OCOXJ T5he COURIER TBhe COURIER Advertising Column Bring Results. I I Leads in Both News and Circulation. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year, VOL. xxx: ASHEBORO, N. C,.,nit'RSDAY, DEC. 7, 1905. No 49 I U IS H lf-4 m . H m-d 11 El H- Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many years ll has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion nd dyspepsia, but the truth Is exactly tha opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re peated attacks of Indigestion Inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of tho stomach, thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of tha Juices of natural digestion. This la called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kedol Dyspepsia Gyre nllevea all Inflammation of tha mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects tha starves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, sense of fullness after eating, Indigestion, idyspepala and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What You Eat Make th Stomach Sweet. tSetUss only. Rarular the, J I 00, holdlnt 2 time the trial sU. which sells (or 80 centl. .prepared bj E. O. DsWITT CO. , Ohlcasjo, IN. Ask fur the 1905 Kodol Almanac .and 200 vear Calendar. Standard Drug Company, ""Asheboro Drug Company. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N. C. umce over spoon & KcudingB store near Standard Drug Co. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, . Asheboro, N. O. dentistry in lta various brandies. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. Often big professional service to the CltlKOa of 'Aheborontid surrounding ormxaunlty. Oflfccn: At Raridcuce V. HUNTER, M. D., Asheboro, N. C. Day calls answered from cither Drug Store. Night calls from residence in front of Bunk Fox's residence. DR. F. A. HENLEY, ASHEBORO, N. C. Nitrous Oxi aud Oxygen for naiuless Ex traetiona Offices First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. A C MCALI8TER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. The best companies represented. Offices over the Bank of Randolph. S Bryant, President J. I.Cole. Caskier T5he Btvnk of Randlerrvsvn, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Surplus, $200. Account received n favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. . Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S O Newlin, W T Bryant, O L Lindsay, N N Newlin, 8 Bryant, H O Barker and J II Cole. OaOOX.'ViwMcni. W J ARMFIKM), V-Free W J ARM FIELD, Jr., rubier. The Bank of Bandolph, Aailie'teoro, IT. C. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 we solicit the bunlnew ui tlie banting pudiic sua In Hle In saying we we prcrnrwl end wining to extend to our iiintmm-rx every facility andao soamodatlon cousbiteut with snle bsukuig. .. DIRECTOR-Si Hugh Farts, Sr., W J Amneld.W P Wood, P B Morris, C C ikcVlUwr, K M Armfleld. o RCox. W r Reading, ft-nt lioffltt, Thm J Krddlng, A W KCepeUAM Reukln, Thus U Bedding, Dr F B Asbury, C J Cox. My Work Pleases! When you wish an easy shave As good as hurber ever gave, V Inst call on me at my saloon. At morning, eve or noon, out and drese the hair with graces To suit the contour of the face, liy room is neat and towel clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen. And everything I think you'll find. To suit the face and please the mind, And all iy art and skill ran Ho, II job just call I'll do for you. TOM CARTER. Next door to PostofSce. Asheboro Hotel Main Street (Near Court House.) Thoroughly renovated and Refurnished Tabk supplied with the best the market gords. Bales Reasonable, 0. NEW BY, Pfop, PH LADELPHlA. poly 1, whs, adopte.l the Decimation of Independence, which .. u. . . I declared "that these United Onlimiois, Capt Hoover Writes of the tar- are, Bnd of n-rht, mht u, i,c fr.-e ly History of Pennsylvania ', nd independent states." How the and Philadelphia. Its Com-j ",11',-!"! XVr'liSru merce and Manufactures.! glow, ad the big i.-ii in the mm-i- He Visits the Big City Hall, Independence Hall and Tells About the Liberty Bell. The "City of Brotherly Love," or the Quaker City, whs founded in 1682, by William Penn, hs tbe capi tal of bis province of Pennsylvania, and was with brief exception, the seat of the U 3 Government, from 1774 until 1800. Philadelphia has long been associated with the. lurg est cities of the world. It has help ed to make history. It is renowned fur its hospitality, and world fumed a a cit.v ot homes. Situated as it is, on one of the largest rivers of the state, open to deep diautrht. vessel it commands a large share of the worlds commerce. J. be manniac- taring concerns have an output equal to any city of the fcize in the world. In fact in some individual plants, such as "Tbe Baldwin Loco motive Works," and the "Cramp Ship-building Co," the contracts awarded, have been greatly in excess of their competitors, Knowing all these facts, it was with much satisfaction, that 1 found myself walking down Philadelphia's widest street, (Broad Street,) pr -pared to enjoy to the fullest all that was shown me. This street runs north aud south through the citv, and is twelve miles long, and as it contains no car lines, and is paved with asphalt, it is a favorite drive way tor automobiles ana carriages, to say nothing of the business trauic. Market street, one of the principal business thoroughfares, running east and west, crosses Broad Street at what was at one time the center of the city, and it is here that the great City Hull stands. This build ing was commenced in 1872, and there is much of the detail work to to be finished vet. It is the largest municipal building in the world, and also the lof iest, with one ex ception. The great tower is em- mounted by a bionze statue ol wm Penn, thirty-seven feet high, who with outstretched hand, seems ever pronouncing benediction on his be loved city. The entrances and hanging stair cases to this building are imposingly grand, and there is plenty of room, one would