The Asheboro Con ier PRICE ONE DOLL Alt A YEAli Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. Senator TilJinin isf having tin fight of his life in support f the South Carolina n 'jK'iisoi-. T!i. preachers, prolulntioninM, w hit-key men and blind tigers are all against him. The Senator's friends s'.rr braking on bun to win. Gov. Glenn states that huobserud iu uia tctcni luur ui me iew Eng land States that prohibitory luws are not a failure, but a success. He states that in a city in Maine ami ether cities visited, young- men are growing to mauhood in dry towns without forming the hubit of drink ing. Mr G F Cochran of Hickory N. C. has accepted a position with the Lex ington Dispatch wheie hu well do news work and wrt special indus trial articles for that paper. M r Coch ran is author of the "Dooley" letters recntly published in the News and Obarver and is a young man pos easing fine newspaper tuleut. Asheboro should have another fac tory, and should have it at once, it means money to those who have lum ber to sell and it means employment lor good men in the town. The Ash boro.ElecCo. will undertake to fur nish power for any number of facto ries that may be established. Millions of feot of lumber are shipped from Asheboro every year. Ose saw mill man in this comity manufactured and sold two million feetcf lnmber last year, and nearly all of it was shipped from the coun ty. The low price of land, cheap f u low house rent and many other ad vantages favor towns in tins section as manufacturing centers. Governor Glenn recently made an address before the meeting of ihv Woman g Christian Temperance Lnion at the Presbyterian Church at Raleigh and declared for prohi bitioa, straight ont, and say a he wants the people of the State to vote on prohibition. The Governor savs he will actually support prohibition and if requested will stump the State. Hon. H. I?. Varner, editor of the Davidsn Dispatch and State Labot Commissioner, has recently returned from San Francisco, where he attend ed the annual convention of commis sioners of labor statistics. Mr. Var ner as first vice president f the as sociation acted as president during its sessions in the absence of the president, Hon. Carroll I). Wright. Randleman chair factory with Messrs Ferd Ingold and John I!. Ferree as managers is starting off well, lhey are making a high grade of chairs, as good a quality and as fine a chair as is made in the State. With the good timber we have in this section it is well to make it in to a better grade of goods, and later work the inferior grade of timber into cheaper goods. A reliable and trustworthy person informed as last week that the reduc tion in expense of conducting the Enternal Hevinne Department in the western district of Noith Carolina since the indictment of Revenue officers for extortion iu office will more than pay all the ei peaces of tbs Government in its effort to ferret ont the crookedness. We are glad to note that Mr R F Beasley editor of the Monroe Jour nal has declined the editorship of Verginia Pilot of Norrfolk, it is said that the editorship has been offered to If r J C Cordell. We sincerely hope both of these gentlemen will remain in the newspaper business in this state. Every now and then we sec notices showing clearly that our bome mer chants sell goods cheaper than they art told in towns outside of county. Recently a lady showed us ampls of goods which the bad re- oared from a large firm in another county in the state. Withont letting 4lia liAma fnrfcnl IrnAV tk9 it mh "ftrted oat to ascertain the price of Si foods ia Asheboro, the first store iht blared sh found the same goods pricd one dollar