The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. C, Jane 22, 1905. Arrival sa4 fttfartan af Tralss. SOUTHBOUND. Train No, 141, arrivceat 10:00 a. mi. Train No. 107, arrive at 3:10 p. w. Train No. 143, arrive at 0:35 p. m. NORTHBOUND. Train No. 7ft, . arrive, at 8:25 a.m. ? rain No. 130, arrives at 11:01a.m. rain No. 42, .arrive, at Mi p.m. : NORTHBt)U.D. No. 142, Icavc-iat 4:40 a.m. No. ISO, - leave. at ll:0ja. ui. No. 144, leaveaal 4:30 p.m. . gOL'THBOrND. N. 71, leave, at 10:15 a.m. No. 107, Urn. nt 3:l.rp.N. No. 41, . , leave, at 3:30 p. ui. Local and Personal. Ths oonditisn of Hon H 8 ttubius loci uot improve. ' Mr 8am Teaeue ba returned Apalaohicola, Florida, MM Q Morris u visiting in Kanuieman ton week. Heailrix Skeen spent Sunday in Kaodleman wits friends. MuM Ague. Lowe, of High Point, ii Tinting Mn a l liiair. Mm J R Page, of Biscoe, visited it Aineboro last atuuraav. Miss Alice Toll, of Kinstoo, is .I.Uiaa alio. V,lil. Ul.. "Ufa Underwood made a business trip to Greensboro yesterday. Mrs Arthur Ross spent laot Fri aav in Mamseur witb frieuds. Little Anna Qregsoo, who bits been qu.ta sic It, is much improved, Mr Rankin Park Jr, of Siler City, was in Asheboro Saturday and sun lay.'"' Mn Samuel Maxwell, of Charlotte, visited at Mr. W J Teague's last Suu- aay. Deputy Sheriff J L Luther, of Union township, waa in town Mon day. Messrs D Davis, S L Davis and Dave fallow, Jr., were in town Sun day., ........ Mr D S Davis, of New Market township, was in town one day hut week. Mr Mendenhall came in Tuesday and took charge as agent at the Southern depot, Little Mid Esther Pickett, of High Point, (pent the week with her cousin, iss inline r erree. Misses Sallie Davia and Exie Col lins, of Bandleman, apent a few daya witn f rieads here last week. Prof Bruoe Craven, formerly of Old Trinity, this county, has been elected prrlcipal of the Morgan-ton (traded Schools.' lie was principal of Clinton Graded Schools last year. Mr Arnev King, who lives on the court house square, had the misfor tune to loose one of his lingers while running the rip saw at the Iliiiulolph Unair Uoinpsjiy 8 null last rnday Lindsay Pluuimer, son of the late John riummer, who lived just across the Uavitlaon county line, h returned from the Haiti more Medi cal College where he is taking u course in medicine. One of the graduates of Greensboro Female College last week was Miss Jessie Gray Fuller, of Lnmherton, N C. Miss F'-ller is the accom plished daughter of Mr Manly Fuller who formerly lived at Farmer. Ex-Sheriff J Rowan Rogers and J P Sorrel 1, both of Wake county, were adjudged in contemftt for tampering wiin iuror in me uatus-nngo inai at Raleigh, last Saturday and were sentenced to alt days each in jail Don't forget to list your property. The lilt taker will be at the court house only daring this week. The. Lexington Grocery Company has plans and will soon begin the erection of a large brick block. MrsJ"E "Jonrs, of High Point, returmd from Asheboro last Monday from a visit to Mrs A E Burns. Mr Peter Faust, formerly engineer a the Asheboro brauch road, is in town, and speaka of investing here. Mrs W A Bunch, who has been ill for several weeks, does not im prove, and her recovery is not expect sd. Dr Hunter, who recently located here, has gone to Waxhaw, his former home, to bring his family to Asheboro. MrsRL Deaton went to Rich mond, Va, Taesday to join her hus band who recently obtained posi tion, there. Hiss Jessie Boroughs is making sn extended visit among relatives and friends in lower Randolph and upper Moaigomery. MeasrsTr H Yow.of Soagrote, C C Shaw, of New Hope Aeademy, sod J F Casswron, of Cox, were visiton in Asheboro yesterday. Col A O McAliater and Misa May McAliater have returned from New Berlin, 111, where they attended the wadding of Mr J 8 MoAlister. Mrs W J -Tragus and little grand son. Master Earl Maxwell, left Wed nesdav to speid the summer at the Springs, near Knoxville, Tenn. J H Bedding passed through