The Asheboro Cornier PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAH Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. An order has been made by the Department of Agriculture includ ing from North (Carolina uiarkeU a grade of out feed stuff shipped into the Stab) by J D Mayo Co, of Richmond. HON. M. S. ROBINS Mr Crawford D Bennett, one of the State's brightest young attorneys, has been retained by the government to assist in the prosecution in the Federal court of the celebrated case against N Olenn Williams. Some of the State papers have fallen Ut the error that the Yatts law requires Sheriffs to seize block ade stills. Such is not the case. 1 1 is a special act of the last legislature requiring this, extracts from which we publish this week. The laws hare not yet been published and the judges bo far as we know have not oalled attention to these important matters in their charges to the grand jury. The laws of 1906 will proba bly be published within the next few weeks, after which time we hope for better things from our sheriffs. Time and time a train has The Courier advocated a town lniprve ment Association for Asheboro and other towns in this sectiou. These town improvement associations iu this and other states ha e done much U "beautify" and improve towns. Shade trees arc planted, land for parks secured and laid out, owners induced to plant flowers and shrubs etc in yards and lawns. These sociations are frequently composed exclusively of ladies, who devote much time to visiting the owners of property destribntinc seeds "ami plants and furnishing plans and ideas of the best method of improvements. A few newspapers that want to blow off about semething and want to find fault with democratic ollirials hare complained that the Whites, convicted of murdur m the second degree, were permitted to go Raleigh by Sheriff Julian iu advance or the Sheriff. It is true that the Whites went to Kaleigh a day or two before Sheriff Julian of Row an ceived his order to take the Whites who were out under a $-.!5,0("J bond each. On receiving the order for their committment be found they were not at their home iu Conrord bnt had gone on to Raleigh a day or two before. The Sheriff found them in Raleigh, at the pen i ternary, when he arrived. Howconld Sheriff Julian prevent the Whites from going where they pleased to go until he had proper process to take them to the penitentiary. You have no doubt heard the story of the discussion in which some con tended that the greatest invention was the sewing machine, while others contended one thing and another was superior to the sewing machine, and Btill another contended that the tele phone was far superior to any other modem iuventiou. Still another contended with much confidence that the greatest invention in any and all the ages was the alphabet, After all of which some one arose and spoke as follows: The alphabet was made, for God made it. And so it is we some times think that let ters and learning are the gifts of God. For the chief end and out of education, if you please, is to teach children the use of letters and to read good literature. Help your system ever the strain of bard day's work by drinking Pepsi-Cola. It is healthful and de licious. It makes work easier and nerves steady. 