'The Aslieboro Courier Asheboro, N. C, Aug 3, 1905. Arrival and Departure of Trains. 80UT11BOUND. Train No. 14). arrives ut 10:OOa. Train No. 107, arritea it 3:10 p. in, Train No. 143, arrive at : p. m .NORTHBOUND. Train No. 70, arrives at 8:25 a. m. Train No. 130, arrivea at 11:01 a. m. Train No. 42, arrives at 2:25 p. NORTHBOUND. No. 142, leaven at 4:40 a. in No. I. Hi), leuveaat 11:05 No. 144, leaves at 4:30 p. m SOUTHBOUND. no. ii, leaves a' ju ioa. ni. No. 107, lenv4at 3:15 p. m No. 41, leases at 3:30 p. m. Local arid-Personal. Mr W J Baldwin, of Troy, was in town Tuesday. Mr C C McAlister returned from Spray Monday. Mr S O Newlin, of Randleman, waa here Tuesday. Miss Sal lie Ueulcy, is at home on a snort vacation. Mr Jno T Lowe and daughtei Mr C 0 Shaw, of New Hope, was nere xneaaay on Dnainws. Mr W J Scarboro went to Greens boro on business Tuesday. A colored K of P lodge was in- auiuuru unro uiuuuaj lilgnt. Mr J A Spcnce went to Jackgons Springs 'Inesuay on business. Mrs Orissie Clark, who bas been way for sometime, baa returned to Aabeboro. Her C W Robinson and family have gone to the springs near North Wilkes boro. Mr Garner Snyder baa accepted a position with Lewis-Winslow Hard ware Company. Mrs W J Teaene and little erand son Earl Maxwell are visiting in jinoiviiie, ienn. Mrs Charles Lorlin and children re visiting relatives and friends in Davidson county. --Mr Wrightsell, of Liberty, wlio represents the Pomona Nnrsery.Jias been here this week. Misses Mary Ferree and Kpsie Woolen were the guest of Miss Bes sie Coffin last week. ( Misses Jessie Fetter, of Franklin, Virginia and Zora Sapp, of Kerners ville, are expected to-day. Misses Elizabeth Adams, of Wil son and Emily Bebe, of Spies, are visiting Miss Clara Spencer. Mr Harvey L Davis and wife, of High Point, were here Sunday, the guests of Mrs C C Cranford. Mr E Q Morris has recently leased the livery building occupied by Mr K B Ress and is re-painting it. Several Asheboro people attended tbe funeral service of the late John Morgan, at Shepherd, last Sunday. Miss Effie Ingram, of Bombay, who has been visiting the family of Mr John Morris returned to her home Saturday. Mr and Mrs Worth McAlister, of Greensboro and Mrs Hines, of Mt Airy, are spending a few days at Col McAlister's. Mr P E Foust, who for a long ume was engineer on tne Southern from here to High Point, is visiting at the Central Hotel. Mr Elmer Rich left Monday morning for Ebn Col lego where he goes to make lirick for the new Christian Orphanage. Cant Leach is off duty on account of sickness. Capt Pleasants is run ning the passenger train during Capt Leach s absence. Miss Myrtie Scarboro who has been visiting her parents in Lexing ton and relatives in Greensboro has returned to Asheboro. Miss Cora MoMaster who is now making her home in Greensboro was here last week on her way out to visit her parents near Farmer. Mr B B Moffitt, of Tampa, Fla, who baa been spending his vacation with his father, Mr M H Moffitt, of Grant towasbip, returned to his home Tuesday. Mr H L Brower, who- has been spending his vacation, visiting relatives in Randolph county, re turned to his home in Atlanta, Georgia last week. . Miss Jessie Fuller, who has been visiting re'ttires out on Uwhame spent Monday here with Miss Whit field and left on tbe 3:10 p. m. train for her home in Lumbertoa. ' Mr and Mrs C E Spencer spent several days last week in High Point. Mr Spencer has sold out in High Point and -will, in all probability buy property in Ashe boro. Mr and Mrs H B Varaer of ' Lex ington were on the train Monday going U - Jackson Springs for a week. There were six young ladies from Davidson and Rowan counties with them. The Friends' Yearly Meeting be rtutat Guilford College yesterday. This is the first year that they