11 I The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. C, Si-pt. S8. 1!05 Arrival anil Oi'iiarturc rtl Trains. 10:00 u. 111. .",10 i. m. p. in. !:2.j p. .vor i iiiun si). Truin K... Ill, urrivMnl Train No. 107, niiiii-a ut Train Nn. 1 l.'l, uri iv.'s :il NOliTlliHil ND. Train Nn. Tit, arrive ut Train No. l-"., ilnivi s at Traill Nil. I-, iirrivi-t at N'.i;:ni!ll)'"NI). N. 112, l.'iiv.'.iit N. l.lll, llMVl'lt III Nil. Ill, IrilVI-Ult shi:thi: ii n i'. No. 71, l. av.-, al Nil. 107, If.ivrs ill Nil, II, Il'llWSlll Local and Personal. HANDS - W Imrnm- A- Mi can wi'iuv I Dr. b. ' Mondiiv. II. Lewis was in town Mr. K. 11. Morris went to (inriis boro Monday. Mr H (J Lussitor, of Lassihoi-, was in towu Tuesday. Mr. L 1' Craven, of Cole's Store, whs in tow n yesterday. Messrs J M Ky und H Ij Iinvis were in town yesterday. Mr. Gilmer McAlister, of Spray spent Sunday in Asheboro. Miss Sullie Uenley visited in Iliyh Fomtbalui'ilny unit, biiuilay. Mrs. Martha l'aue returned to Steeds Tin-fday of tliis week. Mrs A V Armlkld visited in IIi?h Point ui:d Thoinusville last week. Mr W G Garner, of Mcore county, " warn visitor in Asheboro yesterday Mr C V Cranford made a business trip to Troy and Mt (iilead last week. " Mr Thomas Worth spent u few days in Durham tins week on bust ' ness, Mrs. Burton, wifo of Dr. J. W ;. Burton, of High lVmt died Sept. 24 th. Mr D S Davis and daughter, Mis , Jessie ' i.jited th? V.!r.ily of Mr Will Skeeu last week. Miss Maud F.unier, of Cid, David son county, was waiting at l'rof J M Way's this week. Mr Hiram Freeman ami Deputy Sheriff J U McKinzie, of Troy, were in town Saturdav. Mi Herb Sli.c's li.ifHohe to New Vni K In : pt ..;tioii as sales man in a silk store. j Mr Dow BirMiouil, lie.let agent for the Son t hern at .St iliwllr, i at home tilts week on a vicit. Mr .1 Ji Miilis who km le.!i to Jackson Springs and (it her pi, ces stopped over m Asl elniro J itesti; night. Mr and Mrs T II nodding me fpfndinr a f"w liavs at. M:n'.'l visiting Mr lieddid-'s fe.tlier, Mr J S It. Mm Cora M-M'is'i"- fprnl a few d ivs !a.-l. v.irk i!h f:ii"vU here uf ti e niiikiiiLf ii visit, tu ! er pmeiit tl'e Uwb;irrie .eli mi. He-.-. A. 1!. Si, aw. of Portsmouth V.i., v l-.-i is v.i-ii kiiimu in Abheburo. h is luen e il!ed as i.a.-tur fur ;he loth Avenue I 'ivkuv tenuii church of Chariot to. Mr A Auuiaii, representing the well kliuWll linn of Fleishman Morns Ct Co. has just returned tiom l.'iehinonii, Ya, with his full line of spring t-lioi'ii. Mios Maud Coward, of Cedar Kails, passed tliroiiuh Asheboro ''uesdav of this week uoini' to Dar liucton. S C, where we ham she will enter school. A mTTSTWF HEALTH Miss Alma Fence has returned from High Point where she has been for some time. Mr Wilborn Conner, living near Central Falls, is paralyzed and his recovery is doubtful. Mr. Maxwell, of Kiioxville, Tenn.. visited at Mr. V. J. league's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs C C Cranford who has been ill for a few days is able to be out again w e are glad to say. The addition of live rooms to the Centra) Hotel will be completed within the next few days. The opidoiiii,- of typhoid fever at Central Falls is due to a well, w hieh hat) recently 'been closed up. Mrs (ieo 15 Strickland will leave for h.T future home at Lacuna, X C, about