The Asheboro Gouiier FBICB ONE DOLLAR A YEAB Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. The Stanly Enterprise, thut excel lent weekly edited by Mr J D Bivens, comet to ns not only enlarged to an 8 pegs 6 column paper but with a beautiful, new dreM of type. Miet FloMie Settle, remembered in Afheboro u a beautiful young lady, litter of Ex-Congrrasnian Thomas Settle, who ha been ou the I lege for MYeral years, and who has been playing ai "Julia" in the Education of Mr Pipp on the New Tork and London atage, is to be the leading lady iu the play dramatized from "The Leopard SpoU" and, "The Clansman." The initial pearance will be in Norfolk ou the twenty-third of September. At last there are indictments against the Beef Trust, the largest and meanest of all the trusts. A Chicago Federal grand jury has re turned twenty-one true bills and it is np to the attorney to see if the Sherman anti-trust law will hold water, of which fact there is little doubt in the minds of those who haie carefully eiamined the law Mr R M Phillips, editor of the Morning Post, was unanimously elected president of North Carolina frees A mo hit week. Mr Phillips is a worthy successor of Mr Varner who will wear the honor with oredit to himself and the association. W extend our congratulations. To president Varner who has served faithfully aa president of the North Carolina Press Association for tw years ii dne much ef the increased interest and the great popularity of the association. Did yeu erer see one of these bright handsome girls, full of life, and good nature and good will, loyal and true to their friends. Then, young man, did you ever match her through the years as they come and go and see how she loses interest in you as her circle of admirers apparently enlaage until finally while you arc still kept as a conremence aud a toy for "Auld Lang Syne'," sake more than for anything else. You lose all confidence of success which is promised to the finally faithful and lire withont a ray of hope. The funny thing about it is you don't break loose without explanation and let her go with her new found loTers to the demnition bow wows so far as yon are concerned. But men are foolish if not faddy and.wait and wait expecting the new loTers to tire of their feastine or honing sweetheart days to return. What is the end of 11 this no one can foretell. Some times, after a season when gay young men have all departed and you are left alone, or rather she has become older and left without, nnless its you, she convinces you that you were the one all the time and that is not all you have no more sense than to be lieve, although you know it is not so. Seme affect surprise when an old fellow like Hort Bower leaves th fold, and one editor says that if it is true he is constrained to cry out "There's nothing true but heaven While Mr Bower is a fine stump speakers and gentleman of fine ability, yet there need be no great surprise at his tumble. He was sleeted solicitor for eight years and served in Congress one term and then defeated by Linney. He has nver gotten in since then and last year was defeated for the nomination for Congress by a countyman M: W 0 Nswland. He did nothing in the campaign, snlked in his tent He wanted office. It is said he has lost his old time snap and vigor, that he is in his dotage before yet having grown old. Of one thing there is a certainty he wants office and is dis appointed. It is said he has been promised the assistant district attor neyship now held by Mr A H Price, of Salisbury. This snllenaess and change ia not strange. Such is hu man nature elect fellow to office and then quit electing him when he don't voluntarily retire and he is the ten rest follow on earth. Under such cireneutanoea he will fuss and fame and talk about had treatment when he has been treated better than any' body turned down, that's all. There to lia all tVe tr.uM. . aa amwLji.j .i. ffffawflj Casjancissl exewrsloas in Pullman Tourist sleep ing oars froce Chicago to San Fran aMt Lot Angeles and Portland, witMct cliinge, via the Chicago, Usms nmue ana Aartk-Weatera Lite. Cotatiat tot-way tickets will be m Salt tlariaef September and October at alj 33.00 from Chi- wo, vitai eoi wepoadssgiy low rates f mm ftr powts. LtonUt berut in twri4 Ipi3f cart o!y J 7.00. lf. kh, Vila rapt and tall hfcnua&ai tent a wwpt f 4 m tfwwr. 