Tho Asheboro Courior. Local and Personal. Mr Henry Yow, of St-agrove, was here Tuesday. Mr and Mrs J C Davis lire visiting in Trimly township. Mr and Mrs W J TVague have re turned from Florida. Quite a number of carpoijtnrs from elsewhere art- at work here. Mrs O G llubbdid and cliililroi. of .llivii!i', spent W.-ilhii-i " night in Asbi-boio il!i Mis 1 1 11 1 bord's mother, Mrs - Mr C L 15tuy who has bt en living at Sanford for several ywirs, him moved his family to the old Win Bray homestead, near Umpire post office. Mr C L Hay worth who tnivell d iu South Carolina and (ieoi"ia lib! year for the Asheboro Whwlburrow Co., is book keeping for Morrls-Scarboro-Mollilt Co. Mr and Mrs Cic:ro )ais me .. , . 'f'" "" BM visiting in Trinitv township. u " ""gna,... cenua r, . ' hits uecept.-.l a position with the Miss Ethel Nidge spent Sunday Ashoboru Home Building & Mate rial (Jo., as uook keeper. Mr. S M Careness is building a resilience and also a stole ho"se on Salisbury street i.ear Asheboro Rol ler Mill, lie will movu here from Uandleman in a few days. All persons who write for the Courier should not forget to send their names. We cannot in the fu ture publish any item of news or other matter unless accompanied by the real name of thu writer. Mr. Z F Rush Sr., who 1ms been visiting his daughter Mrs. 1'ropst f Ala. returned to Asheboro lust week. Mr. Hush has been suffering from grippe, but is improving. Mrs. lledwine, wife of W 1' lied wine whose death was published iu the last issue of the Courier, was married twice, a!v: she is survived by two children of her In. it husband, V B Varborough and B Yarboroui;h both of Lexuigsei). Aslieboro's excellent graded school is bringing more, people! here than anything else. All parents ihm days want their children educated at tho best sohcol. At Asheluuo every child can get a good PtliK.-uii.m at public expense. Miss Myrtie Scarboro was c-ulltil to Greensboro Tuesday on account 1 1 the death of her uncle Mr. W .) liKk'e who is a brother of nur towns man Mr. J S Hideo, who also went over for the funeral. Mr. Ridge was it son of the late iluo W liidgc of this county, here with Mrs J T Undorvyood Mr William Graves, of Richland township, was iu town Tuesday. Mr. G Morris is building house for rent on Salisbury street, The Book Club meets with Mis M S Robins on Friday, at 3:30 p m Mrs C C McAlister has returned from a visit to her sister in Norfolk Mr Aumttu left Tuesday for Rich mond Ya. to get bis full line of shoes. Miss Fleta King, of Why Not, spent last Sunday with Miss Jessie .boroughs. Capt A Burus is back on the road again after bis accident of few days ago. Mrs N W Walker went to Con cord Tuesday to spend a few days witu a tnend. Mr. G TS Hurley, formerly ot Asheboro was married in Atlanta last Sunday. Mr S F Lowdermilk has sold his house and lot on South Main St to Mr J C Nance, Sauford is to hold an election to to issue bonds for a new Graded School building. See special bargains in advertising col u m or A r Vox, an enterprising merchant at Cedar Falls. Mr Charles Ross, private secretary to Congressman llobt N l'age, has returned from Washington. Mr Chan Yun'cannon and daught'M ami Miss Nettie 1'iichard, of lli'' l'oint were here Tuesday. Mr R Presnell has sold his house and lot near Prof Way's to Mr J H Humble of ft rant township. Two of the nicest cottages in aic those of Mr. J T Wood and Mr. J W Hiilley on Sunset Avenue. Misses Ktta. An man and Lena King are spending a few days with their (ousin, Miss Jessie Boroughs. T G Coble, a well