t?:n tt M o Ca Aro Esdi tiKoongcssadleuentambition; beaaty, bcm aoon disappear thearirinevsare out of order or dia- Kidney trouble bat become so prevalent that it if not uncom mon (or a child to bt born afflicted with emiaurwale.ioooiT.eii, u mc urau eia.u. tha fleah, or if, when the child reaches an are when it should be able to control the jaaaage, it ii yet afflicted with bed-wet tintr, depend upon it, t because of thtdiffi enlty i kidney trouble, and the Srst step ihonld be towards the treatment of these. Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to habit aa most people suppose. Women as well st men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Rot is soon realised. It it told by dn.grf.ts, in fifty- fSmm. cent and one-dollar - size bottles. You may J have a sample bottle 1 . w by mail free, also a ss pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, Including many of the thousands of testi tnonlal letters received from sufferers cnrad. In writing Dr. Kilmer & C., Binghamton, N. V., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mis'-ake, bnt remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rot, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. A. ktl. PR ESN ELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses and do a general repair bus iness. Second hand buggies always on band at bargains. When in Asheboro see me. Shop back of McDowell s livery stables. Yonrs truly, A. M. PRESNELL. TIRES SET Quicker and better ami wjll run longer withnni lofin ing than i possible when eft tee old war. Will aiv just tlie desired amount ot dish to tlie wheel. So guess work about it. Xo burnt or charred felloe surfaces to wear away aud loosen the tire We Set Them Cold. No steam and water soaked felloe surfaces to shrink awav and loosen the tire, no lnirnt paint to replace, we do not OX r.il DISH nsr UN UK ft MS1I. We guarantee work and refund your money if not satisfactory. Come and see the ma chine in operation. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. J. R. STEED, DEALER IN Groceries and Fresh Meats! All kinds of fresh meats kept constantly on hand. (Opposite Pootoffice.) L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. Oilers his proteaaiorjal service to the citiaetn ottAaheboreland surroundinf cossmonlty. Offices : At Residence' Jersey Male Calves at a Great bargain with such breeding: as Gold en Lad first prize winner over all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Fan-American 1901; General Merrigold sire of twenty-one heifers that sold a t an average of $144 each. The breeding of these is correct; prices right for immeautie Bccepuuice. Address, JOHN A. VOUNG, Green boro, N. C. if. C MORRIS, Tatchmalicr. V V JcvIer Dealerin Vitchc Janrelry. Spct eke r -c-'rir!? my apecialty. Work Gc-mnteed. - SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN Elacted By the Board of Edu cation for the Ensuing Two Years. TRINITY TOWNSHIP. Dlitrict Mo. -w O Burls, Cast 1 Purlin, W Heddlck. Dtilncl No S-L C Andrews. John W Bill, Had- LSraoa. latrlct No S Dr 1 D Bull. W If Mred.J.Red- dlns. PMflet Ns 4 B c Fiord, r c Lambeth. District No 4-J P flnllatt. II T UndarwroJ. T 3 rllKh. DUIrlct No S J F Meadenka I. R E Mtnden- hall, C W Wilson. NEW MARKET. District No 1 R L While. O O firsr. D U nhn. Dlitrict No tC Oeltralne. R B Srwncer. .1 R Cultralee. District Na t-B T Hides, grdner Beeeon. I N Psrlow. Dlstrlet Ns t1 A Wall. John BMaon I T Heck- emit. District No ft R L Causer. O B Stanton. W L Adaras. RANDLEMAN. District No I-J O Arnold. N T Grace. Ed C Willl.rs.eii. District Nat-Lit Hushes. L M Caudle. Chas Push. PROVIDENCK. District No 1-Jnhn T rarihaller. P V Fields. John Barry. District Ms I W B Fields. Calrln Bowman. Pat F Fields. District No 4 Samuel nuan. A W Nixon. John Socket!. LIBERTY. District No I C Causer. 