have had their annaal meeting there. It ha been held in High Point for number of years. Attention is called to tbe adver tisement of the Ramseur Store Co, in another column. This company bas for several years dona the largest Mercantile business of any firm in the county which is abundant evi dence that yoa will j-t the worth of your money and be treated right. Mrs Stanley Redding and daughter Miss Ocia Redding spent Monday in town. Mrs M C Spoon spent Sunday at Uedar f alls with nor brother M Wrenn. Miss Antoinette Bnrwell, of New Orleans, u hern with Mrs Allie H Worth. Miss Ella Hendricks left Moudav for a visit to her grandmother near High 1'oiut. Mr and Mrs Ninevah Rush and chililren have been vi.-iling at tbe Ueutrul Hotel. Mrs W A Under ood am1 Mrs T Underwood left Saturday for Mt Vernon spriHgs. Mrs W J Armlield and children a,re vUiiing Mr Arnifleld's parents near ll'gu I unit. Mrs Annie Robins and Mr B Frank Page went to Steeds Tuesday tor a few days visit. - Judge Peebles and Solicitor W C Hammer left Saturday for court at statesviue this week. Mr 'V B Webster, a popular mer chant of Central Falls, was in town Tuesday on business. Miss Jeunio Herndon, of Elon College, is visiting at Mn M A Momtt s on sunset avenue. Mrs E W King, of Greensboro, visited relatives iu Asheboro and Grant township last week. Mr N L Crnuford, of Winston Salem, recently visited his fat he and mother Mr and Mrs M B Cran ford at Bombay this county. Col and Mrs A C McAlister and Mrs Allie Worth went to Ureanboro Monday to attend the funeral of Mr worth McAlister's little daughter, Mr A C Millikan, of Raudlcinun. has moved to Lexington, where he has a position with thu J-exineton Grocery Company. Our Randleman correspondent wrote several weeks ago tnat Mr Millikan would soon move to .Lexington. Prof R C Cox, who waa chosen principal of the High Point graded schools hwt Juno, has been chose u superintendent of the Gibsonville graded schools, and has accepted, Mr Vox is a Kaudolph boy from niciiiana township, and is a most ex cellent young mau. Mr and M rs Nixon Lucas came in om Wedowee, Randolph county, Alabama, on e nuay ot last week and are spending this week at Mr M It Momtt s, father of Mrs Lucas,' live miles south of Asheboro. Mr Lucas encaired in tbe turpentine bnei ness. ' lie operates two turpentine distilleries. HiB out put last year was $35,000 aud the estimate for this year is $40,000. Miss Rose Collar, of Washington City has been visiting relatives in this county for some time. She is n daughter of Mr Jacob Collar, who was well known here just after the tier mother was Miss Titia Cox, daughter of Col Jesse Cox who lived in Ashebero for a long time. Mies Maude Hamlin, daughter of Mr W R Hamlin of Central Falls went to Washington with Miss Col lar who is her cousin, last Monday. The person sending us a communi cation from Randleman without any name accompanying it is reminded that we do not publish communica tions of any kind without knowing the name of the writer, and further it is a standing rule of this paper to publish no article reflecting upon y one without publishing the name of tbe writer signed to the article. This rule is adhered to except in rare instance where tbe editor after in vestigation is satisfied the charges of a personal nature are true and should in the interest of justice and fairness be published. A Birthday Dinner. On the 2!)th of Julv Mr Jasner Delk and myself attended the birth- Ruth, the sweet little bahv triil of day dinner given by Mr David j Mr and Mrs L 1) Mcndunlmll, of Thomas, of Tabernacle township. ! Ramtleman, died last Thursday, i nere we met a large number or , J my Uvtii, of spinal meningitis, aged Mi Thomas' friends iind relatives ; eleven months. who joined him oa this festive occa-; sion. Everyone