E3 YOTJ GST vr WITH A XrAMB BACK? Kldae? Twubte Makes Ten Miserable. . .-.KvK- who reads the news- un U nr to kuow of the wonderful ' Mal tiv Tr. h Kilmer's Swatnp I Root, the great kid laey, liver and blad- M It lathe great med- real trinmph of the nineteenth century; discovered afteryears of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and Madder specialist, and U wonderiuny SeeifttlWxmptly curing lame back, TrSTtSt Jurrh of the Cudder and BriKkt Disease, which is the worst Wended for everything but f yon have SSeTllver or bUdder troublelt will be fowdfaat the remedy yon need. It has been tested In to many ways, in nosmta' wot k ead in private practice, and has pVovVdSomicci-ful In every case that a 12 arrangement has been made by wUchall nder.of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have PI bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell- Me. When writing mention reading this m.. i thin turner and send your addretitoDr.It'imer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The regular citoMi anil one- old by all good druggists. Don t make an mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y on very battle. A. I7I.PRESIMELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagous, Shoe Honea and do a eeneral repair bus- ineM. Second hand buggies always on hand at bargains. When in Asheboro gee me. Shop back of McDowell's livery stables. Yours truly, A. M. TRKSNELL. H. J. Burns Blacksmith. CHURCH ORGANS. I happened to think a few days ago that 1 liaduot aiokeu to The Coariir, (to use a nautical phrase) for some tune, ust aiuce lam winter posnibly; atul now, "AH Uic trees on all I lie lulls open tlwir thousand leaven." 1 know I am a crude anil curelean writer. 1 luck those classic, sympa thies which unable many ot my iU)rs oi tne pea tu give such elognni cxpressMon te their Uioufihis. 1 nay this by nay ol iiilirt- for writ ms. tunning that a lame excuse is letter than none. "They vo got a bran now organ ne Agin uiy voice and vote, For it was never my ilesire To praise the Unl by note." While reudinii lliotw old vena-a some nine ago I fell into u traiu uf thought which led me quite a aisiance in.ui iu ihuh mu. In the liret plui-e 1 fell to arguing the ad visabilitv of using iho organ in our diurclies. and by organ I do not mean the grand pipe organ, wrnan is souieiuui's jwn ui uvi't's and withont which the service would lie al mot a failure; but 1 have reference te these little sipiouty affairs which 1 think some call harmonicas; uud wlncli amount to jusl unipij source of contention in the ilmn-ii alumni- dav school; for strange to say ulioiit every mlier woman ill this world wauls to perioral upon the church orgaH, in other wonts wants to D6 organisi. tih! what visions of glury encncle annum this one word organist. 1 never was able i. understand the great honor which soetn ti overwhelm her who calls hersell organist. But it takes so little to make some '..n happy; and when a lady is rendered sublime hamiv "V twine ternieu organisi; nun .i..v- a uiwn these little siineakv instniiucnts (which in the majority of cases are mere in struments of tortue to tired nerves) let her I have seen the presiding genius in tne unpretentious country church' whirl the stool, nHiii.i the himn book: and hike her seat with all the empressment with which Alexander rodo in front of his vast armies liefore he got to weeping"! I have pondered this matter care fullv; and I believe of oil the lionois which have ever been conferred upon woman this one of being organist stand out alone. In itself, ns tne one great ining aunvr .m which makes the heart of woman glad. None of the crosses of honor, not even the ic lonan could have given any thing like the .inlouut of pleasure t the square inch. A laity can piay in uer wnui a. muu ... ninif over her very sweetest variations; and even warble the popular love ditties of the ay, she can it she has oeen lui.roiignij .!.. il.a ui.,,..