known Julian merchant, is quite ill, suffering with a complication of deseases following grippe. See change of ad of Peoples lloust Furnishing Co. When, in High Point call and see them. It is a re liable firm. Asheboro is going forward with leaps and bou"ds, never before has there been such rapid progiess in "btiilding.iii the towu. Two families whowauted to move to Asheboro lust week could rot do so because no houses to live in could be obtained. We call attention to the new ads in this issue. There are quite, a number of them and it will pay you to look them up. Mr J 1) Simpson is greatly im proving his dwelling ith a new coat of paint and Mr C L Hay worth is also improving his honjjL There are buildings jgoiug up iu almost every part of tjpe towu and every ma a who can uity will woik can find work every day. Mrs A Candle was called to Salisbury last Saturday to attend thu bedside of ber father, Mr. J 11 llai t tnan, who died, Tuesday night. For want -of space we arc com pelled to omit several items of iu terest this week. We regret this, veiy much, bat it can't be helped. . The idlers would do well to read the new vagrant law.' There is dan ger of tome people getting on the chain gang if the . courts do their duty. '.' Mr Marline Coble, son of- Vf M Coble, of Randleman. has left school to take position in the Delgado Mills at Wilmington, N. C Ran dleman Times. Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs Braxton Wagoner, who was so badly burned by falling in an open tire last week, died from the effects of the burns received. Real estate agents are of much value to a town. Armfield and Langhlin, real estate agents, are do ing much in aiding in tho building up of Asheboro. - Miss Esther F An man who has been visiting bur parents Mraud Mis A Auman on Sunset Avenue return ed to Fayftteville Tuesday to finish a bushest course. The good vagrant law enacted by the legislature is worth a doen emigration bureaus. Idleness i the reason we are short of work hands, Enforce the new vagrant law and we will get on well There are many people moving to Asheboro now ami more coming. . They'like onr town. They can get ' work and good wages too. They can get a good school. The western part of Asheboro is building np faster than any other part of town. The land is level and water is plentiful. The Messrs Cranford & Ross will offer seveuteen nice lots at auction, in that section, March 21st at 1 p in. WHITE SATIM FW. Brrt on earth JV eal by W. D. STROMAS A CO, - IValeri in in Mromic. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who Insures his health Is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guard ing it. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in Innumerable ways ' "' TAKE Wills' And save your health. New Rural Libraries. The recent Leislatuie has enact ed the Rural Library law, and under its pro is'oua six new Rural Librar ies can be hail ill every county, the Slate giving $10.00, the county $'0. 00, ami the people of the community 10.000. i here 13 alr-o a pro l-lo:i in he new law fur six supplemental y libraries, costing .l,"i tiO. It is to lie hoped that all these lil.ruries willjie taken iu Randolph as soon as possi ble. Seventieth Birthday. Mrs Jiinies A I Htnshaw, of Prov idence township celebrat- il her sev entieth liirlh-iluv on March 10th. There were present, children anil gnuid-cliiiilivu, 31. Ail participa ted in mi ccel!e,-it dinner pivp.ired by hi r unit children. Ylw children and crainl-ehihlivi:, net present, were six in number. All prisent; eiijoye.l the dinner and being logelh er. Mnv thev all meet ngain. Tin Lite Mr Harm. Mr 0 (i Harris v, 1 o died at the) 'i.iiue of hid ihinhler, Mrs Jieken-' .; ri.-.,,.il. Garden in Guilford j 'oiielv lnt wcU, wis 5!) years old! mi hi-1. I 'ivciiihel, and s Tved thro' :ne wur with valor and with honor. Mr CI iy :'.;(! of this county nniirkd one of his daughter. He It is two nth r man led daughters, 'IV one of them uirried a MrGrnv. anil Mi" the other one Mr Dickens, lie has an 1,'pinm i led daughter and one son, survives him.- Mr ilitr.M l;a 1 been tick in Ral eigh. ! "t had apparently recovered I). lore lce ii'; for his home, lie i lu hl ii ,...-:j i iiiti in the legisla ture as a iat nn-r. He is.a I,. !.!:.- .f Mr V O liar- ris of '1 riuHv toi..-hip, this county l;i. all account of his death in tin last issue of the ('mirier, we inad verteiitlv said he died at Guilford College. Ili:,l,i:AItTF.I',S for 11,01 i im!. Krnei II. l-oj-nctt ,V Co'i. iK II. . I. llemV, IVkl mul Tviinn.u' Asheboro W. I). STI'.UM N A C). lll-. l .ACV- Mi: n w ,uuil ; -much. ii.- win el.ille llilill. be .1 V.V(lne,,v ,,f e. I'ricn.l. IVnj.ire i lew prices iu this iine. m urn hiil - im. .M.cii.iiv-i(i;iinixii now. en. The Piesbyterians of Ashehoio e purchased from Mr. .1 I' Hor gl'S tile old perl .illioe building on main street and also the cornel soaih of the post olliee tract. A parsonage will be er. cied uml Kev. C W liohe- son, the pustoi- of Asluboro l'u-ihy-teriun chiii'i'h 'i ill move i-it )il when completi-d. r. A S JvMi-.i-, a son of Mr. Ii ui som Ltii iH. of I'liion tow nship, lei t last, we k for Advance, Indiana, where lie has a posiliou during the summer and fall. Mr. Lucas has been keeping books for the Home lu 1 1 1 in 2 ami .Material Company, of sheboro. Mr. Luas is an exce' young man. In another column in this i-siie will be found a large advertisement f the well known hardware firm of llollady-Pool Hardware Com pany. Ibis linn is one ot the urgest in this section of the slate. currying ut all tunes in stock a lull line of hardware, buggies, and farm implements. Mr U. R. Fox has purchased the undertaking and furniture business of Mr. K. B. Keearns. The building near Mr. Kearns' dwelling will be moved to and added lo the Keiirns Furniture Store next door to Ridge, Fox & Co's stoic and a full line ot furniture mid colli tin will be kept constantly on hand. Correspondents should remember that communications should reach us Tuesday morning if possible. We cannot guarantee to insert uHVthing w hich readies us as line us vtcuncs- day morning. Lust week we receiv ed on Wednesday morning a number of communications, enough to fill several columns; of course we could not publish them. We regret it. Ex-Sheriff Lussiter will move with in the next few weeks from his faini in Coucord township near Farmer 'o (ireensboio, where he has purchased i home and a numiier or town lets near tne State formal College. Sheriff Lussiter is operating two saw mills in Moore county where he has large timber interests. Air. I.acsitcr finds it more convenient to live in Oreensb to wheie he can look after his lumber interests bettei. We hope he will decide, to return to iCanuolpli at an early date tor tue county has notji better citizen than Mr. iassiter. Letter to J. E- Walker, Asheboro, N. C. Dear Sir: A great many people will see your house in the course of the next ten years. We want it to show what Devoe lead-and .inc will do. We should like you to paint it, and then not paint it again for ten years unless it needs