Jhe Asheboro 1'KICE ONE DOLLAU Wm. C. HAMMER. Editor. rj-KnUjred at the Post Offloe at Ashcbo miwuhI Class Matter. The Aberdeen Progress is u liiiii nowav new tinner miltlijlv"! tif A i' ' doon, with Mr K D Osliu us eilinr. j MrOslin is also editor of Hit? South em Pines Free Presd. It is said that the rerre.v.-ntiv.i of the big life insurance companies in Washington tire Senator, president of the Prudential Company nnd for mer Solicitor General Peek, who is interested iu the New York Mutual. There stalk in New York to it -Stitute suit ngainst the New York Life Insurance Company to recover the trust funds belonging to policy holders and contributed to the amount of $150,000 to the. republi can national committee within the last three campaigns. It strikes ii.s that the proper thing to do is to in dict the ollieiala who did this steu!- ngand put them in the penitentiary The trusts most corruptiii? iiiil'i uuid wno'oncc said he wtisu il-nio-cratiu a democratic state, a republi can in a republican .t ite, but he was always and everywhere for ih. Erie railroad. One of the. vialthie.t and most inrlueutial trust imignati s testified before a committee of Con gress a few years ago th;t tliW ruiii pany contributid to the democratic campaigu fund in delimit alio stat- -and to the republican campaign fund in republican states. The taking of lifty tliuu.-ainl dul lard by the head of a New York Life Insurance Company and giving it to one of the political parties in the last campaign and I he giving ' f the same amount in each of the Uo preceding campaigns, gwj j . ho-.t the unholy und corrupt iinimii-r in which the life insurance of seine ul the big companies is handled. This money belonged to the policy holders and the gift was a Meal. If an hhi nt had misappropriated u few hundred dollars in premiums, he would have been indicted and probably sent to the penitentiary, or at least coiiijk li ed to make good the misappropi ia tion. The agent who steals j-.V'O belonging to the policy holders gi.es to tne slate prison, why not sen, the hoad of the eoii'-ern wiio s!.i! $5000 of the money Mnngiii i the policy holders. Typhoid is not considered a com monplace malady, yet it kill- : greater per cent of its victims tl. n does Asiatic Cholera or yellow fei r Ihere is at this time an epidemic of tvphoid fever thioiiirhout the Unit -.1 States. JJecause of this, health a thorities have recently held a i tiona! conference at Washington City. Typhoid fever is a communi cable disease, most frequently caused uy arm King water, sometimes coiu- nianicuted by Hies, lint contami nated water is the principal ratt.-e The safe plan is to boil drinking water. Iu 19(14 near the close of the campaign when Judge 1'ai ker charg ed in a public speecli al Madison Sijnare Garden and ia another ad dress that the great corporations were contributing largely to the He publican campaigns, President Koosevelt indignantly denied the statement and called for the proof. It was not furnished. It wan re cently furnished upon the tsumu statemtnt of lifo iueurauoe rompuny officials in an investigation innh r New York Stute laws, that lifty thousand dollars were paid by one corporation aloue. There is othtr evidence of a reliable nature that other corporations coutiibtitc larger sums. No one denies th evidence now. Now if the Presi dent wants to do the square thin,' he will see that every dollar given is paid back for tbc reason that every dollar to given was trust money for the benefit of widows and orphans and had been put aside for that purpose. Jt Parter m Hit Polrlleil Dcbuchery of th 6 rait Trusts. Iu his comments upon the admis sion by the officials of the New York Life Insurance Company that they hatt diverted $150,000 of the foods of their company for campaign contributions to the Republican Na tional committee, Jndge Alton B. Parker said: It is not my purpose to claim that the Democratic party, subjected to the temptation which has overcome the other party daring the last few yr would have acted d i Terra t'y. II. -re party advantage should mot be S'itiht, from tbc disclosures made in this investigation. lint the facta Aooaldbe diligently nought that ta p i ' t my become m aroused that t - '1 1 a i -it noon lcgitilatioii mak- fnmiaal oftVnse for offlocrs fpecjfi,. for blind, idecdiug, itching r 'iUe c 'ni.rate faadt for and protruding pile, Stops the j ipo - ud deeming the!p'' inaUntly and cures pennx'ient-. 