THE HOME Of VDTOL To Weak People:- If you are thin, pale, laok energy, Buffer with indigestion, nervousness and irritability, cannot sleep, and have no appetite, we guarantee that Vinol will make for you rich, red blood and restore your health and strength. If you will try Vinol and it does not help you, we agree to return your money. This shows our faith and fairness. Will you try it? Respectfully, Asheboro Drue Comnanv- VmPiTtlKiur, Correct Silverware Correct in character, Icsignand workmanship is as necessary at dainty china ur line linen it yon would have everything in good taste and harmony. 1847 Rogers bros: knives, fotks, sjinoris and fan y pieces for table .at ate ,,.m-.t iud can be purchaacd from IcatliliK dealer! every. ClUlogue"C-l"tc'N 1 1 s-ut the genuine. InUrnational Silver Co., Meridcn. Conn. A. M. PRESIMELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I Diawufacture Timber Wheels, repnir Bnggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses und do u general repair bus- ! iness. cSeci'iul band bnggiee always on hand at bargains. When in Asheboro see nie. Shop ' back of McDowell's livery stables, j Yonrs truly, A. M. PRESNELL. j i ! Ray Edmnndson, , Tonsorial ArtiM. Depot Street. Asheboro, N. C. i NPCOX, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Dealer in Watches, (.'lucks and Optical Goods. All work guaranteed. W. D. SPOON, Dealer in HEAVY AND FANCY GRO CERIES, FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, ETC. Fresh Meats Kepton Hand all the Time. FREE DELIVERY for all purchases in Asheboro H. J. Burns, Blacksmith. Horse Shoeing, Painting, and Repairing. All work guaranteed as represent ed or no charge. Prices reasonable; workmanship the best. Shop at old stand ou Fayetteville street. Yours truly, HUGH J. BURNS J. R. STEED, DEALER IN Qroceries and Fresh Meats ! iT7 aSSa All kinds of fresh meats kept constantly or. hand. " (Opposite Pontoffice.) L. M. FOX, M. D. ASMEBORO.M.C. .Stew htt ii iwnaluml etrvtoa to the THE END OF THE WORLD. We this .st.illu reaaona why thia great deatruction ahc corns iifwu thswuwiab nntiou and temple. The Jewiah pooplu luul long been Inf. favored owl eitittxi. Tney bad Uteu rati and enJIghtenecl and bad seemingly been Brat In Jod'a regard and c, as well at tirsi in proepeiity awl power Hut thev Colo s Store Items. foo late for la-i iaanc. lorry t. note ihe death Jllss Fl oak. " " Long Sbaaka niimaa writs snotJn id aimer, Alis..,-s Etti gadad toe cater ffhitapaad'a Bstanhv Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Contain Mercury, that nicriiiL' it tli muuti Hit- lnui ous Mirfai-i sin Ii urttcii's lionet Dtvar i-ui.c.1 rvci'i an praaaitp- tiolw tmm rcputaU.. physician, as the -lunula.' iiify ii ill -in is tea tail to Dm kimni ran can paa slhly derive fmn them. Uair Catarrh Cure. iiiaiiilfactiirc.1 by F .1 fhvtley .V Co.. Toledo, o.. coutaiua no mercury, uuil la taken Intcninllv. actlug directly u-ou MM bHaaj ati-l morons sUr-fin-en of the system. In baying Hairy Catarrh Curt-U-hure yon art tin- genuine. It Is taken inu-rniiUy anil mailc iu lole-lo, Ohio, i,y V J l li. n.-s .vi-i. Testimonials rree. N.lil hy Oru Ss.i.l M uruiraist. Take ii, . Farm lil.-SAI.KHK YAL1 AHLK TIMUhK. In the hiahi-fft Wilder, at U.e Curt houae door Id Awieiion.. . i . mi Nitumay, RM l.'ltn .lay of Mav ll.:itll( o-clock ro. the fnllowina rli-scrihe'.l tractn of nints-r lylna and Wing in the CounUea Tract No 1. Knowu ua the shot, tract, anil le- N-nia-n in tnc Beanaon aa tiucu .N.. 5, . 7, m and II, and ci.tilaluliiR SIO 1MTI.K. Tract No 2 Knea-n aa the Hharahuraer tract, lyiUKancI heinain Moon-and ltanlolih cnuntiia. on Kecdy Creek anS containlna WH acrm mope or lea, and dim-iited In the petition an Tract No S. Tract No . Lylua and heiua la the rvaintv of loandolph on Keedy Cre..