r ftrauWsS ts ilea Are RTuia rilo tjKidnej. and . Hitj(iaidleseniam6ition; beauty, now. Hn uisnppcai whn the lcldnevaare lr" out of order or dis- Kidney trouble has Tiecome so prcvnieiiv thai if U lint nm-nm. i -,0EE? mon for a child to be 1 J born afflicted with caua urinate, loouucu, u wic uimc m.a the Beth, or if, when the child reaches an art when it should be able to control the I rr. it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-hor.doMndnpoa it, the cause of the diffi culty ta kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of tnoae importantorgans. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition ot the kidneyi and bladder and not to a habit aa most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser aUa with k'dney and bladder trouble, ?S taild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold y "s"i , cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may . ..-ml hntllr byi-mail free, also a Bob or smp-Boo. bainpaltt telling an aoom owanip-wwi, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cared. In writiuR Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.V., be sure and mention this paper. Don't wake any mistake, bat fitfiember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. tilmer's Swanip-Rwt, and the ad dress, Biaghamtou, N. Y.. on every bottle. A. M. PRESNELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manu fact lire Timber Wheels repair Buggies aud Wiigims, boe ilorsea and uo u general ropiur utia inees. Second hand buggies uhvavs on hand at bargains. When m Asheboro see me. Shut back of McDowell's livery stables. Yours trnlv, A. M. riKiN ELL. N P COX, Watchmaker and Jeweler. - Dealer in Watches, Clocks and Optical Goods. All work guaranteed. H. J. Burns, Blacksmith. Horse Shoeing, Painting, and Repairing. All work guaranteed as ret. resent ed or no charge. Trices reasonable: workmanship the best. 8hop at old stand on Fayetteville street. Yours tiulv, hugii j. ia iixs. J. R. STEED, DEALER IN Groceries and Fresh Meats! AH kinds of freh meats kept constantly or. hand. (Opposite J'ofltoflice.) W. W. BRADY, DEALER IN Grocrles nd Country Produce. Call to see his prices. One mile north of Asherxro on Randleman Road.' " L. M. FOX, M. D. AtHEBORO, N.C. 1 ! O M tlmSiaSnul TTke to the 1 o4Ahflboco and niiTouiHlliif tmrfr. OAqh; At Kedencc- X Carolina tock and Poultry fnn. 2 0. U. Hizuhaw, Prop eaterV.. NigU Oonb Brown Leghorn uni Barred Jnomia Kwk -w turn I .n. an mmmi, . Fin Bfrkhir Pip Irara iwgiilared Moci. J Four Mat Premium ' and 8mrpakm o b . Hog! at Central Cir n fair, aba tiro ftrata, a aaoond aori Uuw t . i pr imaa m Ouciwia. 15 gt fc i Uki. aw fcf pri(X m figt aud poultry. THEEND OF THE WORLD. lu concluding this series of writings llio End of the World, we will .iv linn 1 &uir, an eminent bilile scholar, j.ul.lislicd nn elalHinitp nruunieiit in 1K11', in wliit h he loo ine wound inai me verses iniuer ( sitlerution, liiid aloo Uie nbole uf iliincli.i refer to the dewlritetifln of .It-rii-nlem connected events. Hv wo tloiuu, he weight .uf his givat learning .igninl ilie llillerile iMukuiii that M iTieu s.iil-t iidintl over the land, diing ini-elm-f, a, i lliis day, ln'ing ilone in .-.nine plae of the northern stales. Iiih. i N'e We now come to the last aei of -his ,1, 1 . 1 l!. I" Church and Slate, which our Sailor, for several reasons, might not think l.i l. tl. cl,ne nakedly ami plainly, un.l therefore cli.eili lo clothe Ins ilifccoui'se in tiuuraiiie 1 . 