The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. C, June 8, 1905. Arrival of Trains. SOUTHBOUND. Train No. HI, arrives at KMX) a. in Train No. 107, arrives at .1:10 p. in. iram rto, 1M, arrives At y:.iO p. m, NORTHBOUND. Train No. 70. arrive at 8:23 a. Train No. 130, arrives at 11:01 a. in Train No. 42, arrives nt 2:25 p. Local and Personal. Dr Hub bard, of Worthville, wits in town Tuesday. The little child of Dr W J .Moore is critically ill. Mr W S Skren is bnck from a business trip South. Mr W C Hammond spent Satur day in High Point. Miss Essie Ross is spending some time at Jackson Springs. Ex-Sheriff Cox. of Cedar . Falls, apent Monday in town. Dr J D Bulla, of Maud, is in the city ou professional business. Call to see our stock of stationery before deciding on what you want. Mr W J Artnfield, Jr., made a business trip to High Point Satur day. t The doctors report quite a lot of sickness among the children rf the town. Mrs Strickland, nee Miss Chrissie Miller; is visiting her parents at this place. Hon T J Rddine, of Carrawav. attended Commissioners court last Monday. Miss Edith Monug and Miss Myrtie Scarboro are visiting in Gretrasboro Misses Etta and Aunie Blair have returned from Guilford college commencement. Mrs Bert Fields and children were on the Passenger train Saturday going to High Point. Mr C B Russell, of the Asheboro Lumber Company, spent a few days in Troy, last week. ' Sulon Steaduan, who has been in school at Trinity Park, Durham re turned home Tuesday. If you want a 50 or 75 cent knife free, write The Courier and you will learn how to get it. Mr J C VanEvery, of the Snow Lumber Company High Point was in town last Tuesday. Proceedings Board County Com missioners are crowded out this week. Will appear next issue. Siler City Cornet Band furnished tnusic far the closing exercises at Star Academy last week. Editor and Mrs W C Hammer are attending the National Association of Editors at Guthrie, Ok. Messrs Hiram Freeman and Wood ruff Farlow, of Ether, were on our Streets the first of the week. Mr W J Miller is having ex tensive repairs made on his residence on North Fsyetteville street. Mr W A Underwood spent a part of last week in Kandleman looking afier his drug store in that town. The saw mill of Mr S W Kivett near town on the Franklinville road, is turning out some nice lumber. Mrs Mollie Horuey, of High Point, spent Saturday and Sunday in Ashebero returning home Monday. Messrs J T Wood and J H Hart ley spent Sunday in Asheboro with their families, returning to the road Monday. Mr L D Birkhead, who has been spending some time in Asheboro with his paren:s, returned to states ville Saturday. There were not many in attend ance upon commissioners court Mon day owing to the busy season with the farmers. DrDeLacy Foust and Mr Tom Smith, of Liberty, were in town and gave The Conner a pleasant ca'l last luesaay. Work is being rapidly pushed ou the elegant new residence of Mr Thomas Redding, on North Fayette vine street. Mesdames W A Underweod, and J O Redding and Mr P H Morris attended commencement at Mt Uilead, last week. Mrs Geo W Berry and children went np to High Point Friday morn ing to visit Iriendi, returning Mon day morning. Mr W P Johnson, who has a posi tion with the Southern Railway at uiueneia, w. vs., is visiting rela tives in the county. Rev W E ttwaio, went to Graham last week to perform the marriage ceremony of Mr IS Patterson and Miss JJestie bcotten. Mr T M Crowson, of Level Plains, and Mr M F Snyder, of Randolph, were welcome visitors at this office on Saturday of last week. Mr and Mrs Eocene Ashcraft. who have been tisitiug in the county lor several uays, returned to their borne at Monroe Monday. Mias Clara Spencer, who has been teaching music in Star Academy the past session, has retained home to the delight oi her many fi tends. Dr J O Walker, of Coneord, was in town the first of the week, being called heus to attend the child of D B MoGrary, JSsq, which is critically 111. Capt A E Burns has the plans and specifications for bis pew resi dence on Salisbury street and will begin work in the near future. Several of our citizens are having their dwellings repainted. Among the number are Messrs O R Fox, J S Ridge, Jesse Presnell and Col Mc- Alister. We are requested to announce that the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered at the Presby terian church next Sunday aioininp at 11 o'clock, S E 'league, Cashier of fliu Cap ital City Bank of Apalacbiuola, Fla, is spending his vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs VV J Teugiif, tm Salisbury street. The handsome new Presbyterian manse and Mr W C Hammond's handsome new resilience are nearing completion and will be ready for oc' oupancy in a few days. New Market Township Sunday school Convention will be held at Marlboro J tine 1 7. Au interesting program has been arranged and a good attendance ie desired. If you want a good watch that is guaranteed for 12 months and will run as well as any watch fiom 3 too fears, write The Courier for particu ars how to get it free. The first void? man to get up a club and get a premium watch is master Urvil Lamb, son ot The Courier's good friend and clever gentleman Mr J J Lamb, of Kandleman. Col William Cooper, who purchas ed the Winn property seme time ago will, at once, begin the erection of au elegant residence on that part of the place fronting on W&inuiaa Ave nue. W C Hammond, Jr, the live months old sou of Clerk of the Superior Court W C Hammond, was presented with a handsome silver cup by the class of 1901, at Guilford College commencement last week. Job work is our specialty we do the best work at the lowest prices. Have you seen our stock of station ery? We have a large stock from hicn to select. Uall to see us or stnd in your orders. The Courier le-irus, with pleasure, that a gentleman living near town ill shortly put a milk wagon ou our streets. This will fill a loug felt want and will be quite a convenience to the people of the town. Mr Tom Harris has moved his family to Liberty where he bad ac cepted a position an manager of the Liberty Chair btock Company. We regret verv much to have Mr Harris and his good lady leave as they arc J good people. Mrs B F Page, who has been ending some time iu Asheboro siting relatives, returned to Greens boro Friday. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Bessie Cof fin, who will spend some time in Greensboro. O J Cox, Esq. baa begun the erec tion of an elegant residence, hich he expects to oocnpy himself, at the corner or, Salisbury and Church strews. We regret, very much, that want f apaos compels ns to leave out several news item and to cut others down. We hope to have more space next weex. Miss Olive Glass, of Ilandlemuu, u veiling fricuil- and relatives here. Mr- ' Kb iv inn i little daughter of Aiimlf, N I', arc visiting at Ii t aunts Mrs N T Ilinsbaw. Mr V K Sic. I, of !I indlc'iimn. is spending a few titty in town vicilinjr his daughter Mrs N T llinshaw. 'ilr 11 K Bcaman and two swim, of Greene county, are visiting ltev W E Swain on South Fuyetteville St. The Randolph Medical Society will iiM-i't at the Court House, in Ashelioni June 13lli at 10:30 O'clock a in. Interesting papers will be reid and discussed, lively iiliybiciau in the county is invited to he pienent, Capt C F Siler principal of Star Academy was in town lust I ticstlav. The Captain gave us several items of news for publication which want of space compels us to leave out this wtek but they will appear m our next, lhe captain continues to grow younger. 1 Frte Lilt Dltcontlnued on Telaphonet The Asheboro Telephone Company nas made one rule tor all which went into effect June 1st. All out ofjtown messages, no matter by whom sent, must be paid for at the regular rates fixed by the company. This rule applies to stockholders, all officials of the company and every' body. Prof. Hsrrii Elected. Prof John Harris, an expuiienced and well equipped teacliT from JMiiuneth Uity, ft C, has teen elected principal of the liaiidlenian Graded Schools. Mr Harris is a graduate of the State University and has several years successful experience as iriiicipal ot graded schools. The Kandleman school is to be congratu lated on securing the service of so exceiieui. a punctual. i ne lew assistants in the school have not yet; been electeu. Deith ol Mn. John Been. We reuret to announce the death f Mrs John Bean, which occurred at her hjine near Cugle's Mills last Fri day morning, May !!i!th. Mrs lican who had reached the advanced age of 70 years, had txen sick only one eck wxeti the end came. She leaves husband 80 years old, and 10 hildren, besides a host of friends and relatives who mourn her death. Mrs Bean was formerly a MUs Saun ders the oldest sister of our ex sheriff and townsman I K Saunders. Montgonicriun. Edmund P Robinson, son ot Rev Mr Robinson, the Presbyterian min ister, came iu last Monday from Davidson college where he "has been iu school for some time.