The! Asheboro Copier l'RIOE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. Cotton loops again; playing round 11 cents bow. Corker West of corkage fame whs bound ove; to court Monday in 20 cases, post's ws a place where one could leave liquor and l);tve it served. The public coiiscinnoi' is greatly awakened." Thure in a ilemuml on all sitles for cKmii men in piililic life. CriK)keilnes8 and graft uie be ing run il'iwn and rottriiiii'ss and corruption are being exposed, and the boodlers and grafters and moral lepers kick and squeal when they are pressed or their acts ht exposed and uncovered. IIuuiuu lifeat LiMl.,Fol.iiil,Ku.0i-i;i, miiBtbe held exceedingly cheap w hen it is considered thut the recent not and bloodshed resulted in the num ber of dead and wounded at more than twelve hundred. On last Fri day and Saturday hundreds of in nocent people were killed. The trouble came about in this way, live hundred working men of Lodz nut and discussed the political situation u brutal usauult was made by dragoons and cossucksof the liuKsiuii militiary killing quite a numlier, Independence Day at Randleman. KandKinaii July 4lh. The Junior order celebrated the "liUu-ioiis fourth" at liundleiuuii. The r. ercises wele held in the laie audi tnriiini of the new iriaded m-IiooI building, under the mispiei'S of Ih liumllrtiiuii council No 31. Mr C' A Lamb made the uihhv.- welcoming lie iieoiile to the new graded mIiuoI building Mini lulm- ducing tliv speaker, Mr John .M Julian, the well known editor of the iNilisbii' y Kveuing Test. Mr Julian made an vloijiient and patriotic address, the address being well received and iheieakei receiv ed eoniplimenls from ilie lare ati dieucc. Mr Julian ,-pi'ke of civil ami f-cli'siaMlical lioioliiui1 as embudied i" the Declination of 1 iidcteiidi'iice, contiastiii: old lib-a.snf A UMtiiaiilMil m ith latter day ideas, . i-.ikilii; of Ii celise culistiued if! lilirrtv w 1 1 h refer ence but h to eiiipluvee ami employ r depm'ating the idem thai an employee, native or alien .-Imnhi insist upon an advantage Mi'iiivd l.y fun-e and cotitiary to the f u iiuioi :.tal idea of our gicut dial t of freedom, every iniiii being endow oil with the rijint of life, liberty ami tiie pursuir of llaaailns.. T:.e .-peaker dvvtl! upon i migra t n n iUoin,L' from twelve in sidents from U'ifliiitgliin to UiKieevelt, take lug k-tir wiili the prevalent idea aiveatad bv .Ini.ieir orders in tins el.ite ami advoi'uied the establish ment ot a bureau of i uiniigratiou living ihatoiviiig t.itlie scarcity of labor l lie foreignei is coining any way, and why not arrange to get the licet class. Of the million w ho last year more than ever before, who came to our whores To ier cent located in four hirge cities, already congested in point of population. The increase trotn Hungary, an undesirable people from ISstn to'lsvo was l.'Mprr cent. From Hussia the iucnvasje was 132 per cent, these being ctteil to illus- ir.-.te that those people are opposed to all forms of government and can not discriminate between liberty and lievnse. Wkile the foreign born population constitutes oue-teiith of our popula tion the native born illiteracy in cluding the negro is but 4 i;-i"(i per cent. J he illiteracy of the foreign population is Vi. !M i per cent. Kif- U-en per cent of whom do not speak our language. He spoke of the public schools, citing that Massachusetts bad in I'.MKl, 4'J7,44S wage earners and that the total wages were 2H,24,44H, w ink North Carolina with TU.S'.K wage earners only had total wages of ld,sti,4JU; that the average earn ingsof a North Carolina laborer ii less than $!2UU jer ymr and that of a Ala8sucHusctU lalairer more than $300 a year, intelligent cultivated labor. In