1 1 1 - He might inssil.ly do it as Ur in .vie eeives, to Hi.'lcx the uiiMiev Jtv il his ilisciples should ever fail llilo lllcll hands. Tile words, "il,l,no.i:tlek alter Ihe tnl.ul.ition of tho,c days.'' ,w eiiden'ly that he was not shaking of any .li-l.ml eielil. hill of something ntinit di.H. I.v e..nse 4itent utou tlielnl.ulatioii. Lei. , imuti .1. and thai nm-l ! ih.-.l.-tni.-t,,.,, . I .1, ru-.i lem. Il is true that hi, ti-m. s v- , strong, hut no stronger than arc ,i-,.l U Mic ancient prophets i..ii -molar ... . .,-i.ti- The prophet Isaiah s-ak- in lie- -aim manner ol Hie ,l,-lni.li..i, ! U.ili!... la Xlli, H, 10 : -llchokl ihe dav ol' Ihe I.. Id eomelh, .Ve." The ) j-ii.-l i .c... i -p-nk-of Kgvpl in siuulal- langii.ii;.. I . -oh Wll. 1, !'. The prophet Panic! s ie...l... terms to ilearrilai the slaughter ..I the .lev.s hy ihe hide horn Han. III. HI And the prophet Joel sas of this ei v .l.'-tiueli I Jerusalem II: .".il, :;l . "I will -li- wonders in the heavens and in ill-- cart!., blood mid lire, and pillows of Mn. Ke. l ac sun shall he turned into darkness .m l li e moon into l.Io,..l, liefon-die great an.! ici uhlc dav of die Lord comes. ' In the ancient nrophci-, 1 i.il i- Ircincullv descnl.cd as coining ill the el. il ls upon am remarkal.lc luuiiilcstatiou i in- i...u r. .u,.i the Willie llcscriplioii i- lino appli-d lo ChriRt. This e.plamitiou is almost .. lull r. nera ii..ii ..f lr Adiini Clark's illt.i-.rw,,ti..ii ..: this ,criplure. and I'r U ai l.ni t-n appo.i. i( it and -ay This pr.'.ieey ,.f Christ'. ;. igoinoai. I.m I,, hi- l.r-t; the ilU loioi ihe Jewi-.li polity, and the eiaMishinen which eoiuincuced on ihe lolal ca-oi; die iheocracv. l-'or as tioil's reign . v. i .lew- eliluvK ended with ll.e U.ti.t ..I u-niple service. ihe reign . f ( hn-t spirit and in Iri.lh. had lin n us ! . mng. This was the liu iai.l.-ai... Chrisliainiv. liil the .1. -m-!i !.. ..Kjli-hed. Iner which the I ,.n.. r p king, ihe ivign of the ,i I i...- place. Im-uil-s" the ..rii!iy .f ! n-i mankind was that u . s..ciaijniv . f - tin exlended. Tl., Ihercl .... l.ein , Ml.'. most hup'.rtallt era- in the c. on m .f ;.i.io' at'dpt..pneiy of tl'i'e''enn- . I. ' ."' . great an event, t, .ei!.. r u Hi, i. ,i.--n ;, ,, of .l.-ri-a!iii. hv wli . !i it w !) '. ! The. I- our i.iea of lie ine.c; g . '. ,; Sail..,-', w. r.l- e,,ieriun- the , : I ..f ..... world as r .-led in vcr-e, :; a.,1 . I Mallhcw ed-) hot .,Up..se li.at lilerallv speakin-. t!..- M.,.-, ,,rc P. fail fron hcaien. and I.a-I ..I ad iha' lli.-y are ... fail njs'll ihis e.tlli. . t . ill's. l';,e star ilu:n i ui.io hundred dines the si,.- . f ii- . .oil:, and its ,11. .a::, .- fr , ... . !. . ..I.e.: millions ef mil.-, .lupiv, i, !. ur-.-.-u !...,. .Ir.-d limes larger than liie ...rlh ; i ulien nearest lo us is I ur hundred .a !o : - . I no!. -away 1 1' li ..- a -l ,: f.,; ng us place in l:.e h.-.,., c- and . t. -ua the scire- I all alM'a. o .1. the end ..f the u. I.e'ria', i ' ' r-'th, iiteral..,n,n;gol I i.n-l in l! o! heaven, nor" t., a gecera! ju-lgmei.t. l.u. .imply lo tlie punishioent . f :he 'J. .1- h "atd cone-! mug ihe . .