4fA Cra g &Sts Est to E?sa . Esi-sr Tresis - Kidney trouble prejrs epon Its mind, oucowtmnaiawriii immuon; teaaty, it -' nest soon disappear 'j- when the kidneys are 7 out of order or dis- YiEor ana cnecnui- ii i."V.aeJ. '"iif St Kidney trouble has af "11 become ao prevalent . . fr. lnal lt ' not uncom- am. rM HrfaafaatnA often, if the orine scalds JV slr)erif, when the child roacnes an '-f e -atea tt should be able to control the It ia yet afflicted with bod-wet-i Iir,5cpendupon it, the cause of the diffi- tally is money i, uu m m . atea ahonld be towards the treatment of -tltee important organs. Thi unpleasant ' troobla Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder ana not to a ' . aim as most peopie suppose. - Wmu as wall as men are made miser Vie with kidney and bladder trouble, i both aaerl the same ereat remedy, The mild and the immediate effect of SwaeaaRe4 Is soon realized. It is sold by draff ists, in nny eent ana one-dollar she bottles. Yon may hare a sample bottle r snail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cared. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghsmton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad grass, BiSfhamton, N. Y., on every A. m. PRESNELL, Clackwtth and General Repair 8hops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horse and do a general repair bus iness, Second hand buggies always on hand at bargains. When in Asheboro see me. Shop back of McDowell liver; stables. Yours truly, A. M. PRESNELL. TIRES SET Quicker and better and will ma longer without loosening than p0Btille when set the old way. '-iffgfifa justhJiiinomit if l lo the WWt- , No mesa work about it. burnt or charred fell. surfaces to wea away and loosen the tirp We Set Them Cold. No steam and watr soaked Mine wir to shrink away and loosen the tire, no Imrnt paint to replsne. We do not OVER MsJI Br U.SDLR DISH. Wo guarantee work aud refund your niuney ii not saiiuaciory. tome sua we tue nu chins in operation. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. J. R. STEED, DEALER IN Groceries and Fresh Meats! All kinds of fresh meats kept constantly on hand. (Opposite Foatoffice.) L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Ofert his profeadooal service to the eltlsros ogAhtborc?an4 nrronndlnf eosnranlty. Ofscss: At Besldence- Jersey Male Calves at a Great Bargain with such breeding as Gold en Lad first prize winner ever all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first nrize two rear eld bull at Pan-Amencan 1901; General Merrigold sire of twenty-one heifers that sold at an avera&e of S144 each. The breeding of these is comet; prices right for umne&ate acceptance. Address, .. JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro, N. C If. C MORRIS, Watchmaker, -r& . 5. Jeweler, Dealer in V Jsjwelrr. Spct- t! , ". ts frci!ty. Work SMlMBM ta. IT. C DO- GOOD ROADS PAY. The following item is taken from a Jacksonville, Florida, exchange: "If you will call upon J.C Sloth, real estate dealer he will tell you of a small tract of land near the new object lesson road that a few months ago was offered for sale at $600. That along with other property near this new road grew in value, and when he had an offer for this same tract of $3,200 he found it had just been sold at $2,700, and his offer of $3-200, which was over live times its former rate, would not buy the proiv erty. This increase in value all came from the building of this sample road. The increase in value of this small tract would pay for over one-nan mne ui tne ruuu, aim the increased value of the abating properties for one-half mile would pay tne cost oi ouiiuingorexu'iiuiMg this line a distance of ten miles." TU' jn,n,.n,.,t in m,,.:nlxll of which lands are selling atoug these rock roads wherever tney nave oeeu built will be from to ten times its former value, if this is