lift CIs I; KMaey m Kaddsr TraaMe. Kidney trouble preya upon Hie mind, dlacoorageaandleaaenaambition; beauty, nesa soon disappear wuen we laiuaeya "out of order or i , eased. l?tHriiv trouble ehas I become ao prevalent ' that it ia not Hncoill- mon for a child to born afflicted wi child urinates toooften, if the unue scalds the flesh, or if, when me cmia reacnes u age when it should be able to control th( cnaaaee. it is yet afflicted with bed-wet' ling, oepeuu upuu - culty ia kidney trouble, and the first step should De lowarua me utuum these importantorgans. This unpleasant the kidneys and bladder and not to I habit as most people suppose. able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. mm MJ I 41.. imntMliatf. effect of 5 wanp-Root is soon realized. 1 1 is sold by Urugjpsis, " ' cent and one-dollar Hire bottles. You may ' tiawt umnle bottle pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, , f ilu.thmisfl.nils of testi monial lettrrs received from snfferera cured. In writiiiR Dr. Kilmer & Ct., BinKhamton, N. Y., be sure and mention iv.n i mill! nnv mistake. but renieniber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress. Binahamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. HOLLISTCR'3 Rocky Mountain Tea f'uggsts A Boiy KodUlM for Bu"7 V optt. BrUfi Qoldea Health tail !!:- i Vigor. A T-olH( frrCntlpaii-ti. ! i.fxtlnn. !.! anil Kidocr Trouhlfx. Pimplm. imiiurr Blciod, Bad Rreath. Kluiwisli l-.-v.-U. HBlaih. and Backaahe. It's Rocky Miami ain Taa In tab Irt form. cams a boa. (l. iminr made by IlciuisTsa Dauo coariKV, Jia,uni. wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPU HAVE YOU INDIGESTION. Boyd's arbon Albumen Tab let Pure Curbon of Albnmen a positive cure for indigestion, dyspop' gin, constipation, headache or sour stomach from over eating or drink ing $50 if they don't. 25 cents a package. If your druggist doaen's have them Betid direct to BOYDCHEMICAL COMPANY, 708 Rand McNally Bldg., Cakafs, IU. A.M. PRESNELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses and do a general repuir bus iness. Second hand bnggifs always on hand at bargains. When in Ashelioro see me. Shop back of McDowell s livery stables. Yours Irulv, A. M. PKESXELL. Tl RES S ET Quicker and better ml will run Kftiger wifftoiit I' fMittsilile when wt the nU wjiy. nl will run KftimT v iff tout IiMSinn; lb;. Will give just the ilininil amount nf .lnh to the llMl. N'n mm m-.,rt ..I,,,, i, V burnt or charred fell. surfaces to wear away ana loosen the lire We Set Them Cold. Xo stini and water snaked felloe surf arm o shrink awny anil loosen die tire, no Imnit paint to replai-e. We do not OVKU DlMH nor b'NDKIt DISH. We guarantee work and refund your money if not sat factory. Come and see the ma chine in operation. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. Carolina Stock and Poultry farm, O. U. Hinshaw, Prop., Rants Ne, I, Cttaaai.N. C rMngra CVmb Brown Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rook Chickens. . ? fine Berkshire Pigs ' !sSf frota rcfristend stock, , i.fir Fow ftrat Pmsiiuna . Jf ''' and 6wmpstak oa Hogs at Central Caro lina Fair, also lw (rata, a second and tares tiitd pmaisaia oa Chicka. 15 egga for l.0ft. Writ lor prioaa piga asd poultry. Fruit Paper Frea I " A fruit hwiacii km & 4 dnlrnl Mark eta. . 4 fnttt Titdc, , S Dtmin of Ttv mmd . V I last aad Trfaltit i efMM. It icai wtih if .... V-'- mry ptnae e4 tfe .