illness. Mav God bless and richly reward each one for what l hey have done. (lib 'V. Kim. Holly Items. .ill. ..I II, V. Tl.-I I.-I-Ml Mr lavs. Iv-mp li. i Mi .)., N ! '" in. , , i. hills; ko.U. Tin iv. I.iii llv In III,- Ik. I near Mr I '.ml illews , teacliel ,111.1 The 11.1,-1 Se.eral ...s We,,-U-,-11 hlllen. .i..h-..n lin,, :,.,, Mr Tics Walker i h.nna -..,, 1., l,.,,k h, Mr- .1 I' l .we i- , ..line .1.. ,-ks. ,,t N.-n V,,rk. West Ramseur Items. spirants -h.aihl h, I;.-. n.u were ,1,-1 Ins l,.l-.-. whi. Mitch. -I ,111,1 lalllllv .lecidcl I Siinl'oiil Satunlai eft I,,, lav for llieh I'oinl, hi- l!e -ell lhe ,,l',.-ople W of I lilies Those e own chinch Holiness ,-h l,.-l-l,u-l. lievs .loh hold a --i n Holiness ch the MM, to lie.-- will '-Chapel lav l,ie,hl no Ki Ralph News. .. hool a Hp.lllliL f I'cla. Saiiirtta . S I- l,,w,l,-,-niilk villi Mc. I...W.I ten, of Hewv. Illanche aid I on. of Ashe -hi ami Sumlav mill Mrs K liich who in lime with her falln , ntjlil sick. m" ii ' Motr'i'r . ,4 Itnlfah, F,.r,, -,, Mr. .1 II llei.h- I. of Ash- ha- I, ,lavs nilhh, .n,'-ell,ia!ics. lolks .,1 Winn Messrs., I lar.-i i.nn.ol Aslicl,.,,-. f I lower Hill, sumlav il r e, Mr 'I- .1 lii. h Mr. M II 11 tie N olt, I'ly.le SI pent SMllll'lay licihl a ninilliity. 11,1 I, lot her i-lll Nlinla Linebsrry Locals. The ,,-1 1 al Unelierrv ck.-c villi Mr lilll'ns Nivce as teacher. vs she like. Prof Weather!- . the f.OICsl Ot Ml satnrilay niht. "m,- W W Kill All present ropnt a was sc., yoinv sonlh Sun - what has tiapliei. New Market Items. Mr lane Sane pcm Salnrdav ami l l.o with In, -mis mi-1 in liiui.lleti There was a s.-llino match at Piny (il last Kri.lav ni'jht will, u lariie ntteti.h-iicv. Mr liriiiklcy Hum ami ehihlren, li ohi. Snmhiv al Mr Nance's, A lew of our liovs vi-iteil lhe s,-l,, Snmo last Kri.lav Mr Walter Hi'o .lav in Asli.-U,.,, Miss,-, l,,sa a Snmlnv with Mis -j f.-tll Satnl-ihly j Cedar Falls News. ' Ml'- Cun'iii.,.1 Ha.., '. w.. i I .... SuihIiiv -:.!- I,. ll. .,-liKill lit Jii.s Ma - , (War, I. I Mr. Il (i fx i, p. M l i-.ii.Uiio.lh i.gaill. . lui--,-, 1h- i- t,,j,,insl a' Il!-1 tree Mis K aii.r .I..,,!.,,, , M,.s I -a I'.-imis siiem S,m,.,v n ill, ll- Mi,,,w HanK Mr. 1'iill.y Tiiai-, .vl, lias I hal lii- home al Snmim'rtifM f.,r -ntnr-tiiii,- ,,:i ;u in of sieln.-s j. will, s uiin :ili. was al.l- I, li on our -iri'i-u will. Ins l.l wirl Sumlav we mv ul.,,1 I,. -av. Mr. ii,-ll,-v .M'.,u .mi-popular el. ill in lor al Mill X,,. says he i u-inz I., iv.ln.-i everything l a hnMu.'ss hasis in hi-, derl meat. Mr M.