so, or if we are sure property will even double in value, should we not improve our principal hichwavs at the earliest possible flaw' Col. J. IS. Killebrew in a reevut article in the "Southern Magazine" has this to say: "The tax in ceHinc produce to market in the south is something enormous. JNot less tnan xo cents per ton per mile is paid out every year to get the cotton, tobaco, peanuts, rice, wheat and other produce to market. For transporting the 5, 097,541,364 pounds of cotton in 1903 and the railroad station or to market over the common highways, assum ing the average distance to be six miles, cost the planters, at 25 cents per ton a mile. $3,823,087. If the cost of carriage could be reduced to eight cents per ton mile, which may be done over good roaas, the sav- ng in getting the cotton crop to market would be $2,5J".t,tiW." Raleigh Post. Indigestion Cured. There is no case of Indigestion, Dyspepsia or Stomach Trouble that will not yield to the digestive and strengthening influence of Kodol Dyspepsia (Jure. 1 his remedy takes the strain off the stomach by diges ting wnai you eat. unci allowing u 10 rest until it grows strong again. Kedol Dyspepsia Cure affords muck and permanent relief from Indiges tion ana all stomach trouuit's, bunas up the system and so purities that disease can not" attack and gain a foothold ns when in a weakened condition. Sold by Standard Drug to, Aslieboi o J 'rug Lo. Blind Tiger Agsnt. In publishing the extracts from the new whiskey laws yesterday niorinn one of the most important and far reaching sections of the law was left out. That is section I) of the new law whi:h makes the man who procures whiskev in an illegal manner the agent of the man who violates the law. I he section reads as follows: "Section (i. That any person who shall unlawfully and lllegaly proctin and deliver any spirituous liquors to another shall be deemed ami held m law to be the agent of the person or persons selling said spirituous and malt liquors and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished in the discretion of court." Durham Herald. Do You Want Stremth? If you want to increase vour strength you must add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriat ed by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from the in testines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical. It gives strength to and builds up strength in the human system. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and the only combination of digestauts that will digest the food and enable the Bystt m to appropriate all of its health and strengthrgiving qualities. Sold by Standard lrug Co, Ashcboto Drug Uo. Hints Or Appssrsncs. Iiobert J Burdette is noted as a hnmoiist, hut there is nothing but common sense in the following sug gestions be gives to young men start ing in business life: You can make yonrself look an inch taller by a neat, well-fitting dress. Yon can actually make your self taller by an erect, manly car nage, slovenliness is contagious. It communicates itself from the dress to the character. The boy who slouches and slumps in figure and gait uyiangeronsly apt to slump morallv. The dust and crime on your clothes is liable to get into your brain. The dirt under your linger nails is likely v work into your thoughts, urease spots down the front of yonr coat will destroy self- respect almost as quickly as the habit of lying. Tidiness is one of the cheapest luxuries in the world. It it is alsa one of the most comfortable. when yon know that you are just right 'perfectly correct' from hat to SDoe-ue, me iung ox xngiana couldn't stare you out of counteaance; he couldn't embarrass you, and he wouldn't if he could." Young People's Weekly. 