The Asheboro Courier. Local and Personal. The Cornier job department is up-to-date. The Chicago Glee Club is coming ' Monday night. Miss Indie Young, of Trinity, was in Asheboro lust week visiting friends. Ex-Sheriff Swaini, of Rumlleuia'-, was in Asheboro Monday. i W O Bain is president of magic and fun Greeusbaro Woud Fibre Duster Com pany recently organized The up-to-date morcliunt are those who advertise with The Courier. the Don't miss tlu Monday night. Mr J T Brittain has pu i chased : Mr Jcthro Jarrell, of Hijib Point, Mr N P Nelson's farm near Spero. purchased a lot of Arinlield Lau liu on Hamlin Iligh s. tha Hlnu ninh liv nil mpAna. Vnn'ii ... h.r . -ttr iinarht. I Add to your list of 'phones No 7 The Courier ollice, mechanical de- Miss Delphiua Henly is building partment and press rooms. a roaulm, nil Axmlpmv fill M . Messrs. Millis Brown unit Chus Music, Fun, Laughter! Time , Smith have rented Mr J S Free Monday night. Place Academy, 'farm one mile east of Asheboro Miss Stimson, of tha Graded! Mr and Mrs E B Kearus are visit- School, spent Saturday in Handle- ins thcii son in Durham. Mr man. Kearns' health is much improved. Our advertisers are just now doing The appearance of the frost king much to a:d us m editing, 1 lie, so late m the spring has played Conrer. j havoc with much of the fruit and Mr W L Cranford has purchased 1 Sarieu vefcetll'J' a lot on I'wharrio street of Brittain Mr J M Brown, of Grant town A Hammer. ship, has purchased a four acre lot I of ilamlin property of Armiield and Dont If you have an item of 'phone or write us about it. keep it to yourself. Do not forget that Or Selh A 11. I., ,1... L-. mrivoy nooo ns uaa , ureuuwu Rt.medy for u U0WI1 Complainls, the Tysinger dwelling on the corner of Fayettevillo and Uwharrie. Mr and Mrs Peter Garner, of Warranted by Standard Drug Co. Miss Etta Ki;, daughte- of Mr and Mrs J A Kin", of Wliv Not. w Proximity, s, eut Saturday and Sat-, be married to M i 11 C Cox in the urday night with Mr Alleu Woodell Mesdames J R Page, J K Wood and their mother, Mrs McAulay were in Asheboro a few hours Mou day afternoon. Messrs A F Cox and W W Jen pings, of Cedar Falls, went down to Troy batnrday morning uml return cd Monday morning. Mr II D Scarboro a leading 1a ington merchant, was in town last week on his way to visit his mother at Mt Gilead. Rev C Robinson and Prof J M Way, of Asheboro, delivered ad dressee at a Sunday school rally at Worthville on last Sunday. In the death of Ira Saunders, of New Hope township, which occurred a few weeks ago, the county lost oik it's oldust and best citizens. Twenty desirable lots on Fayette- ville street in the southern part of town. These lots will be sold with in the next few weeks at wondeiful bargains. Mr M Hammond, of Archdale, is in town superintending the building of the new residence of Clerk of the Superior Court Hammonds on Aca demy street. Messrs J M Way aud W A ruder wood were in Randlemun Saturday attending the celebration of the com pletion of the uew liaudleman Graded School building. Mr Elmer Rich has moved into his dwelling in South Asheboro. Mr Rich has recently remodelled his dwelling and it is now one of the handsomest residences in town. Mr S M Crooks, of Spero, will move bis family to Halllson in Moore county, where Mr Crooks hue a position at the saw mill of Mr J G Parks. The last issue of the Carthage Blade contained a lengthy and in-, tcrcstmg write up of the splendid school located at Elise in Moore . county. Feel tired, no appetite, cannot sleep, work or eat? That's spring tiredness and will disappear at once if you take Hoi lister's Rocky Jlomi taiu Tea this month. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Co. - Mr Jno W Hill, a prominent citi zen living near Archdale, will bo married to Miss Nettie Weddon, of Archdale, next Sunday morning at Mt Vernon church, Rev Alberj Sher rifl performing the ceremony. Mr R W Jordan, of Franklinville, in renewing his subscription writes ns that his wheat looks nicer than he has evei seen it at this time of the year. He also writes that be has some pig seven months old 'weighing 100 lbs each. Mr and Mrs C 0 McAlister attend ed the funeral of Mrs Word U Wood. Mrs Wood was formerly Miss Fan Barwell, daughter of Judge Burwell of Charlotte, and recently married Mr Wood who is a son of W W Wood, of Greensboro. A ponynd a dog from Paul's Valley, Indian Territory, shipped to Asheboro by Mr J ' Winslow ar rived here Monday of this week. The express charges on the dog and pony were $60.00. Mr and Mrs Winslow arrived on Tuesday of this week and will probably make Ashe boro their bomc. Mr C C Dona't, of Greensboro, a son of Mr C G Dorsett, who for nieily lived in this county, was iu inwn Monday returning from a visit i Ramseur. Mr Ward, of Ramseur, came up with Mr Dorsett. Mr Dor wtt has a position with the South- ern Bobbin Company. Messrs M H Moffitt and Elmer Rich have purchased the stock of merchandise belonging to Mr Otis Rich. - Mr Geo Ssott, son of Mr Allen Scott of Flower Hill, is clerk ing for the new firm. Mr Elmer Rich has purchased from Mr J M Betts the store house on Fayetteville street in whioh is kept their stock of goods. Messrs W B Webster and D U I Allred have purchased all the inter s ests of all the partners in the store of 1 McAlister, Worth & Co. at Central Falls. This is one of the largest ' store in the county. Mr W P Con- ner will be retained m one of the clerks. Mr WebsUr will manage the bnsinew. He has experience and we predict for the firm continued prosperity, Fair Grove M P ehurch. Rev W C Lassiter will perform the mama cere mony. Jos Norjian left for Spencer Mon day morning where he goes to work in the bpencer shops. II is taiin! will remain in Asheboro until h decides whether ho will locate per manently in opeucer. Twenty-live of the nicest lots you ever saw on II am I in uigiita at $.U each.. Ihese lots are yoinj; fast. Betterbuy quick before tliev all sold at this low price. Applv to Armiield k l.aii''hlin. Recently muiiv bills lime been sent to subscribers and as all thi work has necessarily been done In clerks occasionally errem have been mule. We regret this mid correct them when culled lo our attention. If you are going to drink, let your patronage be limited to the soda fountain and cull for Pepsi-Cola, the most satisfyiiiL', touting and refresh ing of ail drink, and a specific for that 'tired feeling." Only 5c. Remember The Courier job de partment guarantees the best work at the lowest price. All work irimr anteed. Best material and best equipment. You save money and get better work dene here. Then why pay twica what we charge for inferior work? The Courier would be glad to s-.'e a modern up-to-date hotel building in Asheboro during the summer. Anew modern hotel would add much to the attractiveness of the town. Such a hotel would furnish a com fortable -stopping place for mauy people who do not come here now. It would help to advertise the town. The weather which has been warm and pleasant for "i-wriil weeks, turned collar ltit Saturday night, and on Sunday afternoon snow feli rapidly for al-.out three minutes. There has been frosl every night since then uml it has greatly injured the fruit crop, most serious dam age being done to peaches. Mr J II Vestal was in town today and showed us letter from Nobles- villr. In liana, stating that bis brother, Wni Vestal, died suddenly there on April 14th. Mr Vestal went to Indiana soon