The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. C, Jium 29, 1905. Arrlvil and Departure of Trains. SOUTHBOUND. Tfaill No. I ll, turivtK al I ;K a. m. Train No. 107, arrives at .1:1(1 p. in. Traill Nd. 11.1, arrive nt !t:3!i . in. NOmilitOUMl. Train No. W, .arrives ut H:2T n. in. Train No. 1.10, arrives at,,. I l:W a. in. Train No. 42, arrival nt ', - 2:u p. hi. NOIITHHOUNI). No. 143, laavcmit 4:11) a. m. No. 130, hurra at 1 1 :).' u. m. No. 144, leaves ut. 4:.'i0p. in. KOUTIIIIUINI). No. 71, leaves ut 10:1.. n. m. No. J 07, leave, al ,1:l,ri p. iu. No. 41, leaves Bt ; in. I Local and Personal. Mr W L Kivett ailttlrtini-s seed potatoes in this iisu?. - tot J 0 Arnold, of Worllivil WN8 a visitor hero Moiiduy. Mr Henry JSmilh, of Millbuio, I F I), wan iu town Monday. Vt Anbury, of Asbury, vviu visitor in tocu Just Wednesday. John JMcCaia und family, ut M vnrw", ib visiting rvliitives a""; ju Asheboro U'l vicinity Mist Grace Wood, daughter of M and Mrs J T Wood, went over to Jackson Hill lust week to visit ri-la tlYfS. Miss Edith Muring went down I Jackson Springs SiiturUuy to spend it few days. Prof and Mrs It B Strickland ur spending the suiimier ut Mr J ( Miller's. Mr Ctaas Spp stopped over for it day last week on Lis return to Greensboro froni Jackson Spring, We surrender our editorial space this week, to news matter which is ioi more interest to th general pub- 1113. Mr Thad 8 Ferree, has returned to Wake forest to complete Ins law eourae. He will Iy fur license September. Mr A A Lowdermilk, of Hiijh Point, who has been visiting friends at bis old home near Dewey, was m town last Saturday. Mr K K Rosa, who was oon fined to his room with illness several days last week, is mucu unproved mm new able to bo out. MrT L Cbishnliu, formerly of .'llamsoui, bnt now of Sanford stopped over iu Asheboro Saturday for a snort time. Masters Walter Hammer and Ed ward Stewart, of Lynchburg, Va, are visiting Rev W C Hammer, in West Asheboro. Mr Cleveland Skecn, of Davidson county, spent Sunday with his brothers Messrs W S Skeen and Uendrix Skeen. Mr C F Swicegood. of Wooilbaf, Rowan coanty, was iu Asheboro last Thursday. Mr Swicegood is only 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 345 pounds. Mrs L L Richardson and sister Miss Eva Asbnry, of Asbury, came up Wednesday aud will spend a few days visiting the family of Register Boroughs. Asheboro people spent the "Fourth" at home, while others went to Itundleumn, and a few of the young people picnicked at Worthville. Mrs W B Yarborough and children visited Mrs Yarborough's father, Sam'l Arnold, near Farmer, in Randolph county, Saturday und Sunday. Lexington North State. Prof J F Hamilton, of Central Falls, Randolph county, is in the city to-day. Prof Hamilton taught school at Spring Hill several years ago. Laurinburg Exchange Mrs Corrinna K earn 8 Parsons passed through Asheboro Saturday returning to her home in Richmond oooaty from a visit to her father and mother Mr and Mrs A 11 Kearna at Hill's' Store. Messrs Jesse Coltrsne, R L Colt rane and J R Coltraue and others, of New Market township, were in town Monday. They are interested in a bridge at Coltrane's mill on Deep river. They are in ewaest they say and need the bridge aud hope to" get it R F Coble, formerly of Handle man, but later superintendent . of cotton mills at Concord and Salis bury, is desperately ill at his home in Salisbury. His recovery is not expected. Mr Coble was recently added to the police foroe of Salis bury. Messrs J M Luther, D S Davis, W.H Winingham, S EjCoblc, H H Kenaedy, J N CJoltrane, Ii L Colt raue, B L White, Mont Lewis, W M Miller. B L Vickerv, T W Ingram, 8 O Crsnford, M B Cranford, N M Lowe 3 E Albright. U McMaslers, M L Winingbam, W A Wood, Y M C Johnson, .K C Rainier, J M Walker, O P Barker, J C Lowdermilk, M r Burgess, Herbert Burgess were among those who were iu town Monday. ' ! Caaxty tw4 4 ESscaUt. Among other important matters the county board of education re elected Pro! J M Way county super intendent of public instruction at their meeting Monday. Mr Way has been : most faithful and efficient' in his Office. . -Hs has