repainting. We u like eucli a sample as that in every town in the country with a notice about it in the local paper: Mr. Walker's house was painted ten years ago with Devoe lead-and-zinc, and has never been repainted. The color is not so bright as it was; but the paint is as perfect a coat as ever, to keep out water." A good Iead-and-ou job is expect ed to last three years', it is a good oue that lasts three years; it gener ally does not Devoe lead-and zinc lasts twice as long, ii nor.: "If von have any fault to hnd with this paint, either now in put ting it on, or hereafter in the wear, tell your dealer about it- - "We authorize hiln to do what is right at our expense." i ours truly F W Devoe '& Co. P. S. MoOrary-Rcdding lldw. Co. sells oar paint. Westward the star of Empire takes its war. the Messrs Cran ford & Ross nave seventeen nice, well located, lots in the weetern part of town wnicn tney win sell at auction March 21st at 1 p m. Honor Roll. For ino itli eiiilin-,' Maruh-3rd, I'.ki.t. First ;io!e-!.M-v Caudle, Carl -!1. Thiid (Ii.-! Fourth ir,i Fifth (inn! Moms. I.ueil. Sixth (Irad. Sp.ion, i i.i i Sevei.I.i ! I r. Spoiu er. Kiuh;!i lii I.O-COC Mllier, ill Cow Wade I K i vi tt. ita Spoon. Fox. Mil Reward. p.,. r I I h. ill Urn.; the tax 1 will bl ami places lo e HUM: (irav's X ;llllh, foreiiooi;. I Mechanic, Thursday, March :itith, ' fternoon. l-'arniir, l-'iidav, March .'tlt, fore- noon. i Allen Nance's cftole, Kridiiv, i March 31st, afternoon. I l b use meet me promptly and i..y vonr tax anil oblige. i T.J. Finch. ! This Maich ?th, lixM. Samples Mailed Free. A Triil liux of Dr. Bluster's Catarrh Cure Will Sent Frsc to Any Suf-'.-rcr from To deiiionstrate tile merits of hi remedy, l'r. lilosser oll'eis to mail, free of charge, to imv one suffering lroni catarrh. Asthma, or Deafness a trial p.ickagc of this valuable ne ! i.'ine. If the trial box does not contiiice you i.. lis dilative properties, von will have been lo no expense; if i beneliis yon, yi i will gladly order : moiitii's'tr. afiaeiit, ni .f I.Oli. It is a li tiinlcss, pleasant, vegeta hie eoiiip, iuihI, which is smoked in i pipe. The Warm llleilic.-e, smoke lieing inhaled, l-eac': -s directly (!n niiicous nieinliranes lining the h -,id Imse, t lnoai mid lungs, healing the ulccriited purls, ilTveling a ratiieul ami permanent cure. If vou wish lo trv the remedy and get. fnl! particulars, testimonial;, etc write to Dr. 1'lossei- Co., Walton Si Atlanta, (iu. Concerning; the Pcnn Mutual Convertible Term Policies. Concord, X. C, June IS. R. i. nancy, ( Agent. Deue Sir:- I have Ibis day bought I'loni S. S. I'ritleiiden, Special Agent ot the Ii, u Mutual Life, .'i,0. Hi of iiisui-.iii'.v on my life. 1 nu, i-:in.i. Illg iil.-lllanee !,: i. lile a llllllllur of o;iieioli! in,e eoinpai'ies. 'I iii3 ir 1 be large.-! poiiey am lying, and its fe.1 lines tnv a: I r..-live ton:,-. 1 l.t-.irl i : v rc,iiiini' iii. I he Penu to ' j any one eoii-niering inn r.ince. 'I heir ; . guarantee coinracis written in the I policies leeolnlllel.ii I hein-vh , to ' I ail. Yoiii s I nr -. . ;i J. W. Can Nov. ;j ;j 1 WO V LA i;S L V I KC. ' ! (Ulitv of Ciimoli .li'g. (.'. ! (...ncoitl, N. C .May Mi'. Iflis. i I!. 11. Raney, (ie.ierni Agent. De ir Sir. Your notice of pivni- ! iinii due received, anil, lo my stir I prise, a cash dividend for 1M)T o. iOt.T'J, and lor l.-lis of I'tJri; total 1 j jliKMU, deducted from the pivmiuui ' of if'iJSS.v,") 1 Intd exp-.-cted to ptiv iu i lull. I have policies iu live other 1,1,,r-,,1:,.v' Mi,lvh!t.l-.l line companies, :md my insur- iince in your estimalile company co.