( aa it ?S rs a)) fn-i):ln MB W" SUM HI V The Cradle of Tear. There is a cradle within the door of one of the great institutions of Mew York before which a constant' It recurring tragedy is beiar enacted, It is a plain cradle, quite simply draped in white, but with such a look of cozy comfort about it that one would scarcely suspect it to be a cradle of sorrow. And this cradle is the most useful and, in a way, the most inhabited cradle in the world. Day after day, year after year, it is- the recipient ot more small wayfaring soula than any other cradle in the history of the race. In it the real children of sor row are plnced, and over it more tears are shed than if it were an open grave. It is the place where annually 1,200 foundlings are placed the silent witness of more truly heart breaking scenes than any other cradle since the world began. For nearly thirty-five years it has stood where it does to-tlay, reauy-urapeti, open while as many thousand mothers have stolen shamefacedly in and, after looking hopelessly about, have laid their helpless offspring wrnin its depths. For thirty-five vears, winter and summer, in the bitterest cold and the most still in 2 heat, it has seen them come the poor, the rich; the humble, the proud; the beautiful, the homely and one by one they have laid their children down and brooded over them, wondering whether it were possible for human love to make so great a sacrifice and vet not die. Still the tragedy repeats itself, and year after year, and day after dav the unlocked door is opened and dethroned virtue enters the victim of ignorance and passion and affec tion, and a child is robbett of an honorable home. Theodore Deiser, in Ttm Watson's Magazine for May. Best For Chlldrea. Mothers, be careful of the health of your children. Look out for Uougns, Uoids, tironp anu w Hooping Cough. Stop them in time One Minute Cough Unre is the best reme dy. Harmless and pleasant. Con tains no opiates, cold by standard Drug Co. J T Underwood, Ashe boro. A one-armed, gray-haired and uu kept white man, styling himself "The Gentleman Tramp," was here a few davs last week, fie says his name is L. P. Snow and that he is making a tour of the United States. lie started from Memphis, lenn., in Not. 1004. The object of his journey is to write a book, comparing the past and the present which will be a great advantage to the students of history of today, fie Has a look in which is inscribed the names of over 1.700 people, a good many promi nently known, from towns and cities through which he has passed. tlis only means of paying fiis way is by a souvenir eoin the "The gentle mau trump," eagraved thereon, which sells for what von are mind to give him. Davidson Dispatch Always Successful. When indigestion becomes chronic it is dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure indigestion and all troubles resnlting therefrom, thus f rcventing Catarrh of Ihe Stomack. )r Newbrough, of League, W Va, gostion or sour stomach I would suy there is no better remedy than Koilol Dyspepsia Cure. I have prescribed it for a number of my patients with ood success. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomactt sweet. Sold by Stand ard DrugCo, I T Underwood Ashe- boro. fastness. Prseipti. The seven precepts which the Emperor, of Japan laid down for the guidance of his sold'ers twenty- three years ago are read every morn ing to every company after roll-call, after which each company recites in concert, ihe precepts are as fof lows: (1) To be sincere and loyal and guard against untruthfulness. (2) To respect superiors, keep true no comrades and gnard against lawlessness and insolence. (3) To obey the commands of sn periors, irrespective of its nature. and i.ever to resist or disregard it (i) To prize bravery and courage, and be diligent in the performance oi unties, ana gaara against cowara- tee and timidity. (6 ) 1 o boast not of brn tail con rage, and neither quarrel with nor insult outers, whicn will incite general bat- red. (6) T cultivate virtne and prac tice