accomplished macs' good work, and there was no pposiliou to bis re election. Bsaitrtrfy your complexion with little .cost. If you wish a smooth, eVrmr, resua)lik -complexion, rosy cheeks, laughing evM, taks Hollis- tar'a Rocky Mountain Tea, greatest beaiBr - w CPU. Asne- boro Drug Co, At. Curt huge, N V, Minn Suiuh Uowuril Jlnsc, Unii,;titer of Mr II Mu, tu Mr Wulti-r Way, Kcv I ISrvoiii ofliciating. DEATHS. Jei'einiiili Littler, of near K mills, ii'i'i! ii 1 Miti I. Ml fun nil dead in his In d vciirs, WrdlK morning. Mr 'Miller was iiev married and for I lie pact ."JO yecr sua lived alone. When found bad been dead l lino or four dav or longer. Though etwittrie. he w a good man attending to his on alfairs and doii" no nun wi-onr;. Grant Township S. S. Convention i I liel.l al K! Kiiriiiux -.. i.l Smith ily UNI.'.. I'NION (IIIDVIv The I alt Has Never Vet It --n T..LI Myrt X, Ili'Lle di le Tim Olijivl ,if lie- S S Cnser Cns. e l.ilile Hoy's Prayer - Mina Hint. ni::nii:i.. nun- 1'r.iss M I. Paoli. 'I'lii! .M.sleH'Inirch M.ur l-'IW '- in Heaven - II.-I tlm A Nmitli. Hi Why .Sl,.il,l tin- Spirit of M.iilnl I Proud - Mattie Piif-Ii. M't ION'S CIlAl'KI.. t'liei Ileal. While llarvci.1. Horn Mel'hers. The Money for Minimis IIIiuh-Iic Kinney anliiitftn What we Have -Mamie Kilim hilly Souls - Slullic Kinney l'AN'I'IU'.i: I'l.'KI'.K. Itnaerre'1 PoivorsoluinlaytJcUiwl - II P O Seltlinir ilin (Juoslion- j,eohi A KiiiL'. Iw Single Head "f Wlient l-'rimla hin. KI.AIi SPIIIXliS. I.n Muster V I' Hammond. I'Ih- 1'i-iiiiK.m Vallev Mrvtis PreMiell. hara.-ier W D Allen. 'resell! Chrisl I .ula I'ule. lie, Sun- vonrSiua Will himlvou Out K! Kiuir. Ilemeii- Klla b.wdermilk. Farmers' Institute lor Randolph. A Fanueis' Institute will be held n the court house at Asheboro Fri l.iv, Julv 21. I'JOo. The object of a Fanners' Institute to bring together the farmers Jn tier that thev may discuss the sub jivls rotating to their business, such is the liest methods of using fertiu rs on various crops, tlie prepara tion and cultivation ot the soil, stuek-ruising a n d stock-feeding, diseases of stock, grniu aud truss growing, trucking, iniprovenient of worn soils, value of cotton seed aud cotton-seed meal, etc. in addition to local sneukers. H II Hume, Slate Horticulturist; G A Roberts, Assistant State Veterina- :tn; J S JelTrev. I'oiiltrvnian, KC Kxiieriiiicnt Station; and C M Con- , Direutur of raruiers Institutes Florida, will lie present and dis- tisii iiit'stions ot interest. An interesting program has been rrangi-d. All faniiers aud those mterested furni'iig are in v i U-U aud urged to come aud ask tjuestions und join in e Uiscimsions. Morning session will open ut 10 lock sharp, and afternoon session 1:30. Jury List. The following is a list of jurors for the first and second week of the Iv term Superior Court begiiuiing ly irth, 1C05: l' WKKK. Trinity township J It l'aye, D C Cos, J M Floyd, J A l'earce and I'restou Fruzier. New Market SO Coltraue. Hrowtr .1 A Hayes. Cedar Grove .( T Walker, L N liUBOti, W F Cooper. t'oncurd T W Harris, E A Steed 1 W V Wood. Libert vJ 1) Wright, E A Thomas, 11 C Aldridge and G R Ellis. Asheboro Millis Brown and J M Betts. Coleridge II V Gardner and J S Cox. ltandleniau E N Brown, W T Wrenn, J L Fields and B II Lassiter. Richland H JI Yow and J B Sluck. raVernacle W G Cashul t and J CToTfiii. New Hope K II Lollin and B H Hopkins. Columbia J L Branson aud U M niery. I'rovitlence J W Pugh. Grunt 0 P Brown and I'C Ulas- SEl'oM) WEKK. Columbia township It S Will iam 9, David Mitchell awl S S Pick ett. New Market R E Coltraue. Back Creek J L Beckerdite, Providence Lorouzo Chamuess 1 John Wheeler. Grant A E Williams and. D C Staley. Lnion J M Vuncanon. Trinity W M Parker. Cedar Grove Felix Walker. Franalinville W V, Jones and lie Uouth. '. Grove J T Powers. Wm Lucas. Kandleuian M C Williamson and C Williamson. RKPORTOKTIIKCONUITIOH Of THE BANK OF LIBERTY LIHKRTY, N. C. lowoT iHUlnoatUay 1BU1. im. RKsorncKs. 3e,w06 All other Btonlu. ttnn.U and Morb.-n KoodO Bttnkltif Hmi Parnlturp and rixlurv 15 oo Hue inim Haiiku and Bunkers 11.340 cah luuu - twee 806 00 91171 1. 