t. - iT ITT 'fl ITHi ---ITk V-x 1. A J i A J XJ JOL. . J V 1 me COURIER J 4, ttd Ce COURIER - Leads ItyBoth News and ' Circulation. j asued Weekly. I volxxx Advertising Columns 1 df ; not -fr- V,N. C, niURSDAV, SHIT. 7. 190?.' rTTliTTT . 1 r ; J Bring Results. i f $1.00 Per TwJlL- ' : No " - 9 Sasy to Uks and tuv to id Ij ft that famous little pill DeWM'a Utla Early Risers. This K due to M fact that they tonlo the liver in stead of purging It. They never gripe r sicken, not even the most delicate iy, and yet they are ao certain In suits that no one who uses them Is (appointed. They cure lorpld liver, mjtfpttlon, biliousness, jaundice, ldache, malaria and ward off pneu inla and fevers. nar-Aitio onlt Br H C. D.WITT A CO., CHICAGO B 1 Don't Forgitth Nam. Jf iisers fur the 1!)05 Kodol Alumnae . $00 vear Calendar, .andard Drug Company, dheboro Drug Company. MORMON TEMPLE. lie ill Uke i-ive rovftitli.iii, i., lid at Was'iimb. Tabl.'l'llliclo i , thai, ho noes .i.v i.iKi iiiuii ..uij ui iiuiiw . ,) outer in escape trap w Siranae Belief of Ihc ?.at- ii' i i-mia was laid for him i.y fnr-riau faints rnirm,, Vuniiii-s" meaning the ler-aay oaints . o;. g-.my ; t . ,,,. ... v,,,: plural, or, V, h-i-lid" i'ltl'.Al ll i'l! MNiol l-MI! -i :tte !., h; titi!! Practiced. The Morino.. '!'. -uipV i- "i. ccit the; nio.-t v.otii'i 1 1 u! biiildit-gs in thoi w.ui.l. it iii!iii'..il forty years to j build it; including the Ti-tu plo annex j and the simiHe. connected building", I I the cost of construction was about! four in i !1 iuii dollars. Th.? corner stino was 1 lid April (Hit lKa.'i mid,1Y ma Dr. S. A. HENLLY, ysiclsn - and - Surgeon, 4 ASHEBORO. N. C. I i CrVi r SHHHI ,V licilllill'll Kllll'C lll'i ifil Hrnji Co. 'I'lii.suf ciiir.ir, In- woald ha . ;'.ii!.",'d was done for riirhti'iMiMK'.i's f, us it i a law of the ihnri'ii tsnt I'cvcid stcreU vvi:ii it' voa havis to ii llii'in li.V falsifying" I'OI.VIiAM lti d Summer Bar- gains. tee. liiblKiiiH, left's, Vanrv limifls, and Ornament!, Pattern, Tailored 'pmh JIata. We aro ttluiwiu jeiut:- I uck and I.iugene llatn, Hlrii-tly up- liio next few vicl,i no t a HuerifHT. and get n Kuaiu. i Mrs. E. T. Blair. tlll'N MCALLISTER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. I Life and Accident Insur ance. liont ironipanieA rrpn-seiitrtl. Dio liunk of llandnlph. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, I DENTIST, I Asheboro, N. C. ofTiii': , p'HK HANK. Itn-jiimtl to prartln loved 5 ? , j Having bought out the I prrocery business of Jos. I Norman I have moved I to the building: formerly I occupied by Morris & Scarboro T DOOR TO HOLLADY i HARDWARE CO. ion Depot street, where I will, be glad to sec all my old customers and new . ones, two. I W. W. JONES. tat, President J. U.Cole, Cashier j &6e .. tilt of R.andlema.n, iRandlemarv, N. C 1 $(2,000. Surplus, $2,00a j , CounU roccivnd on favorable 4 Interest paid on savings de- 4 actors: WK Uaitsdl, A N SO Ncwlin, W T Bryant, C adsav, N N Nowlin, 8 Jlryaut, Barker and J II Cole. 1 , Prwklrai. W ) AKMKIK1.I1, V-Prca t 11 AKMK1KI.1I, Jr., ttililur. pank of Randolph, J and Surplus, ABsets, over $30,000.00 $150,000.00 it the tHtpimfM of the lMuikltiff irtitilir and lnwlnKe nn- iri'inl himI willing a to iwr fUKUinierti 'Vvry lucilily auu no Ration euivUtvut Willi aulu baiikluc. I DIRECTOR DIRECTOR-Si tark, Br., W J ArmtlcM.W P Wond, V V C C McAlLsU'r, K M Arnifteld, o K Cot. iillnn, Muttllt, Thm J RriMlnir. A W , A M Rankin, Tho U KiHUlIng, l)r If E , J CoX. j Work