-is me less than any I now- hold. 1 enclose cluck for balance due on premium, and when again in the market for iniiraiiee 1 shall let you hear from me. Trulv muiis, I. W."C.VX.0K. X. II. St. vi k. Local Agent,, N. C. ..r-li Tax N ili.e. :it the l illowing tiln The (!r. i nsboro Telegram s.ivs that Dr. U A Lash ivimuIv leturii- d from W.ilnut One and hiings the infui iii.ili m t itit veins of coal have been struck near thai place. How (o go lo Caliinrnia. Travel via the Chicago, I'li'on Paeilio ii North-Western Line. Two fast through trains per tin v. The Overland Limited, electric lighted, less than three das en loiite. The California Express through service to ban r ruitcisco, l.m Angeles and I'oiUaiul. The Uest of everything. Full particulars on iipplieatoiti to W H Kniskun, P. T. M., C. & X. W. liy , (.'hicago. Died. Mrs llussev, wif" of Win Ilussev, died ut her home near I' lab on Mch 12th, 1!)0". Card of Thanks. Vi e derire to cvprc-s onr thanks to our friends and neighbors for tin runny kindle, s. cs ex'emii d lo us din ing tho recent illuiss of onr little boy. Mil. ami Mi;.-;. W. II. Hamlin. Ceriral Falls, Maich lo. 10()t. Business Locale. T AlililVI-'.U ' -it Mr. far Mill I. I'ri. e. righi. 'IT. I 'MAN A TU., i: i;y i;i:'Him: iiuw. rn .lnvicl VV,.. r.'ll ii,g Si M K r -.lie At Central Falls, Joseph Under wood of paralysis, aged 4" or 50, on Mch 12th, 1905. The ileceasetl had been in poor health for several months. He leaves a wife and children. Rud'ni Johnson died, March loih, o( congestion 'if the lungs. He was the father of Mess F. B and I! C Johnson, of of Mart a, X C. mid was oue of Randolph s best citizens. Mrs. Sullio Glasgow, wife of Mr. Peter (Jli'S'tow, died on March 12th, 1905 aged 73 years and about one mouth, at her heme four miles east of Asheboro. Tne burial was ut Mt. Tabor Motility. The deceased i tmi1 '" was a daughter of the lute Reuben ! Hendricks. Mrs. Glusgow was first' i,iv man ietl to Isaac Trogdon who died i Ah. l. either in the civil war or ut the "salt J I works." 1 '' Mel It.UtV liKIUiiS'ti 1 1 1 v n tine I. live Iioniav .Lie!. A lv In i: M .-iler line . "l i it v,u,i ii H. -t-. i.i nie.n mat-liiae ..... n n- iv i V --r.i l. r- in A-I.e!, I ue-,lay i,r We.lai-.l iy ,. o.-M w. el,. I IN -. SHI. I II , ai I,..,.! of Hi: llarn--tin-.t we are i, inliu-eil j.riei-s t'alt ,i w us 1-f,,re lliel me all frel-.e. MifitAHV-lir.l'lUMi 1 : 1 t.l. W.VN'TKI). -I'll "'.no k ., Ilepi. Sah,rv .-ex". I ll.lit! (hi .MII.CII lllill'll , MIV, l oi: SA I - Two f. , .-i-OS IS ID Llid I ".. W M (' II.UIMKI!. .-.l.-lH.r... X. C. ,'. II. WAKKITKI.H, i,r rh.-oluiie. ii at tin- I'enlral li.ilel e:i i- A mil l.'llh let- thei.uin-e el nvui :s of, Ii..!-. Xon. ,m.l Threat Real Estate For Sale! miln il lolllle--. SI ll.le-. 11.,,'ksniltll i.liop. i ri 1 1 I four Hen ul muil hi the lutirs..u. ml!: l-aVCtevltk- !. km'I l.'ivliHrrle nn.l. , mlxlHS.,11 S-iulli Faveturvillc Kttvet be- i' Whin iimiH-rly mal John M llottM. hiiiI iliiiii'iihioiLs mi Cox xtrti't tulloinlHiz lot ruiinluK 'rom K,. ,1,11, ,.. Kii i-ttt-villcntrect to Cox Htrci-t H ill bo hold u'1-.tlierorih.-iiuniU'lv. Tlin-o li,t 1UOX-&IJ It. ut tliu ivuuiitt wild of Sua- 1 -4 iii-re lot with S room clivultlng. utaljle mill ori-luii'fl S4 mile liurtli of court house. one-hulf ueri' lot on Sull.