after the civil war aud had accumulated consider able property, and was a useful citizen. Mr W B Webster has sold his interest in the grocery store of W D Stedman & o to his partner Mr Stedman and has moved from Ashe boro to Central Falls, where he has purchased an interest in the store of McAlister Worth Co and will assume the managcuientof the store. We regret to have Mr Webster and family Wve Asheboro. Mr W W Jones has moved bis stock of general merchandise from the old stand of the Asheboro Cloth ing Co., into the store formerly oc cupied by Morris Scarboro next door to the postofllce. Mr Alex Underwood has moved his stock of groceries into the building-vacated hy Air Jones. Air Arthur Davis will conduct a cold drink stand in the building vacated by Mr Underwood. Senator Watkins win here Tues day and said that Ramseur was think ing of having a local tax for a grad ed school. It is only a question of time when there will be a local tax in almost every public school district. That is the way the public schools built up in the New England unci Middle Atlantic States. More than three fourths of the taxes taised iu those States for public school pur poses is by local taxation. to I lina Mr. Lwlt to Movs toAihtboro. Mr J Stanback Lewis, now living in Alabama and "engaged in the manufacture of turpentine has let the contract to Mr Henly, of Randlemun, to build a handsome residence on one of his lots on Sun set Avenue. The building will be one the largest and nicest residences in town. Mr Lewis was formerly clerk of the Superior court of Mont gomery county. He has for a num ber of years been engaged in the tui pentine business and is considered quite wealthy, lie is a most excel lent gentleman and we gladly wel come him and his family to Ashe boro. Mr Lewis says the chief rea son for moving his familv to Ashe boro is to have his children where they will have the advantage of Asheboro l graded schools. - - RANDLEMAN CELEBRATES. Ljrgo AtiMis.i'5 ?a':-'l-y ! Celebration of. Cc.i..:aticn el . rsitd -cltool Bnttding -One cf tho Ccit E ii!diu.,s in .ho State Trof White Makes Elot.uc.l ".'..'dross. Con. iilirnii; the u-ry ii"!i!iv:it weath- r, jvo were gratified to see large an attendance at the exercises held at our handsome new schonl building on f-atunlay lust. The large auditorium bail b-eii beautifully and artistically decora t (d for the occasion ly the ladies. The ci liiv stage was li-stoom-il with llajx an. I bunting; national ami state 'emblems lieinc prominent. Lilacs, dogwood blossoms, and nottctl plants tormed a tiright and pleasing tore- ground, while in the rear of the stage was the choir of trained voices. composed of the older students of the school and voting ladies and gentlemen of the town. The pa triotic songs were well rendered, but. no more enjoyed than the string music, which was furnished by home talent. Indeed, soon after enteiinir the building, one became oblivious to the fact that, rain descended in tor- u Is from the dark clouds, which had gathered in the heavens in the early morning. The occasion was inspiring and full of interest, and we noted with regiet the absence of some of our neighbors we hoped to have Had wnli us; but who were prevent ed from intending by the weather. 