'Jt..o f .1 cnlHii,lati of)1?- Vj Xhe .VVXl.'"?1 b?l - $ stAHiUttt Uruj Co., J T Litderwuod 1 "" ...... 1 . ; . It tiiMi mil .Hint the New ink Hl"u",,,r .. . W 1 I Ir is a. oimimou ruwiiir tliwt it it Ikmik mil .Hint the New lork Life limirance Company was not the only one that handed down the long green to the republican nation al executive committee in the laM three campaigns. The Equitable came down in a most handsome umiuicr. The Mutual Life In surance of New York and Pru dentiu1 were all in line. Vote buying and election con up- tion, is the m -st dangerous disease ot this government. This vote buying encouraged by the large corpora tions t'lut make large donations to political coinpaigns. Campaign funds year after year are becoming larger and larger, and extend wider ami wider each year, an I like birds of evil those who Sell their sul'futges for a mess of pottage are as ever in creasing in number. There should be more activity on the part of irruud juries, indictments snoiiiu ocioiiim uul vigorous prosicutions made ami punishment inflicted. hi referring to the result of the recent election in Wadesboro which votes in saloons and distilleries, Editor lealey of the Monroe .loui nal closes an ediloiial as follows: I-1.: 1,1 l.hu-nv 1 l l.il-,t'v .in.! i 1 1..,, I , -.1 ,1- Hamlet and Hoffman ingham have lost Iheii Wadesboro has found has not voted iu a gr; but she has voted m the Mid the hell kettle-: ami Kock irlorv, but iicrs! She ded schoo!. rum shops K.VNI'I.KMAN e i i;oi tk i.uiHtkinall 1; I- l i:itc wiU begin lite. 1st iiet. 'I'll, will have M:cn of Kandli man v h store, i:.-w Kick.l old l'iaiik im.i'I: t X li-iatls: tin nee a to 1. W. Ibill.r..; Karlmv".-: tiience ma 1 near Sopl;-i: on Hoover read in thence soiilli on County Ilonu: lie Mrs. Ann MMIi MiHikan p-.-t oiiic i-et at .1 I. I- Stout's, n-Uce I' re's road " A. ; . II,..-.,., mih West -1 ..ill. , ; lLiv! ,hel, no iv rib e '. ilellc desse ul I. :lv for th! J. A. po.-t ( AIT. t HAKI. KS ri.'h'K HKAi. Copt. Charl-s I'ri. his home in S.:hs!,;;tv , of !.ISt tt.ek. 'V.is ,., ot and mo l promiiii-ii! North ( aro'iiim. Capt. Price was born county in 1 I ; . !!, wa dnd a! 'hic-day Warri n was in l lie Coll ar, was captain teileiate army i of the J unior I to the liar in 1 -ville. I. iter In Serve.-; was udmitli-d sscltlini; in Mucks went t-i Salisbury. In the stirring limes following t'.u Civi1 War he took much int. rot iu po'i;' -s as a d, nioera;. He wai in th- ,-:ali semiie in 1M, a tui-nil-r of tc." Constitutional Convention in 1st;., speaker of the house in 1;.". L ;!er he was a republican and was district attorney administration. Capt. Price wa: his triends, a le respected and est. dunug Harrison'! '.oval ami true tc ad minded in in, i-meJ for his many an 1 a liuiivd for excellent ipiaiiti -. his ifreal abiltly. Great Savlnjs. Charlotte Chronicle. flic biiihliii and loan associa tions of Charlotte are confident that they will "et a'reate subscriptions this year for ii,uou shares: :,ihm) each vmi annual series. This means a ubscriplion for li00,IMHI lo be paid in the next sh and one thii years. Xcvt year ought to orinu' a mucn more, i.asi vear tlieie was 5,000 shares subscribed. The weekly payuunls into (h building and loan as-wiatior.s her now exceeds $ii,0()0 a week w hich is at the rate of more than $:!00,0()0 annually. This money is chiefly used to build homes for working people. That's the way Charlotte is coming to be a city of working people s uonies. Counting our population at 30, 000, the actual payments being made to tne three. untitling and loan associations is $10 per capita, includ ing men, women and children; white and black. This is a good savings account for a young city. It shows thrift and eoonony. If s good results could be obtained through the State and reckoning oa a basis of 2,000,000 population, the annual savings woniu oe sl'ou.uoo. Therefore, if as good conditions can be bromzht about in all portions of the State as in Chat lotto, there would be no lack of capital. The trouble would "ou be to Uud profit' able investment for the money. PV tl Kiads el PiM. . To draw the file out of- burn, heal a cut without leaving a ec ir, or to cure boils, eoree, Utter, eezen.a al) skin and scalp discafi, nse DeWitl's Vl'lf.;, rlM-l Sulci. A . 11 . H " . .... . i: t . i.ii..-' ill - f WBS. . . . . BSM U I ; ; irr' t "" T ' nrinrrffiffl'P i wmJiMii A I Be8.ti.n.d wiihthe F.m. kin t-oii n t v, whir'i !!:-! hrl Us ,ri-ils M ILll 1 1 MB if 3K 1 i ii? t'osiuim i-.n ta wm sasAA. jk y iu; wrv m fore the I -uali.' .''' ;: ifterwards with the n- blv of No; Hi 'uiolii.a, is in:; out of the infant lirt of the month the oil cornea presidential and a:-e. The ce -.fill be ll;,. !-e s!.;;ou IJ blislllei- of the pcstuustir i,i lie ivason of the ui --v. ; of the ollkv the V '-'.masier I. H - ed for the appointment of an a, ai.ii.iu nosimas'ier. It has haul! .,-."i two vears ajo ri'ice the ..,.! ;.,,.! ai-nlMled the post ollic ill.e., Iber, taking the position that the ollice was run for a piivate con cern. II rcuire.l much persuasion to prove to the contrary, and now the evidence appcar-i to be ample. The hisiorv ot the town Ketor, ..enei-al asseniblv of too uveal date To re.tiire : recital. --T. d. IVi W-ishiuuton Cor. iu Kaleigll Port. Mill Girl's Success. ..twimrv. Sei-i. A .-tory which laniiot mi bad if it ciienbit.s throughout the Mate, i one . a voting ladv employed iu the Salis bury Vott'm MilH. Ten ycais ago Miss I .aura M. lleflVr. the pretlv .'l-oodiler of Mr. N. HolTner, ef wesl Uovvan, came here and decided to make her own livinu'. Mr. HolTner is a good farmer and this heroic course was not necessary, so far as etc. "Sllecnfered the mill and has worked constantly. She paid hei own board, always dressed neatly and never played the loll of a miser. She knew the dilTeieiice between l.igardliness and economy. Some time airo Miss Holi'ner bought a -mail farm with f.nio that she Inn! saved. Liter she showed lrr bu-i-IIC- ability by SellillL! ii for 'i't. i-eaii.'.iili: a neat proiii. h'.i--iillv she pe.irchas, (1 a good faun of -i'" acres, paving -l-loo cash for il. havic , til: av.-d i her i litr-i !!M, ionic : ml i may I i ifo: blv. I lit Slie MIV .-I'e il.tell-!- to IV turn to ; h.e mill aiai conttau.- ! woik aftu -peU'li-iir the '..u a!: :i which sh.- is mm- ,i.iovin a! home Theie a'c not many nnn in tin miPs of the Stale v. ho can show i lim-r recoril an-! fevter still vi In have dm,- n.. eil. Il hicks m-lh iiiiT o4' remarkable!!', -s. T:c; c :eis .i.:.l Tl i I'he C ; ii.it p ! Ii - ill 11 le ail-,' il' ,1 obii-a I,,-. H st for hi tiial h l hi- io in-, t n - i'i injures hi no' reply to tl tin signal i. in In.t am oiild reply at lb iv niiii. Th i ,-rs lu: an, I i'e dared I hat he could 1 1,1s promptly because s not p iii as prmni-i .1. ii-ei m!v It,, iili-nl, in u I: This , 'eachi-r nielli I" iioi' upon iiu lllollev lu-ive'- making'. :y lop,-., le Well He cairn. devol.'hi sh.oibl il prompt! s he is less vpecie,!. b, tati'ls in i . I -- i uuuiaii be Useful U hell lllS f.llll con-fori.- or v led In n In es ilebts thai L'ive him ciu'i.ira I'h.-re is am church lni-inler- her retledion lor the f.st of In it! has incfia-ed veiy Kmch, ill laborer Het- more per day than lo vears ::;', and there has been an uward trend in prices The j.c, acher vv h.i lvis tile same salary he tceied live years a.'o is actually ir.