Pleases! tlv.Mi wili mi fti-v sl-.avo g ri lurl-r 'iT nun; 11 on ino at my milonn, fiiornin, rve or niton, ami iln.nn the hair ivilh firaii', init the contour of tlin fm. iimi ia neat anil Unvi ls clean, inoni sharp and razom kern, (verj-thinR I think you'll find, jnit tlie face ami pfcaM tlwminil, 111 my art nnd nkill can (In, iun juHt call I'll do for yon. TOM CARTER.. I door to Postnffiee. eboro Hotel , I "fjiln Street I" (iear Court House.) a-ongldy rmoitrd and nrfimiifii, ; ipiilird with Uie bc the market i Ratew lb'aaonaMi'. J ' B. . NEWBY, Prop. the biiildin was completed and dul- icatrd April mil 1 S'Kt. It ia built oi granite got ten from (piunes twenty miles away from a!t Luke City. During the lirst tiienly yearn of its constnietion, the laijro blocks of stone were moved by ox teams. It took four yoke of oxen four days to carry it singb large stone to the Temple grounds 'n !8?3a mil read was built to the ipiarry and after that the stones were movetl with much more rapidity :ml ease. The Temple is 1805 feet lt ,g !!) fvvt w ide and covers nn ai -t or is,aii' feet. it facrs t-aet and has six towers, three on ihe east, end and three on the west, i nd. Tlie wnlli are 10? feet hlh and are from six to nine feet thick and they rwt on a cement foundation 10 feel wide and lli feet deep. The Temple is a most maj;i,ilici-iit structure from the outer appim;..niv and 1'ie.iident Smith told t!i Ivii torial party u-ll the ilifiereiit iiide apurtmeuts were palacis, that ir, i5 t he most sacred place uii l ai il. to .Mormons, and I hut none but Un faithful are admitted to rcrctilt'il ;rV within the walls. As 1 s aid in la. week's letter no foot i xc Mit. a Mi llions has ever i redden in -.ide 1 1 building. It is in this mysterious buildinjr baptisins are peifornad lilural iiiaiTiiines are cmiuaeli d and the i 'Ce! ds are kept in I here when no (.i. utiles can see them. A gieat many people do not iiudcrsUml that the Tabernacle and Temple aie I wo distinct iiislituti.'iis. The Tal ei uacle is used for public w.rship. sti i.i. cii.vi i n r:n. said fiat out cf Hu tluvo 1 thon.s.iiid Miii'iiious l!;.'ie few who are nor, pi .-Mine : were nieieh wit in I'tab .-.iii ;w:.s .;.l lie:, .Iniyiiig i i "Seven W"in kirH of i-.i. ' time pr - e.': ;::mi ; n j j It I f )il i ti I " i I who 032V HTH no ker ' I Iran rolivcnl ion . e;il. ile lias ee.l'rrd o ,W n,,j the Stale and i i; i it from one cud to the ni her and, us il in .ait the on ly ihh'' lh.it could save tlie Ii. iub- lere this fall, he vi, ticket . iti position to . terms he wan!. ! brainy Senaioi any such bet.; ; so you d i no! make d a;ul any i.intl ol the genial and ol ilVilI.io!;iig . If yuii Ihink ' lie III lli. lie loWIU" of ;,,.y NEWS ITEMS. Many Hems that Arc- Sure to Interest You. The I'erpelnal liuilding and Loan Association, of rVIisbury, opened its la.-l i ek inr the fortieth ee- i.fu.l way involved iii polygamy and t hat , ;'imiin--every meinlKf of the ciiurnii ol ; w:a! 1 Jesus Christ of Latter-day ,-aints is ' finally involved in polygamy in so Jar :ns he supporta a president and apostles, the gre iler part of whom are direct ly implicated m this crime, wbi !i mask.) in din inline of religion. .losc)ili ISinith has live wives, and children have been hern 1 1 eiteli since tlni manifesto in 1S!W. His legal wife (the first, one) '.;ot a di vorce when he began taking phir..! wives. Thc'e aie no n cords to show that he liax been legal!',' mar- riul to iliu live he is now ii'.iinr witli if tie re are any records they are in the Temple, Out of Ihe IWeh : apo-'.Ie.