-a iavaa. I 1 :,.i-l "h.s hl.4,,1 I up..., u- and ,o- , ; .:.ii. .1 I II Wlll.l.iN. Cuban Diarrhica. U S eiildierd who served in Cuba during tlie ipaiiib war Kikhv w lui this disease is, am! thai ordinary remedies have little lip. IV ell'ort tililll so tuiieli water. Cuban diarrhoaii almost as severe and dangerous as a mild allai k uf elioleia. There is one remedy, however, that can always It depended lluili as will lie Seen by I he following' eertilieate from Mrs .Min nie dacubs of Houston, 'L'exas: "I herein- eertifv that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and lliarrho a Keuiedy cured mv husband of a seven' attack f Cuban dianhoa, whirli he bi-ouolit home from Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him uo good. I'ne bottle of this lemedy cured him, as our uciglibors will testify. 1 thank Cod for so valuii ble a medicine." For sab- by Stand dard Drug Co, Asheboro Ding Co, Asheboro, and W A L'ndirwood, Handlemun. Typhoid Can be Wipetf Out. "Wherever you liuil a death from typhoid, sonic one ought to be hanged tot murder," a distinguished sani tarian has said. This is a violent statement, but there is forcible proof of its justice in an article by Samuel Hopkins Adams, in 'lie June Mc Clure's. "Typhoid' An I'nnecessaiy Kvil" is the whole interesting story of Ihis disease which costs Anier.can com munities so many millions of dollars and so manv thousands of lives. The results of far-reaching aud search ing investigation show conclusively the criminal foolishness of permitting it in any community. "The arerage city of lno.iMiO in habitants wastes, perhaps, half a million dollars a year on the luxury of having typhoid, and probably a hunurctl thousand dollars more in efforts to avoid jt. That amount of money, properly spent, would prac tically eradicate the disease. We have seen it done in the principal European cities; yet, with the unpro- fressiverjess in matters of public ealth which so strangely contrasts with the forwarding American spirit, onr cities have continued to poison themselves and each Other." The story of the tight against infection, the triumphs of scientific methods and the ignorance and neglect which turns the viscera of communities in to progression of bacilli cultures, tbo whole problem is haudled suc cinctly and authoritatively, yet with all the interest ot a story. The Kalye That Penetrates. De Witt's Witch Ilazel Salre pene trates the pores of the skin, and by its antiseptic, rubifocient and heal ing influence it subdues inflamma tion and cures mils, Hums, cuts, Etf'i'fiia, Tetter, King Worm and all sk; i diseases. ' A specific for blind, bletdtog, itching and protruding Pile, The original and genuine Witcti Basel Salve is made by E C De Witt St Co, and sold by Standard Drttg-i Co, and Aihrtoro Drvg Co. Telephone! and the Farm. One of the most wonderful inven tions of modern times is the tele phone, by means of which the farmers are brought into closer touch and are able to act in cotioert in many malteis that affect their property. The saving of time to the fanners by Ihe u.-e of the telephone is not less than li per cent throughout the aiva w here telephones are in opeia tion. Kui'.il routes for mail t 'i.it have been established liming tlie last ten years bring to the doors of the farmers the late.