XI: Lw Bfrsy v V".V.t i;i Refer Suspect it m To tied, Om '" Fill bottle or common glass with your wafer sad let it stand twenty-four hours ; asedituentorset tlingindicatcssn unlieaiuiv con ' dition of the kill neys ; if It stains your lmeu it i: evidence of kill- nev trouble ; txi frequent desire to pass it or puin in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out 01 oroer. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so ftea expressed, that Dr. Kilmers 8wamp-Root, the (reat kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad fleets following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the dsy, and to get up many timeadaring tle night. The mild ami the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine ,, .hnulit have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottlcjiiid book mat icus an about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binir- hamtnn. N. Y. When Bonwot Swamp-Hoot. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. A.m.PRESNELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, &W Horses and do a general repair bus iness. Second hand buggies always on band at bargains. When in Asheboro see inc. Shop back of McDowell s livery stables. Yours truly, A. M. I'KESNKLIi, TIRES SET Quicker and better Will give just tin- -I, lu ilie whcol. Nil gin--Imrntor i linm-il f.-H. away and looson tin- In We Set Them Cold. No stCiitu mid wairr lo rtltririk mwuv .iu! loom paint to rppliicp. "c l nor VSUYM MM. ,uk.-.i r. iu- miii.i. ... 'II )r lllr. lu. imf VKU I'IMI We guarantee work ,ui'l r'l'mi your nmr: if not sutisfurluiy. Cnim- awl stV .lie n rhino in njH.r;itiiii. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. J. R. STEED, DEALER IN Groceries and Fresh Meats! All kinds of fresh meats kept constantly on hand. (Opposite Postoffice.) L. M. FOX, M D. ASHEBORO, N. C. OflCTB hia prfewktul Rcrrli-e to the cIUkdb of;Anheborond nimtinHnB oommuDUy. oftc: At RpKldcnce Jersey Male Calvesat a Great Bargain with such breeding aa Gold en Lad first prize winner over all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Pan-American 1901; General Merrigold sire of twenty-one heifers that Bold at an averagre of $144 each. The breeding of these it correct; prices right for immediate acceptance. Addresa, JmNA.V(nJNG, . Graen-thoro, N. C. uud will rnu longer u it hunt Iio?oiiiii ih.wi I jtousi'-lf when svt tin "Id way. si-,,lill.,l,l ..I ,W, II. C MORRIS, Watchmaker, V Jeweler, Dealer in ' . T? fetch s, Jewslry , Spects- . . c!ea, , 1 ;-iittrz my irpecialty. Work " C-.".i-nUJ. " j SAYING OF BRAXTON CRAVEN. . I purpose here, for some Sunday reading to give a few excerpts recent ly gleaned from Dowd's Life et Itinxton Craven, the truly great and good Craven, a noble man of M C'uro- lina. 11 n il one wtioso worn "iiusi in the luarts and lives of hundreds uii'U," in diverse States. Theoloyv is u tedious anil ililii- cult science, and beyond controversy hinders the progress ol the g''pe But salvation is an easy science. Nearly all people can eoiupivlicml conditions, its active forces, ami results. The sectarian way to neaven is circuuuus, """h"" " irksome; the Bible way is plain umi direct." . . In id v own iioor wav, I have nil n I thought mid felt and said wli.it lr, j Craven here put so forcefully, 'i iiru-, logv, metnpiiysics, poirunce, .i snr.li like, indeed are to the avert! imlience, most always, a block ami in offence and a hindrance to salva tion, we see it repeated in city ami countrv chit relies Mimiav uuer cim- luv. Theologv is home maile: Christ ologv is heaven sent am. x.oil- made and the power steii and telt at I'eutecost. Buck to Christ and Calvary. 