per yard, the mer chant living in -another town had 4 noted her the price, am dollar and half per yard. Oar people should do their shopping at homo, hone tMrcuAots eaa tell yon goods cheap r thai the Ttar oity toerohanta, IV !) krrU that Dr Seth Ar- ;;!Js tlain is the beat known F w'T f'-'r all Bowel Complaints, A 1 by fc..uJrd Drug Co. Be Sure to Use Only Cream ot Tartar Baking Powder Food made with alum baking powder carries alum to the stomach unchanged. Scientists have positively demonstrated this and that such food is partly indi gestible and unhealthful. NEWS ITEMS. High Point is to get an up-to-date passenger station. The lndustial News says that Dr. J K Stockard, who has been station ed at T'ort Ri'verie, Hull, Massnchn tisetts, is at home for two weeks with his family. 1! Williams was convicted of man slaughter in Davie county last week fr killing Louis Laird, Jautiarv HMh last, and sentenced to Randolph roads for three years. The defend ant appealed. Both were dtimk at time of Killing. One of the most remarkable chat ters issued iu some time by the see Man of suite was that today to the Healing Springs Company, of Thom asville. The authorized capital is $50,01 m but the amount subscribed is only iW. The fee for the issu ance of th charter was vS. The me rporators are C K Finch, M L Jones and T ,1 Finch. Raleigh cor. Greensboro Telegram. Messrs J B Vuncannon and F W Vuiu'.inon, of West End, were in Curthnsre Monday aud stated they expect to put up planing mills at Nest hiul. r.x-Mieritt r. C Lassi ter, who now resides at Greensboro, but operates a lumber business near Carl'onton, was in Carthage 1 hurs- dav. He thinks Greensboro is to be a second Atlauta. Carthage blade. The Eagle Burned. (I:: Tuesday Night of this week the Kairle Furniture r'aetoivat High Point as liuriied. Loss 'i5,00O, covered by insurance. The origin of the lire was in a dry kiln. The lo-s -o to the plant includes machinery room, engine room, dry kiln, a large amount of lumber and oi her property, and a conservative e-tiiuate place- it at jfW.OOO. with insurance. The tinihiiiir room with a large part of manufactured product, to- geilicr wit u t lie ottiee, wa saved. The .-ample room was badly dam aged by tire and water. The company is capitalized at Ouo, and Mr J H Millis.of thiajilace, is the largest stockholder. The olliccrs are: K A Snow, pres ident: F M I'ii kett, vice-president, aud Charles Ra-'an, secretary and treasurer. Randleman News. Revival services began Sunday at St Pauls" M E church. Rev vV M Hagby, of High Point, is assisting the p:i.-tor. Rev K P Green. Mr Baifbv is an earnest worker and he hopes to revive the spirit of piety in our community. At the Haptist church l!ev W H Filer has just closed a series of meetings which lasted a period of marly a week. RcvhaN are also in progress this week at the Christian church and and Mt Lebanon M P church. The annex which is being added to the south side of the Central Ho tel is quite an improvement. The addition consists of live or six rooms. Mr 15 H Ferguson will have his millinery opening Oct. 11th and 12th. Mr Ferguson returned last week from Philadelphia where he purchased a full line of the latest styles in fall and winter millinery. Mrs John R Ferree aud Miss Mary Ferree peiit Monday in High Point. Mr and Mrs W A Underwood visited relatives in Asheboro Sun lav. . Mr Sebert, of Lexington, was in town for several days last week looking over the grounds for light ing our town by electricity. Unite a number of our citizens are attending the Greensboro fair this week. Mrs Harris and Mrs Underwood attended Miss Ballinger's millinery opening at Asheboro Saturday. Mr