-.n i mi vn.-i-niie v ! nun and ha- ,i hrilliaiil future, lie is l,.v,-,l l all hi- -uk-el n,l,-. 'the l,.lv f .Mr. line l'ive !,.. a- hill-, iu Atlanta Ni-.n-ilav llL'ht l-'ehv I train w.i- hi..iii;lit i.-iv f.a- S..ti,,,l.iy moriilni,' Mar I. Hf l.-iivM luo -,-n-inotirn their I,,. Mr. aii.l Mr. I...nie WVhh.ol l-'ranUimillr, sK'nt S-uihl.iy ,n niir lo.vii. Items from New Hope Academy. Mnr. r, I.Vi.T M ,l,.hn.n i -I-, excellent -rrni-.n a: l.iherly, W, ,lne,lay Mari'l. l-t, aenreciativi! ,i,i,hei,,e. nieht of the Nilne ,hiv leeliiivil tn the - !, .,! at New ll.,V ivhirh was highly i.ppiw, liv the slu, I, -,il- as well us alt pre-enl ltev. I VV -lii,l,-r sl-,.M,nseiile,e,l-, !..,l al thi- place Mar. h the l-l. n.ul are U,.,r,lnie Willi Mr Mill, -,i Hill. -Mr. .1 ,M rl,.,ii,lei aii.l f.nnilv ieilc.l hi lil-.ilher C 1' Chaii.llcr ,.f Martha V (V I .lav nidit. Mrs. Al-uii l.ulher i-llcl ,C Mr. -I M Vai nur's llll,av. Mrs. W I' ' has ,vn ,ivhi sick f., a few .lavs. Farmer- are rci,,i, inu al this In-,,, nihil weather in,l fiirni work has Ik-muii in earnest iiev. .1 I-' has ch:ine,l his appoint ni-iil at New ami Lilt, llv from 1st Sumlav lo Ith. Iiev. .1 W Slri.ler will lireach to ll hen; ii-xt Kri.lav the Huh al 1 1 n',-l,,.-k $100 Reward. $100. rsol tlii- pup here Is nt ic i ami that is f'llt rrh. Hall's l atarrli Cure is II, c o i ly i-ositivc cure now known to tl le, Heal lilies ,1 eon h 1 lire Is ml lirecllv in. .11 till, Hool lill.l .1 tile M-.-tein. thereto- ,1,,-; tli- Uaimlaliol .( tec .llsens.-, Illl.l sivina Hie fUticlit -tr.-liKlll ! J .tiil-linii up the const il nil. el aisilne ualu--, II .ImIIiv! its work, 1'lle l-rojinetoi- tiitvi-sn mu- t i.iilli in it-cunitive iHiwers tiiat oiler urn- lliiu licl Hollars for nnv case Unit il tails f, cine Soh.l for listol te-liiiioliiiip. A' F. .1. CHKNNKV A I O., Tulc.IO. o. Business Local.. It -f AlililVI'.ll Car I'l Mill l ed liran. Con il Meal. Prices iVl,l. V,. 1 1. -I KI'MAN A- I'll . healers in line lingerie-. I-Uli S.M.I-:, 'line lal-v In-ULTav .lack I'li.icc v.mi-s ohi AppK I" K M ,,-, nil,- ,',st ,,f lialii-cii,. Will IT-', SATIN I hoi-. Ilesl on . in h -, r sals lo W. I. Sl'KHMAN A I'M. Ile.llers in line lii nr.. I'.IKiS l-.H! HATl HINT i. loin no h,,nlll,l I Ihlll Hrpiliulolis al S.:. ,i-l- lo. The-e hints are lar-e. ,1 .1,.,,. ami ch,, . -:i.w,n.I ss,, , ,., liain-eui. X. r IIF.Ani.'r.M.' l KhS I., I- li.i -l o.-ullniu 1,,,-al. Kracis II Le.-ll A Co. line tiro e ric,, II. .1. Ih-iii's Pickle- I l!..v-i.