the tirst of October. Messis 11 ii Lassiter, N M Lowe and J O Arnold were visitors in Asheboro Tuesday of this week. Mr. II. D. Caudle our former foreman, who has been ill in Greeusboro, returned homo last Fri day. Mrs. PLckard, of Kandleman, spent a day or two here last week with' her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Morris. Col B F Simmons passed through Asheboro Saturday morning on his way to Washington City to spend ten days. The Revival service at Asheboro ut the M. K. Church, South, clos-d after a week's duration ou last Sun day night. Miss Dora liedding, of Caraway, spent Friday here. She had been to Troy to attend the Sunday School Convention. Mr Jonah Cole accompanied by Mr PresneJI, of the southern pait of the county, gave us a pleasant call Monday. Mr Chas I! Smith lias purchased from Mr M L Davis the duelling house on corner of Hoover a d Smith streets. Mr Ita-sie Cat'le, living mar Gray chapel, and a sou of Mr Geo Cagle, belongings and has gone with his lainily to California. Dr. Tui rmlineleft Monday morn ing alter sputding a week in Ashe latro conductii g a revival at tin Asheboro M. E. Church. Mr. S. C. Robins left Saturday returning to Harvard College. He went liv wav of Norfolk where he will tukeu steamer for Iiostou. Mr V F McDowell went to Kan sas last Saturdav, for a car load of horses, and expect them to return to ou Saturday of this week. Miss Etta Staley, of Sialey, will this vear teach in Vance county near Henderson, and Miss Mamie Pieree of Staley, will teach in Wayne Co. Messrs J E Albright, R L Al blight and W A Craven of the south east portion of the county were iu Asheboro on Monday of Ui:.i week. There are n number of cases of diptheria at Cedar Falls, and the prevalence of the diseaso has caused a large decrease in the attendance of the public school. There are two cages in Asheboro. Miss Nannie Hallingcr went up to Uandlenian Monday morning to open a .Millinery esiaoiisnmeni ucli will oe in charge or jhss Doak, of Guilford College. An adertiseu:i"it in the Courier blink's results. The Courier ollice is located i t!.e brh'k buildn g near the court house and not mi the cor tier lurtlici iiu the street where the ollice fornrerly wits. Mr M J Jiowliiii who was at one time engineer (f the Pine lluint special and now living at H0ns.1l, Chatham count' is now one ol Hi iirrctors of the Hanking lmii and I'mst Company, of SanforO. The Asliury Methodist Sun lay School will come to Asi.el oio on Saturday next tin a nieiiie excursion. Tiie Courier in behalf of Ashelioru welcomes each ami every one to our town and w:sb i ir Itieiii a joyous occasion. I!ev. S. T. I.-i.ssii.'r, rinciiial of Ni iv Hope Aeadeuiv, will on the id 8i!i!i'av in (ii tuhi r preach at Lebanon, near tirav's Cross I'oads at ll o'clock, :u'A et West Chapel in the afterieVn of the same day at 3 o'clock and a -ain a' niiiht. Mr I'. G rceiisl'.'ro mentof ir perfonnr Moni- has been in lii. wrek under treat Long ami Haimer, wiio suvi'lenl operation on his nose removing lln i' troiii an ab normal growth which had recently caused Mr Monis tome trouble. Mr Harris Chandler who lives near town at the Winningliaiii place, on the Cedar Falls road one mile north of town, and w ho died ou Wednesday of last week, was a son of Mr liiif'us Chandler who