1 Rnm Smith. A J Marshburn. DIMrlrt No 3 John W Reltiel. W D Curtis. Win Brothers. District Net Peter Brown, (I P Payne, w I Dlstiict No 5-W P Fox. P P Jones. Roddle Swsim. District No t Weslav Wrirht. Thoa D M Mas ters, A B Klrkjaaa. COLOMBIA. District No t W B Welkins. J M Whitehead. Charley Burgess. District No s Preston Craven, B C Cox, John Tf BISCX. D strict No E M Slier, o 0 Risntsei . R n York. Dlstiict No C Chisholm, a w Thompson, imuel Allred. District KsMW Cox, A L McArthnr. C B Tur-DistrictNeT-O R Williams. J F Kivelt, F L Williams. District No a w H cot la. John Rirnaroson, 1 a Ellison. Dlstiict Net-F ARauth. OP ward, John m Cox. District No 10 J W Smith. Man v Vestal. Rulus Williams. FRAN KLIN V1L1.K, District No 1-fl B ltley, W A Williams Xli District No 4 V B Allred. I'unt W a Linebcrry. H F Push. District 00 a cox. wm r wrenn. joiui Trosdan. Russell. AHHEBORO. Irtitrist No i 8 E Lowdrrmllk. A c Cox, Aimer Smith. District NoS-H B Allred, Eh Ledwcll, T Vim. District No 4 J M Trot-don. wm Burns. I r rrltcnem. BACK CREEK. District No I-J If walker. W A Kearns, Nor. i Nam- District No J-J T Jarrell. 8 H Walker. b r Miller. District No -W Reddinx. I f Karlow, .1 r uausniin. I'isirict iso t Ii w Buna. A t; rariow. a a Itoobtns. District No 5 It r Rulla. It M nulla, w ft Fool Pistrlct No a J A Neishbors. Frank Bulla. 3 S Harre llson. t No 7 .1 H Reddinr. B H !ouaan. a ncuirj. TABERNACLE. riatrict No 1 LC Phillips. A R Keams, C o Pistrlct No si L A Finch, Phillip Snyder. 3 M Arnald DMriet No -H H Delk. Walter Parnsli, w N ,'isinci o i c-nestsj rearee, r e earner, c Keania. District No a I C Hoover, J I. Brilca, Stephen District No 7 Frank Sumner, Rout Luuxhlin Riler fluniner. District No S-S T Finch. W 8 Tlinyrr. H M swaney. PdNCORI District No I-J C Ridxe. 3 A Itlilre. Note Yates. Dlstriet No i Root Johnson. Irey Blrkhesd. J District No 5-MUton e-rsnlord, M C Ketnis, j Kearns. District No a A R Keams, Hugh Miller, Clu CEDAR GROVE. District No 1 Wm Dawson, Henry t'ranfnra), Daniel Brown. District No -W WSlu. r, N M Lowe, W K lenrxan. Dlslrirt No $ 3 H McDsnlel, Wilson Barnes, Junius Ksariia. Plstrirt No iC T Luck. Geo H Husser. I. T nransoa. GRANT. District No I J C Craren. C O Inirold. H C District No I a S Cox, Cliaa t:ale. J H Smith District Humble. COLDRIDGK. District No l-K C Bird. L B at soon- E W District No a J M L'areness. T M Graves. J (' uox. District No S 8 L Harworih. T A Craren, a W District No 4 Dr R L Careness. C H Crsren. W' FBray. Dlstriet No S-W H Yow. L P Craren. W W District No a w F Lambert. H M Gee. J T Lara. bert. PLEASANT GROVE. District No 1 S M Carenesa. A W IMnard. District Not-1 r Pklllln. 3 Pums. 3 T. BROWKR. Iilstrict No 1-W J MoAtt. J T F Beck. (1 Owen. District No Z. I, O Suax. Wesley Brar. O w leaxue. Distrl istrlct Ho 1 F U Teuxue, B F Keams. 3 H Dcatnti Dlatrlct Na i. 3 W Brewer, Hardy Chrisco. RICHLA.WD. District No 1. John Ktnf. Alfred Cox, James Vuncanon. Pistrlct N K I Tucker, Wm Lucas, Borsuxbs. District no a. J A Aumsn, T w lwreuce, j A Carn rmoH. District No I. J M Luther. C H Lucas. H Williams. District Na x. Jas D calllcult. R at cax a, A R Callleutt. DMrtct No S. E Hikes, W at Bean. John Cole. District No 4. B Preamll. McCoy Tucker. Baeloed Aumaa. NEW HOPE. District No LIT Taornbarc Daniel Hicks Diatrlct Not. J W Lutbsf. Oao BJ Lvtner. Wm Allen. Dtatncs ssi r i. isuier. w r Bicits. District Wo 4. T W 1 ua ram. M B Cranford. L C Elliott. District No I. M C Riley. I Coxaelkaa. P uraniora. District Na i. C C Shaw. L M C ran lord, j H COLORED. TRINITY TOWNSHIP, laatrictHol. ShubeGray, H Allord, 0 W 1 On MEW MARKET. District No 1. Will Csltralrta. Thos OoltralBe. jassss Msejt. District Ma t. Bobs Caaalnghaxs, Dennki OoUe, Patar Clark. RAtTDLEMAH. Mstriel No 1. M4 Tale. Jerry Collets. Noah lArtsr. PROVIDENCE. Metric Wo 1. Jobs Erana. Bub Hmltk, Preach Laojjblia. LIBERTY, ritstriet Ha. I. T teats, Alas rax, Wesley COLl'MBIA. Mstrtet No I. ID