-. rtivid in the elorinlls strains of Soart, Meudelseokii, t hopin uud other great masters, until her soul is tilled with the burden ot neaiitlliu memuy; imu iicr ining t wratit ill awe and admiration, but what is ill this compared to playing on that little l"iir .viavit ..roan in c ntlcU. wuicll 111 some cases sounds little better than a g"od .lisp'scl Krench harp, lint I snpmse there must iet line ex n iratmu or raiuer exuiiing ising no More a crowd of iplo and taking die stool of honor. It makes her feel 1 n.s us if she were the musical dina. this universe. I think this is the effect, and itisso iim.vcitt: and neither adds nor delrai t from anv one m the world; and when iile i, aivonlin l the i at hist found, the sh .oinc great ones idea iliug up, circhii; rs of the aclvd Id I lusted f hannoiiy .inn.) 111. dilice. the pillars imtrainen congregiii ion use that little female f..rin at tin ...lr ,,f .ill eves. I he bassm.l the treble quivers and treml.les, the M'daI ha.-k even- now and thei l,,.l. ,.r snuie old woman. But Ortonville is brought out. we catch tin- old time melody at last and ivilli .me lie eft. rl throw our voice and catch at the i U-iiiff plave.1 uiMjn the organ. Sometime' are fortunate, sometimes not. hut thn.ugh all this latching and turning loose ani.'i congregation, the organist is sublimely fcrent or unconscious, and keeps th tenor of her way. knowing that -he envied of .ill observers, the 'piacii w croivued and si'eptered and when tin songs with which our seriiif oj-mis h.i duly rendered, and while pr-ache r am gregation ai-e in a transiut .f bls-i The Boyt Who Work. Do you feel, voune follow, thitt you have a harel time? Youi hours are loner. Your task is hard and the wages rather small. 1 he contents ot your weekly pay euveiope will scarce ly carry you over t lie wee K. Nime tlmes von miiht wear pulrheJ tiotis- ers m a frayed coat. Your employer expects a great ileal mote from you. Other fellows dress well "ml always have money. Tlicy have coildliim fa. hers or mothers, while you tiil six- tlays a week to make a living. Never niiiid, youg man. You are way ahead ut the boy who lias every luxury at home. You are getting ex perience that he must got somehow later on. lit'cittise sooner or later, he must light the reul battle of life for himself. Andyott have the advantage. While life has been made easy for hiui, he lacks the dtili and discipline which every life soldier must go through. You are preparing your self. He may go in without prepara tion and fall. Work is a great blessing. You can not see it now, but ouie day you will say that you were fortunate in your boyhood, because you were compelled to work. Because you can not get power to do things save 'jy doing them. Look over the successful men von know. Ciet their history. Nearly every otic was compelled to work in boyhood. They toughened their muscles by hard work and sharpened their wits by looking out for themselves. Work makes men. Luck usually fails. Pluck nearly always wins. To succeed in anything one must over come obstacles. Force and fiber are built up by hardships. Often they are helps. ion will understand this better in twenty vears. Wean time permit one who has lived that twenty years, or more, to advise yon in this: Hang onto your job until you are sure ot a better one. liependabb bovs tiro in demand. Aud no boy can be depended on who does uot tt n is li the task he sets bis hand to do However disagreeable vour work ,lo it thoroughly. Doit better than the average boy will do it. In that way you will come to