-t intelligence from all iiuartcrs of the world. This system has done away to a great ex tent with the lonfingaioiind counliy stores and invillages when-poslolliees were kept. This pernicious practice was once very common in the good old days, when fanners would meet, talk politics, drink whiskey and frequently w ind up the day with a free light. Southern r'arm Mag azine. Quality vs. Quantity. Hard muecles and strong body do not depend on the quantity of fond you cat, but on it- pi-rfict digeslion and proper assimilation. When ou take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure your system gets all the nourishment out of all the food you eat. It lig.sls what you eat regardless the con dition of the stomach and conveys tlie nutrient propel tics to the blood and tissues. This builds up aud strengthens the entire system, over comes and cures Indigestion. Dvs pepsia, liclching, Sour Stomach, etc. Sold by Standard Drug Co, aud Asheboro Drug Co. Ohituary. lo pay m.-ir In,- tin lo haie l.o.i ! liilinus Hill the sl.vpv head. Dearly Inve.t lo lay a-bed: Couldn't wake him if you snook him When bis slumbers overtook him. Suddenly he stalled waking. Kv'ry morn when day was breaking What's this magic iviTniuaticcK KA1M.Y IIISKI.'S. that' th-an-w. r VI:..:! M - S. . "in. 'ia'i' ''. a: iviai.i i ' il .' 'viap-ioo "ei"ll ! II. 'i! e,l l,.-r I "VKV i.ot.tY PRICE 1 CENT. THE SDN Baliimoro. Md. Now soils for 1 Cent, and can be had of every dealer, agent or newsboy at that price. All Subscribers in I list rift of Columbia. 1 irgiuia, North and South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware And Throughout the L'nited States Can (iet The Si m by Mail At I Cent A Copy. THE SUN AT ONE CENT Is The Cheapest High-Cla6s Paper In United States. I' II li .V IJ N ' S l-ei.,l c,.ir,!M,n.l,.,ls lhroMrho,it Ihe l nile.1 Slnlen. as well as n, l.uro-, C hina. S.nlli Afnea, the rhilipinnos, L.rlo l,',, o, 1'nl.a aii'l in eiery oilier part ol I ha ui.rhl. make il the orealesl ism-i-that can l- irinle.l lis W, i-,lei.e, and New V..,k l,,e.i. areiilnone ihe host in the I i.ite.l States, and o;ive The Sun's readers' the earliest inforiiii. tiutl upon all iiiiM.rtant events in (he lop-la tive and tiiuineial centers of thn country. THE FARMER'S PAPER. THE Sl'X'S nmrkrt reports nm coinmptvinl columns are compli'tp anl mlialile, itntl jxit the farmer, tin? men-lmiil ant the broker in touch with Uie market of Baltimore, Nor folk, Charlpston, New Yurk, (.'liicaco, I'liilu- dplphin mu all other important itoint in Uie UmtM States and other countries. All ( which the reader got for one cent. THE WOMAN'S PAPER. THE SI'S is the bet type nfa nrwpaiirr, morally and intellectually In addition to tlie news of the day, it pnhhMies Uie lt fetitttrei that can le presented, sm h as fiwli ioD articles, and miscellaneous writings from men ami women, of note and prominence. It is an educator ol the highest r ha racier, eon stantlj stimidating to nohle ideals in indivi dual and national life. THE 81 N is pnblished on Sunday as well a every other day ot tne week. By mail the Daily Sun, $3 a year; including tne bunday Sun, $4. The Sunday Sun alone, l a year. Address A. S. ABELL COMPANY rjHinltra and rruprieton, Baltimore, Ud. Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr J T Barber, of Irw inville, Ga, always keeps a bottle of Chatiibci lain's Colic, (Jholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy at hand ready for instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera 11101 bus and diarihn 1 come on ro sud denly that there is no time to limit a doctor or go to the store for med icine. Mr Dar'ocr say.