0m Dwtlsr Saved Kepreseats Tea Mars Earaed. Tbe average man doea not save to loved ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in linn expenses for every dollar sarec That bang tne case be cannot be too caret ol about unnecessary expense. Very often a lew cents properly in vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars out lay Inter on. It ia the same ia buy- Ubamberlain s Uolic, Cholera Diarrhoea Beuedy. lt cost bat a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor a bill of acTaral dollars. For tale by Stand ard Drug Co Asheboro Drug Go unetoto, Kit nderwoou liaoule- Swtithtsrt Diys. A boy's on the road to ruin until he gets him a sweetheart. When a boy begins to shed kiteflying and marble playing, you can bet your lady's sweethearts yearling calf, that he has found mm a sweetheart, or one of 'em has found him. And he will go ten miles to Sunday School and preaching every Sunday to see her. I here is a nope tor mat ooy, whether rich or poor, ignorant or learned, large or small. In fact the boy that lias a sweetheart, is the richest, happiest and best boy out of jail and she will keep him out, uoa bless her sweet little soul! Hut listen: fcverythine you see sipiee.ed :n two in the middle, that giggles, that believes in flattery, that talks only nonsense, that is too sweet to her mother, that gads about on the streets, that wallows about on the grass, that dont make her own clothes, that knows nothing save pull a corset string, buckle a garter or hold up a dress, that thing ain't no sweetheart and a mighty poor pattern to make one out of. She is nothing but a make-shift. She is a trap baited with taffy to catch green flies. She won't make no sweetheart I could prove this by lots of folks what have tried 'em, if I dared to. And girls, the same is true about boys. A boy what thinks he looks better behind a cigar than behind a bull-calf ploughing in a cornfield let him alone, n hat yon all want to do is not to find a young sweet heart, but oue that will make an old sweetheart. Wives and husbands grow old, but sweethearts don't. Widows should never take off black, because have been a real sweetheart, and all wise people love good sweet hearts, and can t help it. It tney dress like other people, they are taken to be old maids, or some other fellows sweetheart and wife, hence go through life, the best of honey, when the bees don t know it. I thank tod for the sweethearts he has made, for them he is making and for them he is going to make Goodsbox Whittler in Hickory Times-Mercury. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live from One Hoar to Another, but Cared by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Kuth, the little daughter of K N Dewey, of Aguewville, a, was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and urn not expect her to live from oue hour to another," ho says: "1 happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the stole. In live hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small lwttle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Standard Drug Co Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, W A L nderwoou Handleman. Why? Why, when buying a book, are wc influenced by the author's name? Why, by an artist's, if we purchase a picture; Why do wise buyers insist upon haviug a reliable name on nearlv everything they purchase? It is because the name attached is the safeguard of the buyer a pro tection against the palming off of inferior articles. This "name guarantee" we all look for in the most important thiugs we buy, and what can be more impor tant than our food? Everybody knows that all intelli gent housekeepers are very particu lar about the buying of things to eat and drink, aud nobody realizes it more than tbe up-to-date grocer, who caters to the wants ot his customers. For instance, every real grocer knows the reason tor the universal popularity of Lion Coffee, the leader of all package offees. lie knows that its uniform purity and