be known as a dependable boy. And nuud you tins .Men everywhere are looking tor ca pable, honest, gritty, dependable boys I lie sooner you let people Kaow that you are that kind of a boy, the sooner vou will got a better job. And do'nt be in a hurry to give up the work you already have. He sure something better m ottered. Wait awhile. Do your work well. Promotion will come. And rlo not envy the boy who has an easy time. l on would much better pity him. He has a good time now, but some day he must "make good". With his llabby muscles and his easy habits and his many wauts lie stands a far poorer chance than you. Kemeoiber above all. ; on tig fellow, you are making a man of voursclf. I'alatktt New.s. A Smooth Article. When you lind it necessary to use buhe use Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is i lie purest, and best for Soies, Burns, Boils, Eczema, Blind, Bleeding, Itching or FrotruUmg .hs. liet the. geunlne DeiVitti Witeh Hazel Salve. Sold by 8tmid- d Drug Ob, Asbeboro Drug Co. lakes her rat ; long . Horse Shoeing, Painting, and Repairing All work guaranteed as represent ed or no charge. Prices reasonable; workmanship the best. Shop at old stand on Fayetteville stroet. Yours truly, HUGH J. BURNS. J. R. STEED, DEALER IN Groceries and Fresh Meats I All kinds of fresh meats kept constantly on hand. (Opposite Postoffice.) equal while the seini. strange, it is ne of llie seven world", that music i ,.f the line flown from tune iiimicni. 'rial, s danced uon the sea shore, .11 birds sang togclhor In hauuonv -vf Kden; ihal this divine gilt ,! abusi'd and managed in such a i a continual source ol strife in th. .hi-.l. 'Oder. ..hand. ,-c Mia the l.-tl. Il.eg.irdi old lie y that it hurt h. r--: FOR S.M.K ll MOKRlS-Sl'ABBOlto-Mor-'KI IT M. SSHH"K'. N . LANBSALK. Rv vlrtuu of a mnr of sale eoutaine.1 lu the Isat will aud testament of Mleajah La-lter.dec'ri 1 will sell at the. home place ol Ihe sal.t Mleajah Laastter at tuuUo auction at 10 o'elock.a. in. on THURSDAY, Jt'LY auth, 100ft, to the hlshest bidder, for cash the following .In scribed real estate to-witt Trmet No. 1. c tiutteull tne wst -rs ut Lime s Crei-k .!).. nilin the lau.la of J. W. Luther. K. V. .1 ejlisu about Sa M- sold l.v ihe said lestator aim Is i conveniently located as to schools, church. other uiuvi'iiiciicc and Is fairlv well ti well watcrvl and Is good funutug Iniid and bui good tHiildiiiRs, such as dwelling, barn, outhouses and good veil of water. Tract No. '.' Adjoining the lan.ll ol S. T. Lanulilhi.,1, W. lAtiHlil u and othem cuntiiiiilug ..tu... rles. I will be lilt WANTED! Will pay spot cash f. o. b. your depot for All Kinds of Furs, Green and Dry Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, WooKwashcd or un-wahcd) We also carry a full line of Fiiuls anil Vegetables, Banttnaii, Orange, Lemoiid, Peiuiuls, Ktc, at ni.irki'i prices. Write for pi ii;es. FORSYTH flt WATKINS, 112 1'w is St. Oreensliiirn, N. ('. I.ANIiSAl.K. inter of -ii Ic ml the ft.Ho.ilni; rial e-lat.. 1 Ito.nli ..II. I "III.- 1 Willi Yl.ltll.ll! C.l.l.lc. .Indue H.v i.l.-.l 'it. .1" beullilillix at 11 I Judge Klaus' ll .e to Judge Kiuns' Maid. la l ..l.l.li'-- line. Illum e .11. .1.1 al.ioi: M. Oil. la t'.il. l.le's line t. . her ii.ru limit! along M.itlldn t'otitiN 's line I koutli's loru.'l, uiciit-e otKiiil S..UIIIH You Need a Hat!V. W. BRADY, You Need it Now. dealer in 1 -oil Groceries ond Country Produce. Call to see his prices. O.te mile north oiTAsheboro on Randleman Road. have thcin in styles and pi'. W'e an incrlaillg our ek, In ho ilniiin we net iho llev.. i-lliug goisis. i Inive an alllnilii led Dress N Is a t .nut ll'sl na.'V other novel! tes t nine to see me. Voui-k truly, Mrs. F T. Blair. tT ask. I sjU Fruit Paper Free ! (j'WTir.