- Mr Robiu- son will spend his vacation here with his parents. Tbere was a wreck on the loop at Kandleman one day last week caused by a boy placing a spike on the rail. The engine was derailed and the engineer, who jumped from his engine, was painfully, though not seriously injured. Mr C S Vestal, who has been book-keeper for the Lexington Gro cery Co, branch, at this place has resigncu anu returned ut ma iiuute at r...T. xt. v u v....i f IJCAIUgWU. illl U 1UUUW, V Lexington, has been appointed to the vacancy and has assumed the duties of the position. One subscriber at High Point who had neglected making remittance ntil he owed three dollars sends in bis subscription and writes nice letter about his long delay, and tells now much he thinks of lhe Conrier, until the editor feels that his steps are not always in dark and dreary places. Rev Mr Robinson, the Presby terian minister, will preach the memorial sermon for the Knights of Pythias, at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening at v o clock, All Knights are requested to assemble at their Castle Hall at 7:30 and march to the church in a body, The public is cordially invited. The Charlotte Observer of the 5th says that Mrs 0 C Muore, of Char lotte, has purchased tne noe poultry farm of Mr C C Randlemaa. at Kamseiir and will move it to Char lotte. Mr Randleman has spent much time in building up a lot of handsome prize-winning ttarred Plymouth Rocks and his chickens rank witn any in tne lana. There are some papers you can't afford to take and there are some vou can't afford not to take, the Conrier ia one yoa can't afford not to take. May and Jnne are said to be dull months for the subscription department of newspapers, but never baa The Courier bad so many new subscribers as daring the last few weeks. They are coming in every day by mail, afoot, on horseback and every other way. The News and Observer of the 4th has this to say of our tow us man, Mr E L Alorhtt, who was laat week elected president of hlon Vol leee: "President Moffitt is a gradu ate of the University of North Caro lina, was for a time editor of the Christian Sun, stnd was later pro fessor in Elon. He is successful man of affairs, a student, a splendid teacher, a man of tact and sound judgment, and a man whose energy is unbounded. He will sueceed in his high position and under his leadership hlon College will con tinue its useful career, every year witnessing increase in tne number of the students and higher scholar ship. Notice to Tochers. There will be no Teachers' Insti tute held in this county this veal', and for that leason every teacher should make a special effort to attend the meeting of the State Teachers' Association at Greensboro June 13- Af this meeting you will come in contact with teachers from every section of North Carolina. You will have the opportunity of hearing the ablest speakers in the State, and many from other states. I he cost of the trip will be small, and no teacher can afford to miss it. A in to the Teachers' Assembly is worth a term in school, especially to the teacher who has never attended. am expecting to meet most of our teachers there, aud will be much dis appointed if they fail to go. J as. M. WAY, Co. Supt. of Schools. Opening May 25th 1905. The hotel at Jackson Springs wil bo op 'lied to guests on the 25th day of May 1905. The company desires It is his kind of voung men that to i'""k the public for its liberal make the life of such town its : patronage in the past, and guarantees Albemarle. Hut Salisbury hates to ' to theut the same good service and lose him nil the same. Salisbury attention accorded them in the past. Sim, June and. further assured that there is no other place in ftortb Carolina where Pacific Coast Excursions. See the Most ,, , . , . ', i ,., For Your Money. vj8it to tne lvning ,vilters of Jack- llni:k Island service to California son Springs now under the nianage- uml Pacific Northwest this summer, mcnt of the experienced and efficient permits you to do tins. Low round liold Irvm, latent Motel uinllord. trip rate to Los Angelesj Sim Kiwi Prol Moffitt Elected President. Prof E L Moffitt, of Asheboro, as elected president of Elon Col lege by the board of trustees last week, to succeed Dr W W Staley hose duties as pastor of the lead ing church in Suffurk, Va, will not permit him to give the work the time he wished. Prof MofUtt was formerly a pro fessor in the institution and ufter- ards editor of the Christiau Sun. He is a graduate of Trinity College