i The Asheboro Courier. Aiheboro, N. 0., Oct. 6, 1905 Arrival and Departure of Train. SOUTHBOUND. Train No. 141. arrive at 10:00 a. Train No. 107, arrive at 3:10 p.m. Train No, 143, arrive at V:.ii p. m. NORTHBOUND. Train No. 70. arrive at 8:25 a.m. Train Nn. 1.10. arrives at 11:01 Train No. 42, arrive at 2:25 p.m. NORTHBOUND. No. 142, leaven at 4:40 a. m, No. 130, leave at 1 1 :0ft a. m, No. 144, leaves at 4:30 p.m. SOUTHBOUND. leaven ai 10:lu leave at 3:15 leaves at 3:30 p. in, No. 71, No. 107, No. 41, Local and Personal. Eer. Sherrill went to Greensboro Tuesday. Miss Laura Stimson spent Sundaj in KauiUeman. Mr W C Hammond spent Sunday in Archdalo I Mr T O MoAlis'er of Spray spent Sunday In town. 1 Mr Cbas Boss returned from Guilford College Monday. i Mr J O Redding made a business trip to. Tnomaiville Monday. Mr E A Wiles, of Greensboro waa I in town Monday. Mr W D Stedman went to New I York Tuesday o business. Miss Nan Little, of Lit'le's Mills, is visiting Miss May McAhster, " McDowell Bros, unloaded a car load of fine boreef and mules Mon day. I Mrs W J Vage, of Eliae, was I passenger on the north ixmnd train , Tuesday. t Mies Mjrtie Scarboro left Tues day for a visit to her parents in Jjexingtnn. ' Mrs Milton Cox, of Climax, visited her son Mr Carl Cox in South Ashe' bora last week. I Mr Thos Worth spent Sunday here and returned to Greensboro Monday. J Several Asheboro people attended I the protracted meeting at Flag springs sunaay. Miss Gladys Pace returned to her home in Alamance County Tuesday after a visit to relatives here. The Asbury Sunday school had a picnic in Asheboro lust Sutnrday and seemed to enjoy it vpry much. We are glad to see Mr Ohas Laughlin on the streets again after , a spell of typhoid fever. Miss Cornie Candle who h;is been i visiting Mr H D Caudle's family re I turned to ltandleman Monday. I Congresfnian Kitchen, of the I Sixth District has the sympathy of the entire State in the death of his I little son. IMr E G Morris purchased the lot of Mr S Moflltt Monday adjoining the vacant lot on which Mr T J I Moflitt's bouse was burned. I Mr B B FcrgusoH v. ill have his I Millinery opening iu Itandlrniau ! October 11th and 12th. His advur tisement appears in another column. Miss Nettie Douk who has charge of Mies Ballinger's millinery es tablishment in fiandlenian spent $ Sunday here. I The Republican newspaper at Greenboro about which we have heaid to much lately makes its first appearance next Sunday morning. Mrs Ethel Diffee Tomlinson, at tended the burial of her Grandfather Mr A 11 Johnson at Salem Church Sunday. I Miss Mamie Cox, of Illinois, who has been visiting her brother near I Enterprise spent a day or so in f Asheboro last week. Mrs Dr Morrow grid children of Burlington who bave been visiting Mrs J M Candle, of New Salem, returned to their borne last Satur ?day. Mr and Mrs Jason Annan, of 'Jackson Springs, Moore County, were on the passenger train Tuesday going to Salisbury. Mrs Auman went to the hospital for treatment L Among those who went to Greens ro Tuesday to aee"The Clansman" were Mr and Mrs Jas T Underwood, Messrs Elijah Moffit, E G Morris, E II Morris, II E Moffit t, and Hern don MoffjJ& I Mr Jno T Moflitt has recently purchased the lot next to his moth er, Mrs M A Moffit, of Mr E A Wiles. Mr Moffitt now owns two djoining lots on Sunset Ave. and rill build there soon. I The marriage of Miss Lucile Arm Held, of High Point, to Mr i'rauk ArmoVld, of Monroe, on the iiSthofCct was announced in last week's papers. Hiss Armfield is a cister of Mr W J Armfield, of Ashe boro. I M.n J 8 Worth who dm been visit ing relatives' bert left . Tneaday morning for Greensboro where she oes to viatl Mr A C MoAliHrr and liom there she gees to Davit sou Col lege to pat her children in school. Mr E O House who bougnt Mr V B Uichardson's home on South