present enioved Ihe jjh.hu muiy, me tnree montns good diuuer very much. Mr Thorn- ola "'Uightcr of Mr and Mrs Worth as has a fine crop of corn, of about ' McAlister died in Mt Airy Sunday 30 acres, which he 1ms cultivated by iat tne 11011,0 f M McAlister's himself. His friends were sin -prised " nines aim was tunen to see a man of his age 50 years , Uieenshoro Monday for burial with such a crop, made by himself. , 'J-'1141 Courier extends sympathy. We stopped, on the way at Mr Beit! a ullcr 8 where we saw another veryi ne crop of corn. J hope Mr To-Ths Lidies of Atheboro. Thomas may live long in the. laud It is earnestly desired that the aud always enjoy the same prosperity, ladies "t Asheboro and surroiindin: W. K. Pool.. country shall organize a Chapter o: Daughters of the Confederacy at an early date. There are now in Ncrth Carolina (iO Chapters, and 12 Child ren's Chuptcrs. To iiiote from the constitution, the object of this usso- .".'!' "T",'01 1 ciatiou shall be "1."" i 'i'i,i.n.u.;.i.,. ...i i survivors ot the i pendent upon them uiiiiiiiKiiiaiiut'uiutitutioiiaiiii.iuvistinKmitiirei x. lohonor the memory of those 'am,SuiyX,mi -ho fell in the service of the C'on- Hiiiuln.il Dollura fur uny cow t k. j. chknky t co.t Toi,:iio, o , gruteiuiiy muse survivors who nave oimtiiwtion. laitlitully served and sutlered and $l0 Reward, 100- The ruadein of till minor will Ik; i,uum-I hi lenrn that there lit at lnunt one ilrewh'tl diffuse lliu ta'ttnntt ehteun' In nil IUitiimM ly positive cure now known fraternity. Caturrli lieiiiR a e, case, requires a constitutional mum the blood tun, increuy ileslroynii; Ihe 101 it KivinK tne imuen Lawn Party. A most enjoyable lawn party was given at the home of Mr M H Mof fitt in Grant township last Satur day night in honor of his son, Mr B Moflitt, who has been at home on a month's visit. There were about one hundred guests present. Some were hindered on account of high water. lee cream was served. Mr B Meflitt has many friends in the neighborhood who regret to see him leave for Tampa. Hail Storm. One of the most severe hail storms ever known in this part of tbe coun try was on Saturday about 4 p ni. It seemed to come from the south west and extended over a space of about two and a half miles wide and three miles long; the worst part ef the storm was about three miles north of Asheboro. Mr Jno T Brittain, who owns a farm three miles above town, had a barn and buggy shelter blown over, window glasses broken and ten or twelve acres of com literally mined. Every bit of foddor torn from stalks of corn and ears of corn were beaten so by hail stones that they soou spoiled. Mr J A Neighbors' bain blew over and he had to cut timber away iu order to get his horse out; it was not hurt but wedged in the barn. He also lost his entire crop of corn. Mr Win Hinshaw's barn and sjtraw stack blew over and corn crop ruined. MrWB Hinshaw's kitchen and dining room were unroofed, barn blown across the road and his crop was almost ruined, son's barn waa moved. Among others whose ci ops were badly damaged are, Rev Thomas H Jayes, Russell Millikan, Sidney Hughes, A 8 Clapp, W F Trotter, Thomas Connor, Win Connor, S V 8pinka, Mr Jordan, J A Hinson, Gnrney Hinson. Wm Bailev, Jno Barley, Henry Underwood, William Barns, W V Williams and a good sany Other. The estimated damage to timber, crops and houses is about $5,000. The hail stone were about the size uf guinea eggs. IF YOU WANT TO WHY Business Local. Subscriptions Paid. I II T....l.. . I A Tn.n. f . ... - . n ' Notices inserted under this head at ont r onyuer, u v lucri, t ai " u, oent a word each Insertion. L A Smith, J A King, II B Wall, I Kliza Brown, D C Brown, L E l'res-1 v,tvTvin. , i neil, L Curtis, J A Dowd, R Fjers. Applv to tho rrankliiivilie