Th8 Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. C, Biipt. 7, 1905' Arrival and Departure of Trains, SOUTHBOUND. train No. 141, arrives nt 10:00 a. ni Train No. 107, urriveu at 3:10 p. ;Train No. 113, arrives at 9:35 p. X NORTHBOUND. Train No. 70. arrives ul 8:25 1. ni, Train No. 130, nrrivra nt 11:01a. in, Train No. 42, arrive nt 2:23 p. in. NoimiHorm' o. 142. leavomit 4:10 a. in, So. ISO, luaveti at 1 1 :0S u. in Jo. 144, leavraat 4:30 p. mi f SOUTH HOUND. o. 71, So. 107, if... 4i. leave at I": l- lenven nt 3:l." leiive at 3:.'i0 I Local and Personal. - Miss Blanche Cofli n rutu rued front jichmoml lust week. J Mr W J Srarlmrw went Htvuy Mon ay on it linsiiu-ss (rip. I Mr Hugh MuCuin is visiting his laughter Mrs J b luugc. I Messrs W J I'age and T Ji Cox, of Ulise were lu town X uesuuy. Miss Lillie Bunch left Monday ,jt a visit to iclutives in Durkum )Mrs J K Walker leaves this week or a visit to her sons in v 'uncord. I Mr J 0 Miller spout last Sunday Tith his hrotuer in lIiai lotto. TMr W II Muring returned from t oe Northern Markets last friday . ght. -Miss lielle Lanier of Guilford nnty is visitiujher sister Mrs J no. Tisrittain. Mrs J K Pago and little daughter lice spent last baturday wild miss annie Bulla. ) Misa Alma Ferree has resigned er positien at the Asheboro Chair Company. Mr W II Pickurd of Kundlernan M here Tuesday. Miss Linnie Shainburgcr was here 4tcrday on her way to Guilford jllege. Messrs Seth Laughlin and T II aiding mado a business trip to feensboro Tuesday. 5 Miss Lizzie Spencer retrned to Jlgh Point Monday after spending er vacation at home. I Mrs YV C Hammoud and sister Miss Whitfield went to Laurinburg iftt week fo visit their parents. Messrs McPherson and Croker ve opened up a livery business in Je old Ross and Rush Building. ;Misa Clara Spencer returned Mon ly from a visit to her friend Miss ebe, near Spies, Moore county. Rev W A Bunch and little sou abort went to Burlington Monday i attend the marriage of Miss fc-'taf-4fd. Mrs H L Brower und little daugh f Annie left Monday af ternoon lor Atlanta after spending several t ks here. Mr F II Thorns of Kew York .ty spent Sunday here with bis par tis at the borne of Mr and Mrs W I Moring. - it the residence of C O Inguld off iciating justice, Aug 31st Mr k Brown to Miss Dora Browu all Grant township. Mr Leigh who has been in the Stiire business for the last few Sths will move to Richmond in a 4 days. ?rof Warburton has received a nple copy of the Rnssian-Japanese V. He saya the book will be out about ten days. t $e?eral prominent men in the nnty were here Monday among em were Messrs T J Redding J r mil, J T Thomdurg andD 0 Masters. The Band Boys were out serenad jf Mouday night. They have learn rapidly and will aoou show the iple of not only Asheboro but other ft what they can do. Misses Laura Stiuison, Annie milinson. Mary Leo Erwin and tisy Page, teachers in the Graded hool arrived yesterday and were d for the opening of the school morning. Srlendo Jarrell, who was at one connected with the Courier no with the High Point En prise was here yesterday and gave a pleasant call. ilr Edward II Farris brother of f J J Farris, editor of the High iiat Enterprise' was one of the i-cessful applicants in the law ei li nations Just week. Miss Clara Moflitt left yesterday Elon College. Her friend Mies i who has been visiting her went it her to be present at the opening rose of Eloa College. Mr II irris Redding expects to ove his family hero in the near jture in order that his chiWren my have the advantage of Aslic pro'f good Graded School. I Ituv C W Itohinson pastor of the fresbyterian Church has returned torn a mouths stav in the moootains fhs family are still there Mrs Rob eson's health is vry much impoved. Mr and Mrs O'Brien of Mai ls returned to their home in Max ttt Friday. Jin O'Brien has-been ere for several weeks hoping that Be change won Id benefit her sick ftby. Miaddens 8 Ferree a son of 1r on R Ferree liviDg near Cedar aha obtained license to practice law urn the Supreme CTJurt last week. 