frugality and gnard against ex travagance and effeminacy. f 71 To nrize renntation and honor and gnard against vulgarity and creea. THREE JUIORS CURED. Of CJioiera MarWs with Ot Sauft Bot tle M Cisiitriaia's Cefic, CMera IM Diarrhoea Reawa'y. Mr O W Fowler of Hightower. Ala, relates an experience he had while serving on a petit jury in a murder case at JUfwardiTilIe, exranty seat of Clebouine county. A ia Dam a. ne says: -wniie tnere I ate some fresh meat and tome sonse meat and it gave me cholera morbus in a very severe form. I was neTer more sick ia my life and aetit to the drug store for a certain cholera mix ture, bt the druggist sent me a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy instead, wy ing mat ne naa wnat f seat for, bnt bat that this medicine wan so much better he would rather send it to me in the fix I was in. I took one dose of it and waa better in five minutes. The second dose cured me utireir. Two fellow jOTors were afflicted in ihe tame manner and one email bot tle cared the three of n." For asde by Standard Drug Co, Asheboro Wa Va, Aaoeboro, w A, Under Isms Trite: Receipts for Irltk and Sweet Potatoes. POTATO BALLS OH M.WtHl.KS. After paring your potatoes thor oughly wash and cut into bulls by the use of a French cutter. Boil in water in which you hare thrown a little salt. Have readywhhe sauce composed of two tablespoons of bntter and two of dour with one cup of milk and a seasoning of suit and pepper. When well blended pour over the marbles, adding a table spoon of chopped parsley an J serve. NO It IU. AN I) CUOQIKTTES. Take a cup full of mashed pota toes the same amount of very fine bread or cracker crumbs and the same of finely minced cheese and mix all together. Set the mixing bowl on the stove uud stir in one third of a cupful of butter, a little cayenne, a teaspoonful of salt and two eggs. Form inte croquettes, roll iu egg, then in cracker crumbs, and fry in hot fat. dWKKT POTATO St'ONKS. Mash sweet potatoes (boiled) until there are four cupsful, and mix into quart of flour in which has been sifted two tcaspoonsful of talt. Mix this with milk enough to make a dough, turn out onto the board, roll and cut iu eight pieces. Bake in a quick oven for ten minutes. Can Von Eat? J B Taylor, a prominent merch ant of Chnesman, lex. says: "I could not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and and ran down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Uearing of some wonderful cures 'r fee ted by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. 1 he first bottle benefitted me, and after taking four bottles, I am fnlly rector ed to my usual strength, weight and health." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you eat and cures. Sold by standard Drug to. J I l inter wood, Ashebore. For the Houstwift. In housekeeping liberality is of ten th- bst economy, particularly at the beginning of winter, when the wise expenditure of a considerable sum on the season's food supply may mean tne saving of many a dollar, some practical tdvice in this direction is given by Isabel lioMon Curtis in tne October Delineator, which contains many features of housewifely interest. "Hallowe'en l'artv Novelties," il lustrating delicacies for Hallowe'en refreslriient and entertainment, is a seasonable item, and other culinary topics are "Serving (lame Dishes, "Celery Novelties," "Home-Made aad Whole-Wheat Bread," and "A liice Roundelay.' In addition, Mary Taylor-Hoss has some helpful notes on "Little- 1 lungs of Housekeeping. Numerous sod Worthless- Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch lla.el Salve. hi C DeWitt & Co of Chicago discover ed some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a siecific for liles. For blind, bleed ing, itching and protruding I'iles, ec'.enm, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases Dewitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to n inner ous worthless counterfeit'. Ask for DeWift's tiie genuine. Sold by Standard Drug Co, TJ Underwood, Adhcboi'u. Obituary. "ii ,vpi. Iltli, l!S Uu- .Iitu anjm tinted Iwipe .f Mr .ui.1 Mrs ler AI.rri.lge and Mi nicir iitri.