lives six miles from Asheboro on Deep river. Key. Dr. S. B. Tuireiitine Presid ing elder f the Greensboro district, ondtieted the series of meetings at the .Methodist church last week and lid the preaching. There was much rest manifested nnd a number of converts was the result of the inlcling. A letter from Mr Jesse K Prilch rd dated since he al rived at West imister Md. states that he is de lighted with his surroundings and the college of w hich he is . ttcnding and speaks in high terms of the high tate of development in that section of Maryland. .Messrs S ( Newlin and T E Mal hal,of Kandleman, came down from Kandleinan Saturdav afternoon in the interest of the Old Homestead Male Quartette which is to be at Kandleman Tuesday night of next week. The showwill be in the au ditorium of the graded school building. Mr J M Grillin, win died near Pjttsboro last week, was a brother to K A Grillin, of Kanford, who form- rly lived at Liberty. The deceased eaves a number of relatives, two of them being, Win H Grillin, cashier of the bank of Liberty; and J L Giillin, clerk of the Superior court of Chatham county. Mr und Mrs J C Coltrane, of Koherdo, passed through town Sat urday on their wajy to Millboro and to attend the drays Chapel meeting. Mr Coltrane who has wen employed by the Wade Lumber Company for two or threo years, will move back to Mullioro und take a position with the Millboro Chair Company. Mr. A. M. Mancss recently Bent us one dollar for subscription to the Courier but us he gave neither the date nor address in his letter we are not able to locate him He may be a subscriber, but our sub ecriptiou is too large for the mailing clerks to keep post oflice addresses of each subscriber in their minds. Mi Ilenilrix Skecn ;etnriid t- Asheboro this week from a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Skeen, in the southern part of Davidson County, lie will go to U-xington next Monday where he accepts a position with the rainier s Supply Company. Mr. Skeen has been for more than a year clerking for bis brother-in-law, Mr. W.J. Miller, and made many friends while here. MrCC McAlister has returned from Harnett county, where ho at tended a sale of timber land Saturday of last week. Mr Chas Ross, who has been iu Harnett county for mote than two weeks returned with Mr .McAlister. On Saturday Mr Boss purchased, public auction, seventeen hundred acres of pine timber in Harnett couuty. Tho sale was made by th Truster in Bankruptcy of the franklin Lumber Co. Tho timber will probably be sawed by the mills if the Asheboro Lumber Co. ll sll I Mr HoCa : Mr.Jo'n for his h Cro- s co i Will Ite'.jrn Cast to Live. ! ;J.iiu left, last night ie ill Wst Salem, L'i cousin, after speml- AbsQiutelyParo HAS h'O SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos Fhatlo acid ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Joh Work. The Courier has just received a large lot of all kiniU of stationery md is prepared to till orders on short .telegram notice. Send in your orders. Selling and Moving Mr. M. Ii. Mollitt, who has recently bought Mr. Joe Xorinan's dwelling on t ox Street will move here soon Mr. Norman has bought Mr. N. K Morris' home on South Fau'lville street. Mr. .Morns will build a home on his lot on Sunset Avenue, in:- some lime here. ! Mr Media's father was born and '-, a red near the ImUIc ground, but be himself hil never been on Giul- ' ford soil until within tho last few : davs. I He had s mie dillicully in Hading any of his lelutives, but by inquiry jut the ollice of ihe register of deeds he found that there were some McCain's iu nnd near Asheboro I So he went down there. Mis McCain, the postmistress there he found to be a cousin of his by marri age. And he found several blood re lations in the form of coin-ins more or le.