and afterwards took a two years' eourse in Harvard College. He is a man of fine ability, and receutly has been engaged in manufacturing business, being secretary aud treas urer of the Asheboro Wood & Iron Company. Ho will move to Elon and devote his entire time to the college. ilon (Jollege has an endowment or fifty thousand dollars and is one of the leading colleges ot tne state. Mr Rindleman to Leeve Remseur. In a private note enclosing a one dollai bill for a years subscription to The Conner, Air U J Kandleman, who has been superintendent of the Columbia Manufacturing Co's plant at Ramseur for the past year, says that he has tendered bis resignation and accepted the superintendency of the Lyda Cotton Mills at (Jhnton C. at a handsome salary, i he Lvda is a mill of 20,000 spindles and 450 looms and makes a high erade of goods. Mr Kandleman will move cis family to uunton tnis week. Mr Randleman was for many years superintendent of the Kan dieman mills ana is one ot tne Dost cotton mill superintendents in this part of the country. I no position at Clinton came tu Mr Itandleinan unsought and is quite a compliment to him. While the Columbia Mfg. Co. hated to give him up and his many friends in tne county regret to see him leave, yet all wish for him much success in his new home. Mr IF Craven has been elected to succeed Mr Randleman as super intendent of the Kameeur. mill. Fads Are Stubborn Tirnias Uniform exoellent quality for over a quarter of a century has steadily increased the sales of LION COFFEE, The leader of all package coffees. Lion Coffee is now used in millions of homes. Such popular success speaks for itself. It if) a positive proof that LION COFFEE has the Confidence of the people. - The uniform quality of LION COFFEE survives all opposition. LION COFFEE keep Ha aid irleada aad makes new oaca cvry 4ay. LION COFFEE has even more than ita StrenQtb, Flavor and Qual ity to commend It. On arrival from the plantatlon,lt Is carefully roast ed at oar factories and securely packed In 1 lb. sealed packages, and not opened aaaln until needed for use In the home. This precludes the possibility ol adulteration or contact with germs, dirt, dust. Insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity ol LION COFFEE is thereiore guaranteed to the consumer. Bold only in 1 lb, packages. Llon.head on every package. Save these JUon-linds for valuable premiums, SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. n tiling. Mr. Fox to Leive SalUbury. Deafness Csnnot Be Cured Mr Ltldolph G Fo.V, who has heell : ! Incul npiillnilfaiii. ii Ihcy m with (ktriiclison & Cook as lhar-! wiiy'?-u?Xllin lluinitt llnu r.irrn,..! I,!j nnaitinri iiiwl llolull It'lmiHo. Dentinal In CIIUKPif by ... 1 . . J l . . vz lliiiiii'd rMiirtltlon of th! imtuouM llnliiu .if tin1 Will L'O into business lor himself Kutiulilmi Tul. When lliis IiiIh- l Inllamwl 80011, l.w will !..., Sl,h..-U l,iit June 20. lie has purchased the tim, hi-urini win iw business of tho C G Mauney Com- TShVi bViti?intaVi puny, Albemarle, and becomes tele proprietor of taut enterprise. His successor has not been chosen for the vacancy created by his resignation Mr Fox is too splendid a citizen to give up without a regret, lie is pop ular balisbury over, knows and likes this people and his friends are count less. urfiKT. WY will irlvp One Himiln nstiiif IK'nfia-sn (fiuiNfil bv mt l.'clmil Ity Hall'.H Cutiirl in-ulari. Inf. KJdIKNKY ilil by UrtimtluK 7r Take Hull's Kiimlly I'llls Tin itomut! itlimtlo cisco or Portland on special dates in Slay, June, July, Atii'iist, Septem ber and October. Liberal arrange ments for stop-over amoug the moun tains of Colorado and in California side Inns to the Yellowstone, Voseinite, etc. Write for Colorado and California books and Hook Island folder. John Sebastian, Passenger TniHio Manager, Hock Island System, Chicago. Business Locals. Notices Inserted under this head at one cent a word each Insertion. (in to SiMuii ,V lli'ililiuK r..r vmir giiK-eik-s. MOKTQAOK SALE, Hv vlrtni. nf n imwurnf Hulu contained in tortRHKi'duud executed to tiie uudernlifiieO. by mn Ifttti ihh:l wliitih ninrtuiu.'f timid ie duly re. uunlt il In tin' KuKlslurs ollliu ol Kiunloliili Co. Iu txKik Ho. lmtfe 6. i miction ut the i-onrt tiouw aoor in Amie in .Mui.luy, July .1, two ut 1 o'clock m limvinK iltn':nlxil imrci'l of laud in Col i uiwimhin mid known na the W 1 Burciwn d lioiwe, on Lllii'riy ruud, aud bouuul an black oak In Murgetw'M and : north along nam .line loo) lilty live rod timtauo: thence eiiHt&rods; thence Miutli & rodH tu a stone; thence cut ft) dega &! rods to a tienilmnum tree; thence eouth to ui lieulnninir, cuulaililiiK & acre more or lvtui. VM. C. HAMMKR, This lime 1st, lWi. Mortgugec. Bargains in Harness, Vehicles, Etc. Having ili'i i.l.'il l.ilnah I1MI1CSH wouill fnrllll' iltir rxriMilioilnl liaruai ;ir,,f..