closing Mr Julian sjajke ebt- ueiuiy oi the nomc life and the fraternal spirit. A large Hag was presented by the Junior Order, to be raised over the new and haudsouiu graded school building. It was accepted in a brief but appropriate speech by Mr W F Tally. The Bible presented the school by the Junior Order, was ac cepted by Key J 11 Bowman. Much credit for the success of the occasion is due to the committee having in charge the programme, Messrs 6 W Swain, C A Lanibe and W F Iyey. In the afternoon, Prof Way coun ty superintendent of public instruc tion, made an educational ftddraaft wtucb was most appropriate and in teresting as well as eloquent and suitable to the occasion. The decorations were besatifal ad artistically arranged by the ladies of Randleman. Mr Tiela Colli as sqd others assist ed the committee in toe preparations. Mr Collins gave much tine and labor in the preparations and de eryet great credit. Music was farnuhed by that most excellent nana, me Jnngton Cor Bet Band,: eemposed of fine musi cian. Ye ar liable to aa attack of some fans ef Bowel Complaint and should pronde yourself with the best knowa remedy, Dr geth Arnold s Balsatf. jMTutd by Standard Drag Co. NEWS ITEMS. Many Items that Are Sure to Interest You. James M Palmer, of Jamestown, died Sunday. .Tamne R Kerr u well-known im- ployee at Spencer died Sunday of lypnoiu rever. Threshing machine engine ex ploded near Danville Monday kill ing four men. The case of Thos Dewey, bank defaulter is being tried ut Newbern this week. l'eter Faust, aged 55 years, dird recently in Alamance county. The deceased was one of the largest men in the state and weighed 348 lbs. A cloud burnt tit. (ilmiitiiiim. Mexico, submerged the town doinir $1,000,000 damage, and killing a large uiiiutier ot persons estimuteil at, from 500 to 1,000. The Baptist mid summer meeting at Jackson Springs, c o n c 1 u d ed its aession Sunday. These meet ings are like Jewish feasts says Mr J V Bailey. They have ueithei president nor secretary. Ihey meet to talk and commune together and enjoy ten days' outing. At the biennial convention of the Kappa Alpha fraternity held in Asheville last week, the following ollicers were elected: Knighf Com mander, Kd Chambers Smith, ot Kaleigh; Grand Purser, P McCou- nell, of Alabama; Grand Historian, V O Kobertsnn, of Jackson, Miss, editor of the Journal. A correspondent of the News and Observer writing from Greensboro says: There are 700,000 people of the nearly two million peopl" of .Noiih Carolina, in a radius ot sitv miles of Greensboro. Within th.s radius are 85 cotton mills. In these nulls are 28,000 looms and 780,000 spindles and 1 4,000,000 of investeu enpital. In this radius also are 5K furniture factories, 8 chair factories, I '-' hosierv mills, dozens of all kinds of lumber manufacturing plants, roller Hour mills, tolacco, cigar and cigarette factories, and a majority of all the high schools and colleges of the State. Greensboro alone will soon be the home of six colleges, has extensive system of graded schools and thirty distinct lines of manu facture, embracing otton goods, wood-working machinery, furniture shoes, tobacco, cigars, saw mill, stoves, cornices, boilers, bobbins, shuttles, spokes, mantels, maible work, plows, wagons, plumber sup plies, terra cottit, brick, artificial stone, wood fibre plaster. Hour, ice, carp.'ts, brooms, overalls, shirts, bags, automobiles. Death ol Rev. T. L. Tray. Sunday at his home at Liberty, liev I I, irov tlepurted this lib leaving a wife and one son, DrThinl I roy, of Atlanta, Ga. ror manv years he served as city missionary at lui nam and as Colporteur of th American litble Society. He was 7'i vears old and had spent his life in kindly deeds as wel1 as preaching the gospel. 