Jlfy. Co. uue, n. Cheek, C C Kandlemau, J C Graves, ; V K 1J Lewis, Terrell (Javiness, 11 J Harrison, Wilson Kearns, T Ei jjiKiier, B u uoivon, w n uraves, Firat-cln For Sale. ItemiiU'tsm Khiniluril 'o I Mis C A Floyd, A 11 Hicks, AV C j Tyitewriter can lie liouKhUheH. Been in us Russell, J R Peace, Dr L M Fox, i " J'""-. Ai.ly at thi oiiiec. O E Rich, K F Stevens, Will Sykes, J L Bray, C A Vuncanon, W II ! FOT Sale. liarner, 1 t Macon, J j Wood, u M Petty, Ellis Tucker, W P Johnson, j fllrl,"r Sr'eaU J P Leach, W II Hughes, M'llliam j One fnll lil.imled .tersev miltll row. I oil DkM'IIISA JIii t . Atilielioro, X C TOBACCO is the largest seller, cut out this advertisement and send, together with 2c stamp, to R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C, and they will mail free a' 5c sample of this tobacco. Write your -name and address plainly. Wadding in Ramseur. remained loyal to the Confederate cause. With the brightness of the skies Li';', , , :. ;, , e- . , r:!f,feI!Di w'.W1;?.0? :t.'i:'"',fr ! to record deeds of heroism of South- nuu uviu, nciiimu.'iv c-uuinu, liiv ! .... ...i ... , 4 here, Mr Geo York, of Ramseur, and . ,V f 1 ""u"l- -"e J n, .:(u ,i..,u. . r m j determination that the portion of Miss rloru en ltb, daughter of Air . ... , .. .. . . m . o'-.u t t- it- American history relating to the late and Mrs Giles Smith of 1-ranklins-' , ,, , J , , s , . . ., ville, N C, were united in the bolv , .,, ,., , J J. ., - c. , ' bonds of matrimony, Rev W C F.u-1 P"b L' .BfU ott timr?'. BD. l" ier officiating. To say that the fe. "?arit thl8 obJcct marriage was beautiful would be, . ,a , ' . .. "!....!... i i.. i - a. 4. To bring into its organization uub to liiuueiiitaieiy uesertue vne i i, rt . . , seldom has it been our fortune to jre eligible to membership and loyal witness any wedding in which plan j ? ' e,I"elor) an.d P"P of and execution were carried 'out 1 ,hS,f?"fcdcte cm ? w u ni7hehfurchywas beautifully dec- i '? rc h!f1 orated and about live hundred re n-1 - , , , ,, . , , iiii -l .i . of such men as served honorably in ed people assemb ed to witness the i i c t . J- -i iw.io i i i .u the Confederate army, uavy or civil occasion. A, 7;J0 o clock when the i j choir was singing the lust of that : 8ertTiue; ,0' of ,tho.ai ",eu unflt , r beautiful song, 'When the Bride- "ctive ty who loynlly gave d to groom cometh" the bride and groom ! .he ?""sc; n aurd, -the,r entered the church and marched ',"e"1 tdn"fW5i " f' slowly to the altar and were made ho can give proof f Personal ser- husband and wife. ! , . uno im ".. i during the war. After a short prayer, Brother 1 ra-! .. ... . i.i: .. i zier auggested to nil present j c)igible to join tho U. 1).' C under wished the bride and groom a happy ., " ,, ,J-,. ..... . . ,. prosperous life would come forward; ch ' , bc 'httrlcred and give them congratulations which ' . ' . . . lasted about ten mi mi U'S. i ."' 1 7. "' , i1 T. The large audience was then niiiet- . ... ,'n . t seated, Brother Frazier preaching i1 llh uf ,p, ? ""7 A e of his short, able sermons, and f, ViT . i. through His name we trust great c... ,n . .. ' , and lasting good was i accomplished. , Kocori,inK Stcletary tttNash. ' j ville for the charter. With this j charter will be sent 100 blank ap- Pleassnlly Effective. nlications for membership to the Never in the wav, no trouble to car- new f 'hunter President for distribu- ry, easy to take, pleasant and never tion. Each application must be uliiig iu results are JJeVt itt s Little Milled in and signed or recommended -arly Kisers. Ihese famous little by a veteran who kuows of tho scr- lls are a certain guarantee against headache, billiousnees, torpid liver and all the ills resulting from consti pation. They tonic and strengthen tbe liver. (Jure