Vyettevill street some time ago ifl move here soon. Mr llusaey a bonght a nice aew dray wagon d willdo drayiog br. Tbs Lexington Grocery Company t Asheboro hut received another r load of tobacco from R J Uev !ds Tobacco Com pan. This car mom of five cars pnrchaaed in one I by this enterprisiiig wboluatle iiocra lot tu vacie at uewafwa, Capt. A E Burns is off duty on account of sickness. I Miss Eugenia Tysor Las been visit mg frieads in (ireensuoro. Mrs Robert Page was a passenger on the train Tuesday afternoon, Dr and Mis Hubbard, of Worth ville, were here yesterday. Mr S W Laughliu made a business trip to ureensboro Wednesday. Mr 0 K Fox went to Greensboro Monday to attend Federal Court, Mr Pearly Hayes of the L Rich ardson Drug Co. sent Sunday here, Messrs F Ingold and Will Pickard were visitors in Asheboro Weducsduy, Mr Sam Ilodjfiu of Greensboro speut Tuesday night in town. Dfiuuty sherriff McKensie of Troy was nere yesterday. Mr C V Bean, of Hieh Point, spent a few days this week here. Dr Ashwoith and little daughter or nearnsville IN (J are visiting rela- tives nere. Mrs Lama Macon Ellington and sister miss Matme Howard were in town yesterday shopping. Mr C H Spencer, of Hamlet, was here yesterday on bis way to visit nis parents near Aiecnamc. Mr Walter Brewer, of McCall. S. U., nas been spending sometime with Mr and Mrs Liijan tiussell. Mr Maxwell v lio has been with the Courier for a few weeks left Monday tor nign roint. Mrs W C Hammond returned Tuesday from a months visit to her parents in Lumberton Mies Annie Brower who has been visiting her sister in Troy returned to her home at Cedar Falls Tuesday. Met sis J A Kauoy cf Star ami W Baldwin of Troy were patecngers on tne eleven o clock train Monday. Capt. Rickman of Spvucer is run- lug the local over the Southern from Asheboro to High Point during Capt. Burns' illness. Mr O L Sapp is utlundiuj: Federal Court in Greensloro this week. It is a big court and lawyers from all over tne btute are there. The epi'Jcmic of fever at Central alls has eouiewhat abated. There were seven caees in one family, in that of Mr John Allred. John S Campbell whose deatth at High Point, was in the litst'issue of the courier, was lormerly engaged iu merchandising at Steed. Mr W B Yeargan who has been in business in Tampa, Florida, has recently bought out Mr Jasper An- man s mercantile establishment. Our old friend, Mr Simson C Cranford, of New Hope Township, as shaking hands with bis friends here yesterday. Work has begun on the cement sidewalk in front of McCary Redding Hardware Co. extending by stores on that side. Several of our people attended the Old Homestead Male Quartette in ltandleman Tuesday night and say it as very good. Mr R R Ross recently showed us some Baniples of granite brick. The brick were made of sand under great pressure. Mr and Mrs T J WiuBlow at tended the funeral of Mrs Winslow's randfather. Mr A H Johnson. last Sunday at Salem Church. Mrs Fuller, widow of the late H Fuller, of Concord township, is visiting her two sons C M Fuller and Henry Fuller in Lnmberton, N C. The Methodist Protestant church being greatly imnroved bv a new coat of paint, brick foundation aud improvements on the inside. Mr J E Candle has resigned as carrier of Randleman rural delivery route No 1 and his brother Mr A B Caudle has been appointed in his place. Mrs O W Rich is visiting her par ents, Mr and Mrs W S Crowscu bile ber husband is away at Elou College where be has a contract for making brick that will keep bim away probably three weeks yet. Mr und Mrs Wright and little daugter of Statesville were driving last week, when the, horse began kicking, tnrned the buggy over and threw occupants out. Mr Wright was severely but not seriously hurt W A Chisholm who tu licensed to practice law by the supreme court August 28th, was sorn in before the Moore county