high tuaiity nave madj it welcome in millions of American homes for over a iuarter of a century. Kealising this, be cannot but hand it ont cheerfully when asked for it. lie knows that the people accept the package as a guarantee of tbe con tents. Yet there may be a few grocers left who do not recognize that the buyer not the seller has the right of choice, and they may want to sell their loose coffee (who knows what it is, or where it came from?) instead of Lion Coffee, which the customer asks for, and the merits of which both know. In such cases the wisest advice is: "Change your dealer." Bay It New. Now is the time to bnv Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerned v. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes yon will need it it badly yon will need it ouicklv. Bnv it now. It may save life. For sale by Stand ard Drug Co Asheboro Drug Co Asneoe-ro, w A Underwood Handle man. RkhsMfis1 Excarsiea. The Seaboard Air Line Railws will oser- sle their regular annual Excursion on Toes day July 18th 11106. Train will leave Charlotte at :45 p m arriving at Richmond about 6:20 a m. Returning leava Richmond on 20th at 7:30 p m allowing two whole days in the capital of the Old Dominion. Round trip rate from Charlotte $3.50. Oraded down to $3.50 from Aberdeen sod all points to Cary including FHtahoro. Cornspondingly low rates will apply on regular trains con necting with Excursion as follows: Chester and Catawba Junction a 4.25. Wsxbsw M.00. Passengers take regular train con nect with Excursion at Monroe st 8:10 p m. Cheraw sod Osborns 3J!5, passengers take regular train leaving Uheraw st 9:34 p m csnneet with Excursion at Hamlet at 10:30 p m. Clsrktoa 3.50. Lmabartaa and points to Old Hundred 3.00, passengers take regu lar afternoon train, ousnsct with Excursion at Hamlet. Passengers on Aberdeen and Asbehoro take regular train leaving Aaoeboro at 3:16 and Ht Bilesd at S:!!0 p m eoonsct with Excur sion at Aberdeen. Pittshoro passengers take 3::is n s tram. connect with Excursion at Honours. This is s high -class Exotrsioa and w slwsvs patronised by the bast people. bpscial Tlusiin'sd beat Cars attached, seats 50 cents each (one-way) extra, tor tarthsr informa tion, call en any Seaboard Agent, or addxeas. C H U ATI IS. f H AN a. UOUUH, Traebns;Psas. Agt, Excursion Agt Raleigh. MC. lUleign, IMC. A Sswoth Article. When you find it necessary to nse salve nse JJewitts Witch Uaael Salve. It is the purest, and best for Sores, Burns, Boils, Eczema, Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Protruding Piles. Get the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, sold by Stand ard i'rug uo, Asheboro JJrug Uo. FOR SALE BY HOKR18-SCABBORO-MOFFITT CO. ASHEBORO, N. O. Fruit Paper Free ! Kep4 yoo posted on Horticulture, Crop Condition , Prices of Fruit Product In the different Market, Fruit Trade Matters, Disease of Trees a ad Plants and Treatment of same. It dials with every phase of the f niit Industry from the field to the market, in eluding Tatifttea. cultivation, irannpnrUlloa, aad fonaatleai lb frowrr netla, whether b ba an araafur or profVuional. Fr sample eepr of the hft Horticultural PIr publlfti, fully illustra ted, valuable and lMerrrttnf to anyone f rowing ttp, hnish or Tine, ran ht seenrrdny addrnrinf The NalrMtl Frail fire war, Uah. MfrcfctfM Extremely Low Rates. Extremely low rates are anaou need via the soutnern iiauway irom points on its lines for the following 8ecial occasions: Athens, Ga. Summer School, June 27-July 28, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Mouteagle Bible Training School, July 3-Ang. 15, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle fun day School Institute, July 17 Aug. 5, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Con gress, Aug. 1-15; 1905. Nashville, Tenn. Peabody College, Summer Schools; Vanderbilt Bib lical Institute, June 14-Aug. 9, 1905. Oxford, Miss. Summer School, University of Mississippi, June U July26, 1905. Richmond, Va. Farmers National Congress, Sept. 12-23, 1905. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, June 16-July 28, 1905. Rittes for the above occasions open to the public. Tickets will be goldjto these point from all stations on the Southern Railway. Detail information can be had up en application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of connecting lines, or by address ing the undersigned: R L Vernon, J II Wood. D P A, T P A, Charlotte. Asheville. S II Hardwick, W H Taylok, P. T. M. G. P. A Washington, D. C. Beautify your complexion with little cost. If you wish a smooth. clear, creamlike complexion, rosy cheeks, laughing eyes, take ttouis- ter's Rocky Mountain'Tea, greatest bcautitier known. 3d cents. Ashe- boro Dmg Co, Legal Advertisements. Bv virtue of an order of re-Kale a ranted nv the upennr UHin oi nandoipii county, 111 a apecuu n penning, Ada a uoa ana d Kll.le Miller anlnut Hn.tka and wife Annie Brook and U N Brooju Uuar., Ituiallfdl at the court houw dooe In Ajum bon, N. C. at public auction to the htglMKt bidder m ftaturaay me sm aay oi juiy, two as is o-. lock m. the following real eatate lu aald county, lt chalm and SJ llaka to a Mune. thenoe eaat chalunand 7 uuka to a pine, tnence nortn I chain and 7v links to a stone, taenae esM XI chaiiM and 6 link, to a atone on tbe weal aide of the aforeaald mad, thenoe south tne vertou oourem of aald mad 94 chalm and SS links to sue beslnnliut containing loo aurea more or less. and tract. Adjoining the lands of Oeorrf Sicncer, Martin Anunonn and others. Iiealnauug at a make In a apring. Martin Ainnona line, run ning north 86 chains to a pile of lOimea, formerly a pine. Oeonre Haeiioer'i oorner. thence weet tr chaliw and tat links to a pine, thence muto. is chains to a pine, thence enuth IS degrcea west S t-naina ana aa mias m a pne stump, uieace eaat 40 chains aud so jinks te the bsffiunuuf, oontaln 1ns IM acres more or ksa. Srd tract. Ad-g lands of Joshua Moffltt and H T Mufti it. beelnniue at a rnetoek and runnlna eaat one chain te a stake, thenoe north 4 chalna and as Unas to a post oak, thenoe east one chain to a uaae, tnence nortn a enema ana m i-s nnse so a stake, thenoe weet S ehatna to a stake tn She oruxlnal line, thenoe south on aald Hue 7 chalna ? Ime, th to the I-S links heainuing, ooutauiiun one nure tract. Joshua Mnattt black cum aad running north S chain and links to a stake, thenoe eaat S chains aud te Unas to a atone, thenoe north 7 chalna and so links tna atone In Joshua Momtt's line, thence wasa s chains anil n Unas to a acaae, aata Moflttt-a ear ner, thenoe south IS chains and S7 links to a stone, Mouut-s comer, tnence anutn sx 1-4 dega. east s chains and IS links to the beginning, con tains 10 1-s acres mora or Ism. O I.. 8APP. LAND SALS. Br virtue of an order of tbe Itapeiinr Court of Randolph enunty, hi a enact) prbcsMdinR therein iyJ uea Anay ixtrwo will sell for cash at pubikc aoctkm, a the Houth- Stst. 190A, that traot or paroai ol land In Oitaas. bta tftwiutitB. KAadnlna oooaty. North Camlln. at which Ue amid Dor ftmy dtod atesed, she sane esmatatsig aunot tn acraa, aaa betaf fuur deauribed by toe Mte aeeda, by which abe held te mine, "fAiia, m. bu.er. voncsortAUR, aattgarritv vtwairf ta tnent of jbe Bnpertor eoort ol Randolph oamaty fl ft were defawdAnta. I will tell lo MM hitkm bwktar for mh mi mm eoort botm or in AithekoMk, V G, the MIowiRc deauilbad kkadai Waaaled m Am wrnaan of Jack- q crofdL, Betjjinninc at a block loewat lomarlT vta eoraeri thence nortb 1 1-0 oh alas m a Hoe 4 obains to a nm In UaUteor! hwi thenaa snuUi oa said Use 94 chains to a stal l. Bams ime, sow sui a; awDoiwfaai am naa tne UtMaoataiB a h coaina to a etake. Bin's (xnrwri toeaoa aouth an bts Una an