JaunJice. bold by vice of the soldier under whom the lady is joining. The organization must be coin pleted by the election of Chapter leers and tliuir n.iiiH'S sent to the Standard Drug Co and Asheboro j Stute President and according Sec- j The motto of our North Carolina In Mamory. , division V, 1). C, is "Hand Oblivis- Mm Leana Parmma, ho Iil recenilv n I cemliim, "not tt be forcotten ; and pnoid fever at Sprn.v. N C, ua a dnugdier ! while we have breath the women of Mr N H Cnrfer of tins ruinitiiiuitv. .Mrs ; ji,; jf.,,u ..,,. ...Ml h,1,1 nr ,.;. un ifrmfffiit iiVr.. for iiitef grateful reuieuiberanue those brave meat. Klie wua a good, quiet, uo.,iimi", i men who fun gilt for their homes ill woman, and lcnvea a htiHliand and luren to niourn tier untimely iteatlt. I). H. A. Ciray' Chnpel, July, 'II 10(13. Two Star Hent. 1 aet two hens aide liv side, seven davs between the time of setinr. At the proper off iv ilh the "War between the States." Mas Hknky A London", State President. Daath of Mr. Libin Eltit. Mr T II Kllie reeeived a telegram Montlay ni'ht atinouncitig the death of hifl oldest her, Air Lauin rjlis.of Hurjier s AH onds. il Chat hum county. He left this mornini; ac- v bis daiiirhtcr, Ala time tlie ben that was first Mt ten chicltena: the other hen left her iient. the two hens had a sharp contention over the ! cnmimiied by Un chlrkens which was settled bv a division Trvon, to lw present at the funeral the ehie-kens. 1 look a hlauket and wrai- at Tvson t're-k Ihnitisl ceinelerv this sftei ied up tlw ejupi left in the forsiiken nest, aud noon. The death of Mr KllisliuscnHt aKN,i tlie result was the neglected ocs hatched out over our town for he had many warm fricixl xteen chickens which are strong anil thriving here. He waa not only one of t'hiilhum' that waa suiothcrcil. i oikhI I'ilizeim Isit a aoutl t.'hristiau lie Allred, Henry Bean, J R llidge, K li Winmngham, Liee. tsarnes, L, Haywortb, R S Davis, J II Redding, E W Brown, W F Smith, II G Uay- worth, J A Saunders, M II Lossiter, Orhi King, E Lowderniilk, W M Burrow, j W Conner, S C Cranford, ; Khaui J M Browu, W B Scottin, R C; Pulmi.r. 'I' I, Russell..! T Thornburfr. ! tf A A Ijowdermilk, J R FrH.icr, II (J ('ausev, S F Pugh, C A Haywortb, : Dr F K Asbury. I) M (jreeson, Jill MAN WANTS hut little here Mow hut Frazier, W 3 Linthicum, R T Scot-1 I'"1" K?"' '"! J'-e very lst jihu-e 1 - , , I ill this whole section to lfct sonielhinv uooit tin, R L Causey, J 11 estal, C L , ,..., ;H h h w For Sale. tine 7 Uoom UvvclliiiK House, wilh u guixl il of water, iHlrll and other building on e uci- lot. frontiliff &iuth KayettevilJc ulid Waimiian Nts, wilhiu 15U vnrds of in-adcd JASPKIt At MAX, South Ahhetiol .1. A UMAX'S. Soulli Aslieli, Coble, L II Laughlin, B B Moflitt, i V I Bulla, J J JohiiBon, P F Fields, , B II Hopkins, Alex Presnell, W B l Cox, O E Carter, C C Cranford, O i wantkh By ciiIcuko Manufai turiim House W Beny, D M Johnscm, E L Pres- ; ; witTiianiterriin'w nell, WM Burns, J BRobbins, Seth XZ!" W Ltlliehlin, S W KlVCtt, it L vl.ms exiiericnce not msentlal to eiiBunlnir. Ail rr,.n ii w lu;il;o f T I dress ManiiKsr Brunches, :ws Ucurliorii Htrcst, iicumo, a jf x uiiia7d, xi c-nicago wood, M M Rogers, Mrs Mary Uean, W V Smith. J M Lewis, Thos Fester, J C Davis, W C Hall, H E Moflitt, W W Jones, Vester Moore, Dr A Henley, Dr I) K Lockhiirt, A C Cox, Millis Brown, J E -Dawkins, C T Luck, W B Lassiter, N R Morris, Ed Incram, J M Trogdon, J D P Cox Hil!. W P Thoruburg, B S Lambert, WAXTKI)-S.'i or .'iU teams to haul Ininb from tho C A Viuicaiuion mill. It K. II. MDimiS. WAXTKl) -A reliahlo jiurty to represent our couuiaiiy in the Mate ol North Larol selling our Jiihricnting oils, reuses and re liareu ihiiiiIh to the cotisumiiii! tnnlc. gut parly. .Musi