0, the load of mimsuy ind liberty. "The imainnatiou may do great things in fiction, poetry and art. The reason may be wonderful in its grasp. The understanding amy lie a vast storehouse of valuables. The polish of mind may '-e a lustre in tin m'idjtof all bright things. Hut high above all these is the gigantic power of belief." iul tnere is t lie sum oi me nou- matter. Belief, it is tue tuiimtatiiin stone of all light living and right aspiration and right iiplnok. The n.lii.-iiliiin of head, minus the ll--.il t . ilwavs was and always will be ! j ...,,.....,. m, oil I , I S.-llall III lll-lU volve them in wiecKing t lieluseies 1 until kind annul liu-in. 1 ur, Christ way of speaking to the li.art.j the highest and holiest ami in-sl ol j wav was liod's wav, and an example; minisleis and laitv ceryw here. coining ufter Him, to follow after lliui But oh, how vain man does long to parade his intellect! An in born weakness, intensilietl ami enlarged and made an hindrance and stumbling block to the progress of the simple yet ull-poweil'iil and al wavs-powei till gospel ol .i.-sus Christ. These gems from the great Crau u are certainly line food for needed thought by tin' large shaie of us. "Heal people of good niatcrial and fast colors people that will bear weanusand ironinsr must have in them Bomew hat as old as Moses: something from yesterday's news papers, and soiiiellnii-' that (iod hat sent butkviard bv revelation from the other side of the redirection. . Il reoiiires all liniiiaiiitv rishtlv make a man The great est iiii-n have inot of the huinan in them . . . The l-ody is a t -in plr. It is w roiiu'ht out of inali i ial nicely liuislied, laid wiih iniuiiialik skill, ami cillH Ilted by the pollUsof vitality. It is liuUhcd with iah orate coinpai tinents, with tlieiieln-s! colorings, and the nio-i spl.-udid dec oratiomj. It is duel linjf place of of the spirit, the abode of immortality." "Without the (lospel no ina'i i. alive. The sinner- of the world an (bad; their ide -z unbols and nnoil- lv "Ice lire mere animal spa.-nis." A line statement of truth, this! "Kvery line of science is pallnvay to (iod. . , The Christian otigh to praise the iron and the lead and the gold and the silver. . . . Mid make them praise (iod in harps and organs and every form of music." I simply designed to give the host of Sunday Observer readers a few of these thought-gems for Sunday read ing digestion and devotion. There are sermons in each single one of them. Dr. Craven was a great man and a great preacher. Written for The Observer. Bo You Want Strength? If you want to increase your strength you must add lo and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriat ed by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from the in testine. Kodol DyspepsiaCare adds to the pliysictil. It give strength to anil builds up strength ui the human system. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and tlio only combination of digestants that will digest th food and enable the systi m to appropriate all of its health and strength-giving ipialities. S41LJ by Standard Drug Co, Ashcboio Drug Co. The Mocksville Courier is a new paper established at Mocksville, Davie county, with Mr W K Clement as Kditor. It comes to us brim fall of news and is one of our best weekly exchanges. CHOLERA INFANTUM. CkiM Nrt ExsccM Urt fna One Haw ls . Aaatfcar, Carta1 y Cfcaatscrlata'a Colic, CMcra mi Diarrhaca Reaeay. Ruth, the little daughter of E Jf Dewey, of Agnewville, Va, was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We (rave ber np and did not expect her to live from one hoar to anotnpr. ' ne says: "l happened to tbinfc" o LhaaiberUm a I olie Cholera Mil Iliarrbueu lieincdy ami fat a boU'e of it from the In. In lira bonn I saw . ttwuse lot tht- better. We kept on giving- it and before she had taken tlio half of one smalt boCtle she was well." This remedy ir for Sale hj Ptanr ird Drug W Unit wood UrtodlerUaii. - THE PROFITABLE COTTON ITAIK. Cotton, which has been the South ' limit steadfast friend alike- iu times of trouble and serenity, has developed another and hitherto unsuspected vii lur. For if the result of an an nahrtis recently iniule lv a I'hihulcl- f phi:i lii-iiutt is lvliahlu the cotuui . staik v liii-li b;w previously been i nx'i.rdi-d us usefu jiiI v as a fertiii- ;:er, h !!' I i.