- s.m. irfl wa hriiilit liiilc In iy .'iiring hi. short slnv of ii'mut -I iiinuiiii. mi rariii. lie named many Iriuailn. Nunc- knew him but u UVr hull. Uud iiwlnl iw wore little anurl in Miavt'D no lie i-luw litllr irjiil l.w. lie viat Ino hwi anil iiikI In live cm llus tmiililnonir earth. TV dir father, nmtlier, mMers and Druthers have mr heart fell aruiejaMir. We sunw ,neir iom i! nii lavrual nam. May n all trie to iroiM him in that Molit wurl' unerf no rurnwell tear are used. Vic know rt in hard In (live iii imr ilear oniw but tUe Uircl ireih nml ike I takalh airav lllesseil lie the name uf the Lircl He iw kiiil to mM in the cemeten- at KeMiezer llie day fulloiring hi dvnth to await the re wtion tnnni. Little irjiil Iat he ha Iu a lirirfit and natter latni. He nerer have u suffer, Knr never take Ihe iai tin hand. Won't that be a hay meetinu. WVwn we meet beynait the hLj Then we'll never a aorrnw. Nor we'll aever nay ;;nod ln-o. CbaaberUli's Coafh leaxdy Aids Nstare. Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this dan It allays the congh. relieves the liiutrs aids expectoration, opens the secre tions, and aids, nature in restoring tne system to neaitby condition Sold by Standard Drug Co, Ashe boro Drag Co, Asheboro, W A Vn derwood Kandleman. The Fitharleea Meat. old home coownnnttr and taken from ua wnr nrioreii nrmoer i ay lor nagg. tit auaed ovei the river lam Tbnraday tv Sept f4, '05. He had been airk for aeveral movtlia and all through hia sickoeM he lxre the bitter ami ence. lie often apoke of thai glorious city iwjom tne nver ana tne eweet hnpe which kft kl rJ 1. T-L - eoneolation waa witli him tint be wai ready taa wining w go ana meet wittt bin loved man that alwaya bad a kind word for every y- i m nome aeisnuor nrl . L in. i LI. L 'n.. . aranity will miaa him in many araye and we woaiu exiena a worn or two to tne pained and grieved wife and children that are left """i iv uw hiv torn oi nnaoaiiu a iki father. Yoa hare oar heartfelt ynpthyaa(l we bid yoa think that thai 1ttd aivetk 'and lh lnl takk D l" .t. . the VonoM h wiff ant 'be but a few antil ahall am nana ia that bright city beyond if we will only be faithful and do what the faluaaif Hariour baa ajeen ne the ynvueaw owing. di oe true, lailhrul aaeet np yonder where then ia no death, no e"'ai iwwwmu mi mu peace, U. tiA ki. L.X. -2-. oemfort and hasp the fataily in their benaveA mam prayer oa a auara ttrange Sapertlltions About the Hair. It is said that more fir people than dark ones remain unmarried, and people residing in tho country have lighter than those who live in towns, owing to t he fact that they are more in the sun and fresh air. Black hair was most esteemed by the ancient Jeivs, while the Greeks and Romans gave the preference to the golden shades. Those with dark hair work best, those with fair hair think the most, lied hair is a sign of passion, jealousy, and arbor, auburn shades indicate delicacy and refinement of taste; dark brown hair coubmes strength and susceptibility; while black hair denotes busty temper, self will, and revenge. Black haired people are the most liable to con sumption; brown haired to rheuma tism and heart disease; red haired to pleurisy, pneumonia, ague, and neu ralgia, and fair haired persons to skin diseases. Closely curled hair de otes vivacity and