bar, bept. 21st. Moore County News. Mr Chisholm is son of T L Chisholm, of Sanford. Miss Sal lie Henley, of Asheboro, had a narrow escape from being run oyer by a train here yesterday. While attempting to get over the Main street crossing a train was near npon ber before she saw it. The train came np from an opposite direction in which she was looking. Greensboro Telegram of Sept. 29. Make Your Grocer Give You Guaranteed Cream o! Tartar i On Krplimln-r 30th 1905 Mr, 'Robeit Langlv and Miss Ollie Si lor. both of Staley, N. C. T. P. Barker, J. V. otliciuling. Bakinfl Powder Alum Baking Pow ders interfere with digestion and are un healthy. Avoid the alum. Mlta Balllnger't Millinery Opening. Miss Ballinger will have her Fall and Winter Millinery Opening on aatniday uctober 7th. Sue cordial ly invites all the ladies of Randolph and neighboring counties to attend. and assures them, that she can please tnem an. Card of Thanks. We take this method of expressing our thanks and appreciation to the good people of Kamseur for their aiuuness soown anu assistance ren dered on tbe arrival and burial of our mother, Mrs Cathariae Baldwin- Mr and Mrs J P Baldwin. Rainsenr, N C Sept. 23rd 1909. JUST OWE WORDtkatwjHto HfawatoDr.Tatt'alUverPtUaa)4 Ml-AflO HEALTH. An y nmstlt-td? Tutus wwa Uilantliar Sick I ANYVef U rpmi Beat wasy tfcSM InUcm Haartfcia f Um UYt4. tilK I . s n u mo Fratltr-McMatttrt. At the home of the bride near Staley, N. C, Mr. Dougan Frazier aud Misii Cora McMasters were united in marriage Sunday, Oct. 1, 1905, at twelve O'clock, Kev. J. V. Hackney officiating. Only a few of the nearest relatives weie present at this quiet, but beautiful wedding. Alter tne ceremony a beutiful din nei was served. The bride is i an cuter of Mr Thomas McMaeter. the groom, a son of Mr Jasper Fru zier. This young couple carry with them the hearty good wishes of a host of admiring friends ns they launch their bark upon life's sea. Letter to Jesse Presnell, Asheboro N C. Dear Sir: You know what puiut is for, bow il docs it how it fails, what paint iloes it, and what paint ilonl. It'si vour bmiiness to know; of course you know Devoe. .There are aotue iletails, which, of course, you can't bo expctetl to know. For instance the next-bestpuints are only three'iiiiarter a good. luat strange; very ntrange, 1 nere are n uozeu 01 uim perliups; you uou know them so accurately as that; you don1 know them all by name. No matter, one i enough; the only one you hare real occasion to know is levoe. Tlie queer ot it is that others leave tbe whole business to us so. We make mint good as we can; others make it us good aa uiey nave to. tueer, hut we uou t complain. lours truly, F W Devoe A Co. P S McCrory-Sedding Hclw Co sells our puint. The Southern Railway has chosen Col. W B Rodman of Charlotte to succeed the late Captain Charles I'rice, as its general counsel in Worth Carolina. DEATHS. Mr A H Johnson died at tbe home of his son, Mr J I Johnson in Con cord township last Saturday. Mr Johnson was bom on March 21st, 1817. lie married Miss Elizabeth Kearns in and they lived to gether 69 years. Mrs Johnson died about six years ago. Mr Johnson leaves five sons and one daughter. Messrs T W Johnson, J II Johnson. J I & C T Johnson twin brothers, J W Johnson and Mrs L J Diffee, of High Point all of whom were present when the end came. Re mains were interred at Salem Church on Sunday. A large crowd attended the burial service. Mr Joseph Foster died on October 1st at his home of neuralgia of the heart, about two miles from Ashe boro. He was an old soldier having served four years in the Civil War, two first years on the confederate side and two last years on the Union side. He has drawn a pension for a number of years. Mr Foster was born and raised in Chatham county and moved to bis home near Ashe boro soon after the war. . He