-. Ui-.-s. U ami n oxlr.i tiii i- li.t nf horsi's and mules for si M. UnuKM. Bros. '!0 Tiays oil ecoltu uai WANT KlU A,i,,ly I Six I tag we rillo illg. t KOI! SAI.K -Tluve.tei ' three i mIvim. Apply to V toilrhcowMaml ('. Ilauuner, .lii-Wo, X. C. tIoss Trad ion Ei lies mul i prices. M.lTi.UiV TiKI'lUM! 11DW. CO. Mr. Brokaw'iSuit Ended. The suit of MrslKathryn l'ol lion's 1 suit against Mr Xf (i Hrokaw was' brought to close m INew lork last i wi-ek bv a coninroniiise. Mr Hrokuw's friends claim he paid $10,001). while j l ra"Ui" Mrs roll ion s irienus say the sum j paid was $1)0,000. lhe suit was brought for lf5O,000 for breach of promise. 1 here was also another suit for $250,000 for libel based on ! " xv , (,n hi ( statements alleged to have been niade ; i i,r, ,i r, alo 1 by Mr lirokuw to newspapers. Call The love letters airs l'ollion pro-! duced in court were 234 in number, i The authenticity of the letters upon ! vorxi; lames wanted ntmice t,. ft llich the Sllit is largely based, is w in M'tvinu room, liooil wnui'sand Uiaiil denied by hrokuw's counsel. j heap. Apply in IlinUu Overall Company. That the case has attracted un- :,n'' -x usual atteution was apparent frouil ' ," . the appearance of the court room at i One 4-room house on one half the owning session of the rial, acre ot, corner Srmth and Hoover ISotaseatwas vacant and anions f"1'-1";,,'".""""" ..-..w the spectators were many obviously Doro cnair racwry, can ue not accustomed to court room scenes. bought at reasonable price by ap- W Gould Brokaw is a well known I P'J'i'ig w a. y. ivicAiibtcr, eeo club man and sportsman, a son ofjgsiaie Agem, rear room over William brokaw, who owns the : -n'"-. acht Columbia. He has an estate: w,s i kh-hi- cin. at Great Neck, Long Island. Ue l,l",J!JlJJn,".,l1) was married some vears ago to ; suinry is imui Coi alie Coudert, nicco" of the late i .'"iVrK .'i-uli.iii fliiiilnr lint she ilivorned ' lni. Munimci him and has since ''emarned. , . Mr W Uoold Urokaw also owns an : , vT.:M i.aiiies ANb GENTLEMEN estate known as Fatrview Park in ; ,,. .i a,iiiniiifi icrritories to miri-scut Ualldolph Co fourteen miles from anil mlwrtiw tlio Wholesale and Edueit- Asheboro in the Southern part ot "mi1 . '"'I''"1"!' ' 1 "'""'"''""""' Trinity township ou which lie spends ' , !',L'..,iv..,ti V'i, xhimlav i.,- some $15,000 or more yearly. Mrs :..l,:vk,linvl from headquarters, lion and l'ollion Visited ilr rtrokaw S estate 1 fmnilu il ivlieu tiicei.aiy. I'osniou perm; Mtimifai luring Unue, lint siiiiiewliill ralilllirir slant lii bniiirll ullii-e. I. Bui-liics cniblilicd. I'n--it esik'iiliiil to etn.'iu;uiK. Ad luehea, 3 UoarlKiiu tittivt, ckly in Randolph some 18 months ago. Ailtlii1!, lllew llrollie ,v Co Dept If vou want blanks von can al ways get them at The Courier otlice. Riley Store Items. The fanners of llii community harvesting. Mist ox, ol llic;li i oiiii.visiu Mm B V ShivN the t vn-k. The little son of Mr mid Mrt K E Nauru i quite ill at this writing James Kcarus, who lias Ihvu nuito ill lor sumo lime ia iniprovhift we are glml to my. Our people are exolinft liopiup for a rail road throngtt tm: future. ilanili' the Notice! M.ireheud, Ky., May Sill, lllOo. Tin- management of the Aslieliro t'opimt Minium Co., has lieeli changeil aud M. W, Tarrish, ul Aslielmro, is in charge of same. This oompany will not lie liable for any in ilfU'dluess ineiirreil unless liy onler of said M. W. 1'anisli. All dolus will lie paid soon and lal toot I g, ,,f .Ulels and We thank tlic ii iiiily for their kiii'liie. and lenirm y in ili-alinu; with wir couqiany, anil we lioie ti make these works a credil tn ynurtow u in lilt near future. Yours trulv, ASHEIUHtl) COl'I'Ell MINIMI CO. S. M. liradlev, I'rosidetlt The Cbildrta's Favorite. For Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc, One Minute Cough Cure is the children's favorite. This is because it contains no opiate, is perfectly harmless, tastes good and cures. Sold by Standard Drug Co, and Asheboro Drug Co. Several boys are Retting up clubs under our premium watch proposition. "WOODS Seed Potatoes IN COLD STORAGE Tor Late Plaiitinif. Planted in June and July, these yield large crops of fine potatoes read; for digging just before cold Mi),., nniM on. carrvinz through the winter in flrst-cUss condition for either home use or market By our methods of carry-in- th Ijita Seed Potatoes in cold storage, we are enabled to nnnlv them nnsnrouted and in flrst-cuuis, sound condition, nt hlpnient onUl ynnare read? Pi""'; aathe potatoes commenoe to Jprout vjt mon after being taken out or ooM Bor age, frleea quoted oo reqnert. u.'