-. il-. re arc only four who aie k nn .vti not lo be living in polvg.-uiK. Met. iniibt have a revelation liefore taking a plural wife. Tliis mil -t be conlirna.i by chinv1! -rii ii-irities. il!!.l ! line ,i-d i iii. . in 'AM kle ir p. ': bi .i the I'ele :'! II" ill that. lllOtil"!' w.inled with V.'.leil he .el world v: : u-';.-:! i: :. :.! ..!-t-y - ihe cele.sliai older (which meal, a in duigi.ne.' in p dyg.'Uiv) that he could not only . iy I'm' In :,id olieud the diviae in a , but iild aetuaily t how Cy tiie i-iv.-i,ii, thai in; had been UOIII.i olliri i pi initio: pi'l-vciiki! ! i pi ineiple. v i i a r Tin: The doctl'ilr ; .illii.g 'he I'evi Jonith ere l li llu i. e i. ol'-rri'. ilia! !,! . e to::,, irrtlie r,;,,v b:. hi.-' al! onlir i Ir Hid I nes of ! SilUhu llllll lo rooms wii i 1 1 .-1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -r o'l.il with modem i o iM-w hotel lifty new iveuicnces igh I th in;!. I . i-:, il.lllfl r, ' of the Department of ,! !d.or, bv a new lav, Sua1. Are i here iw.-i on the s'-ilm Chief Kxeoutive r trniible t i eiiforci-y in thinkiii'.' thai 1 ' ' a-ks for imv more ai Ml .llfolV U !'e'.' o "h have kept him i ;' 1 deb -.'atioii, I. nt l''S , i ,hevi on ! 'o In-.' him to sav. ' -f gof !i. in .vheiv oi- So far as I am f mi. ; I i, f e no partic d.-alial nomii'.i e i iiiiu f !he ; ! tin lie'. 1, III' hi olid Stale d.of f the 1! - .:i! li. not br.i l, but b. teii th.. inili would i e. t church eotif'. renc-3 anl ahe vice and it is op-en to i.-r! odi. Til K MOUMON rlll'Hi'H. The ilormun chutcli was ioiiir'e I April (ith lSIIOat I'livelle, .New 'i ,ik and uow has a ineiubershio of :jini,- 000. It was founded by Joseph Smith, who claimed to be a prophet of Ciod and gave his people the' J'.o.k of Mormon " as a supplement lo the i?iU!e, claiming it to be the wonl it Cod. At the hc.id of the church is the president, who posesses supreme aiitjioiily, supported by two council ors'," These three are supposed to be tli'i siicci ssors of 1'cter, Jaim s and John and cotistituie what is known us the "lirst presidency." Then comes the "iiarliaich" whose duty it is to bless and lay on hands and after him the "twelve apostle" forming a trawling high council and )i cciving a salary of ,fl"nM a year each. Several other oliiceis come after the cms above named. 1'lie church dominates in temporal as well ns spiritual affairs. 1 lie lirool of the tact that it dominates in politics is Unit tin apos tle of the .Mormon church sits in the Scnale of the United States, and that no iniiti can be elected lo office without tiie countenance- of the church, in all Utah State history no bill has been passed by the Leg islature which the church leaders disapproved; no bill has failed of passage which they desired, no bill has been signed which they desired to have vetoed and n bill has been vetoed which they desired to have signed. They can move their fol lowers rroin one party to the oilier overnight. They can zig-zag a ticket and elect whom they will on lther or both tickets. It is said that during political campaigns in Utah, cunuldates on both silks Hock to Salt Lake City to gain favor with the leaders of the Mormon church and that even at the last minute if the church came out in favor of either party it was the one elected with an overwhelming majority, sometimes to the surprise of tue shrewdest politicians. The Gentiles in Utah are fighting against this and in the Salt Lake City Tribune of July 1st they published to the Na tional Jv 1 1 tonal Association what they demanded, viz: "That the Mormon church retire from politics. I hut polygamy be stopped. That the church retire from com mercialism. That the hierarck cease to im poverish his people under false pretenses. 