town last Tuesday on his way home front Taylorsrille where he bad been to purchase a Urge traction engine. The town commissioners sre to have Depot street surveyed and a trade esuDuanea. ine contract win be let later for grading the street and aidewelk. Register of Deeds Boreurhl and family visited at Why Not Sunday. Mrs Boroughs sad Master Earl rev mining over Monday for the funer al of Mrs Asbury. TSr aad Mrs J K Wood, of Raleigh, canae hi Friday, They will remain in Asheboro fur a few days, after which they will govto Biaooe to visit Mr and Mrs J R Page a few days. Mr John T Hoffitt, who has been living in Tampa, Florida, tor several years, has been elected secretary and treasurer of the Asheboro Wood and Iron Company and will at an early lay assume the duties of the position. Mr E B Farris, brother 'of J J Farris editor M the High Point En terprise, who recently graduated mm toe mate university law school, with high honors, is now at Chapel Hill attending the summer law School. IfrCA Pamplin whe has for yenia been the popular agent for tbt Southern Railway at Asheboio, will loav in a few days to become the agent of the Southern at Thomas vUla. We laara that Mr P A Mea- danhall, of Randlemao, will be transferred to Asheboro to succeed Mr Pamplta, Mrs C H Henley and children of Randleman, visited Mrs N T Hin shaw last week. Messrs David Thomas, of Fullers, and W J Delk, of Caraway, were in Asheboro Monday on business, Dr Dred Peacock, who has been ill for several weeks is improving since going to Vade Alecnm springs. We ask that our readers who come to Asheboro to trnde with the mer chants who advertise in. The Courier, Miss Anna Tomlinann a teacher in the Asheboro graded school at tended a home pai ty at Pomona last wetk. Mrs E P Hundley died in Greens boro last Friday norniujr and was bnrie.l"in"Oieene Hill cemetery o' Satnrdar. Mr II J Burns has recently pur chased an up-to-date cold tire setter which will set your buggy or wagon tire while you wait. rroi w o uwen, or liberty, was a delegate from the Siler City Lodge, Knights of Pythias, to the Grand Lodge at Cbailotte last week. W T Corwith, who formerly lived h"re but more recently of the real estate Arm of F C Abbott & Co, of Charlotte, was in town Sunday. Miss Edith Moring, daughter of Mr and Mrs W II Moring, of this place, has been re-elected as teacher in tue oiaiesvuie graueu scnoois, The good people of Moore eonnty are to meet i their county court linUee nil Mli Hi t llay of Jill V to orHiiinf a renin li!siiricnl K-iety. We wnti Id be hIimI iu a ciinilar organization under way in Ilundolph. , County Sunday School CnventioR. 1 The Coun:v Syiiitay School Chi veiiuii roiiveiica at l.iUiiy the ti rrii week in Aiigu.-t. the date. U-ini! Any old auil 4t.h. . ! Daath of J C Bain. Mr J C Bain who formerly livul in this comity died at his home in GreenstMJio last Saturday, tin iii suivivtd liy a wiilW and ceven clnlilieii. 'j he fin. ei ui whs held from bis home last Sunday and was con ¬ ducted by llev R M Andrews puslur of Grace M P church. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY Subscription Paid. T E Luther, S G Cawon. W 1) I Spoon, Jonathan Tucker, John A Jones, M F Suyder, OV Rich, T M Crowson, L A Smith, J A King, II a Wall, U U Urown, U JS rresuell E L Curtis, J A Dowd, U F Cheek C C Randleman, J 0 Graves, 2 D Lewis, Ten ell Caveuess, B I Ilarri son, Wilson Kearus, W" R Graves, Mrs C A Floyd, A It Hicks, W C Kustsell, J 1C 1'euce, L M tux, U Rich, K F Stevens, Will Sykes, J L Bray, C A Vuncannou, W 11 Gar ner, F T Macon. Aihtbars Gnd.d School Eltetlan. The election on Tuesday of this week in Aslieboro on the question whether the town of Asheboro sn enlarged by the last legislature glial! constitute a graded school district with power to levy a tax not to ex ee I 4(1 cents on the $100 valuation of propel ty to maintain fchools for Hie two raoes in the ilisti let and al so the privilege uf issuing bonds to oiuld a scnool house