-j t iiiir about twenty per cent he has In buy has go Muring the great I x'.ni some l,r- aehers for very 1 1: ini ainpaii: of ,-re u iea! to upp. l'rv.i:i g Ml Ih th- mini that in d voting to n da lie because it iild be paid in VVOllhl t h. -ii lie. in as. allcgeil they ver and it w mild buy hss than the dollar they vv.re And ionic few were then iv, civ ing suided hv that al lo l heir pi-r- -it;:; I salary. ll, llrvati w not dei li d. The gold standard pre vails. The preachers lived salary of ls'.ui will to-day buy twenty per cent less than it would then." The increase in the circiilalioii of prnna ry money has helped evety body ex cept the man who getj a lived salary which has t:ot lieeti raised. Put, men una brethren, aside from the fact that the dollar buvs less than formerly, ought not the preach er to be paid a better salary and ought it not itto paid prom ptlv? Is it treating the minister w ith common fairness to embarass him becan in the first place, his salary is often so little that he can get along only by practicing the closest economy, and in the second place, he is forced to wait often till the end of the year to get the miijor portion of his salary, and to pay time prices be- cau -o lie cannot pay ca-sli. Tii.s is presented as a serious re flection to even church member in North Carolina. Raleigh and Ob server. It makes no difference how lone you have been sick, if you are troubled wub mdigestion, oonstipatioo, liver and kidney troubles, llol lister's lioekv Mountain lea will inak koJjOU HgTio. well. US c-eiiU. Aslielmro Drug Maad Kwns. There wat a wenilerfnl aennoa nraached al ilt Vernnii ehon-b last SuuiI-y. The house was erowilecl am) lots of people could not get in the bowse. ' Mr John f ughJiji hae conic home iek from Uuilforri i ollef where he has he attending Mr fen.h B:.shwa the gnat xAUim " ' ' - "- :rU':: I r W Ig, Discovery j f..l .'IMA- P. fl During the'Autumn and Winter months when sudden chances take place in the weather, and the constitution is opoded to chilling blasts which force their way through t' e pores freezing the blood, Nasal Catarrh is a disease of ivWuenl oi-earrence, often presenting the most distressing features. Payne's New Discovery cures this ailment in its most advanced stages. Hear WheLt Others Say. 1 ic.l Ih- Nasal O.itun'a rii.vi a f"', mintln a-j I 1 '! i- u-'l lie nnd '' Mil. ' Im-iI- ,,f ' iYNCS New Discovery. PAYNE'S Quick Relief. Medicated iieent. hc will THE CjUAKEK HERB 5o!d by AIicboro Drug Co., W. A. Underwood, Randleman. County Correspondence. ii-iiiiK I. ,-!.,ini ,.-i.-, lii.v ii,,-.H l i:iu : l.ei.lia I., v,.,li, n an Ibr V. Allo t .en't (in- Ml Olivet I to ,M. i Jil- I. II . .I..-. ell., I -I I., K M"t.e"l',' rof Mr-I ..,,.1 l.ol-l Progress or Education. I s!, el l U p pilar e '(.'si. ,'!l-.n! lest nil.'. elf p, illU'lllie all lln'se l,-lii .n,' li-.'li to the :,1 l.ii.l Ihe fen, . in in Ninth t'.i I.,pl., nil 7 . "'."" !:-y hen . -iiipai-.d wiih s "I the ui-!. are a(;ri'.lt .inparoil with what lln-v stiil s,,,,-h:c behil.l. la,-:, ''I'ii.e ih..'i!.'li iHp :i.!uiinis(rali,iii ul affaa-s 1,-e I'll, close c f iho Civil M,n!liss,-!i,.l has ls-.'n y -i li.sil isti ici In llie leir unliliil; devotion lo .iat watehfuhii-s for our Nation niav l .isiof h- r in iv talk of ri.'.rwc.ihh i Car .liua tspials th,s.n her .laughters :,nd Ihe ihe ni'irali'y ami pa ls anil I trust the when she will III. of her sons u A S ('..lieolh West Ramseur Hems. lot.ll flips,' f 111. .1 si ai;.-,- !- ,-hange of lit -i l;..in- ur. Mr. Wesl.-v Mih.ii and I "i.-i i l-e. mo'.-ed to W'csl Ham-, - r I t root.' on selieilnlo liuie Soliu- ,n..; .mil flialce of lu CtMllllt i (;iu. Si, th'.se fiiruiers hIiq U' plailtiui' am having their istdou u a rerlain n ri"il uf ihe nnsin elm it ninne.l by an nld and experienced Mixonone of Ila cur e fair : Ik'lh-s lefl Siiturdav lor (Ireer .In. where It' has iiceepli-it a Msl loll lit . .. 1 roxunitv OC',11 111:11s. Her abscense has east aelonfli i .! .. .ly iu her h-'iin' an. I cliun-h hat in ihe n! ir" l":i for Miss Haiti,- v.as .me aiiieng -mi bi'si re'',n,, ladies. MIs-os Mii.. Dijonan l C,,ra Mo.il' at tended Holiness convention at (Ireensboro Niturday anu .siiuduy returuiug to-day. 