- .M hMitfltiiftan for Cow Pea. ate ". MlltM SW, Shwna, .to. Beauonatole Prloa-llnl telau about Sewla for SwDnner planum, mailed on raquMi. T.W.Wood aSons, Seodssm NOTIt'K. liK'ilHl'KK, Tlu- reglrilmtioti Imoks for the Itonii tlio lonn of AshftHn will ?hmh?ii tti H mwin8ittunlaysfi the law lirvi ttftcrnuous fnnn h limit fmir U) six mV Ih fiMiinl at the livi PIANOS AND ORGANS. pi.HinH nit nr.m- ill K M Andn-ws, J lUmtw, (.im'itslhint N S imI ul nitn ctilalogiie. Leal Advertisements. ), A NO SALE. By virtut-(f mi orde r of mile nmtUri by the tiuiTii V VVliihhiw uKitliiHl Allen J Wilihlow, I HilU.lrH.-ll Ut N. IJ HI WO ItMKt, tlie loMnWitiK rtul etule, u of hind iu TulieiniM le umicliip, )u uoJoliiliiK tne Hinds i 'Ihuyor, i:kvru I 'hay Window Mil reus r, MutiMu Cuttble, JuiRe and othurx, iKtuudud mm i-KlniiiiKut ii white oak, Juti Kvana ami V I' Wiulow'h ciriier, theiicu ueurly uortli sUuhk .futile KvitnV- line to Judue Kvaiio corner In Mt.Hl.ti. lUilthli-'R Hue to UtUfUi houtli'tscuniri ; tliuiiee iilnmt hotitliwent uIoiik the linen uM.ii-iim litiuth mul Cltero Thayer U, asioiu' Cii-eht 'IIhimt' comer, Uience ulxiut wiutlieatuluiig MurV u Thuyei'H line M W r WinsIow'H cuiner; tht-iuu nortliutuit along n r Wiiihluw'n line tu the betfluiiiiiK uuntuluiutf ut rt'K in. irr orltM. 'ieiuiM cufh, uuti t)i furthe Thin ltith day of May 105. CuiniuUttluuer, Hiivin" .urn lilicl us utlininlstmtor of the ehUte of.Ueo W. fiich, tleteiuc(L beiore WC Hammond tj. h. u. thih iti u iiottly nil ipvirMiiw iwviuk eiai itKiilliHt wild eMule u 1' tent them ined on or lu fure the lHKluyof June, llMt, itlce will lie i-leutled Ihm- oi their tv due uud owiiiK wild eNtate hereby unfilled to maku luuiediate imymeiit. hi8 May Lh,lM5. O.K. K1CU, Adinr. KXKCUTOHS NOT1CK. Having quulilled iu cxeeitr of Alfred Kivett, deeeaned, ueeordhih to law, this (k to uotUy all vtxtlitoreol fmid iwtuUi Uillle their claim- with the uiiderKiuued, duly awnru to on or Innre the liith day of May 11W0 or this notiee will be pleaded in Iwro! their recovery. All iximnui owing uid vsune urc requestetl tomnke iiutnt'dlate jmymeut. May 10th, ll"..,). J. u. uu,f, nxwutor. Ure Hill.N. C. NOTICE! Huvlug .juiiliHcil us executor to the liut will id ttUiuieiit ofJClkaiialLlLowdermilk deeooaed, hMftim v - Huiniiiiiiid. clerk Huuerior Court, of KUlldoipIl county enw m lououiy an pennmit nav iutr eluiuiN avail in t mild etuU to ireiteiit them U thlH uotiiv will be pleaded Iu bar of their y. Ail iterwns uue aua owing utia esuiie , HA Kxeeutor. NOTICK. Having i tm lit k-d e ailuilnlstrator of the estate f W. H. Wall. deieaMMl, before W. C. Hammond, lerk ol the hii nvnor Court, ol Kannoiin county. this lh to notify ult jersjii8 having claimnogaiuit aiil dceciued to presetit thuiu to the undersigned before tne loth uay oi May iwo or uiw will las tilcudtMl in bar of their rectv All jt'rwms ilue and owing said enUite are hereby ThiMay lUtli, lwuv. Heth W. Uughlln, AdiufuUtrutorof W. U, Wall. KK.SAI.K OV VALl'ABLK TIMBKR. Hj virtue of an order of re-sale granted by the tperior court of Kaudolph eouuty, on Hie fetl nn of .1 M Kniwn una others AKalnst Lyda Mnm? uud others, I ehuit nell at public auction hiKhetd bidder, ut the court house door in Ashebctn), N. on .siturduy, the Hthduy of July. at i'i o'clock i., the loiiowtug aewribea f tinilHT lyiug and IkjIiik in the couutlen if Mn ut Kattdohfh, s (he Shiunhunrer tract. UK aud Ih'Iiik in Moore mid Ruudolph uountiea, Heedy Creuk uud contuiuiiiK 3iB acreH more or -. uud descrilKd tu the ieiitioii uh Tract No. 3. raot No. i. Lyiuu uud beiiiK lu the oimnty of Kiiiidolpu ou Kcedy creek:, containing m the Asbill truef. t Iuh In sun I to be fine original plue timU-r. II cll locaU-d un to shipping iMiint. All tnettm- llniL'iLMirinir twelve Inches ie itt almvf the unmnd will tie mid, and the LirehiiKer w allowed by order of the court two jarn fnuu the con (trunnion of said sale in which i cut uud mnove mi id timlxr. 