-s removed Mr McCain expects to come buck "list to live. I!e will fnttle either in Virginia or in North Carolina. The climate here is what attracts him, accustomed as lie is to the lieice rigors of the Wisconsin winters. H says that all that is needed to start a stream of immigration into this country from the great northwest is simply to convince the people mere how much milder the climate is own iu these parts. Greensboro Stock Deilert. J'el,, becoming a largi market lor horse. and mules. Mi ll K isa has sol I a car ol h uses and inu'es within the past mi nils, ami exp.c:., a iollier cai on 'llesday of next. week. .ilel'owe.l Molheis will liave a ir of hors s and mules on Saturdav f this w-vk ir not later than Mou- of lux! week. V.'co-' Cisl.'er tor Cay Bro. Mr. John K. '.Vend, who for th, st. seven! years has been one of the bookkeepers in th,. Citi.i National P- i:!-, Ims icsigm-d position to lie.-ome ( a-lin r in the uiance oillceot I. I. I lay it Hroth- Mr. Woo l is a sou of ,-x- St.ife Senator Wood of Randolph md is an (xeilhiit voung man' Morning Po.-l of Sept. iUih. App ilntmnts for Presiding. E!,!er Turrontire Rev S B Turrentine, presiding bier will hold tlicmiurtcrlv meeting for the I'whanie circuit at Oak love next Saturday and Sunday, md will hold the iiuarterlv meeting foi the Asheboro circuit at Union xl Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. At the iiuarterly meeting ou '.he West Randolph circuit, at Pleasant Hill, a special Sunday school liiass- meeting will e held on. Saturdav Oct 7th. - 0- - Prompt treatment of a slight at- ick of Diariho a will often prevent seiious sickness. I he lust known Remedy is Dr Seth Arnold's Balsam. ei r apothecary, W A I'mli iwood warrants it to give satisfaction. Allreil Bulla. Alfred Bulla, aged iO years iir u!y of this year, died Sept. sN! and is liurieu at the nulla lamily bur ing ground on Mr. Bulla's farm on September 21. ihe deceased was a brother of the e Dr. A. C. Bulla, of this county, md Dr. Alex Bulla, of Jackson Hill. eft eight living children, six oys and two girls, Romulus Bulla. rank 1. Bulla, George Bulla, Jan- iel Bulla, Vance Bulla, and Arch ulla, Mrs. B. F. Newliy, all of laudolph County, and Mis. R. C. Welborn now living in the State of Kansas. Tho deceased was for many years County Surveyor and was well and favorably known, a man of fine sense and well educated. Mr McCain is also related to ex- s'jeiLT McCain c.f Stanley county one of the best sheriffs any county in the statu ever had. Public School Examinations. The next public examination for touchers' certificates will be held at the court house in Asheboro Oetobi 12 11. The l-'ih and Dith will be for w hite teacher.