'j Feme lead law under prof K Y ulley at Wake Forest Collegi Mr D B McCrary made a business trip to 1 roy lust week. Mr T J Winslow went to Gieen.v boro yesterday. Bom to Mr and Mis Genrge Barker a fine buuy girl. Mr Tom Worth went tu Spruy last week on a visit. Miss Pearl Clmmnotss of Climax is visiting at Prof J M Wnys. Mis Ida Lowe, lias gone home for a two weeks aealiuii. Mis A C AlcAlit-ti r lius riitiiiiiil from a visit to Aloniuittoii. Mr E L Rugau is the cushier of the new High 1'oiut tfisviuga lSank. Mies Huberts of Aluuon, Georgia spent Suuday luie ttitli .Mis J f lii'iltinii. " I'rotrautvd bt-rviut-s at the Method ist PiotesUtnt Church closed last Fri day night. Henry Ingram arrived Tuesday He bus come to attend school here again ibis winter. Miss Williurd, of near High Point is visitinft the family of Mr Z F idish Jr. Rev W L Sherrill has returned from a trip, to the mountains, where be has lieeii recuperating. Mr aub Mrs J G Steed were on the passenger train Monday eu route to Washington u V. Air and Airs Win Pntuliurd of Elise, Moore County were iiere Fii- .lay to see Hr akt field. Mrs Alendeiihiill ef High Point spent several days here recently with her sun Mr l'ercy Meuuonuall. Miss Jessie Boroughs left yester day tor Imou (Jollegu where she gots to enter so hool. Mr 11 R Ross left Tuesday for Fort Scolt, Kansas, where he wi lit to purchase a cur load of horses. Mr J M Burrow accidentally cut bis ankle on Monday with nn axe and made au ugly gash to the bone. Miss Ida Redding, who has been helping Air JP Boroughs in the Roisters oflice returned to her home Saturday. Mits Myrtle Scarboro returned Alonduy ft out a visit to her grand parents at Alt Gilead and friends at Iroy. Air Hugh Moflitt who has been with the Rain olph Bulletin left last week for Texas wiiere h goes to go iu business with his father. Alis J D Simpson returned from Cauada Friday night, where she has been visiting relatives and friends since Juno 1st. Charles Ross left Tuesday on the passenger train- He wenX to Harnett county on a business trio, and froni there he goes to make an address nt Guilford College. The Courier will be delayed in getting iu new presses and fixtures until in October or probably later owiug to the dilliculty in getting material and help, and other matters over which we have no control. The Sunday Sehool Convention held last Sunday at Alt Lebanon charch, I'nion township, was attend ed by a large crowd. The Conven tion was very interesting, and eveiy Sunday School iu the township was represented. The Columbia township Sunday school convention will be held iu the Christian church ut Rainseur on the first Sunday iu October. Air AI E Johnson is president of the township association and Mr W T Foushee is secretary. Good advice to women. If you want a beautiful complexion, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Co. . Never before -has an other paper published iu tho county printed half so much home news matter as The Courier has printed daring the jast several mouths. Within the next few months we hope to. enlarge the paper to eight payers. ; For several weeks the mechanical department of the Courier has been baudicapped by the continued illness of our faithful foreman whose health does not