-: "I have tried Chamberlain's Colic, 'liol. ia and Diarrlm a b'etiio.ly winch t-j one ofthebestniedii.ii.es I evir saw. I keep a bottle of il in my loom as 1 have hail several attacks ul colic iinil it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used." Sold hv Standaid Drug Co, Asheboro Drug Co, Ash boro, and W A I'tidcrwood, l!aiuile mail. Conicdcrale Veterans' Ko uniuii, Louis ville. ky June H-lo, I4C5. tor ll.e aU.ve oe.a-,...l !. S..he,n 1,'ail m.iv mil sell lick, I- lo Louisville, hv., an.l rein. 1. .It I lies n. lined U-h.n . 1 i. .hUU .ll. Si I. .'.:., Lai. i::.cu. 1 1,. ,!,., iS.",ii... li . i sill ::,. iu-i-.i. .,!.. s.. Vi. s,h- Imiiv sll mi. St., I. -nil,- slllo.l, l hnl. in S' H 1 ' a. ,li S-II.IV '0 ll.lv I 11 I,. I., ell.. I . . a.. 'I kk.-l- -el'l I lo.h. I I-',. I:'-', .,,i. .'.-h nilh i. .o !n., I..,i,. I.. ..,.;.. .1.,. a- l.llh. I: il IV. ., ..I..!.. I tie!-,!. Ilv stll.np.-l l-v .1,.-..; i, l;.,-a.. -., i ,l Ap-ni. nri-iii.il ! o'll'lo l,'ve'l...i:1-.'i,l!e''n,'Maier' "him -hih UN... I !' I-.V ,l.-!.oslll,,,; llel.el in Vrsoil vvilil .ill.-' KV ! !,.,, ,.'t '. ! , a;, el SIM) ., .111.1 soil - in. I,.e I'll , ;. L.llh mehi-ile. ' iM-lll.il'.r.s l air I..,. lee. -Ilae ..,!l".eri. Lalii.al, i,., Ashev.lV. K,.A.le alio li.i:- ,',ee,a!.'l.h, h"ll,'!'",'",l',-,' , I :!,''! el.,-','l,'.v e..,ieh,-. an, I -.;.1,. l'..,;ia,, , ai- lo i .- h.Ul ll, -I ll,r.,..-olo I, a, , -lihe ii:.M.I...!.J. Th. -oee ,.ll . .11-- mil lease I,1.,:. Ir-h a! :;.".ll . m, .M.-ii.ijv .Iniie I Jll. l;l"V M. I'll I. He ll. in I.'.,!, ij, ,i ha, a,,,, I :,O.I,V II- , s I on. -.,!.-! ,11, i ,. - ... ::.:. Lv , ; I vlremcly Low Kales. Kvlroliioh' knv rules ale in. ii.. iiiie. it liu tiie iSititlioni lluiiw.iv I rein iMiilllS Oil its Iitle. f.if tile lull, ill ,lll uri:il ni'va.-hin.-: Alliens, (ia. Siitiiimr .S'h.inl. .luiie ulv l'.uc. Atlanta, ila. Nalnmal As-ui-ialiuii ul' Maniifurttiivrs, .Ma l''.-ls, r.K'-'i. Krist.'l, 'I'vii li. -Annual Moe'ino (ierniaii li.ipli.-i lln tlireii, .Inne '. I'.'".".. t'liarliitlesville, Va. Viiv'u.ia i -i. a met' S'lmnl nf Me. ho,:,. .Iniie '...- Anir I. l :.- l'urt Wmth, 'l'e.. - (i' li, ul A.--, :n i.lv Snutliern i're.-ln i. ri.in i liiiii'li, M'av is-'.'.;, T IIt i.nni-, a. S.hllntn ll.ii.i v.ai'e .h.i.l'il-' As.-i.riatii.il ami Aino.ieaii llan'.'.iai.' Ala'.iil.irtiir ef's As.-.H-ialirll, .llllle I. S, r.ill.',. KliievMlle, Ti lin.--Siiniln, r N-laml, .1 tiiiv in Jul v r.ni-'i. M.mtea-lr, Tei'in. ,Mont,,,.;!e l'..l le Traiuitig Si h,.ul, .1 ulv i!-.to- !'. r.'i'.",. Moll teazle, '1'enii. Miinleaole U I : -il.iv Srh.iul lnstilnte, . 1 1 1 1 v II-An-. :.. r.'i'.-i. Molitou''!,', '1'rnn. W.nilaii'.i l.'un- rr.-s, An-, l-i:,; l'.m.-i. Na.hvUU', relili.--lVabo.ly I'ollege, Siiiiiiiiot SrliooU: aiuloi'!.;it lt.li- li. a! Ih.-lilute, June 1 I-Aiij;. ('vl'..!',!, Mi.-.- S'lininer Selmol, j l iiivefsiiy of Mis.-tssi,ii, June 11 .1 ulv I llu liniiiiol. a. Kanueia' Nationa! c.ui.'i'e-i, Sept. i:m."i. Tiisraloi.-a, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, Juno in-July 1 '.'i'.".. Kales for the above urea.-ions ojien to the public. Tickets vi ill be solilo these Point-: from all station.'- on the Southern l.'ail ivay. Detail information ran be hud up on application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern liailway, or Agent of connecting lines, or by aJilress iiii.' the umieijioneil: lfl. Vkiixox. J II Wuon. I) I A, T 1' A, Charlotte. Asheville. S 11 H wti.w ii k, II T.vyi.oi:, r. t. m. ;. r. a. Washington, l. ('. t.NI M'Tnli.