'j . .vi r. iiry iirown na and seven lirolherti and waiting fur ihem. T , " v i A l. rhillipt who has Is eu alliie'etl mole or less for the last lifly veos had a severe all... k of neuritis Saturilav night inni SiiimIst. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Maucss are iuM really ling again ul their other bran new little , Bin iXHttxl ixnr. i. ...I i1 k in-:- iii . . cullr..tulati(tns of ili'eir" mntiy frirmln. Its am.tl.er lmio giil sisU-r totlie Pthrr tiirce lit-1 lit- Twt)T ijii-N ! 'i, 1 :':,i: u" v-.il. t i ii'lsU.ro ore Waiting her' brother, Mr Ila. The yomyj women will he pnmjkd with Thomas .-nd familv and other lel-nivea ( nioui, board, nurse umforuts awl all the re T1'" Cobimbia 3j infg Co are I nil linn two nne,"nU "1 a well appointed Christian home, nil,- dwelling houses near the Chrisiian l FTF ""J C ih. ltaleigl. IV'Ie i m.king much im- i provement to hi. dwelling house I,- la.ilding i The eominnetldrv Weather wa again! die farmera'i. sowing oats and pre tauina their wheat lands thorn,!, ihe. . ! heat land, thongh ihey .r : i I" ' . i nite iKisy pick .Mr. and Mrs. I(. U. Wilm, of ( .'hatan,. who have been risilinff their parent. Mr! a. i, I M ' .'' :..! ' ta j , to Is, an over ..nsluriion of in in ... i lies or at least ihere were eight i-asesi side tracked last week at the busas of .Mr. Ueo Is... two uue dwellini house., near the WwT chnrch which will Le cpiiie an improvement lo that part of tlm town. Siiaoiuc For SdiG. j Oue engine, Erie City. S crank, horni"1 "7!.. J.-L, 1 Asurwon. j.-rK-Co. - - ;oi I (Iniei-.ll lVliilily to tluv cenililicill U'AVN'IVS New liiscoverv. eiio -i'Vi-u ivwii It linvo Ik-imi ailili'd to my I!. V. TAYI.MU, Hii-'iorr, X. C J1.00 & bottle, three. $2 50. 25cls. a bottle. PAYNE'S Soap. 10 cis. semi tin- lup.lii-iiie, i-li.nj;i .rt'iMiiJ, on p! of pi ire. CO CINCINNATI, 0. Trinity Itcml. Tiie liiillnu prein-rlv lias clmuiiril liantl ami it innv apiH'.ira thai iv re lu have mi s.:i.iii ami some kIiowitb wnulil ie licnrlil, ni'lriinie on the heilx of lillle tiirnllM. Mi'Hrs .Iiiiioh and 'lati' of High I'uim wci-e niM- i-ci j. at I runty last evening. t'u pi. 1'aiMn has juit leturiiFil from an ex-,-Mili-il I -li,f, lop in inn III the iHt,-ivsl nf his facto i Sun- lies. Iln is lo ImilJ a hlaueh faelorv in I In- near future al Julian. :lliBh Miss Me('ull.rs. of ('hivhui. has iirriv.M ,ies. ami taken eh . rj;f of her iimsii class. Ciof Mon- Henry is In U' eouxralnlaleil in ROi-uiinji : Miss .l,-l',ill-,-s s 1,-aeher. she is highly aei-eiiiplis!ii ,, ami h:.s tanhl in iheconsel ti lery ot linisii- in Si. Louis last vear. Miss Kan: N'orment in assist ihR her Invtle . , or. Mr. Clark JK-Caiiless, who is loai hiinj al liains, nr. '.''" u ' "'"I Heilnmn.of Hiuh I'oi.it, Miss "l11'"1 Siinil.iy with friciiils in this iilmr. Franklinsvllle llemt. 'I'lir pi-'liat'teil ntevtio I'luireh eomliieUsl by liev tin lliiptist llaclinev .loin s i'Iem-. Sunilav night. ' Mrs Mary lliii.-r. ot I lush r.iinl, t . ill llie eilv ihis ,s?k. siling Mi-s llertio Kllison has sone tu t'enlral V falls i here she will assist in leaching llie p'iiuii- si iimn oi iiiai place. Jliss i-.m-ou "lie of OM- niesl eiiltureil yoilllj. lailies ai d 1 well ipnlilieil for tile position. .1 I'l.i.'.l.linsvilh. seh.sil nine am! Oak I a!r l-'.vs ayeil at I ak Pale Siiliiiiluv nhieli - s,ilt, , i ,i si-ore of 11 '.I in favor of Kr; linsville. r Mr ami Mrs. I tl Keniress vi-iiml fri. I ui Werihvilie Saiurilay niht anil Suinlay .ins r.nuna .viarlm nlio lias ivn vi-ilni)t ! her pa rents in ihe eitv for sonic tiiui,returntl her home in tovoushuro one ilay last wr I .vii-s i.-iia llaye., who has lieen visiting lauo s near tirays t ihii, ri'turiiisl home ir- .lay last ne,'k. I Mr .uul Mi-sManl.