-r' t' Iv. for sale l.v W. 1 1. s'l'F.liMAN A i n WANTF.Ii. in men in cadi state i,, travel, lack ,-imis ami ,li-llihnt iplcs ami cir lUlars ,. ,.nr e ,. S.,.,,-v .sT.i.0.1 ,. l ,lh. sCIHI --r,lav f.-r ev'c,is.-s. KITH. MAN I'll. ilep-. S Alias IJMif.lii.8. I liicae,, III,'. W. II tt M.I II I 1 1. ol 1 'ha riot to. will he in As,.l.,.v. ill the Central II..I.-I I'hurs.lav Ainl I .".III l"l lhe pill f II. it in- .hs,..;., .',.! . Far. Nose ami I'hroal ami Fitlin. '.his:.-. WA.NTi.n I.AIH I.-- A N 1 1 ..I.N IT. I Ml N in this an.i ., l..iiiii,. teirit-ries f, i-.-pie-ct ami ni-.- lhe VI.les.,i,. ami F-lu-a tional I hp.,,,, ,- of solnl l,.,. st.cli,,... Sal.,1 V S-T.-iO pel ,lav, with, .i.-iise..,-lali.-.,lcacli'.M lav lo ch.'vk .lire, : !,., l,.-..l.p,.lll,o-.,. an.i furilishe.l hell 11. , cssa, v. Position -l lll.,:i- enl. Ail-h. -s, Iti.-w llroihers A t'.... H.-pi. U.-l. l!l-lu I lo.-au,k ill Seed Potatoes. I r,o,-.i I n lv Peach lil-o I Hi. sec I , lor pric, I I potatoes I. -r -ale. - w ill - II cheap I Ml l-.TT. 11 I, Point. X. r . li, I- . i. No Farm and Mills For Sale. A line I ml I"l'isl ai.-l saw mill l'.iohlv live - aa,l in e.illiv...i..ii ;.u. lialance ni Ho roil liichlan.l ci-k niliram township l a.v terms t,, pnivhiiser. pply to W. I' Si N. t' , or P F Si "r"'' N--- ""arm For Sale ! 'IV. Inmoi.,1 : re, PI a. les in . nh i V al lo!,. f,.'llh lli'ile.,! SlaleV Ielot. will, -.-.l lo 111 .Iwellliio. a I well'.. f water ami ...,( huihl in,s. For li.ilh.-r int. r,u.ili"ii a piy I,. f II FliAXIFIi. siah-v, N .' Thi- I , hv i'l. p.m.".. Farm for Rent. The Zcuoi Williams place near nv ,l.lli,,u on Ihe liaiusenr nml i.lee.lsh,., rail roa.l ,-, Provi.lcn.v township is for i i t-- reliahle partv with o, st.vk. ill relit I' -l cash or pil-tol crop. All the laml J ,, will nat.(..,o,l tor corn ami cotton. P.-rs .lesii-iiij to rent will confer with lhe umlor sioncl a e. None hut a hu-tler lied applv. 1'oluetothe sale of p-rsonal p,oK-lly l, Ihe place Fehv. I I ill ami I will make ter.n wilh -il, or write. iT.AtTHI S (NHFIiWHtlh li F ! No. I rliiua.v. X. .' New Offerings of Town Property. l,-t on west -hi ill, l-.nell.-v ill.- SI, eel will, a iw-,islorv.lw.ll,iiLr.. sis , , trv au I w.-l sheil. Ilou-c painlcl au.l paper c,i: w. II never failm feel i,-.-p. liicl la led 1 1.. lii lop. Imiuml In-h, well ,lia,ne,l ami lli oo,ellltivalii.n with 'j,l ll.lil trees !usl I- itrnio. s ..ipj.-i n.c.o a,l hclee in I, awl on siile. I le-ira hi- uei-.