- mm AS Hortioilture, Crop i rrotlucts In the different Murk eta, Fntlt Trtlde M .ttw. liiM'fw of Tire IMniits l of some. It di: with --&AJ$i field to the mnrket.ln clndlsa TSrtMlM. colUltos, ttsaipoittltoa. and Ihe Soil sals la tU aa l''l'U f.nmnlion il l erowpr nf.l, wtiptlifr ht be n smswnrorrrofrnlensl. Freessnude roej -of the bnt Hsnteiilioml psrer sabllsM. fully '"""' ted. Ml.i.Mf mid lntmtlnf to tnj oiii) loelnl itti. btisli or Tint, enn r eriinsl by sddnwOif ThsNstlsnsI Fruit fJiowsf. St.lossh, auchljss lin.i It. null I ll.l .1- I'llll . 111.- of sale gnuiti-.l by the N . C . lit 1-Jn'uli. Klrst tract Begli knot In Alithonv Ki ton vine..r l.liiclt i lulie knot, thence l YVrlglitV Hue. tlii-lii IIIIIK eotltlillil. g le ; OlIK ll id tra. II. t Wiiere it ha Iwomc a Imne of conteii and creating factions in the church. Id s man preside. They make lietter orgai any way and while they are just as once in their wav, it is not uver l.hiviug organ: love to hear a good organ when it is plaved by skillful lingers, in fa.-t it is a necessity, tiie singing reouire jusl this instrument to bring out the depth uud volume of sonj; and 1 think the grand swell of the organ when touched by the hand t.f a master, as th notes soar aloft 'and break at last overcharged with their own intensitv :md then gather force again, .ulse aud ijuiver and nimble at last like a tired child soils and uiuaus hear the music bi One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dollars Earned. The average lnau does not save to cNcioit ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expensed for every dollar saved. That being the case lie cannot be too careful about unnecessary expenses. Very often a few cents properly in vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars out lay later on. It is the same in buy ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. It cosU but a lew cents, autl a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by Stand ard Drug Co Asheboro Drug Co Asliebom, V A Lnderwood Kaudle-mau. Extremely Low Rates. Extremely low rates are announced via tne ooumeru nuiiwuy point oil its lines for the following special occasions: Athens, da. Summer school, Jun liT-July 28, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle I.iMc Training School, July 3-Aug. 15. 15105. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle fun day School Institute, July 17 Aiig. 5, i:il)5. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Con gress. Aug. 1-15; 1!05. Nifhville, Tenn. I'eabotly College, Suniinei Schools; Vandcrliilt H.b lical Institute, June 14-Aug. U, 10d". Oxford, Miss. Slimmer School, I'niversitvof Mississijipi, .nine 14 July 2(1, int)5. Richmond, V a. Farmers National Congress, Sept. 12-22, lUUo. Tuscaloosa. Ala. Summer Scluxil for Teachers, June lb-July 2o, IHO."). Rates fur the above occasions open to the public. Tickets will be solil.to lliese piuiiis from all stations on the .Southern Railway. Detail information can be liail uii on application Ut any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of connecting lines, or by adilress- the'undci signed: R L Veiinon, J II Wooi. 1 l' A, I' 1 A, Charlotte. Aslieville. S II llARUWIt K, H TAVI.OK, I'. T. M. u. r. a. Washington, D. C. icr. Als-ll'. JT chains n old line, llu i-loii said line 17 the Is-miuiliiic c.intnuitiiK i slei p and nor care not, for tiie rierfonnei song is heard and our spirits w aud we hear the "Choir Iniisib "And the anthems of prais I iiceasingly roll And the smile of the lird Is the feast of the soul. for onlv der no L. M. FOX, M- D. ASHEBORO, N C. ODers Bis professional serrlcc to the cittsena oqAibeboro and surroundlnf eosaanmltr. Offices: At Residence- Jersey Male Calves at a Great Bargain with such breeding as Gold en Lad first prize winner over all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Pan-American 1901; General Merrigold aire of twenty-one heifers that old at an average of $144 each. The breeding of these is correct; prices right for immediate acceptance. Address, JOHN A. V0UNG, Greenhoro, N. C. v. II. C. MORRIS, . Vatchmaker. v v Jeweler, Dealer in Watch. Jewelry, SpecU- T-frrfS K7 epecialty. Work Cvuantmd. .