t A Wiles, of Greensboro, was hre Fndav on business. Mrs Cobb, of the graded, school faculty, visited friends in Asheboro Sunday. Mr J II Cole nade a business trip to Greensboro ihursday. A JodkioM faKjttlry. A well known traveling man who visits the drug trade says be has of ten hoard druggist inquire of cus tomers who asked for a coogn medi cine, whether it was wanted for a child or an adult, and if for a child they almost invariably reccommend ed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it, and that it always cares. There is not the least danger in (riytDcr it. and for -onghs, colds and croup it is DBimrpassed. f or sale by blandaru Urn g Co., xsbeboro a V and Ashe boro Drug Co., Asheboro, N "0 and W A Underwood, Kandlemaa N C. It makes mo differeooe bow Umg yon have bera eick, if fos are troahld with indigestion, constipation, hrer and kidney tronblea, HoUister's lUtc.ij iiouuunn left will make you well, 3t oeot. Afheboro luCo, GUILFORD CO NEWS. YcsUrday Lum St-tl.-y, of Julian, was convicted of illicit distilling, lie will be sentenced to-dav. Prof. W. W. lavidson, of Gibsonville, left Monday for Shelby, where lie will have charge of the public schools the ccni'iig ye:o Ernest Causey, of High Point, who ;n re cently i 1 e a s e d f r o m the couniy to.ivitt force because of ill health is iu jail again, this time for stealing a jug of wiskey from a man who hail come hero to intend Federal court. The Dixie '-'hair Company, of Trinity, will establish a branch nt which will turn out, chair stock in the rough. Mr. W. 11. Ragan, of High Point, principal owner and manager ut' the company, says one or two additional branches will be established in the near future. Mr. K T. iSliule1, of the Muir's chapel neighborhood, died suddenly last Sunday morning, lie ate his breakfast as usual uinl died at o'clock. The funeral took dace Monday afternoon at MuirV chapel. Mr." Shuler was over three score aud ten. Ho was a Confedei ato veteran, an honest, upright citi zen and a good neighbor. For many years he was a familiar figure in the Green boro Federal court, where he served as an oiVicer. The residence of Mr. I 1. Ayde lette, eleven miles northea-t of the city, was entered by burglars last Sunday while the family were at church. The house was ransacked from top to bottom. Sixty-live dol lais in cash, two pairs of shoes and several small articles were taken. Mr. 1. C. Aldridge, of Ilit'll Point, was here Monday and purchased a nice vacant let on Ashebmo Si, near the end of the car line. He says the High Point people are investing freely in 'suburban" property ol late," aud as he considers the Gate City a little more promising than Mechanicsville, lie put his money here Mr. J. T. Priidon. who live? on West Gaston street, had a buggy demolished and a horse injured by the collapse of a small biidge on the Guilford College road Saturday evening as he was returning from his farm, the old McAdoo place, west of town. The condition of the small bridges along this road has caused numerous complaints of late and they should be attended to by the proper authoritiis before they furnish a basis for a h.