5cat all soda foun uins. Prlaiart' lak. When Mr 8 Wittkowsky was merchant in this city ho made a not able snoots. When asked how he did it he answers, "Printers ink" Now that he is retired he takes up the building and loan associations to im prove their situation for general good and without nav. lie is brincinir the advantages of the local associations to be well known and he is making the earmarks of the cheating institu tions so plain all may avoid them xi e aoing a service tor we w and making a success of the build ins; and loan movement. When asked how 1m doe it, he again answers, "Printers, ink." The moral of it all is that those who would raooeed should know that printers' ink is essential. Charlotte Chronic!. u on spins A Strong Man Gone Promi nent Lawyer and Good Citi zen. Marmaduke Swaini Kobinsdied at his home iu Asheboro at 8:30 Tues day morning Juue 27. 1905. Mr Robins has been ill for a Ions time, suffering with raucer. He was 78 years of age, and has been actively engaged in public affairs the greater part of his life, having served his country and State iu im portant positions of trust and honor on many occasions, both from elec tion and appointment. All tho members of tiie immediate family were present at the time of his death, his second son, Sydney, having come in from flarvard Mon day night. Mr Jtobins was born August .11, 1827. In his early manhood he at tended the common schools and afterwards taught school, graduat ing from the University with hili honors in the class A ISjii. In 185(J, the year of his irraduati -n he obtained his law license, having read law under Judge Huttle at the I m versity law school. After gradua tion and until the war he taught school most of the time at Washing ton, N. C, at Middlcton Aeadeiny. near iranklinville, ami at N-ience Hill near tho Uwhairie river. Dur- the war for a time he was mate secretary to Governor Ytinee. mmediately after the wai he secur ed a large and lucrative practice. tncti tie returned until ms last ui ness. lie was several times elected as a member of the (ieneral Assem bly. He served as follows in the general assembly: House lsiii, Senate 1 Still, Senate 18T, House 1SS3, Senate 1SS3. During a part of the session of lSii-J Mr Robins was Speaker of the House. 11 never bad noliticul ambiumi, but iu friends pushed his claims more than once and lie came within a vote o two of beiu' nominated for eonre.-s and at another time for judge. He formed a partnership with Hi late S S Jackson which lasted until the death of Mr Jackson June 5. 1S73. He lived through the days of re construction and canu't-liagism, and was merciless in his exposure of wrong and excoriation of the had men who at times held I lie reins of power. .Never did lie mince matters, mil was plain, outspoken and fearless. He had no love tor the oitnern men who came here after the war to take charge, and but little eonti- lence or respect for those who ad ministered the affairs of government and conducted and piesided over the courts. Mr Robins married Miss Annie Moling, a most estimable lady, July J 1th, I.7S. Of this union there were three sons, the oldest, Henry M Robins, who graduated with high honors at the State L'niversity a few years ago, is a law partner ot lus father; the next son, Sydney, after graduating ut the Slate" l'niversity. is taking a special course at Harvard Lniversity. lie came home trom Harvard about 12 hours before his father's death. The youngest son, mimed after his father, is a student in the University, where he will graduate next year. All are bright boys, and their advancement in their studies as well as their good habits and blameless lives, have been a matter of pride and great consola tion to their father in his old age and affliction. Mr Robins was the soul of honor, x Lvntlenian of the highest character and integrity, an able, leaned pains taking lawyer, whose practice was not only large and lucrative in this immediate section but until his health failed him had a large prac tice especially in the counties of Montgomery, Moore ami Mauley, where for 3D years he attended the courts as regularly as he