-vShielils of Cheeks. Milh i visiHsl ii'lativesaiul frirmls in town Sunnlav , anil Snnilnv. , Mr H M Allreil, of (liwnsUuo, bniie.l In i nil. nil e!iii, iu the M lOl'enielarvat this pint iSnnilay. I.'ev t' A Vv'issl coli.lneKsl llie Imrml i srrvii e. Mi-s Lena t'hi-ek iiileiulisl uin-liii at H;i ! '.Mr'i I! Ti.;'ll founil a lar,-!' iK'ket Iks: I nn" .lay last week which will lie retiiiinsl I ; the en. er on Ueseriliiii)i the content-. Tiie leiirlh .puirterlv eouferelK I llie M K , liuieh -..ill Is' lifl.l al ilii. pi.,. i'i t. l-i II you an' Ih'Iihi.I on your asse-siiient plea e li.mil it lo llifStewarJ Wfoi-p that time a. ihey will appreciate it, Worthvlllt llemi, Mr II T JlurU'V went up to 111; h l'oint one last k to make arranueineiUH for einhuii a jireBS for 1kiIiii(J hay. .Mr Hurley nas enuveneii inmost an oi uih larm into iiay lielils. nn.l sells somo nf the Iwsl hav that can ls ha.l auywln-rn. llo is now piriui-tHj to ivile Ins nay. ami lenvc it in a men .oiii. ut shajs' for market. Sirs K C VVilliiunson nnd ehildnm liav lurtH'd from a visii io relatives nwir Farmer. viis vv i. ward anil elnldren have gone to r.uierprjso tor a two weeks vihit. Mrs J I.W ren lias 1hs?ii iuiie sick for al davd. Miss Jennie leri-ee had lh minfortnao to l.reuk her eollni bone last ittluruay niftht, liy laliing Irem tne jsireli at .Mr 1' r J-euliess hon-o. The home of Mr Isaac A Julian was burned with all us contents Monilayiiioriiinu. of ihr family were at home extern Mrs Julian ami some itiuall ehildreu. The origin of the lire is unknown. Mr Julian has the svmimiliv I oi llie ennit; community. Rev. S. K. l.ueae and family of Forsytli C,i snlnt a few dava here last week nrpuph- iug at (ho At. 1'. tliureh on Friday night. .Mrs i icorgo .fennings; ol tieenuistro. visit e,l at the home of IV. A. Jenninits last week Miss Sarah tirocc ia 8iending aome tiim' Msiting in V iiatnam t.ouiilv. Will Warner ami inmi'ly, of ihis ilaee movtsl to Itandleman one day last week. Mr. H.sleeu Fentriss and familv, of Kriuik liu.svillc, libitetl at the home of J 1. Wrcnn Nilur.lav night and Nuiday. I'TM. Howell, of High Point, wiia in hiwn Sunday. Mr.aud Mra. Ebvootl Fcrree, of uearCislar rails, spent Suinlay at ihe homo ot Mi 1 1.1 liel Fcrree. of this place. ' . ' " ""' m: . -.. u, o. P lasi .-saiurilay mgiii ami Drained tieraell bad i,. l., " ... I. M. tScurhoro made a lmsinesa trip to Hili IViiut and (Jreensliorn Tuestlay of this ween. C. 11. M.tncai anil family of Greensboro, win move here one day tlua week. Airs, r ranees r. liuhuanl was eonun: from Ceutral Falls one -dar last week a: the horse she was driving got (oared and threw her out hrmsiug her on llie temple. Free. Tralniaf, Nurass. ;. "f ""Vf"1 . " w.',,,,",t : .. ... . .;.... lor uni, w tUHrpoon Duudinir, rbuiiclel Phia' n"",lier ?( -v?"n8 w9aTn .fro?? 7 .7 v, VT u . i f j t i " ls l"a,,neJ 10 n-tntel7 reach and Iielp in lki way every villain and ioworihip. 5i j "2.f f. " nl'wd Un W,M tbo0 to P,,d lck , ? f'"" bw!'.'to '"-"l? . P.two vesrs " "h 'Il'1neo. ' rm'n,n-""n "'""f, " "'r the sick poor of the eitv smler skilled lee.: " ' eigntees .'? peebsi.s. ooars. of wa nttNiHii ivsuiug suu wutiy m none. a snscisl shcrt oorse arts Us. , rosng wssueii to lor self support l - icUf VT. xhmmtxm . and s snbatsntia inoorue. la sddilioa to regular nrsiog. lbs yoang I tsoglit how to preserve their mm aow P." V tis-t asniurr emilitiom a boot the bncos; tbev are prefnrrsi lor poeitkws as oftee sm-se and j physicaia'. -sesistant; Ihey get a rwsetiral i knowledge 4' City Mission .-wresaeuts, Usa- tratniw, tjonegw aerueinenf work. and are tssioei' for special pgstlioaa of tewsi Ties fcchooi as taa jean. oU sad ia -l by phye. efcg edeor. and ' prominent am thmsghoat tl eouotry. iitki'd every cent that ii mtulo on the furm to run the farm. What is left is hardly a decent living, but in the uiuitl it i just vvluii the wngo eiirner f pttbliu woi !; in the city n.,ike.a. Why then should not the farmer become 11 nune-earuer ix save nimscir all the worry & trouble of trying to make two ends meet wtwn sometimes they refiue to join? There is l ist this answer to tie made to the dissatisfied farmer: It matters nut whether you etuy on the faiui or go to public woik, you iu have this same battle to liht wherc- everyouarc. lou migni juki well hcut it out on vour owtt green fields