-u 1 1 1 1 ly :i!!giiH-:itiii U ineiiH'. It is el .in - I i carefully li-.ii,4 ami ,;1 v.i, in of oi is li-.i- I In- -:i The ;i.: digiiity of gieat iou til's aggregate I.- 1 ior the stalk thatj e.iU-d u u Ids bet i-en .-j-'i h of .-n'g.M' to th" ten. I the -:i:o of i: nscininess. I ;ii'.int fi-'ai the sugar i - i .-s can In' nciiiiiuihiicd j tvl'iiii'"-m ',. '.. sum rim to it. i.h,i:h-.lt il'.Ull WOOll .-talks -ere also found to ntiri-i lesi-mbling cd aje for a smokeless pov. - -i-.. J.,,,,).,;,, ., .. i,,,,: , ,L, iii.m ami a fair grade of ":-:: the announcement alcohol. of the .sli'k's industrial evolution has been takui seriouslyis evidenced by i he fact t!vt a corporation is about to '-egin liie coiiitruction of a plant at (lonzales, Tex., Which will be entirely devoted to the handling of these by-products. The assertion is made that the in dustry has p :sed tl.tf;tage of specu lation and experiment and that the new company will shortly be pre- i pared to enter the market with all of the products named above. wnen it is stated that a conservative esti mate of the average auuiial yield of stalks in this section may be placed at ',U.(Mii,(i(i tons, the importance of the mvincingh app; sion rile prolit in the couver-w.i.-te i nl i sugar at re ah s is is seen at a glance, itit-s along the other lines i if loinineiisiir.ite ( i : il - Ullliieiali.i- 1 1'ii- p.i.-..i!.ili IK-:,(:. Mud vaiue, ami it call cai 1 be imagined that hereafter ii I hern farmers w ".' KlH' ilaut eye on the plant h Ml tii.-iting their cotton 1 iiciiuibiaiices. stalks. ; The skeptici.-in with which the pro oa to . . -ii: ti i.-ri i;i I v treat waste colt. in .-co p.uatiw-lv the farmer received is a imiii-l-i nl memory. Not only but many of the cotton .1 ill tiie aiiliouncemeiil that the oil and hulls produced would be of iniuience value to the in dustries of the south as a phantasy 011 the part of a few scientific fanat ic.-". I lie fortunes u lncli have been made along thise lines 111 late years and the direct prolit to tin- farming element came in the bent ot a silen cing rebuke to all scoffers. Of simi lar force is the marvelous manner in uhicii applied chemistry and me chanics have succeeded in wresting invaluable by-products from corn husks, which had previously been fed to cattle or made into boulires to clear the land of what was popularly conceded to lie a useless buruen. Since the occurrence of these events farmers have been wont to view with respectful attention all the itl'oits of business science their k half. Thus they are fully lueparcil for the ilictum wlncll give a definite, if small, value to their w.ialc eotlnii ,-i-iiks. If the enter p; i. s l.a-i-.l on t be theories of tli Philadelphia and Texas contingent, matt liali.'e a-- sati.-factorilv as thei. is najon to hope thev will, both large and small farms will he endow ed with an increased earning ca pacity which, t hough perhaps not pri tcntioiis in the single in.-tance, will be stlllieleiit lo make it a decided factor in the yearly calculations. A leading consideration, nioieover. is lie- fael I ha I all income from this .