000 00 Silvrrrotiu iueludins all minor coin Total .? L1ABII.IT1KS. Capital Stuck paid In . i.0 no Suri.lm lun-1 OU0 0U Uualvided proflla, lacurrentciiensea aiHltamiwid l.eosor DeixxlUsubjci'l loeheek ftlrvr Caaulan (,'bccki ouUandlu( stwsi Total I.7W5 Stafa' of North C. Onanty ot Kannoliib, m , . 1 F PU-kott Ttoe.pncl.luiit l. F. PKTtrrr, vsw rre. Comet Atleot- A. J. PATTKRftOM, A. J. MAMUBUaif A. I. L.BWU. Dtractura. mihKHhetl and iwnm to bafora mc, that aUi day at June, IIWS. W. . ORllflN, Notary Public. COURT CALENDAR. Cases Calendared lor Trill it July Term Randolph Superior Court. II I Calendar of civil caxes for trial July term. 1005, of Randolph Su perior Court, Hon. R. II. 1'ielili-s, judge presiding: WKUNK8DAY, .ll'I.V 19'1'H. No! 18 LuraE Lo vdermilk va Walu r Brown. j " 1! Mrs Nancy Hicks vs Randle- niuu Mfg. Co. " 10 J Mrs Nancy Dicks vs Ran dleiimu Mfg. Co. Pt al. j " 20 C M McDowell vs Union Furniture Co. I " '1 J M (aviness, ndinr. vs J E. Cole et al. j THUKMIA V, JULY 20TII. No. ii Lura E Lowdermilk vs Walter brown. " 1 23 Uiaa A Sternherger vs Morris-Scarboro-Molritt Co. '24 II M Allied et al vs II I) Smith et al. 30 T S Sprinkle vs Bank of Li erty et al. 33 llai.dolpli Cruimery vs W S Liiirberry et al. 31 Jnuies Scot ton vs Delphina hcottou. 3.i Dora L Hedrick vs Wm R llnlrick. KHIDAV, JULY 21MT. No. 40 Ether Lumber Co. vs R 1! ll.n ley. " 44 James Suvder vs Moll tin viler. ' 45 II 11 Elder vs Ryder-Crame iiauon works. 46 Edward Toiulinson, wlmr. v E l'ugli. ' 47 Alfred King et al vs Mahaley Aing etui. ' 53 Mercantile Nat. Bank vg J C Kitett. SATI RDAY, .H1.Y 22nd. . 54 Mary A Ferree vs S (ii New lin. 55 B L Cavinoss, agt vs II Q Hayworth. MONDAY, Jl'LY 24TH. No. 50 Mary Feiree vs S O New lin. 57 F lugold vs 8 G Newlin. 58 Mary Ingold, minor vs S G iSewlin. 5!) John Ferree vs S G Newlin. fiO People's Nat. Bank vs J M Denton. TUKSDA Y,".IL'LY 25TH. No. 26 I A Auman vs D. & C. R. R. Cc. 27 F V Lucus vs 1). & C. R. R. Co. 28 G C Boling vs I). & C. R. R Co. 30 S L A n man vs D. & C. It. R, Co. 37 M M Lucas vs D. & C. R. R, Co. 38 Jcthro Auman, minor vg D. & V. It. It. Co. WEDNESDAY, .IL'l.Y 26TH. o. 32 W C Hammer et al vs A. & A. H. R. Co. Witnesses and parties need not at tend before the dav for which their costs are calendared for trial, as wit nesses will not be allowed to prove before that day. Motions before the ltfo can tie Heard at any time. This July 1st, 1!)05. Cai.kxdau Committkk Three flood and Just Reasons. There are three reasons whv mothers prefer One Minute Cough Lure: hirst. It is absolutely harmless Second, It tastes good children love it; 1 cures Coughs, Croup aud Whooping Cough when other reme dies fail. Sold by Standard Drug Co, Asbeboto Drug Co, Obituary tin June i!u. HUB. the dentil niurel vudted Uie home of Mr iin.1 Mm John King anil tank their llul daughter. Matile. a briaiii. .wi-et ohllil. aireii auiui two irive the little el the lorl taketh she was tKi sweet anil famrond tn live hi thfx wnrhl ot trouhlc, ami He carried her home, lor He iieetkil one more little unael hi heaven, ulie more tar near Uie great w hite tbmne. Tho lamilv fiuvc the heartfelt svmnalliv ot all their iieiKhliorii anil iriondii and Hie mmlortiiuj knowlilKe thut tlieir Iom U her eternal gain. May weal) mcetim tliat brlKht, ek-riial nhore w here artitiK will lie no inon.-. sbu w on teii'lerly. lovingly, laid to rent 111 lae ei-nieteri at New Horn, where ho will Meenllll the aiiKeU oonicaii'l hear her away t the Eternal city. Obituary. Kinuia Coble-Anbury n bum iH-biher IS nil illeil at Anbury N C June IH IWW aged AO 1IU I yearn a inoiiins auu s tiayn. Hue woi Happily uiunie.1 to Ut Kraneta E Abury April SI IS67. To thin union wan given 0 children t ol whom hail urvecdoil Uie mother to the better land while the remaining wven with the hualand and lather, rami veto mourn thrlrhas. sinter Anbury wan ennverteil In early ehihlhimd, under tlie niiiiititryof unele t'hurlie PhiUiim, and united wiUi tlie M K ehtin-h araith. III which fthe livod a eoiinlnbHl raeinlicr until her death. Hbe wa a ilevoied wife, a InvluK mother, a faithful friend und an ciirneM i hrlntiHii. Tlie nrrongent emphanhi