or school houses. The vote was liht, there being otilv K4 votes registered, 111 votes wen- nut for the new district anil U'tier Fchoold and there were 21 votes cast naini.t the proiKuition Trinity Township S. S.yConvunllon. Trinilv ttiwii.sliiii Siimhiv MrtiiHit 1111-pii lo lie lief'l ill Ml. Verium .Stimluv .lulv illli. Misa Mabie Freeman, of Archdale, who has been teaching iu Lyme, Conn., returned' home Wednesday night much to the delight of her many friends in High l'oint as well as ArchJaie. High l'oint .Ledger Ed Varner. living in Randleman, committed suicide last week by tak ing laudanum. His health had been declining for some time prior to com mitting the rash act and it ia sup posed hia mind had become affected. Rev James B rax ton Craven, of Salisbury an announcement of whose marriage was published in our last issue a son ot Mrs riannie A Uraven, of Trinity, was married Thursday night (June 2!i) to Miss Katherine Covington, daughter of the late Hon u A Covington, at the home of the bride's mother in Monro?, N C. Rev Mr Craven is one of the ablest young ministers in the Methodist confer ence, has many friends in this county and elsewhere'who wish him well. At the present rate of increase of subscriptions to The Courier it will not be many moons before circula tion will be mere than double the number of subscribers there were 18 months ago. We hope you will see your neighbors and friends and get some one or nioro to subscribe. If every subscriber we have will get us one new subscriber by the 20th of July we will greatly appreciate it. We hope enr friends will try to do this for uiand we will try to give you the best paper we possibly can. Prof N JJT Walker has been elect ed to a professorship in English at the state University and bas ac cepted the position. Prof Walker has for two years been the most effi cient and capable superintendent of tbe Asheboro Graded bcnools. U n- der his management the school has grown steadily in efficiency and in public favor. Mr Walker is a gentle man not only of fine scholarship but possesses an nnnanal amount of good common sense. Two of hia strong points are hia excellent discipline and thoroughness in all departments. Mr Bruce Craven, now visiting ith his wife at his mother's home in Trinity, has been elected superin tendent of the Graded schools of Morganton. The position ia an ex cellent one and pays a high salary. Mr Craven recently reported the pro ceedings of the State Teacher's As sembly for the Raleigh Morning Past and the reports were much complimented and the Post in speak ing of his election says editorially that the Morganton scnool board is to be congratulated on securing him who is mentioned as a young man of "strong ability and sterling character." Tbe editor of the Courier acknow ledges the of many kindnesses snd courtesiei extended to him and his friends by Messrs C E Blair and G A Blair during the recent session of tbe National Editorial Association at Guthrie Oklahoma. Both these young men, who formerly lived in Asheboro are now connected with one of the largest and most pros perous newspapers in the west and both bold important and lucrative positions, one is connected with the mechanical department and the other is advertising manager and soueitor of the Guthrie Oklahoma State Capital, a paper having a capital stock of some $150,000 invested. One remarkable thing about this per is that every one connected with the paper is a young ssan. No important position is held by anv one over zo or zo years at age. r.nhj. I lie loiimvmir m m iiroi'riiiiiiNc: 10 a ill 0M'iiiiii Soiii; liv all the SeluxilH, lullotveil hv pruver liy l.'ev , Miemll. HM.I t'.lll ollnie:.t ol llelegillen. Siuainir. 10:.lll The Oliint of S. S Work, liy llev Frank II Wood. 11 -"Tliedood Teacher," by llev M 0 Hix 11:3(1 The S. S. the prime fuotor in character Iniililin, hy Kev D C Cui. IS ni Pinner. 1:30 p m Singing. Aihlrew. hy I'roC J M Way. 2:15- -Keporla from Srlioolu. 