8 jwskjn, P NEWS ITEMS. Many Items that Are Sure to Interest You. Winston is to have a new hotel which will cost $100, 000. Floods in aud around the city of Baltimore last week destroyed $150,- 000 worth of property. The directors of the penitentiary have raised the price of convicts from 75 cents to $1.25 per day. An exchange says that the cele bration of the glorious Fourth cost 59 lives while d.loU were injured, more or less. David Wheeler and wife, colored. were committed to jail iu Wilming ton, last week, for brutally beating a o year old child. Hon Elihu Root, of New York. formerly Secretary of War, has been appoiuted Secretary of State to suc ceed the late John'llay. Gov R B Glenn has accented an invitation to be iu Salisbury on Labor day, September 7th. Salisbury aud Spencer are to havo a joint celebra A tornado swept over Montgaue county, Texas, last week killing twenty-six and injuring about nftv and causing a property loss of about fzuo.imu. The American Cotton Company with an authorized capital stock of $250,000 and a subscribed capital of $40,000 has been chartered at Grecnsboio. J Lee Armstrong, postmaster at opencer, lias been removed from office, beeanse of defaultiug in gov ernment funds to the amount of nearly $300. The leak in the Government's cotton report has been found with the result that two oi three employes of the Agricultural Department have been discharged. The Russian and Japanese Peace Commissioners will hold their sos sions at Portsmouth New llauip sbire on account ot the excessive heat in Washington. Secretary of war Tuft, Miss Alice Roosevelt aud a large party of United States Senators and Congressmen sailed from San Francisco on the tfth for the I'hillipiuc Islands. The State Bar Association which met at Toxawav last week elected Clement Manly, of Winston, presi dent. J Crawford Biggs, of Dur ham, was re-elected secretary. Southern Pines and I'inchnrst are two prosperous towns in Moure county inhabited almost exclusively by northern people and negroes are uot permitted to live in cither plat- Mr Worth Ro84, who has been in the city for several days on a visit to his mother, loaves today for Wasniugton, wnerc be lias a position in the post otlico department. Ureensbnro lelegram. Engineer Joe Stedman, of train No 3b was hurt in a slight wreck at Greensboro liwt Saturday night; his injuries were painful but not dan gerous. Sir Med man was at one time engineer on our road. The profits of the Raleigh Dis pensary for the fiuarter ending July 1st amounted to $14,000, an increase over the previous fiuarter of Sl.oOO, Of this the city gets $5,G00 and the Hake county school and road fund $8,800. Mr B F Pavis, night watchman for the Dixie and Elks Furniture companies at Lexington was found dead on the railroad track early Itiesday morning. It is supposed he was killed by a passing freight traiu. lie leaves a wife and live children. The A W Vickory Company, of Greensboro, has been chartered to manufacture handles, spokes and other hickory products. The au thorized capilul stock is $25,000 with $7,000 paid in. A W V ickory, formerly of this county is general manager. Mr T J Copeland yesterday awarded to Mr i-arncsr, bimms the contract for the erection of a large double flat on the lot aJjoining his home on Blandwood avenue. The building