'lhe laud ou htch the abuvc timU-r is standing In uot to be i-rms ol sale, 7int-tmra enn.onp-tnirt. in six litis and oue-thiid in twelve mouth; pur- hascr to give bond with uppmvett m-curity for mid lalance ol puicmue money, anu tnesumc t'tir interest troin date of coutirmution of said title to U rcHervetl until the full payment of the pure litis! money. Notice of Bond Election for the Purpose of Building a Graded School Build in; in the Town of Asheboro, N. C. By virtue of the power and authority vested in ic Board of CoiuuibioiierH of the town of Arthe m. N. C. by all Act of the Ueaerul Axnembly of North Caniliua, at its ruino iu IfoS entitled Au Act to Build a isrudcd sctioni uuiittr.ig tn tne rowu of Aidieimro, tlie saiu commiMiioncrM nave trdoruri tin election to be held ou the )th day of June, KHS, at the Court House iu Atthebom, N. tne name oeiug me umiiu i-uiiiuk piuce, mini rise to sunet, lor the purimnc of aacvitainlug will of the voters in regard to issuing bondb i sum not exceeding ten thousands dollnrB, to id aud furnish a graded school building In town of Ashebom. rticles l, a, 0 and (4 of said Act are as follows: That all the territory lying wlthiu the cor. ponite linnu nf the town of AHheboro an the i. That the Board of (fraded School Truste4w, rvtuaiUT provided for, ahalt be and are Kerely ihorizcd and emioweied to Iwue boiidn of ul graded whool diatriet to au amount not ex ediun fiH.tMWof such deuom l nation and of such niortiou a said board ot trunteen may deem not' excw"huir ix pr cent per aruum, intereot couponM uttavhed, puyat.le hall- Vcurly at itueh time and place an may be deemed to tm of such forJi and tenor and transferable tn i ll wnv, aud tne principal tncreoi payaDie or tecmahle at such time or time, not exceeding euty years from the date thereat, and at aucii u-v or place, as said bounl f trtinteoa may de. termine: pntvtded that tne auid boanl of trus- d in such ainmiut or amounts, an may tie re ntvil to inet-t the cxienditiir hereiiwlter pro Uil for in (tectum three of thin act. i. That for the iHirpoftcof proriding for pay-L-nt tit saiil bouds and tutemd thereou and of ikdrayinx tne exin-nsea of tae laiblic trnwled schoftls pwvuted n ally a thiH act, the hoaJd of of the twu of Aahelmro tmall it at the time ol levyiiiK the put uixes.wuiiiaenctUK with the lineal year be muniiiK the Ibt day of June, iWh, levy ami lay tMrtti ii ur Uix on ail muimoiui ana aumecui oi utxatton withiu the Mia its oi nam gntuea scnool ntcii sutu noam oi coiumitisiouers tercufter be autlioriied to levy and any irtirpoe HhatMiever: aalu par lay taxes f hundred dotlai thuu one dollar and twenty re eel it on each taxable poll. 8 That the provision of noetloni two and six this ai4 Mliall be fuihmttted to a vote of the miiiuni vnurs of Mitd town of Asheboro. at an election to le held at the timeoi the next regular tunt in their dueretioti deem it wise and proper to defer and put ort mid electkm to a day lvf months after tne ratinVattnn of thin act. That thirty days notice ol naid election, mi- miliK af'y " pnn.uiHmii oi rwmiw two .t six f this act or a KynonstH of Uia same. shall lie published in some newspaper published poet tne it NOTHK. this day eu h the follouiitK tiiK the holding 1 in all other re- i election shall tie held and con- torthe nrovbiioiiH of the law Bovern- of nunicuml elecUoiin of raid 1'hotie inuuihed voters animvinc the in- n of Umiut i divided for iu wcinm twtt, and the vy ant oollcctkm of the irticiilar taxea pro-i.i.-i i.,r hi Mi-tinti six of this act. shall dennctt ttrtllot ciMiUuniiiK the written of printed words J. A. Cole. t Co., and others, for whiwh without otijct tiou tilel within thirty days fmm thladaU', he will ak for a warrant of stir- the ommty surveyor ol KaiilHjiii county. May IHh, liny. J. P. BORol tiHS, Kutry Taker. TLe Courier hojes to hear from more boya who want" to get up clubs for watches. Experienced travellers have found great benefit by taking with tbem a bottle of Dr eth Arnold's Balsam. neuron illness caused by impure water and sudden changes of climate, Wairaated by fcitandtrtl Drug Co, iritteu ihooK L'hlltlJI dclNdt If i twibot ooiitsiniujr itnis ' Altai nt Ret majoilty of the qua lined toU CATARRH,' ''; If Yea Continually K'hawk and Spit end Thera it a Csssfsstt Dripping Frtnt the Nest Info tha Throat, If Yon Usva Foul, Sickening Breath, That Is Catarrh. CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B. 0. D. mnt fnmb)ran, aad B.B.B. rich. la your brath fontt It yvnt to! e hmkyt layournoMatoppadr