-k, enntaiatna aSO ai'-rea and known an the Anbili tract. Thin l aald to l fine original pine Unilicr. II is well located ai to ahipplaa point All the tlmucr alamaid mnaaiirlnii twelve Ii.1.m i,a more ona ImH aliove the eround will he aold, aud H purctoaacr la alloired by oiTier of the Court two yean trots the coofinnation of aald aale In which to cut and remove aald Urn tier. The land a nien tnc anove tnutwr ta standing la not to . haaer to it" liond with approved M-curlty ,ir utmald baJanoe ol purcfaaac money- aad the ua. ,1,-siitli, and nna-thlrrf in ,.mth. u. boar iutereat frota data of ooonnaatlon ol aaid ale: title to be marred nntU the tail payment of ttV puiehaaf taoney. - ELIJAH sormT Tkia AprJ 10th 1MB. LIKES THE COURIER. Byl Tester, N C, April 17th, 1905. Mb Bditok Inclosed too will pU'ase Bod oheck to pay subscription to your very valuable paper "The Courier. 'i Through the courtesy of ray friend Mr Cephas Bowman of your county, I have been a reader of it for the past two winters, and have become so attached to its news 1 must have it continue to come to my box. This makes four consecutive years Mr Bowman has taught school in thi-, the southern part of Alamance. I county, and two of these years he j has made my Inns-, his home. His i 'school closed last Saturday with very I lute. eating an'' instructive exercise. Ashe returns to his home, the patrons "f ids school, together with i his many friends in this section, 1 1 extend to li i in their best wishes, : and will ever remember and uppre 5 1 date his faithful wot k and lasting . good. And wo beartlv recommend him to any community that is In ' need of a faithful teacnei and good I moral man In his last school be ! was ablv assisted bv one of Ran ' Idolpbi accomplished ladies Mi-s Florence W arren, of Stale, N V. She too prosed herself to be a good, ' efficient teacher and will long lie I I remembered by her many true and i loving frieads, and it i.- to be I hoped that she too may be indue .1 ' to continue to teach in this ich ol. 1 highly appreciate re a d i II g the Interesting litters from vour many correspondents, tome of " bom we "know very well. We would like to rend a line occasionally from I the pen of Mr Bowman and " 11 M I Crutcbtleld of Guilford College, N I .1 ! Cl.AUK. a, - About Rheumatism. I There are few diseases thill illli el more torture than rbeuuiutisin and i here is prepaid v no disease for which such a varied und useless lot of rem- j edies haw been suggested. To say that it can he cured is. therefore, a hold statement to make, t.iit ''I'.: Ill tiSerers have testified to perms t cures by its use. Why snffe in Pain Balm affords such qniu i f ami costs but a trifle? Ko by Standard DrugCo. Asbelior igCo. Asheboro. W A t'ndei d Bandlemao. New Hope Items. Hon R N Page, of Biscbe, will de liver the address ut Sew Hope Acad emy, which will be on the seven teenth oi May. The people are mak ing preparation for a large crowd The time has hern hen New Hop. jdiew large crowds, under the man agemeut of I. 1 Andrews beforeund after the war, ami We are expecting I the same thing to happen again with renewed educational enthusiasm. The patrons are trying with "u- tiring energy to educate their child- I), and are pntting forth every cf irt to make the school one of the st of its kii-d to be found any- here. Efforts are being made to put tin ii thorough graded hop, won to see system, wind accomplished. n Batter Monday the young peo ' I pie of Salem Church, Bombay, Oak 1 1 Grove und New Hope are going to ? I congregate on the campus at New I Hope and enjoy themselves with a kind of picnic. The programme will ' be somewhat varied. Each person oi family is to bring a lunch basket, and all are to mingle togeth er until eleven o'clock when the principal -if New Hope Academy I will deliver a short address upon the death and resurrection of Christ, 1 1 after which lunch willbesetved in the grove. At two ..'dock the boys of Bom bay and N.