may be given all thin Wgi. anlangtiage but lalutly exnrexen 1i,t true worth. Her funeral wan o luniy the largent ever liehl at A.lMiry ehureti, and the greul enmnany of inouruern, by tlieir .reeiieeniiil eviileut grief, only tcntlltcd an lo the way ohe wan aireelaled by Ihiwe wh , knew her beat. Hern w an a well regulated christian home, and the weary "Itinerant" alwara found a welcome there while Uie adipture lenaonn tincd. und the prayen oflereil at tlieir family altar. neeme.1 to be her delight. The writer of thin nkelch wan often in their home during her lant illneni, anil even when thevlnlu w en- nhortoiKu, uhl Ith her. r scemil happli thus at 10 refer hi the lesson uned by the I'realilliig Kliler or ulor, ami the pravem nni rea after aevrre tone. While It wa-erl t to liilKel alotiK in her last Uliliftn, yet nne wan always cneorf ur aiel even when It was evident that alia wan apimiachiitt: the eml. she tieKfnsI her loved ones In not wei-p for her anMirina them Uial nhe would Iw at rent. Just liefore her de parture she called Uieui all ubnut her laslnide and addresaiiia them one by one, eavc them her parthitc hlenainit. Hhe waa flnaliy heard to nay "slory f lory' and soon left tu for her home In heaven. Wo are all benehled by Mich a life and feel ntreitk'tbeuetl by nueh a triumphant deauV I'n the norniwina husband and children we ren dcr our sincere sympathy lu this their hour of erlcf and nnuntly pray that the dod of rll fraec may uisteln theai, and we fee) sure he will. The Immediate faintly are all In the eaurch, and If faithful to the end. there will be a haapy ruliuton ill the home of the blen, where aieknean and sorrow can never cuma, and a here partlnK la lot known. Bob Hargrave trad Bob Cecil were arrested by Sheriff Dorset t and Chief Ileitman on Monday for vagrancy and for handling whiskey. Cecil gave bond for his appearance at the trial to be bad today. Har grave, when arrested, was on a wa gon owned by Henry Charles. Tbe wagon contained 8 empty kegs. Mayor Moyer sent Hargrave to jail for 60 davs because be could not pay $32.50. Lexington North State, VT. 1 Not a cent wanted, unlets yon are onrarl If won are airk and ailinff ' Cnrea. II JOU are 1C BOH take lloll later 's liocky Mountain Tea. . . , . ,i iw.J A great blessing to tbe faatnan fafflilr. Makes yon well keeps yon well, as oenta. Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drag Co. i of at (giiiiniiii) the genuine Sun Cured Tobacco flavor by the taste and aroma of and have made it the largest seller by refusing imitations advertised as sun cured Learn the Genuine Sun Cured Flavor cm eat this advertUament and tend, together with sc. stamp, to R. J. Raynolda Tobacco Co.,Winaton-8alem, N.C., and they win mail fr a sc tample of this tobacco. Write your namt and addrcaa plainly. Farmer Items. little n'fn'nliinir alionorloat niirht Ii tnakinfi im feel lietter hint mnrniiiLr. 1'rof Mclnlyre aienl Mniidiiy in Anheboro i OltSllieNR. ftlr alio .Mrn I (' t'tinifiiril hih-ii! Snnilay in uie iuiiiiiv ni ,ur ami .tira a l liiLmuii Tlieir linle child is iiiiprovini aluivlv. Mr Cliaa I 'ronton! from Mixire county iB l'ieiiiiK a iew iitivti witn inn lather and noilier, Mr ami Mrs A A ('rnnfonl. Minn lieiwie .Kiliiimm who lias lieell visiting elativea in (In'enslinro liua returned to her home. Misses llertha and KUa llorsett from Eden lietit Saltirtlay und Sunday with their cousin lias Emma Domett, und attended the Sun. day school cclehralioii hero. lr Turrsntiue, our presidinij rider, came n and irave us a sermon on Christian Education, .Silmliiv. The house was crowded to lta utmost and tits speaker held the audi- once spell-bound. Those who foiled to come missed a treat in not honriuir this man of (lot! plain hia mihjoct Ho won many friends hile h Mr II V 1'inehe id daughter, Mi Onndii, ure sick a Hi ineil to Hole. Mr Pearl (.'tune re.ii of Mt Cilead, s.'iil .Siimiav lien. MisNes IllaiK lie X i by and I 'a lie Ilirk i ft Mm M head, of AHliehurn Isitihnin. U0 YOU Want Strength? If von want to increase vour . , , . , , m.reiigi.n you must, auu 10 aim ntw take from the physical. In other words, the foodthat vou eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriat ed by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from the in testines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical. It gives strength to and builds up strength in the uman system. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and the onlv combination of digestuuts-that will lgest th food and enable the syst m to ai.propriatoall of its healthT and Strengtn-glVing tpiallties. bold by Standard Drug Co, Asheboio Druir Co. SMsion Board County Commlwlonert July 3rd 1 90S. COl'NTV HOME. Fuller mdsc ;IC 7.1 F .larroll A Co nulse 5 10 V J I lelk steward 3 inns SO 00 ltOAD KOIit'E.' Sam lleviuev trad ete 3 07 (' Shaw aiuithing 1 00 11 IMiol 40 00 t: Cinnford Asst. Supt 20 00 wall guard lo 00 C t 'avoncss guanl IS 00 C Shaw guard 12 00 It Smith guard 15 00 I. E llaovcr driver 15 00 4 40 0 75 0 02 23 95 'urtis lidw. Co. mdae H l.iudley corn t' Cos feed , ary-ltedding lldiv. I'u. mdse.. I.iliertv Mercantile t'o mdae 28 OA J Miller mdse 84 4i V llolinanA Co mdse 16 6: 1 Uiushaw peas 6 7. MISCELLANEOUS: Edwnrda A Bronghton binding tax l!H.'i 8 01 .Iho Itieh cleaning V 11 71 :aiiny l'ugli 1 iiayuailill ov election I'.HM I ot II Ifcdding lumber public mail 4 V! 4 25 4 00 o off j rp 21 00 "." 00 i in no ' - . 2ll 50 , M VYav 2 days settling with Shff... H VYefcli lumber fsiblic niud M 1 oiianl Itat taker IWfo M Bulla Supt health Mav mid .Inne. Thos I. Ituasell list inter I'.HIfi D M W'ealherlv list laker ItKlo It Curtis list laker I '." 21 00 I TIioh L llusaell ex W li Kourns, . 1 00 uiui Ill 00 till I I IM1 ., . -.! 1 -.- - ,u. ' oo ,K u, "O 2 00 ., ihi w iu IM tHl lunattr W M Utnianl making reltirua as list lake C II Lucas lint taker I'.Mto W (' lowdermilk liniiln-r for bridge.. E It U'ach list taker IIKIf...... Wall A Sumner lumber for bri Iges... J .M Luther services conveying .Mm Hurley to jail T I Kox Med. service Small iox B II Lassiler 1 day menilicr Peilnioli Hoard and mileagi? Y il V Johuaon aanie W C Hammond same W P Wood same SM J-ewis lint taker l'.M)5 N M liwo same J T Umherl name J H ilcOhiw lunilsT for hridg U I. White list taker L A Finch lint taker J J Welch bmilier for bridge Ceo K Bulla list taker Reg of Denis making liat for jury box recording CS C report, expreaa etc. J H Marley Jailor fur June Is I I 72 in oo 29 22 22 ill W t. llanunonu Matiur.ery for C a U olli.-e 4 SO J R Itcrldiug 1 day holding election Nov l!4 I 00 Reg IWi iaa ortlers 12 III Tito usual allowance were uude for out aidc ;Miiper, metnlieni of tbe Uianl etc. There fa more Catarrh In thin eeetlnn nf tbe eoentry than all other dllwjaaes put watelher. aad until tna lant law yean waa euppnaeil to be in. ourubaa. For a areat many yean dnrtora pro- and nreacr reawHlldt, and by ooustatiily Kill lux to cure wltt local treatment, pmnouneed H Incurable, Hetenne naeuroye I treat inert t. Hall'i Wat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, aaaaulactured by r i owner a Co.. Toledo, Ohio, u tr only enMSMtaUonal (aire en the maiket. It la taken Iateniallrlndomfiomlodro,tna'teaspooiiful. u acia diirc iy oo uieiwnod and nuc, aurfaon of tbe ayateai. They ofrnr one buurirad dollara kw any ria. It fail! to cur. tm tor etroul PRICE 1 CENT THE SUN Baltimore, Md. Now Bells for 1 Cent, and can be had of every dealer, agent or newsboy at that price. All Subscribers iu District of Columbia, Virginia, JNortli anil South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware And Throughout the United States Can (let IiikSi'N by Mail At 1 Cent A Copy. THE SUN AT ONE CENT Is The Cheapest High-Class Paper In United States. I ll E S U N ' S special correapnndonta S,n.MI""". !Me lJn"?' r:tt.,08'.r ? r.urois", v lima, nount .iricu, tue i nuippiiira. ' p,,rf0 t,,..,, t',,lu aI in every other part of the world, make it the greatest newspaper tnai can im printed. lta Washington, und New York bureaus are nmoii"; uio best in the United State, and give 1 lie Sun a reader the earliest tnfonna' tion iiKm all important events in the legisla tive ana hnnm-ial ceutera ot tlie country. THE FARMER'S PAPER. THE SI'X'S mnrkct reports and