will be equipped with water, electric light and gas and other conveniences. Greensboro Telegram. Hal Ayer State Auditor under the rule and ruin of fusion went to JSew York and got rich in the cotton brokerage business. He lost it all last week in the "flurry" and got drunk and was taken to the police station because be was, as be said himself, "Not fit to be about Mr Will II Matthews will make Greensboro his home in the future. He and Dr Battle have sold out their saw mill and lumber interests at Pee Dee, S. C, to a Tennessee concern. Mr Mattnews, However, will continue to do a lumber busi ness, making Greensboro his base of operations. Greensboro Telegram. Plenty who will criticise Mr Row er for changing his political affilia tion would do the same thing if tnay should lose their office as he did. A man fifty years old must be care ful about engaging in new business of any tort. He will find no ring for his band; no tatted calf and no rejoicing over hit pretence in the ttepnblican camps. Col Bower is not tne sort ot game the party ia hunting. The Republi can party hat all the sensible men its managers want, w nat tner desire ia a whole lot of fools to rote for those who want to hold the offices. Salisbury Sun. Dlitrict Confersnc t RamMur. -j Randlamsn Itami. . Greensboro district conference will ! Di and Mrs Paul R McFadyen meet at Ramseur N C July 20. 1 made a trip to Greensboro on lust There will be preaching the night ; Saturday. before but tne contereuce win not oiiss oessie nuncu reuirnuu w meet until Thursday. All members ! High Point Wednesday. of the conference are requested to be Miss Susie Foushec, of Greensboro, present at the opening service. S Is Turrentme win preside. Rev Negro Kills hit Brother. Friday niirht the two sous of Giles McConaughey, of Cleveland, were scullliug for the possession of a gun. Xlie two uovs were hdouc io who has been on a visit to Miss Alice Ingold, left for her home Tuesday. Mr 'i E Marshall made a trip to High Point Saturday, returning Sunday afternoon. Mr V O Hammond, of Asheboro, was in town Tuesday on business. Mrs earn iiowniun, ot spray, is J T aud 18 years of age, the sons of a well-1 hcru ou a visit t0 her father Mr liked colored man. There is no way gtw(i of explaining the accident, but the Mr p lngold left Friday for gun discharged the whole load in the j jiori.ueaa City. leg oi me juuuKei uuj. Miss Nell Sluck, of Asbeboro is from the loss of blood, lherc is a B.)enai,lg 80metinie here visiting half suspicion that the shooting was : l,moug relatives and friends, lutentiouul, but there has bceu no Wn ur Ha.! to note the imnrove- arrest. Salisbury Sun. mpnt ;.. ti. riiition of Mr E- P i Haves, who has been unite ill for Wanted an Education. 'several days at his home on Main A few months ago Mamie Gibson I street. ,. ii ni.i moiint.-iin irirl. nivd Mr Walter Gregson, wife and a passenger ami mixed train ot tne, cnuureu, oi rtsneuuiu, ioii. ..i.r Southern Hallway from it wreck near j uitrmg mat Mm 'lit iv Mwiiiir it bi'fori! it Mt joe i resncii, nno una uteu reached a slide 45 feet long and located at High l'oint, tor some ume ind 0 feet deep. She then recieved ; past, nas removeu to ivauuiemaii, nnitn a nixn littl..,. frnm the1 Prof and Mrs J I Loot), ot liam- imsseiiperfl tor ler deed. seur, ere iu iuwu Recently one of the officials of the I Cobb is organizing a music an art road went to see her and gave ner;Ciass among wu iami.u $25.00 aud asked her if there was people. any thing else she wanted; she told . Mr Henry Sandmeyer, Wash- hmi 6he would like to have an can- ii;i"u IlJ "" cation so money has been furnished me past ,"""" mid arrangements made for her to en-: tor the tinted states census mi ter the Normal and Colligate school i reau. :.. au..;u.. t... .... r ..f,.,, ! e regret to lose Rev and Mrs .i,. .;n