Oa'snsss. wOJanl SxaHk Dtstnet M a, tmm wtutr. BUa jrrowa. joaa aaney. FRAKLIaVILXE. Mstrtetsja,!. T F MoaMt. A Anna. Dsnnla AlUwa. back ram. Ptssrtet Nwl. Mosaa BUI, Mllkaa Ml. 3vbm GraToa. - TAkTBRSACLB. MatitatMaL Jobs Due. C Dorastt. Lindsay aWns. Mesrteiisai. aa imssii joa asms, ai- OOMXMtO. PkstrM Na I. Uwis raiUlpa, Oaa ateairtaa. orh If naas Ptstnet SMX. Aasss Cartas, lotaa Darts. Ckaa tJKAirr. Otstxtat Jta 1. W atdcaJaaa. A pinks. Use x.Rnx,. tntTteAtat. FrmiU haoot. EH Beady, mm Mstrict Ro x. 3 U McIMiiiel. J H Oaveueas, O R Graves. BROWKR. District No 1. Olios Ooldslon, Jerry Bradv, B Chestnut. RICHLAND. Hislrlct No I. Jolm Brodr, Henry Ix'auh Kli Spencer. CMOS', pistrlct Nu 1. B H Hill, ZI1I.T l-a-v-ller, I lock cry Hotter. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live from One Hoar to Another, bat Cured by Chamberlain's. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ruth, the little daughter of K N Dewey, of Aguewville, Va, was seriously ill of cholera infantum last glimmer. "We gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says: "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the stoie. In rive hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Standard Drug Co Asheboro lrug Co, Asheboro, W A Underwood Raudleman. Glrti Don't Nssd am at All. S'fosc you thought I was a girl when I had on dresses; nurse would keep my hair in curl just like sister lieiss. Hut 1 never, never was. Wouldn't be for notbin', 'cause girls they can't have fun like boys; don't know how to make a noixe; 'fraid of dogs 'n' fire crackers, jolly of Fourth of July and whackers! Can't plays marbles can't spin tops. They like cake and chocklet drops; like to wear gold lings and lockets yes and curls. But they can' have trouser pockets: Va: poor girls: I5ess says she don't need one, don't see why I do. She says pockets are no fun; but they are, for true. W nere u 1 keep my ginger cakes? pop corn crisp that grandma makes? Chewing gum and three blade knife, an' the whistle to my life.'' fishing hooks an bait, an string, marbles. Jacks an--an everything? Where'd 1 put my cents away so I wouldn't lose 'em? Say, girls can nave their rings ana lockets, made ot gold All 1 want is trousers pockets till 1 m o-o-old. oeiecteti. All The Money in California is not from its gold rJelds. Fortunes are made from the wheat Ileitis and the fruit farms. Why not investi gate the chances there? Through tram service t incago to California, via Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway, Union Pacific mid Southern Pacilic Line. Rate for double berth, ft Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara or Sacramen to, Tourist folder, with complete information, sent free on reoucst. F A Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, or W S Howell. 381 liroaclwav, Jiewtrk. Weighs 418 Pounds. The heaviest man in this section and perhaps in the State is Mr B J L'awkins whose home is near Jack son Springs. Mr Dawkins is 5' feet 11 1-2 inches high, 47 years old and weighs 418 pounds. About fonr years ago he weighed 00b pounds, But notwithstanding his extraord nary weight he can do a good day's work, Iroy .Montgonman. One Dollar Saved Represents Tea Dollars Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent of his earnings. lie must spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved, That being the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary expenses. ery often a few centa properly in vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars out lay later on. It is the same in bur ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs bnt a few cents, and a bottle of it m the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For gale by Stand' ard Drug Co Asheboro Drug Co Asheboro, W A Underwood Kandle- Here is the balm for hurt minds. A contributor to a medical journal is inclined to the opinion that bald' headed men do not have consumption. In 55,000cases under his observation he has failed to discover a single one without hair, lie offers no ex plana tion of this strange power of the bare pate over the tuberculosis bacillus. Ex. Bay It Now. Now is the time to huv Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner "or later and when taut time comes you will need it it badly yon will need it quickly. 