-, , All The Money in California is not from its gold fields. Fortunes are made from the wheat fields and the fruit farms. Why not investi gate the chances there? Through train service Chicago to California, via Chicago, Milwaukee & St l'aul Railway, Lmon Pacific and Southern Pacifin Line. Kate for double berth, $7 Chicago to Han Francisco, Los Aneeles, oanta liar bar a or Sacramen to. Tourist folder, with complete information, sent free on request F A Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, or W S Howell. 381 is road way, ISew xork. Claud Bernard, the traducer of innocent virtue, the despoiler of home, has tint inaee between him- aelf and a bullet, while Dockary no better except tbat he n younger lies welterine in hit lecherous blood called to account by an irate father, driven to desperation aud madness by the act of a man who cnea out when caught up with, "I was uot the tint" While the you oe women. almost children m years, acted nn wisely to say the least, yet wn woum believe a word by either Bentaid -t Dookery with reference to the virtue of women. CHOLERA INFANTUM. CUM Net Expected to Ur froa One Has te AMtaer, bat Cares' ky ChMBfccrlaia's Colic, CHers aa Diarrheea ReaMdy. Roth, the little daughter of N Dewey, of AenewvUle, Va, was serionsly ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We cave her np and diu not expect her to lire from one hoar to another, be say: I happened to think ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy sr4 trot a bottle of it from the stois.. In tire hours I saw a change for the better. We fceta 'mer before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." " This remedy it for sals by Standard Draff Co Aibebffire Dnz Co, AsheboroL Buy It Now. Now is the time to liny Chaiiilier n's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later aud wheu that time couies you will need it it badly you win need it muck Iv. linv it now. It tnnv save life. K nrftaV liv Stand ard Drug Co Asheboro Drug Co Aslieuoro, n A Luderwood Uaudle-mail. Buiinsss and Slsady Habits. The Chicago and Alton liail read in its recent rules for employes has forbidden its men to visit race tracks, dance halls or any resort where liquor is sold or gambling permitted. Uood service, it holds depends upon steady habits, and both help insure public sattey. r)y way of example, ofbcials have quit carrying intoxicating liquors on their private cars or entering saloons along the line of the road. Such consistency is bound to command re spect among employes, if not neces sarily imitation. The company makes no pretense of carrying on a moral crusade. It hopes to live up to business princi ples which depend upon the compe tency and reliability ot its men "All the things which are prohib ited," says General Passenger Agent Charlton, "either tend or nngt tend permanently or temporarily to im pair a man's mental and physical powers. When Unipernce and good habits are made part of a man s earning ca pacity he will often cultivate them even if the loftier plesj of morality fail to move them New York World. Your Photograph Opportunity! Send any Photo with 25 cents and get 28 perfect Photos made from it, your photo returned un harmed. ; - ' 6 Photo Buttons 2 Sets. Your money refunded if not sat isfied. Potraits in all grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-Color, only 12.00. Best Cabinet Photos $2. to $3. a dozen. W. R. NEAL, Photographer, Randleman, N. C. 1'i-nilK tnii-llni.t lhir.lM.il n .will. ! !u Until un.l ni..ni i II.