commercial column urp rmnplete and relinh, and ptit me mrnit'r, uie nien iiatH nmt the broker I. "nil will, the inaiki'U of Iialiiniorf, N folk, Charleston, Nw York, ('hiraira, l'liila- ! hZ which the reader geta for one cent. THE WOMAN'S PAPER. THE Sl'M is the liest type of a newKpairr, morally anil inlellrctuallV In addition to tln neB of the day, it publishes the liest fruluras that can lie presenteil, such as fash ion articloa, and niiHccllaneoua writings from men anil women, of note ami prominence. II is an educator of the liighest character, con- siaaily Hiiiinilatiiig to noble ideala in indivi dual and national life. THE SUN' is published on Sunday as well art every other tiny ot the week. By mail the Daily Sun, $3 a year; including the Sunday Bun, $4. The Sunday Sun alone, $1 a year. Address A. S. ABELL COMPANY Publishers and Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. EXHIBIT OF TOWN OF ASHEBORO. t'luimn audited and allowed by the Board of Ton n llotnltitssiournt of the town of Anhehom, N. I '., iimiiiiciiciiii: May 1st, IHM, and ending May Int. l: OKNKKAL FUND. fir W J M.mre. services In small pox W J TeaKUc. rot-lulier liuance committee t: A Pamidliii. same woo a oo oo A J Womlcll. holding election J W Jolly, rexlmrar J R Morris, ImldltiK election, T J llisiver. nerviiiR an countable M J H K.-II., woik on pump,. W A Collin. haulliiK K Miiflilt.sen-lcenas mayor W' P Wood, tn-aaarer cemetery fuud..... H Ill'audle. maklna .nit exhibit. 60 00 wtoo f ' I'ranford w1 nlrert haiiila, J M Belt, isl street liand I'ho Oiurler, Hib exhibit v J Amittcld, pd ntreet hauda OK rix. service as police 1 1 1"' Courier. iwIiiIIiir onlinanora etc.. . . iJS Betb., ll ntnvt hiimln etc , h II Caudle, services clerk Hen Mclatwi II, nervlies un walchma Juo Hammer, same The Courier. intlm - J M Hettn, nl ntreet hands W H Kodaers. seivlees as indlcv, K MofliU. hlaklnxout tax llntt H M Bobllis. i.nihloiial services li.iuk .if Knndolph, nl mrevt hamla Hunk of Kiui.lolhp, mime ..- Hank of Kaieloljili, same K o'k of Kaudolph, name Hank of lUlldolpll. same tlnl!adr-l'il 11.1m . Co.. bsds etc i J M belts, sharts'liililt tinds. ! ''""" atlllliiaGi., lunilsT, ; w ; Hammer. Sr., surveyluK 1(1 son oo woo 10 00 61 41 46 SO IW II 444 xasr i x IK ihi (i K fox. services, an ilec 1 0 imi Anhetioro Woud & Inni Co.. lumber, .. . , i J HI BetW. street work imam Preanell.siiilthmit IS INI I' A Paaipllu. U leaniii J M Sett", po ntnet haniln. hhulie IUKUllu,lMUbt-raud huldlUKeloc'n, i K Kox. aervlcen an niilce etc, A-dicboni Kleclni (.i .l.ylit- Anliclnni RlecUle tv., lighta, ina'au Kteel, hauling kufun BetlM. serviiws a. fsdtce K B Kesma, burial elpellnea Kmtllnt roti, I M Beta, pd (tract haniU, W H M.srtnf , p.1 ntreet hands, Sotl uot act soo sou ii it 16 00 Total, 87 WHITS OKAJIKD HCHOOl. Ulna Laura Xuou, teacher......... . M ins si ynt Hcartmra. teaidler. Mum laila meed, lew'ber Mrs M W Walker, wacner. rrol H W Walker supettnteaoeas, MkM Annie Tomlinsmi. teacher, Mua Claudia Otaln. teacher, Nathaa Burrow, isjttlnc upsbrreaeto,.... Hollady-rw Mdw. Oo, bioiw etc, . o K fox, wood, OU UrudrK-an, chain, 0 O Henorlcka. kvbnr of W Cbaaabem,.... HoM ranley, paliilliia John W iidfy. carpenter work 1 t Allre.1. naklnx Seaks etc Loula Bulla, putting up Wack bdaeae, ... Aabebsm Courier, printing..., , S A Brown, oartM)ler work , A C McAUater.wuud, Anh.-b.mi Luaibir A Mff. Co., monKlnaw. Anliebara WusSa lnai Co., banok ban,.. J S Kree. wond, Won! 4 Muring, BMlse, McCrary tlasadiui Mdw. Co., naaka atn,.. Prof N W Walker, superinteadem. Cain Carr, acavenger s iw f AUaa Baldwin, aeavenger, 4 IIM Kelly Hogan, janluw, Mm Total for white nchoh IU CIII.OIIKIIUHAIIKIIHCHIKII.. I J A McKae. nupcrinteiiilenl K 75 Llule tiritluh. leaiber IM . I .uhl eoW. tuielM I . -. . WyattChnniber-.ctittlturwinnl Wood St Morlug, milae, Anheboin .1: Mlg. t'n., Ililnln'l. .. A C MrAlinlci. wnud K Homtl. mnnl llollad-Hnil li'lw. to., un Allan aulilwiu, .