-avy dam-ige suit. Mr. John Prudshaw has goiu1 to Staunton, Va., 'o enter the milita ry academy at that place. lr. J. T. Kieves has" traded his residence ami store property on Asheboro street to Mr. S. S. Krown for the old Joslina Lindley nursery place of 11. "i acres west of town, lie will continue to live on Asheboro street, however. Greensboro Patriot. To Manufacture Organs. High Point continue- to build factories. The laloH i-nterpi ise of that enterprising town is an organ factory. The capital stock is in be tweniv-live thousind doll .ti. Good Roailt the Topic. Mr.Chas. Ross, of Asheboro, was here Saturday. He tells the Fntci prise that the all absorbing ijiics tion in Randolph now is "good roads." Randolph is one of the richest counties in the state and the only draw back it has now are her bad roads. Kuterptise. Gamblers With the Show. The Lotiisburg Times says there were several "skin" games going on in the side shows which exhibited in Lotiisburg seine ten days ago in connection with the an Amour Show, and that the people got "skunt." The officers of Louirhur like many other officers nhetii show is around, were not informed as to the games. We publish this item of news to say that under the law the peoi who play these games are enuallv guilty with those who engineer the games. Autumn Fruits. Secretary T K Btuncr, of the State 3oard of Agriculture, is urging the fruit growers of this state 10 grow autumn fruits, sine the east ern part of the state has made such successful and remunerative forward strides in the growing of early fruit berries peaches ami grapes, in conversation with secretary Uniner yesterday he said: "The upper I'eiilmont country with tew excep tions seem to have allowed its oppor tunities to lag. The late peach crop is as important anil as remun erative as the early peach crop, For instance lust now in this city Octo ber peaches are offered at tiftv and sixty cents a gallon basket, $4.00 to $4.60 a bnshel, and the demand can not be supplied. These beautiful oeaches are grown near Lynchburg ia Virginia, iu nurm vuronna ine counties of Stokes, Forsyth, Surry, xadkin, V lines, Iredell, Alexander, Catawba, Caldwell, Burke, McDow ell. Henderson. Polk, Rutherford, Cleveland. Lincoln and Gaston are all admirably suited to the produc tion of September and October peaches of the hightfst type. These late peaches are ased not only for the table, but for canning, perserv ing and pickling, and there is a great demand tot them. This re gion is also the home of the Mag num Bon nm apple, Buckingham and other excellent autumn fruits, to say nothing of grapes. Every fanner in that regioa should put oat four or five acres in peaches which will be sure to bring him good money. It is an opportunity which should not be missed, and soch varieties of peaches) as the Fi ber ta, stonewall Jacksoo, Ubiuese Cling, Eatons Gold, and the San son's October and ether good varie- bp should be set for this purpose. .news ana voserver. The News ft Observer left oat Randolph and the bill seotion of Dan d ton which are as well adapted rt any t-wtion bamed. County Correspondence. MjMh Ncv:. ..I of IV,. n Snttinlio nn.l Si .1 HPT i heir Mi J K I'nrU in n r. !.:-. I I I ' .f Vi,., l.a0 trvr mill i . !. .1: rv rnnntv. ivock . Ramieur Item. -i II M m S ot Hi; Mr :uv viiti!u Mi-5 il roving M--r Il.! nn.l lMim-i niil lii'.ii m. iiw n: ihc C I ' Y;r. UVv C A W H ii enniliirtinii i i ie- of mcctinc in ' M E elmreli thi wcok. A iH .i.mfnl l,..t,ir Mo.Min .""i' s .kii7,-J at ili r.-i l.-n.- ..f Mr nn.l Mr Harris Mnr Ipv en tin- ovoiiinn of tl:n 4ih inl, hIh-h- Mr S'l.nnnn A Cnvr:. of linrnaliom nr.. I Mi.k A. 1.i M nlev wr nile.l iu U holy lies of w.'ilkrk. I!i' I' A Wood jfrrnnniiin ihi- rrr iMiiom . The uMiii.ilaniH wrre Mr .1 1 l.:mi U ri .iu.l Mi,h P 1 hVrree.MrVminivbnli-v .iii.l Mi- N.iii;.i Krrnw awl Mr.Klni r.,rks ..,,.1 Mi-s Miiiuk. l h. mas. May lli. n lov I-I I Ii-.l i,...liierau -col ilrcmn . i'tfmtiuf Ik.i re all llio p. In I'orii -ll.le1 itl;;H Mr ami Mm M I. I iv, of .Uheboro, aiien.l r. c-rn shnHinp at ir Tha-M-MW Nuinan'i la-t fin'lm- niclil. Mr nn.l .ii-fiaMklin Auiiaa uiv ImIi iu feol.ia!i. Mis Ora Vtim-aniMn lia I lli inisforlnno lo rut her foot lat wrok. Mr W .1 l.llin vi-iinl n.u Ij.