'f'bat the church leaders keep the pledges which they gave to the peo ple of th9 United States and upon which sovereignty was granted to Utah." I'UICSIDKNT JOSKPU F. SMITH. makes pure, ri.:ii Hood--Ayer's Ssrsapnrilla. Yc:; mother, gran tfr.'.oihi r,rt! you;- t folks, used it.. Tl;;y :cd ) Joseph F Smith is not only I'resi ilcot of the church but President of it number of business enterprises in Salt Lake City, lie handles $l.(i()0 000 annually; tithes are transmited into cash iu the local cities where they are paid and they flow into the treasury of the head of the church. No one except Smith and a. few men chosen by himself see the nocouiils. lie claims that he has the iiu'.ver lo deliver the revealed word ot Cod from day today on all subjects to mankind. He lays off his apostolic robes and puts them on at his pleas ure, lie aiieims prize ngats as a man, and draws down the dividends from the theater where the lights are held as s prophet, seer and reve lator und triistee-iu-trtist of church 1 nrruwrrv. I fe deniesin Washington that he receives revelation. Iu the- BrCT: It is ea. ily do elation coin wui. ltd mid ii some time itl' hud a I. t of : and wiiiil: d I. II, so :t i rie.el, a.i a rcielu'inii ;;iut . ought III paint, ill.-! ::t- S green. So ol' bout; lit the i'reen p It.on in o.' he;", the he got ii, of I money for it. told l hi? on a were in Salt I. was true, and Its. win lie' ilmif.-t ins (h it lev r Ihi-v are .i.y -mV tie- a;(i!'e lil ..j ball 1 til-i-ilv a I lo-e I. it of ; il-S th very ul u-raiii e.j ol ills prophet nnd i as any con-inaiid New Ti sLatnelit. Cliii-t by Mori i h- i!d .-mil i i i u 1 1 ' . I. by lie!; .pi;in Ihtie -I ihil aliltle -n'l I,- i mi r '.-I "Mr for n !tl-r- brail, " t!u-e o .ks. ed !M 's as ,ei,,r eiion ,eai to if lie they . a,i our lef .-. e i uoiniui e he w, of .ir iiei iiiaotoii, N ( ', a mule '.'.ay last Kiidav killing one son i-riouslv iuiuring another son re McKni-ht. K-aiiilii is th U'iiy. -'imply be. i- 111.- h -irdi -s: in, iu ile lu.s got more i -in m-hip than all oinir .'.itlvjiiealion ;i in t c Hie i hearer I .-i,:- than any of lple trutli and I" liVpuhlicuM d;.-ov.r il, to havi has the i-iioiih of our ing ii in hi t. l.'ejitibl i if ti We have wn witlioi drV pohtlr is in o troubles milt bolher 'il.llll -.-, but it ihinirs as nop of the jiali: as il 1 will and :!: -t o !-, .'.l.-i i! i!i -in t iii trutii p. ! fl'AS. A. KDYi Ai:i.- il.-.i. sai l mple of d for u: Moniious interest. Tlie liiiildesl I bio.; t ) me i l tint polygamy is laughl. in the h and .Sunday, school.-, tiirli ar. taught thai Vi be the w tie of po'sgam.i'is Mormon i, theglory of a Mormon woman; id ten at tlie ag.- el I'liiilei-n ami lifteeii years luev ar,- uliir-. ssed i.y religious teacher-, ti Hie '-ii.igl.le lawless and necessoy rl plural linn riii-i.-." Mrs .-'a-aii Yoiiu (iatis, a daugh'i rof I'nigha'ii Young one of the in 'St liiteingeiit woniea in the loriuon chinch in nd-!ivsM:i.; a onfcreiice c.f the ti-soci ii ion a few yeai s ago sanl, "dirls ilo not loi-get polygamy, you cannot practice it now but keep il alive in your !i ails. .emeiiil-cr t In re are lour g:r!s. ti very b-iy in Utah." H AT M ll.i. M KI.I A I'lll.So'.l UH'N'i .