IoyouinortalBhtt Io you aneezA m irraatilealT lo ron hara fre quent paint lu tha forliiAdf Do you hT palm serosa tha yei? Are yoa lottnf jour teote of emelir Xs ther m dropping la the throat? Are yon lofllna; your MnaaoftaateT Are you gradual ly k' 1 1 n 3 dealt Io you hear uuazliii aoundaf V you hnTt rlnttng la t lie tomaehr i there a rnuataat bad tail a in the moulht Do you hnrn m haeklnK eoucttf Do you couch mt ntihtf Io yoa take cold nillyf If 'O, yoa haro eatnrrh. Catarrh l not only dantferou tn tlila wny, but Itfauk'-n tileeratlona. death and dfeay of bonat,lofiof tblnktoRknd reaaonlnp; powor, kills ambl'lon and eueruy, often cauiei loat of aptMtl', indlReitton, dyitppt, raw throat and rwhH to nenaral dcblllt.ldlooy and Insanity. It neetta ftttaatloa at one. Cure it by taklns Botanle Blood Balm (B.B.B ). It ia ft quick, radteal, permanent cur beeanna It lid tha ayatem of the polton rrm that oiuh atrrh. Blood Balm B.B.B). purina the blood, See away with every tyiuptotn.f iTUgalrength to thantlr DaralTced narref. attMOt uamiirana bonri and Jotnti, airing wmoUb and tranf th luat whr It li noailaii, and In (hit way making a per fact, Mlt MM ! eotarrh la all Ita forma. DEAFNECt , - If Tan art fradnall? f rowing 4af oraraal' roalrdaafor burd of haarlDa, trjr Botaat liloud BalmB. B. B ). Il( fonha mt daaf naia or partial daafnata art amtd cm tarrh, and In curing aMarrli ay Jl. B. BW ilimiiamta of meo aal voata tATt aa4 frrf14rnfl.. Hlrf;tnaBa Wak Siaaaaeha enrw lrftppala Frlc ! r lww tla. Takaaadlractod. It mmtmmi w rlgkt antltr la tokaa, mmT vfadd. Saaapla St fm br writing blawd Maa C.. Atlaata, Ga. DiHribi yawr-traaMa, aad aaartal fraa aaadlaal Mvla k I ait jaar aaaa, aUa fast la laakad lftlar. High Art Clothing! We have just received 50 suits of Summer CinthW nf. from $8.00 to $18.00 per suit. Great values. Nice line White and Fancv Vests. Straw Hats, ollora Ties. Furnishinsrs. Etc.. cheat). The prettiest line of Low-quartered Tan Shoes ever displayed in Asheooro. ce sure to see them. Very truly yours, WOOD & MORING. Chase (Si Sanborn's Coffees the Most Popular. HERE ARE STATISTICS TO SHOW IT: In the January number of "What to Eat" there is a very interesting article on "Successful Food Advertising" by Mr Thomas Balmer, advertising manager of The Delin eator. We quote a portion of the article as follows: COFFEE. JAVA. CHASE & SANBORN, Arbuckle s, White House, Dutch, Blanke's, Lion, Miscellaneous brands (being made up of brands any one of which was not named morefthan 5 times) 160 v'o. of Families Using Brand. , 78 53 25 24 18 16 Total number, Percentage of families prefering CHASER i 160 & SANBORN'S to all other brands. & JT 374 per 187 cent. MOCHA. CHASE & SANBORN. White House, Arbuckle's Lion. Blanke's, No. ot rami! id) I'aiug Brand. 67 22 20 14 12 Miscellaneous brands (being made up of brands any one of which was not named more than 5 times) - '34 Total number, & SANBORN'S to all other brands, Percentage of families prefering- CHASE "2 fi 100 Pr J 7 169 er ' 169 cent. Morris-Scarboro-Moff itt Co Telephone No. 7. Free Delivery. We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield Laughlin, Real EstaVte DeaJers. of grant. he In the ti iitMini or pmuieu ncjtnoi thorny t trte niiniKsionerK o( said town to levy tieulnr taxew, thoo tutm bnam of tnwtcca and natil iwaia oi oomm iwinnrrs unau nte kik ii authority. Butt! a majority of nuch quaiifWd vowm shall vote 'Attain Better tV'hooln," then Aid board ol mist- ani aaitl board of oora-miw'tom-n shall ik have audi authority: rro vitled that tht rotttiUof mich election, duly m ceru.ine4 In aoeoniance wth the law. ah all he enmUft among th ubllc reoonla of the tow a of Asheborot and after thirty day fma the Amtni uich enrollment nit'li reeont ahall not be oiien to attack hut ahall lie deemed oancluaive n? th tnith of the fart there u ret'lted KetiiHtratfafi book to In opened Hay $H, IMA and to he kept open auoording to law, aud a new Fy tirdef of the board ot oommiiwionorn ol the Shoes - Shoes - Shoes! We have iuat received a large quantity of Shoes in addition to our large stock. We hay$ . ' as large and as good a line as you can find jit,, town at prices as low as the lowest. ; - Greatly Reduced Prices! Also we have a lot of Shoes and Slippers sr - y ricd over from last season that we will selhat fM ?:reaUy reduced pricea. Examine our stock t-ej- g or buying. Yoors for trade, $ Ride, Pox A Co, AshcboroR C i MM tMMWrm

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