t..i-., i,,,.,.,.". ,,.. ! Amos Gregson. who left Widnesday tor their future nonie at uoon inn, S. C. Mr Uregson's influence in the Beglna New Butinest. religious lield here will lie greatly Mr I. liiehiirdson. who' recently missed, he having been an active and sold his interest in the L liicliardsou earnest worker for many years. Mniir (inniiiiiiiv him n.nfml inn , Mr June Fox. who has been iu storerooms in the new Noese building Mississippi since Inst January, is here on South Davie street, and is having : spending his vacation at the home of a chemical laboratory built in one ms uroincr, i-r u li rox. room and a lain hottliii'' nlant iu- Mr C 1j Cranford anil daugntei stalled in the other. Mr Richardson Miss Esther, of Providence, spent states that he expects the lalwatory lhiirsday in town. to be completed this week. Under ; Mr Will Pickard is enjoying a ten the I rm name of I. Kic isirdson. uavs camping trip at me nuo. Manufacturing Chemist, he will Ho left here Monday with his team, manufacture exclusively Vick's a cook and all necessary equipments Family Remedies, the copyright of for camp life, which he has purchased. Miss Sallie Redding has returned The niarhinerv for the liottlinir from Ashevill works will arrive in a week or two.' Mr T 1$ Brafford and family have and will be put up i in mediately, and removed to Rundlcmuu. Mr jjnit- the Plant will probably be running torn lias oceu located at opray, . by the lirst of August. Pepsi-Cola C. for u year or more. and soda water will be the products. ; 'Ihe Raudlemau Mfg. Co. hag re- Mr n S High will manage these ; cently installed two wucmmproveu works, which will lie known as the Sampson Water Wheels. Pensi-Cola Hottlitiu Plant. Greens-1 At a meeting of the directors of boro Teleirram. '. the Randolph Creamery Co. Mr - , N Bulla was elected secretary and treasurer to succeed Mr A C Milli He Has Been Converted. The Creamery is now furnish- The best way to make a decent ing the hotels of High Point and Narth Carolina Republican unit that Jackson Springs with "Golden-rod party is to let him go where he can butter." see t lie workings of that party, where a they have full plav. Mr. W. A. Pruitt, writing from Derrydale, W. , , Va, to the Alleghany Star, confesses . M,'T1!, "''''I" i1',:"'1" a i-nauge oi man .mil wiyn; , .jsfl .cor;i .Millikan hai Ixvn usiliiij; at Ir vou will give me space in your Thomasvilli- tlu THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College COURSES Literary Classical Scientiflo Pedagogical Oommercial Domestic Science Manual Training Music Thivo Coursin lcnlin lo tli-Rieivi. Well niiiijiKil Training S-limil fur Tiuirliora. illr niinibt'rs ."i0. Houril, iHiiniln-, luilimi, unci foe for use of tiwt book, elc, 1 70 u . 'For froc-tiiiiion Blmli'iils. .J.". I'or iiou-ri'Mdcntu of the Slate, Fourteenth lal session lie-ins SepteinU-r-l, li'O.'i. To rcui-e Inianl in the ilonnilorieH, all free uli aiili alioiis nhouiil lie inncle lfore .Inly I 'orn'siumleiuw invited fnml thoie de g eoinivlent Icilcliora aii'l sli'noyr:iiilii'r. ' l-'or i-alaloi; uml ollu-r infonnation, aihlrosii CHAtlLES D. McIVER, President, Greensboro, N. O. valuable paper I wish to state that 1 am no longer a KepiiHlican. 1 was raised up to hate the Democrat ic party, and when 1 left North Carolina I thought the Democrats were just awful mean, but since I have been in W Va for the lost live years, w here the Republican party , r,. , rules supremely, 1 have changed my mind. For instance, Fayette county, 1 am which is one of the wealthiest counties in the State is in debt J 100,000, and i no kopes of getting out of debt." It is a pity the Democrats couldn't iU,4 give all Republicans like Mr Pruitt w i trip to West lrgunasotlicv could , get their eyes open. It would do' them good and bless the country too, News and Observer. picni.