-hliorl, I unit sllKloflhe paivhas,- t ,cv re,, ,!w'li the hahlliee l-o.o , -I hv Ihe lluil Iniu ami Loan As-,,,, oi-a -, ,., vears ,l itisireil on ni.,i!,lv i, -II,,,. nt- ' I...I n north siile . f I-i-h.-r A-ein..-, Inn hv L'l I feel within -TIKI f .ep,l. , : lot siinif size hackini; it on I'lnm-h St, t. Tins is verv .lesirnhle prop. ru' - .c-coinu oi provilllltv of the lir-l lol lo the lis,, s. part of lowil, urn! of the s. ,,! lo the " 'l'!ot'on north shle ol P.nk Si. ll'O hy -.'.-.r, feet wilh new two-torv resi.leiice i t 7 r ns. ami oonil well. Half cash, hal.inoe oarrhsl hy ituihliiio un, I l.isin Ass.-ii,iion. Applv to A f M, A list hi. Keiirollue uv.-r liuuk. A Euaj U. , A iw!illc fnrOMIst, , i.. - ' '.. an.i Ki.tney Tro.ilils. l .ai,. - ( .-, t-.',,r. Bloo.1, Bd Hren.h. Mli.iru'is'i ,;.- -i- I-i-l. ii nnvl Hnclwche. ll'K"CKy Mo.n -"ir lea in mil let form, w ranta ! - 'o.. n .le by HnUllin OHIO Ceapuv, Ml. is .... W is. GOLDEN NUGGET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE LOTS, LOTS! Lots at Public Auction! On Tue-.lav. March -.'Ist. lull.",, al 1 lA-lnk p. in. we will' sell hi iioolion to thn hi(.h.-l hi.l.ler ,.i, the pr. the Fi-h.-r proper iv iu Ihe town ,.f Ash. l,ro 17 nice, huil.lino lot. Mill x .'Hill I, el. Sevril of those lots un on S;,;i.,l,i-v slrivl. .'l the rcinaimlei- nre on M.-Crarv slrcel 1,,-lwe. a Sunset avenue .,. Sali-liuiv slr.-cl. No tiouhle I.. p. w r Tins part , I town I- la-t huihliuu' up. T.-nus ,,l ,.,!,.; in,., thiol , a-h, the iv. 1,'ANFiililiA lin; Asheboro Real Estate For Sale! lu.-tllliL'. -lill.l. I.lackoinll si,,,. .Iu-e,tl Ite.t.liim. II,,-,. ts ruillilliu I foi, I KlCtll-VlHcstr.C! to.llXMlcel Will l: H.1,1 lo- llllee lots' t',vi:il II. lit tile -UllM.-t vli.l olSuu- el Ave.. I .1-1 a. ic l.,t with : !-, .luellhn;. stnhle ami un-hai.l :t I mile ni ,lth of I hou-v. .iiie-hnttiu-avlut on Sall-I.urv- street west I il,lj,.h.luin.iw.v A mi, fronili,- ,allr..:,.l. ftl alj in Hi Mu .mi. r. linnes Kriv anil others known u- the,l-i,v Vf Ik.vvcII ,luce. OihkI sprluaami lo lions,, m'l.lcr, on lhe rn, -nils,-. A.s-oiiiiiiltinti U-rtnson nil. Aft'lv to A C M A I. Is ) Ht. At Hank Hull, Una. s.-coi,.l -torv, aurothuL Novel, it-,- nth. I!ml. Carolina Stock and Poultry Farm, C. U. Hinshaw, Prop., R.iuli-N... I. Cllmux.N. C. Sii,oe l oiuh Poowii l.,-o.., 11,,,-ro.l Plyino.llh Hock I lii, ken-. , , Fill, lieik-hilc Pl"- '. ' '.S leoistei-e l sl., k. ' '?' " ' ''''''"limns .". . - a.l s,.,.,akcs on ' ' ' ' -' 11,-osal l'e,,ll .l l a... lina Fair, a! olwMirs,-. a I ami ihrc ihinl premiums . ,, Chickens 1." ,-oiis l-.r si (III. SV,i f..r prices ,, pi-jsaml poullry. Mi,i;ii...f: sai.i;. liv viriu. ol ti,.