had been a remarkably strong man never having had a spell of sickness. About a year ago be professed re ligion and expressed himself as ready to go to the Great Beyond. Deceas ed war 78 years old and leaves a wire and seven children. laaattawa 0 J tha Cldstt Taws I U. t. The High Point correspondent of the Charlotte Observer sava: Verv few people, perhaps, know that old Jamestown, in this county, is one of the oldest cities in tbe United states lder than tbe city of Chicago, yet only a village. Several years be fore the war it was quite a little town and then gave promise of a much larger place. At that time a large and flourishing school under the control of the Methodist Protee taut Church was maintained there. Mr. Gray, father of Chief of Police Gray, of this city, was largely inter ested in the school, and lost con siderable money when the buildings were destroyed by fire. The old Masonic lodge building now stand ing is one of old landmarks of the placd. The place was then known as Jimtown, and to this day is call ed "Old Jimtown." WW Ret to rflar. The unmarried editor of the Rich mond News-Leader devoted a column to discussing the Non-Oeculating Society, organized by young ladies in Nottoway county, Virginia. Heavy fines are imposed if any mem ber is kissed, but fines are paid glad ly. Tbe official color of the society is creamy pink, the flower touch-me-not, and the motto: "Kiss not that ye be not kissed." Tbe yell is; "Key: uoorn: ah: bum . Eureka! Boom! Ah! Kiss! Kiss met Kiss me! Kiss me!" Tbe club song is the following lit tle verse set to tbe sweetest music: . "There was a young lady from Siam, Who said to her lover named Priam, To kiss me, of course. You'll have to nse force; But the Lord knots you're stronger than lam. NBRVOUS DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CUBED IF ONE WILL TRY THE RIGHT THING. I was down with Nervous Dys pepsia for eight years. When I was taken I weighed 185 pounds, uud it reduced me to 118. 1 could not touch solid food. I believe if I had had taken solid food it would have killed me, and I had to live on sweets and lightest kind of diet, J bad severe nervous spells nearly every day and would have doctors to treat me, but they did net do me one particle of good not even to relieve me I was so weak that for three mouths I was not able to walk across the room. I bad rather die than to suffer it over again, and I felt that was in a worse condition than any one who ever lived. Mrs Joe Person and my wife per- uaded me to use Mis Joe Person's Remedy. I bought a dozen bottles and it was three mom ha before I felt any lelief at all. Then I commenced to improve right along. 1 took thirty-five bottles, and it cured me. It has been two years since I was cured, and I have never had a touch of the trouble since, aud can eat anything under the sun, and as uiuchot it as 1 wast. If any one will stick to Mrs Per son's Remedy long enough to build up the system, I know it will cure the most aggravated case of dyspep sia or nervousness that can i e found. B. M. MEDD1N, (J reed more, Granville, Couuty, N. C, R. F. D., No. 1, Auguat 1, 1904. To My Friends and Patrons You are cordially invited to my first showing of Fall and Winter Millinery Oct. Hth and 12th. I have tarried in the North to get the best and latest styles in Millinery and will be able to sell you cheaper than ever. Don't buy your fall hats until you see my stock. I have rented the Winning ham store formerly occupied by Miss Russell for the benefit of myWorthville customers. Will fliTt turn afAPaa 4-Vito cAnaAm Please give me a call. Yours I viouAexpt rie. to please huutwt B. B. FERGUSON, Randleman. N C. Business Locals. Notice InMrted under tKU head mt en cent word each Insertion. For Sale. One 7 Hooiu Dwelling Uouao, with a good well of wntr, hitin nntl otlirr buildings on one m-re