-; the 11th, for colored. For the couvenienee of these wh live a long diet nice from Asheboro I will hold public examinations al the following tinn s and places: Libel ty, October -24th. Kiimsctir, October 2.1th. Why Mot. Academy October, ii), Farmers Institute, October 27. Rain! Ionian, October 28lh I hope that all who expect to teaeh will meet meat one of these xaminalions, as it is necessary to have a cerlilicate before making a contract to 'each a public, school. lielore beginning the schools it will be necessary for teachers to h.ive a ole.ir undi rstaiulnig of the use of the new public school registers and inks, ami more especially, the course of study to Iv used in the public schools. Tliere will be a teachers' meeting in th- L-raded school building at Asheboro on the 14th of October, anil every public chool teacher will be reipiired to at end. The programme will be an nounced in the county papers later ou. J M Way. County Supt. of Schools. Letter to II T Caviness Asliclinro N C Dear Sir; Devoe, $10 a year; lead- md-oil. $22. Mr McMulliu, late cashier of 'atapseo National Bank, of Ellicott ily, JliI, painted his house Devoe -in 1SS5. It wore 17 years at a ost of less than $10 a year. Mr Harold llarxlingo, the present cashier painted his house three oats lead-and-oil it wore six years, it a cost of 22 a year. He then lepaintel Devoe; said he wanted the nut that cost least by the year. This is important; such compari sons are extremely rare. We know the general fact, however. 1 he paint that goes furthest, wears ingest; always. Yours truly FW Devoe it Co P S McCrary-Redding Hwd Co sells our paint. !)',) 1-ANiis.u.K. Business LocaH. I'.v vir I ir ..1-1.1-.. 1 ., :ilc-B.:iiil,-, ,y eb.. I s ';.-rl,.r f'uin i c.i . , ,,niii v . i i 11 .h - -:i,I Notices Insoriod under this hoftd at on iwami'I"' " I'-i.i''-' on' l! ' ert iwmj each tnsorllon. Ou'l'i.m '-'V,'. "-.--V'l.-1. i-t-i" V--V-" -n - r- j" -- . . .. I II"' "fu i .Ut. I U,. .1 l-.'n-.-l,,.-., i ,, ei I-'.,.. .... , ;:, . . , cm-. Iv. N,-n C I 53.8. X.?..".'.'!!'!-....! ,, i I II..0 7 I, 1 )..li,U! llase, i,, ,..! jj't-'r-rt.i;v-!r.-sv. l-.-i,.,,,.,!!, 1..,I.e.,.t.ao-,li ...k j,,-. , I ,,., ,, ,- ,, ,, , i HlVm,. ii,r-,i Iv ' ,i" ' rii-i'ii ii 111 JA.-ri-.li .l iii. li-'.il il,.'-'r'!'i,l ii.!l:,l""-" ti ;r,'i-:'..i'i','''r.,'i'i',,,"' tf fSuiidi Aslielwro. ink- Wall inv ,-oriu-r. ll,w .. n.--l , li.-.in la er-lliilin .11. Hull ill' eeril'T. th--lle linHii-inl eliin'liM an-1 TH link- In ll u U-.MiinuiK titlliliiu 1 wh nurps iiiort- or li-ss. mani!'l,.'-"'vT'.vi MAX WANTS 1ml link- lii-ro l...v l.ui runiiT! n "-t'iii'illil..-. i.'m! i' ''Xw'nh'ti I wjhh th.il liiiie I anil the very l-l J lo--.- iv. l,-M,, r, l- it..., :.i ;,i ...l... i,, . in !.t -..ii, J; I,, il.ii... I tll...,,-. -:,l, : l-ll-sl.. the l.M:i:,-..ll. -. .ot.t.ll,,. ! all clp js ""f'-'"-" ,...,.. j .1. At .MAN S, C'uimnituiivr. If S'.ulli Aslmlmro. Term-c.f ni:-. i-u-li. 1 ! I WAN I I l-lly Clil. ;.. M llllllll. lillilllr II..IKI-. 1 New Cotton (1 in. i -.. Miryiiuii .i.i-Kiy. ivnimiiMit No I J I i iiinMi.n-i.i r.-.uii.-.. l-.L.-incv.M il.nli..i. I'ii.. I Mi i- Hon uih is ii..'. iv.i l-. t"r work. ' o,r..' MiinieJ-r llri'!iriii-s'':Bi NUriwi"'(tiw-t. I Tie- Kiii in ll.i- s- ;... I , . I . .- Chkugo. satl-1 i-l ,. nill buy y..ur I-..U..II ii i ''ii!'i:..''v'.lo'l.,lo!ln'i v .... l'..l. ! 1 IIAVK a . ..I ii.-l,..r- wuk-ii 1 w.-iM 1 one nul.