excitability; hair curling in irregular rings on the face indicates good nattt'c and vitality; hair parting naturally down the center and falling over tho temples denotes feminine element, arid genius of a certain kind; straight hair in cultured persons indicates evenness of character, honesty of ptirpoeo, a clear head, and good talent. Good hair, like uood teeth, rnns iu families, and it is noticeable t'nt mothers with a tine head of hair generally transmit it to their daugh ter. In some famili s the hair of the men and the women turns grey at an early age, As with families, so with races, and good hair may be looked upon as national characteristic. At all events a magnificent head of hair, perfectly alike in color and texture, is a sight tor "sair een," and, next to her eyes, is the theme which poets have delighted in dwelling upon since first they sang their praise of woman McCall's Magazine. Lejral Advertisements. AIMINIHTKAT( iKS SOTICK. navhiK inalUlol asuilmliiNtmtnrnf .1 H Smith, utenf KuiMlh enmity, N C till l In until), ill in-raini' liavini! claim ah-ailil the wtate I'l he said Ueeeanit tnexhililt them t" the umler- iKiieil on nr hefnn Ihe 1-t ilay ol l mi. imtlee will lie uluul ! tvrxnn iiiileMeil t.i the i-' lll iea.- make niiiiiollate netllement. v t I.AMHKIM . Admiiilhlniti tl J II ! a-e.1. Tlu 'l'l alh IW'5. KXKt't'TRIX'K MlTK'K. HavliiK ilialllleil a eaix-ulris Itn eoM il. lute nl Kamlilili emu i tmiily all la'Paais haviuit rlu had t. Tn.v, N C, llii in iiKainxt the stale "I slid ileee 'Jitll day nl September i thl. notice will he pleaded In their tv. All nwui.- in.lcl.u-,1 ni eunl ct;iie ake in MICK THAU L TKiiV, imitate :cnt. Kxeeut Tin. the 10th day ! i-ept ml-r lc. AlMISl.iTKAT"Hi' IKK. iiv.- ,imlihc.l i of.t H Allen ntify all i-'r.ii i'e the IM day ol S pU'inN r r. nr llil rill 1' plea'leil III ni MllllTiiA'iH HALK. He virtue ol Ihe imwe rain: dwl ex.vuteil liy .Nannie Ijmkal.lll to Thi rtne ol llie iniwew contain d In kahll K Walker on tin I Hh day nl March 1"0 which tnnrtgiiKC deed t I Kivlnter of IHttlH inv In ik Iii7 imue WH the un ler- ladder lin h at Uk plume aiiciiiiii hi me uikiic- l house iliHir In Alle MOMIAY. in'T.iIikI. HKttnt llioelotk M. Ihe fiillim hiK lecrllicd rvrtl estate: A tract o land 111 kaiiihiljiti etnintv. North fan Una Trlnlt timii-hrn, hounded 'us lollima: Benin niiiuata hicknry, Mlliam latuilwrt's corner, thi'iii' South .Ik chain to a lilHck mk, thence Wi-i twiity chiniiMind twenty link u, a Make, Ihcncc Si. nil & challii to a Make, thclliv Ka-tt ncnt chain and twenty link to ttw lieirin' inii.'ci'iiuiiiiiiip H'venty.nlx (Tt'O acre more w 1, m.. Nml Mile in ninile tu aatily the debt ccur iil hy naid inortKiuie T H IMA. K. WAI.KKR. MartKacei w. N. M.I'rK, AMomie. AUK.aiMt, IWu. Tin APMISIDTKATOHf NOTICE. HiiMiik nualltleil w n.lliilnltrau.r nl Ja l .I.....1..I l. l,,r, W 1' Hamiuoud Clerk id til SuiwrlorCiKirtiil eodnty, N t, tint tr io notify nil i-crMHm ImvinK claJina aminb. the deceased t" ealiiliit Uiem to the; undeilmiel "B ,,r U lnre Ihe lut dav ol hemctala'r 1W or thki ,...., will h.. tileailid in bur ol their recovery All iniii Indehteil l mid estate will idcaae make iininediute luyment. I. I'l A J Li NOTICE IT KK-SAI.K Bv virtue ol authority vented Iu me by a Jmli! meiitof llie Huiicrlor court ol Randolph cwnty In a niieciaJ iinK-eeillug wherein J r Cameron i H H IH Ik were petitioner and Julia Helton e were il ieudaut, 1 will on the wh day ol IMU. ell to the highest liidiler lor cimli at w I .I.. In Astaoliom. N C. the full' inn ileM-rtlird landu: Hltuatcd on the waters i ol Jaeknon crvea, IfcKinina ai a om ion, . uierly liavia turner; thcnoe north 18 t-H ''"a' In line 4 whaiii tnatniie ill (ialllnMre'a line; thence