in the pnre air of your native hills, as in the filthy atmosphere of the crowded city. There is no escaping the struggle, wherever labor seeks the reward to which it is so justly entitled, there will be found the vampire of capital ism rcauv to snuicu ui"" '" producer that which he has produced. If we are lo remain a free people, this vampire must bc grappled with. It has many hands and a thousand eyes, its cruet laio.is aiu uncj lixetl in tue vital oigiiiiisiu 01 iu nntional life. It is sucking the life blood of our people on the farm as well as the public work. When we consider how ull iiiipor when we remember lint he is the lirst great producer that feeds and sustains the nation, it is no wonder that he waschote'i lo represent us on the first pictorial pag" of the world's history. It is true that th.- cur;. mi has luU'lv been presenting "L ncle Sam to us as wciini-g an c.-n sstcn of low cunning, un.l with a lack ot dignity tliul ought to make us b.ueii, which Eccin.s to be saying: i oil 111 . think that I represent honest, but I can tell you that uiv Uit'y trouseic- and loose cotton c-hirt are stulUd out with bank note. 1 represent Capital and not Labor, but 1 wear these old clothes just lo fool you into believing that 1 represent out' witted workers of the field and fac tory and other avocations. Let the laboring people study that singular hypocritical expression ot counte nance next time they sec it iu print and ask themselves if -that is really the "Uncle Sam'' of their youth, if it still represents what it ouceilul 111 the tlays of their to efalhcrs. If the farmer knows any thing of the conditions in the large cities, he must know that the problem is not Golved when he forsakes his farm, even if it is not very pioductive or if 11101 tgaged, and forces his way into the over crowded ranks or wagcarners and small merchants of city life. ihe wage earners and small mer- chants are engaged iu a desperate struggle of their own with the same foe that menaces the farmer, who is not cursed with near o many hum bugs calling daily for all the spare money for which they leave worth less wares that never amount to a row of 11 ins. If the farmers instead of plunuing now to get uway from the farm. would plan how to become an Hide- pendant land owners, giving up this rabid individualism and commercial competition and instead of "every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost'' cultivate (he brother hood of man as the highest cxpres siou of their patriotism, a glorious destiny would await and give the nobler ideal of life. That the in terest of one is the interest f all and that all must stand for the priu ciple that labor every where shall re ceive the full value of its products; then farming would become mote en joyable and each would be satisfied with the farm. J F Hamilton. Tempting Dishes. Devilled Esgi boil its ninny I'L'i; an are it'ipiircil, for ten minute?, jiul them iu cold wuter, and when cold shell them. Cut in halves length ways, remove the ylks, and rub them to smooth paste with n table snoooful of chopped tongue to sir epge, a (le8ertKK)iilul ot suiad oil, salt and cayenne to tiinte, a few drops of onion juice, and half a tea- aj oonful of French mustard. Cut a tinv slii'e oil the bottom of eatth half of the white so that it will! s'jtnd on the dish, all with the pre pared mixture, uud serve, garnishing witu waturcress. Almond Cakes. Uub 'i o.. butter into 5 oz. flour, 5"bz. powdered lump sugar, tbeu put it with the other ingredients. Ad'i 1 ex blanched al monds and a little almond llavor, roll them in vour hand to the size ot nutmeg, and sprinkle with fine lump sugar. They should he'lightly baked. Shape of Prunes. This is especial ly suitable for invalids and old people. Stone one and a half lbs. of French prune, put them io stewpan, and cover them with cold water. Let them lioil for about minute, then strain, off the water through a seive. Ponr a little cold water over the prunes, have ready" a jelly made ot hair an . nnce oi gela tine