-w Hope will have a ball game for the enjoyment of all pre- Klicumatic Pains Quickl) Relcived. The excruciating pains character istic of rheumatism mid sciatica are qnickly relieved bv applying Cham berlaln's Pain Halm The great pain relieving power of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The (piick relief frosn pain which it affords is aloue worth many times its cost. For sah- by .Standard Drug Co. Asheboro lrug Co. Asheboro. W A L'uderwood Bandleman. Cid News. Capt H li Gillingham, whoso ill ness was noted in last week's items, died ut the Ward mine hist Satur day evening of paralysis, and will he tinned tomorrow at the Ward mine. His sister and cousiu, of Kultimpre, have been with him for the past week. Capt W Cockermun had another large SO horse-power Iwilei moved down to the Kmnions mine last week. Lexington Dispatch. The Right Name is DeWitt. De Witt's Wih Hazel Salve cools. soothes and heals cuts, hums, boils. bruises, piles and all skin discuses. K K ZickefooBi'. Adolph, W 'a savs: "Mv little daughter had white- swelling so had that piece after piece of bone worked out of her leg. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." It is the most wonderful bealin- salve in the World. Beware of counterfeits. Sold bv Standard Drug Co., and J T Und'eiwood. W B Young having obtained license from the board of aldermen for the purpose of conducting an suction bfinae and given the required bond, is now ready to receive goods on consignment. He will handle all elasses of goods. Greensboro Pa triot. I A sudden attack at night of some form of Bowel Complaint may come to anysoe. . Every family should be provided with a bottle of Dr 8eth Arnold's Balsam. Warranted bj I Standard Drug Company. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popu lar. "Mothers buj il for crimpy child ren, rail road men buy it lor severe coughs and elderK people buy il fol ia grippe," say Moore Bros,, Bldon, own. "We sell more of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Chan an othet kind. It s. cms tu have taken the lead over several other goed brands." There is no quest U ut this med icine is the lies1 thatoan be procured for coughs aud colds, whether it be a Child 01' an adult that is ufll cted. ' .-old bv Standard Drug Co., Ashe boro Drug Uo, Asheljoro. W A , Underwood, liandlernah. W. D. STEDMAN & CO, I leal. I - la Heavy tind Fancy Groceries Depot St. West Side Railroad. A PAIR IN THE SIDE Rheumatism, Colds Coughs, Weak Chest Weak Back, Lum bago, Sciatica JvMtPtcvttvr" Sift "Srugdott' SEEING MACHINE. hy bi j ing this reliahic, honest, high p-.nrJc sew- unc. IONGEST GUARANTEE. rial Fc-w ing Machine Co. : VIPERE. ILIINOIS. wf'.' ' "' ''V- FOR BALI H HOBBIS-SCAEBOBO-MomTT ASHKIIORO, K. C. buy the: Dnn.x be deceived by tlvo-v who id vi - i i-.. :, t iiii.ul) K'tvina; Macliii.,- i-.r j 10.00, Thlsklnrl nf a wiaohlni mn be Imught from us or any of our diaiiM fromflfi.OOto 15.U0. WE MAKC A VARIETY THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the Htrcngth r wenkneaa of Hewing MaefalncR. The lultl I'ectl combined with other atrimuT lohita makes tha ow Home the 1h-l Hewing Mm liine to buy. THE HLW ROME SEWING MACHINE CO. . r " ,Chlea to, 1 : . Atlanta, , a m -,i He. i, ral "It BALE BY W. W. JUNKS. Ashi'l-oro. N. C GIVE VIM and desire for work or pUr. frUke a vlmr brain. Bright eye aod tweet breath. HAKE LIFE WORTH WHILE GIVE VIGOR by mtasioall rorrectlng liver, etomarh and bowels. Ther