2:30 Addrex. liy J U Iteddina. 3:15 The Sunt, liy Trot N C Ktiiilish. 3:43 Home Department liy Mm Frances Hulilard. 4:15 Election ol Officers. 4:50 Adjournment. J. J. Wiute, W. N. El.llER, Secretary. rreimlont. Program ot Athsbors Township Sundiy School Convention la Bo Hold on Tht Fourth Sunday I Juno at Th M E Church. 10 a m Song Service Reading and Prayer Rev W L Sherrill. 10:30 Reports from Schools, Verbal 10:45 Round Table Home Depart ment. 11:00 How does the Sitnduy School Help tbe Community Kev vv & Swain. 11:30 Tho Teachers' duty to the bchool and tbe Class. rrof t, L Moffitt. 11:40 The duty of rhe Church to the sunduy School Kev u w Robinson. 3:00 p m Song Service. 3:30 Hindrances and How to Over come tbem. Open discussion lead by J 0 Red ding. 3:45 Personal Work as a Means of Increasing Attendance. Elijah Moffitt . 4:00 Spirituality in the Sunday School. Kev Dr llerndon. 4:15 How Shall we Profit by this Convention. Unas Koss. 4:30 Election of officers. Makes digestion and assimilution perfect. Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A tonic for the sick and weak. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Co. MARRIAGES. Recently married, in Grxnsboro, Mrs William P Cranford and Miss Mattie Louise Coble. Miss Coble is a daughter of Dr W A Coble who lives a few miles east of Uroensboro. Mr Cranford formerly lived in this county where he has many friends. Air aud Airs cranford will senu their honeymoon t Virginia Beach. They will make their home in Greensboro. Misa Alma Harris, daughter of Mr and Mn W C Harris, of ThoHiar ville, was married on Wednesday of last week to Mr Edgar Lo8aimm, the marriage ceremony being per formed by Rev C M Campbell. Mr C W Steed, of Aili.'boro, and Miss Fannie Pritchett, a daughter of Mr Joseph N Pritchett of Hack Creek township, on June 19th 1905, For Sale. Tin iuu' mill pliiul and ni:ii liilieiT Incute neiirT....; X. I '.. on llie A A- A l!y. Al (u-n ttlih.u.e. mill uiiltitK iritli 'l't II ' engine: mid Imilrri. Two fcnw mill ntitlitx. Fo f'irtliel' intei'liiation call on ul- uddren IfKDIUNli U MBKU Co. I'er Jiuvpli A Krddiiiif Seer. Treaa., (! :'(. Ii. Silllmro, N.C. TOBACCO is the largest seller, .cut out this advertisement and send, together with 2cStamp, to R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co.. Winston-Salem, N. C., and they will mail free a 5c sample of this tobacco. . Write your name and address plainly. DETHS- ' ' Desfaesa Cannot Be Cured i by local application, u they cannot reach the Allior It A lion octoil 10 , ,i,l 1 dil'' Portion i of the car There l only one .. k.., .1 f.iu ITullo . tlonal remedies. Deafnc! cuimeri hv m in. o line lutu i auti alter a wcm o unless . .iw. m-n mm tune ix imianictl ,. )ii mi re n riuiiunnnimuiliKirlmiivrlcet lie uikI when It II entirely closed. Ialniwn la the gU aeanlt, anil unlcss-thc Inflammation can be taken the oldest being fourteen years. U"n, hcarliiit will Iw ileatmvnl forever; nine Mr Allen was a gOOd Christian i nothlmr but an lrnlaincl TOUdltUmcflhcinuc.) ' . ; V. .- ' owllltrvo One Hundred Dollars for i Spent most of Ills life as a machinist I caaenf Deafnen (cunwl by iviarrli) that ra in a cotton mill and for many years ZOXXXZ ksIT&cSSo was a cotton mill oyerseer and; ff?iLby'?J:SJ;,, . .. . s.iporintendent, ; He was always trying to help some one. 1 luring the past winter he organized a night school among cot RBndltman Items. Mr and Mrs J II Cole left last ton mill children and tancht them ttk for ch"lx'.1. Hill, where they free in the rudiments of an educa-: " sfwnuw.ueunie visiting relatives i anu inenus. No one ever doubted or miestioned I rol ,J r!'ttl,K V"e8'..ot . lrboro, t.llw hnni.afv nr infMirif i.f Ina ni i ' wno t Olle tlllie tilled the P0S1 iivr. llii u,.-tl.