15 uy it now It mar save life. For Rale b Stand' ard Drug Co Asheboro Drug Co Asheboro, W A Underwood Handle Rickatoad Excarsie. Tlie Sealnard Air l ine Railway will oner ate their regular annnal Excursion on Tuea day July 18th -l'.HrS. Train will leave Charlotte at 2:i p ni arriving at Richmond aboot 'i SO a m. Returning leava Richmond on 20th at 7:30 p m allowing two whole days in Ibe capital ol tue Uld uonilnion. Hound trip rate from Charlotte 83.50. Graded down to'A.SQ from Aberdeen and all points toCary indmliogPitlsboro. Correspondingly low rales wm apply oa regular trains csn Beating with Excursion aa follows: Cheater and Catawba Junction ft.2u. Waxhaw 94.00. Fasaenimra take regular traia con nect ailh Excursion at Monroe at 8.10 p m. Che raw aod Osborne $35, passengers take regular train fearing Cberaw at W 34 p m oaanect with Excursion at Hamlet at 10 JO p m. Clarkton 3.50. Lumljertan and points to Old Hundred 43.00, pasaangera take regu lar afternoon train, connect with Excaratoa at Haatlet. 1'aaaengors oa Aberdeen sad Aaheboro take regular train leaving Asheboro at 3:15 and Mi Oilead at z m p as ounoect with Kxcw- ssofl at Aherdeaa. Fittaboro rautsenaera take 3:jO p at train eottneot with Excainion at Mssacnra. Tbshts a highutsa Excnnson and tsaltnrys Paxfonisaa oy seas nam psopaa. opsctai lkswiised Seat Can aUat-W, seats SO ceBta sack fona-way) extra, lor tanner tniorma tion, call aa an Saaboard Aeeat, or addnta, C H UAI lltt, - IKA.v. IMJW.H, . Trsvaliog Pmm. Agt. txcursioa Agt. lUJwNC. BaieiMG A Smooth Artkltv When you find it necessary to use salve use Dewitt's Witoti Hazel Salve. It is the purest, and best for Sores, Burns, Boils, Eczema, Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Protruding Piles. Get the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Stand ard Drug Co, Asheboro Drug Co. y pastime FOK BALE BY MOirRIS-BCABllORO-sloFFITT CO. ASHEBORO, K. C. Fruit Paper Free ! Keep you ported on Horticulture, Crop .Condition, Price or Fruit Products In the dilTt?rent Market, Fn.it Trifle Matter. Plieaitesof Trees oa PlAntand Trrnlment of name. It deal with ovorv t,h of the -j, fruit industry from the field to the market. In- clndlng Tarietiffc cult, ration, trannporuilon, ana Ihaflnnl naif In thf market, and iv Jurtthe In formation lha irrowfr nefis, whether ha b an amateur or nmffMtonal. Free aamnle ropr of the bert HortlcuHural paierpnbHirtieil, folly Uluttra ted, Tal'iahlaiutlnterettn1f to anrona Rrowlnf trei, bimh or vine, ran lieeciirM by adilreaalnff Tha Nillonal Fruit Growf. It.irtaph, Michigan Extremely Low Rites. Extremely low rates arc uiihoii need Tin trie oouiiicrn juiiiwnv irum points on its lines for the following special occasions: Athens, Gu. bummer school, June 2:-Julv 28. 1005. Montcagl'e, Tenn. Moiiteuglo Bible Training ocliool, July J-Attg. i J, l'.WS. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle t-'un-ilay School Institute, July 17 Aug. 5, 11I05. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Con cress, Aug. 1-15; l'.'Uo. Nashville, Tenn. Pejtbody College, Summer bchoole; aiuferbilt Jiu- lieal Institute, June 14-Atig. 1005. Oxford, Miss. Summer School, University of Mississippi, June 14 Julv2(i. l0o. Richmond, Va. Farmers' National Concress. Sept. 12-i, 190o. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, Juno ltJ-July 28, l'.iOj. Hates for the above occaf ions open to the iniblic. Tickets will be sold;to these points from all stations on the Southern Railway. Detail information can be had up on application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of connecting lines, or by address ing the unueisigneu: R L Versos, J II Wood. D P A, T T A, Charlotte. Asheville, S II IIardwkk, W II Taylok, V. T. M. U. P. A, Washington, D. C. Beautify your complexion with little cost. If you wish a smooth, clear, creamlike complexion, rosy cheeks, laughing eyes, take lloins tcr's Rocky MountainJTea, greaUst beautifier known. Jo cents. Asne- boro Ding Co, LeRal Advertisements. LAND SALE, By vtrtur of an order ol rp-snle grantpil hy tlie lnorurt ol Kanliiini couniy, in a wuti itnH'cttliiii; therelu LH-utliiiaj. Aria A Oox and hus Linil A f IU,x and Klljlc Miller acalust H H Hroita and wlfu Anniti Brooks and H N Brook tiuar., I shall sell at the court house door In AsJ re bom. S '. at ullic auctioii to the highest bidder clock m the lollowiiu; real estate In said county, il 7b links to a stone, thence south Ochainsand &i links to a sweet kihu on the north bank of Richland creek, tlicllce ut the rarloua courses ol said creek St 1-2 chains to a cedar, thence north IS chains and 'A links Sis stone, ihenea cast f chains and Tie links to a ptne, uience norm i chain and Tn links to a stone, thence east XI chains and o liuks to a stnue on the west side ol tliu aforesaid road, thence south the rarioui courses of said nsul 94 enalns and Bo Unas 10 the tieKlunlnK ooutainlng 1U0 arres more or less. Slid tract. Adtmuluir tlie lauils ol Oeonrr ttyeneer. Martin Amtnmui and otliera, begtunliiK at a stake In a FnrlnK. Martin Ainmoas1 line, run ning north S6 chains to a pile ol stones, fonnerlr a pine, tieorin- 8aenoer's onnicr, thence west & eliaina and at links to a ssnc, thence south 18 chsins to a pine, thence south IS degrees west B tAchaiiui and SO links to the beginning, contain, inx Irat aires more or less. ard trai t. Ad's lands ol Joshua MoRltt and B T lfonu. besiunins at a Dostosk and running east one chain ta a stake, theuce north 4 chains aud ou links so a post oak, tnenoa seat one chain to a stake, theuce north X chains snd 9S I S links to a stake, snenoB west s anauis so a sutsa in tne orislnal line, thence south on said tine 7 chains 7 1-1 links to the bealnniug, contaiutng one acre tract, Joshua Moflm and others, besrinuina at a black guia and running north 8 etuvius and 41 links to a stake, thence east S chains and 90 links to a stone, thence north 7 chains aud Hu liuks to a stone tn Jrsihua afofhtf a line, theuce west chains and 4 links to a stake, said Moffitt's ear ner, thence south IX chains and S7 links to a stone, Mount's comer, thence south as 1-4 deos. east s chains and 18 links to the beginning, cou- taing iu i-s acres raora or leas. Terms 01 sale casn. ti- l,. sArr, This 3rd day el Jane, 1SOV Oomtnusuonss. Br rirttie of sn order of the Hunrrinr Onurt of Randolph eountr. In a special proceed! laj theresa pending, enUlled Andy Dorset!. sslmtr.tstraSorof llora Bray deceased, SKalnst lsrl Bray et at, I will sell for cah at nubile, auction, at the South. era Railway depot. In the town of Hlaley, Kan doluh omiMty, North Oasolina, on Monday, July Slat, IU06, that treat or parcel of land la Onlum bie township. Randolph county. North Carolina, ol which the said lnra Bray died airsed, the containing annul tea acres, ana rasing mily NOTrCSOriAUt. Bt rlrtoe of aatburftr Testsd h me br a tsada asent of the Superior osttrt of Randolph county In a special proceeding wherein J p esteems, eisd R Delk were iietitioaerB and Julia fsrstna et si were defendants, I will ea the 7th day of August I son, sell to the highest ladder for eeeh at tne eoart bouse aonr In Asheboro, If C, the tsiiowlisg tatrts comeri thence north is I t eaejns to a whiteoak: UlfOBs oorarri theaee eess aa his line 4 ohalns to a Stone In Ualllssore Uaei Cheaee south aa said line at efaalna to a stake. theaee west M ehasiw to