anu lie u. ission liusis lUKtihes other arruliiminenls. Add' Tin-; n.ovuu on. paint to lllla, L E Brady, W It Julian, J W jcellenl eppnrtunity for ri; 'arks, J W Kearns, B T Hunt, J C i J,11 J'rt'?",?a ronm,' 30X, C II Calliclltt, 0 M Yow, E H alshnViSslilKhonrrli iil!. W P Thoruburg, B S Lambert, nss T1IK Cl.ovuu U. A R Tucker, J B ilockett, J T : (.'levcland, o. Ttiruer, II L Brookshire, T O Spencer, II Smith, H II Slack, E K ' Mill Help Wanted Yow, J M Harrell, M J Harrell, PlTosturt our Spinning Hciartinent on t , unit i t ur r - iL. I time, we arc lii iieeil of a lull tit of lul ni o unau, w n jjeonaiu, o v uuiiier, i klll,,H. iIleiu.iiiiK Picker temiers. cam hands. Ji t Vestal. I "'IT.iVT; .!" ."vSS. ' . : nights per week mid will Is; jmiil tor six. Fain , lies from the country, iiltlearueil, prefered. r..u'. pi...i u.. i All humlswlll I (liven their choice of workin Gray I Chapel Item. ,,u. ,. lliKl Wrlu. u, ,.,, r nU, , Sallie Curtis has taken u position will, t niaiii omco JJ! N, -rtlivllle. the Ijlwrty -Mercantile Co. Sho was our tmn-1 Worthvlllc, N C. day scliool superintendent mid we reuri'l to July 10th 100.-,. give her up. ' p-.. e arc iu the nuust ol wheat uircshini wilh nhout half an average eroii for Uii lion. Mr Henry Underwood whose sicknesB I ve iiieutioued hcietoforc, docs not improve. Mr and Mrs (ioo I) I'uh ai-e rejoicing over i advent of n line girl lialiy, at their home. ; Mr Tints I'agle and sister went to lireeus rs on a visit to relatives hist Saturday re I turning home Monday. ! Mt. Olivet Items. N. P. COX, Jewe er and Photographer, Asheboro. N. C. V nre Imving line niins inul corii and cotton ureJ(Kkinu lint1. Itniwu tV HrotherM weru in this coinnuin- 1 1 v Int nook with tlifir Hiram tluTBher, ' 'J'lit'v furtainly do tine work. Mr ilolm Ijoncli, of XUiiitpomciy coiinly j litril Ins itiu-lo, Mr I) It I-cm-h. last wuck. ; Mr Kelly ..owricrmilk, of Itichinnml munly, i'ttmi liis biU-r Mr E 11 Ioach last wwk. f Mr anil Mrs M T iSnjw continuos very j L'lilt. Mr Sum' fell lant week mid lias not 1 Iketl it ntei ssitice. She is coniined to her 1789-1905 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. ml Mre -John Berk vitiitcJ at Mr M T Sundny. Maud Miinn, of Saxapnliuw, is visiting 1 Iit, Mm T Herbert Tysor. .letinio Jtrown visited her hrother, ; l Itrowti, in M(xrPfOnnty Sunday. Collegiate. Graduate Medicine, Engineering. Law, Pharmacy (itumes N eentral heat- Sawyersviltt Itemi. Corn ih looking well in this ace lion. Svpial of our jH-opIp attended thoprotrael 1 meeting at Sht'plierd. The Sunday school at Sawyernville is nro ressing tiiii'ly. MrJ C Italia is superin 'iidcnt and Mis Kate Keanm tKM-retan. Miss l'iia li we, of Hi I'll Point, visited iu if it eouiiiiiiiiiiy tho pant week. r ami Mrs joq Spencer, of High IViinl, visiting friends mid relatives here, r ! 1 ltirkhead preached at Sawyersville Sunday morning and at Mt View at night, lien w ill lie preaching at friawverville Holiness church overv second Saturday night I Si iiid; iv at 1 1 o'clock, liv the pastor, Ilev. harles Johnson. Mr Kd W'alkor has moved liitt muv null Iu Mr Kowhind Kearns' jilare. j ing system. New dorinitHrii's, gym ! lniMum. Y M C A liuilding. 667 Students 66 Instructors The Fall term logins Sept 11, 190.". Address Francis P. Venable. President, Chapel Hillt N. C. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO, N. C. r Diith of MIm Cavlneti. tinrolv, if.-vor, have llir i nicl irf 1kch picrt'od 11100-' dti'jily. 0 X ilrur.H xi mid (Ixyjni for jminlcMi tx- ! Offices First Rooms Over the Julv llio Dili, into tin- lioiirtH of lli'o ' 't.'" many frtondH of Minis Hal I it j in tfuit iluv her nniri! irassoil 1 nio (In- fatlioniUtuH lio ot tlm great Iryond. Bank Ol Randolph. Iliitlif wns the only daiighlpr of Mr and I rs 1 F I'avincMH, fumierly of Chatham I -............ may, lH,t,vh,..iWidencei..o-mClrn.iVI. 0. STEDMAN & CO. in. Her IkkIv hh hroudit hack to i h-aant t i rove church for interment; where, J Dedw Ira ith the mIiuiIow of the native oaks, the M r . ! f Hon. l-y living hands, and . the ; iedVV UQ lanCV 010061165. fl dews (if affectionate tearn, it was quietly id la rent. i In her home her pn!ence was a Iwiiedic- ni; her voie the note of comfort and cheer, j d hr smiles tho minuhiiie o i loudv days. o her friends she wait ever faithful, jiiwt :itul true; wearing for them a sweet Binile ot ITection and love, and counting unv tuteriltce ' joy, that wm for their comfort and pleasure. , When the muiimona came to her, aa oome all it will, it found 'her patiently waiting I ot L'eatn, elvet ihhoiii her npmt Depot St West Side Kailroad. and prepared to meet tlie &n$v wIiohh v uietlv born acrews the myotic valley wh pa rates tun trom eternuy, anti acrottH hich our soon muni uhh. I ivai to pure lor turn worlu, anu ere the scorching nuns of the Hummer of to iiaU come it was pluckwi to lie trans-, planted in the garden of Ktemity. It ha rottsed over Uie river to igin a iietter me. Uiere i no death. Ihe dimt we tread i Shall eluuige U'neath the uummer aliowers j lo golden grain or mellow fruit , Or raiuhowt tinted Howern." ti. IX It. U. Bargains! For the next 30 days we will sell a lot of SHOES, HATS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND COLORED LAWNS AT Reduced Prices to make room for Fall Stock. ninoni; die firul to volunteer at the tap of tlie ! Come and Bee OUF Stock. We il THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial education in Agriculture, Engineering, Ind u s t r i a 1 Chemistry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRES. WINSTON. West Raleigh, N. O J. V. HUNTER, M. D., Asheboro, N. C. Itav calltt Cnmiany. Night calls answered fnm lirlmro Drug the (Virtrel E. O. YORK STORE CO., Central Falls, N. C The lalve that heals without a Bear . the tkme who (tacked anim at (ieneml jm DeWitt't Witch Hazel Salve. No ""renlcr "' l" gallant stun Nortu iroiina J- ... ...u . 1.. , nio i. jjo oui!. remcuj .ui,u "J- rti. l(ameur, Anffm4 lat, 1U0S. lb unwi uui, iuiiaiunraiiui), auuiaes, cools and heals all cuts, barm and bruise. A sure cure for Pilot and skin diseases. le Witt's is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Be- Experiunrcd travellers have found great benefit by taking with tbeni u bottle of Dr Seth Arnold's Balsm. wareofco.lBterfeits,thevaredanger-)ltl", ;lln cft"ee(1 b3 J '"P ous. bold by btamlanl Drag tio " , " -"s- " .... aud Asheboro Ding Co, AshebSro, Warrantd by Standard Drug Co. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF M E B I C I K E Z",S.1?' rhfK ct,..M In MUCWI, M IB, MtirMCI mt Ua i MttUtttll ; tim MVmU mfmut1. JajjjorfjjjjJJjjrr Build Your Owi Hoate. Ofio hunilml town loti at fight prices and on eaty tenon. ' ' V Apily to J. T. Hriitain, Ahe "'' horo, N. C. WE If AVE a full line of Syrnniw chilled plow- that we are offering apecial pricea on tor Ihe next few lnva. biCWIS Wl.VHLOW liUW. tXt. WHV PAY $t fflto $1 TSforUniieed Oil when it ia only worth f!0c. That'a what yon do when yon bur liqiiid l'ainl. I.Etf IS A WINSLOW HDW. CO. 1 y y " B I r p:' s ! i a f Sichiny, Sc bbv SUiii, Bo.c3 Pains, Siveiiingg 1 t.T.. ,0, liTVr U. f -in. Jiloott rnnli I t :i tlie t'::.a, Kiwrn The Tve plrturesl i'-iti'ncs ti llr.;i;h, ihowwrii:Battr.lcli!Kxll t'cro Thr.mt, ;ir.i- DilrnwIWdo.maklnyiiiel X':m .rjp:jor.Olf rud blood puic anu rich. I "at, cil ma U-nvn, 1 I:!cT;i..iin.i7r,..rtt;i body, ilUTQC Eyebror j Xal irirf ou;, tnfco Botanlo Blood Rr'in, Guaranteed to eore thn Tnrnt nnd menl Ptf1 cnHi, HohIbbII r,orcs, stopu nil nohPRnnd pntua, rrduma all swf hnpf. nmtf .i blo ,il Euro nn:l rich, changing tlit body tuto.a eftlthy condition. Old Rhtumatltm, CaUrrh, Ecicmi, Scrofula arerauriArt hj Folsonln the mood. B.B.n topulifiWlcliiKniid trilnj;; JicMnn nv.'i aoratclilUK ; curua KhuaxuuUcuu tuturrh; j uteri, by riiviug puic. 