improve. Aluch work has been done iu the job department. Our friends have been exceedingly kind in the patronage- of the job oflice. Alias Martha Redding, of Asheboro was in town Alonday and Tuesday, visiting AlrrW F Talley. Miss Redding will teach at Worlhville this year. Randleman made a try to Secure the services of Miss Red ding, but tho WorthTille people knew too well what they wanted auu Miss Martha felt bound by a sort ot implied contract. Well, we don t blame Yi oitbvilie a bit. itanuieinitn Times. HEALTH INSURANCE Tbe man who Insures his tlf is wise (or bis family. Tbs mam who insures his health ' Is wise both for hi family and MsBsetf. Yea auy Insare health by fuard Ing It. Kb worth ruardlng. At the tint attack of disease, which geaerally approaches tbrvarh the LIVER and mani fests itself la Innumerable way) TAKE wrm nils And your health. Crown Milling Company Changes Hart's. Mr 0 (.' Crai'fnrd butight out the I'roHii liollei-Anil vc.'ii r.luv of A'r C J Cox. Mr Cfttliford was interested in the the Asheboro Holler Mill unlill ic- eently when he sold out t. Mr Ailhur liosH. a MARRIAGES. On last Sunday morning Miss IdajRil0,lt l;f't-r.'. portion f h-r youth IV iiikiiw fhinir itir nt Mr nut Aim Winslow whs niaiied to Air bran k Phillips. The ceremony was performed by l!ev W E Swam at the home of the brides parents. At the brides home in Utiiliii"ton Aliss Belle Stafford to Air James Cheek, of Durham. Aliss Stafford ery well known in Asheboro hav ing spent several weeks here last winter during her 6ister, Airs Bunch's illness. Deaths of Horses. In 'he last ten days six horses have died in Asheboro. Messrs E G Alorris mid Al S Davis lost one each as was mentioned in last week's paper. McDowell Bros lost one next then Airs Alorgan, widow of the late John Alorgau, sent one to town with a load of lumber. It was taken sick and died here. On Saturday night Mr Jesse Miller lost one, and yester day Air Otis Rich. Air Rich's hoise had been Biuk with pneiinienia for the last ten days. Asheboro's Growth. The sehool authorities have just mushed taking a census of the cor porate town und the figures show a very gratifying increase iu popul.-t tion. The last legislature extended the limits on three tides of the town but iinki'iiir allowance for new pop ulation taken iu by the extent ion. The returns show au incitucc ot nearly 05 per cent over the figures of -900. Asheboro's growth for the past few veins has been rapid and substantial as it ought to hive been for it is one of the best tow ns in the state. Graded School Opening. The Asheboro traded schools be gin today, and it is important that there he a full attendance at the beginning of the term. Let every parent in Asheboro (end all his children of school agu from the be ginninv, and make a sajriliet, if necessary, to do so. ion may leav to your cbjldrcn houses und homes, lands and tenements, and vast estates in stocks and bonds, but these fre- iueutly slip from the hands of the owners, but nil education is a price less gil t, it cannot be stolen or swept away. It may be used tor good or evil us the mind may be inclined. in education pioperly directed is wsrtu more to your boy or girl than any inheritance of lands or money. The Misses Moring Entertained. The Misses Alorin" entertained the young people at their home Tuesday- night in a very uniiue way. 1 he entertainment was given to the Ramblers," and their escorts, and visitors in town were also invited, I he young couples got torethei uid were given hats und trimmings and the young men were requested to trim hats and let the ladies wear them. After the hats were trimmed, the couples paraded so that