a stake us tfse Mne: thence aorth with the eountr fin WnhMiiM end m llaks to a stak tniaserly rMrts asnwi cheaaesaMoa kls Has H chains ta a araeiah oak, his nornrt theaee Berth to aba Isaj iiiniiis oo&toiulug las acres mure or arse. 4 Bv virtue of a nowor of sale enutnltieil In the Inst will aurl tehtamentof Hlcuiah IjasHitcr, rtee'd I will sell nt the home place of the saiit Mlcajali Lassltcr at public auction at 10 o'clock, a. m. on THURSDAY, JULY SOtb, 100B, to the hlshcst hiilder. for cosh the foliowlna do- scrilicd real estate to-wlt: bituah'oll the witters of Ijinc's Creek iidjolninR the liuuls of J. W. Luther, K. V. LiiMiicr mid oincra. mis is tin home iiiacc ot tlics s hen ilon1 sold by the said testator niivenlently ItH-utcd as to schools, clitirelics ntul mid Is fnlrly well tlm iiercl ami soorl well ' lictll. s. Artlolll 112 the liuuls ol 8. T. LuUKhliu. Luuiihliu and others containing Immediate inmscssIoii will Ire Kit' Micajull lAAiter, lK-c'd. I.ANDHAI.K. Bv virliie of an orrlcr of snle unmteil by the lticrinr Court of Randolph county on the pcll Iimi of W P Wlnslnw airuiiist Allen .1 hi-low, 1 hull sell at the court house rtisir In Axhclsim. N. '., at r.' o'clnci in. 011 the a.'n,l day ui July l'.u.v he following real estate, to.wltr A tnictof laud in Taliernaele towthlp. Insuiil county ndjoiu ttn: the lands ol w. P Winslow, Marcus Thayer, u Tiiuycr, Matilda lobhle, Judee Kvsns, ,m Koulli and others, Isiuudcd tut follows, M.iiililn Cotihlc'it line, theticc ulcmt MHilhwot nloiiK Mutilila t'oliblr'" lino tn Iut i-ortit-r, thtjiuv tiiuHi along Mill. Mil (.'hhlu'., huv to (lnNUn KmithN onicr, thence alMMitsnuthwcfst along the limn of (fiiHton Kouth mid i'uvnt Thiier to U stoiH- fiivm Thnyer'j' inuT, theiiee aluut mtuth. wihI hIoiik Mnrt-UM 1'htiyer'.' Ihii-to V. v Miim. IVnnniish, ami the title ncrvi-l till tlie fur heronlrrof the eon it. .NUIN 1. RltllTAtN, TIiih tilth tluy of June 1'iOA. tmimi'o.ioiier. By virtue of ah order of Kile r ranted by the su (tenor, on rt ol Kinitioiitii euni on the tetlllou of (. K. Kieh, ailnir. of tieo. W. Hlvh, aeeeoM-i utian.fi . rniinp- ei ui, 1 nimn reiil i it; Tv of I n ml iti 11 runt ivihii-, i the wutent of Pim uIh ol Anthony Kieh, ii the I Alfa1. Brown and otheo, lows, viz: First tniet. Hepinniiej i 'hi to mk or pine knot iu Anthony Kiel mink' nut rod hliiek k'Uni, theiici' north 7-1 rods to ihenee next i; rod!) ton Htoue in .loc VVriKlitMnif, thenee Mtuth rmln hi the liestn- imi d ii tain ii iu lOut-re more or le.-. tH-eond tract. IteKiuuiitK 0,1 a m 00 hi Aht'l t'ox line aiifl ruuiituK north :iiil T link ton hickory at Abel Vx thence west V, chaitw and tun linkK to a st corner. AUd r,T. tticTHv.M(ithon Ani( .-Pile litie ehaiuit and K7 linko ton Muall whiteoak tn the old line, thence e.iston said line 17 eluiiiisiind i4i links to the bcKintilug uontainluK SU aen more or Itsw. TentiM one thin! eafli. the renmiidnur two- ihirdtton u creditor six inonthH.the iHircliaer uiv- luid and iinnrovifl security therefor, uud uie le reerei tin tne lunneronieroi tne court. I hU U'Ui lay of June u. K. KK H, Admr. and Cowr. i tho SuiH-rior Court. the Clerk ilneKiund ulfe, Ida h Vnxws, K, !.. news and wife, S. Horenee t'avinejo., iimI T. .t. (.nun and wife. Iiiiuu Green, nlaiutirls. VS. .1. V. Tote. T. Arthur Cole, Henry M. Kithinn. trus tee, . L.. aitautl J .. fVlue, ileleinlants. NOTICK. Tlicflcfendiiut T. Arthur dde rtUve liauied kill take notice that t etio .all' i- Itiltl ltfH'l i the ..iirt of Randolph nutty In-fore the Clerk, to sell U laud of the late Jas. A. Cole, Mtnate In Coleridgi i salil county. In w inch It is alleKdl that nan eieihltnt has an undividcfl one Hfth (!;) inter ,l, and the Niid defendant will further take otiee that he Ik required to appear he lore the lerk of the Suiterior Court ut hit. oillce in the i-onrt honse in Ashelxiro, N. (.., im hatunlay, ii-1 Mli. Iiatv and