-..VVS. .M rs Amelia l-'olumi Young was the favorite wife of I'.nghaiu Young, i die;! Aug-st r.'th l.i I', leaving x fni l;iuc of j;,(ii'ti,o()0 to 17 wive; :iud oii children according lo ihe Knc.yclopai dia Dritanica but a.'cord- ,g to I lah reports lutgham l oang id several mole than 17 wivi.-'. It is a law ot Ilk' Mormon church that as wealth increases nun .im-t idd to the nnmb.-r of w ive.-'. lie is notified by tin: lYesidehl or apo'lbs tli.it it is his duty or thai, ti.ey j had a revelation that he l ike anolhei'Viifc. Miss Marion lion.:ikll who spi-itl several years in Utah get ting up arlic'.es for "the H-uis.-kivp- tells of a conver.-at I, ii s!ie hail with Mrs Amelia l-V:. : i Young which we print: In discussing pluiai marriage w ith Mrs Amelia Koi.aim Youn ., a harming and a kindly woman. 1 : -k-d her if polygamy could iva!!v be made a practical and peaceful doui- : ai laugeiiti-nt. Mrs Young re plied that it had been so iu the f.tmiiv of 1 resident lirigham Young, md that those who were lie willing mil prepared to "live it rigid," ha ! no right, to enter into the i e!,-tial del. A number of times i re marked that in this case the family was one of ease, and influence, d' wealth nud advantage:'. Cuild polygamy, 1 insisted upon repeating, be an inllnencu for peace and com fort and religious living in a home which lacked all of these thing.-'. My (jtieslion was evaded si-vnal times, but Mrs ) oung liually repli il that, very naturally, her knowledge of pluiai marriage was that of her own home, and that she could no' know or toll of the domestic arrai g ments of others. The principle of A P S3 'v & ""A You know ti.e moiiicitic ;i::;t Sarsaim It. Their doctors trusio Your doctor trusts if. 'i trust it yourself. The: health and strength in it. l rrllrrnt trrrll.'r fr ii, ln.ll..- .11. -!.'-.-. for :ich B V T 5 h'jiA ile .ail d t-i ...I ao I b: !.-' wive-; l-apli.-lii oi has been i iik ar-' uU.-.ii: areo:ii,liiii; UIOIll'.ll s-'l.l time an t mn wli- rc per.ioi marriages ar :;a eie hl-. ca old i-'trl 'die hoy ai d nioii Ihe inarria. , hey may b The i Ic: iiioni r. K 'j Sherman, the oldest clerk iu the Lyiu hburg mst ollice was bound over in a bond el "i:j,0iin lm- stealing from the mails. .1 Kd Conrad, a L- iingtoii cou-trai-lnr.dl. d al the Vi'iiiiehead-Stokes -'.iiiitariuiii lai-1 Saturday nioriiing alter undergoing an operation for appendiciti , The Salishui y-Speiicef Slieet car ( oinpany began oiierating on Ihe 1st of Sepleinber, (.'ar- rim every twen ty liiiniib s snd the service is con sidered very satisfactory. loin .i,eir;il. an ageil negro was killed iu Sampson county last Fri day night. The old man was mur dered iu lied and the house then burned. John Matthis, who is still at large is charged with the offense. T II Cobb, ti pi oiui Hint lawyer. foinierly !' Asheville, but who has I II pl .e ' : 'ig in ll;e It.ui.lll Ter ritory for ;t year or two, died iu Ashi-iille Aug Will, being there on a business (rip. lie died after a short illm-as. Senator L- e S ( ivcrmaii and Messrs I, II Clenieiii and .1 C McCau'ess have ieceiit.y purchased a valuable tract of granite properly, four miles fioiu Salisbury, known as Diimis Htiarry. T!n-y expect to develop the graidle a i 'Uiidiug here in b ijuanliiies. The riiiiil.iiugs of Mt Vesuvius from the interior of ihe crakr and tin- throwing out of a gieat How of iava dov. n I lie ;dde i f the cone, and l'ie eruption of the old crater on the i laud of Sir.iiuboh created excife-:n--.;t on the .