1m a few graceful and wcM chosin words .Mr J Al Way presented Hon K II White, of Fraiiklinton, 'i voiiii r brother of the distinguished di ine, Rev John K White, of Atlanta the speaker of thedav. It wasiiuite lifting that Mr While should have been with us on file opening of the new school building: lie bavin niatic the lust speech in Kap'llemau ml vocal ing the school quest ion, about year ago. Mr W !:itc said, iu part: 'That he remembered with pleas ure bis former Ull to liumlleman. id that now his pleasure was ten fold on his return, limling that the itizeiis of the town bad so well car ill his advice: t liat he could not lie'ii lint feel a little siiirit of li v v I hut be hail not iu-1 such i hool building at his own home aud on lil like .tv much to tak the building back illi him in his alise. lie statu!, hnwcvt r. that rati klinloii would soon have a new hool l-iii!diur-: having n-eenilv voted on tin- question." I liml I hat you nave erected a llioiiiiiiiehl not mi I v a 1 1 i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -M t llicalioli. Inn m I 1 h.i! it a monument to t In- lie.irl ami pi i it, of the people ho live in I Ins town. I stand here lodav, not before. but in tlie midst of the battle, not the beginning, but in the middle f the march. If I i.m sav unvtiiig it will cheer the people of this community, that will keep the courage steadfast, their -liui as it has ecu heretofore, then I shall be Midi ttislied indeed with my visit to vou. The government of Nuitli faro is determined by the average of its citizenship. It matter--not ln votir judges, legislators, etc, are, the average people l .oilh Carolina ill determine, what kind ot govern. Ill the State will have. I believe re are three points which dcleiiu- ine what the average man is. and hat he is going to make of hiui- It: first, bis ancestors; second, Ins surroundings: and third, his educa tion." Vou mav go back to the time lien North Carolina was a wilder- when the lir-t people who tt led here went ti the battle Held hting for liberty, and whose mimes were signed to the Declara tion which said that we are bv right ee men and wo will shake olf alle- lancc to hnglaiid: and trey hacked with everv thing thev had in the world; property, money and lives." I ben came that late tlav , w hu h still fresh hi the memorv of some present, when North Carolina went into what we call the tsoutlierii I on- rucv, and put her whole heart into it; sent her troops in sui li niiiu- rs to the battle lields of Virginia no other state did.' The speaker then referred to the courage with which the people ot e Mate returned to their desolated homes to restoie their wasted for tunes, after the Civil war. He then stated thut it was associa tions which determine character; at North Carolina was the best ite ill the Uuited States for a boy- be reared in; that while the North hud the wealth it also had the greater vice. I He referred to what little inlliieiice the State could claim nationally;" yet, her resources hud only to be de- loped to make her wealthy and iullueutial. Referring to "free school..'' he ited that by that means every boy could have a chance: that be was not tin advocate of any plan which would onlv educate a chosen few. He illustrated very forcefully the reat things which could be attained fullillnig our duties in the edu cation of the child. Comparing the evelopnieiit of the mind of a child a rose bud, tightly closed, which th proper nourishment opened and grew petal by petal, into .the full blown (lower. On closing, he said: 'I congratulate the people of Randlenian on the work thev have one. I wish vou God-speed, and 1 say this, my friends, regaidlfss of hat may lie your occupation, re gardless of w bat pathway you walk , inai mere may oe put oeioro you all the lights for nobler and higher ambition, and th;4 the children of our country may have the education thev should have. illil m Hid stimulate the TOHI li) LIVER, strengthen the dlcoCive organs, rcKuliit.- the bowels, aril are un equaled es un ANT!-R:LWriJS MtDiCtE, In u::'- "l:d cMifcf their virtues nn-ivi-'oly rtu(-i;ni.ed, ok they po r.e.s.i pt-culhi- properties In freeing t'.u fyMem from that poison. EK-" Ktil'y m:-::t coated. Take U: G.:.;xtiU;h:. CHICAGO GLEE CLUB COMING. The Chicago Glee Club will ap pear in Afhehoro text Monday night. 