-ea linger.... Total fia uihired .vhmiln,. W J Tcague town trcimurer ending M.iv int. mii. Frsm W 1 Annftel.l, Pi-aUnl; inn. I. W J Miller, mi H I) Caudle, m ll KSI Total receipts,... Sundry outer. lows; Kroiu w J Armlleld riom W II Sjnnui ta Klolll K l.odrrilllll Kroii. H li Cauillc li Tidal reccl.ts,. .. Pd sundry ordem... Totnl dlshurscinentn, I, H p Caudle, clerk to the boanl of nioucrn for the town Anhelnim. N. C .1 eeitlfv the foreuoini! to be u of the nsx'ilKs and illntiurnt-inelitn ol the lail.lie luntb,of i fnitn May Int. 1UM, I May Int. I'.m.V ThU June Slh, IKI6. 11.1) UAt'liLb. Clerk. ilidtnir. enlltle.1 Andv lsirnt ora Hruy deceased, aKailint stMs-l of lilll.l in Oihhn- ciHiiit--, North t s-hich the naid flora Hrav died nl.-. onbuuliiBaliout tea acren. aim Is-lna fully ieserilH-d by the title deeds, by i. llicli nl.e held Thin .Inne 7th. IIWA. Business Local Nottooo Inaortod under this Koad at on oortt a word each Insertion. Uo to Sixmn A ldKlding for your go They deliver in town. Birfiins la Hsrsess, Vehicles, Etc. Hnving drcitled to make a change in ri ninoxs r will for the next 30 tlaya oiler some exceptional bargaina in second band harnesa. btiLUtiea, liacka and aurrcys. Also an extra nice lot of horses and mules for or exchange. AIcDiiwki.1. imoe, WANTED! Six apinnera. Six liog weav- ra. Apply to the rranklinville Sllg. ti., ranklinvillr, N. V One 4-room house on one half acre lot, corner Smith and Hoover streets, within 100 yards Ashe boro Chair Factory, can be boutrht at reasonable price by ap plying to A. C. McAfister, Real state Agent, rear room ova r Bank. Lost. Oupii fat-etl Ooltl wntch. Kluin work-.. II It S on Irark. Lilxral nwanl for return Couripr oitiee. For Sale. Plaiting mill plant and maeli cry located near Trov, Si. I'., on tnc A .v a ny. .i two shinilr mill oiilhts (villi 25 II P engi and boilers. Two saw mill oiillils. For further infuniialiou cull on or address IIEDDINII I.I MKKK t'o. Per Joseph A liedding Scov. A 'I'rcas , fi-20-4t. Milllsiro, S I'. FOR SALE Seed Irish Potatoes for July and August Planting. This is tlie lime to plant potatoes for prolit, making large yields of I lie very- Is'st scil for next spring's planting and also for winter Itiig do not In.tber tins crop a-. I lals.r greatly lessened. We olfer first-envoi sis'il of the lies! varieties eswially prepared for thin crop nt reasonable prices. . i.. Mvr.i t . t High Point, X. ('., II. F. I). No. 2. Lots For Sale. For the benefit nf homo seeker.-. 1 have de cided to sell aonie lots on my pro?rty situ ated one mile north of AnlieUiro on the Ituu dlonian road. Will sell four lots containing Iwitt 3 acres each or will sell all four lots in one tract. Two-thirds of Una land is well timliered and in well located for building lota. or jsiniculars applv to . W. IlltADl . Tins June 12, can. I '! "arm for Sale. I oiler my Innn for sale which is l.ieutod d quarter miles soii.-n west oi n onn It cnnbiina 1H0 ncroa, T.'i o.n for Ideation. Ilrniaiiider woodland. Iiood dwelling house, tenement, Isirn ntitl out building. Well and spring, t'ome and the place lor yourself. L J Miijiti liandleman, N ('. 6-14 4 t. For Sale. One 7 rtoom Dwellinc House, wiili a gixsl wall of wabT, Iwm and other IniUinga on one acre lot. tronting aouin rayewviiio mm aininan St, withiu ISO jnnla of graded school. JASPLIl Al JIA.N, South Asholuro. MAN WANTS lait linle Into Mow Inn wants that little gissl and die very Iwst jilw whole section to get Mtanctliing gisl and cheap is J. JI1UJ .1, SontU Ashelsiro. Seed Potatoes. I have a Ira) of fine fall poialoc for scefl hieh I will aril cheap. Hiry are very pro active, ure eaily keiit and arc geiicrnlly more profitable than tl.e curly crop. Will deliver them at Asheboro. A M HlHKfU. Kemps Mills, N V. iifaeturiiia H.sie Mancwhat fatnllla with Inr-sl terrttiM-v aa aesintant 111 brain b ..fllce Salary l" paid weekly. Permanent position. No investment rvquiiro. aw-iipe wuw.ra. 1 c wW. nnnrieniv not esacntlnl to CIIKBidllK. Ad. lis,. Maaaujer Branches, aa Dearborn street. Cnlcaso. (K) TO Hugh i Burn and get your Buggy Tire re-act in thirty minutes. Wanted. Eight or tea good tuniliea ol cotton mill help. Weama make 1 1 .25 to 1 1 .75 per day Siannera " 75 to I AO " Hpooksra " 1.00 to 1.20 " Unftera " 40 to 00 " Speeder and alt.bher 1.0ft to 1 SO " lira wing