did the courts of his own county. He was a member of the board of county school examiners for years after the war, and afterwards a member ot the county board of education. At one time during the war and near its close he was the editor ot the Dailv Conservative, published in Raleigh. He was the tirst editor of The Courier then called The Regu lator founded January 1st, 1870. Mr Robins was a man of strong personality and individuality iu character. He lived through trou blous times. All through the carpet bag and reconstruction days he was the central figure in public life in this sectiou of the State. He was a man of strong and honest sincere convictions, with strong likes and dislikes, loyal and true to his friends. He stood np for what be believed to be right at all times and denounced dishonesty and corruption in office or elsewhere at all times, tot t quarter of a century he made politi cal speeches in this and adjoining counties in the interest of what he conceived to be for the political party whose success he considered would be the greatest advantage to the people. The funeral was at the M E church South yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Rev W L Sher- rill pastor assisted by Rev U W Robinson and Dr F II Wood. Ap propriate remarks were made by all these and also by Mr B G Worth of Wilmington. A large concourse of people assembled at the funeral to be present at the last sad rites, Evangelist Little In a Row with Rowel!. 1 fUnusur Item. The Little-Rowell controversy.- .Mi" Sallie Thomas lefl Monday to visit l, l, .:i,iIm, il,ia , Iwr isU"r, Mrs Jno Stout, in Columbia, S C. which has been agitating t is cm ; MisH , ;u.v ,arri of Femao Cow munity more or less for the ailir .'ull.t',., j Spjig 8n,e time with three or four months, has at lust, relatives iu tmvn. come to II head and will doubtless soon i Mrs lr C S Tate un.l i-hil.livu urn visiting be ready to run. H would be useless, luiivra iii Clurklun, N C. if not altogether lmpossih.e, for this, rPst llm ulllMiinK ,, i!;1)tist chaum paper to give anything like an out- .laikm Spring, line of this controversy from its ill-! Mrs Bridges from near Stale)- is eei.tion whenever that was, until ! 'Ita'llm'V&n,. who s now. If an attempt were made to ,u.laKl,,i the m.lli.u-iy d.-iiai tinout print all that has been said and done Kunu-eur Store l'o tlio'iuiat year, iei.ii and said to have been said and tloiii lr home in tli-censboro last week. n connection, therewith, ,t would , k .., Sinnliv '. probably ieUire a vouum- aiiiiosi as l( ,vilh his 1areuls. large as" the bibles tlise two reverend Jli3 T A llotliit mi.l i-liilUiwn ut I .vntleiiien sometimes Carry about nil- week with relative in l.iliort.v der their arms. It would be useless I Mm- r.-nl Miss ll.iltic- l'muMI. ot Uludon for the reaionithat the great majority ;.!. n,,,lr,i i , i..,, Tlim,i'..' of this paper's renders already know j jr . ,iw is displaying some more about the whole affair fiom HiNos in Ids store. start to linish than any newspaper , Mr and Mm it II Carter were tl. could possibly tell them. It would ' llu, irB, ,,,oat new Irish potato. be impossible tor the simple reason; c,oiis are tonkins well. mi man could ever L'et it all Miss,-s Annie ami l-'.tliel Thorn: together. As to the merits or de merits of either side of the contro versy itself this paper lias nothing to ly at this time, list Sunday morning Rev J W Little tilled his legular monthly ap pointment at Waxhaw Haptist church. It seems to have been gen- rallv understood for some time pre vious that tho "Gatling gnu preach er,-' as he frequently styles himself. Sunday at the .i 1'. would be loaded to the muzzle. And performed then various p.n iii this the large congregation pre- ileeied mm h .