Chae Bain ha leagued hia position se a bookkeeper for A to. aim Miwtie Jennings has been very ill but we are glad to say that aha ia improving very (aat bow. Mrs J J Olaas' aeooad lot of hata will b ia thin waek. Call and aw what aba has. There will be aa Eaatar atitertunmast Monday night and they expect to hare a nice time. urn Doraeli lost bar pig laat week and bad quite a time finding, bat ebe haa built a fif teen rail fence high. r Will Coward, of Norfolk. Va, haa beea a visitor in our town for the peat weak. Our old town will ban mora mimic in a lew days. There am three organs on the way. We are glad to state that alias Nellie Pos ia on our atresia oooe more. G rover Bain apent the day with hia sinter in Central Falls, N C Sunday. A F Cox had the misfortune of loosing his tab. net laat week. Fletcher tbinka the nh swallowed it, but very likely the net took in the fish for there haa never been aoy discovery of it yet. This cold snap haa detained fishing for a upending Mid Cool April 18. ra R M Whitehead, of Yazoo City, vis, ia visiting her sinter Mrs Hundley. J no rord and children nave returned i heir home at Elon Colledue. Mrs General Leach who visited relatives in t 'harlotte few daya ago, baa returned to our village. Miss Indie Young, who haa been visiting friends in lUndleman, ntnee the oluee ol the i 'traded .School, has returned to her home. Ernest Carr and family, who moved to High i'oint far the winter, nave returned to Trinity. We are glad to have them with us attain. The Itev Uicke, who pure heard the property of sr White, ia moving on H. He will make this bis home. Mrs J J Fariia, of Hiirh Point, who baa I teen visiting her parents, returned to her home tills morning. The family of Mr Engtiab haa moved to TliouuMville, and Mrs I .each haa rented their home. April 17. Mesa E H Coapmsn and D H Shaw, of Greensboro, superintendent and Division Freight agent respectively of the Southern Railway Co, made a business trip io llandleman on Thursday. , Prof J M Way, of Ashelioro, attended the exercises at the new schools building on Snuinlay. C C Itobbios who haa recently Isoated at High Point, spent a few daya in town daring the past week. Miss Laura Slimeon speat Saturday at heme, returning to Ashehore Sunday morning, oa the vestibule. E A Wiles, of Greensboro, waa ia town oa on day. The member of at Lebanon church an arranging appropriate exercises for Eaatar Sunday evening. The electiou held hen oa the 18th decided i n favor of the bond iaaoe by a good majority. The vote was aa follows. For echoola 143 majority; for streets 0S majority. Thee Hguea era brace 31 registered voter who did nut vote. INCUBATOR FOR SALE. A first claa 250 egg capacity Ooluamkiaa Incubator in good working order. Will save every fertile egg. C H Lawn), Farmer, N C April 17. alias Annie Scott soma time at liar par's X Road aud 8 peine. Mrs Sybil Hardin, of Mill bon h F D, is visiting her eon, Mr J do D Hardin. Mr J 0 Forreatar ia ia lb market for quilt and anything of the kind, if this cold wave continues, to protect hia aotu-iahiiur crop of bean. He ia a gardener a well aa a tanner. Mr I F Craves attended Ee hobath on mat Sunday. Miaa Beulah Winningham, the hcantiml and accomplished milliner, is supplying our young ladies of lb Iowa and community with lovely spring hata. Charles liorastt, of Oreaubaro, called oa am of our young ladiea last week. la Kamseur .stora Uo M selling lota of oada these daya, their sale aoaouting to A00, one day reoently. The Columbia Mfg. Co. ia ginning lota of rttoa these days. The sin will ahol down after May 15th. Mr w u uapat, of Troy, waa ia town laat ask. Mn J A Hiin Point, after spend ing socoe time with her parents, Mr ami Mm A B Covinjrtoe, lauft laat slurdav tor Char- lot la. Mm W H Watkins haa the Urgent and prettiest collection of pennies we have ever "The friends of Mr WiUie Hackney, of FrauklinviUe, an rejoiced to know that he ia doing well after being operated oa for ap pendicitis The recent cold wave ha greatly injured the fruit crop in thio eommnntty. Rev 1 B Richardson, D D of High Point, began a series of meetings in the Baptist church laat Senday assisted bv Rsv J W Little, the noted evangelist. We believe and trust that much good will re salt from list meeting. We have received aa invitation to the com mencement exercises of Coolermee graded ecbfol. April 30th to May god, 1905. The principal of the eohool ia Prof D C Johnson, of Old Trinity, thia oouaty. Following ia the programme: April 30th, 11:08. m. -Sermon by Rev. 0. H. Corneleoo, Concord, N. C. May let, 8:00 p. m. Extrriaes by grades 1, t. S and 4. May 2nd, 8 p. aa. Exerciaaa by 9th grade. Graduating CI Annie Uertrode Green, Pattie Floyd Tatum, Roan May Tatum. Managen-Vaahti Gantt, Lena Lefier, Hatti Elliot, Pearl Lyon, Elsie Iefter, Minnie Dula, jenie Dala chief. MarHhalla Reohen Tatum, Wesley WeU man, Kensth Sedbarry, Lacy Riddle, Joha McClamroch. Thomas McClnmrooh, Adam MOW chief. WASTED. 