induce the nafaraJ eteea aad appetite of youth. GIVE VITALITY by cleanalng aU dtanrtlere from the Hi-tem. ThI euro ronatinalion, Indi featlon. Bnluaaaaaa, Ueadacaa. rierrouaoeaa. For Sale by All Draggists lOo and anc per box V rsLsBa, KOLLtR l-.EARI .G. t HIGH GRAUC. v." , ,i,Vthf . ' ' i v 7 AnwIBOKl 1 s mwmti SEWING MACHINE New Heat Market and Produce Store ! Next door to Tiy old stand on Depot street 1 h ve opened a new business in a i.en store. I will keep constantly on hand fresh meals of aU kinds, I will also buy and sell country produce of all kinds. Call up 'Phone No. 3. I deliver goods free in town. March 80th. 'U05. t. b. Mcpherson. HAVE VOl) INDIGESTION. Uoyd's arbonAlbumen Tab lets - i'urc Curbou of Albumen a positive cure for indigestion, dyspep sia, constipation, headache or sour1 stomach from over eating or drink lug $60 if they don't. M cents a If your druggist doseirs nave tnem send direct to BOYDCHEMICAL COMPANY. 708 Rand McNally Bldg., Chicago. Nl. , Rates Over Seaboard Air Line Ry, M VN VH.IIA Aceonn. of F tb An- iianlTunruenieul (loll Aaaoeinlion, Savon- nali, On., May Otli-Uilt, Sjrabounl unununcea I one fare nlna SS ceutl tram all uointa. Till .-stli Uili. Bm ITV, Ml Mint ol Annual Bap- Mo., May mill 24th aolt! Ha; I Itli-loui-lSui, final Inn i ILIA X. I', Account u( SJoul mixta ticket i.i to ilie I'm .-.ti. and txtremely Low Rates. Kl n-niely low rates are announced via the Southern Itailway from points ou its dues for the following special occasions: Athens, tia. Summer School, June x'.-July 28, 1905. Atlanta. Ga. Natiouul Association of Manufacturers, May ld-lH, r.nij. liristol. i en n. Annual Sleeting Liertuan liajitist Brethren. June B, 1909, t'harlottesville, Va, Virginia Sum nier School of Methods. June 36 Aug 4, 11KI5. Fort Woith, Tex. tieneral Assem tdv Southern Presbyterian church, Miiv 18-20. 1J05. Hot Springs, Va. Southern Hard ware Jobbers Association and Ameiicau Hardware Manufactur er's Association, June 6-8, 1005. Kansas City, Mo. Southern Baptist Convention, May 10-17, 1905. Knoxville, Tenn. Summer School, June 10-July 28, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Mouteagle Bible Training School, July 3-Aug. 15, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Sun day School Institnte, July 17 Aug. 6, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Con gress. Aug. 1-15; 1905. Nashville, Tenn. Pea body College, Bumntei Schools; Vanderhilt Bib lical Institute, June 14-Aug. 9, 19(15. Oxford, Miss. Summer School, I'niversity of Mississippi, June 14 July 26, 1905. Bichmond, Va. Farmers' National Congress, Sept. 12-22, 1905. Savannah, Ga, National Travelers' Protective Association of America. May 16 23, 1905. Savannah, Ga. Southern Golt Asso ciation. Mav 9-13. 1905. St. Louis, Mo. National Baptist anniversary, mav ii-M, luo. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, June 16-July 28, 1905. t . . Rates for the above occasions open to the public. f' Tickets will be sold to these uoints from all stations on the Southern Hai I way. Detail information can be had up on application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of connecting lines, or by address ing the undeisigned: B L Vbbnon, J H Wood. D P A, T P A, Charlotte. Asheville. S H Uardwick, W H Ta ylok, P. T. M. G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Fruit Paper Free I QvaaHliori. 'price of PraH rnalucU in I diff emit afarkr Pratt TraAe Matter,, "Maaaaaaof Tree, aad rlantsr.nd Treatment ofaarae Itdealawrth ihaac of Ihe mmk m J jaVgajaT rruit train atrrfrwanswe SSESBtPt field to lh.raarket.iu- Unmttm atMgawa-cr aaeaa7Vtea 3C pSSiS3 liatW wTaa aaj aaawlag raa,jJbar v1reaa b,piajl Wf aaMag Tba farUaaal Sjfall Sfaaar. Sc.Jaaapa, HwMaaa WANTED' Will pay spot cash f. 0. h. your depot for All Kinds of Furs, Green and Dry Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, Woof a.