-i-Hit um th, sent was not iu the least disappointed. ,1V a , imii,.lh,,' ., After the regular sermon lie took r,.;,li?e.l t..r s s occassion to pay his respects to Rev I J Y Kowell, the other party ot the -n.,.,.1,, , tr , ,,i uoii..u f,-r a ur.i.lo.l controversy, in no uncertain terms , 9t.M, ,,.. t.ttr,,i i,v an ovenvin-lmim.' ma and putting him about as low down, i jonty, only P.i vou-s u-mg it would seem, in the scale ot gentle manly qualities and uttaiiimeuts eonlmed to their bedt last ( umeh improved. i The Courier i-outinues to'impio each issue and w.iuld like In si ".hI tanner in l.'.mdolph a uleril. Miss IVarl lj-,.uar.l. of WorUiul.i last u.-.-k with relatives here. l.'ai 'iris alxays progressive. reeent t-li-oliou t.a ta to est. graded scho.,1 the ..te was 7.1 f.. ae.onst. Tins is a slop thai w 11 d, and lastiui; l-o.h! l.u the future of lie Children'. I L-d la the ehihlre eil and n oaclior. Mi re highly ei a neat sin Trinity Itemi. We had a fine rain Friday last notwith standing we were right in the nudst ot wheat tlireshiug, for which we are profoundly thank-: fid. ' j I'ay ealls Mi-s F.arnest Core Imn gono to Piedmont O-nipany. Springs for a time. NiKt ea Wo lire happy to loarn that Prof .1 W ll v. l lleni-v was eli-otod headmaster of Triiiitv lli-jh SoIuk.I for nuoflier term Mrs J K Kerhy, .,f High Point, is a with her utottierat presvul. Miss Mary Allrsou was inani.-d a; parsonage here, to .Mr John l.Yddiek I J. V. HUNTER. M. P., ABhebovo, N. C. fiu.i Unig oil ii-oin the Central Lewis & Winslbw Mr Ned IV of Dm!, I i.;. CuiM Vaur O n House- r,. UkO fMiudred t.wwi ..e-,tp,i,,-s.Hi;me:, VJ. D. STEDMAN & CO. p.,i.i West Ramseur llem. I! A Smith and Mas-.-r I!, eeii lisiling her p:iivnts i Heavy and Fancy Groceries. repot St. Wt Side Riiilnmd. okillg lisll . i-at tish, two turtles l lish trap which ttpiHid ttie ; i iHumds. Messr..l l; I hill I.I.I 1 J,, v and i gte tan. this makes die fourth roiiulv to note lav lor l.r...Vninkliiiille. Itaiilik s,-,. Iho graded s,-h..l a hut th.- t..n has I iu'-li s, h,., under the ui.oi.i T CI.!., assist,-,! Iu- .- : loa.l.ers. Tli.-re w.f l twenty-live pupils enroll.- I sell, . AlU-rta Clu elepnient I iu the vinte luriiiliiro fai t, i with a full, a iradf -'f liirui'uiv the most fasli, lions. The liroom faetorj i it i faetoiv is 1 1 1 i I v i-ed ni.',. loii.-,-v. uratulal-d on'ti a preacher or rigliieousness migni desire to put another. l!ev Mr Kowell was present and heard il all. Rev Mr Little had a special appoint ment at King Street Raptist cinirch Sunday evening, at w hich time and v plane "he repeated with increased! emphasis if possible what he bad M said at Waxhaw liaptist church in , , the mm uing. Some of his statements i, and strictures on the Rev Mr!" Rowell's character and worthiness were severe m the extreme and were uot couched in properly guarded ,!.. ,de language, to say the least of it. So tl Rev Mr Rowell went to Monroe early 1' Monday morning and instituted a ,' damage suit against Rev Mr Little , for defamation of character, retain- w in it the well known and aide law linn of Redwinc Stack as his attorneys, u.nkln-. isriinuii.g on I The case has already been docketed, -f the 1 ing -!npi- This is indeed a most unfortunate 'ui.l.-rst..,l thants .,i,lei- affair from the beginning tinforttt- " nate for the persons involved, for the community itself, but more es pecially for the loptil churches that are bound to suiter as a consequence. Much has already been done and said that will be bard to forget. ;,M. r. latu.