- Xol'IcK. ...ili.o-t tut , x.vntor i,t HAVE YOU INDIGESTION. Itoyd's nrbonAlbumen Tab let I'm'1' t'iirbon of All.iiineii it positive ruru for itKli.'cslloli, (!vsiei- niit, C(iM.-tii:ilioii, liciitliirlie or Koiir Htoiiiiirli from over cut ill-' or ilrink- 50 if they (lotl't. i!j iciilij u iii(lkae. If votir (IriiL'gmt (losrn s huve lliein send dirert to UOYDCHEMICAL COMPANY, 708 Rand McNally Bldg., Chlcfo, III. The Traveller, in the Charlotte Observer, draws this pott picture of Hon llunnis Taylor: "He turn ed periodically to the men on bis right and left, and seemed almost to dread interrnption, so eager was his conversation. His voice wan some what nasul not unpU'iitiatitly so and only the touch of Southern lan guor in it kept it from irritating; for he pitched it high and kept it. on the level. At every few sentence! he would adjust his nez-prince with both hands, nervounlr, aud then look narrowly at his neighbors with brown eyes inst slightly crossed. His eves were those of the scholar, of the hard student. A pink, healthful complexron, a grizzled moustache cropped short, a nose with iust enough carve to harmonize the other lines of his face, a well-proportioned head and shock of black hair, a Wg, muscular body of 200 pounds just a bit ill made for evening dress, and there yon have the Honorable Han oi! Taylor, the most distinguished living ion of North Carolina." I You Need a Hat! You Need it Now. We have them in slvh s ;l.l prhes to suit V..U. We IC- iilereJsil.u' Mir M...K each vie. :,, l.v so ,l,.in-we eel ll..-i,e. M all.l l-M ' We'n'T-o have an atlra.llie Hue of Melt Itu. iocs i Hr.ss .St, an I ma. v oilier ' V...'irstMi'e. Mrs. F T. Blair. SEWING MACHINE. ROLLER BEARING. HIGH GiiAD". rsli.-.blc, honest, iMlELJ machine. STKONCKST GUARANTEE. N;"lonnl Srvin-j Mflchlr.o Co. tiELVinr, juivc.'S. 4m GIVE Vlfil nnd df-'ire for work or t'lay. Mukn il N'HP 1-rain. liriht tics txhd &rtcrt brenlh. MAKE LIFE WORTH WHILE GIVE VIGOR . S. Jii.NK--. Asheboro. N. C. A rVV'. Colli.. ,'.;. V.'-.:.X Chest ; B.T I., Lum. t-ajo, Sciatica f L , V V:-) SHillrP,";',.,!-: 7 ter. Wnro, I he i l,;:,.:t'r.,' I-,,.- J I Fruit Paper Free D . Kei-rvoiipo-i..!. formation th (tmwer neid, whftlirr ho t an mtiir or pmri-iwlonsl, Frciuiiiil cor of tlx tiMl llortirtilturnl pir puhliMirni, fiitly jlluitra- OF VALLE TO FRUIT GROWERS. A Special Magazine anj The Courijr (,n; Year for $1.50. A ne. mi l niiraeiive ort-r l,y u- i- . In. t i f Tlie Xiitio.i.il Kmit (Inmer in roe, I i,,aii:i Willi The Cornier tins two one jenr f r ? 1 .'V The Nalioiuil Fruit Grower, !i i- .l.l,sl, d ut Si. Jo-ijIi and Bent. ll:,,-!.,.,-, Mie!,., is a monthly ,lev..i,,l in tl.e w.'.j-.i ,-f fruit growing wlii.-h il hamlle wiil.ireal aliilitv. Tl vario.iii t...i.K are (liue(l l.v -eii.l-Bits, nn, I it U iirvaliial.le I., every fruit grower. - You may forwanl your n.oiiev f.-r tl-i roni huMtion ofler to Tin Nnlioiial l-'niit liniwer or to thin jsiper. Special Rites, Summer School Wrights Wile, N C. June, I5th-2lst, I90S. The &'hoar,l announces Unit aeeount of ihe Summer Sehool at WrigliUvillc, N C, June lStli-SUt ihere will be a rote .f one fcret class (are plun 2i tor Uie round trip from all point in North and Suith Carolina. Tirkela to be sold June 14th, lo'li and 17th, wuh fim.l limit of Jiuie2llli. Kor inform Uion as to ratea aeliclulea He, apulv to any Aueol or addrenn C U OlTTlll, , . . ; T t A, Baiciub. 