-.hoivs of the .Mcditcrra- r Jersey Male Calves at a Great Bargain with such breeding aa Gold en Lad first prize winner over all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Pan-American 1901: General Merriarold aire i of twenty-one heifers that sold at an average of $144 each. The breeding of these is correct; prices right for immediate acceptance. Address, JOHN A. VOUNG, Greernboro, N. liaMAAn?AivSMHV H. C. MORRIS, Watchmaker, V Jeweler, Dealer in Watches. Jewelry. Spectacles. Bepairing my specialty. Work Guaranteed. Randieman, N. C. i"DomE$nc." I Better Than Ever! "THE STAR THAT t LEADS THEM ALL,- elellillv hav diedsKr;!;.. binned, fori , fov and a si i'he fal her ' E h--ill ;: ; . III. II l ie king mm i i l .ie is nothing under l! ria. bul wha! cm The strangest to i,n A Mormon man, :i (ii nil I w ul 1 1 : 1 1 1 , w ried to a ( lelllile in U.bl lip her i II . it eve" ,', l;o-.y. iliav, lo iia'iie ir d .-eeurii-g the Mormon woman w ha is .-land foi hei ." be seab i nan by proxy Ir, ;M 'iemnlc" Ai ,houi lie linding Si l'vice.S 1 11 I'lYinntiv tb.i licit tb-ntile may llloueh pel l.a -ee;: him, an. uid tliiuk ,-h next world. rill be b l.! lis. ul VIoll.'K. i!i,- life of i! lilld OUt : Mot nioii v. hii h eai'ion il.it 'lil.Ii iciual tenth of w !i:u ! 'n th. ir famil'.-s ar ! hic-balid ill' iley in i avel over the con;, i cases where lilil. poor i.'oiueii anil ia i-r t. church, l.v paving (ientilc w imui-ii as w.-ll as Utah are in iai'ii'-.-i trviu- this sii.ie -.-f air.iiiS f...- fi ll di-br i' i religion. .:' t':i In- tel. til. The Mormon -.votiii n ot ami -iris happ-n t. Mormon dpsol mkfli; All e.xchai.e is re.-"pnnsihle fm the follow it-.g: "A mat. by I he n nn - of Mo-.n g. t marriid, :.iid t!s.,l in., a cha , .- . the mi.i-n: iu due time his u i IV pie si. nud 1-i-i: wii ii a liiiughler. Tli.it was a le. w moon and then I wen:, lo t-jwii to get boozy for j-iy, i-i 1 that w.o a full inuoii. Wi.iii i started home I.ad y.j ceiil.s in hi porket and that wan the la f .pun ter; ills lnolber in lav.' nn t him at the doi-r, and that was a total ii lipsn--he saw stars. . Best Fur Children. Mothers, be tai of u I of the ln.dlh of vour children. Iiok out ba LCoiigbs, ('olib-. Croup ami Whoojiiug Cough. Stop thcni in time One Minute Cough Cuie lot'ue best reme dy. H::i iclei-s ami pleasant. Con tiiius no pi dcs. Sold by Standard Drug Co. J T Underwood, Aahe-boio. U'ii h .ti i:. v . , '. , , i : i 1 1 g. - ul Itcv .1 M liilliard of , .-v Car- it. It :n, will . In:. eight ol its on: : j ol led no b I j of ils churches I'.il lllbrr.-llip of WO : si. ill, hut of a high oi.!.. w ider h ariiu. lo eillt.- i in SI reel ehrrrh. jio li Di.-triet A . . v ,!,-r..m. ,.f .N, ,y Y! k - i- i: -. 'C. .i mid si' id.-' a l-lllo-'l of .,. lo .;.; Si,,-. I'o- lidcal j-n" ' a'l ,. i -i.-ia, but p.i- leiial jc, , in- I,. b-eii ,-iVee. live i-i th- :-e o,' i - fed--r.il ! aiik ollirers. It ttrik. m.- I:. ' ' before T.d.lv asks for ,- era. U-.vs lo . e:,lr.d ii).-iir,!i: ::ij-- -.i or railtoa ls or , ol p-.ira'i-- 4 -.o-i!. In a mighty '. lid .- !.; ;' lo -- l!-. i I he . X ietille; . ' '.:eS, v. I i'O '.1' ill 1 1 Jl '- io pun:. 1, . . y o ,'ei.o. ; agin rl ai,v of o-.r !-. , :.;. .:'.,-!. :uoi-. il.ji: -.; , ia . ... . : lo., doe.; il. hit. y..:i: - .. . , , , , ,;, lo-ptll.ii ' .'- ! ::i. ;-!:d Lo-iiiilet.-. l-.r th-.' ia xl ; i' !:o.-iii i it - i : ! -: 1 1 1 . 1 1 e-: nnatio .-,.; ,v ovi-rv oi,e ..(' S K ( ii fciy I Til ' .1 urn .-.