- Among those who arc taking an act- -a t roes ..f ih. ivo interest iii tho matter iatuf tbev d.nuhio are many) strife and hard fcelinj are almost runiiiug riot. Families are divided and life-long friends are at h open variance among themselves. And the end is not yet. The events ( of last Sunday served only to deepen , and intensify the strife and hard m..iuhs held so foidinir. Anil if llio mutter .ws nn he,l an ex to court for tlioiotigh sifting, as in liaudolph ,1,. Ashe an.l liam aiipi Itaii.lleu .1 W Kin uing f.ieti.iy After so i :,de, s. tl.i m and th. The nt ot Mr .1 ."'ml'ieirai'ld the ,st o-r:ill ... - to ..I! ..pnHwill. ih. 111.) inauai;. r ir -no-.-", f I ,.n- was ,.U, i with the Alls-i Mills, u. .-le and has th.,lgl, Km t Farmer Itemi. I lll.H-SS ..I t lill.ll b is. Wid, It A ..f . K .in- thev I. of .-U-,e. . ..I A.hel ved s 1,'ilsh: ,. In the lute terred at ... the last well. She onlv ..f l-' who Iu the are glad us, who II. K I i l,se,l I..,- a few weeks, V i, is improving in health. in charge of special IkmicIii of Charlie K n I'oiitinc.l to his r.s.ll-. I ices at his resi lellee and Ih'lll si-nuoll laJ Sunday Ch.uh-s is a g.)"d neighlsir and a ihrisiiai i., I l. ,- it... j,,,.-,,l,,-,,f .1,, uhol, all probability it wil!, there is no :,,um,,m'i,v iu his s,,re atlli.-tion's. "llessinir W bat the outcome will be. I'rof Melntvre is at Kinner working iu tin i ll, ,,... nil.,,,, ll... ,i;si,.t,.,..ol..,l int. rest of his We do liol know that ha. in. assistants ns vol i.iu no will U d,-ue iu aiuplt- timi that Miss I... tie. Ills si.te lin.lei-.t- will take char FC3 TCI.r.3 UYER. A SartM MKw.HI th WtW BrMsia. Cttv4HM Rhe- - Iknr a w man rw (-' - - .- - - - Hi"n ! ittll Ll - r:t-i.j . .t t iS fnvb J T Minggi, of Henderson, while hoboing on Southern freight at Uary, A V, was ran oyer and Killed. Zeb V Saunders, editor of the Stanly Gazette, a Republican news paper is critically in, usving recently snrcreu a severe stroke or paralysis. When are Ton sick? Headache, foultongne, no appetite, lack energy, pain in your stomach, constipation? Holiidter'i EocItt Mountain Tea -i 11 make you well and ieep yon well. 33 cents. Asheboro Drag Co. part of the community, which is by no means inconsiderable, is laughing in its sleeves and "having more fun ,,f the than the law allow.." Waxhaw Miss I'ui Enterprise. The Rev J W Little is the preach er who recently held "big meetings" ,it Ihimuiip in thw r-miiitv mill Shir Ashel. .rn t,, Kinuer. :.. Ull .lulv tile 1st Ml II .VII. HI IUX Will sell ... ...u...b..,.,v. j sx....... in Moiitg- .lav. ; ll, a .,..rt , to sveurr1 tin 1 js.iter who has Iwn' rv i-ti.mtv returned homo elfort will Ik ale prop.' County Correspondence. loth n The li; Sophia Items. n-s are threshii I.... Mr T U Sn-ueer igll T'liut Saturdav. Mr llud I.yudon who has Wn reenslsiro for some time .pent a it li his family lir.l ot the week. Messrs K Dund .1 M tail.-w ha osiliolis with the Southern It U I Ids pr..:rty at ndilie i removing Ui Aslielioro. w , .f ..or fanners have threshed ih. and the turnout is very niisatisf.ict. i . to'pialityanil.piaumy. 1 hegi-.w mg eei-n is unpromising, The fruit crop i. failure, l.laekU'rries and luirklel-rries are failure, tliubbalid (lattisarc failures; lira failed I" W hung anil t-i.utis failed to g"t I 1IHIJMI0. ltnwan llmlgi'ru and .1 1" son are failures, thev failed to inKiielice Wake c'ountv jurnr and not be caught at the high handed .eheine to overthrow justice, not want to to' jiessitilistie, hat (tint i . ol failures. .Mark the prediction. MarlWo i ats on the j. ..I Siphia ball leaius , I ouiids of the latter and the .".1 to llliu taiorof S.phia. Patttrton't Grove Ittm. A of our fanners have liegull laung let cry i sing Mr: Linebarry Newt. el I l.iiitl, w ho has lleeil The corn en.p look. Mr W M l.'icliardsou. of lliuh foiot, visit. ' his father Mr .lohli filch unison Saturday anil Sunday returning Monday. Mr (i 1 K is preparing to purchase a largo fall slo. o, ,.. It also looks aa if he wax going liiieally huWher business bv tho display of fresh ats at bia Btore r nday. Miaaea,, ill ia improving Mr and Mrs Cecil, of High I'oint. vi-iled liumm- and lamina York, of KraukliiiMll the latter, brother. Mr Kenueilv, Juno I". visittsj Jliaa Ilora Kenruaon Sunday. Mr 1 Miss Ida Nixon is visiting n-latives in i (j Coble is supplying hi tablewith nieefresli i ir-.