-nice w ill be cli ar prolit since it will come from, material hitheito re garded as merely incidental to the ciilthation id the cotton crop. All. ml, i Con-titiitioii. Indireslion Cured. There is no rase of Indigestion Dyspepsia or Stomach Trouble that will not yield to the digestive and strengthening influence of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. This remedy takes the strain oil the stomach by diges ting what you eat and allowing it to resi until it grows strong again Kodol Dyspepsia Cure afford quick and permanent relief from Indiges tion an. I all stomach troubles, bnilds up the svsteiu and so purities that disease can not attack and gain a foothold us when in a weakened ( iiiiditt.ui. Sold by Standard Dru 'o, A.-hi boiii I )rii-' 'o. I hero will be no reunion at (iiii-nsboio this year owing to the Invis and Clark exposition at Port land, Oregon. Oner Dollar Saved Represents Tea Dollars Earned. The average man does not save to cxcied ten per ccut of his earnings. He must icim1 nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar ' saved. Thai being the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary expense. Very often a few cents properly in fested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars out lay later on. It is the same in buy ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of eecrjl dollars. For sale by Stand ard Drug Co Asheboro Drag Oo Asneooio, w a Lnaerwood Kandle- Mr Randall, the States portrait painter, is dying of nmption at Blowing Rock. Buy It Now. Now is the time to bn ChamKor- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keuiedv. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time conies you will need it it bad I jt you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. ' for ale br Stand ard ; Drur Co "Asheboro Drug Co Asbfljiro, W JJtjilei wopii EaLdle- BlilO.' . A SaMOth Article. ' When you find it necessary to use salve use Dewitt's Witch Ilazel Salve. It is the purest, and best for Sores, Burns, lloils, Eczema, Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Protruding Piles, (let t he genuine De.Vitt'j Witch II.i.i'l Salve. Sold bv Stmiil urd ilnsij Co, Ashi-boro Drug Co. Tho IViain Fact? About Consumr-tim. "I'rtnenlioii is "better than Cur and far crimper." John Locke. t.'oiis'.iiiipiioii is nut inherited. U does not bel-mg to our climate. It is very often cured. Consumption is usually earned by the poison which comes f rum the consumptive's sputum or spit. Sick perstms s'boii'.l lake care to burn their spit or put it into the water cIom-I. The IriiuM.i now is that consump tives spil upon the Moor or in the street. Tiie poisonous sputum then dries and goes as dust into other people's lungs. A littlo spit is enough, when scattered in dust, to infect dozens of people. THINli.i UOOIl KOU WKAK LI SOS. Fresh nir iu plenty prevents con sumption. Siinshino kills the germs. Choose sunny rooms. Open the windows and let the air iu. If a consumptive has moved out of a room, have the Hoard of Health dis infect it. lie in the open air as often as yon can lie. Outuoor work is vastly bet ter than indoor work. Keep the feet dry. lireathe with drop, long, full breaths, so as to carry liie fresii air to eveiy corner of your lungs. Do thi-i always for several minutes ill the morning and a'- night. Ihvitlio through t he notrd-. and not thro" the open mouth. tpend vonr money lorMmple and wcll-cookcd food, good fresh meat, ggs, oatmeal, nee nd vegetables, ind for bread and butter, milk and fruit. Do not spend money for beer or ther liipprs, or for (p-iack medicines !' "clireS." t'i:i t.vi. c via: id' inn .-dMiniii asp I ' It 1 1. pit K , Do not sleep iu the same bed with i consumptive. Whenever any one of your family has been ill or seems weak or rim down, build up the strength at once with nourishing rood, extra rest and sleep and fresh air. If one has a bad cold or a cough, and it. dot-s rot grow better very soon, go nt once to a physician. lon t wait till it is too late. sug gestions by Dr Otis, of Kostou. Beautify vour conndexion with little cost. If you wish a smooth, clear, creamlike complexion, rosy cheeks, laughing eves, take Itol lis ter's Hocky MoiiutainTea, greatest oeautilier known. ;Jj cents. Ashe boro Di ug Co, Leal Advertisements. lh i uriil.iKi. hcie utiiiTi-ir Cim .