'itolUiy bioou uITeotea part a, CANCSR ' fntirurnllnir FlwelllnRa. Fating rlniwi, T. inui ii,ii,(ly Ulrera. H. II. U. bi'iilis th loraa c-rvoiit canror j.crlefclly. If you tiftvoa rnrilst.nl. I'lirtnle, F.welllnn, Hllnqlnir li-1i ., t. ::ol:lo;.-J ial:iiniu-Hiey will o-W- ' l ore tUay dtyjlsp jnlj Car oA llotarln I'loo.l Ilrlto (B. It. It.) 1j -.i.iail-nnt i -. 1 Bnfo tot.-ihjL lhoronglily i:sud for rnyenra. "Conifthort of rwri Bo ahlo Intrrctilonls, IMroiiKThens Wau,. ltora-in-lin, curiyi Dynnpsin. rr'r ' .r lariri Lottlm. Tnko a. rtlrm-totl. f nog ur..il li,.n rlitht qnnnlltv It :rm, innniytfrfun(1d. I'niiipta S.M.i Troil ly n rhlio: Hlo- lln'mCa, Atlnnro,(!ru )0. Kcrttui your tronrtl-i, and rnerfnl frpi mndl ii 1 R4,iro lo null your can, aJtb aoin lu Loaloillftiia. j Jl " ' ' - j j f&g' : I High Art Clothing! I'V'VVVV'V We have just received 50 suits of Summer Clethiiif at from $8.00 to $18.00 per suit. Great values. Nice line White and Fancy Vests, Straw Hats, ollars,. tTies. Furnishines. Etc.. cheao. The prettiest line of Low-quartered Tan Shoes ever displayed in Asheboro. Be sure to see them. Very truly yours, WOOD & MORIN(J. Chase (Si Sanborn's Coffees the Most Popular. HERE ARE STATISTICS TO SHOW IT: In the January number of "What t Eat" there is a very interesting article on "Successful Food Advertising" by Mr Thomas Balmer, advertising manager of The Delin eator. We quote a portion of the article as follows: COFFEE. JAVA. N'i CHASE & SANBORN, Arbuckle s, White House, Dutch, Blanke's, Lion. Miscellaneous brands (being made up of brands any one of which was not named morejthan 5 times) 1G0 S Homilies Ubiti'' ltrand. 78 58 25 24 18 16 Total number, ill Percentage of families prefering CHASER AJW Pr & SANBORN'S to all other brands, J i7 cent. MOCHA, N. f I amiHes Using OH ASF, & SAN HORN, White House, Arhuckle's Lion, Blanke's, Miscellaneous brands (being made up of brands any one of which was not named more than 5 times) Total number, 'ercentaee of fai & SANBORN'S to all other brands. m 22 20 14 12 34 169 Percentage of families prefering CHASE -J Q 1Q per VIorris-Scarboro-IVIoffitt Co. Telephone No. 7. Free Delivery. Dress and Waist Goods! . . ' . .. Let us tell you something. We art receiving a nice , line of Dress and Waist Goms for Summer, Fall and Win ter wear. These goods were bought before the advante prices bought right and will sell them right. B6ys' Suits, Men's Pants, Elkin Home made Shoes. Shoes, all styles and prices. We carry a full line of No tions. We have some odds and ends in Shoes will sell cheap. Special bargains in differeat Tines. Come in and we will save you money on your purehases. Ridge, Fox & Company. ELON COLLEGE Co Educational. Established IS90. Thorough onllege coulee l.-jding lo il. A A. l"fc. B. aoil, IjI. B. daurera. Strong ami elierii'Dcwl Faculty wilh higheal univritjr tiininr. Oood Ijhrary, Iteotling lUiom, lborakiriH, Utarary Sucieiiea. (Uoellaat Muaic, Art, aad Bun- ,. nesa 1 Niiartnienta. Kaautiful and healAifid loratiun, 17 itiiloa ixt of Ureraalioro, oa 8oathcra K. R. Beat moral ana' religioua inBuanora No haling. Near atadanta mt by; paorp tion eonunittraa from young peoulca' ChriMiau nrfraninitian eoanarlail arith tk institution. Good equipment. Acother larga Btm Uonitory, with msdara oonvaaiiaace. to ba built thia year to aiaot raqoiramflnfa of preiring patrpnat. Exaasma nnuanaJ ly mode rata, rail tsnu opena Sept. 7 th. Far catalog ar inrtbar iniormatina, aaditaw EMMETT L. MOrPITT, M A, Pr-Mnt, lllan Co .ege. N. C