MMitii on nalil line U cliulul to a Itake. Harm line, now Hlll': iheuce weil on taud liae now Hillt corner, thence south on bit line ao chain and OH links In said Hill's line: tneltce wral ! chains to a laae in ;ne ""r: u,nh win, inonn line la chains and X links to a slake lormefly Davis corner; thence east on nla line U chains to a spanlsh oak, his comer; theut-v mirtli to tne Deguiuiuii, iwuuu lug lou ucres more I A BfKNCK, Cooimiasloacr. This Kept 1K. fore the clerk. E R Beckenllte et al. I vs Vnotick neoBobUiis, et al. I The defendants. N R Rrilea' Louisa Far low snd huihanri William FarKiw, John Heekerdlte. Hohni Brllea and husband, Brlles, or ttw unkmiwn helm-at-law ol said parthai 11 raid Iitrt'ei be dead, Kebea-ca Ward and her husband, Ward. fanlKina Feamlre and her huhnd KimeoQ resntire. and the unkmiwn beln-at-Iaw ol John Uorsett. John Brlles and Katie Burns, will take not, that a special wooeeiltna en titled as above has been eomaMnvCKl In the Hir1or eourt ol Kandlpti county aa sell the lauds described In tile eetltloit for divbtton aim i s tne lenauia in eommon, sun n tanas are situated In Tabernacle township In ald oountr; and the said delenilanta will further take notice that tnry are reiulred to aiipeax at the oftlee of the clerk of Hunertnr tvwait for the county of Rainiidnh. on the Itth toy of (let 1UJ6 at tlie WC HAMMOND, Clcr.c of the Isupenorcour This IDtb day of sept taut. LAND BALE. Bv virtue of an order of sale (ranted by the Hupertor eourt ol KaimcMpn eouniy, in a special procecllna iendliif tlierotn entitled it U Kae ond et al aaalnst Halite Rosenond and others. 1 shall sell at asiblic auction at the court house door In Ahehro. B C. to the hliches Mdiler for sin, at o'clock M mm said riaanty Liberty Beannnloa at a black oak. Coble's corner; thence east 9 chains sjkI an links to a Make on the bank of branch In Ktme a Hue; Iheace south with k line's line tl chains m Klaaes eona-r; thence west M chains and llnka Is atake Kline's comer; thenea north f eaaiaa and M links to a stAke on tble ot nswt. eorusr of k4 No 1; thence west a chains saM 70 links so a stake. O L tAPP. Thai lept 19 IflOl, Special tat Via S A L UBmtj. Hn SPRINGS, ARK. Special Eicarakia Rates). Una tWplai 92.00. Tickata Hmit- ed frO dava. Sold irat and third Teuedaja is September. - BuRrial Kates account of aor-aiotai not mea boned abova will be furniahed odob amdK-a (ion; alao tune-tablet ear any additional initar- A.idreas, CH.OATTIS, . Travel ing Passenger Agent, balaigh. ii. a DO YOU KNOW that you can get at the Peoples House Furnishing: Company, in High Point N C The fiuent Inlaid Mahogexny Bird's Eyo Ma.ple Furnitur to be had any where this aide of the large cities. I'lllN' A I'l.DSKTS, all tylel itml prices. ' Pull Line of Haviland's China snd Beautiful Figures in Cut Glass, Only an lirair or two ride In IHkIi I'oint nml it will pay jou tonfuld Ui iu hhh i the ininieiiso array ot goods in our 1 big hlorea. A trial order ia a new cmdonier; come to two uu. People's House Furnishing Company, High Point N. C. CTER 'XVH try 216 varieties of Frait, Inu nt rh:61 half-tone Send SOets. for book (poat book bv mall within 60 dava and ' Rehata Ticket with S12 order for 'n.rmunt na vonr order and TOO KKEP .in mr wwT ft 1 weekly and want mar home and trav ding aaleaaea. Otrrnt V 6 r 3y vaSIl rES.-tsrk Bra's, teuiSUM, K MUitlchwa, firrttrvMc, ark. GOLD MOULDED CYLSrOC RECORDS Bet Record for m on jM rypetaf CuHndcr TalUa J Mac; inca Crand Priit, Parte, l00 Cylinder Crabhophone from SS to $100 5cnd for latest Cataioouee COLUNSU PilONCODAPtl C0MPAr, f.i BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not I doTt'lvorl liy those who aoV vertlse a $H0.