the judges might decide who was the best milliner. .Miss itta lSIair wore the hat that was awarded the prize it wits trimmed by Mr J A Spence who showed talents above the average man iu "hat trimming." fter the program was completed delicicus refreshments wore served. Mr. David M. Petty Dead. Mr David AI Petty died at hs home in Greensboro after a long ill ness Sunday afternoon at 5 p. tu. Air Petty moved his family from sheboroto Greensboro about eigh teen months ago. He hud lived in Ashekoro for lifteeii years and was engaged in manufacturing and lum ber enterprises. Before lie moved to Asheboro ne lived in Arclulale wiiere he was interested in the Spoke & Handle Factory. He was t'i years uld and was an active, useful citi zen and a loyal member of the Friends church. His remains were brought to Trinity Tuesdsy and taken over to Springfield church for burial. Air Petty, leaves a wife, two sons, Mr John W Petty, of Florida and Air Walter Petty, of Savannah, Ga, and Airs Ho! ton, wife of Distiict Attorney A E Hoi ton of Winston, who have the sympathy of a host of friends in Randolph county. How's This- .nVrnnc Hiiuclml Dollars Hcwlln an? if Catarrh that cannot If hy Hall's CutHrrh Cure. K J Chfiu-y A Co, Tole-lo. o. for the laia IS yearn, an J Ix-llpvo him iHMfeetly Wc. tne unntnuKneil. nave Known r J I ;kih y honorable in all Lmtmiw transm-tioii!. ami tlnaie cially able to carry out any olillallons maile liy Ills llrm. wmiim. Kiniinn ,v jsarvin. Wholesale ih-uhrhi. ioimo. ii. Hall-a Catarrh Cure it taken Intomiillr, aellnt ilireetly Ulion the h!nnrt an.l limcou enrfaec ol the hytnu. Testimonial went Tree. I'rice ..?('. pcrtritne. Sola ly all nniKrfistH. Union Township Snndiy Softool Association. Union Township Sunday School Association held at Alt Lebanon church Sept 3rd, oieiied by a song by the sehool. 1'rayer by ,VJ J Leach; address by Prof J AI;Way,of Asheboro. . Prof Way made a grand impres sion upon our people concerning Snnday school work, rrof W ay is folly able to do the subject of bun day school work justice. Quito large congregation was present, and much interest taken. Officers of the township liring elected as fol lows: J D Welch, 1'res, 11 Kichard- son, Vice-Pres, C. II Lucas Sec and Treas. It is Biirprising, bnt nevertheless true, thnt tjtihoid kills almost as large a per cent of its victims as does yellow fever. This applies to large ci'ies where the best medical skill is obtainable. The per cent of deaths is greater in typhoid fever outside the cities. Mis. Anna Gales Catling Dead The Ciiecnslu r) Correspondent ol the Aews nml Observer snys: The remains nf Mrs John Gntling, who died i i I JithI u Jil, paste through If i- Moiiibiy tor iuterineJ. ut i'lilvih. j The news of h.-r (imth uriitle prcifoti u l Mirrow lure As A! isi ! Anna (lal. s, she w,-.s .'really admired and beloved by a larjie rircle of 'friends in (ireenslni., where she ''us u n i.-ue beie before she was married. She was the only diiuirhter ot the 'ale Key Western 1 Gales of Montreal, who was evangelist and who conducted a series meetings in Asheloro, Advertising. With the approach of fail nn chants who fail to ten the wisdom of advertising durinvr the dull months will begin to think uf trying the merits of printers ink during the busy months. For tne benefit of The Telegram and other newspapers, as well as foi the good of tho mer chants themselves we would conn sel them to beware of advertising "schemes." It is hardly necessary to deline what we mean by "scheme." The business men know, though we don't think they look sharply enough at them. In these times an advertisement must be full of information and