- p..,.,.s in , rlaao,. .he. ev. c.,i, . hv ..,.,c l r.,lo, ami his wile Mil, v T,-. ',.,. I W'-icv Nov Mill,. P.m.'!.' win, I, i.,o-o,. , ; iccoi.lcl iu reu-isl.-r, i'. olh. I h'amlolpl .o.i.iv ,,, l,,.k 107.,. I ,ll -ell h. cash to the hiu-hest l.,,,-,- at pnhlic an- u--i il Ihe Curl house , I in li.-imlolph e...i:l on Momlav. April Huh. A. I. P..".. al I: o'clock III.' the lollow inu .Iescril..-. Ival est.,1,. P..--o,,io al -I, l-a. I'ro-loi,'- corner iheiice ,-a-l lo liaih I. thellce . :,, iv solltl a, o -ai.l liailr.-a.l lo Veilr-air- line th.-u--, w.-l V. ai-an - 1,11c 1" .1 l"lie Tlo.,,,, corner, tl,,..,,,- ,.,,!, ,,, the h,oi,ii,,o. , lain,,," lour a.-ies more ,,, less. .1 W v. Tin- Mar, h 7ih. I M-.n-.-ao.-,- I NH M.I.. liv v,, . ,. ., .,, r ,1 -ah- or.inlcl hv lb,- sop,,,,.,- t'oiin ,-l liai.Tolp!, cunlv in , - 'al I il'"- there, ,cn,li,ie. cn.ilh, F Mottill A.lmr. ,n..-,-. I.., ami others a-aili-i the unknown ! ii- at law ,,l lhe ,i i.,-,o,.,-,ls,-,-;,-,,, will ..,11 to II.. loohest hi.hlcral pulilie audi,,,, al lie- ' -e ,1 III A-h. horn. N. I'. " M.-I.-I..V- l!i- -lav ol April. Pill-,. .,. I;.' ,,c. -k ,n. IL- l- liown'-v .. s,-,-,l-,-, .,,s. luce ami I,,- X.-w IV. ,! l.,,. of l-PMlk T..-III-. lii.'.m ' , ra V a,:. .,!..-, -. l.-oj,,i,u al a -I lii--I,'- c-r-i.-r n l.r.iv's line, r liu-. easl I.". -h- I-. a -I I' '- li- e lie -II ,,,.,-,1, ss , ,,, a .,. , '... ,-. ,.. ., then e.l-l - i. - i - ,1 le. ,.-k..-V - ,-o-.,e, Ihcl ll.-llh IT I 1' .h-;.,c-- l'l- Vill i....- cur-es , .l,e l,r.ii-l, .'ill , I, , in- ami sll lo,'.- 1.. a hl.,,1. --ak. lirowi.'s ,-,,,,., li.-lisoiii:, 71'. .I.-;,,-.- w.-s, I.", . ham- lo -loll. 1,',-vliol-l's l,i- l,.- .-. , I,..,.,- . .1 .'..I link- I., hi. k.-i-v. iiiav 'scoii,.., lhe,, soioh I I ,1,-or..,- e-l 'J I ch.,,n- I '.'o I,. i.s ,., ., .t.. , lav - , . I' , I- - -mi, to Ik.- l,.o:in;o .nlaiui.. i'-l a. i- :..,,. ,.i I.-., Term- .1 lie. ..i-l, PmuiM II. Tin- tin- :.i-l. ..,v ,tt M..r. h. !::.. lavino .p,.i,,-,i a- ,-vc, ,,;.-, ,-, u I .,,.,1 l,-l.,l,-III of I ...!;. IV-noli ,1c -, l let-1,- w r ihiiiu i rl.-ri. s.ip, in - I li..,, l. lj i, . ..iiniy ll- is .. n,i, ... s. l'l'l,.'.',i l'ril,e"u,'.''r-i I ,-n or i'.' .,,. i hi', pim: .-r tl-,-,,..!,,-,. ii I.. I !,..! I m h.ii- ..I l! ii i. e-.vev. .-o.-l all .,-s..c. a, .1 II, -.,,. , -I. lie .in- h. ..-hi li. Iiii.-l I ' A"l II I. .1 il- l.v,-, I.. I u-c W I' llaniui I l'l, r!. -un -T l,'.,i,,,.i-l ii v. Ml person.. I.avi,.