cbalna aod m Hcka to a atakw tn aald BtlW Hu: anSSS Ursa ID a stake fomarlr rjttvta .saart. maiwars enaioa te a iTeiuak ilkamMh tolas keglnnuf. By virtue of a rower of sale contained In the Isst will and teatameut of Mlcalah Laiolter, decd I will sell at the home place of the said Mtoajah Lssalter at publto auction at lo o'clock, a. m. ou THURSDAY, JULY SOtb, 1MB, ts the highest bidder, for cash the following do. ecrihed real eatate to-wltt Tract No. I. eluutte on the waters of Lane's Creek adjoining tbe lands of J. W. Luther, K. V. Liusiter and othvm. This Is the home place of mud Mioajuh Laniter and contains las acres -e or leas save aud exouit about so acres here, iru sold by the said testator and ts well and venlently located as to schools, churches and other conveniences and Is fairly well timbered wvm waterea ana is gooa lanulnglana ana nas gnod buildinc. such as dwelling, Tbani, outhouses and aood well of water. Adjoining the lands ol 8. T. te possession will bo given. D SHh, ISM6. H. (I. LASNITKK, Kltr. of MicaJah Laaitrr, Uec'd. LAND SALE. By virtue of an ordor of sale limited bv the Superior Court of RnuiMj.h county on the peti tion of W p Wluslow aKiinixt Allen J Winslow, I shall sell at the court l'im disir in Asheboro, N. (.'.. at is oVloi-a m. on the aiml day ol July lous. the following real estate, to-ult; A trai t of laud in laueraacie township, in said county adjoin ing the lands ol V. V Winslnw, Marcus Thayer, Hcaliinlng at a white oak, Judge Kvan and W. P. Winsiow's comer, thence nearly north along Judge Kvans' line to Judge livens' comer in Mutilda Cobble's line, thence about southwest along Matilda Cobble's line Ui her corner, thence north along Matilda Cobble's line lo Uasten KiAith's corner, thence about southwest along tlie lines of Oasloti Kouth and Cicero Thayer to a stone tllcero Thayer's corner, thence about south eatt along Marcus Thayer's line to W. P. Wins low's corner, thence northeast alone W. P. Wins. low's line to the Iwgiuuiug containing 7 acres Terms cash, and the title reserved till the fur ther order of the court. JOHN T. HKITTAIN, This 19th day of June 1005. commissioner. court hum door tn Anhelxwo, N. at liio'clork in. on the itViid Uy of July lflOA, the olio win rrmt ette, to-wit: Two tract ol Iftud in Gmut township, in mud county od the water of Pan ther crevk ad)uiuliii; the .audit of Anthony Rich, Alfred Browuand other, and bounded as ful tow Y.f. Ftntt trutrt. Beainttlng at a white oak or pine knot In Anthony Kichv line runntuK east i rods to a sUinc or blai'k Kura, tlHuce north 73 rods to a pine kititt. thenee west H rod to a stone In Jeaw WriKht' line. Uienvewiuth 13 rodalothe beln sxlixn tontalninR lOwruM more or lew. heixtud tract. Begtonlng on a poot oak coruor and Iff links to a litckorv at Abel thenoe wpm 17 chains and OA links to a stone pile the old line, thenee cam on Mild line 17 chains and ine cnains aim n, units faa smmi whttnak in tie links to the beffinnliiK oontainlng ao acrea Iiik Ntiid and aiiinve recurlt' therefor, and the iiiie ncnci on tne lunncroraoroi tne court. in us linn nay oi June iwa, o. k. RICH, Adinr. and Cotnr. North Carolina, I In the 8ui-crior Court Handolph County. Before the Clerk. J. M. Cavlnew and wife, Ma L Cav'ncwt, R. avtnes ana wne, . norencet avtuew. J. E. Oile, T. Arthur Cole, Henry M. Robins, trus- we, v. t.. isipp ana j a tnence, oeteiiUunU. NOT1CK. The dt'fendant T. Arthur Cole above namei. will take notice that an action as above ha been County before the Clerk, to sell for division the lauds of the late J km. A. Cole, situate in Coleridse lu tnid county, in which it is alloiml thmt mM the Superior Court of kii.iiiW.ltth deleiidant has an undl1del one-tilth (1-5) Inter ent. and the stUd defendant will fuither take notice that he Is required to appear before the Clerk of the rtuerfor Court at his office