suggestion that will create a want. A "scheme" never permits of that hoi t of thim; It only appeiilj to n firm's fondness tor seeiuL' its name in some console lions form and the advertising merit of that sort of a proposition is cer tainly doubtful. Newppuper adver tising on the other hand is of ac knowledged worth. It needs no de fense ut our hands. It has leached astageof importance in this countiy and the world for that matter that does not permit or its value being seriously questioned. Not only is this circumstance to be considered, but there is the consideration thut live newspapers help boom a town and in this way make more business. Town pride and self-interest, direct and indirect, therefore combine to suggest to the merchant tbe wisdom of patronizing his home papers. Air .Merchant, let us pucsiiuuc you to make your newspaper appropriation larger and your "scheme" appropri ation smaller' Greensboro lele gram. To tho Parents of Asheboro. The success of any enterpiise de pends upon its being followed wiih steady persistent energy. No busi ness ran succeed in which those most concerned are a- sent for (lavs tnd iveeks ut a time. This is es pecially true of school work. No parent need expect his child to iiinko satisfactory progress in school unless that child attends regularly, and prepares carefully and thorough ly every lesson. llie pupil who enters school a month or six weeks late, and who is ubseut, on an average, two or three days a week, is not only wasting, Ins tune but is also lor in nig careless slip-shod habits which will be a se rious lutulerance to him in after life. We hope and purpose to make the work of this year the best yet. We expect a larger enrollment and a more regular attendance, and we shall certainly strive to maintain the highest standaids of work. 1 he course of study adopted is full und complete through the nine grades, and with a school term of only eight months it is more than ever necessary thut pupils enter at ths opening, a"d be present every day throughout the term. The people of Asheboro have cause to be proud of what they are doing for their school. With a more com modious building soon to be erected, with a larger tax levy for tho main tenance of the school it only remains now for the parents to co-operate fully with the teachers to make the sehool second to none of equal size u the state. A long pull, a strong pull ull together, and we shall be on the top -of the hill. Give 113 your hearty aid and co-operation and help us to do for the children of Ashe boro all that thv school should do Cii.v.s. AI. Stalk v, Supt. Special Rates Vis S A L Railway. lMCHMuMi, V A. ..I Fountain, ilnl Order True lu-form.-i-s. ono Tickettt sold S-ittenitH linnl limit rvpscinlHT I llli. HOT M-Kl.TliS, AliK. Sinvinl Kxenrsion Hates. I Ilia Knrr'nlnti TiekeN lilliit- I 1.11 (lav. Sold lirst and tllird IVllsdavs ill Septcmlior. t'll.Vl TANOOiiA. TKNX. Knelion of Monuments l.v the Nafp of Noitli Cirotimi. fliieiiinaiiKt l'nrl., Septi-mlier 17 I'd. linnl unit live dnvs from date of sale, tine far his iffW round trip. IlKNYKU, fdl..- National Kneanipinent iriuid Annv of die Kepul.lie. N-pt 1-7, So l.d Ijiu lia'tes to IlLNYKR. C'l l.( )f A IX I l'lilNlIS or IVel.!... rilll.Al)KI.I'lllA, I'A IVriarchs Milit nt and Sovereign tirand Lodire I t) (I K Sept lil-L'.l. llie fare pln Jl.i'.l. Tick is wild N-pt 1.1-14, la, tipsl limit N'pt 2 'tll itti privil.-uo of exli-nsion. lilCIIMtiND, VA.- f-aini.TsXational -.a-nsss, S-pt li One firet elasfaif plus 3 cents. Tickets sold Sent 1 0-1 1-12. hnal limit S pl. 2."ili. Sjsieial Mat' neoomuof aorasionsnot men iomsl will Iv filniishr.1 njKin applica ion; also titiie-tiiM.