- at Tli Mi.,- Klelhi. lave U pie attended the Orphan maitvilui the mill. l-'.lder and Arlie Cranfoiii ting at linilfonl Lollege Hi A liiiinl-r of the l.ivs fioni hen' eelehrati e l-'oiiith at Guilford ltuillc (Irouml. jN.rtod u line time. JlrJ f l-.Mer returni-.I Ironi I alitorni.l, . cinee. where he ha.s lieen lor aliuut (Had to have him liaek nttii m Cedar Falls Item. . Monlie .leiinin'H, 'un i liuhlin sH.'nt tin Ml- I'aiv i- jvirents. ic liooUK twirih at itiee, o reutral Falls, and Mr It I! Haiti here la County Correspondence. Carraaay Itami. Fanners are Im.y thn-hinj wheal and la in ly eorn. Corn in liHkiu line, hut wheat is not M);ood in this aeetiun. The lee ereaui supjier iven lv Mr V' F liiihlin-'. war Ir A M Holla's last Satmdav .yeiiinasxerTniu,-l,eiij..yi-il l.y nil present, j h,me at Worthville last Tl: Ihe ice cream w;i. plentiful and ffood. Misn Ida Jarrell, who has lieen quite ill ut Troy, where she has U-en visiting, is very inneh better and is exsxted home in n few Mr and Mrs 1 1 II Stout are visiting relativ iu Ilih Point this week. f Miss I.illie 1 .Ui'rtu h ie irsitK-d heejioeitie with the (eilar rails .Miu lo, and reluniei to her home, near Seaerov Mr l.'ImrleH Haiu who h.-u Kn ipiite eiek is uuprovinu. Messrs V C Free mid .1 J Coward an- visiting friends and relative at Winston Sahni this week. Ida Usslier and Eslelle Kinu visited in .sheUro hint Tuesday. Mrs .1 V Kroe who has lieen visitinjz lit M II Free' for some lime, n-tilrned to her Mil Aconite Heme. uiii .inon who has lsn SH. Olivet Item. ig critt Mi Miss Sug is visiting her mother, 111, at her home near Gulf. id .Mrs C M Tvnor and children ami I let bii-k is improving. Hussell Williams and family visited lli-h Point Sulurlay and Sunday. Tlie iee eream aupper at Mr BraotMii Satunlay evening was u most enjoyable affair. Addie Lowdcnullk, of High Point, is visit liertnide Teagne returned Monday from I '"ft Uli el""n. ..." enm where thev had lieen visiting Mm ! . Mr Jo" V "eanon who lias lieen v Tysor's sister, Mrs IlaHcom Cavenesii. We are having refreshing showers, and com is looking tine. Misses Blanche and F.velvn Mnlhtt visited in this couiinunitv Mondav. The nrotructed meeUni; at Mt Olivet lie held die Uiird Sunday in August. Every bottle w rranted, bat not on retnrned, is th i report regarding Dr Sett Arnold's uaitam (tea nest Summer Remedy) from a' Urjre iMtmber of Druggists in the Sooth. 'I km ri!mm is warranted to yon by Wnt Ramteur Heme. The farmers rejiort crop prosjiecta iuite encouraging. Miss Cornelia Wilson who has lieen con fined to her room with sickness for the past ten month has improved so much that she is alile to ride out. Mr J b Dixon entertained a lot of friends at bis home Saturday night. Yccal and ins trumental uiusjc were features of die evening which will tie long and pleasant ly remembered by the guests. The Kamseur Canning Co has doubled its capacity. It ie now located at the Spring near J O Forreetor'a on Frmnklinville .St. The infant child of Mr and Mrs U H Brown is quite sick. Mr and Mrs Henry Jones, of Frnnklinville, are risittng Mm Jones' father. J T Turner. Mr and Mrs Charles pjlout, of Greensboro, are YisiUng relaUva. Mr T H Ellis, accompanied by his daughter Miss Heesie left to-day for Harpers X Koad where be goes to sec hia father, Mr Labao Cilia, who ie quite sick. Iiiralls tt1a the TORPID LIVER, atmxtlwa Om 4!raW ss-gssi a, itata th ksswaai, sua are a ANn-BaiS MEDICINE. a lairM Jlstrlrt Stair Milan Us mscsa trass iim gaawly ar cssrtia. T&9 No SubsUttites Iuh father and mother Ii mitiglmm, Ala. Several of otirtieoplrattend'-d tle at Klu Springs taut Snndiiy. Mihhth N'eitip, IVrtie Mnd Mar (sad vittited their old home place rwcntly. We regret to note the duath of Mr aSi SnerMvr. aued aliout Hrt vearn who died July llh &ml waa laid to real in the cemetery at