-. I . AMhiir C"l. II. nry M h il.i . I., saw and .1 A .-.. u,-,-. ,1.1. na SOTICK. clerk. 1.. -11 f,ir division i. A.l',iK-,MluuU'lnc..l,-r iihii-h it i iilli-Kil llml iii.ln-i.i,-.l nmnillh "i :., in Men. taut will i.rtli. r I miin'.l to npiioar heinre l.iM'i.ltrtll lin, olhee in it.li r ilic l.i:toit ferlh.-V, lH-l,l,-inai...-.in W ('. H.V.MMOXIi. I . .- LAMri.I.K. Hi virt ti-of an onlt-rof the nuisTlor Court of Kiiii.l.Oiili county, iu a snecial lir-HxisliiiK liim-lit nciKltu. cntittcl Au.ly llorsett. a.lniitn-truUir of lra Hiax .. ,v:u-., aituinst Ui Mruy ct al. I u ill m'II for cosli ut .iil.lic- auction, at tli,- smtli crn H.ulxxay .Icim.i. in tiie Uixx-u of stiilcy. Itau dol.h eiiiinty. North Caniliiia, on M.H.ilax. .tulx list. 1UO.V. that tract or parcel of liiu.l in C..Ium- townslii,, hatuloljili xsuiiity. North Carolina. scnl.c.1 by Ihe title deeds. I,v whlcli .In- I'Minic. AL I KK H. SI I.Kit. This .lime tilh. ll. CoinmlsM.uic NOTICE OK HALE, By ' irtue of authorltv rented In me hx- u ln.lv. raiilt of the t-ii.-il,.i oourt of Randol(i uiilnty in a neiai rnsvsiing wnerein i w Caincron mid II H IK-lk were ielltioileni and Julia N'lU.n .1 il were dcfeu.latai. I will mi the Wi day nf Auul IIMft.M-11 fcithe hiiihest bidder for ca-h at the (snirt liiHise .l-.,r in A-.li.-U.ro. N C. the lollnu ini! dcscril.sl lands; Ciuiated on the wau.ru of .lai k sou cns-li. Bx-Kii.iiiii(; at a hlock locust fonuiTly ruvis ismier; llu-nce north W I S chain, to a white oak ; lifuin's corner: thence cast on h-.-line 1 elialns to a stone lu Uullinin"a line tin in c w.iilh on sai.l line 34 chains to a Make. Harris line, now Hill's; tin nee west on said hue oxer the I.ickinoiiiitafn Is I S chains to a stake, now Mill's corner; thence south on his In.,- ,-m h.inis and im links ton stake lu sunt Hill's line thence weet al ehaltis to u stake Id Uic coiinty llue; Uienee north xxilh the county Hue Is chains and US links to a stake formerly Uax is corner tnence east mi hia line ! chains to a staiulsli oak. hiaamier: th.-u. e north bi Uic Uiilnuiiiij, i A HI'KNCK. Cominisrloucr. Thta July tth lBQe. illy ull .rsoiis haviiiK i-laiine airainst the de ci-ie.-i io .nei,i tnciu to the undenaunisl on or fore the ah day of July luoii,or thai notice will he plca.1 in Imr ol their reeovcrv. All persons in delited to esutc will .lea-e 'rtwiie Imimsllate sellleineiit H M K.rt.li... Admiuistralor 1 hia July llth 1905. ol Al Kolan.deiaed. MOHTGAOK SALE. By virtue of ths t powers contained In a mort taire deed execute. red bv J l teu Halt ixcai-HT in iwcas Kir Riiu.loipii omu.i- , en w h. I ue uuders imed w II sell at pul.lle auctkm to the hlnhrst bidder la! art, u the Court knw. done In VbetaU C, STh." Uie VdloxVlVo7d'TTbed" VS 'eS 1 ttaot of lanif In RaiHtol, cont, atalTot if c O Ci. Kuftts Onltranc. ranklln rraater and Tiler's Una S ehs and as Iks to a Make, thenca nrui T eh. and SO tkn Ira none. nWJ .TIj,. r7,Ti.I!l 7, to Una, tnanea JTjZZZ " ma xashtaaearwi TI.Julyl0U,!SiJk,,,ih'W' Fruit Paper Free I JT1- i r.1"' Pnwocte In the i' flerent sfarketa. rrwn I rase Matters, Div-aaeaof Traea and f ' -:s ..iiiiuin irrntmeHt ,rr-V exs-ry phav; of the ,liXt'Z')i to narket, la th SI aihi la i needs, wbHtisr da ha an "DOMESTIC." Better Than Ever! "THE STAR THAT LEADS THEM ALL" In Ik' hi Kill. I IV wil.-. . 'I'hnl'M.u l..Kk i.r ii in uii.l price. tueiilitcr slHH-lall Slii.