-jiirr Sim .l.iv .in. Vl.n lav. Mr Ai gn laeh. of Star. viilp. Mr 1 rilav ii Ma in lav. MrTh.. I Mn A I 'ox la-i F'T all KinJs of Pili-s. To draw the liie out of a burn, li. at a cut without leaving a scar, or to cuie liuiis, soiw, letter, eczema all sk;n and Seaip diseases, use DcWitts Witch Hazel Salve. A spccilie for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding pile . Stops the piin instantly and cures permanent-, ty. Get the genuine. Sold by Siand.ud Drug Co., J T Underwood ... Frank insville Items. Mr. .1. K. l'i,-ii I...- nuno ; fai.iilv f,..m il..- rn.r i.-i.len.-e ol H. It. Hr.-u-l...:.. AviitiP- l.i liie It.n .. ioi.Ioh,-,-M.i.ley M. Mr. an-1 Mi- I I . I 'euiiss-juMit .iiurriai ni;i! a-..l Sun lav villi their Aunt. Mrs. Mar'v iv iat Sun. lav -'.!nr Kail-, i.-li.-.l two very llipli-t elmivh r. ll. -in i; -fiuh i .v m..rni..c if ,.l a liui.i :- -amla vnl In- .niiilv fivin .-miTiC'l la-l w -!lP h.M Un V raWl I'l.-koin r. Mr Thai -.Uii live i.ear- the W. Allied l.a r l in for l i. .till l.'enll.Il.-J I Moor, i- o i r.-lleo.l ..m i !.l i'Mptl Mnfs 11 h w wevks -l.-k lint ll.i- l of Tmv, ha- Ikvh l.i III on. I- iu i lir cirv for h S. n. ,.f ihe n-..-m!i-. t U.nU IU atieral ...I .-, v.i- m,:-.l.g of Mari-aa l.oo, at Sauir.iay The fourth .iiartr-rly c-inf. rfnoe of Ihr M. K. I'imr.-h han U.-n ehat.-.-l from Iri.l.iy liii:lit. a wh sl .lt-1 in T v:i ;mt i.Upt to M -it: lay i.iht. Kvory 1 vly ia invn ,1 to aitra.l. Mr. l f. Uass"ll an.l Mi- I'aiini llnio spent Similar it!i .Mi. ml .Vrs. Tom York on fro. k. I'l-of. 1. M UVathorlya m-WI will ii(- a play m-x: -a: nnlay n irlit at the AoaUeniy niiiiitl V.uloy Kami. This will be vrry i:iti.ii-:ii n:;. in-tniotive plar is suro to pVa- ail. b-.rrv lilv is inn'Al. TSi l iai.kliii-viil,. nnl l!.,a.lolph cottcn m,li s!o.v Vo,lr.i-lay for tho fare ai' r.. -evoral of th 0vrntivi.--jvilt thf .lav at I . rof.riilhiro. T a- I ranklii.-Mllo k.-IiooI ion- n.l Rata Si ur Iti; . .0 oil l.als at I'au'.-rtir Sntur-l..y ever.ii- al.'l h- nnal til Kranl ai'viUr !.! won: tho soor- i-inu !' I" H Mi--l'allf vVritfht. Urn Cx :..! I, a A. Klli-rii loft f-r CrivnsKiro'i'iicilay nl,r thpy will -ia.l -.:n time With Irirails to vii - r-. J. A. MrKhnon an J VT. II. Tip vo ojcno.l a meat markot on It. it. -ar t: po-l ellit-e. I'lioire lf, freli r.-t 1., li-h .iD-l ruosi ail kin.U of frosh meata can 1 prooiirt'd nn-1 tlipue rlever BntUmfn trill lie plt'no. to wnit on re any lima. Mr. S. M. Duie. of High Toinf, i in lown this week. r. IJtli. IF WE C0I10 ONLY KN0J1 Stomach Trouble and Nervomncs Cared. I-our years ago -ny general health gave way. 1 was affected with a distressing stomach trouble, and could not touch solid food of any kind. For one year I would vomit everything 1 would swallow, even down to medicine and water. My stomach would not retain a thing No one can know what 1 suffered from weakness, dizziness shortness of breath and nervousness. I often felt like it wonld be so much better if could I die and get out of my Buf feting. Off and on I was under doc tors' featment for three years, and I can only say that doctors medi cine did me no good. Then some goad fate put one of Mrs Person's pamphlets in my nanas, and 1 read where so many had been cured that were as bad off as I was. I rot uie a bottle of the Kerned y. aud from the very first dose I took I knew I had struck the right thing. It was the first medicine 1 ever took that the first done me good. For the tint time in a long time, I was not nanseatcd after taking it. I conun aid i'-, and continued to improve until l took thirteen