In the court nmwe in Anenoro. n. c., ou hatunlay AUfruM cMn, luun. ami answer or demur to tru plaint in nam action or the plaint! ft will This July 3rd, 1905. "DOMESTIC." Better Than Ever! "THE STAR THAT ? LEADS THEM ALL The Sewing Machine for the home; to be umxI by wife, mother, daughter, seuntres. That's our NneciaUy. Domestic Sewing Ma chine Company, Newark. N. J. - Ufa "Esbgttan' SmNG MACHINE. OILS BBARIHO. NIGH CtAOB. . STRONGEST CUARANTEJL Nuionaf Scviag Machine Co. BELVIDERE. IIXINOIS. OP VALUE TO PSUIT CR0WEKS. A Sfwcial MsiiiiiM iW The Ctsjricr Oat Year for UM- A new and attractive offer by ns is that ol The Katianal Fruit Grower in eontanatioa with The Conner the two one year lor (1.50. The National Fruit Grower, which is puUiah- sdat at Jonrph and Benton Harbor, Midi, is Monthly eeroted to the subject ol frnit growing which k hssaUse with great ability. The varioea topire are rlistnsssd by sseesal- and it is nrralnahh) to esery iruit Yen ssay forward yonr money lor this c easr te Ths Nstional Fruit On or to this papsr. AVE YOU WWOESTION. BersTa uort AiVunssjai Tak. ajta Pan Carbon of Alba men pofrisfv ear (or indinntkn, dTgpro- sU, eonsiirwtkm, hsstilnche or sonr ttogaach from orer eUog or Arialt- taz S50 ii tuer Ooax zs ooiU a petkagrj. If your druginst doeen't hrt then seod direct to BOYDCTtEMICAl. COMPANY. K9 RjwsI McNttltv toMSn V f jy la)tsl.k'i hIehneen. WANTED' Will pay Bpot cash f. o. b, your depot for All Kinds of Furs, Green and Dry Hides, . Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, Wool(wa8hed or uu-washed) We ulso carry a full lino of Fruits and VegetubU-e, Bananas, Oranges, ijemoiiB, reanms. .ktc., at market prices. Write for prices. FORSYTH & W ATKINS. 112 Lewis St. Greensboro. N. C. ARREST IT-C0.00 REWARD. A bottle of Ec-zine will be sent free to every reader of this paper who is suffering with any kind of skin tli8eise or eruptions, anv form of Eczema, Blind or Bleeding Piles, bcrotula, Itch, Tetter, Barbers Itch, Ring worm, Boils, Blood Poison, Fever Sores of any nume or nature. $50 reward will lm nui.l fnr case of Eczema that is not prompt ly cureu wirn Jic-zine. Jfic-zme will heal any sore or cure the worst skin and make it look like velvet. Here tofore there has been no Specific discovered that would cure Eczema and kindred diseases until Ec-zine was discovered and now thousands are cured (htilv. rU,.., j i whtvtvou have tried: forget me laiiures made hv otlier rcim-tlies and send for FRIT IT si a Mm r of Ec-zine, which always gives re- uei aim a permanent cure Ec-zlne Skin &un is iln u.si anticeptic soap made. It will cieanse anuning will destrov mi crobes of dandruff, falling hair, soiC head, hands and feet, pimples and uincauuiKiB on nice ana make t no skin smooth. The shaving soap made, guaranteed to 61-'" uioawM ifiou II It UOn I. 25 cents a cake. Write today to BOYD OHEHICAL COnPANY, 708 Rand-McNally Bide;., The publisher of this paper knows the reliability of Kr-zin sml r Boyd Chemical Co. HOLLISTEtIS Rocky Mountain Tea NiiCO'Js A Buy Nli::im fcr Bn ; ! . pit. Brian Golden Eral-.h anu P-nixo. 7rnr. M specif Inrl K'.An Hire -llnj. Lire v. l-artoche ii.iii T.--1 In tab i -line made by md Barkaehe. It's Rocky t form, SA cents n JoLusrra nara C'.ixianv GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by thoxo vho ad vertiso a SfiO.OO Hewing Mm-hlne for $20.01). ThiskindofaRifl.liineoaa be liotitrlit from ns or anv of our dealers from 15.00 to $'18.00. Wl MAKK A VARIETY. THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or treaknexa of r'wiim Machines. Tlie Iborble FMd ounliiutil with other strong points makes the Vew IIaU lue Deal, rawing Machine to buy. Wri!oforCIRCULAe3SS3 we liuUsUlac Lure tuid priifs bt-forc pffrcluulng TIE REW E01E lEWIRS liCHIRE CO. 9) Union Sq. N. Y Cblcso, 1IL, Atlanta, Us dk IouU,Mo., Dal lav Tel., riaa rranclsoo, Oat SOU SALC T W. W. JONES, Asheboro, N. C. II VALUtn " . 