-n or any additional infor- linatiou, (Ml, liATTI.S Travelii.o I'ass.-ni- A.-nt. Ituleigli. X. V. When Messrs John G and J 1 Ileileg, of Salisbury, administered on the estate of their brother tbe late 0 S Ileileg, a promising young lawyer and business man, they fort ml the estate worth some $50,000 to $G0,000, practically all of which had been accumulated by the deceas ed in the few short years of his life, lie was by work and close applica tion to business wonderfully suc cessful, and he paid the penalty with his life. lie wat never idle, always at work; but his life was cut off in youth before its prim. The death of Afr Noll, who win a patient at the State Hospital in Wa'eigh is being investigated by a eoronor's jury. Noll, who was con sidered daiigcoiH liinalie tried to esc i in- tin d was pursued and caught by some of the hospital iit'cndaiiK It I- eh irged that be wit mislrenti d and (bed from the efl'e but tie lio.piial I'Mthoriti.'j. say tleatjs came lioni over exei lion. Farm for Sale. . in n- III.- "-1!- Trie; v. lined.,!!.! Ili:.di'l.;.it. foui Kiinn." oi ennnlv. I'r from Tie n or lilt le,.;e eouliiins .i, One li.'i :i, ! I , . , ' I . 'I l,.dldill. news of privntelv . .,1 Lot fed. C;el It 1 . i.ehl tion npply tu mi.-s i.. c r.'.'-v.Ki-., Notice. Not U Mi Jo my ne pood liiirea N. ('. Teacher ICtsixl. .:! Cinntv. ('. Wanted. .ilei,nITmvnslii.. His ;d.v u I a l.-aelier lo .1.1, triet N's I. rii.M-omn.iii f l!. inei wi.-li.-s lo .,or selio .l In said lii-n el. on I i,e .'.III. sehool house, .1 llint d.iv nl .1 ( i;i...i f pteiiiU-r, I'.MCi, nt iennts will lie lien .Ml up p III. um" IKT OFT UK I ciMUTluN OK TIID BANK OF RANDOLPH, ASI1KIKHI. S C.. atel.we of Isimiiivi Alllt. Si. IWO lellsi.l In-iii r.-N.tL to Noitli ramlil.u toiis.u.. t on lmii-aml liist-ounts ir (ii-r.nift n:.l; ; lloii-c l-'.ir. nii.l Hvliirt- ,. r.,i;oil ih-i-ioi. It.nns tiiul.m Hue mini Hanks and Hankers Il.flitlltt l ii-h Item lo.-." i;..i.n:..iii i.v.r: -M silver coin. inetii'liiiK all iiiinnr coin eiineiiey I. llli. VI Natl. .iihI Imnk notes and otli.r (T s iii.u-s .'.lsiiiioj r..:l.u:i I? - i-nplial st-k .' Ml.niHKl k'und -J(i,.si"MNI fn.llvi.le.l I'rolits l.'.is) !i IS-..i(sslilJiTl toelie.1: l.-.l.:l!l r, (Aislm-r-H clicks (iiil.lnii.llim n.v. :ll l'..:,..:l I. ' Stale otN. C. Count, of I. W. J. An.llleld. Jr.. Cifslii.-r of Hi.-Ilank of, Itnn.l.ilpli, do sole.nnlv swear thai tin- nlovc stal.-inonl is Inn- to the Is'st of my Inn... l.-ilua mid MM. W. I. Jr.. Ca.slii.-r. Swor . to und suljserils-d l, r Hit- :ll.-t C. II. llfs.sKl.!.. Nolan 1'ul.Me YOUNG LADIES WANTED At Burlington. ( DO YOU WANT A POSITION? ; We Can Give You One, The Scott-Mebano Mfg. Co., of Burlington is enlarging its capacity and needs one hun -i dred more youns ladies at ! once to operate sewing ma-; cnines. Our engine furnishes the motive power, and we 1 Pay You While You Learn. I Our building is new, well lighted, and kept comfortable by motor fans in summer, and steam neat in winter. You can secure board with vour friends: or we will at your request, find a suitable place lor you at a private resi dence. If you prefer to live in Gr.iham, we will give you a similar position there. Write us today, SCOTT-MEBANE MFG. Burlington, N. O. CO., W. E. HILL I -Dealer in Groceries, Shoes and Notions j Ulah. N. C. ! Go to J. L. Norman for fair Bargain s and fair treatment Dealer In Groceries and Notions, .Ion,-' i 1.1 S..I-..I. I.-.. Mix-.