New Hope, the aixtJi. He leuvea one noo, Mr J II Spencer, of Why Not, and four danuhtrre, Mr Alfred Sunaon, of Burlington, Mrs Kdmtmd Tiwker, of Searove, lUra Zeao Iewullen, of High Point. Mrs Henry Ikan, of .Vngrove, ami a hOHt ot Iriewi. Mifn Vellie VuncnnoD is visiting at Han dletimn. MisNu I'la and Ina Dean of Seagruve tt. K U No 1 viitited their inter Mimn I.illie at Mrs Siwncer'H Satunlay niglit. Mr J 1 Spencer vuiied LU aunt Mra R l Snoitt-er Saturday night. Mrs Coru JoIidkoo und Mr Ida ljtwrence attemled the burial of their grandfather Mr Alex Spencer last Thursday returning borne r rioay. Mr J S liowis aud family vwited Mr lwi iiother at Candor tSaturday and Sunday r turnins Monday. i H Spencer vinted at Mr J A n'pesoer'a Monday nignt. Mrs Alfred Stineon and daaghtor Martitia attended the ha rial of Alexauder bpencer last Inurwlay. I. A. 1. ExcttrilM It NkbejsMa, The Seaboard Air Line will run an exenrsioB to Richmond from CbarlotU and intermexliate poifltf Tnesdar, Jul 3 8th. This will be a great opportunity to risit Richmond u thii tc bed ale rivet two wkole dayi in that nit. The ronntt trip raU from Aberdeen ia $2.50. Fartiee from this ectioo will take the 8:15 . m. train on the A ft A. 906ting 1,00 round trip Asheboro to Abcr- beorj and take toe excarmoa train at 11:18 p, m. Special reserved Seat 60 r i I 9 per, cent. 9 per, cent. Desirable Property for Sale. Would You Call 9 Per Cent, Clear of Insurance and all Taxes a Good Investment? I have three houses, lately built, with 10, 12 and 7 rooms, located in a desirable part of Asheboro, 150 yards from Sunset Ave., and within five min utes walk of the post ofhee or any of the factories. They are all under rental to good and prompt paying tenants, and several new residences are un der way in the immediate neighborhood. Land is rapidly growing in value in this part of the town and good judges say prices are liable to double within a year. If anybody has money lying idle or drawing six per cent on a mortgage, you paying the taxes, come to me and I will sell you a safe investment showing U per cent clear after insurance and all taxes are paid. J. D. Simpson. Baptist University for Women. hipl 'iua. yi. n in Uip Art, KrirniTH ami I'liiliwojiliy; in Music in Art ami in Kn'siioti. l.'iiir's of Sliuly ninihir In those in Imys colleges. Kecila tion H'riiHU, line hour rni-li. Faculty of six men ami tuoiity-lour wouioil. S Iiih'I of liililc taiiahl liy a full prailiitilo ot Waki' Forest ami Xewton Then lopiil Seminary. Tli.noiifjli IIumiicss Course. Kiivlleut equipment for teach ing Clii'iiii-try, 'lliolojjy, ami I'liysir. School of Music, with a Faculty of two men ami six women, mid iiiiMiriusscd in the South, The comfort of sttulents lookcil after hy n Imly iirittciial, holy physician, two matrons anil n nurse. lt.vinl. Literary tuition. Heat, Lights, llutlis, Fivs for Physician, Nurse and I. ihrary, i 1 ;.'"i r session; in the l luli from ? HI to ? 1.) less. No discount tunny; every In uly pays cxuctly the none rales. IWicveU to lie the cheapest school of ilsVradf iii'tlioStulli. For further information address President R. T. Vann, Raleigh, N C. COLUMBIA COLD MOULDED CYLINDER. RECORDS Ba Keconfi for use a. aN tyes of Cyliader . TaNJaf MacMoea CranS WrUm, Parte, Cylinder 6rahophone from 5 to $100 5Ml (or latest fatla COLUMBIA PM0N0CBAPM COMPANY, vca 3ss So w 1 1 ' Irsizt I Y j ST. tOt) IS j Franklinville High School, flale and Female. for their life work, Sv nrnke Muthoiiintl.K. Kucli-'h, l.allu. Bmik-keeping knd Muttle a io'lnlly, ami 4e all i lor the ni'veinpinnu oi our put urn, imyMtiui) niomnj inn mruiaii. ru-rlv. Melah nwiinled iwirtmont. hptH'iiil tminintt fr thom; wiHhiiiti lo tuicn. next icnn omn Aug. 7, iwn. Kur furtticr .11 formation, atlilitft D. M. WEATHERLY. Principal, FrMnkllnville, N. C. TO DELICATE WOMEN