pint of water, and three ounce of brown sugar. Searan with almonds, and boil for Ore minutes then strain. Arrange the prunes in a casserole mould, pour in the jelly, and set it ia a cool place to become firm. The hole in the centre of the mould may be filled with whipped cream. Peter Smith, who criminally as saulted Era Suttlea, a sixteen year old white girl ia Madison county last February, was hanged in Mar shall oa Monday. Smith was a mun sixty-four years old. lie stated on the scaffold that he was prepared to die. Experienced travellers hare found ffreat bou i fit bv takinir w ith litem a bottle of Dr Seth A:r.oM's Baloi It cures illness caused lr imp water and sudden chan '-o of clitMile Warm n ted by JSton tk rd Ji u g Co 3& J Ii mini $ M g t lilts. mUi M.lkl fftMnn QflsMuf ?riiri -aJ VHIHJ Ifyoohnvoi'chts hc:l: and lolnts, Ito.'.'.lng, rtcobb) Hliln. lilood fosls hotMHwollen01nii(4a, )iHl'iT and Humps on the 0t:1n, T-tucus l'otcora 1 1 iloutii. Bore Throat, Plro- Eles,Oopier.Oolor(ni pots, nil run down, llleerscnnnvoftrtrf tody. Hair or Kyebrowa falllug out,, take Botanlo BlocJ Balm, Guaranteed to enre the worst and moat deep seated sues. Ilenla all '.ores, stops all aches and Dalns. reduces aJ swei Eure and rich. ealthy eondltli 014 Rhwima'lim, C?larrh, Eottn;, Ssrohila are ennsed hy Poison In the Blood. B.B.B stops Hawking and HPUlln, Itching and floratcuiuKi ourca mteuniutlsri. -aiarru: New Styles in.... Horses and Mules. I will have another car of Kansas Horses and Mules at my Stables on Depot street about Oct. 3rd. Many know the ex tranquili ty of stock I have been ship ping to this market for sever al years. There will be a variety of good horses and mares; also some extra fine teams of mules. Oome to see them. R. R. ROSS, INCSasoaATID Capital Stock $30,000.00 RALEIGH, N. C. V Pullen Building. IHKsKsu'lliKvlGlVK the w.irl.iv Is-1 tu ninlern Business EdiH-atlon. Oldest Business College In Niirlli Cana-lna. Positions euarauu-eit, tsu-kisl by a written contract. NoracaUon Inilivliliial iilnii-tlon. We also tisu-h Honk-kis.'lng. Miottliaml. Feumanshlp, bj mall. Bend lac Home Study rates. ' Write faster lor our Catalogue, otlcra luid High KuaonsuaeBta. Thai sis Iras. address Klk'n's BUSINESS COLLEGE. elslalfs. N. CarChsetate. tS. Rock Hill Rock Hill Buggies are a-littie higher in price but are bet ter. You can get your money's worth in a ROOK HILL when some timer you cannot get your money's worth in some other make. THE uOO HILL BUQOY COMPANY is situated near by, therefore, patronise Southern enterprises. We have a fine lot of them on hand and win be glad for ypu to call to cee w. aaamHnaVanam McCratry--Redding: HtaLrdwatre . Company. HORSES AND MIL ml r.IcDcvcl Brcthcrs, Ram L'-Hir.S. HvP. HinflS wev5. p.us...., s sv a- I bna'aall P.v.lu, Rcn!o, Eroptlonf. Wstr -, 1-7 KVIAS P1 WHUJ auwvw Mi CANCER ftnppanit!tnv!3won!D(T. Kiting florci, Tr inurs,urtiv Ufcnra. J.I?.U. hool3 tbo inrei or worn canofr rrfoctly. II yea Ann pnrlstcnt riyr,-;, Hwell.nirj!, Btltictnf ruins. u.t Tlloofl lMm and Ibywlll dls appoAT boi'oro tboy deTelop Into Cunsiv aaoha. nuroi DvaTHMit..- 1r1w 1 nar lnrj;o bottI. Tk mm dlreottMl. If nod curctt irhrn rlrrht quantity Is taken, money rnfunrii. ffuiuptft Hnt Fre by writing Blood HnlmOo., Attaiita.Oa. tM scribe your trouble, nd peclat fr roHli cnl advice t, jutt J'our uus tdto aanl ii soalvd lo.nr. Spring & Summer " Clothing! The latest styles and patterns can al ways be seen at my place. I am show ing: a pretty line of suits at $10, $12, and $15. It will pay you to look my line over before purchasing. Also a big assortment of HATS, COL LARS, TIES and SHOES. "KEITH K0NQU0R" Shoes for met are the best to be had. See them. W. J. MILLER.. Asheboro, N. C. f CHARLOTTE. N. C. I Piedmont Ins. Bid Buggies. McDowell Bros have at their Btables the best Oar of Horses and Mules c?er brought to Asheboro at this season. The mules ore all extra good size and good ages. Th horses are all good quali ty and fine drivers. Before buyiug see Asheboro. fUC.