lot. front hit; South Fitvettcville aad WaimiKiu Sts, within 150 yards of graded school, JASl'EU ATM AN, tf South Asheboro. MAN WANTS lint little here below but wants that litlir KOod und the rery bent place iu this whole sri'tmn to iiet Boiuethinu good anu cheap in J. A I UA. , tf South Asheboro, WAN l'KO-Bv Chleiiirn Manutacttirinir House, perwm nt trtitwortliiin'w ami Mmicwlmt familiar with torn) territory um tuwihtmit tu branch otlice, rtalary $IN )miI weekly. FemiHiiciit position, Kt mil, hum newt ehutmisncu. rrv- not etittentinl to enumdiiir. Ad Hmuchua, & Dearborn Street, New Store We have in a nice line of sroods at Jarrett's old stand, near the ! old rock fence and still keep a i general line ai uavis snop. Come one and all and brinir , your trade. We will give you! market prices and sell vou (roods ! at a reasonable price. I HAVE ii ipxA two-liorso wagon I wou! like tu excliHnxe for a onc-liore wagon, E U Muiuu. Pair Fine Horses For Sale. l'ur suttt mi: lina extra heavy blood bay borASx. tvurk anywhere, (luaranteeil to lie fisul t'hisH. Axhelioru Holler Mills. Ol' II l'(TT sin will not mu tin son. I'ranklinsville 11 f 'if. Co. VAXTKI: To hire Mmn one with a 1,1.. .,,.,1 IJI..,- i., , -.(hhuim DftVis O. Cannv. feet of lumber at different locations in 'the Apply tn Win C Hummer, Atmelioro, N C. B. P. S Paant! Why buy a cheap paint and pay the same price! aa for good paint when you can buy good paint at same price and it will last longer and cover more surface than cheap paint? If any one wishing to buy paint desires to know anything further regarding our line of paints, please call to see as as we have over one hundred houses in Asheboro painted with the B. P. S. Paint and they speak for themselves. We trust we may be able to furnish you whatever paint you may want. Yours very truly, McCrary-Redding Hardware Company. Sophia.. N. C. FOR SALE - Otis 1 horse wacnn. liaruesM and on good horse. Apiily to W. 11. WEIISTEIt, Central Falls, N. C. Farm For Sale, WANTED: Lailv or gentleman of fa education Ui travel for firm of ij.'iO.lHMj eapitni. Nitlarv ftl.OZ- tier vear. imynlile weeklv. Exienes advanced. Address Geo O Clows, Asheboro. X C. Itli acres, 1-3 in cultivation, the balance I ell tiinlwrcd. One and one-half mi let front Cen'ral Falls and four miles from ' " heboro ou It. F. D. Will sellcheun. An- H ply to Daniel Smith, ltandleman, It. F No. 1. io-3-n Street Hats. llallinger'H street hats have arrived p. liieiiiim.iuuiiiiuin.ui ii-mi!K "i'l" ji ; later Cull to sec her over Morm-Scarlioro Moflitt Cos store. New Cotton Gin. VANTEJ:- Two or threw mrn with wnall portable turn mills to cut lnmler on contract ' A oou emmee fur riht men to make some My cotton gi. is now readv for work. ' lno""-T-.,r' l1"" ,'ll,lrP", J U only gin in this section. -I guarantee I cano"' We9t Knd' N C" Ihe only gin in this sett ion, 1 imrnntce MitiHfacMon. I will I my your cotton nt htliet market price. llniifi your cotton to my mill on Toleeat c mile east of Xiiomi Cotton Mills. A. N. Routh. Randleman, R, F. L. No. 2. Special Low Rales Via Southern Railway Accouat tf Stale and Coanty Fairs. t'oasrm en sty fair, Winston-Salem, X (', Oct 3-Sth. Tickets on sale Oct 2nd, 3rd, 4th and mormon trains of 5th with final limit Uct VUi, Iroui all points witlim nulius ot 1UU miles ox Vt niHton-oaiem, incluiJina 1U1 eigh, on liasis of one first class fare plus 50 lor one admission into rairurounus. Mini mum rate including admission 8 100) cKSTKAL ( iBiil.lNj t'i, ureensiwro, I., Uct. 10-13th. Hound trip tickets will be sold to Greensboro front all points within a fare, plus fit) eonts for one admission into Fair Urotratls (minimum rate invludinif ad mission (100) Tickets on sale (Jet Dili, 10th. 11th, and l.th and lor moruinff trains of 13th with linal limit Oct llith. NlMITH CASIHJN STATE WMK, Ituleillll, N