2si C m M ..1 """" i n Mass en mon fT4rP II I liWE: mmuhi 1 1 n For Sale by All 0rasj1U ! 4 ,':';..';. i.-' plOo Pnd 23C FER BOX S ' ,.- I it ..-l,.,.-.'..'.' ''JJT,. iiomt-uinn-c, no Wi rvrrv- ph.T-e of tl.c VTJLfiA fnm industry from the rlndins variftli. riiltlmiinn. trnnpnrlniioii. ami Will ei spot rash f. ... li. your ilepot for " AI! Kin1s of Furs, Groeti Dry Hideo, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, V'COb viasiie.l ur tl n-M ashed ) V.e ,,, nir, i: full linr.if I'l'iiils aio I ,', r.-:; -, l'aiiunas, Oranoes, I em I:-, ' .uillls, Kir., ill lit;, rki't !''- '' - il" '"1 !"i '.-. PvKYTH it VVA7KI.VS, I i l.oiii- St, Civ, n-l oro, N. C. .i,: i -i 17-: '.thiii ii nih. i .iill.' of i:.- ill bo sent. i ion tea, lor of this paper is -uil, riir; it ll any l.iu.l nf i!'- - i ;' i r ipii ,n.-, mi; fonu V.-. : :!;::,l or Klie.lin- I'iles, .ful.i. li'.'h. Teit.-r. Ilarb.'r.s Itrh, o ii..i'i. I'.o! . r.1,,,,1 l'oison, er Soi-rs , T ai, ii.'iiur or nature. .'hi I'e'.ia.'.i v ill I pai.l for any o;' . . in,, , :.,t i.. ir il proinpi- lly cuiv.l u ':li - - in,-. Kr-zinr w ill j lieal anv r i iv ! i,.- worst ,-Kiu ali.! luaK. :l i.'.o, !:'..- v. I. 1. llere- lol'..r.- t line In..- I.,-, u ii.. Sprrilir ii!i.'.".n. ! :...' i .'!... , nn- )'r.rma .i!,.i l.iii.iioii in, ill ,-:.-ine !...'!.- .ii.-i ovel', ,i ol, ', lo ll 1 ieo; -alnis are ru i-e.l ilnii v. iKvcr nind ,wha.t you h?.'e trieil: loio. i the f,ill'..IYs in::.!. !a . ,i,. ', I, :io'.li.-s Ian, I .-on,! for FKf '." S "M PI ;..f K.-Zllir. ttliirll ::'.',- H.-.. re lief :.:ol a pennait. nt . hi' - i:ciiic -ckin i'o;y, !. .-I Ititici ptir .-.'Up lll:.:e Mill a':v ! h::i - viiii .1, . . .. mi. .I'.'b.s of .luiulii,:!'. falliu- i f - -1 . .. hr.ul, bull, U aiul f. i l, pimp,. uivl blarl. in a, I- on I':,, , an, I waive t ie-.-kin -inootli. The only an: i-op.ir sh.iviuj;' soap "ua.lr. oliarahleril to I'll IV O'l'lll lli-ra.-es -7-Ml if It ll'Ml't. -.'." n ut - a rake. Write to.lav to Ji) MiZrilC.M. CO.-ll'.ANV. 70S Kaml-McNnlly lildj; , V-lil-UK... III. ( The pitlilishef ..f I his paper knows tiir rrliabilitv of Kr-zine ami of Hovil ( lu iniial Uo. 2LPEN MI3CCTS FOo C.MLOrV PEOI'LB BUY THE t'ltiRi Etc 6 3" i! H SEWING MACHINE Tin m,!l,;. .l..,-. iv...l t), so vvl,o:i,l. vi lli-,- a v.o.in r-. u iuu' Ma. liine for f Ji.ini. Tl, i kin, 1 of a iiiaeliineeaii le l..'iio.t I'roiii ii-t or imv of our tlraler-i front jl.'i.O'lt,. fKoO. WE MAKE A VARIETY THE NEW HOKE 13 THE BEST. 'I'll,' Fee. I .Vlol'llline-i 11,,' Stl'ellotll or e, aliii, -h of S-w ili!,' Maohillei. 'I'lie linl.li- l'(l 1 1 .'in. I i i I Ii olli.r sir.in ,inu i,,:ik, t he X' IIoiiiu 1 1 if l"-t K- in Jl.-uliinu IkI.iiv. iWlgfsrCIRCULARS-SSS NCV HOME SEWING HAC1IING CO. t',,..n s,;. N., hi,-:. AC.-.iila, (in., .--!.;. ,e.a,.M..., Kr.mel.ci, C 'OR SALE D l'Ult !. I.K 11 V 5i.ii;l;ls-.-rAi:nol:o-Mo! rm i n. mm SB If I Adtireaa JOHN SEBASTIAN, Pass. Trai. Mt, Rock lakuad Syaltsa, CHICACa iPEERLESS.I Wliiit does that mean ? PESPuLESS Traction Engines PE2rI.i -S Portabjo Engines PHnLEnrJ Wheat Threshers GEISEP. 7'ireshers C'ZICnr. Jaw Milln (!o to your dictioiuiry and see what IVorless mean.". GEiSER MAfJUFACTiiRING CO. I.eXiNl.TON. N. C I'y (icorjte W. Crou:;.' 1 :r ake The Courier and Get the News. One Dollar Per Year in Advance. 