-lif,. ,. nhria. '''" principal of the Randleman tian who had faith iu God and lived Grii,lc,, !?ohool ?lK'nt 80Vt!',, l,uys up to the faith. i ." Mrs Asbury, wife of Dr F Ei lr Richmond county where she will Asburv. of Asburv. Montcoinerv ! spend the summer visiting amone county, died after a lonp- illness, and I relatives. was buried at the fanulv burial Mr W L Corwith of Charlotte. N ground near the home of Dr Asburv ' w8 a Itandleman visitor Sunday. on Monday of this week. The de-1 "r f A Mendenhall who for ceased was a daughter of the late I several years has been in the service James Coble who lived for ininv '. t the Southern Railway Co here left years at Cedar Falls, but who after-1 for Asheboro Tuesday night where wards moved to bis farm near ne goes to 1111 a similar position with Worthville. ! the company. We regret very much Mrs Asburv was all her life an to lose so good a citizen as Mr Men- exemplary, devout christian, a mem-! uennaii. ber of the M E church, south, audi Mrs E G Morris and children of im pressed everv one who knew her Asheboro ar visiting at the home of with her christian eracea and kintl ' Airs J O I'ickard on High Point St. and generous disDoshicn. Formanv ! Mr R W Karlow who has made years she has been a great sufferer Miltou N 0 his home for several from iKKlily affliction, but she bore years, win return nere and till the the burdens of life with a Uhristian i position as agent lor tne Boutnern Id fortitude. A suddeu attack at niih t of some form of liowel Uomplaint may come to anyone. Every family should be rovided with a bottle of Vr beta Arnold's Balsam. Warrauted by Standard Drug Co. Obituary. Kmma Coble Asburv. wife of Dr. F. E. Asbury, after a lingering ill ness of four months, departed this life June 18th, 1905, and was laid to rent in the church yard at Asbury, Monday afternoon at S o cluck. She leaves a husband, six daugh ters, one son and hosts of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. We sorrow not as those who have no hope, for we know that our loving utber called her to the beautiful mansion that he went to prepare tor At an early age she professed religion and joined the M E church of which she lived a consistent mem ber a'l the days of her life. We will miss her iu the church, the home and in the community. At eleven o clock bunuay morning she called her children and friends around her bidding them good bye and asking them to meet her in Heaven. A little Inter cheerfully. gladly her spirit left her mortal body to put on immortality J ruly this was an ideal, triumphant death Her beautiful Christian life and death encourages us all to live a higher purer life. We extend to tbe bereaved, bnsband and children our sympathy. ail nay Mrs Dr Smith, of Fremont N C, returned home Saturday. Mrs Ed Mendenhall and children. of High Point, speut last week here visiting relatives and friends. Mr Will Coffin, of Asheboro, was in town Sunday. Mrs E A Clark and children left Saturday for their home in Savannah Gu. Mrs Clark was accompanied by her mother Mrs F N Ingold who will spend some time in Ga. Plans have been furnished for two large brick store buildiug to be erect ed at the coruer of Main and Ferree St. This is another evidence of Randleman coming to the front, handsome buildijgs ure what we want for they mean everything to the appearance of a town. Our citizens are making elaboi ate preparations for the celebration here on July the 4th. The occasion will be under the auspices of the Junior Order and no mean; will le spared in making the celebration a success and a pleasure to the large crowd of people we hope to have with us on this occasion. The Grub bcase cost Davidson county $2,024.43. LAN 0 BALE. By virtue of an order of ante gnintcd by the Ulterior l olirtof Kaudolnh uillntv on the l n- tlonof W I' Wiiwlnw uicainat Allen J Wlnsln, I shall sell at the court house dtsir In Ashelsmi, N. .' nto'cha in. on the Mild day ol July lw. he lollomni; n-ul estate, tn-wlt: A tmetof laud iu Talsnmele hwusliii, in said county adjoln hiK the lauds of . p Wlnslotv, Harcua Thayer, ( U-e.o Thayer, Matilda Cobble. Juilire fcv.iu, Oastoa Routti and others, bounded