1 he announcement of his death will carry sorrow to many a soul w hich had been encouraged to a better life by his sympathy and practical aid when all others had forsaken. Greensboro Telegram. NOTES AND COMMENTS. There is much blindness on the side of morals. To live within the letter of statutes and the ten com maudments is the idea of too many. I;; the days agone criminals moved along a hue of knock down and tak not so now. Wealth at whatever cost is the plan now. The craze is wide spread and it is given the com mercial turn. There is complaint that the sheriffs of the counties in this Stat are not doing their thity in enforcing the temperance laws of the Sta We are forced to believe that in some instances at least thereisasug gestion of truth in the allegation A sheriff takes a wd-mn, binding oath that he will obey the laws, not that he will delegate the duty to deputies mi that he will do it so far as within his power so to do. Every sheriff who does not obey the oblig tiou should resign, and if he does not resign should lie forced to do or lie punished for failure to do his duty. There lies in a dark, still dungeon in Wake county jail an old man. Isaac Rogers, who angered beyond mea sure at the outrage noon his irirl almost a mere child, by a well grown handsome well dressed society man, committed a basly crime. The poor old man should not have taken the law into his own hands, bnt take it any way now, there is hMU left of life for him. His home is ruinnt. The idol of the old man's heart has been destroyed beyond recovery While a Wrong was perpetrated yet the man wbo entices and leads away from the paths of rectitude vir tuous woman deserves all the bullets be rets, yet there was a freal mistake made in this, as ui all other cases. where any one ndertakes to take to law ib his own hands. In the death of Secretary Hay. m wi ums gnmian stacasnea c noder times ia lost to the world. Mr Hay died at hi kweas ia New HamMhhw oararoay or lam weet. The Secret of Good Coifee Even the best housekeepers cannot make a good cup of coffee -without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerly blended coffoe such as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their counters won't do. But take the pure, clean, natural flavored LION COFFEE, the leader ot an package eofltti- the coffee that for over a quarter of a century has been daily welcomed iu millions of homes and you will make a drink fit for a king in this way : HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. P LION COPPER, bwanso to tot but Malta you mmt on tha beat code Grind jour HON COVPKK ralhor flue. l a " UIleiKonful to aack cup, and ana extra lor Iho 110U" Flral mil It with a Utile cold water, anouKb to make, a JUak Matt, and add vihite at in ore (if ttt la to ba need aa a aelUer), then follow one of the following rolaa i 1.1. WITH BOILING WATEO. Ada bolltna water, and Irijt boll THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add ai little eold waiter aaa act aelda Ura anlnulce to nrttle. Serve proaaptly. . . . Id. wrm COLD WATr tt. Add jroaar cold water to the pearte emd bring It to boll. Tkea set ao4dr,a4d a Utile cold waiter, aa la live amleutea it's ready to eerve. 8 (Don't boll It too long. , -J Don't let It stand more than ten minutes before eervln. DONTS (.Don't use water that haa been boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE, lit. Wttk faa.t'aa part of the whits of an agg, auxin Kwlta tat rroasd UOH CTriKKWICeUl "water lnetead of ecra. After boiling add a daih of cold water, and aet Insist on fjettlnfj a package ol genuine LION COFFEE, prepare It according totals recipe and you will only use LION COFFEE In future. (Sold only iu 1 lb. aealad packages.) (Lion-head on eTery package.) (Save those Lion-heads for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLS0N BPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. Randleman News. ' Miss 8nl lie licUd i nil ii visiting in I Asheville for ton dvi. ' Miss Mary l-Vrreo lnus returned! from a visit in tireeiislioro. 