1111 AsUrass JOHN SEBASTIAN. Pass, Trial Mv Rs ssbsta tjHiss, Your Photograph Opportunity! and get 28 perfect Photos made irom it. your photo returnea un- uttrintai. 6 Photo Buttons 25cts. Your money refunded if not sat isfied. Potraits in all grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-Color, only $2.00. Best Cabinet Photos $2. to $3. a dozen. W. R. NEAL, Photographer, Randleman, N. C. give anrl dsslre for work or plaj. Malts a clear brain, bright eyes and sweat breath. MAKE LIFE WORTH WHILE GIVE VIGOR br magically corrertlnK liver, stomach and bowels. Tney induce the natural sleep and appetite of youth. GIVE VITALITY by deans! eue all disorders from theeyatem. They cure Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Head ache, Nervousness. Far Sals by all Draggliti ACCEPT NO AT FACTORY PRICES I The "Lundstrom" Sectional Bookcase. I Pronounced the BEST liy tliousiuida of users. Highly finUlied in Solid Goij)sN 0i. Price per look section, wilh uiMppcaring nou-hiuding glaas dxrs, $1.75, witiiout door $1.00. Tops and bases 9 1.00 each. Best on Armorja, freight iirojiaid direct from fac I tory. Send for Catalogue No. 9. Special Tuesday Sales With each cash purchase of one dollar on Tues day of each week, we give you a coupon for that amount When you have gotten sixty (60) of these bring them to our store and we will give you Absolutely Free A Handsome Oak or Mahogany Rocker. These Rockers sell for 10.00 each to the trade. Call and let us show you our full and complete line of House furnishings. Very truly yours, Peoples House Furnishing Company, High Point, N. C. LET US DO YOUR Printing. WORK GUARANTEED To the Pacific Coast to California, Oregon, Washington round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal atop-over proilegea, . The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Ortgon or Washington, the cost ia slightly more. These reduced rates are in effect on certain date in month of May to October, inclusive. They apply from ad Eastern point via Chicago, St. Loins or Memphis gateway. The Rock Island System wiQ take yon up in either Chicago or St Louior at hundred of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Sleeper with unexcelled Dining Car sertice. The Rock bland also afford a choice of routes: on the " Scenic" route you can stop off in Colorado-see Salt Lake City-visit Yellowstone National Park; on the "Southern" route you can go via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco and on to Portland or Seattle if desired. In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excwsioai rates in effect to that section and return, aO summer long, specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13, and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden Salt Lake and return at low cost also. From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way tourist or "colonist" ticket will be on sate to California aad the Pacific Northwest about half regular far. H toissslsl. ssssl Baaaa aasl asUrass this asssjosy liilssnlliisj irfcka i.Ua waattad a4 1 what Sas af start also, ss ra eaa salvia Carolina Stock and Poultry Farm. O. U. Hlnshaw, Prop., Routs No. I, Cllaux.N. C Single Cnuib Brown Leghorn and Bar rod Plymouth Hock Chictens. Fino Berkshire lias JfcJJ 'Sk-- :J frirn rrnjsferad slock. -elfUv rourtiint IVmiums ?V?e'. and Snwjwtakes on ..jiji'- (llH8 ,,t t'utral Caro lina Fuir, hW two firslH, a second and three third premiums ou Chickeiia. la eggs for $1.00. Write for prices on pigs and poultry. vm lOo and j&O a BOX SUBSTITUTES 1 THE LUNDSTROM MFG. CO., Little Falls, N- Y. Manufacturers of Sectional Bt'okcases and Filing Culnuets. PRICES SATISFACTORY soaal y sJaassf. Mass) a rill 1 1 ts sWisutst- srstti rsapas to sates, .

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