-, .iain.s -aio -o ',,, lo,!,. un r.i .!. -Iilv v. ,1. ,-, 1,. I. th-- Ul. ,y - i Vp.-il I'.i'H'- .a- tin-o..-will I..- pi. a.l vi'n'o -ai.l' c'-'ia'i'-' w.l'l ','o,,!'' f .','.,! ' ami ak.- ,. -, I ,.,. I lils i',,h ,. ,. M.,rel, Pin.'. VI M I Mo inu 1. 1 o v, i I Fo, v -1 -I I.C I I. AMi s.M.K. Ily vii In.-, tun oMerni -lile f,,,,,,,.,, ,. ,,, 1 -, i--I I'o.iit ot Kii-I,,',v,i on Ih.' on ol A I l.uck fi.sitor At r. H M Alln-.l .le. ca ll nuaiu llni.-ri I-: lUrM ,i nl. I -sal -. ;:, t f , our, house ,l,ior iu A-hrlr,, . . ,,, f: .. . I,. ! on tile ll.l ,V ,.l April l:i, lhe t..I,c.viu -ill l-.-tale. t" vui, A unci l I, in-1 ni 1-ruiiklii lite t..wiishi. Iii -Hi. I cunty. au.l 1..UII.I.-- .. Ion -t,,ne Ui Hie l.,n,k ..I the r.,.. in, .in lhe i ill loll-coins.-, ol tl, ,. . ills. i Ik-, to Hie I. L-i lin cm., ana! '.' il-:, ,1. or hs,. ,,i, i known . th, li,. Allre.l la a.-.- ,n the town ,.f I'ciitrii, Kali- Ki ll n a . re. i a Un ni. .la. ol Mai. li !-. I. emu-,..! 1. lore n ,' ll:ilii-i, ollfv ..It ..s.,n Ini.iut i-ta an.i nil i,-,--...,. ,iu, nil ,, un, re here'.y iioliht-,1 lo iiuikc uuinclialr pa ,n. i I hi- March Ist I'.lu... toK tl sMIl II .City ol Tolclo, Knmk .1 rheii.-v makes imiiIi .t,;, ,,. mmhoi ailinr'.t it., ol F J i n.-n -v ,v Co.. .lone, ..-in. - in Hi. , U ,.l loli.ln. ,'.,,, iv u. I slut, iloic-io.l ni, I Itial siii.l linn v. ,11 . ,v thi Mil i.K Ijl Nl.lil . I" .I.I.AIvs t,,r ,-rl,' i,. evfrv il Hall's'.'illarrlU'lire HI INK .1 l itKNKV. sw.iiu to hcfuie mc ami -a nl.-.l in mv eivs uce. thi- nil, h,v of I -nih-r I. Ii. Is.i . H lii K vs.iS. KL Nonirv I'ul.lie II . ill'-.-nlarrh Cure , lake, Interniillv. unit net, In. ctly on tin- hlo ,! ami iniicus s, .aces of th, K. .1 ( HKM-'V A ('a' Tols.lo, (,i. l,v 1 1 Inuiiei-u. iac. Take llnl- Kaiuilv I'llla for oonslipnl loll. NoTtcK lliivliifr i.inlifl-r1 a- n.lnitnisi I shrtll sell Ml pi, lilie unction lo the hilm! hi, .lor lor , nh. on Ihe pn-nn-ws, on Ihr mill ilnv-ol March ti-fi. the fotlowlnd jhTsnonl pniprrlv.' le wit: one enw. five licMts. fHrmiim t..i.. h lot of articles too tedious to meutinn. All j-cn-oim InivtiiK chiintB iifrninslt-lliil estate are tiotllle.1 I,, pn-sent them b. th un-h-rsie-ncl. -Inly vernUsl, mi .,r U'fore the I dav .,1 A.rtl tl-,.1, oi II, i- .lice will Is- plimto.1 In hur of their iveovfrv; aii.l,iill MirsoB ovtluc said eHtate wilt e,mi lorwnr,l ami lunko ttiiine.liate RctlU-ivieiit. this Mil, .lay of Keh If. a. Ol.o M. KIMKKV coooaooooooooaac3ac3aoac53c;:a GOO BpCa 8 Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co i Q Wholesale and Retail W Free Delivery! Beginning this the 21st day of February, 1905, we will make delivery of goods purchas ed at our store to any part of town Free of Charge ! 