1 his is a musical organization of the first water, being composed of four of the star musician of the country, accompanied by Miss Edna George, an elocutionist ot unusual abilities. The Chicago Ghe Club ranks today among the finest male quartets iu the United States, and to hear It will be a rare treat such as Asheboro has seldom if ever had c.-ifuinly such us it will not likely have again soon. so one who loves music and lun can afford to miss this. All patents vv ho purchase tickets this week will lie permitted to bring with tin-in free of charge all of then children now attending tho graded School, and if tickets enough are sold this week to pay the cost of the entertainment, all children now in school will be admitted free. This is a special concession made to the children of the school. Tickets on sale at the Standard Ding Store. Reserved seats 5(1 cents. Children admitted for s!0 cents. ' Mr M S Ferguson aud Miss oru Brewer April Uth. J I. Wremi, J I' officiating. Marrii-d on April liith. Mr I) Ktvett and Miss .Mary Haithcux, of Liberty, i I' barker J r, oflieiiitin DEATHS. William T Davis, aged otf, yean tat her ot the late W 1. Davis who was killed Itv Clay Grubb la it Octo ber, died in Davidson county April Slh. Mrs Faraba Shirlev.of Silver Hill township, Davidson county, die April Jrd. Amos Crotts au aged citizen of Conrad Hill township, aged TO years die d recently. Chus T Miller died of typhoid lever at his saw null lour mile from Troy, in Montgomery county on Mimlay April, Ptll. lie leaves wile and three children. His wife who is a daughter of Mr aud Mr John Rurrow, living near Asheboro. was so distressed by her husbands illness thut she lost her mind and has been conlined. Gin House ncstroyed. The wind storm week before last which passed over a part of Iiii h mond county blew down the gin house of Mr K F I.ovvdermilk in liichmond countv. In the building destroyed were x'li bales of cotton and v'.liuO bushels of cotton seed. The machinery was badly in l tired, the teed were scattered and other injuries were done. I he track of the storm was Km vards wide. New Rural Routes. I'he new rural deliverr route from I'lcusuiit Garden is to bo established the first of Mav. .Starting out from Pleasant Garden on the Asheboro oad to lbidiiv Field".-; thence by .1 K lUiveits and William Allred's ind il M lloi kett'a bv way of Thicc Forks: til -nee the (Irccnslioro road io !r Coble'-; t In-iicj e.i.-l lo C 1! Hardin's: thence vi:i .Vlsou Wood- bum's and Daniel Kirkiuau's and I Neck's to l'leasaiit Garden. Nunc lour miles of this rout.- will be iu liaudolpli. Uobert Fentress wiM be I lie can ier. Mr W ti llatkei, of Kamllemaii, is the icr on the new route which noes down the Old i'lank road uitliiu a mile ami one half of Ashe boro, Providence Graded School Doing a Grtf.l Work. The school at l'rovidelice closed ;s -ctond year's woik as a rural railed school Friday, April :li. N i net v-three pupils were enrolled. All pupils of school age, living in this district, but eight were enrolled in some school during this term. Twenty new books and somcvalu ble maps were added to the school luary tins year. 'I'he school receiv- d substantial donations from the Pcahoily fund and from other sources. A large crowd attended the. clos g exercises winch consisted of iigs, recitations, declamations and; liulo::ues interspersed with music a string baud. Frof .1 li Carlvle. of Wake Forest, made an elo.piet .