alienor or demur to the idiiint tu mild action or the idoiutiirH will apply to the court for the relief deuiaudetl in said Tliui luIySrt!, HWi. "DOMESTIC." Better Than Ever! "THE STAR THAT LEADS THEM ALL" The Hewliur Machine for the ho to In used hy wife, mother, flaucli upeeialty Kllhcr lick or Chain Mmh. Writs cm'Ulnrs and prk Domestic Sewing Ma chine Company, Newark. N. J. Qitt 'ISeHgefcm SEWING MACHINE. ROLLER BEARING. HIGH GRADE. ?i by buying thil reiuble, honest, high grade acw ing i STRONGEST GUARANTEE. sNailonal Sewing Machine Co. BELVIDERE, IUIN0IS. OP VALUE TO FRUIT GROWERS. A Sfrxial Ma;aiine intl The Cornier Oac Year for SI. 50. A nrsr anrl altraclive nflnr by ns is that of The National Fruit Grower in combination with lite Courier tin two one rear for $ 1.50. The Kational Fruit Grower, which is pulrliuh ed at 84. Joseph and Ben toe Harbor, Mich., is a monthly devoted to the subject of fruit growing which it hatnllra with great ability. The variooe topi' are discuaerd by aprctal- iata, and it is inralusble to every fmit Yoo Bar forward vonr tnooer for this com butalion offer to The Matioaal Fruit Grower or to thia paper. RAVE YOU INDIQESTiOX Bovd'a urbon Albumen Tatv tetavPure Carbon of Albaaien poeitiTr) eur for inditreetioD, dygperr- aia, ooaatipation, headache or aonr atomach from over eating or drink ing fSQ )f they don't. 25 oenta a package. ir yonr arntrjriat aoaen't nave uva end direct to BOYDCHEMICAL COMPANY, " !WRaidMeNny Bid 2 ' ' asss. WANTED' . Will pay Bjot cash f. o. b. your depot for All Kinds of Furs, Green and Dry Hides Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, Wool(wiiiihc(l or un-washed) We also curry a full line of Fruits ami Vegetables, Dnnanafl, Oranges, Ix') 110ns, lVaimlsS. Etc., at market prices. Write for prices. FORSYTH & W ATKINS, 112 Lewis St. Greensboro, N. C. AliliKT IT-$,)0.00 IIEWAItD. A bottle of Ec-zine will be sent free to every reader of this paper who is differing with uny kind of skin diseiisc or eruptions, any form if Eezeiiiu, Wind or Weeding Piles, Serofulu, Itch, Tetter, Burbers Itch, King worm, If oils, Wood Poison, 'ever Sores of any niinie or nature. $50 reward will he miid for anv case of Eczema that is not nromnt- ly cured with Ee-zine. Ec-zine will heal anv sore or cure the worst skin and make it look like velvet. Here tofore there has been no Specific discovered that would cure Eczema and kindred diseases until Ec-zine was discovered and now tlmiinnm! are cured daily. Never mind vvftBLt you have tried? forget the failures made bv other remedies and send for FREE SAMPLE of Ec-zine, which always gives re lief and a permanent cure Ec-zine Skin Soao is I he Inr t anticeptic soap niiule. It, will cleanse anything will destroy mi crobes of dandruff, falling hair, sine neaii, nanus and feet, pimples unci blackheads on face and make the skin smooth. The only antiseptic shaving soap made, guaranteed to cure germ diseases $50 if it don't. 25 centa a cake. Write today to Boyd OiidniCAL cohpany, 70S Rand-McNally Bldjr., Chicago, III. The publisher ef this naner know the reliability of Ec-zino and of Hoyd Chemical Co. HOLLISTER-3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nungcts A Busy MmUcIds for Bay l'-tf1' Brings Ooldsa Hsalth snii Bsnsval Vigor. A specific forCnnsllnalinn. Inrllire'tlon, Mre anrl Kidnsr Troubles, I'lmpls. Ecrrmn, Inrpur UIihnI, Bad Breath, Kluuish Ilotrfls. Ifradachi! anrl Hackache. It'a Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let form, fs cents a box. Genuine made by BoLLisTsa Daua Company, Madison, Wis. 60L0EN NUGQET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be rWrivcil by thnae who ftoV vortine a $60.00 Hewing Mnohine fbr 20.0i). This kind of ft HUir'liine can be Imtight from us or any of our dealers from $16.00 to (18.00. WI MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Hewing Maehines. Tho Itoiible Feed