15ev Mr Mcl-'ailven iiiul his wife aecomjiutiii'd by their daughter, of, lu in Ik ilium county, arc visitmi; Dr 1 iiul K .McrudYen, one of liaudle man's leading physicians. Miss Month, of Klkin, is visiti iij; Miss Kllfii Marker. Miss Jessie Woollen is at lioine from llisjli l'oint f i few days. Mrs lin'gs, ot Hii;li t oi ut, visit .'(I Mrs liiyant Tuesday. Miss Mozelle Hicks returned Tues lay from a visit to Aslielmro. Miss Annie ltlaii, who iiccotiip tiiied Iu r. is here fur a few davs. Mrs L D Mendeiiliall au.l eliild- reii have f;onc to Wilniington and rigutsnlle tor a ten das slay. Miss I'aisv mniherlv, ol Alu- maucc fount v. is viiting her aunt Mia IVnnis Hardin. Mr Oscar Wooslcv. a sou of iire- sidiiii; elder ,1 K Wooslev of the Wavnesville distiict who in Kandle- 1 1 iu ti a few days last nec k and this iu the interest of limlf.nd College. Dr S 1! Turrt ntiin jo-esidmg liler of the (irccihoro distiiet, was iu liiitidleinan on .MkiiiIiiv. The base ball game Tuesday it'lei nmui Liettviei, Kandleiiiail and Mil 1 1 ivt at Kandleiiiail was not .'iniiileli'd. The i.'anic was called olf at the end of the third or fourth inning owing to he severe rain Venn. At t lie time the fame was ailed tie' score was I ty . in favor f Kanuleinan. Kend'cinaii hatler- ics. Kussell and (.'nojier: Millhoro, Allred and Patterson. Mr and Mrs .1 f Sumner, nf ,ln I ih ii. are visit mj; Mr I Sunnier. The Fourth al Kandleiiiail was celebrated under the auspices of the .luuior Order in a most ainiriutr luaiiucr. In another eoliimn will lie found on aitiele giving- an itc eount of the lroeeci!ins. There was an unusually large crowd here an Tuesday lillinf; tiie large mull tori u in to overllow ing, while hilildreds reinained on the outside. At the base ball in the afterhonn were assembled great crowds of young people from Kandleiiiail and elsew here, there living considerably more than 1,000 present. There were many people from the country here Tuesday and many from Asheboro came in buggies and on the trains. Mt. Olivet Items. T...v,.s,.s,u.N.,.,i ,-, ai lav We hail i . have laal. Thr .It.. let next wire I n.feluiws: lie, II A Alltrivhi. l'r,-s: MrS II l.'ia-hanlsoii. i,-,..'r.-s. li.s l,a MhriRhl. Sh- un.l Treas. A is tiW fn.tii a Uistanee win. were pre-aa-nt we il..lii-e,l Mr av Man nf Saxupahaw ami Mr l!uvrt An titan, of Steed, an old stndeni of Ml nliiet. Miss l ima Suu!.. is ejt, i...l hi.nte drwaisUir.. W.-dau-silav i.. see her father. Mr M T S.iio; ivlm is verv'siek. Mr T II Tysr wh.,' lust h.ins,., I.y lire. si.laB. tain. ae. ic..i,ni, iie-d n-laiiihliiaj-Minnlar. Mrs (1 W Te..-.,e is .. thenek list. rhri-taun tltn.ii.'ti all that ..lnete.1 l.y Rev LuMaiu-r flellt nlllllltH-r. IVm-eful lie la.r ri-at-efitl lie he. she no tin are will HAI.I.IKANII I.AI'KA. C'ay'l Chapsl Items. Our fannera are bwav laying lit- corn, mow ing etc. The train crop ia a fatltare in tliia aortion. Mr S (Jeo t'agla, whrme illneaa we ecentlv iK teil, growa gradualy worse, Mr liaary IJuderwaod, an ageil citizen, ia erionaiy ill and bias recovery ia douhtfiil. Misa L'ornie Caudle, of UaiidlctnaQ, is Wait ing her aaaat. Mm aWziah Pugh, a few lava. JUST ONE WORD that woHU ' K ratfarst Dr.Tutt's UvarPHUaaa. MEANS HEALTH. Art roat caamtloHadT Treabaoal wrtta haaUtHitfT Tfska Ko SvbstHttte. ki aeaaacacr Vlrttro? Mini Ineeaaalay ANY eat theaw avnptaena aaS ajianrr stksrs kaSataata laactaoal of tksa UVbat. TOU NotitX County Correspondence. Cool Spring! Nsws. The M K .iiarn rly mwlinj,' will Iw liflilul lliiniell's I'liaipcl. Jn'lv IHh. Mr ami Mr Win ellaniel, ..r (iraham, vi-iiedal Mr V II M.