-'.M,K.f Xnoini (Vi.,, Mills. b!" l""M-!'Hii' for ii one I, v,.i-,.i. V. I i Muiaus. A. N. Routh, j Ramllemnn, R. V. I). No. 2. Paxr Fine -!orses For Sa,e I ' li.'Vtti-km'iili.'-n",S!ii!'.Vnl'.'l I.. i' (A.' . ' " 1 iii.K li.si .I..-. Asi.'.i ;.,-i, i:, n, , Mill-. f BTHE CAROLINA - -CDDK STOVEl "''-J " 'J WA.MT.I': T. l.iif .-.m:.' ... w-iili :, i SSwsFS?!'!" C,,.'Vi.nm,'mirv. ' " Street Hats- Satisfaction in every wav v. WAMkh: Tim. 1-lliri-nniM, Mill! - II llns sli.v,. Ims i.v. iy in,,.,. i, ,.,.. ..,., I,,, -.,. Ir,i- ,., ,., ,., ,,lrili-l. '.'-t.lii. -x-.'.,ii..., i,,. h,i. A,,,,.!,,,,lor..rriL'i.t,.-, iiak.- s.e lii'lf, l.i, lo'r. iiii-M.- tv., ,..l, mci.i ,.. .-.. ,,;: :,,,i.s a,,:,,.- .1 ll Vim- ..rnn.m'iiMI In,.. l-.v,',y-;v..ni,, !y ,,.,i-,. ,..;, v,. Kml. X f. i..v,.,, vii-ii,. iisami .i,. viii .,.,,.1,. -....r,i7;.' m Be ?. S, Pintl Why buy a cheap paint and pay the same price' as for tjoo;! paint whou you cau buy good paint at same price and it will last longer find cover mors surfaoo than cheap paint? It any one Wishing to buy paint desires to know anything lurtner reyai-din r.ur lino ol paints, pl6ase can to see us as wo have over one hundred houses in Asheboro painted with the B. P. S. Paint and they speak tor themselves. We trusi. we may bo able to furnish you whatever paint you may wa.it. Yours very truly, McCrary-bedding Hardware Company. ... ' I ! High Art Clothing! I. M. I 'ilia G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Greensboro, N. C. I'.., sit.. I.v 1,-in. ,- i-,,v, li,i- ( -l.,-li.u,., X. I'. DR. F. A. E3ENLEY, ASKEQOnO. N. C. Ray EdmuncSson ' lias refilted and refurnished hi.i BARBER SHOP and now Ins one of the nicast, cleanest and best fitted shops in the county. (Opposite Wood : Moring's.) Kt i, ui1-' DR. W. P. REAVES New McAdo Iiuillin?. i (ireeiishoio, N. C. How's Tins. WonVrUiii' lliin.liv.1 lii'llnrs Ki'Hiir. I'of i.'nliiirli lliiit riiiinot U- i-iiti'il li liirrh Cim-. F .1 rln-iu-v A llo, To!i-.lo V, Iiu- iiii.l.r-imii'il, I iu to known f .1 llii' In.-I iral.U- .illy ni'l" to i all I rt' in-ni :my ..l.lu Sulncription Paid, li !' IleynnKUs, Ivey C Nance, J Ii McKeiizio, C II llcvul, A J Iiurrow, 11 V Dcnnin, J V ViinciiniKin, C C Will lace, T 1' Tucker, .1 A (ianilile, Hotel Uwharrie, Chug Lollin, H U I.itk, W 1 lloin, (ieo Iliiriid. A M Brower, II M Sluley, A I, Suiley, William Lemons, A II litiminn'e, A Annum, V A Vfunier, K I. rrecinim. V Kint', C V Lambeth, (ieo Sim- immii, A t alln(lels, alnp3oll Williams, 1! J Leuch, (i l B liey- nolils, I) A McLcoil, A I Ixaeh, W II Cuiiiier, L II Svkes, K II Wood, llev Ashburii, Mt Jiiuley, Mrs J .1 Gl:u, (1 W Saundem, A 15 Kirk- mini. Mrs J 0 AdliHiulh, llattie liristowe, A J l ulIi r.K C ow, U h York, (i 11 1-ree, Ivey Johnson.' W K Evans, 11 K lliynoMs, 11 W (ireen, Kufus Vuncanon, P T Kearns, It Lassiter, Mm li li Elain, I J Cotton, T II haiiiuleM, U 15 Jordan, Mis J C llurly, J K Russell. Mamie, the fourteen year old iliiuyhter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jarrett, on Kept. 2iith ut Central lulls, of tyiiliiiid fever. Siiona, the eleven year old daugh ter Mr. and Miti. John Conner, at Central Kails, Kent. i4th of typhoid fever. Lonnie Green, son of General J M (ireen, living in Coleridge township near Cole's store, died sud denly ou last Monday morning of heart trouble. The deceased leaves a wife ami four children. Mis. Hill, wife of D. W. Hill died at Central Kails on last. Sunday of pneumonia. Tho three children, triplets, of which she was the moth er were a week old at her death una all are living ami good health. Lejjal Advertisements. MlTlrltiiKKK-SAI.K. Ilv viiliii or authority vc.