coinhincd with other Htroug points makes the New Home the bent Hewing Machine to buy. Write for CIRCUURS S-tS wc louaufactureand price. bcroropurcbMlng THE NEW BOMB iEWINC MACHINE 80. easNac, usee. 21 Uulon Sq. N. V., CtrloRgo, 111., Atlanta, Oa, UU Iouls,MoM Dallas,Tex.,Haa Kraoolsoo, Ca4 SOU SALE BY W. W. JONES, Asheboro, N. 0. Aiwm Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold? Do you want. to live in a region where the resources are more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that will assure you a competence? - Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sore, ' business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment? Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await your coming. The Chicago, Union Pacific anil Worth -ilfestem Lino is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double track railway between Chicago and the Missouri Hirer, i Special low roundtrip rates are in effect via thia line throughout the summer to various Pacific Coast points, end colonist low rate one-way tickets will be on sale during Sep . tember and October, which give an unusual chance for settlsrs to make the trip at a minimum of expense. Daily and personally conducted excursions are operated throurll to Sun Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland without change, on which a dsttM berth in Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chicago costs only S7.0Q. via US-. " Chlsag G riorth-Uostorn, Union PesIII? end Southern PItic tlallwap. riU. IN THIS COUON AND MAIL IT TO-DAT. Your Photograph Opportunity! Send uny Photo with 25 cents and get 28 perfect Photos made from it, your photo returned un harmed. 6 Photo Buttons 25cts. Your money refunded if not sat isfied. Potraits in all grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-Color, only $2.00. Best Cabinet Photos $2. to $3. a-dozen. W. R. NEALs Photographer, Randleman, N. C. 4F GIVE vir.i an & desire far work or play. Mak. a clear brain, bright eyes and sweet breath. MAKE LIFE WORTH WHILE GIVE VIGOR by mafflrally oorreetlnft liver, stomach ami bowels. They lnduoa the natural sleep and appetite of yNlh. GIVE VITALITY by oleanslnf all disorders from ths system. They cure Constipation, Indlrjeitlon, BllloutM, NmuI acha, Nervouineti. Fin- Salt by all DraggMs lOo and Stflo a BOX ACOEPT N9 AT FACTO TL f i lie iuiiusiruin octiMidi uuui.ui50. I'ronouncwl the IHCST liy thoiixjiiirls of users. Highly finished In flnuti Ootraw Oil. Price per liook section, widi disappearing non-binding giasa doora, S1.75. without door $1.00. Toia and liases (1.00 each. titST os ArriuTiL, freight prepaid direct from bo. tory. Send for Catalogue No. 0. THE LUNDSTROM MPO. CO., Little Ftr, N. Y. Manufacturers of Sectional Bookcase, and Filing Cabinet. Special Tuesday Sales With each cash purchase of one dollar on Tues day of each week, we give you a coupon for that amount When you have gotten sixty (60) of these bring them to our store and we will give you Absolutely Free A Handsome Oak or Mahogany Rocker; These Rockers sell for $10.00 each to the trade. Call and let us show you our full and complete line of House furnishings. Very truly yours, Peoples House Furnishing Company, High Point, Ns C. LET US DO YOUR Printing:. WORK GUARANTEED w. m. KNtnutut, - p. t. m. c. a n.-w. .. leese snail Ires ta are ear. Carolina Stock and Poultry Farm. O. U. Httashaw, Prop., Reels Me. I, CMasas.N. C Single Comb Brown Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Kock Chickens. Fine Berkshire Pig. from rrristrred rtook. ' Four first Premium, and Sweepstake, o Hons at Central Caro lina Fair, else two firsts, a second and thre third premium, on Chickens. 45 egg. for (1.00. Write for prices on pigs and poultry. 8UB1TIT0TIS R-Y PRICES tt C ! I Dl PRICES SATISFACTORY ' t e JAarsftts. Tills July ta Mos. ,.

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