-ln-il or u ti - washed i We a'so earn a full line of Fruits and Vegetables, Bunnnas, Oranges, Lemons, Peanuts, Etc., at market prices. Write for prices. FORSYTH & W ATKINS, 118 Lewis St. Greensboro, N. c. AKhEVT IT-S50.OO hPARi). A bottle of Eo-sine will be sent free o every render of this paper w ho is suffering with any kind of skin disease or eruptions, any form of I czema, Blind or Bleeding Piles, Scrofula, Itch. Tetter, Barbers Itch, WOrm, Boils. Blood Poison, FeVl r Sores of anv name or nature. I avao I -11 I a reward will be paid for any .case of Eczema that is not prompt- ,v cuml with ..zilll, ,:..m. JiM heal any sore or cure the worst-skin "5? '"" " 'f H,ta TO,Vet H?" tofOrC there lias been no Specific I discovered that would cure Kczema I a.nrl kimlred dlania m m.lll f..-,!.,,. . I was discovered and now thonxauda are cured daily. Never mind wh&t you huve tried; forget 1 'the failures made by other remedies ' and send for FRL AMPLK Of Kt -zine, which alwavs gives re lief and a permanent cure Eczinc 5kin Soap is the Inal auticeptic soap made. li will cleanse anv thing will destroy mi crobes of dandruff, falling hair, soie head, hands and feet, pimples mid blackheads ou face ami make ihe skin smooth. The only antiseplio shaving soup made, guaranteed to cure germ diseases ,"() if it don't. .!5 cents a cake. Write today to BOYD CHEHICAl. COHPANY, ' 708 Rand-McNally BldR., Chicago, III. The publisher of this paper kin'". . the reliability of Ec-zinc and of Boyd Chemical Co. id Itaekaeba. it'-c ill m Tan In tat - form, m cent, a I x. lino '-iK.le hy i i isrt.a Dana Coxr-urv, UuiIImhi, wia. joLDtii NUGGETS FOR " " "r.toir WITH Tne CMARACTER WOMAN FOR 8ALE BY Wood Moring, Asheboro, N. C. CALIFORNIA Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold? Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that will assure you a competence? Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain,' where crops are sure, business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment ? Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await your coming. The Chicago, Union Pacific and North -Western Line is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double-track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. One-way Colonist $33 These tickets are good on daily and personally conducted excursions, on which a doub'.e benh In a Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7 00. Round-trip tickets axe always on sale from all points at reduced rates via the Chicago S North-Western, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. FILL IN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO-DAY. No. 2 Folding Brownie A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built on the Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple that children can use it. PICTURES 2Mx3,4 inches. Loads in daylight with film Cartridges. Fitted with meniscus lens, and shutter with iris diaphragm stops. Full description in Kodak Catalog FREE at any photographic dealers or by mail. EASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y. LKT US DO YOUR Printinp;. WORK GUARANTEED STYLISH TIE MAKERS -ThtffervdsJ : dainty . im ir-K -r-- iuui.1 drcsc uciceis are on sate uauy, raarcn i m iviay 15, ai the rate of $33.00 from Chicago, with corre spondingly low rates from all points, give you an unusual chance to make the trip. D. KNISKEKN. P. T. at C. a N.-w. Chicago, Ptaaaa mail free to my addraaa, CaMorala particular, coacaraiag rata. aaS train aaraice. PRICES SATISFACTORY SHOE III.

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