'Phone or leave your orders with us and same will have prompt and careful attention. Very truly yours, Morris-ScarboroMoff itt Co. 0 0 O 8 n o ;o o o o R o o o G a D n Morris-Scarboro-IVIoffitt Co Wholesale and Retail Ouoooooooooaoooaoooooooaod QUO ODQ A Great Reduction Sale! For the Next 30 Days ! I'ntil February Kith, 1H05, we will sell all our heavy rolled woolen gooils, fiiseiiiators, homls anil mid maile bkirts, also u lot of Biuall iiiiinl,eis in la.lies anil misses shm-s al greatly reduced jiriccs for the pur iose nf takino; slock and lo make room for our spriii; goods. To be eon- hired come in and see for yourself. Yours truly, RIDGE, FOX & COMPANY. ESGreat Reduction In Mens and Boys Clothing For the Next Thirty Days. Everything in this line will be sold at greatly reduced prices. W. J. MILLER. Wood (EL Morirkg, Leading Merchants. Early Spring Opening! We have now a beautiful line of early spring poods to show you, consistinpr of woollen kxk1s, silks and many other things; which to behold will he admired. Prices that Tell. i 111.,, i, T.ili, t.i s.ll, M I no, vv. N. vv Mi.i.l.s s,!'. si on. v,, ( I T in, It 1, II-. -,-. il il ' . I M. ii.u, ill.,-, t ..ll.-il I.-.'. !, V,,i,. I.inii;-, :'o .,i.,I I'V-.; :T ii Ii Wl,,i,. I I- :-.-. !,.!, I'.i.ovn l.ii ii-, -.'.",..; L'T iii. li lo.ovn l.ln. i,-. L'o.- Mt le I W.irt Wai-t tiu. ,ls, l",, vii :;,"i .m,l :.o,-. t - .o"i i:-i. iio-'s, v,.,v ,if loh Mu s, -ss ",". sio.oii ;,il su' (-.,,, I,,, i. i l;., IS.-.I-. s:; ;:, i,. sJ.:.'i. r-piiis . in .mv .,ri,.f I., I. M.ilio.-.- Ii. lu -JH: lie. WOOD 4& Wedding Presents We have a nice line of Silver Ware and Cut Glass suitable for wedding presents. Be sure to see us when in need of anything in the line of table cutlery, etc. Very truly yours, McCraryRedding Hdw. Co. WHY PAY MORE FOR Mouse rurnishin&s When you can buy them of us for almost Factory Prices? We can supply your wants and guarantee you satisfac tion in any ot the following lines: Fujniture, Chairs, Side Boards, Go-Carts, Pictures, Tables, Stoves, Ranges and Gen eral House Furnishings. Give'us a trial. Peoples House Furnishing; Company, High Point, N. C. ill. si iti, s . i,i i ir.i. .. li..0r..-s. V...I,-. MOUING.

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