C, Oct 10-21st. Tickets will be sold from all points iu the State of North Carolina, includ ing Norfolk, Hicbmond and Danville, Va, on Wis of one lirst class fare plus 54) cents, which includes one admission to Fair Grounds. Minimum rate int'ludinff admission 100. Tickets on sale Uct 1'ttli to 20th inclusive and for trains arrivinu at Haleiuh before noon of 21st, with final limit Uct 23rd. .MEL'M.KMIL KU r AIn, Charlotte, a r, Oct 21th-27th. Tickets will he sold to Char lotte, X C, and return from points within a radius of 100 miles, including Uroenville and Columbia, S C, on Imsis of one first class fare plus 50 cents for oue admission into rair I i rounds. Minimum rate including admission 100. Tickets on sale Oct 22rd to 27th in elusive with final limit Oct 3oth. For fnrther information call on any Agent of Mmithera llnilway or write. W H Tayloe, OPA 11 h Vernon, T P A. v ashington, U l. lliariotte, n u. Parks Cress Rssdt Htm. .V good many people in this community are having chills and fever. The eiiuiuoxiol rain nas mica lo come so fur. Ilain is very much needed. Mr H I. Green of Coleridge township died suddeutly on the 25th of September with Heart trouble, ne ate a nearly urea nasi went out and worked awhile and came in and died before nine o'clock. He leaves a wife and four children. Mr I W i'arks' saw mill and gnat null was burned on tbe 2Tith of Septeinlwr. The loss was about $500 or more. No Insurance. Tbe cotton (fin buildings nesi were saved and air rarss wui soon is- uiumiuf osiun. Mr F Teague of Moffit Is will lie a citiatn of our community soon. sir II i orajr ol oraysvuie nas oougm tin C H Dorsett place and expects to put up a big stock of goods there soon. Tbe Supreme Court refuse motion for new trial of Thomas W Dewey tbe defaulting cashier of the mer chants and Farmers Bank of New bein. lie will have to serve hie sentence of six years iu tbe State penitential;. ADMIMbTBATOR-S notice. Having qualtned as admlnMmMrof A H alien deceased this l to notify all pprann to present an and all claim tn tne urk'rwirost on or be fore we ii oav m wpwmw i tw utn mhiw wUl St pleaded l barei their recovery. ol A U ALLIEN.' EXici'Toa s NOT1CK. sj.ivmff qaaliAed aa an eaeeutnr of tlsj last will and tralaiaent o( M L rsisw deceased. All nersMia having claims smUnst smkt esute, are axitlnert to Sle tnent wtta tbe undersigned on or bcUv the aljtth day at '! I COS, or this nutlet will trt pleaded Iu Bar e their recovery. U A Albrtfht, kaeeuur. This Sept, MSA. AUMINESTKATUM KOT1CC. Having quattftsw aa Administrator on thcestate of Alls-rt D Umnard, dennurd. beiun W I, Uam tnsid tierk ol the wipsrtor omirt ol aadoll ,ml,. N C. this Is to autllr all nenaua halua elalma aaalast said estate to tsussnt tliem to the This anrietw will wrrrr rrk a fool undbned,dai7 Mnned. on " brtnre the 1st . ... ""rrgw a liM , Nov, ,M. a, ua anstrv will u pleaded OOlU IB norm Carolina. lor inenriS mtmtMumrmnrj, aaaau panons ewim of this State will do. pay flnet for Z&ZXXILZT doing that which .. not prohibited nktA4v tM,t' by tbe law for aa Brancrof t said, ' th are tbe freeat of tb free and hands -W.n..l t a.ujw. k.i brook no restraint."- News at Ot- immt & Mff Cn. U.imia uh UuulHia mmrr Cast ssuuai.boiuiea frota Wa. Ray Edmundson Has refitted and refurnished his BARBER SHOP and now has one of the nicest. cleanest and best fitted shops in the county. (Opposite Wood & THE CAROLIN LCflOK STOVE Moring's.) DR. W. P. REAVES New McAdo Building. Greensboro, N. C, l'rurtirt' liniiteil to Iisi;iliw ami Sinpry of tlit? V.yr. Kar, Now iiml Throul. H.iuih I .ID to p. in. At iligli Point Otlice over Ring's Druy Storo, Slondav, WfdncKtlav and Kritlav. Honrs 7::'i0to J 1 :.'