in naooa l is to i.m Twister in handa 1.60 to 1.7S " Will fonuaa tramriorUUoa to mpoaatraw familte. C. fj. KANUI.fc.MAN, rVpt Idia notion Mills, Olintoo, 8. a ME Bone or Baok Pains, 8wollen Joints, Itching, Burning tkln CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B.B.B. i is ' -.L P""Tti above McturM renretent I" Ok tMforaDd alter effect of Botnnlc Blood Bnlrafa.B.B.) Ii- On a meet severe case of Bhciimitlim. n u no fancy ,,. alaarebut a fenulae cane. It Uilmplr woaduful the eoea a B. B. has oa KbciaaaUca. It lavuroratea the - II Mood, maklDt It pun and rich, aad dratroriDf Om active 1 1 1 soisoB la the blood, which cauaea Um awful srmfitoua ;u af aiwsnnilliiB. I 'Jr. a. B. B. lunbeta tbe Joint, ffmebtens out the :unau a panati, mtiag gnu aru aU High Art We have just received 50 suits of Summer Clothing at from $8.00 to $18.00 per suit. Great values. Nice line White and Fancy Vests, Straw Hats, ollars. Ties, Furnishings, Etc., cheap. The prettiest line of Low-quartered Tan Shoes ever displayed in Asheboro. Be sure to see them. Very truly yours, WOOD & MORING. Chase . Sanborn's T Coffees the Most Popular. I HERE ARE STATISTICS TO SHOW IT: In the January number of "What to Eat" thoro is a very interesting article on "Successful Food Advertising" by Mr Thomas Balmer, advertising manager of The Delin eator. We quote a portion of the article as follows: COFFEE. JAVA. CHASE & SANBORN, 78 Arbuckle's, S3 White House, 25 Dutch, ' 24 Blanke's, 1 Lion, 1 Miscellaneous brands (being made up of brands any one of which was not named morejthan 5 times) 1(f) Total number, 374 Percentage of families prefering CHASEO A 160 per & SANBORN'S to all other brands, VU (87 cent. MOCHA. CHASE & SANBORN. i7 White House, 22 Arbuckle's 20 Lion, 14 Blanke's. 12 Miscellaneous brands (being made up of brands any one of which was not named more than 5 times) 34 Total number, 169 Percentage of families prefering CHASE "5 f 100 per & SAN HORN'S to all other ftlorris-Scarboro-IYIoffitt Co. Telephone No. 7. Free Delivery. i& JUafu Hair Renewed I Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps It soft and "lossy.1! I Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And It always restore 1 I color to gray hair. Sold fifty yrars. "ah's.r!.'.'Tg.C:;;1.,"'" ! I Shoes - Shoes - Shoes! have iust received a larre quantity of Shoes in addition to our large stock. We have as large and as good a line as you can find in town at prices aa low as the lowest. Greatly Reduced Prices! Also we have a lot of Shoes and Slippers car ried over from last season that we will sell at - greatly reduced prices. Examine our stock be for buying. Yours for trade, Ridge, Fox & Co, Take .The Courier One Dollar Per -eadlnf; 8jrmptom-Boa pains, idatlea o ihooUnx ela DP aad down tba let; achtas back of bouldei blades, swollen Jolata ot twollea Dnwdeal dtf flcultr la moYlna around ao yoo have to M oratchest blood this or ikln pale; ski Itches and buna; ablftlna psloi; bad breath; sclaUca, lumbago, gout, etc Boub!3 n Blood Bala (B.B.B.) will remove every rrmptom, flv ln quick relief from Ihe tint dose, and B. B, B. tande a rich, Uojllni flood of wans, rich, pure blood direct to ' tbe paralysed Derret, bones and Jolaut, rlvlof warmib ad tuenatb hut where it at Deeded, and to lb ll way ' ouklng a perfect, luting ear of Bheumatlim hi all lta forrnt. weak. Inactive Kldaeya One of tbe cauaea of Kbeumautm la due to laacdr kldaeya aad bladder. B. B. B. uteaitheaa weak kidneys and bladder, draining off all diseased matter aad aU uric add, ao tba una obwi freely and saturilty. Botanlo Blood Balm (B.B.B. I fa nleaaant - and ealo to take. Thoroughly teated for 30 yra. Gompoaed of Pure ltotanlo In groaients. Htrengtnena Weak Htomaehs, eurea Dyapopata. Prico al per large boa tie. Take oa directed. If not. eured when right quantity la taken, money refunded. Sample Sent Free by writing Blood Balna Co.. Atlanta, On. lieaorlbo your troulile and apaclal free medical advica to auiS yoor , ala aout la ld lotMr.- Clothing! brands. loo cent. Asheboro, N. C. and Get the News. Year in Advance.

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