-lmry struct went Hud mljoliiliii,' I)(.iiik,..v Atunuii, frontliiK ruilnnel. Six nc ri'i. leljolulni: lmi,lof Kll Hit iiimr. Jnliiw I'n e all. I nthen. klluini un the Lindaiiy Mi lmwell I'laiv. (ioml syrinx nli'l luK lioue under repulr i illl. Aipy to A.C. M'Al.lsTKIt. oiiil story, ri-uroilltm ,-oiniiiriUiiliii term i A I ll.ll'k .;, w small price v of next i ii,; imiehimi y....I see Hie Tll-.!av k in AsliL-liem. ' 1 1. v. sMMii;. K t AIIIIV ill Ueek full line of Ii P ? ii, 1 iivoe'H jiure v.iiit. Itefore raiii!iii; t us lieure tviih you. Met'it.Rv-iti;iiiiist.i now. f". Mel'H.MtV-ltKHIilN'ii II.l;l'WAI!i; Ct iller- -ome illitittiinl luirgain in tvagen .ii:ev linrm-ss, also in all kinils ef tea ; Coll to nv U-. I Wll.l. I iivlnesiby ef ,, nh a I: ii- lot i Asla-lmlo Tues.lav ami Seed Potatoes. r.1 V.ailv I'eael, ,1 ,., -ale es uill i lli...Ii I', W. I.. Kl'vKTT, ('.. Ii. I'. I. No. s. Farm and Mitu For Sale. A line fain r.igllly-live a .al.inee nt In eiinshi,, 1- .. w. n. si. :.Vi), broin l jvonrl ; 1.1 sa - mill .a uii.l (Irani 1'. K. Carolina Stock and Poultry Farm, 0. U. Hinshaw, Prop., k.uite No. I, Climax, N. C. sieHle -o,l, llrewn lhorn ami Harreil I'lyiiioutli lioek Chickens. rfyiJCiw ' "erkuliire I'ijjx i3fei)Sfes5aL rru'-" r''fi,,t'r"1 Ki"-'k- i.vJ-iily1 I'oiir lii-st Pi-'iiiituus &i4ftgiSS una -WiMtali-4 o u a-.xiii8- l',.irnl (.urn. lin.i fair, n!-o two lirsn, " h-coiuI and thr.-e lliir.l piviiiiiuiis. . ii C'l.i.-k-i.s. Ifi f.jr I .III). Write for pi-ires on pujs and poultry. a morn?-5carboro-mOtti co Wholesale and Retail W. D. SPOON, Dealer in HEAVY AND FANCY GRO CER1ES, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, ETC. Fresh Meats Kept on Hand all the Time. FREE DELIVERY for all purchases in Asheboro "arm For Sale I Two I, ; .Ire I . Imilx 10 : I well walereri' aVv I'el.l, with li-eliii.e. p 'I well of water and o l;i. I-'.'i- fn :l,er iiirorinalio,i ai'lv In l'. (I. 1-UAZIKI!. Slain", X. I '. Ti.i- l-'eliy. -I. 1 HO.".. I.llil.l Good Second Hand Buggies. n., II. ,11.,.!, i.l a lii, h the. IV. I H,e..iv C. onaiiv ha -eeou.l liau.l l.ur; ( laiunie :,11 uii-... For Sale. ... f.ila .1 fl.-m .:-.,!,il.i,, .rate Ii- iw,. M-a'i-s ,l. T l.l'.ACll A SOX, llelleMm llelel. uiji r,.iiii, x. i Star Bottling Works. .1 1! I Mil.' A.M. star. X. C. Farm for Rent. i V, illiau. e Uumsn .i,l. .,... to y will. . ft... l i plai-n near l.ii. r ami lireenslu ivuship is f,.r i. ,,l st.vk. Willi All the I.-U-..I .., infer ulll vith III, ,nee. X,.iie l.ul ..lie I., the sale of l el.v. I Illl an.l 1 T wrile. fl.ACIilfS CXOKItWi Ii I- r X... 1 Cliniax al pr. ,vriy ;ew Offerings of Town Property. I live t,, Ulllll I-'atettn llli.ejof'six r. ami w. .1 -I..-.I. I e paiule.l ivell iK.ver failing .'l.'i feel .ler. from (, p. iroui.. hili. in ,,teultivatiti wiih x i oi'iii-ino;. si-upieriion via. ii .ix.l on sj.lo. U si,aMe v si inn of tie p.ireluisn m ui lite liahim-e Im-uil; e ms. pan i.l imper ni,-.l i: tell ilraiue. I fl'llil live- .ii.l 1 ii .i-hlirh..o.i i.l I., -i " ". loulhlv ilistalluie,, of l-'i'sher Av.-liil illlvanls of ,l. p of the il-l lo! I, nh M- ..I i'ai-h . tlie 1,1, .1 to III. IS I'lli; H.ttlllMi.-l-i ejihreo.l B.ilT t irpitifitnim u ,. These hints are larue, !-. ,l,.r. - I'.i.uiN- J Sirrn, sMUKI!, o Tues,he The New Body Builder As delicious as a Fresh Orange Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and Emulsion - Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal elements, a.-tunlly taken from penuino f rch cuds livois, with organio Iron and other boily-liiiil.liiiS lii:;i-c:iiiitn, but no oil or p-c.w, ninkinR the greatest trenf'tli and flesh crcntor known t mcdiciiio. For old people, puny children, weak, pale women, nurnlng mothers, chronic cold, hacking coughs, throat and lung troubles, Incipient consumption nolltln(C equals ViooL Tr7 i U J-uu don't UU It W9 Witt rvtuni morMlj. Asheboro Drua: CoTnanv lta.ns.MU-. X. C. o f Salishun-, will I.