bottles, and it made a perfect enre of me. It has been a year since I wm cared, and I know I am well. I recommend it to everyone who baa stomach trou ble, and to all who have r ben ma- tism, 'as it enred my brother of rheumatism. He tried to get me to take it long beforo I did, but I thought, became it will Cure rheu matism was no reason it would care stomach trouble. I bad no faith if1 anything; ft was as a last resort I tried it. ilow much suffering It would have saved tne bad I tried it this years before! (MISS)EEBKCCA.TROLLIS- I GEM. Kswtoo, N.Clvov. 11. IOCS' If You Continually K'hawk and Spit and There Is a Constant Dripping From the Nose Into the Throat, If You Have Foul, Sickening Breath, That Is Catarrh. CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B. B. B. ).o..j pilljlS Hi' ih I 111 tl;-l fowl; ithecvrsT a cll la lh- ri J OU lonln'X I'attirrh lit n..( onld, lij In liil-m-r-.', In,:: tuoinyei sonlnii iiowor. kll'J t::;i' Ition 'rty. of appetl'e, Imllii Ma-la, lav,- loeemrnl ilel lllty.i'lloev an.l liini.' lure it I.- (B.n ii v, Hntn-iie lllooil Unlm .ih utteutlon ro on-o mil k, th totbeenilru During the Autumn and Winter months when aud'den changes take place in the weather, and the constitution ia exposed to chilling blasts which force their way through the pores freezing the blood, Nasal Catarrh is a disease of frequent occurrence, often presenting the most distressing features. Payne's New Discovery cures this ailment in its most advanced stages. Hear Whxt N.miU'alatrli months nso I m ami tivt'iit' - PAYNE'S New Discovery, $1.00 & bottle, throe, S2 50. PAYNE'S Quick Relief. 25ct3. a bottle. PAYNE'S Medicated 5onp, 10 cla Where uvjuio no -('t-i ial njielil, ne will aeml the iiie, i'lliii!ea prepaiJ, on reotfiul of prioi. THE QUAKER HERR CO., CINCINNATI, 0. 5oicl by Asheboro Drug Co., V. A. Underwood, Randleman. Ramseur Store Co., The Store that Sells More Goods Than Any Other in the County. Our Mes.-rs. Watkins and Carter have recently returned from the Northern Markets where they purchased the largi st, best selected stock we have ever carried. Our I 'all and Winter display of both foreign and domestic fab- rics are "Strictly in style" and at popular prices. .Japanese Taffetas and Peau de Soie Silks 36 inches wide at "idots to $1.23 per yard. Prunellas, Henriettas, Covert Cloths -rain proof, Broad Cloth all colors, Serges, Alba tross, Mohair, Venetians, Voiles, Etc. LADIES' JACKETS AND RAIN COATS We have the largest line of Indies' Jackets and Rain Coats, all lengths, we have ever carried $3.50 to $15.00. They are beauties. Call and see them. Our Millinery Department is in charge of Miss Ora May Cox, an accomplished young lady and an up-to-date Milli ner from High Point-, who will take pleasure in showing - you the latest styles in Children's, Misses' and Ladies' Hats. We carry a large line of men's and boys' Clothing, Un derwear, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Collars and Ties.. We sell the Kirschbaum & Meyer Hoisfoi (LOTHE -jirc fetter. We can sell you the best suit of clothes you ever bought for the price. Suits for $5.00 to f 18.00 very latest styles. -WONINAWALK SHOES" for men. exclusively because of their excellent style, easy fitting and superior wearing qualities, 3.50 and $4.00. Autograph, Southern Girl and Southland Belle Shoes for the ladies are the best to be had for the price, $2 50, $2.00 and $1.50. "V I Young men if you want to be in style get a louble-b roast ed Black Suit and Woniaawalk Shoes and then watch the ladies smile, etc - - Yon will be politely waited upon by H. B. Carter, Chas. B. Smith, Jas. I. Lambert, Walter F. Smith, Vaughn C. Marley, Cecil E. Macon, A. H. Foster, Misses Pearle Fer ree ana Ora May Cox and in stress of business W. H. Watkins and 1. F. Craven. We intend that our customers shall fare as well as anybody's customers. rm;cng mpmhrnno, unci H.B.B, aendaarloh, tir.Kllnr lloolot warm. rich, pureblooddlraot totho mrnlytiHl uorvv, iituoua membrane aivinff warmth and it lliuordod, and in this .Ina a iieifoc:, lasting cure ui cnturrh ia ail 1(9 form. DEAFNESS Una firs rr..loally;rrowln(tdaaforarenl r.