-nl . ist.il.d ihe of th: i-:!'s.:'a::.. Wl.uth-h.; th" lueel ill:; of four giri-i gin talking ai the -anc ki v p il iiji rontii'.iie-.idv. ditor," he siivs. "i r: I ar ileal-. I'uii.i;.- . ::::' lillle 'Tin 1 .11" milt The on t: i To g ! raisei ijoynient is i law r-.o C: hiii'iv I a he.l i-i tlieah. i' i'n -l. 'i In i .-till laiieoiis ii v must or Vldode Ha! 1 r mo t. ie lie the . Fiiirh-a, ilil'lelti: to-'- Mi.-' il hamHiido il- thinks of fo llicle (rut ihe booms his cabin i-roba!.:- I in cone, run t thoughi Tr.-isi'nv. e: lllk t-' ! e :.f th-i'i-e-l liri th-:' !. ' ",-lel-. but he fas r.-iillv this sulii cnfiiv.King t!;. ill over the c-.:i:.-.- has a chai. Mil nuaii'd I'.eve- Who his ll'l-itilel' eiia-ii es are I lint ! .- aide to bind a nil h'- o'.i n State, i t ha-,!,eel;,ee,re,l looms of several I, but I he i -.1 he to this- coll- lil nar.ilv." il- Ihe M ho..' as take to I it worn wasevidoded by our so! i.pti.-il mulch Nor a-.::-! i (. ;:-;! -r who I n-.ik !'p t! ore w ho has oh-erv. It is souiething that liu-iil on, but not i Charhitte I'.vi niug ( l-y un- w hatelel s in up- ra! will, s at times inks like and g.-l will siy !'. an iu i.i, d fall; Mr Law praelice s t'orgii'l.-.'i-uhl not I as h s.s noisv.-' we like to ho von!.! undei habil. Ion, mil lie only tills practice, in may colu-rfei-e with. ' MoAdoo, of (ireeiisboro, died :it Ihdiiiiiore liir-pital If. ;t. Saturday. He had be. n in bail health for more than a year, having hud pleurisy and pneumonia both within the last viar. Deceased leaves it wife and o;.- child and mother, Mrs I It lung, of (in eti-hoio. Mrs L'-ouurd, aged 2S years, wife of Alfred Leonard', live mill s cast of I Salisbury nn f death from burning on Aug Jl.-.. While attempting to j iekindie a lire from the at -ve by j p. mi pig oi! I iiiiu a cai:, the oil ig j nil- d and the on. exploded, cnvclop iiig i he unfortunate woman iu i Haines. She died w ithin four hours. Lola the 1 --year-old daughter of Mr and Mis .1 A Newton, of Ilenri ella. N (', was drowned Sept 2nd while ai templing to cross a small stream which was considerably swol ! n by recent rains. She was found on a sand-bar a ijiiarter of a mile n the stream, where she had n e.ii rie I by : he current. i I'har'oUe n.-ei-o, 1M years old, n. lined Henry Houston was ground iicre.s at I he pas-eiiger station at Salisbury by a train on Aug 2Tth. On the sumo if -.hi Tom Harbour, another M e;ro was killed 13 miles from Salisbury near Ituihour Junc tion, doe .Milh.-r, a dangerous negro at Spencer on the sani.i day came fear killing engineer Stokes liiitner in a most cowardly but cruel man ner, by inliici i:..;' ghastly wounds wilhuknifi . On .Sunday Sept 3rd, at Spencer in liowau county, one negro shot and killed another negro and shot another negro who will no ibt die fi'i.ni the wounds inflicted. ; i 'i prop, r i .".i logaii e. he favored !'.. ii I' lit. i - -: loet i-i ions Teddy." hu kI. .."it i H at tiie hii.iu.vs on eriiig alhuit At t the' urn for the; ii I hat has; Tie Better Way tissues ot the throat are .1 and irritated; you r.p.d there is more irrita v.ow coughing. You take :i mixture andjt cases the n for a while. You take XT' l is bonis, without hot IV. d ;--n:.al b.ioiu-. .;.'y r.- d and gen..iu-! !e-.iiibli'...oi n.iiiiinali -h"'. -i any signs of p.i-ming out pay Lri, is that of Seinitor I'.-nsoir Foni l.cr, of Ohio. It seems that the I Ii : i iek-i 'iek-Cox combination as eoiop.-lieii t-i call for 1'oraker to p. t i lb-i" assis-tano-or lose the I'gl.i over Have this fall for the r- -.i rn irship, fi.