-peech on education, lie emphasized the importance of the little child, complimented! the c o in m il n i I y o u t It c progress it had made and urged it to toiwar.i nr the work it had so nobly begun. I'he bountiful dinner spiead bv the patrons was thoroughly enjoyed bv a large number of visitors. The success of the school is due in urge measure to elliciency of Miss Ktta Stalev the piincipal and her istaut Miss Hardin. I'he declamations, dialogttes.essavs ind the entire programme was roll-; lered in a most creditable manner rellecting credit alike on both teuch- rs and pupils, bearing evidence of the careful training and the excel lent school work done during the session. A Card of Thanks. 1 wish to return the heartfelt thanks of the family to the fiieuds that ussi'cds in carrying my sou, Willie, to the train on Tucsduv morning, the lltli, lo go to tile l'resby'.eliait hospital a Charlotte to be opeiated on foi appendicitis. Also we thank the railroad men for their kindness shown him and the pool di et Franklinville for their great syui- .itti v tor us in this great trial, lie was operated on the day he arrived at the hospital. Mrs W C Russell is till with h:m and there is very I. tile hope of his itcovery as his health was very bad and the appendix" hud burst when he arrived at the hos pital. .1 I) II VI hSKV. N i '. Letter to f-'J. Moiiitt, Asheboro, N. C. u: Wo knew l,a: ll- i:i:i..rix(i To; maciiixks. TiikTukiv; Ma.iick Wuii. is tin- onlv iblieiitinn ill Aumrieuilevoteil to the interi--t. tvliu it-.- lalkin imtelmie-. Il eel), clinical information, itew.v interi'-tine. rrfep-llll' I" till- llllirillioli'al l-ibii- ilics of the talking nnuhiiie, for with it u linlm-of imv lanifnaiA-mav- lo noininil. and eMiiu,' short Btorien. la il n!m uniN-ur plt-te list of all ut-w rscunl- mailt- ty dverv iiimmiwniivr in tins i-ounlrr. liv coiiHiilling this list otie liu- the lutet,t infor mation n'K!iniui the novelties iwnt forth. It publislusl I'V r.t-anl l.vnuui Uill nt I Ma lison Avenue, New Vurk, ami the cost is but Uille, Do. ike i-oj'.v, ."ilk.-, tin- j cur. !,. denier p;lillt for I - won't liuvi lead mi. Ill Wil-Ull link- li. ,.-allu 'IV SI p:. ill lead nn.l ; .Irvi-r a- How llial h. V. S. Mel'l paint. liol lll.l Un- ol .-III re than -"1 .0 11 -lull in li inc. of i-onr-o. Ileialo.l 711-.; i,-i.s- i. in-ls..lo;i.iViilla-i;itlr A culloii I'.m- li i- nill (jail r Miiiitin font- gallons lor on, i- lv-i. lead-ami im -woilhi o,- l,,,k V. W. pLotA t',. .nv-l,'.-,,1K lldu-.Co., sill- oi You save money and get better I woi k at The Courier job ollice. Returned Missionary Lectures. .vnss Margaret iMilina. who was for six years principal of a mission school in lokahaina, Japan, talked to u crowded house at the Asheboro M 1' church Sunday morning. At 3 o'clock she talked to the ladies the church. Again at s o'clock Sunday evening AIiss Kiihns talked to another well tilled house. The erections tor torcign missions 'mounted to 102. .Miss Kiihns an interesting talker aud carries conviction of her sincere purpos ami uirnest desire to do good iu thi world. - Money In Clerk's Office. In this issue of The Courier i completed the publication of the re port of .Mr W (' Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court. In the last issue the publication of l his animal report was begun, are man v fees of small amounts belonging to various persons who should either call or send a wii I ten order to Mr Hammond for these fees. The money is in the clerk's ollice and is doing no one any good and Mr Ham mond would be glad to have all who have mo:i-y in the ollice to call and colleot ir. Bond Election in Randlcnisn. 'Hie tow n of Kandlenian voted on the ijitestioii of issuing ?,."iil0 bonds for a graded school building on Tues day of l his week. There were HUi votes ca.