-h. Write Domestic Sowing Ma chine Company, Nswsrk. N. J. "Wood's Seed. Crimson Clover. tlllaer bills and Inoraase their ravonuos MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, by sowino Crimson Clover at the lust working of their Corn ami Cotton crops. It is the best time to sow and yon snvean extra pre arotiou of tho land. Crimson Clover makes land rich In humus or veritable mnttr and puts it in excellent condition for the crops which follow it. It also make i fine wittier Dover crop, . An excellent grazing crop, k good early forage crop, A splendid soil-improiing crop. l'lowed under early in the Kpring, it increases the yield of corn, to bacco, cotton or other crops which follow it, to a wonderful extent Our Miles nf Crlinon Clnver seed sre lncre.slim pnornnm.-l!' every year, nil we are to-dav Ihe largest dealers In this sel In the l'nltc.1 Mates. Write for prices and circulars (tiring Information about thin valuable crop. I T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VIRBINIA. Wood's Deaorlptlva Fall Catalogue-, IsMicil In AiiKie.t, tells about all Farm aud Garden Soeda for Fall Plant ing. Mailed free on request. Personally Conducted Tour to the Pacific Coast Vii Seaboard Air Line Railway. Tii.' Se.ili...ii-.l annoiim-cs il jrsnally eon In. ti-l i. mi fr.i-.ii Nurili I'nriili.ia In i.iiuls i l'e..i.i-l.. ihe Yclluwsioai! Naliotml Park l...s Aieteti-s, Sin Krancisco, lln mid Clark Kkili..u nl I'orll.m.l, Ore, anil other mints el iniwrest mi the rai-tlie I oa-t, to Icav aliuiil Ani;ii-I 1st Id Htli exact ilnle lieiiiL' d ei.lc.l liitrr. 'I'lie rnutiil trip in only SHL'..1 and the piute wiU 1m via Adaiilu, Biruiinhain ili'uiiliis, ht Ixuiis, KaiiMi i l ily, I leaver, Colorado Springs, Salt l.akel'ily, lxm Anselca, San Kr.uii'iM'0. liie Shnsta route lo l'ortuiml. Northern racilii- to St Paul thence tot'liieagu and return vi;i m 1)uis. Through riillniiin cars will lie arnineid fi the exclusive use of the pirly. which will lie iierHonullv ciuiiltu-tcd hv Kev Win Uhk-k nml wife of Paviilsoii. N C, !wlio biirccsAfutlv liandli-.l die large irty froiu North Carolina last August. Iliiicnirv of the trip is now lieiiii iirtMurcil which will uive full details as lo I lie rate! step een. Ii .li-l l-ates and niints of interest It uill l e one of Ihe unci eninlilele Irim its kin.! ei or arranged fiom litis tate and at ery small cost. 1 hose who join the jmrty will ! shown ex-rv aliention over Hie r nip ul.i.li uill ,-,.- live iveel.s. Wlile for lxrsiklei Win lllaek, I i.n ,.!-.. i-ni.il:eii to Hi or eddress. IS, T. V. A l.'.ileinh. N t". ( HAS lltiAT Extremely Low Rates. Extremely low rates are announced via the Southern liailwav from points on its lilies for the followin jjH'cial atccasHUis: Athens, (ia. Summer School, June !i7-Julv W, 1JI05. Montvagle, Tenn. Montcagle Bible 1 raining School, July 3-Aug. 15 iy05. Monteagle, Tenn, Montcagle t day School Institute, July 17- Ang. 5, 11105. Monteagle, Tenn. AVuman's Con cress, Aug. 1-15; 1905. Nashville, 'lenn. Peabody College, Summer Schools; Vanderbilt Bib lical Institute, June 14-Aug. 9, lyoa. Oxford, Miss. Sumiuer School, University of Mississippi, June 1-4- JUly Zli, 1905. Richmond, Va. Farmers' National CoiiLTtas. Sent. 12-22. 1905. Tusculoosa, Ala. Summer School for Teachers, June 16-July 28, l'JU.I. Rates for the above occasions open to the public. Tickets will be sold to these noinU from uHs stations on Uie Southern Kail n ay. Detail information can be had up on application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern- Railway, or Agents oi connecting unci, or by address ing the undeisigncd: U L Vkhnox, J II Wood. D P A, 1 V A, Charlotte. Asheville. S 11 Hakiiwick, W II Tayloe, r. i. m. i;. I'. A. Wu:iiiiigton, D. C. OF VALUE TO FRUIT GROWERS. A Special Magazine and The Ceurier Oae Year for UM- A new and attractive offer lir us ia that The National Froit 0 rower in comlrination with The (Imirier tlielwooue rear for 81.50. The National Fruit Clroner. wliicli ia puliliuli ad at St. Joseph and Bentoa Harbor, ilich a mouddy deroted to the sohiect of trait growing whim it Itnmilas wits, great abtlitj. Ibfl Tsnons Urpn are diacusnrd by special iata, and it is inraluaule to ersry rait Ton may forward your ntoncjr for this c hi nation oner to in Nstu National Fruit U rower or to this paper. HAVE VOU WWQESTtON. let Pure Carbon of Albumen a positive cure for lndimnf-inn. rivenm. sia. consti nation, hmdarhet or mnr stomach from over eating or drink ing n tucy aon u cents package. 