-nsiirn una ween. ! turtles w hich lu-c in His traps.- .Mess; Mr l'.rnest Ihinn and Mi Vina Allred ; M y Itichanlson and II 11 Wright lefl f. spent Sunday with friends nt Climai. . ,gh point Monday.- Tliomaa linitheni of this Miss Titin Jones is sjieniting a few weeks j section have removed their Cedar l.ilsiuesn near Cellar Falls.- Tliere will be a lawn Miss Vadie Uackett is on the sick list. , jWrty t Mr James Kirkmau's nelt Satiinlay jir n u uniw-ers nouseon mo aen laimi) nmlit. r.veryhody invitea. Jlr i lnsma. farm" is near conn Jet ion. .;,,e business trio t,.SilerCitv last Fridi Tliere was a game of lull played mi tha r f II Coble came very near seriouslv (irays Chapel grounds June Ktli between injuring bis brother Henry while hauling in i.inouerry aeconu nine aim wrny. uajjoi. wleat tne score reauitea u u. ij in iavor w i.ine berry. iir and Mrs (leorge Hackett were the guest of Joseph Hackett last week. Frankllnvllla lUma. at by sticking a piteh fork fn his fool, day laat week. Mr and Mra K C Kivctt, ui Liberty visited relativea in tliis aection Saturday and Sunday. Mr Chaa Coble lias gone, to Staley to haul bloflks. Mr Vunran- non was in this section last week aitliciting subscriptions for (he Kandolph Itullettm, Mr W K Richardson, of High Poiut, apent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr and Mra Monroe Craven and one of our young ladies ia still amiling. Several of our people atteuiled preaching at Pleasant Cross Sunday. Messrs Hugh l'arks, Jr. and C. C, Itusw-ll spent Sunday with relatives anil friends near Parks' X Roads. Tlie Hundav .School Convention which will I .l lie lield at tins place next Sumlay July Kntl Several diatinguisbed peoi.le inlorealol promises to be one of the best in the history j tl,e wori the association u doing, viailed its of the association. I'reaideat C 11 Julian tor ! sessions. Kranklinville township has recently visited . jiss Fannie K S Heck, presiib-nt of the all the schools and renrta them in good con- Women's flub in Raleigh; Miss Allele datum and a large delegation Irom sacli Marie SJiaw, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Ir W W acnool ia ei pec tea. Mr and Mra Jesse Jonea, of laherty. From Stalay. June 2;i. -Tlie Women's Assoeiitiun for tlie HettanoL-nt of l'ul.lin Si-liool Houses bold its tbiril annual seasion in tinsinslmrodnring Uie teachers assemtily. More than half die enmities in ilia Slate reported local associations. A Urge numlwr of diegates u ere iroseul eacb ot wn-an had an em-ouragmg res spent Saturday eight and Sunday in town with relativea, Mr C H Teague ami family, of Cameron, are vwiUnir in town Uua week. Mr W V Mauer maiie s business trip u ureensboro one day last west. Several from Cedar Falls and Ramssur at tended tiie inataJuttinn of th onWrs of Hanks Uslge at the Academy Saturday uigbt, Mr J M Whitehead, of Kairixeur, waa tlx in stalling olk-er and I'rof I) M Weatherly de livsred an address which was highly appra- ciatd by all. After the installation th Ma soos all repaired to tba Masonic Hall where an in cream aappsr bad bnaa preps red by Messrs W B Oox and S L Walok, which waa ntnved bv everr one. Mr C tiaadler and Miaa