-l tor bonds ami 4',' -votes cast ag-iinst bonds. The plestinli of iss'li llg 1 .0(10 ill bonds for -tioet improvement was also voted on and 1 Tt voles were Cist for bonds ami rid against bonds for sliel improvement. New Schedule. A change in the schedule on the riiiehuist special went into effect yesterday. Tile mil thbotiud passes Asheboro at 1 1 :i '." a. in. returning southbound arriving tit Aslieboro 3:Hi p. in. We will give full sched ule lievt week at all stations. No chantie in the nii.ved train from Asheboro to High l'oint. Business Local:. of K.-llll -Konkeiei at Will Miller - IMoved 5 5 ! Havinir bought out the grocery business of Jos. Norman I have moved to the building formerly occupied by Morris & Scarboro NEXT DOOR TO HOLLADY- POOL HARDWARE CO. on Depot street, where I will be glad, to see all my old cu.stoiners and new ones, two. W. W. JONES Li 1 M w PEERLESS. What does that mean ? PEERLESS Traction Engines PEERLESS Portable Engines PEERLESS Wheat Threshers GEISER Threshers GEISER Saw Mills Go to your dictionary and see what Peerless moans. GEISER. MANUFACTURING CO LEXINGTON. N. C. By George W. Crouse. 1 Bargains in Hardware! u and Farm Machinery! We tiro sellinjr an immense stock of hardware, em bracing plows, corn planters, disc harrows, harness, bug gies and everything kept in a hardware store, at the lowest prices and greatest bargains ever offered in Asheboro. C. J. Cox, Receiver, Hollady-Pool Hdw. Co. v 'ii'. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. W. D. STEDMAN & CO. Ilculi-rs in leavy and Taney Groceries. Ii pot St. -.-! Siilc liailroad. Attention, Please. We wish to call your attention to our stock of Hardware and Farming Implements. We keep in stock all the best and latest im proved appliances for easy farming. Also a complete line of the celebrated Enger and Fisher Buggies, Surries, &c. When in need of buggies, harness, etc., we will make it to your interest to trade with us. taTLister's Guano and Acids on hand. Call. The Watkins-Leonard Company, Ramseur, N. C COO 003 DG.O ftlorris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co .inl f-n,-,.r inA.-. i-l. I fun,, n l.tll.- III,-, full, , nn.l Horses and Mules. I,,,,., Seed Potatoes. -.1 K:.rlv I'. i. Il l:i-v. 1'ilV-.ll,'-h,'.M" v. I.. M I.I I. II., NOTICE. I itp"ijlll'''l in i-.n,,,,. Il,.l:i h-I'.... f,., 11,.- II.-M tl.illV n In. .-, prii-cs lli, ,. i.. il,.- IIoII.-mIv Il.n,l,.i,i- (' n.,: .l..s.' ,.!.. I.ML-ut l,.,rn'-. I'll, I.-.I .,il l,u !,-rv uml -li.-lf k--1- ' .-I ,1.. iv, I mil -..-l! Il III Ll. ,,tlv Il I.-I..M-IH" Hl.l wan tkii i..ihi-:s ai i in llll. .! ll,ljillil,.; i,-,,,i..,-;,. :l :,.K.-rli-u 111,' I, .I,-., I,- tin,,,l lh-urtiiioiit.,,,r i M. i , i, I liuam-ial sUiimIiiu. S., linn, null t,is(M ,1-1..,,,, i-lli-i-k (lin-rt flutll l01l,l.ll. ttllt'll IH1TiNilH. . 1 . I . M i.,v I- A.Mr. U .1. lll.l III,- Save Your House t.v lot i it is It m iiu-.l. t will l.. i, iiiiik,- il la.-l moru llmn t liv u l.'i.- . n illioui tH-tiii; tmluti'.l. Nul iri: Til t liKIH I'olis til-' THK lit I . I.AI'V 1'odl, HAI.'lW.M!i: Ct i. . tin- i Ii.t-Iij niM-n il,.- iiii,I.-ii.jii il li.ui- lie,.l il'..n,t. "I r,-i,-i i.f tiir ll, l',-,l Jl.,r,lr,-C,r-iv' Ii tli- II. o lU iin't! IIiviiii, .lii.i- ,n-i.lii'i-'ll. Mhli .l,i,li, ,., I .lislriw. A,,. I nil ih,. ,-iv,lii,,r. ,. Un- -sii.l ll. ll,'..l ll.inlni.n- Cm,.,,,,, uri- ii-i,iifil I iv I'lnli-r nf tin- nmrl t., Ilk- lli.-ii i l.,iiii lli t lie iiiiilt-iKiii.-il at Ai-Un.i, N C. illiin the m-xt sixty il:iyi fnnn tlii ilati X,i. tlii-crMlitiir8 will, Ihi-n fiin-m-iiiI llieii v.-rilil t-laiuilt t,l tin at uiiLf. C J Co x llnvivrr f tin- -P.h.I H.Ik-. Co. - Thi Mun-li i'.Hli, l'.H'.l. V TO TtSE V Unfortunate I Coffins ?r,d Ca.skts. I ill I.