(J Ht-wlng Mm liiiie for tO.lii). TliiH kind of a Huicliine raa be iMitinht from uxor an v of our dvalt n from $15.00 to j 18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. Tlio Fttnl dt'trmilnea tho atringth or vrcnkiii'MS of htt'Witig-Mni'hint'a. The Double Fefd ooiiiMiuM with other stronif kiIiiIh 11 lakes tlie New If otue the bist (Sewing Machine to buy. Write for CIRCULARS SSrsS.2 wo liiauufiu'turt'iiuti prttH1 Urfurfpurchjuilug THE NEW HOME JEWINg HACH1NC .0. oaanoc. aiaaa. 2-l'nionKq. N. Y.,C'hicau,ihlll., Atlanta, Ua, BL louU.Mo., rtallaa,Tex.,Man Kranclaoo,Oal 'on SALE BT Wooei's Seeds Crimson Cloner, Our Southern Farmers can save ff tillxer bill and Increase their revenue MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, by sowing Crimson Clover at tho ' hint wor ding of their Corn r.i.d Cotton crops. It is the U nt tini j to now and yon savenn extra pret, aration of the lan.l. Crlniscii Clover mnkee land rich in liumtte ( or vev .table matter and nuta it in excellent condition for the crops which follow it. It also r takes 1 fill tiilw tiw enp, Al uttliit irazwf m 1 pee HfrT hngi tren, A tpMit wi-taprtriiif enp. Plowed under early in tlte aprintr, it increases the yield of corn, to bacco, cotton or other crops which follow it, t o a wonderful extent. Oar sales of Crimson Clover seed are Incrsauuit enonnonslr every year, and we are to-day the len-aeat daalara la this seed la the United h isles. Wrtia for prices and clrcnlara Rtvloff InfarmaUoo about this valuable crop. T.W.Wesd& Sons, Seedsmen, titnaom, viNiiu. Yon Look Yellow ? O (TPRUITBQOli 44 paces 9x12 inchea: 22 pacea showing in Batural colon with concise descriptioa and aaaaoa of ripen- viewa of Karwrie. Orchard. Packing Hoaaetete. - paid) and Bcbate Ticket permitting return of we refund the 600. .Or, mail aa within 1 rear. nursery stock and we will credit $1.00 in part THIS BOOK fl-M. WE PAV THE FREIGHT. ARREST IT-taO.OO REWARD. A bottle of Ec-zine will be sent j free to every reatlor of this paper who is Buffering with anj kind of skin disease or eruptions, any form of Eczema, Wind or Bleeding Piles, Scrofula, Itch, Tetter, Barbers Itth, Ring worm, Boils, Blood Poison, Fever Sores of any name or uatnre. $50 rewanl will be paid for any ctue of Eczema that is not prompt ly cured with Ec-zine. Ec-zine w ill heal any sore or cure the worst skin and make it look like velvet. Here tofore there has been no Specific discovered that would nure Eczema and kindred diseases until Ec-zine waa discovered and now thousands are cured daily. Never mind what you have tried, forget the failures made by other remedies and send for FREE SAMPLE of Ec-zine, which always gives re- lie! and a permanent cure, Ec-zine Skin Soar is the best anticepuc soap made. It will cleanse anvthinc wilt destroy mi. crobes of dandruff, falling hair, sote head, hands ana feet, pimples and I blackheads on face and make the I skin smooth. The oolr antiseptic j shaving soap made, guaranteed to : cure germ diseases $50 if it don't 1 25 cents a cake. Write today to i Boyd Ohehical company, I 708 Rand-McNally Bldg., j The publisher of thfl paper knows the reliability of Ec-zine and of Boyd Uhemical Uo. Special Rates to Hoi Ssriags, Ark , vis Seaboard. The Seaboard announces, rate of one fint class fare plna $2.00 from all poinia ia North Carolina to Hot ftprinoa, Ark., Koreka Springs, Ark. and Klilorado Springa, Ma i icsets wui ne soiu am ana uiira I ueMiaj a in Jalv, Augnat and Heptcmljcr, fiaal limit anty aaya Irora data of sale, oat not to ex lend bnyona October .'list. For information apply to your nearest Agem or aauma, C H OATTtS, TP A, Raieitrh, M C. NEW YORK, j j jT. LtAUt 1 COLORADO'S BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN SCENERY; UTAH'S