! n in. Guaranteed to give Entire Satisfaction in every way. Tliiu Mtove Iihh uvery niotleru improve nient iiirhuling extent ion top Hltelf, h'hv rtlielf, kicker, nickle towel rrn, nickel knolw, ornu mental Iwhc. Kverj stove nicely poli-th-tuj. If your niercfcant ttoeH not hcII tlit'HC stove, write iih ami we fill quote npecially low priced delivered nt vour railroad w tat ion. Everv Btovo miarnnteed. Mamifui'turetl by N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C W. D. STEDMAN CO. g. t. glasoook & sons, Heavy nd Fancy Groceries. ureenBDoro, n. v. Fur sale l.y lwis W indow l,lw Co., Depot St. West Side limlroad. Awlielioro. X. C. We Sell the Earth! oooooooooooooooooo If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot. prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield & Laughlin. Real Estate Dealers. I"' we Can interest you in a Heating Stove? We have a full line of seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing in that line. uuns, Amumuon ana sporting uooas 01 au Kinas. Barbour, Virginia and High Point Bnggies. Lewis & Wlnslow Hardware Company. .J DO YOU KNOW that you can get at the Peoples House Furnishing Company, In High Point N C The finest Inlaid Mahog&ny Blrd'a Eye Maple Furniture) to he had any where tliis sule of llie large cities. I'HIS V CLOSE'l'd, nil tr ! and prices. Full Line of Haviland's China and Beautiful Figure in Cut Class. Oaly an lusir or twu ritle lo Hili Toint nail it will mv ton It'iifuhl Ui in epeot tbe iinuicHsr array of guods in our 4 big atari. A ti tul order is a new I'listoiiier; cieis? to see us. People' House Furnishing Company, High Point N. C. I Take The Courier and Get the News. pi " 1 1 High Art Clothing! We have just received 50 suits of Summer Clothing at from $8.00 to $18.00 per Buit. Great values. Nice line White and Fancy Vests, Straw Hats, ollars. Ties, Furnishings, Etc., cheap. The prettiest line of Low-quartered Tan Shoes ever displayed in Asheboro. Be sure to see them. Very truly yours, WOOD & MOKING. New Goods Arriving On Every Train. DONT MISS SEEING HEADQUARTERS. We have purchased an immense amount of goods and our stock is fast assuming the appearance of a full and complete fall stock. A few of our recent arrivals: 52 in. Cravanette for Coat Suits and Rain Coats $1.25 per yard. 38 in Plaid Suitings for girls school dresses SOcts per yard. 52 in. Broadcloth, all colors, $1.00 per yard. New colored Plaids for waists, 25cts per yard. New 27 in. Silk for Shirt Waist Suits, 75c. to $1.00 per yard. 36 in. Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, $1.00 per yard. New line Flannelettes for Kimonas and dressing Sacques just the thing for these cold mornings. We carry the celebrated John B. Stetson Hats. Morris-Scarboro-liloffltt Co. Telephone No. 7. Free Delivery. Ayerk Pills Ayer's Pills. Ayer'a Pills. Ayer's Pills. Keep saying this over and over stain. The best laxative. Want ywir moustache or beard a beautiful brown er rich black ? Use ,!'S DYE ran cat. ar aavyaanseaa.r.aiaaea.usaat,a.Bk Dress and Waist Goods! Let us tell you something. We are receiving a nice line of Dress and Waist Goods for Summer, Fall and Win ter wear. These goods were bought before the advance in prices bought right and will sell them right. " Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, Elkin Home made Shoes. Shoes, all styles and prices. We carry a full line of No tions. We have some odds and ends in Shoes will sell cheap. Special bargains in different lines. Come in and we will save you money on your purchases. Ridge, Fox & Company. Oapt. J.W. Fry, Pres. R. R. King, Vioe. Prea. j E. Caldwell, Jr., Secy. f The Greensboro Life Insurance ! Company. Organized 1905. (Legal Reserve) $100,000 Paid Capital. S25,G0O Surplus. Writes all ordinary foi m of policy contracts. l , policy is registered and securvd by Tress. Dept of State, i!"N Pw nt ana Asiiw)ro. Taka to Substitute. One Dollar Per Year in Advance.

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