- iu II sial We.l.i.-.!av of ut lie .liffen-nl kiniU mi- j; wity tnaehilies at a . 1 e I well. Half ea-h, luh.nee ,-an i.-.l hy il-line :,, .,,:m Associalioll. Apply to A C M, All-Tliii, llearolliei over Bank. HORSES AND MULES. I have just received at my stubles on Depot Htrcct a line lot ot horses mid ninlt-8 lor tsitie and c-xelinnge. sure to see mv atock liefore pur chasing. I!. K. Knss. SEEDS Ours are Always Reliable Write far lllmtmol CtI.K. Il l HrM Att.l.-I'A l.Altl.Y TIIITKKH CABIlAcr.. a sure hea.ler. Sed I'V. u isu-kajp. .'I for -.V , ouin-p .".V. KAHI.IXA IiiMAIO MTU. pio ilurea det.p tu-ailel totnaliM-s iu elus tcrs 15 to H to a hunch, v.-rv i.rolilie: larkajn- 1') -. -1 It S-i m.v :i'.e. FAXCV SKI.KtT M til ST A i;attu'.sxakk watei: Mi-.i.tix. Th n..i - ifeei shapi ami most ,1. liriotb. calin uieUiii iu eultiva' ion; nil pseelleut shipier; paekap. Itle.; otmee l.'ic.; I--I H. $l.'2t khi pni.l. e. .'ottoi. SmnI, improved lmpruved Held or t Mp eoi Wlvet B ans, (V,w l-'onige Crop Seed, 1 llullx. Writp for onr pi ii nerd to plant. tir Sre.1, i.l oilier what Alexander Seed Co.. Augusta, Qa. Watchmaker and Jeweler. Dealer in Watches, Clocks and Optica! Goods. All work guaranteed. Jos. Norman, Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, and Notions 1 Fresh, Clean and New Goods, Call and see me and be convinced. Store next door to the postollice. ALEXANDER UNDERWOOD. DEALER IN Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Pioduce, Etc., Etc. All kiuJi of Country Produce llDII-'lll illlll solil. X' COLD DRINKS, ns Cull to see nie next door to Hiuu' snlo Ktalilee. Ray Edmundson, Tonsoi ial Artist, Depot Street, Asheboro, N. C. J. R. STEED, DEALER IN Groceries and Fresh Meats! All kinds of fresh meats kept constantly on hand. (Opposite PoRtoftice.) LAM) S.W.K. Hy virtue of an rtli,r of a grautc-sl iy t)i.-Siijt. ru r Cimit nf Uitmlolph county in h iiH-cvtliiig tiieriMU wniling. ciitiUod A T Ward uml otliHix vti i ititliin Vilkntni) ;iml lmsliiiml utl utht t. I will r-11 to thf Itilirvt hitiiler ut pul-lic a'Mtinn nt the Court Hu'iht diior in AshplHim, X. '., uti Siitunlav, April liMi:., ftt Jl' oUk M., the follow ing ilt'MTilril IuikIh, lyin nml mng in Lilrtv town Mil n, liandnlpli rouutv. Adjoin inff the landM uf Fmiiris Jones ami .Un-rt iiil '.miuHletlas folhiWH, viz: Btyinniiiff nt a ptwt ok u Aaron JimMi' liin', nmniiitf tlu-iu'e wit tm lino L'li ch 'iO Iknto a falloti (Hint o;ik. tfaenco smith .Vi tlru pii-t 1 1 vht to t-4t oak, thomf fotiih It vhn nil (.'ox'i line to n pout oak Plump, thfno Bnuth ." padt 25 chn TH) ink- to a fallen white oak, thence nouth Ii- to nsh mi tho nurtlt liunk of iSandy t 'rrk. i!ionc north east Ct ch np the t;ii ii'M- cour-tw t.f the rreik to n le'h. tiii-i.iT "outii cle I'.'t link t a pilo of tono, uu'iH'0 1'iisvt 1 c' to a ninck wnhiut Hiumii, ttiem-e fmth 1 1 chn ."rtt liukt tc m -ink-, th-n-e 'rtHt 'M ch '0 link- to a pilef Mtoiie, (hri.f tierth 4 it en-l l- rhf M lk to a -tour, lhcn' wvnt - rh i'7 MnV to a Mark fiimi. thence iu rU 5 dp eait IS oht I" n ponliir-tump, them-e iinith -t'l dipt i-nst 4 cIik 2 iinkN to nn old fallen poplar Ijttnk uf the rrivk, thence north vnrioim cuur-i of th creek .12 elm t- n black gum stump, I bene went 7 chn V link to a take in the meadow, thence noi-th 1 vi to a Htuiif, them-e