You never get well and strong, bright, hap-' py, httrty&nd free frbffl pain, untityou build go Vour constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-rnaklnf tonic, like It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink if lJEfbannlM medicinal Ionic, made from regeUblo InCTOler Yfysh ttiim (smale pain and distress, such as toa&ob. baefcehfc Jjofcsl ache, (fidnesA, chills, scanty or profuse mwwtra aUoo, dragjlog devn p;na, etc. , It Is A buHdjjg. slrength-maklog medicine for tromen, the only medldne tbat ii certain to do you good. Try It Sold by every druggest in $1.00 botUes. vnzii ci a unit freer ana fianWr, tn atrtrtst otnae eaU, tajKnc all your tyM,tcmt and rfae. We rta eand Ifm advice plala esaM eoveicee), how to aft, tfdrasa: UAf AovKnty Vh., THe Chattaaooca MedldM Ce., -Toa ao mots of ataa," writes Mrs. F. L. Jobm, of GaUatte. Tena.: "For nnoa taklac Carfai I have alnaa IS thm arvl i wi kt.K than tor Om part Twrs, I MS arf awoana Dial una a werta m 4(M la foU to a aoMat hvSk." Avers Pills The great rule of health Keep the bowels rcjulsr. And the treat medicine Ayer'a pills. IJl.Tt- wwmui yci!!iailMI'S DYE Lewis Si Winslow Hardware Co. We are in the market for you trade and are offering Hardware at prices that will get it. We have a full line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Builder's Hardware, Steves, Ranges and Hollow Ware. We keep all kinds of tools for the Farmer, Carpenter and everybody else. Barbour Buggies, Nissen Wag ons, Champion Rcapers, Mowers and ReJtes We keep Window and Door Screens, Kitchen Hard ware, Cutlery, Agate Ware, Rubber and Leather Beltings, Steam Fitting3, Packing, Wrenches and about everything you need We can make you money if you will trade with us. Lewis & Winslow Hard ware Company. Asheboro, N. C. ew Styles in.... pring & Summer Clothing! The latest styles and patterns can al ways be seen at my place. I am show ing a pretty line of .suits at $10, $12, and V$15. It will pay yeu to look my line over before purchasing. Also a b5g assortment of HATS, COL , LARS, TIES and SHOES. . "KEITH K0NQU0R" Shoes for men are the best to be had. See them. W. J. MILLER.. 1900 Washer. Why order a 1900 Washer from the fac tory when you can buy it of McOrary-Reddlng Hardware Oo. at the same price ana save freight? If yon will call at our store we will be glad to show you what the 1900 Washer is, and we feel sure that yon will agree with us that it ia a Labor-5avlng Hachlne If you are in need of other hardware, we can interest you. McCr&ry-R.eddlng Hardware Company. IMC0.sOaT(O Capital Stock $30,000.00 RALEIGH, N. C. Pullen Building. J CHARLOTTE, N. C. Piedmont Ina. Bid. THESE SCHOOM OIVB the wnrlil's hurt 111 Imalrm Duslnna Education. Otdcrt BvsfoM Cnltnre In North Caroltaa. mitlnns giisreiilml. lau'lied by a written contract. K. mixtion. liiillvMuallniitnictkMi. We also cch BmUi.kwplnfr, shorthand, Penmanship, by mall, ftetxt for Home Mud? rate.. Writ, lobar lor our dtaUsjue, often snd High Kodoncasnta. Tawf an ttm. Addnsa, KINO-a nvatNESS COLLEGE. aastaK. H. C.Cti4iM X We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield & Laughlirt. Real Estst Dealers, Rock Hill Buggies. We beliere if you yill look around you will find more ROOK PF-T- BUGGEES in um than any other high grade buggy made and told through this section. ' They art made of the rery best material, and one sold la a section eells more. U you are expecting to by a buggy, please consider the ROCK! HILL before pnrohaslsg, and If we cannot show yeaj. ' beyond doubt, that it will pay you to buy a Hock EUL we cannot, of course, then expeot your business. We trust yon will giye ue a trial. r2cCr;ry F.cdtUng Hsxrdwcro Cosnpariy. . " . ii, O & II V Fy, Caiasfa, . Stasdard Drt'l Co, - i oecta one way, " ' ;

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