1 If vour drucfist dosen'a b tham end direct to BOYDCHEMICAL COiKPANY, 708 Rand McNally Bldf-, i.c fer tin- h WANTED Will pay spot cash f. o. b. your depot for All Kinds of Furs, . Green and Dry Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, WooKvvasheil or iin-washcil) We tt'so curry a full lineof Fruits i nml VegetaliKc, Iiiuiaiias, Oraiiiros. i Lcni'iiis, - IVannts, Etc., at market prices. l rile for prices. FORSYTH & W ATKINS, 113 Lewis St. (Irci'iisboi'i). K. C. AHIIEST IT-J50.00 iUM. A bottle of Ec-xinc will be sent free to every reader of this mmcr who is siifferinir with itnv kind of skill diseime or eruptions, any form of Erxenui, llliml or Illeedin'g Piles, heroin la, Itch, Tetter, Barbers ll-cli. Rina worm. 1'ioil.,. Ki.wui i,ia.... fever Niros of it n v inline or nature. $50 reward will l t.. cuese of Eczema that in mi i.mmni. ly cured with Kc-ziiic. Ee-,in8 will heal any sore or cure the worst skin and make it look like velvet. Here tofore there has been no Speoilic discovered that would cur.. Eczema ami kindred diseases until Ec-zinc was discovered and now thousands are cured daily. Never mind what vmi knvo i . f.,...,i the failures unult! bv otln r remedies ami send for FREE SAMPLE of hi-ziuf, which ahvnva gives n.. net aim n jieiniani'iit cure , Ec zine Skin Sonn is I lie In st anticcptie soap ninde. it will cleanse anything will destroy mi crobes of dandruff, falling hair, s.ne nca.i, nan.rs and leet. pimples mid blackheads on face ami miike the skin smooth. The nnlv initial., xlio f having soap made, guaranteed to cure germ diseases $50 if it don't, cents a eak?. Write today to Boyd CheiIical cohpany, 8 Kand-McNally Bide, Chfcago. III. fc Tho mihlishi-r nf f).i I the reliability of Ec-zine and of mix u viicnncai uo. ixoLiiiverx'S Rocky Wounlin "03 HaqgEts A Bny MlWs. f..r far V -,- C-ilgS OdUen i...'.' '. V--:r.r.-: Vlrw. A ntrvine forC.iiislii .11.111 I , '.-n (Ion. Won .1-1-1 Kl.ltiv Trouliloi. riinil". ;-''-'.:in. Impur ! : ..-1. llml nrrath. Mlu,:i;i.li l.f !-. Il-a.lach n.l burkarhp. It'a RxvLy MoiinlHiii Ton In tab VI form. 8.V o.nta n hot. (;t!-iinA made by !1 .Li.isrta Daro CoarxNx-, M-i.lli-n, Wia. 30LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ill SEWING MACHINE Do not lie tleeeiveil l.y tlioro who noV verlisi. a fttOM Sewing Miieliinu for (L0.(K). Tills kind of a nineliine rail be lionelit from UHomnv of our deulers from $15.00 to $18.00. WI MKC A VARICTY. THE NEW HOME IS THE JEST. The Feed (leteniiiniti the stnuigth or weiikniini of KewiiiK Maeliiinw. Tlio Doublet Food I'.iiiil'ined with other HtnuiK miIiiis inskesi tlio Xew Home the I -est bi-viiig Muehlne to liuy. Write for CIRCULARS S ire mmtiiracluriMititl prlros tx fori' purrlnulng THE HEW SOME IEWINS MACHINE 80. oaaNGC, mass a- I'iiI.ui Sq. N. v., I'hlcugo, 111,, Allnntn, Oa, .IL :.mls,Mo., I)nlliu,Tox.,H.ia Fmuciaoo, Ont ran salc r W. W. JONES, Asheboro. N. U. FOR BALK BY MOMBIS-ECARBOKO-JIOFFITT CO. A8HEBOBO, H. 0. SETINC MACHINE. ROLLER BBAJHNQ. HIGH CRAD5. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co. CELVirEBE. ILLINOIS. Failure im life if not always loet of capital, bnt failure is losa of character, low nf aelf re?r-et. Wbeo yon tee a man faltering le bim alone; when you a bim climbing llowlr precipltoaa heitrhts cheer bim on the wav and coo tri bate to bis aid if it ia on! ti administer enp of i BUY -THE Ri'ilV'lM nlkbae.hooett, lttlatil.;j fc'nhrwleiein. Ii TlWflil knuehin Your Photograph Opportunity! Send any Photo with 25 cents and get 28 perfect Photos made from it, your photo returned un harmed. 6 Photo Buttons 25cts. Your money rffuritlcd if not sat isfied, rotraits 1:1 all grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-coior. oniy .w. west Cabinet Phofc.3 $2. to S. a dozen. W. R. NCAL, Phototrrapher, Raiu'leman, N. C. GIVE VIM nnrl do. lr for work or pliy. Mko a cltwr brain, brlglit ayes and sweat brai.th. MAKE LIFE WORTH WHILE GIVE VIGOR 1ST malrllr rorrortln!! llx-rr, atnmaoh and boircla. They lnduoe tlio natural nlo-p aud sppetiteof youth. GIVE VITALITY by elennslns all disorders from theystem. v They cure Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Head ache, Nervousness. For Sals by all Druggists IOo and Sflo a BOX ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES AT FACTORY PRICES The "Lundstrom" Sectional .Bookcase, IV .1 llio 1IKST liy llimi-iliiils of I rii-f. tier I k section, Willi iliskiH':iritii: $1.00. T.. ami Inses ?1.0I oiuh. M Ion. Sr-nil for Caialoir'o No. 9. Special Tuesday Sales With each cash purchase of one dollar on Tuel f1 day of each week, we give you a coupon for that amounf When you have eotten sixty (60) of these bring them to oif: store and we will give you u I Absolutely Free I A Handsnme Oak. or Mahogany Rocket! These Rockers sell for 10.00 each to the trade. C.A and let us show you our full and complete line of Housi furnishings. Very truly yours, i , Peoples House Furnishing: Company, J "j If COLUMBIA a GOLD MOULDED CYLINDER RECORDS records for use on tH tyes of CuJhaaVr TasUnf WscWoas iVana Pri,,, ParU, Cylinder Orahoplionc from $S to $100 Send far Utast Catlsni COLtMSIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY. V SBAWAV, Wilis Life often seems too long to the woman who suf fers from painful periods. The eternal bearing down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, griping, cramps ancLsimilar tortures are dreadful. To make life worth living,, take It Eases Women's Pdas It quickly ralloYM Inflammation, purlflas aod an rl dies tba bbe4 rtosthan tba cooatitutlon and permanent! ctrta all disease! CoiS ditioaa rrom vhlcn weak women wHor. It l& reatehleu, marvelous. reUabia. f tq stnirFest'i In 1 1. CO bottle. UTTXK Nety and Iraojdv, In strtctcst crwM- oce, nturif m al m (jraptosM ana ktHblet, W wm tend fret aivka (la pistil ataM-edretoee), how ttr "tore Otrm. Add rear Ladles' AdrlsVy Dept. The Chattanooga Medldnt Cu Ciiaftanonga.. Teem. . Take The Courier Carolina Stock and Poultry Farm, 0. D. Hinehaw, Prop., Route No. I , Climax. N. C. Single Comli Brnxv.i Ihorli mid Burnxl PK'tiuiiitli ltoek ( 'hiuxxoiiK. I ... v,-rg- - ( , I'iuo iVriiniiiio pigs I ('-: ,-. 'i-'f fl' 'jiti're(i aiox-k. xr-wswy . i J , ! .iD- HatT. nl C'aro- l'n i r, iiImi Ixvo lii-s:, ,i second mid tliree. tliiril pn-iiiinins on l'!iick,en. 15 eggs for $1.00. Write for prices on pig and poultry. il- s. Ilifllily liiiislie.l in S.nr, (!on.-s (I. lulinu ulnVs i....ii. $1.75. without tlo noii - sr . Ai-fiiiivxi , fiiMglit m'iniil ilirirt from IwJ-. THE LUNDSTROM A1FQ. CO.. Little Falls, N. Y. .M.inuf.ictiui re of Sci'ti.mal llookeasvx nml Tiling ("abinels. Migli Point, n. c. tPwi "I uvihmiiS) CXtATLT," errltee rs. L, E. Clevenger, ef Bette Ttrw, N. C., '' St nryajonthrr periods, U sry Hfe, but the ftrst fcottia of Car- tsv ne wonderful reaef , and now I eat 4a letter health than I have keen for lorsr time. IthtnkQirnuitiiegrea est vtrin.-.r.'s mouiiiie in fie uxorlX" and Get the Ne ws. I" sja Atai) "I juP'1 rnzt I Y T. LtKJtl "' ii ii t, ' tin attaint cold water. , One Dollar Per Year in Advance.