-aiv ro :f or haiU of a. arlnc, try Hotanta B ). Mont forma ot deaf no: ii .r . -in lul iloalnena aro onued by cn tarr'.i. r. I In rurltm catarrh by B. B. B. ilioe i:( men and women hava bad tlo i.-.-.--rrTooTMplet. ly r.-arort J. liotnni ' l-.lood Ii.ilm( pleaaant nml mtc t t take. Thomirhly elert for :!0 ven. toii"oei.l at Vnre Ilotmilo In- I i-reri'n. Hn-iiclh. in yt rail Moinarha, rurca o:ia. l'lce-FM per larm, oor- tl. Tn': ,n rtlteeted. If not enreit when .1.1 1. In a IT ftrltlua- blood Oalm a, menrT rernnded. Co.. Atlanta, l.'.-o1hr roar troauie, mritiuHl advlee to Bull und tp juur l.u tent In eralt-d letter. a- New Discovery Others Say. ami tlivieml Ivl.ilily lo the comliiinn ioto'1 TAVKK'S NYw I'isonverv, t ne 'Si - ven p inn. Is have Ix'en n.l.loil in tnv 1!. V. TAVI.nlt, llirknry, N. C ' : AMWMMsaaamsse and Reinhard Clothing: ore bo. (fr 1 rr we Can interest you in a Heating Stove? We have a full line of seasonable Hardware. I Wo have just roceived a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing iu that line. I Guns, Amunition and Sporting Goods of all kinds. I Barbour, Virginia and High Point Bnggies. I mule S. Vf r n ln. .. la L'ovms vu T-iii3i"w naruware wunifjmir. - g cwiaBBai SBsnoBsanrz shmb w sbhbsbmbbsV Winter Wear fur Men Women and ; Children. Fine Shoes, Good Shoos, Long Wear Shoe. - a me uiotnes, u-ooa uiotnes, uiotnes that . wear well. Dress Goods of the Latest Styles. Everything for every body at W. J. Miller's Store. ock Hill Rock Hill Buggies are a little higher in price but are bet ter. You can get your money's worth in a ROOK HILL when sometimes'you cannot get your money's worth in some other make. THE hOOK HILL BUGGY COMPANY is situated near by, therefore, patronize Southern enterprises. We have a fine lot of them on hand and will bo glad for you to call to see us. McCrQa.ry Redding Company. Horses and Mules. McDowell Brothers. Asheboro. N. C. We Sell the Earth! eocooooooooooooooe If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, nriMi and tfrmn. Ofnce in Bank B'ld'ff. ' - Armfield Laughlirie Real Catsvte- Detxlera. t Life is Worth the Living X if you fit up your house v from our complete stook 6f -. . House Furnishings, j In our Hardware Department is found Stores, 4. Raages"Heatrs, Stove-Piping and Mats, Cooking I Utensils and all other necessary adjuncts-. v . In our two large Furniture Stores are- shown 3 everything from an Uifact to the massive ' 'sideboard or suite of furniture. - a In our fourth store or Department is found and complete lines sees Aa ar) aqnir ikat plfaaw lh ty A aoil ol luirolare that i a jay ftwarar, I , Aa ai-M-dt twaga that nlna cooiinj a pW 'Phone or call we are at all times awaiting your command. ' . ' ii People's House Furnishing Company, J ... ' V!'h Point, N. C. . 1 .JatS Shte Buggies. McDowell Bros have at their Stables the best Oar of Hapcac in I M iliac IIUIOVJ UIIU IflUiVO ever brought to Asheboro at this season.! The mules are all extra good size and good ages. The horses are all good equali ty and fine drivers. Before buying see the China and vw vwass (we of the most beautiful any where.

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