-r h iving snubbed him ai I he recent Sb-'e convention. tiiilo.- Koiaker knows a hawk from cr bronchitis a. hi.;. dsaw, nud saw the -hancetoi iiinke a de, 1 with this coiiibiualioii :'.a' v. . uld iuoiiro him the solid Ohio delegation io the next lb-pub- SCOTT & BOWIIE, MULSION ; : it cures the cold. That's . Vit h necessary. It soothes the oi.iat because it rcJuct-i tiie n itntion ; cures the cold because : drives out tlie inflammation ; nilds up the weakened tissues i-tausc it nourishes them back ) their natural strength. That's i.r.v Scoff's Emulsion deals with sore tliroat, a cough, a.co'.J, Jk.W l.lk I'lriustcil for Shooting a Woman. "Itu.i" l.'alclilfe, u negro man, was arrested in High Point last Fri day by the officers for shooting a eoior.il woman last .March, llat ciili'e ii.-l the Slate after the shoot ing bul returned a day or so ago. Lie. -ho! the negro woman through the neck. At the pi-rlimiiiaiy trial Kale, -lie said I !...t he was drinking al ti.e time, and did not have any malice towards the wonmu. He was b . t; i: I sit' to court in the sum of j-v' weapons for assault Viith deadly nd for earning concealed Injured ia Ronaway. Mr and Mrs Claude Woodell had it narrow escape from serious injury one night last week in High 1'oint. While out driving the buggy ran over a large pile of brick which had been 1. 1'eiv placed there and aWch Mr VYi !i 1 1 failed tosr.'ii Mccoiint of darkness, overturning the buggy ami throwing Mr mid Si i a Woodell to the ground, Mr Woodell was only slightly hurt, while Mrs Woodell sus tained a deep gash ou the head, which rendered her unconscious for some time. She was taken to a home near by and Dr Claud lteitzel was siiini ni-d slid reported that she whs badly injured. Are you lucking in strength and vigor? ' Aie you weak? Are you in painf Do you feel all niu down? ihe blessing ot health und strength come to ullwko u IIolHster's Rocky Mountain lea. 6o cents. rin- Sewing Machine for the hnme; to Ik- nm-,1 l,y wife, mother, daughter, K-uniKtrtM. That'll nnr sieehllty. Kllhir 1al or Cham bUlell. WriU fur i-iri-uluiM und ricM. Domestic Sewing Ma chine Company, Newark. H. J. W. D. Spoon's is the place to buy your Heavy and Fancy Groceries Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. ALSO UP-TO-DATE MEAT MARKET. 'Phone 53 Ashebero, N. C. 1789-1905 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate. Graduate. Medicine, Engineering. Law, Pharmacy bihnirv cuntnins -t.'MMIO volumes. New iter works, ol.-rtrii- lihtft central btat ii. system. X.-w dormitories, frj-m-nii.-iitnn. V .M C A iniilding. 667 Students 66 Instructors The l ull term khh .Sejit 11, 11KW. Adilrrss Francis P. Venable. President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Your Photograph Opportunity! Send any Photo with 25 cents and get 28 perfect Photos made from it, your photo returned un harmed. 6 Photo Buttons 25cts. Your money refunded if not sat isfied. Potraits in all grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-Color, only $2.00. Best Cabinet Photos $2. to S3, a dozen. W. R. NEAL, Photographer, Randieman, N. C. WANTED' Will pay spot cash f. o. b. your depot for All Kinds of Furs, Green and Dry Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs,s Wool(ashed or na-WMhed) We also carry a full line of Fruits and Vegetables, Bananas, O ranees, Lemons, Peanuts, Etc., si market prices. Writs for prioes. FORSYTH W ATKINS 112 Lewis;St. Greensboro, N. 0. 1 1

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