-laiiiel laat week. Mr. I A M.l'iiuiel, nf Brown, l'nl laat l-l i.;.v ami atur.lav at Mr W II MelhlllH-rs. Mr- (' II liiiitili vi-Mied her iireiilJ, Mr ami Mis t'hi-ck. at Mill Crivk laM Friday. Misea M.ogan i and Allie Walker attended the latiMii;4 and ll.'iiui'B- p-iiiiioii at Haul--4-nr la-I Snn.Eav. Mr W II Mi l'ani.1 - n' la-l Si.uday al Mr .! A M.-lMuiel s at, ! he lrd iK'itnilliiiK. ' l-'land will fill hi- apiMiiilineiit- h.-r.-1 lie third Sun ilav in ImIv. Patterson Grove Items. Mr M F llieliar.U..n. ,-l U'U 1 .int.. jieiit Nininlay and Sunclay ilh In- Mienis. .Severd el iir Hle -'lit Milldav at llam-s,-ur al the l..lin.- IsiiHiMnii Mr W II West and wife are vc.y iek, ihi.uli we ure Iikuhu iliev nil! rju m-ovor. MrS M fn.l.i,Hl. ,, (tray's Cliaijl, Wim MrJn.i llikin.ia .Mtnpi.iv niailit. Mr William Wav, ( Ik.rliiijt.vl. i nuw vi-itii K Mr W II iVst. The fat-uer -l .ut i-..immnil -,ty drj w.miIii r l l.urlni llie i-.ire i-i Why Not Items. liev M I. ll.irl.-v preavlieil la.-. Sunday. Mi-s V..I..11 i- M-ilin,.' at Ml liil.M.1 Mis-Tal'ilha l.iii'.l- i- il-ilii'J lnT lter,: Mr l'attii- ( "X. near I'l-iwll. Th- i.i.ti.u-i.'i tn.-.-lillK will e.inimeniT h. -i!.e -e nlNiiidav iu Attpw. liev " K Sai I A-1.. I. will Pastor law Mi ('.irj ie .sj-'ii. it is alien. lini; the in-ti- t eat.- al Carlhaui- tin-" tk aaa.l nail ieuen.1 la few .lav-,' near Ihere. Mr-'.l A Kiniiand lianlit.T, Mm Vuacan- n 11. . ( Mar. aav Mfilaaii; al riifdl Point and (i,.-.-tisl.,ru. Mrs l Aaain.ui, J, lus Wen vi-it- IIIH heif Mi-s,. li.a and ll.-ssi,. Aiaatiiiii an- siaend ii.g this w-i-'k here ith relatives and friends. Mr Flank llialiaa and several oUaera fr.mi Klh'-l .-aim- tap I" pit-achiaa Snitilay. The t..i.aashi. .Siau.I.ay arh.l eonvetllinli will la- held al Ne' ( enter the 1. nulla Nan .lavita.luU. t'liil.lrea'a's l.av will lie held here s.m, - .ill I. si la. Mr T .1 l.llas is having a tiiec r.t I I'.eilt a! S,aL'r-ve Messrs .1 I. Sn'iHrr and I. A Kintf si.ll .-s.nmi.iv ii. the ii.-i'lilH.rh.uHl ..I Lnton ( Mr 'and Mr-I red auk went to Cnrtl..ip Mondav. Wast Ramsegr Items. Ma- I. Ilaiixn-K caiates to the frolll t la a vear u illi the iirst ( hloom, Jane I'Slii. Kaanali-l laille, win. held a series ol meet in's heiv. ill. miuialiil liy pictures aaad hrave ailvenline. Ialle.l In Ilie awtui erisc.s he i- i.i.u- fiiriniz in a etiurt ot law. An Kiitisiti(i took place here last Sunday. At II nrioek a. m. Kev " I Fraie'r pastor i.f tlae Holiiiest eatlrch, at litis plats-, luplised fi.iirt.-en in tlae reenceiif tier lari;.-st i rew.l ever aei"n al a baptising hen' aeed ill the- altcm-iii liev .1 V PaUoll, af ill. ChraKtiaii t'htirt-li UijuisisJ three. It rain, very near leeitiit a tw in baptising. ( ine '..f up to . laic farnieiei who pair elans...! a i-ut a wav hamiw lait fall, to pre pare his w heat laud accidentally found ii last week l.y riinuiu Ills rear agattiat II in tin lield w here lie lell iU Mr Hridge ('hrist-u luid the tiiisfortune, last wis-k. tn gt Ins hand co ha.lly torn in a ma finite at the Novelly Works here, aa to tieeea. satate the if three of bis fingers. Mi-,,.- I vll., Il.ildn-in ail. I Flora Smith ai visitmi; relatives mid frienda at and Sauf.inl Mr und Mrs Knoch taUuun, of Krv-nch. visinsl their daughter and family, Mm Sallie tATeilv, laat week. Mr Mark Martin au.l family, nf High Point ranie ilium Saturday to attend the I Hun inei-tinii. Miiwra Henry linwdy, nf High Point, anil C'harlea Itrowee, of ( iilonville, who have lusi-n visiting relatives; and fripnda iVre, huve rtaturii.