QUAINT AND PICTURESQE SALT LAKE CITY, and the ENTIRE MIGHTY WESTERN EM PIRE 5f?J5?55hod fay the DENVER AND RIO GRANDE RAILROAD, "The Scenic Line of the World." Very low rates will be made to Denver, Colorado bpnngs and Pueblo account of The Eagles Meeting; in Den ver, August 4th to 9th; also to the Northwest on account of the LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION AT PORTLAND. Those attending the Denver Conventions who are un able to make the far Western trip should by all means ar range to take the trip to Salt Lake City, as this journey is one of unsurpassed pleasure and takes you through the most noted point of interest, such as Colorado Springs, The Royal Gorge, Canyon of the Grand River, Glenwood Springs, Marshall Pass, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, etc. Another noted trip is the tour "Around the Circle'.' of 1,000 miles at one fare lor the round trip which comprises more noted scenery than any other similar trip in the known world. These trips are made more enjoyable than ever by rea son of the new nrwin-tnn nhtonnlinn hom nnomtj J- I- " - " - -M wv, . IHUVII MUOVJVIBICU Vlt UttJT - light trains during the Summer Season through the Royal Gorge and Canyon of the Grand River. Very liberal limits and stop over privileges will be granted on all tickets. Write for free booklet and particu lars. ' S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. A. Denver, Colorado. GIVES VIM i nA .elrr for work orpin?. Mnktrlr 1 brmln, l-rlfht tyt aud iweM brwitlu MAXE LIFE WORTH WHILE GIVE VIGOR hf ynatrlrallr corrrtln llwr, imivli anl bonvl. Tuy lotlaou the luttunu W-p futd iieUuio yuutliw GIVE VITALITY by eleanainc all disorders from thearfitam. Ihey euro Constipation, cho, For Sale by all Dragfiit AOCEPT NO The President Of the Lewis and Clark Eposition, Portland, Oregon, telegraphs as follows: "I congratulate and thank the Union Pacific on behalf of the directorate for the superb Lewis and Clark folder. It is one of the most elaborate and complete of any issued in connection with the Exposition." Those who intend to visit " v THE OREGON COUNTRY will find in this publication a rare fund of information. It tells you of the shortest way to reach the Exposition City, what is to be seen en route, and of the return trip through CALIFORNIA Free on application to J. F. VAN RENSSELAER. Q A, 13 Peachtree Street, Atlanta Oa. Plant Winchester Trees 33 years of fair dealing have built our Nurseries from a few acres to a MAMMOTH plant of over 700 acres. We can successfully accept and nil orders from 100 to 100,000 or more trees. Our mode ef packing insures you to get eur trees in fine condition. Our specialties are Apple Peach Pear Cherry Buddetf and Grafted Pecan Trees. We have thousands of pleased customers. Write for Catalogue. SOUTHERN NURSERY CO., Winchester, TtPP- - THE TROUBLE Is, your liver's $ick. One of its products, "bile," Js overflowing into your blood, ' You can't digest your food, your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from headache, stomach ache, dizziness, malaria, consti pation, etc. When feeling this way the dreaded fever poison is Vety likely to get into your blood. What you need is not a doce of salts, cathartic water or pills but a liver tonic Thedford's DLALR-UKAUUni - This great medicine acts gently on the sick liver. It purifies the blood, renews the appetite, feeds the nerves, clears the brain and cures constipation. - ' It is a true medicine for sick liver and kidnevs, and regulates all the digestive functions. Try it. - " At H Drngglsta la 25c tnd ( 1 J0O pa . ' Indigestion, Biliousness, Head- Nervousness. lOo and S2So a BOX SUBSTITUTCS frieii jri Uisea, ia Lean 01 K. Taaaca. wood, Eaadlenun. i