weat (t chn 00 link to a white oak, thence north 10 cha 00 link to tho beginning, except about 23 arrex hereto fore deepi from naid land ij Kit Ward to 0 I' Ward, k-aving lt'il aereb more or le in tit- tract herein teerihi. The almve land han recently Iweu nun-eyed . v found to coa tain Z-Z acrea more or let. Term- of -ale, ca(b. KIJJAJI MOFFITT, TliUM3rcUIlthtUAV th up tin 28 lml New Goods ! New Dress Goods, I New Clothing, Etc, 0: Our new spring and summer (foods are Q' being received daily are ready for your inspec- M tion. We have a beautiful line of China-Silks, tej Taffeta-Silks, Melrose, Albatros, Nunsveilings, H Cotton Voils, Linens, Percales, Lawns, Etc., to j which we invite the especial attention of the jig ladies of Asheboro and surrounding country. P Our new line of Clothings, Hats and Gents Ii Furnishings is large and of the latest and most m up-to-date styles. Be sure to see our goods P before purchasing elsewhere. H Every department of our large store has S been supplied with a nice fresh supply of new H goods, which we will take pleasure in showing P you. Mail orders given prompt attention. jpj Call a-nd See Our StockTIt's a Beauty. q -- . Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co Ci Wholesale and Retail ee Farmers When the March winds dry up the mud you will need our Oliver Plow, Superior or Farmers Friend Corn Planter, a Disc Harrow, Cultivators, Fertilizers, &c. We carry every thing in the line and will sell cheap. Call to see us. ' Very truly yours, . . McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co. SpeciaJ Sade Men's and Boys Pants! For the next JO days I will dispose of at Greatly Reduced Prices a large lot of men's and bovs' pants. Come and let us show you these bargains. 1 he nicest line ol shoes ever showed at this place, and full line of ladies' spring and summer dress goods, also stock of general merchandise; all kinds of country produce bought and sold. Give me a call. Very truly. A. F. COX. This March 15th, I90v Cedar Falls, N. C. rt s ?! 53." :s Is1 n J sip mi I OH Wood (EL Moriig, Leek-ding Merchants. Early Spring- Opening! We have now a beautiful line of early spring goods to show you, consisting of woollen goods, silks and many other things which to behold will be admired. Prices that Tell. .1 rwl, :'i(r V.iil., Cnprts, Nmn- ini-li liliick TolTpta Silk 91M, worth $1.25. 'j; inch New ShndcB Silk 1 .00, worth IM. J7 inch t'hina (Silk, colorn l.ln.k, while, navy lihio an i; in.-h Mlr.Mc, all wool, Ti'ic. , Ami i.innv olherH, ronsiitinfi of ti.hnir, Allulroah. vwliiift. frtlloii VoiU, Etc. :ui im h,. I.ii.oii,. 20 oikI 'Sic.; inrh lui I.i .Hi inch Itrown Liiwua, 2.V.; 27 inch llrown Uncus, 20c. A full lino of Shirt Waist C.ou.1,., l.t, 20. 85, 35 nnd SOo. l-icm. on.l Kcl(jinpi, very i-lionp. , -.. ..a.. Kelt Matlroc, ?Ji 50, 10.00 an.l $12 50; fotubination. ?2.2j to 3.0O, Iron 1W, $.1 "5 to 12.50; fijirinp. to Hi any liod of boil. M;illinir from 20c. up. AVOOD & MORING. DO YOU WANT A DRESS OR WAIST? Or Any Other Article for Spring Wear. We are receiving onr spring good. Fancy Lawnt, White aJ Colortd Waiat and DreM Gotxl; Special price on India Lian. 'Ladie Fancy Collars, Table Lhmn, Percales, Colored Lawiu, TJhildren'i Clothing, Children' White aod Tau Iloae, men and boy't BhirU, ladies', miM' and child's Slippers; in fact moat auy thing yon want at the very best j.ricr.i, Come and see before baying; we can please yon . , .L , Yours truly, , , ftlDCC. FOX 4 COMPANY. ...A

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