15 young men to work at the Picture business no experience or capital re quired, good oportunity for ywsng men b want to make money to erhool tbemssltss. Yon esa make money enough daring vacation to pay yaur way through the next eesics. No an need to apply except those of a gl moral oharactor. Apply to N C Aaron ia person. L thee April 18 1906. i old Hotel, Aabeboro, N C. WHEN IN RANDLEMAN stop at Cen tral Hotel, Mm W F Talley, manager. . Apr 8-4t. Star Cottlinj Works. A choice line of oar oorted drinks furnish ed in ionr or nix dosen to the crate, a special rate to ail points on the A. A A. Ry. For further iniomution, write or eall on J R INGRAM, titer, N. C. LAND HALE. By virtue of an order of re sale granted by the Superior Court of Randolph county, North Carolina, la a special proueeding en titled E P Hayes, executor of William V VauAredalen va Mary Ann Evans, 1 shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, on Saturday, the 6th of May, 11106, at 12 o'clock M, the following described real estate in lUadlemen township, Ran dolph county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J N Caudle, Tbomaa Jarrell and others, and bounded aa foUowa, vis: Begin ning at a atone in the edge of Main street, South 60 dga. West 101 bet from the Lex ington road when it intersects Mais street. Thoutae Harrell'a earner, running South 60 doge West 101 feet toe atone inJ V Caudle's corner, thence North 30 degs West on J V Caudle's line to a atone in the edge of the big road, theses along said road to a stone in Thus JarreU'a earner; thence along aaid line South 30 degs East to the beginning, ooatainiag on acre mom or less. Tsnne .of eel, cash. E P HAYES, Comr. Tin April 1st, 1905. MORTGAGE BALE. By virtu of tb power sustained is a mortgage deed excelled to the audersigotd by A W Dswknms and wit, Ana M Laxwkine, oa the 1st day of Aogaat 1901. to eeoure the osrssent of the bond therein described, which aaortgag is duly recorded in the one of the Uagiater of Deeds for Kaadoipu county u book J page s aaa assault naving Dean made ia the aaymeot at earn bond audi NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION. Notice is hereby arren the oa the (rat Moadar ia Mar. 1905. it bainc tha first day of May, an election will be held for the saws of Aaneboro, N. C, for tha parpoa of elect- ! ins a Mavar. Constat. Coniaiiasinnam and the various town officers for tb term of two yearn. I Th regiatrstioe books will b opawed, and the eloctios ooodocted is accordance with the ralee and law of the general ssc Uoo kws for th State of North Carolie. E MOFFITT, Mayor. Thia April 1st 1905. eet.l ehall eall at publis aactioa to th high est bidder lor cash, at tha Court Hone door ia Aaheboro, H. G. at 12 o'clock as Monday, tb 1st day of May, 1906, tb following de saribsd real estate, lying and being is Rich land saweahip, KandoliJi county, sad bowed dot fallows: Tract No 1. Reginning at a pin tree and North K chains and M link to a our new up bt ti J Every lteas aaokhsar vinasar una th area pickle king. It retain tb natural solar as vegetables pickled by eorria-goarboio aotttt Co. stale, thence West 39 ahaia theoce South 62 chaina and 60 links to a black oak ia Browar (now R C Yow'a) baa, t heart East 32 eaaias to lb hagmaing, con taiaiag 200 acrss mot or lea. Tract No 1. Beginnieg at a atake is A Cptoa' lias, andreasae- East M saaina asd SU bnka to a stsna, H Milasr's Kna, laeane North 19 chaina aad 3 haka t to s black goat, tbeac Wast 11 ahaia aad 68 liaka to a aaoas, tneaoa nauia ssawai as a fan stoma, this al Wat 6 cassia aad 47 Una to a stoaa, thence South 18 eastina and 38 Ik lo th sinsing, anatsiniag 37 3-19 acne moreor Uaa. AC COX, Admr. ofJoha B Miller i d,Miitgaas. Thia 31at day of aUroh, 1906.

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