Lora EUisoa, r. of our ponnlar young psopla wars anited is tlie holy boada at natrimony Stinday. We muti fa them a lona and haoov hfo. ; Stetson, state aupt of Maine, and IVan Jamea Hoaaell, of Columbia L'niversity, roads en oonraging talks. The reelection of hut year's officers gives assurance that another vigorous campaign Will be waged next year. Mrs W ft HoUowell, of Uoldslwro, ia prasi dent and Mra F- E Mofbtt, of Raleigh, vice prefitdeut. II the w,-.l,-- ,s!i to pu,vl,a-e fresh g west pi ices. Mi Claude liu.i.i.1. ..r A. . uncle. Mi- C A Hlair. a Miss Delia Kahlwiii. !,. lativus at l- latikli.-sville, '.-oiuuiniist bv her lu-oth. ami Mrs 1'iliker Itahllviu. Th-i has Is en vising letnrili-il Sa!tjt-.1.! and lainilv. !'.- -.1 -I M Wi d bv the THf NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture AND MECHANIC ARTS (JlVcrs practical industrial education in Arricultiire, Knuii.t'i'i iiiA'. Id i: t r i a 1 Chemist i , and the Textile Ail. Tuition S:W a year. lloard $S a m-..;Uv..' 120 Scholarship?. Add-es PRES. WI-N JT'ON. West Rtilnivn, N. C Hardware Co. We are in the market for you trade and ore offering Hardware at prices that will g-et it. . We have a full line of Eugenes, Wagons, Harness, Builder's Hardware, Stoves, Ranges and Hollow Ware. We keep all kind3 of tools for the Farmer, Carpenter and everybody else. Barbour Buggies, Nissen Wag ons, Champion Reapers, Mowers and - ReJtes We hoep Window and Door Screens, Kitchen Hard ware, Cutif ry, Agate Ware, Rubber and Leather Beltings, Steam Fittings, Pat-king, Wrenches and about everything you need We can make you money if you will trade with us. Lewis & Winslow Hard ware Company. . .'. -. Ar.hcboro. N. C. farm- in Wo.-t l.'.u . Il.i.tisin-at the t'hri, ; .1 .- .. ss 1 churches Nt o,lav in , Messrs I U';,Uins. " T..,.. , . Carolina Sto;k diiJ Poultry hum. O. U. Hinshaw, Prop., i ki.uU- No. I, Cllmsi.N. C s.iii-;.- I '..nil. Hi--, Ivuioutll li.K-k t'lu Voo4's Seeds. Crimson Clover. Our Southern Farntar can save tlliier billa atid Ihcic.i tlielr rsvom.-. MILLIONS Ci- COLLARS, l.y sowiiiT Crimaoit (.lover nt tho litHt; v( tluir Corn and (.'ottoi' i--nM- It is ,!u' ,K'st t,mc to s..w nnd you a:-.enii vxtraprep anitiiin of" thp land. Ihnimnn Clover liulrp.-.l tt-t rich in liumu-i orvn' tai.'.eion' irnnd putt? it in i-xci-detit i-.iii.rui..n for tho crops which follow it. It nlfO iimkii A fine winter cgvtr crop, An eiceilnnl grazing crop, A good earl; for'gs crn,i, A splendid tcil-imprcting crop. TIowhI imdir fully in t'no spring, it im-reiist's the yiidd of corn, to tuiivo, coltnn or othur crops which follow it, to a wonderful extent. Our nles of rrtmson Clover sod are laraesc oaaivr u !!New lu.a l-'ai third pi $ 1.00. I'it.e lieilvsliiin Pijs, n-tfis...B-l st-.-k. , - lourliist I'lVU.illlUS and Suris'jistahes u n ' llojisut fei.tral fain- -. lirsts, a sec.n.l nod three ll ChickeNs. I.", i.s, for; prices on .isand padlry. , till 1 In the l'iilto.1 sisln. Write r..i .1 elreiilsrs RlvlnR lufiiriuallon about this valuable crop. T.W.V.'ood&Sor.3,$e8te;i( RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Wood s DosorlptUa Fall Cstalolua, Issiii-.l In Auuu-t, tells about sit Farm suit Garden Sssds for Fall Plant Ins. Mallei true on request. 