-ti-il in mi' I.v n iiu ul ,il lh, .-ii., i in r limit ol ltiiinlolili in ii ii'iul .riH'.'i-.liiiK wlu-ri'in.l K -.iiin-ii II II i. lk ni'iv iu'litionim mi. I liilin SrMn iwr.. .I. (. n.lai.l L ill. in tin. mull .lav llm.-, wll to Hi.- liTih.-t l.i.l.liT l..r v.i-h a i-oiirt lions,',l,.rlii A-bi'lmn.. N I'.tli.. I inu .IimtiMhI lall.ln: Mlunli-il on III.' li.lt .laiknni i-rifk. KiitliiluK utu I. link liK-u-t niurlv IHlVMtlirurr; llli'lllv norlli is I--.' tf.a liliiti'iak; Loriin n mrin r: th.n..' v. lilsliiiclwliaiii-toiisti.ii,. in liiiiliinori-'s itioiit-i Miuth on said Inn. l i tiains lo a lliirns lhiv. now Hill's; tlii'tii'i' wi-st on k.i!i ovi-r tin' l.tckniotiutiihi 1H I-l! t-hHius lo u lion Hill'M-orii. r. tlii'iup m.iHli on In 1 fliiilHi mnl iw links in Mi l Hill s llii.': I u-l is.' .-hiilns ton slitko in tlu- loiintv liii-nt.' north v. nil tliv i-oiiittv lint' Is i-liitii us links ton -lak.- formerly I'uvi. is.n.. i : I tui Ills lim- 1-i-liains to ti f.iaisli o-i i.-r; tlu'ii.-i- not Hi to the Ih'Iiiiiiiik. i'o iiiK lll:l. r l This in-i'in "i ami (lv.v l f ir ..iil.--s f x- Ofllces First Rooms Over the Batik of Randolph. i L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. tillers his .n..- t-ltlZl-IIM.I-Asl.-ls iiiil sei viii' to the : N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. J. V. HUNTER, M. D., Asheboro; N. C. W. D. 3 7 DM AN CO. ,,. Heavy nd Fancy Groceries. of Depot St. West Side Kailroatl. ooooxoocxoooooe-j If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Ollice in Bank H'ld'g. - Armfield Laighlin, Real Estate Dealers. gntataoc we Can interest you in a Heating Stove? Wo have a full line ol seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing in that line. (iuns, Animation ana bportmg uoocis or an Kincis. Barbour, Virginia and High Point Buggies. Lewis & Winslnw Hardware Company We have just received 50 suits of Summer Clothing at ( from $8.00 to $18.00 per Ftiit. Croat valuos. X Mien linn Whlln nnrt It'.inmi Vnctj Sll'nW ll.lt.,. oll-irS. Ties, Furnishings, Etc., cheap. The prettiest line of Low-quartered Tan Shoes ever displayed in Asheboro. lie sure to see them. Very truly yours, i WOOD &. MORlNCi. I New Goods Arriving DOWT MISS SEEING HEADQUARTERS. We have purchased an immense amount of goods and our stock is fast assuming the appearance of a full and complete fall stock. A few of our recent arrivals: 52 in. Cravanette for Coat Suits and Rain Coats $1.25 per yard. ;'.8 in Plaid Suitings for girls school dresses 50cts per yard. 52 in. Broadcloth, all colors, &1.00 per yard. New colored Plaids for waists, 25cts per yard. New 27 in. Silk for Shirt Waist Suits, 75c. to $1.00 per yard. 30 in. Black TatTeta Silk, guaranteed. ?1.00 per yard. New lino Flannelettes for Kimonas and dressing Sacques-just tin thing for these cold mornings. We carry the celebrated John B. Stetson Hats. fYlorris-Scarfooro-fVloffitt Co. Telephone No. 7. Free