aa fullowa, vis: , Ju.lio Kvana' Hue to Judie K Matilda Cobble's line, theiice about southwest eloug Matilda Cobble's line to her corner, thence north alona Matilda Cobble's line to OasUn kouth's comer, thenos about south westalong the lines of iHwlon Routh and Cicero Thayer to a stone Uocro Thayer's onnier, thence about south. al alona Marcus Thayer's Hue Ui W. P. Wins, low's corner, tlieneu liortheait along W. P. Wins low's line to the beginning containing 7 ai res Terms cash, and the title reserved till the fur ther onler of Uie court. J"HN T. BKITTAIN, I Ins day of June 1UU. Commissioner. FOR SALE Seed Irish Potatoes for July and August Planting. This i the lime tu plant Kilatocshrniil, uiaki u l.irye yield of the very Is'st sei-d for next spring's plaining and uUu for winter use. Buh do not Ise.lier litis crop u- d lii!sr greatly lessened. We offer lirl-clnK seed of tile best varieties csor iully prepared fur lliis crop ai reasonable pricvH, W. I.. K1VKTT. n :'() :'l V,J, Point, X. C, II. K. I No. Notice! Moreliend, Ky .May Mil, HMfi. The tiiuiiugcmeut ul the Anlielsno CopsT Milling Co., Iiaa liecli ehun.'jred ami M. W. l'arrisli, ul Asbeboiu. ia in charge of niiiic. This eianiKiiiy will not lie liable for any in debedtneas incurred unless by order ol said M. W. l'arrish. All ilclita wdl lie jiaid auou and the cotujiany placed on a gisal liiianeial fuot- Ve tliuuk the ieoplc of Asliclsiro und vicinity (or their kinduuss and leniency in dealing witii our comjiany, ami we hos to iuake uiese works a credit to yuurtHWii in the near future. Vuurs truly, ASHE110I10 CUl'l-KIl MIXING CO. S. W. Urmtlev, President. Lots For Sale. ekers I have For tlio lienefit of homo cided to sell some lota un my property situ ated que mile north of Ashelloro on the Itan dleman road. Will sell four lots cuntainiiiL! alieut 3 acres each or will sell all four lots in one tract. Two-thirds of Ihis laud is well ttniliered and ia well located for buililin lota. ror particular npplv to tt . . HltADi This June 11', r.Hir. In arm for Sale. 1 oiler uiv fanu fur aale wliicli is hi one and quarter miles auuth west of Worth ville. It contains lot) acres, 7't oicn lo iiltivation. lieiniiiuder woodland. Good dwelling house, tenement, barn and out huildini's. Well and sariim. Cume and see the place for yourself. I. J Stalker liaiullcimiu, v. ti ll 4 t. For Sale. One 7 Room Uwclling House, with u good m ol water, Imrn and other liuildini'd on one ncro lot, fronting South rnyotteville aim W ainnian ots, witluu lijv yurda ot uraueu school. JASl'EU AI J1AN, if South Asheboru. MAN WANTS bat little here lielow lint wauta that little good and the very best place n this whole section to get souieilung good nil cheap is J. ACMAX'S, tf South Asheboi EXHIBIT OF TOWN OF ASHEBORO. claims audited and allowed by the Board of Town tvaninissloiiers oi tne town ol Asneis.r C, commencing May 1st, lum, and ending May lst, tvoo: GKNEHAL KVN1. I)r W J Moore, services Iu small pox S5 on w J TcuKuc. member llnauco cuiuunttce.. . SOU C A Pauinllm. same IS on A J wrxslcil, liatuing eivciiuii,.. M Hctts. work i W A Collin, hauling K Momtt, services as maor W P Wood, treasurer uumetery fund H 11 rnudle. makina out exhibit C V Cranford. pd street liuuds M Belts. Il street nanus The l!onrli r. mill ellilbit W J Armlield, pd street hands t K Fox, services as police The Courier, urlntiiig orillniinecsetc... M Butts, pd street liuuils etc, H IJ Caudle, services clerk Hen McDowell, services aa watchmen,. Hammer, same, Thf'.nnrl,r. nrilltlmi J M Bvtta. pd street hands SS 0.1 W H KOOgers, suivicwi an iiunv,... E Molhtt, making out tal llts H M Knbins, professlolial services, . . Bank ol Kandnlph, 1I street hands, Bunk ol Haudolhp. satne Bank of Randolph, same Bank of Randolph, same Hioik ot Handolbh. same Uol lady-Pool Hdtv. k., Uails etc, . M Betts. sharisiniug tools, Crown Milling Co., lumber ' C Hammer, sr., surveying rvlis-s as lollce Asheboro Wood & Iron Co., luniucr, M Belts, street work M Presncll, smithing A Pamplin, telegram M Betts. nd street hands Shuts' LaUKUllu.luialjcraiid holdiugi O K Kox, servleca as police etc Asheboro Electric Co.,llglits Asheboro Electric Co., lights, IliMran HUed. haultllB Rulus Belts, scrvloas a pollc B Keama, burial exici W H Moring. 