9 per. cent. 9 per. cent. Desirable Property for Sa e. Would You Call 9 Per Cent, Clear of Insurance and all Taxes a Good Investment? I have three houses, lately built, with 10, 12 and 7 rooms, located in a desirable part of Asheboro, 150 yards from Sunset Ave., and within five min utes walk ef the post oltiee or any of the factories. They are all under rental to good and prompt paying tenants, and several new residences are un der way in the immediate neighborhood. Land is rapidly growing in value in this part of the town and good judges say prices are liable to double within a year. If anybody has money lying idle or drawing six per cent on a mortgage, you paying the taxes, come to me and I will sell you a safe investment showing 9 per cent clear after insurance and all taxes are paid. J. D. Simpson. Baptist University for Women. iluiiiiii it-n in Uih Art, S it'iicct ;tinl I'liiluKOjiliy; ia Music in Art am! in I-Aprewtiou. t'nunM's nf Study HHiiilnr In llin-r in ntyn voiW-n. lavitu tioii jterintls, one hour riu li, l-'ju nlfv of six uvn iiikI Uvoiily-iniir wonnm. Schoil (if iiihle taught ly n full l'imAu;i c of Wukr Forest ami Niuvtim Thoo logiml Seminnn. Thorough Hunii t'tw i 'ihii-ho. Kxccllrnt fiuijmeiit frt.arh nig Chemistry, Jiolo-, and J'liyif. N-hool f MiiMif, with a Faculty oi two men and his wouifii, ami in.MiraHHi-f in (he South Tim comfort of HtmjentH looked uftor hy a lady u Itn ijnil, lady i!iysirinn, two ma trom and a nure. Hoiird, l.itt'nirv tuiti.m, lttat, l.iliU, ll.iilm, Yw for Physician, Nurtte and I.ihrarv, llt'l pr moicmi; in thn Club Irom f 10 to 3? I"i Iohh. Ko dioujit l any; everybody jmy- ctaiilv tin whii- rUi's. Iksliovrd to le tho chinn't m-IiooI of itu Kruifo iu lite, South. For furlfttT itifouuntinn atldrt'H.- President R. T. Vann, - - - Raleigh, N C. Everything is quiet in and around Battalias'. C B Kearaa does mi aaem to improra. Brother Fiocfaar had an apmintmani lhara on Sunday, ISth. He preaohpil an exorHmt aermua to a mrTgood oonffrsrahou. Jsins Kams has had Trpbaid ferar bat (lad to ay ha ia oat and atirring around -8anunia Cranio rd ia real aick with fer. The Horn bay baa ball team rmssrd hast with Denton team. A aeon stood 10 to H 1 an of Btmbay. . . aa... t r - ' i j - COLUMBIA CCLD MOULDED CYLINDER RECORDS sa Boars far aa tytaw af CaMar Taftlaf UttMat rm ayus, farta, IN Cyltodcr OrabKopfconea from M to $IM bawd far Maat Cat ell em l coLtnsu pnosoccAPn company, NtW TMi, N. . Styles in.... Spring tS Simmer Clothing! The latest styles and patterns can al ways be seen at my place. I am show ing a pretty line of suits at $10, $12, and $15. It will pay you to look my line over before purchasing. Also a big assortment of HATS, COL ,'LARS. TIES and SHOES. "KEITH KONQUOR" Shoes for men are the best to be had. See them. W. J. MILLER. Threshers, Traction En : gines! : How about that Thresher and Traction EnKine you are expecting to buy? We are sales agents for the Peerless Geiser and can Seve You Money and give you the best machine in the market. Don't be too late as the season will soon be on. Thanking you for past favors, We are yours truly, McCrary-Rjedding Hardware Company. NxanPORsTco Ceiial Stock $30,000.00 RALEIUH. N. C. Pullcn Building f CHARLOTTE, N. C. I Piedmont In. Bid. lllKXKS'Htll.lVK thi- worl.lS. l.ut III Inmloru Business Muoatlon. OMest Bulni!ss n.lliw In North I'an.lii.s. I' sosraut.-.-.l. Iwkixl by a wrllU'u contrast. No vnoslkm. lu.livl.luiil liilnnlou. WtalmMh-hboiis-ki-pplliK'. Shiirthanit. Fenmnuahlp, liy mail. (Mod lor Homo raws. Write ult lur luu-Csisl.siiw. oiloin auil Uigli KiKloiMuaeukL T bay an ma. , A.l.lms KINf.'S ulUSINESS COLLEGE, B iUlsl. M Cs We Sell the Earth! PCXX300OOX'lOW0O0 If you are interested in the projxwition, in or near Asheboro. we think we can please you as to -lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield (EL Laighlin. " Real Estate Dealers, The Original Rock Hill Buggy. Here's the old . original Rock Hill Buggy. Can you find one to beat it? If not' can't we selLvou one. Please figure with us when you are in neejd. McCroa-ry Redding Hrdwro .Company.

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