- lY-i-nol nil Mil I III- Will .l.i.i ..I I. ..i-.li, tin' rvi.uiii.li.: ... ix iii.iiitli,llii'.iii.-h.i-. rc i. l wfiinty iliiTt'l.ir, unl i li.lthurnr.li-r. il llu- iiu.rl ii. -lKi.-.. ii. K. HU M. A-lllir. llli.l (Minr ..il.-. I.tu L en .!!I.DT lT-fcO.lii) lib .inn. ; A Inilile of Ke-zine will be sent; free Vo every render of this iun r who is MilTerihg with any kind of skin disease or eruptions, :uiy form ' of K.pzi-tiiu, Wind or Weeding Piles, ' Scroftihi, Itch, Tetter, IWlers Iteh, Kills' vMirm, Hnils, Hlmn! Poison, Fever Sores of unv mime or nature. iJ.Ml ivitai'il will be .;ii'l for any ease of F.iv.i ma t hat is mil iiiiinit ly cured with rV-zini'. I e-zine will heal any sure of riire t'ie worst skin and make it look like u-lvi t. Here tofore there has been no Spri-iiif diM-oveleil lliat would cure l.l rl ut and kindred tliseasea unlit !'.c.-.i e ' a disintel'ed and i.nr, il.iut--.. ! lari-riired diiilv. Ixswe r:it lI !whoLt you Kave trie. ; liif.ii ; tin failures made bv : :t.-i .mi. .Ii -.-mid send for FREE vS A P'. f-L r I of Ke-zine, whieh always .1.1.- re lief and a permanent i-iiiy 12c zine 5kin Soap is llu- I--I .-tiitii'iplic soap niaile. Ii. .! cleanse imy tiling will destroy i. i erolies of dandruff, l'allin-hair, son head, hauds mid firt, pimples ami lihu-klieails on face and make the skin smooth. The only antiseptic shaving soap made, guaranteed-to eu re germ diseases $50 if it don't. i cents a cake. Write today to Boyd chehical cohpany, 708 Rand-McNally Bldg., i Chlcga, ill. The publisher of this paper knows ' the reliability of Ec-zine and of I Hovd Chemical Co. 1 WORTH WHILE ii I vii.HtfUsiiaCZai- CIVE VIM and deilre for work or play. Make a deaf brain, bright aya and awaat bnatlu MAKE LIFE CIVE VIGOR by maelrallr cnrractlna- llw, atomach and bowala. . SWiEdu Mm Jiatural alMp and aupeUtaol rouU. GIVE VITALITV by cleansing aU disorders from thMyatem. They cure Constipation, Indigestion, Blllouinois, Head ache, Nervousness. For Stlt by all DniggltU lOo and TfiO at BOX ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES Take The Courier and Get the News. One Dollar Per Year in Advance. AT TACTOR.Y PRICES The "Lundstrom" Sectional Bookcase. I . Alllmr I'.ili'. Hi ll I. ,m.. .lli.l I A .--.i MIT UK. ii. Innl T Ailln:i I-. Il.ul mi ... ...... i Is nil. t.-.l ll.l .1 oik- iiiiii .1.:. I.L will tilt-Ill. ai.ihi-i :ili. ii.k uii iieely ti On- i-niiri tin i ..iii.liiliii. 1 hi lulr .ttil, I'.n-'i, i i.m.'i- In ii..- , ml Siitunhiv. .l.-iiiiir tu lilt- lllllllllitll. w-ill iDOESTIC." Better Than Ever! "THE STAtf THAT LEADS THEM ALL" Letfal Advertisements. KK.fAl.lt OK VALl'ABLK TIMBtK. Bv virtue of an onliTol rculi' diantwt t.y the iiiimriu t .nllk-1 tracW. .Nu. 5, fl, 7, b and Known an the Htiuniliiirvi'r tnirt. inurt ul Kauili.llih i-ouuly il J X Brown nuti Mhiiim and othem. 1 iluill 11, l- hnilu-st bi.lfler, ui nn.' i-niiri iiiiuM- .i...r iu n-lKini, N. on SuluiYluy. On. Mliiliiynt July. 1116, at IJ o'clock M., Uiu lol lowing ooKiniwi I UliiUr lyiun ami 11118 in mi: touiinv" il Monro and Kundolpli.vli: TraL-t No. I. KUOWU tu uie ni.i w- niTltiril In tlic pe'iUon Ivlnuunil ln-lliK in Monrc anil Kaiiiliililioouuuu, mil dcrlbl lu tin- uoUUon ax Trnct No. a. it No. a. Lying anil bulim In Uie iinnily ol Ran.lrl.li on Kidy Circa, containing aw acn 'rtiU l iiil to 1 lino orlKiiial pine tliut-r. It . well loeiiK.il u to uilliuiiig lillil. A ii inn "iu- . r utori-Mii.l.miiitiniig iwr no limlulNivi 1 . an Iron Uia conflmation ol nttld Mile tu wliu-h hli h llicaUovetlinlivrlaiiUliiiiiiK l inn to Ur Ti rm ol sale, on -tlnr.1 inii, niiL-thlr.'