-, Asheboro !l-01t. We Sell the Earth! ooooooocoooooooooo If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank IJ'ld'g. Armfield (Si Laughlin. Real EstiMe DeeJers. Ayer's Pills Z?d Can we interest yo in a Heating Stove? We have a full line ol seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing in that line. tiuns, Amuuition and Spotting Uoods ol all kinds. Barbour Virginia and High Point Bnggies. Lewis & Winslow Business Locals. Notices Inserted imdor this head at one oeit a word eacl: ' isnrtlon. For Sale. . ImelliiiK Hon, ', uiili a Luildinu ids of jflud.'d .lAM'I'.i: .l MAN, iSouth A.lieh. .MAN' YANT. l.n mils il.n li; ;:-.,.. i iliia whole ( lion y l-M ,,laee eood .1. AT HA VS. WASTKIi liyc IKTMtu ol trilM'.vnrl I Willi loeil terrilon Salary sill pod w.-, i"'iKu' Manager Hraneln'.. .'!-.':) Iienrltoni htreet, I 1 1 A V K w,, I..- lo cclinnoe u,i- II I woi.l-l irse kii'oii. i: li Aloiiul. Sale! ( 111 S.tliildiiv. 1. J tH-k I w'ill sell lo ..f ll.e Inle li I" miles from III-!, U-ejiiliino al n llie premi .(hold ll'alli. w. c iii-:i!Xiiox. DR. W. P. REAVES New MeAdo Building-, Greensboro, N. C, I nu-tiec liuiile.l to !is,-,is.-s oftl.o Kve. Kar, Nose and 1 Ilr Hours' I .-10 I,, .-, p. ,. Al lll-li Point Olhee ....u Store, .Mon.h-. Wednesdav III d Hours T:;I0 lo I I :.:tl a! lu. id Suiter I iriijr N. P. COX, Jewe er and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO. N. C. Nitrous tU and (lxvo.ii e-r painless l'..v Omces First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. yy q STEDMAN & CO " " ... Hpavv nA F.inri Cirnrfirti ,,VU'J "u,1"-; vvv" ,w' Depot St. West Side Kailroml. L. M. POX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. ( HIfi li'.k prufi-ssinBiil U i' (i i he i itizniiR (f;Af li.torii':n'.l HimminlhiK umiiutiuity. nilift"-; At KvlK-iift' J. V. HUNTER, M. D., Asheboro, N. C. IV -alls ails.... rails from - Ray Edmund son Has refitted and rei'ui-nished his B RBER SHOP and now has one of the nicest, cleanest and best fitted shos in the county. (Opposite Wood & Moring's. ) Vegetable, liver pills. Test is what they are. They cure; constipation, biliousness, Bict-headache. jcc,,f.' BUniNGHAM'S DYE Hardware Company .J it is simply a Well Fixture that we are advertising; and you will do well to get tms well fixture, we can l- sell it to you for less mc uey than yon can buy it of a travelling agnt. Also do not forget that we handle the 1900 iu:- Washer. McCrary-Redding High Art We have just received 50 from $8.00 to $18.00 per suit. Nie Imp Whirs and Kancv IT! Kin-nisihintrs i'hpan. The prettiest line of ixw displayed in Asheboro. ue sure to see tnem. Very truly yours, WOOD & MORING. Our buyer is in the North ern markets this week pur chasing fall and winter stock. Watch this space. mm I I ifiorns-ocarooro-muTTiii wfu. Telephone No. 7. Dress and Waist Goods! Let us tell you something. We are receiving a nice line of Dress and Waist Goods for Summer, Fall and Win ter wear. These goods were bought before the advance in prices bought right and will sell them right. Boys' Suits, Men's made Shoes. Shoes, all styles and prices. We carry a full line of No tions. We have some odds and ends in Shoes will Bell cheap. Siecial bargains in dilferent lines. Come in and we will save you money on your purchases. Ridge, Fox & Company. Capt. J. W. Fry, Pres. R. R. King, Vice. Pree. E. Caldwell, Jr., Secy. The Greensboro Life Insurance Company. Organized 1905. (Legal Reserve) $100,000 Paid Capital. $25,000 8urplus. Writes all cdinary forms of policy contracts. Each policy is registered and secured by Treas. Dept of State. urn ""s - Sa: Ha.rdware Company Clothing! suits of Summer Clothing at Great values. Vests. Straw Hats. Oliara. - quartered l an bnoes ever mm rrfxjL . Free DeRvery. Pants, Elkin Home

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