11 street hands, Freight on car ol aml Freight on car of sand Asbclsim lannlaT & Mfa. Co., Utipooll, nnp, aoiio loon 51 43 4.11 Hi II 49 14 SbW SKS fit J lil 1 on m-s Kimllne York, 9 Ml Total WHITK lIRAPKIlKt'llOXIl.. Laura stlmson, teaelier - Mvrtie Kcarboro. teacher tss Lula Htccd, teacher, t INW Wulker, Mirsirliiu'liiicut, a Aunle Toinllnsuii, teaelier Miss Claudia Collin, teacher Nathan Burrow, putting upsUivesctc,.. Hnllady-Plail Mitw. wuauacn- k rox. woisi,. ii Hendricks, chairs, it Hendricks, labor of V Chambers, . . Bobt Paisley, painting John w Jolly, cariariiier Falling shaftinn caused s naiuful I accident at the new White Oak mills last Wednesday afternoon, a fifteen- i year old girl suffering a broken leg1 and a sculp wound. While the acci-' dent was apparently unavoidable the, management left nothing undone that would contribute to the comfort; of tbe injured girl. Greens bero Patriot. with local territory an assistant In branch oatce. Salary paid weekly. Permanent unsithaa. No Investment rcqiiireu. anunniMa estaeiisnea. rre. vlouaexitertenee not essential lo emnurttui. Ad dress, Manager Braucbua, a IMarboru Hlreet, Chicago. UO TO llugh J Bunu aad (retyo Tiro re-ael in thirty uiiimtea. r Ihiii WOOD'S Seed Potatoes IN COLD STORAGE Xr Lale Plaialintf. Planted in June snd July, these yield large crops of line potatoes ready for digging jut before cold weather comes on, carrying through the winter in firstVclaaa condition for either home use or market. By our methods of carry ing these Lato Seed Potatoes in cold storage, we are enabled to supply them unspronted and in flratVcutaa, sound condition, just when they are required for late planting. Seek vow ratara aaHy to aa to tat tho kinds yon want, but doa't order olpment until yan are rawdy to lant, aa toe potatoes ooi.irn.nos to sprout very boob after being taken oatofeoad stor age, rrtoea quoted oa requart. We are heiidqnarwrfor 'Caw IHm, 'a'slanalAerlw-llstul'llVajLl aooot Seeds for Bummer ailantlrn, ullor) an reqmil, T.W.Wsod htm, litiizti, IIIIIOII, TllllllaW Business Loc&ls. Motlcaa Inawna4 under this rtaaat at opw oant a wssrS aaoh Inaartlan. (In to Spoon it licddiiig for your groceries. They delivoi iu tuwn. Bsrfslns Is flsracts, Vehicles, Etc. Having decided to make a change in our Ixisinesa wo will for the next 30 tlaya olTer some exceptional bargains in second and harneaa, laiggies, hacks and aurieya. Also an extra nice lot of bones and mules fur sale or exchange. McDowell Kilos. WANTED! Six apinnera. Six bag weav ers. Apply to th Frankliuville Mfg. Co., Frankliiiville, N. C One 4-room house on one half acre lot, corner Smith and Hoover streets, within 100 ytda Ashe boro Chair factory, can be bought at reasonable price by ap plying to A. C. McAli8ter, Real Estate Agent, rear room over Bank. It illnul maktnu ilt-sks etc OH Louis Bulla, pultlm up black bds etc, ... 8 as AslieliMTi Courier, priuting,..., t' A Brown, cansiuler wora o C McAllster.wocsl 10 AshelsiroLumlsTALMIg. Co., mouiuiiigs, w. 'tsmi Wismi At inai CO., neiicn legs... ' n-, wood l I A, Murina. m.lSQ isjrary Keddiug Hdw. Co., desks etc.. 4 Calu Carr, scavenger Alias Baldwin, scaveligur, Kelly Bogan, Janitor ' Total lor white school I.WM4 CULOKKll (iKAHEIl St'HtKlL. A MeKac, sujsirintendeHt tirttmn, teacuer Wissl & Mo Asheboro Lumber & Mlg. A C McAllstcr, wo.. I Frank Burrow, wssl Win Rush, cutting wcsal, K Mollitt, wtssl Hollady-Pool Hdw. Co., I Atlas Baldwin, scavenger 41 Total ft colored schools 44s 41 W J league town treasurer reports to the board bcImsiI funds lor the year eiallug May 1st, l,a follows: , . Fnim W J Armttcld. J Fnnu Pcabud; mud Fnim W J Miller. eeuiily