1 AT FACTORY PRICES j The "Lundstrom" Sectional Bookcase, I 11 ... ..nit -tl llie l!lT I y tlioii-iinils of ner. Ilifibly tilii-lied in So. ll, lini eKN tl(K. I I'ri. . .,-r h,k i,, will, ilisupiicaiino: ,,,, l.lnilino ,;lVs doors, $1.75, vvilliniil l,r $1.00. Toes ai.,1 Ikiscs 1.IMI e:., h. M.r ON Al-l iioV.vl , freiol.t .ie,iiul direct from fne t,,rv. S iul r..r r.il.ilooiie No. !l. THE LLNDSTROM MFQ. CO., Little Falls, N- V. j MiiimFiieliii-erH of S(H-ii,.iiiil Il.xikeuses ui.d l-'iling tiliineN. Special Tuesday Sales With civil cash purchase of one dollar on Tues ilav el ' c;ii:h week, we j,rive you a coupon for that amount When you have gotten sixty' (60) of these bring them to oui store -.uivl we will give you Absolutely Free A Handsome Oak or Mahogany Rocker. These Rockers sell for $10.00 each to the trade. Call and let us show you our full aiuj, complete line of House furnishings. Very truly yours, Peoples Mouse Furnishing Company, High Point, N. C. J JiT US DO YOUR Printino;. WORK GUARANTEED PRICES SATISFACTORY To the Facu'ic Comi :o Cal'iornia, Oregon, Wahington round-trip, lor.j tnns: end rct'.tnt iiuiits, liutrol stop-over privilcfs. Tlie i ttiu io n.o -.tical-y on the as!s of one fre for the round trip. Of ." e. u yoa -wLL lo visit loth California and Oregon or War!.!..i,toii, the coat aiigliUy more. TI.c e reduced r). ak ht effect on certain dates in months of fia tci OctobtU j v c'. iiive. i'isty apply from all Eastern point via, Clikatg..', Zl, Luu. ,. TvieraiiliL. faiewaya. Tho Rock Island Sy ite m w. ii take yon ui i: i either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundred of oiher i.iirifile VVest jointa .r.d carry you to the Coast in through 1 o'-,a .vl-il.. Ci-;-f.'C v.lth u.exceHed Dining Car service. The H rk Island iJir; art irs- - choice of routes: on the "Scenic" rot--, j i ..u can r.oF o'f in C. !.i--r4uo tee Salt Lake City visit Yelb-ii r.Vttcn-.! Park; cn the "Southern" route you can go via El il..u He iv.jkicc. then "up coast" to San Francisco &ud on to Portland or Seattle i.' desired. In thr rt, l'.io.-a Pacific Cer.st excursions offer an unusually good chance to r.eo our wi,.ic."r c:-'.:ntry in a comprehensive manner. li you desire to culy as for as Colorado, there are excursion rates in efrect to ti.at aerlion and return, all summer long, crcciaKy reduced J-ie cO to July 4, August 12 and 13, end August 30 to er?r!5r 4. Extension trip to Ogden or Salt Lako &:id rt.urn r.t low cost also. From September ?S to October 31, 1905, one-way touKot cr "co!onL,t " tic!.-U will be on sale to California and the Pacific Ncrtliwrt about half regular fare. If inrnreater', aenJ noma and addrau on tbia coupon, olifnatinf vUcb bool.lcl wrnied cjkI to what point you pUntofO. Nama probablo data of aUrt also, ao we r:j adviia deTinitery with raepoct lo ratea, etc. K Laoklvt and ratM. 1 Jersey Iviale Calves at a Great Bargain with anch breeding as Gold en Lad first prize winnt-r over all Jerseys 1800; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Pan-American 1901; General Merrigold sire of twenty-one heifers that sold at an average of $144 each. The breeding of these is correct; prices right for immediate acceptance. Address, JOHN A. v0UNG, Green -thoro, N. C. L I have a large and va ried stock of : : : : New - Millinery ! To select fr.im and my prices are right. Come to see me. ; : : : : (Hiss) Nannie Ballinger. Over Morr .Scarboro-Molfltt Co. (q it PASO -"l Y 'p JJ

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