- R. L. ALBRIGHT, RFDNol Scagrove. N C MILLINERY! I have a large and va ried stock of : : : : New - Millineru ! To select l' and my prices are right. Come to see me. : : : : : (."litis) Nannie Ballinger. il.irr tnrh,ir.i M.Millt Co. A PAIN IN THE SIDE I. riH,:. r.lio.ll.lU.M.lli.-.l Rheumatism, Colds Coughs, Weak Chest Weak Back, Lum bago, Solatica Kor ininn In tho of the Shoulder : Weak Biclt Un' "hiiuhl bo upi'1 Imnlile mn In ri IipvwI Mini nir. . h-iilnKRnR AG. Scintlc PoreuiPi.-i-ttr. rni I h h l!astrr hfior np-plvinii-lf iv IifVtdbyhHlii nlare a not wutt-r twit lnHin tlm rlAHtvr on the PAPOOSE POPCORN A New Seed Discovery fur FORAGE, POULTRY, POPPING A subscriber to the Southern Agriculturist secured the origi nal seed from an old Indian In Northwest Texas. After experi menting with It seven years be wrots that paper: "With awid rrottml and care It nmM from. 60 to 100 bushels to tho acre, and planted thick an, I rut stalk ABi nil It v. ill make morn feed and li. lt.r feed than any thing I fver saw. The old In dian said poultry fed on It would never have the cholera. I have not lost a fowl -ltli cholera sine I havo kcn raising It. II also pops beautifully" This ar ticle brought hundreds of re quests for see), and now only a few bushels arc left. Send 10c for. a S months' trial subscrip tion to Southern Agriculturist, St C. P. Bldg. Nashville, Tsnn, and you will get I'.O stMd h re turn mall, h'jp .I taiU of $50 prli contest 'n G P 8 O P O S p 0 B m Q P P D P. Q P P b p Q n o Q n o o a Q () a Wholesale and Retail ew Goods! New Dress Goods. New Clothing, Etc, Our new spring and slimmer j,roods are beinij received daily are ready for your inspec tion. We have a beautiful line of China-Silks, TalTcta-Silks, Melrose, Albatros, Nunsveilings, Cotton Voils, Linens, Percales, Lawns, Etc., to which we invite the especial attention of the ladies nt' Asheboro and surrounding country. Our new line of Clothings, Hats and Gents Furnishings is large and of the latest and most up-to-date styles. Be sure to see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Every department of our large store has been supplied with a nice fresh supply of new goods, which we will take pleasure in showing yiiu. Mail orders given prompt attention. Call &.nd See Our Stock It's a Beauty. Morris-Scarhoro-lftoffitt Co Wholesale and Retail a CQ.QQoaaoQ0oQ9a'0oQoaoas New tyles in.... Spring & Summer Clothing! The latent styles and patterns can al ways be seen at mv place. I am phow inp; a pretty line of suits at $10. $12, and $15. It will pay you to look my line over before purchasing- Also a biar assortment of HATS, COL LARS, TIES and SHOES. "KEITH K0NQU0R" Shoes for men are the best to be had. See them. W. J. MILLER. Wood (Si Morirvg, Lea-ding Merchants. Early Spring: Opening;! We have now a beautiful line of early spring goods to show you, consisting of woollen Roods, silks and many other thing's which to behold will be admired. Prices that Tell. :iil .... li I!i... k Ti.IV.-lii Silk I IK, worlli 1. IT N.- M.n.lca Silk fl.lW, ui.rltl Iff..".!!. in. li I'l.ih.i Silk, col,. l.l.-M-k, wliiir, ikivv Line ...i.l ml, M: 17 in.-h,', ull ,,!. ;.v. An.l oll.. r, .-.uw-tii.n ,.f M.,!,.ni. Allulruw. Voilw, t'mirl, Nmw ' i. ilinu'. ( ' Llr. : in. h W liito l inens, I'll ;,n.l L'.V.; L'7 inrli Wliile Linens. 1S. .'W. i!..'h llntwn Lin.'iiH, L'.".f.; 27 incli ItruN.i'its, A full Inn- of Shirt Waist (iumls, 13, 20. 20, .V, run) 60r. I.u.-t- i.n.l li.liiis.Vt'rv clirni). I . li M..UI.--. S, 8 30,'IO.IlA ai.,1 I2..-i0; Combination, 1J2.25 to 5.. IWh. l:l.T."i lo S1J..HI; SnrinK-. I tit liny kind ot lied. M:.ltinET from 2ilc. M. . . WOOD & MO RING . Take The Courier and Get the News. One Dollar Per Year in Advance. . -

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