truasurer Woo Fnim H 1 Caudle, tax collector, 1,471 Si Fmm W D Hrssai, tax collector, lab ea' Franl K Lowdenuilk, tax collector 9 Froal E Modllt, licenses, Total reccipte..... aundryonlers, Tatsl dMairsement,.. W J Teaaue ueasurer u'ral fbinls loi Fnaa W J AraiHcld ex-trcas... Total reoeipta,. .. Pd Sundry orders,.. Com on S47.7H, Sal on hand, 1J08 la S.40HSO l IK S70S S.M6 I tsiru to the board gen ling May 1st, 110.), as lul. LaiMSii 847 rs 74SU Lb Itching,, Scabby' Skln, BonoaiR3. SvHI an Beasa, Futaraa, araptHma. WSsais re, by slTUt Stua, baaUaa klo4 to CANCEnV Tbe above atemrsa Sow what aotaaicatoea vlatwUlaMakiaaOH! blood eon mw4 ftca. . hoi.slwollen Glands. Rlalnga and Bampe oa the ftfcln. Mama Patehes In Month, Bora Throat, Pirn-plss.Copper-Oolortd n pot, all ma do ody. Bait or Creorowa (alUBg ouLTteka tttilo llsfl BslasrSisrastssI to anra the were and tnoal dean taateS mm. HaaJt all aeraa. stops ell aokee end pallia, rsdnosa ell ewslllnis, maksi blood thooid'iioir'! MS Ssiaamlii. Cttarrk, lateiiuu tenhMi aaralohlna; euxaa Rhanmatlanu Catarrh 1 neearatlBf Bwelltaf or wont eenlitant Pala. take eppaar before ta7 OaTsloa Ut tjaUMea. Betaat BloeS Baraa (.aV.l oleo.' ant and aafa lo take. Tkorsathlv ieateS eehs, eursi Syipepau, FrLna att sr large kettle. Vake aa StreeteC, If aH ' wkeai rlfka eesatltp la Sekae. moasp reAauled. (SaaapUl SMI rM by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, AiTjy. orlbe voor tro tibia, end bdo1a1 fre susi. eal adTioe to soil yotut aaae, aaao aaot la High Art Clothing! We have just received 50 suits of Summer Clothing at irom $is.uu to ifia.uo per suit, ureat values. ; i Mice line White and Fancy Vests, Straw Hats, liars, r Ties, Furnishinsrs. Etc.. cheaD. ... The prettiest line of Low-quartered Tan Shoes, ever s aispiayea in AsheDoro. lie sure to see them, l Very truly yours, WOOD & MORING. ..." Chase (SL Sanborn's Coffees the Most Popular. HERE ARE STATISTICS TO SHOW IT: In the January number of "What to Eat" there is a very interesting article on "Successful Food Advertising" by Mr Thomas Balmer, advertising manager of The Delin eator. We quote a portion of the article as follows: COFFEE. JAVA. CHASE & SANBOftN. Arbuckle's, White House, Dutch, Blanke's, Lion, No. of families Using Brand. 78 53 '24 .18 16 Miscellaneous brands (beinor made ud of brands any one of which was not named moretjthan 5 times) 160 Total number. Percentage of families prefering CHASER f & SANBORN'S to all other brands. X U" MOCHA. 374 160 per 187 cent. u .families Hit Krauil. 67 , 22 20 14 12 CHASE & SANBORN. White House, Arbuckle's Lion, Blanke's, Miscellaneous brands (beintr made ud of brands any one of which was not named more than 5 times) 34 Total number, 169' & SANBORN'S to all other brands, Percentage of families prefering CHASE IM per lo cent. IVIorris-Scarboro-IVIoffitt Co. . Telephone No. 7. Free Delivery. H ALIUS HaVr Rcnewer Perhaps you like your gray htlr; then keep it. Pcrhips not f Hall s Hair Renewer always restores color to then remember gray hair. Stops falling hair, also. I Shoes - Shoes - Shoes! TokU dtsburaments, .... LMtlpx) I, HP caudle, clerk to the board of rommts stonera lor tbe sown Asb-jtioro. N. C, do hereby certify the forefotrif to be a l roe exhibit of tfae recetpta aod disbursements of the public funds of said town Iran May 1st. 1KM, to May 1st, IWU. The Courier hopes to hear from mors boys who want to get up clubs for watches. We have just received a large quantity of Shoes in addition to our large stock. We have as large and as good a line as you can find jn town at prices as low as the lowest. Greatly Reduced . Prices! Also we have a lot of Shoes and Slippers car ried over from last season that we will sell it' greatly reduced prices. Examine our stock bev for buying. Yours for trade, Ridge, Fox & Co, AsheborotN. C ft .11 at T: Take Theiirier and Get the Jkfews. One Dollar Per Year in Advance. .

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