Delivery. Ayers Hyer s fins. yei a nn. Ayer s mis. rweep saying I I II 19 UVtl UIIU Ulll IS""" Tlac hest laxative. i&ift?ni: Want yoiir moustache or beard abeautiful brown or rich Wack? Use lycrdNGHAM'S DYE .J MlliiT'lAyK KII.S. llv i irliir nf llii' n.m-i'rnniliiilli-,1 ii iivnU'l mi till' lllh .l:iy ni Ih , ii.l twivii .I.H'l lliiniini.n. I mill his mi lliiiiiin.iii.l. -.1 l:unil.il,l uiily. Hpw. CiiniNin)., ni K'irsylh isninly. . IiiK lR'1'iiniu.li'lii ll"' i)im-iil nl .ii I'.niit, In' Siir:ili K i.l ililim iitllt liav lull dniioi&s? II furcunll Uitln' liiiiln . .Ut. tiir fi.liowitiir .U-iM-iisi inn I ol luinl. und Ih'Iii(i In ll;in,l.l.li ttiuiilv. liii'liliir.l sliln, lulj.iinlliK UK lilli.ls nf KriiuL Ci.!i I illuming ;., -4 i Ulll.i.-il til till' ni Ik's 1 1 Hi ll hit-.:ik, IViislvirsil I'lmiim to the U-Klnnitiit. TOR TORPID LSVER. A torpid liver UcmiiKM tlie wholo sysUm, nd produces SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rhey matism. Sallow Skin and Piles. There Is n better remedy lor the. In the ofllreoi iho Ki-kWw common ameMinim . - - - i,n,M KK mills. O IMI'ASY LIV KK PILLS, a trial will prove mirtKnv Take No Substitute. hk lh ui '" ( cxcep.iniH: one 1 ul foroiii.-liKl( mn i milwny for right uf lax I will atli'iitl al tlii-fiilloiving tiuii'.s au.l placnn fur tin li'itiiig tlir tui'S for tin- Ti'iir l'.Miri: '1'iinitv, N U SkiwiV. l'itrinci-, C C Kliaw'. Litlmii Pluck's, Widow Kiiiiu'y'fl, County Ilunn', KJgar, So))liia, iiiip.)io or col- 'I'riniiy I'Hvnship, Oi'tubir, Sat 14. 'raln-i liai-ii' tun lilii " Mull lli. ti iii-mil lownsliip, " 'I'lirs IV. Ni iv ll(''t' inw nslii, , ' i'nl IS. I'liiim lmvn.-liii, " 'i'lnir l'.l. ('t'll.'i-(!i-.ive toiviislnp. ' Kri SO. Hack Ci-cck townah i " at 21. Now Market townshiji, " linn 23 a m Now Market townslii'i, " Mini i'.i it m Kamlli'inaii towimliiji, " Tuos 21. 1'roviilnnv tonsliii, " Wotl 25. l.iliorty township, " 'I'lnir 2ii. t'oliinilim township, " Kri 27. Fiaukliiivilio lownsliip, " Sat 28 il m (Irant toivnship, " Moil '10. Coleridge township, Tuos 31. l'li'iiriint (Irnvo town-iliip, Novcnibor, Wed 1. Rrower township, " Tlmr 2. liichland township, " Kri 3. Liberty, UuniAt'iir, Codur Kill Is, Bethel Church, Coleridge, II T Caviness, T B Tysoi 's, Yuw'b Mills, Thn tixes are due and everybody is reipieatotl to meet me. promptly at the foregoing times ana plaees una pay tlioir taxes. T. J. FISCn, Sheriff, Dress and Waist Goods! Let us tell vou something. Wu are ret-pivinjr a nice line of IVe.-s and Waist Cood for Suniiner, Fall and Win ter wear. These fronds were ImwkIii before the advance in prices -bought right and will sell them right. Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, Elkin Home made Shoes. Shoes, all styles and prices. We carry a full line of No tions. We have some odds and ends in Shoes will sell cheap. Special bargains in different lines. Come in and we will pave you money on your purchases. - ge, Fox & Company. him in m ii ii in i it rinniiiiruMwnir nrirwiiwn iwwrn Capt. J. W. Fry, Pres. R. R. King, Vice. Pres. S. Caldwell, Jr., Secy. The Greensboro Life Insurance Company. Organized 190F. (Legal Reserve) - $100,000 Paid Capital. $25,000 Surplus. I Writes all ordinary forms of policy contracts. Each policy is registered and secured by Treas. Dept of State.