. In nil .....ilu, .! tlilnl In IWL'lvt! tlKiuUis: Plir- cllawr to gi loud witn approvca aucuniy nn R-ar lutont trom .late ot conlinnatlon ol mild sale; nil.' to lie rmervt! until tiie lull uayuuniol tiie pun-luuie inouey. nils Jiiue a, iwi. The Sewing Miu-liine fur the hnnii in in. iim-iI l.v wile, mothi-r. ilauuliti' Tliut-HotirsichiIty. Kith, r ln-lt or I'hnin stlteli. - i-in-iilsni and prlueK. Domestic Sewing Ma chine Company, Newark, N. J. SEWING MACHINE. ROLLER BEAR I NO. HIGH GRADE. KXKCCTOR8 NUT HE. Havhui auallrtcd u exwuUir of II. N. Cox. dauMir, Mccurvliiig to law, this u to notify .vll sremtnni i saio esww k me wva .-iauui Wth day of Juiiv ItfUborthUnolicewtll U pli-wied to tmr of their leuivi-ry. All pymiui owing uua Sntate air miumtvu himmtu immwnnie jmyiacuk. June l0U.,.Wtt. is. w. bki. a,wuur. of Ii. N. Cux, dewMuwa. v virtu- f am order of rp-salf KrnitU'I ty Ihe mirior Court ot Randnlph county, hi tMtai Wnd AC tux kimI Kllfic ifillcr awairtat H H Bmakii aud win- Annie BmokB and H N Hnn Oilr I "hall nvll at Uiecourtliouiiudiioriii Anlie- bora, N. tJ. M pMtncucvKnim(uoniBiiw mnnt-r miurtmy tne mm aj oi juij, iwo n o - 1st tract. AtlioiiiliiK the laiidH of ft T Moffftt and other. bnKiniitnf at m none on the wtt Ride of th Kayettcvllle mad and nins wet 7 chaiiM and 76 links to a atone, thcucewMithrtchaliuand eiinlnttoa nwvet gum on tiie north tnk of Richland creek, thenuv up the various courm- of aUd t ret k !H 1- chaiun to a cedar, thence uorth W chains and links to a Htone, thence (nt B etuUuxarHt 78 linkH to a pine, them-e mmh l chain and 7" Itnka to a tom, thence eat ti ehavioH and fl Mnkn to a "tone on the west aide of the afore! d mad, Uientv south the varlow oouraeH of amid mad W chalna and SSlinlu to tne bextu-ilnft contain iuf 100 mt'.nm more or vm. nd tract, Adjoiniuir the lands of George Spencer, Martin Amnions and othem, bftrlnutnjr at a Make in a aurlnc kfavnln Ainmona' luie, run niiif north chain to a pile of tttoue. formerly a pine, Ueorfre riaenceri uorner, thence west t chslut aad m links to a pine, thenne aoutn It chain to t pine, thenoe aouth IB ivcn&t wunt V chaJna and n llnka to a pine stump, thence ea 45 cbsi ns and 60 tin ti ts the beginning, oontain Ing NS acrea more or lew. frtl tract. Ad'tf Ifeada of inatana Moffltt and T MolflM, beginnlni: at a puatoak sod ruuniug east one ofe tin ts a stake, thenot awrth 4 chains and M Uialu to s post oak, Umnws saat one chain to a taiw. thence north I ehslns and m I links to , uienoe wh s sbsuis so naxe in to Ofttfnal Una. Uienes south on said line 7 chains 7 1-i links to th t beninaian. emit sin I ng out sons Fourth tract Adjoining ths shove htssl trw t, ihua Moffttt and others, besrianlng st a bls-g gum and running north A ohsitH and 41 llaJn to a stake, Ussrs aass 4 chsiaw and do liakw ts s stone, theoos north 7 chains and at links tra strsne la Joshua Mndltt's luia, thencs wss CMifts and s unxs to s stsxs, ssud Momttt oss, tnenee srsaah u otasios and s7 Itnha to sens, MoAU-s ooraer, thenot south gg U 4sn aast 0 chai tin and lg Hnks to thg Iwgllinlng, goa tsiiaf 10 J -8 ti res mois or less. v itinns ot ssnssm.' u s. BArr, TbJa Bird 4f af iana. m. pil the BEST by tlioiisi e per Imok aecltnn, with diroppeurnift 00 . Tom ami axa ? l.UU each. it. Highly lini-heil in Sni.m Uuldf.n Oak. Iiiinlini! (ilu'iis ilmn, $1.75. without W Sent ns Aitiiih ti , fii'iulit iirejinid ilim-t from fuc- S-nd for t'nlAli.gne Jo, 0. THE LUNDSTR0MMF0. CO., Little Fill., N- V. Manufacturcra ot Sectional liunkraaca anil Filing raliinels. A liu.y . Prtiiifa Otldta I! . ..i ei-irle f..rt ... n.lnev Tr.mli - i . ol i. ln. Hieatii. M i. .1-1. Im-kai'tiii. It's U kj U-1 i "ti!jg2t3 -v r-tip.. tiiiptl V por. !n !i ; .1-1 Ion, f.Ws i, Ktvrnvi, Impur ..v.