-. to their lionu-s. Vaaiie a tntinU'r of .Hir iienple went to ( Sil.-r t ttr ami oilier place, n t-i'lehrate (tie glonoua rourtlt. Rimtaur Items. Mr T 1 lane and daughter Miaa llrta. I of ( ireeusliore. visited vapt Lane laat week. Miss Maria rount, of tin-snsliorii. ia sjiond . ini: a few dues with ndattvc in uawa. ! Rev Ura 1. I. I assitrr returned laxt Hatar- , dav from a very pleasant visit to Virsiuia. i Mr Th,a 1) l'arka sj-fnl .,M Sunday widi . Mayor W hitehead. Miaa Nnra Whitehea.1 retnnietl laat week ! from a visit to Fayettvi!le and Saiifnrd. .Mr Win Marlev, of Marley'a Mill, visited I at Mr and Mra 1 B Carter's last Saturday ' and Stindav. Miaa Ikira laughlin, of Kandleaaan, ia a apendiug aonte time with Ian- sister, lira 1 V : tl irtlin who luu an attack of fever. : air Vinto Cohle and Him Maine Cbrtie, of . I.ala-rty. visiteO al Mr D A Curtis' last baa- 1 day. ' Wlaeu Oreck ineeta tii-vek thea oorao I the tag of war." Thrra it wa last Hatarrla. when the two nioea of the fairmuir taaeoriea . of the town met oa th diamond her. It waa a hard and close frame, the aeora ataad I ing 13 to IU in favor of the Ramaenr Fnrai- ' lure Co laoya. The Novelty Worka hoya aay The inatailation of the otTioera nf laanptta Lodge Na 144 A F A M a-rurreal at the naptiat church last Haatnrday night, Kev J W l'alton delivered a powarftd and aenoassnt addrara on Maeoarr to tba tmrse preawt. After tiie aOkLresa Mr T L Chia boka, of Sanford, inatailed the daly vlerttd omoera in a eery grace-rm ana nappy aaanaar. The memhera of the Lodge later oa had area work to do after which ice cream, cavks, her nasaaa aad Optra, Aaaeaa the Tanttsuj ata anna we antirad Meaara Uuvh Parke Jr. II M WeatherlT, Louia Feattriaa, T If Jeanut aa, T i Kind. H Manet and M U Parka. M na Vellie HeoU at Tiattuw frtaaxas ia ke 1 W Pattor. filled hia ' pnlpet ia the CbrwUaa cbnrrh laat rtuaday peeas-hiaa; also muuMaaa. Tba rite of haptian was adjauMt sared to lour conTerta aa the aitexnoo. Frankllntllls Items. .Several inenilaera of Hanks Ixvdgi' alleiided the pulilii- iiiKlalUlion of the ollieera of Marietta Loilgc at itoniacttr Snturdav night und resjrl u splendid tituo. The l.iH...ue order ia rupidly increasing ut llain-eur as well aa in nearly every oilier community in the atate and miach good will lie aivoiiiplish eil l.y ao many good honest gciatleinaii l.tni.l itig them solve together for the uphuilding of humauiiy. Knv J F'Allrud will preach the funeral., ol Mra l.ticiiida Trtagdoai und Mr Win Harrow at Mt Talxr .Ini Suiuiav in July. Mr and Mrs latilier lirks, of Smith Caro lina, are viailiug relalives and frieuVs lacie this week. Mr and Mra John II Knae made a Ini-ine-s trip to Oreeiisl-riro Motidiiv Mrs H A llussell ia s.,'isli,v. it few .lays with relutives nt (lialf this week. Mr liceco Williams, of High I'liiul, was in town the lira! of the week. Mr Charles Cox, of (in'eiisUmi, is Iter a visit and in spile of the hot wealher he i aa supple ua a young man of less tl an I'l stn era - its u line girl tit his laaausc. Mr W S liusM-ll, of (ia.lf, passed thri.'.Kh town one day last wivk on his wav to I 'ole ridge to visit hia hnather, Thos Kussell. Mr Wm Tiiaett u-eitt to Siler City M. na ttily to look after the latiililing of a .otliiii mill which is la-ing erected at that place. Mr ami Mrs .lames Wremi sjw.n Salianla night and Sunday with .1 II Fcntriaa anil family. Mr liussic Tip'll lias moved his family to the house receiillv vacated liy Mr A V Tipiiett. An ice cn-atu sitpM'r will lie given nt Mr T A Slack's Snturdav night lav the linn of llrny aatd Tipja-tt. Aline string laaml will Itiruisli the iiausie und evprylsnly is invited. PrT 1 Fox anil family visited relatives at Staley Stitiday. Mr T A Slack apont a few dayu at tiieens Uiro Ins! week. Mr Kitaaell Stuart, of New York, ssut a few days ot his father's, Mr C K Stuart, the ftrat of the wt-ek. The Township S 8 Convention Sunday was welt attainted and was a success throughout. There ure eight schuola in the township und nil ttutile good reiKirti. mail will jauy over Id dollars this year for county and state work. The following officers were elected for the i.iisuing year: C II Julian, prea; li W Jor doti, vi.