-U. li.-H.Unh.' iiii.ain Tea in lab' ine mads by j iriTau Dmm Company, Madison, Wis. ill DEN HUGGCT3 FOR SALLOW PEOPLJ BUY THF, NnE Special Tuesday Sales With each cash purchase of one dollar on Tu:s 1 dav of each week, we Rive you a coupon for that amount When you have gotten sixty (60) of these bring them to oui store and we will j;ive you Absolutely Free SEWING MACHINE A Dnnotl drwIvHliy tln"o wlio ml vri limi n f0.lKJ fM-M lni; Mnrliiiio fl ir t-0.(Kl. Tliutklml iifaiiiiu-liiiiooaii Lie Linit'lit from tiNorntiv nfmir dwili'M fnniiifl5.no to fis.00. WC MAKE VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The l'Yi'il iIi-tiTinlmn tin Htrongth r wi'itkiii'ss of HowinK Miirhlncn. Tim Ioublo Fp(1 rmiiliiiiiil with iillu-r Htn.iin )iiiit iiinktK the ,ew Home tliu Uxt bvwtng Slni-lilne to buy. WfflB forCIRCULARS STssS&S wc ittunutavturuund rlacs bttfuifpJri'Urtslng THfT NEW HOME SEWlNfi MACHINE CO. eaANoc. aiAaa JS Union Sq, N. V t'bliiuio. III., Atlanta, Ua, St. J-oul-.M.)., l)Hllaii,Ti'x.,Hna K ranolaoo, Ual 'OR BALI T W. W. JONES, Asheboro, N. C Mandsnmo Oak or Mahogany Rocker. These Rockers sell for 10.00 each to the trade. Call and let us show vou our full and complete line of House furnishinjfs. ' W-rv truly yours, Peoples House Furnishing Company, High Point, N.'C. LET US DO YOUR Printing:. WORK GUARANTEED h; PRICES SATISFAOTORT by buying thii reliable, honest, high grade tew big machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. MitiOTl Sewing Machine Co. BHi-YirCRE, ILLINOIS. OP VALUE TO FRUIT GROWERS. A Special Maf nine ana The Courier One Year for $1.50. A new ami attractive oflVr liy tin is that pf Tho NiitioinJ Fruit Grower in comliinalion itli Tin- Courier the two one year fur $ I ..TO. The NalHinal Kniit Oiowr. which i mliliKh- edat St. .loaopli and Bond .a IlHr.r, Mi.-h., in a ttoiilkly tlovotrd to tlio milijmt ui fruit growing wiuuu i. ibhiuw "n" '"v The Tariooa topi are diacnaaed I it apocial- iata, and it ta inralualile V1 every fruit You mav furwanl votir money for tlitai bination offer to The National Vniil Ci rower or to tkia paper. HAVE YOU INDIOESnON. Rovd'a arbon Albumen Tab let Pure Ciirbon of Albumen a DoaitiTe enra for inaiiraBtioii, ayipep- sis, constipatiou, hetnlnche or sour stomach from over eating or drink ing; $50 if they don't. 29 centa a pacbtfg. If jour dniggut dosen'i have them end direct to BOVDCHEMICAL COMPANY, 708 Rand McNalljr Cldf.. Opportunities in California The trade in the Orient is opening up. Our exports to Japan and China multiplied during the last year. There will soon be a tremendous increase in the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far East. Big opportunities for the man who lives there. Why not look the field over? Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30, 31, June i.August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour- . ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points in California, only. $7. Through train service. from Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the Chicago. Milwaukee & St; Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Lino This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.o p. m., and The California Express at jo. 25 p. tn. The California Express carries tourist sleeping cars to California every day. Both trains carry through standard sleepers. Caaaplat bfonaatioa taut free on receipt ot coupos with blaok lines ailed. W. 6. HOWELL, Oaal Eut.ni Af cat, jl roadw.r, MBW VORK CITY, P. A. MILLER, Oaaaaal r , . , 1 . CHICaOO, Street a4dreaa City Probable deaUoatioa. CAuroHaia I. ii.".nian, N. Q. J W A v o uer food Kandjemau. S r

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