-e-pres. and J 1 C.iward. secy. Trinity Items. r .1 A Carpenter aia-aat several ilavs al home tliia week. Mr Core Heitmaii, of IHuh l'int. visited his mother, Mra J F llcilman, Suliduv. Mr June Harris, of Durham, visited friends d relatives al Trinity this week. Mrllundlev, of llavidsnn Collein'. is signal ing a few days in the village. I he iiiany frienahi of Bliss Itessie Ihiatlnp re rejoiced e have her with Uiem aagaill. Mr Charles McCanleas i at home from Vonderliilt where lie haa siicaat the tstst year in college. .Mm lleitinau la visittuu friends iu Hiscoe. Carolina ; Stock and Poultry Farm,! O. U. Hinshaw, Prop., Route No. I . Cllmai. N. C. Single Condi Bmwii la'gl..un aaatl Harris! Plvmotith Hock ( Ian-kens. TtZKZ , Fi"" 'i"1'!"' i'' If t J from registered sl.s k. 1 Four lirst I'remiauna , mimJ. and Snecjiatakes o n -T f (ia!lll, ((,! (,. Una Fair, also two finds, a second and three third premiums on Chicken. 1 a egirs for ' f l.uu. vt rite lor pncea on pigs and poultry, i 9 per. cent. Desirable Property for Sa e. Would You Call 9 Per Cent, Clear of Insurance and all Taxes a Good Investment I have three houses, lately built, with 10, 12 and 7 rooms, located in a desirable part of Asheboro, 150 yards from Sunset Ave., and within five min- utes walk of the post office or any of the factories. They are all under rental to good and prompt paying tenants, and several new residences are un der way in the immediate neighborhood. Land is rapidly growing in value in this part of the town and good judges say prices are liable to double within a year. If anybody has money lying idle or drawing six per cent on a mortgage, you paying the taxes, come to me and I will sell you a safe investment showing 9 per cent clear after insurance and all taxes are paid. Baptist University for Women. abiphaiaH given in the Aria, Science aud IM.i.tojihy; in Music iu Art tud in Kxprrfwion. Cmiraea of Study einiiJar to tLixe in Imyn collwee. Recita tion periods, one hour each. Faculty ol ait liun Mml twenty-four women. School of BilJe taught ly a full graduate of Wake Forest Ad Newton Theo logical Seniiuarr. Thorough lliiHineHs Courso. Excellent enuincjit fir teach ing Chemirttry, "Biology, und l'liysim. iSrh(l of MumV, with a Faculty of two ten aud nix women, and uumiriaod iu the South The comfort of etadenU looked after by a lady priiiripul, lady physician, two matrona and m num. Board, Literary tuition, ihait, Lighta, jt.itha. Fee for Physician, Nurwa and Library, $1U3 per session; in the Club from $10 to $15 lean. No discount to any; ererybody ays eiaotly the eanie ratw. lie lie vol to be the cheapest (chool of iu gratfe in the South. For further information addmn President R. T. Vann, 17. COLUMBIA CCLD MOULDED CYLINDER CEC0CD5 IV Bauaea far aaa aa a ra f CrfhatW TaAaaf Haatltta rm rrteo, raHtfiM Cyander raMapiaiiea frwa M $lf ceujHsu rnoNessArn ccm?any, T IttHIl t "V tatWf 'If' 1 " -artaa-.'"' Hajf ' r n .. . ' f i - J. V. HUNTER. M. D., Asheboro, N. O. I uy ealts answered from Aahehoro Drug Coaniaaiiy. Night calla uuswcreal from tlto Central Hotel. Build Your Own House- 7- due iiitiitinxi town iota at Apply to J. T. llrittnin, Ashc Uaro. N. C. W. D. STEDMAN & CO. Dcalcrt Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Depot St. West Side liailroatl. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture AMD .MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial education in Agriculture, Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRES. WINSTON, West Raleigh, N, O Wood's ftccd. Crimson Clover. Our Southern Farmers oan aavtj far- tilizor bills and Increase their revenue MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. l.v sowinir Ciimsun Clover at the lust wor'ving of llulr Corn and Otton crojw. It Is the htt time to sow and you savenn extra pWp. BTHtion of the hind. Crimson Clover 'nnkes laml rich in humus or vet' . mule mutter and puts it in excellent condition for the crops which follow it. It alto makes A (in. w;nlr cover erop, An eicsllant grazing crop, A good urly fersgs crop, A tplondid Mil-impnubig ttif. Plowed under earlv In the anrlno., it increases the yield ot corn, to bacco, oot ton or other crops which follow it, to n wonderful extent. Our sales of Crimson Clover seed are Itiereaslna; enorimmdr every year, and vre are to ay tie tarfeat dealer la Uats seed In the Mite". Write for rrlces anil cltenlaft Hrlvtns Information about IMS valuable trtrp. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsman, RICHMOND, VIRBIHIA. Wood's Deriptlv Fall CatatotftM, IsMii-d In AuKiit, tMls about H arm nud Gordon Sooda -Tor Fall Flont Ing. Mailed freoon request. J. D. Simpson. - - Raleigh, N C. 9peren!n mw rwn. h. ir. V : r- 1 Lewis & Hardware Co. We are in the market for you trade and are offering Hardware at prices that will get it. We have a full line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Builder's Hardware, Steves, Ranges and Hollow Ware. We keep all kinds of tools for the Farmer, Carpenter and everybody else. ( Barbour Buggies, Nissen Wag ons Champion Reapers Mowers and R&Jces We keep Window and Door Screens, Kitchen Hard-' ware, Cutlery, Agate Ware, Rubber and Leather Beltings, Steam Fittings, Packing, Wrenches and about everything you need We can make you money if you will trade with us. Lewis & Winslow Hard ware Company. Asheboro. N. C. New Styles Threshers, Traction En- gines! : How about that Thresher and Traction Engine you are expecting to buy? We are sales agents for the Peerless Geiser and can Sve You Money and give you the best machine in the market. Don't be too late as the season will soon be on. Thanking you for past favors, We are yours truly, McCrary-Reddirvg imcjoti Capital Stock $30,000.00 RALEWH, N. C. Pulien Building. Collar tn North Carolina. PnalUmia auamnleod, backed hj a wilum contract. No raeaUoo. Indltttaal Inatraatloa. W ajao loach Bmlt-keepina;. filiorthanfl. rennaaiahlp, by mall. end lot HOOM atadt laota. wnit toatlT Kt oaaf uanmie, unera ana nip jmaiiaM... aaavemHw Xddraal KINO'a BUSINESS COUKX, ataJatf. . C.Cl.i.ln n We Sell If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think w can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield Laughlin. Real Esttvte DeoJers. The Original Rock Hill Buggy. Here's the old Buggy. Can you If not can't wei'sell you one. Please figure with us when you are in need. McCrxxry Redding IIa.rdw&Lro Company. Winslow Spring 6 Summer Clothing! The latest styles and patterns can al ways be seen at my place. I am show ing a pretty line of suits at $10, $12, and $15. It will pay you to look my line over before purchasing. Also a big assortment of HATS, C0L , LARS, TIES and SHOES. KEITH K0NQU0R" Shoes for men are the best to be had See them: W. J. MILLER.. Hat.rdware Company. CHARLOTTE, N. C I Piedmont In. Bid the Earth! original Rock Hill find one to beat - it? r

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