think, when one can count five hundred and twenty of them. The Snpreme Court of Pennsylvania sits in this building, as does also the city courts. The Academy of Fine Arts; the Baldwin Locomotive works (largest concern of the kind in the world); the fine High School for Boys; are to be found on Broad Street, as well as many of the city's finest club houses, notably, "Tho Union League," one of the oldest and rich est of political clubs. Directly opposite to City liall, is Wanamaker's, the store tha', is known all the world over. Strangers are welcomed here as guests, and it is one of the "sights" of the town. Ginibel Bros, . Sttawbridge & Clothier, and Lit Bros, conduct stores that are each a day's journey to go through. The League Island JSavy lard four miles south of City Hitll, on a line with Broad Street, is ownid by the Gov. and contains 923 acres. A dry dock and spacious naval and machine buildings are the features here. A pleasant trolley ride from "down-town," north and west brought us to one of the many en trances to Fairmount Park, the larg est public park in America. It contains almost 3000 acres, about 50 miles of drives, and over 100 miles of walks and bridle paths. The scenery is at times wild and romantic, as along tbe ftmoug Wissahickon Creek, and in other places the landscape gardeuer has fairly outdone himself, to present a beautiful picture. The Schuykill Kiver divides the rarlc into east and west sections, as it does also the City. The main building of tbe Ceutenpial Exposition of 1876, still stands in West Park, and is known as Memorial Hall. It contains a flue collection of paintings, and a miscellaneous collection of curiosi ties. Indeed, on this entire trip 1 have seen more museums, than 1 ever imagined existed. Horticultur al Hall nearby, is also a relic of the Centennial, and contains a wonder ful collection of plant life from ull parts of the world. I could Ml you of many other beautiful places to oe seen in mis par, ajiu uuw it is the people's pleasure ground, and recreation space, but 1 mast hurry on. Id passing 1 will mention, however, the old Win Penu House moved from the southern part of th city, where it originally stood; the Zoological Garden, tbe largest in the country, containing about 1,000 living speci men?; the beautiful monuments, and the old historic manor houses. The trolley cars brought us to the southern part of the city one more, where we visited the old Betsey Ross honse, where the first flag was made; and the Bourse, the first institution of the kind in America, a master stroke of enterprise, that brings nil tho manufacturing and shipping in terests of the city, under one roof, and oonMini a permanent museum of trade aud industry; A, snon aisunce irom we comae, standi . building which ihonld be ; dear to to every loyal citizen, North and South Eat and West Inde pendence Hall. Erected in 1729 35, here was convene 1 thi second ' Continent I Congress, and here on above their heads "procliiimi-il Liberty Throughout the Land and t all the Inhabitants Thereof." And hotv our lieti ts ulowed iu wu stood nearly I wo centuries later, mid looking at Ihat rhiik- "Uli-Ttv ii 11." tbtinkel (1ml that i wits so. Car- peiitera Hall, when tlmlirat (.'diiIi nentnl (Juiikiv.-s iisi mlil.-.l, :uA Old I'ongresM Ibill. wtii ii- W isii ii'jliti was iniiuiiiiiti' 1 I'n fur the secoml t"!ltl, VVilii ;:l-n vi-iti'll. 111"! deed, I'liihulrl j'l.i i i : t Mfinilv if rich in liislur:,'..! n-. ri mon?, ami had. we b id llif time, ecinilil have visiteil tinny pi if n iil.'iililteil wit ll the uin it liev lmiii:i.irv sit ttvi'le f.ir freedom. (Ciiiiliniieil in :t aei k.) J25.0CO Fire in Ralclgli. The plant ff the .Mills Manufac turing Cuiiip iiiv. in liuh ih, u-.-is destroyed by lire ln?t Saturday cvfii ing. The loss, inel di:i; ftnelt on band is estimated t ''". UM) with $15,000 itlallliimie. Blltmore. An Interesting Town. "Biltuiore villnw, neifeil ami maintained by Gem-jre V Vuiidi'ibilt as a model settlement, just lieyoiiu the lodge catu of Hiltimnv iti.ite, near Ashoville, has hren little exploit ed by tho press.ainl vet is full of hu- nian interest, been use uf the bi-nevo-lent, educational ail philanthrope agencies which have hem iiiHiiliileU for the benefit of the conitiiti ttitv aiici near neighborhood, as well for tin people of the stale. There uie if. all about fifty cottages in the village, bt sides the public laitklinirs ami nunl- el retail stores. Tin-to is a village green, mid also a plaza, ::ntl tii- streets are paved with, mueiulam, shaded by splendid trees, and light ed by electricity furnished by the village's own electm- light plain. In the villa-re are situated. All Njul.s Church (Protedtanl Kpiscupal ), the Clarence Parker .Memorial Hospital and Dispensary, a parish school, atul a model postollice. The parochial school is equipped fur a maximum of 115 pupils, ami is always full, with long waiting list. Industrial iiml manual tr lining are not ticj-liTtcd. l'ethans the most intfustinir item in the life nf the villuge is the Hilt re Girls' and Hoys' Club, of . Inch Mrs anderbiltis president, the olijict of which is to teach both bins and -'ii Is useful occupations and to enable them to become self-supporting. Ziou's Herald. North Carolina Lat. While North Carolina has made great progress in eduealional mat ters during the past, live yearn, there is yet a great work to do, us is ev i denced by the fact that we Maud at the foot of the column in the mat ter of literacy. The report of the census bureau just is-tieil make announcement of this fad, which is us sui pricing as mort ifvmy. Tin-re is comfort, however, in ihe r. lhctin that every eoiiiiiiniiitv in the rSta'e is thoioiighly aroused to ihe necessi ty of giving every child a ciitciiioii school education, iiml that with nut few exceptions the vaiious districts and townships that have had an im portunity to vote uu til" mat H-i have by tremendous mainline.-! lanl themselves foi belter schools ami longer hours. Sali.-.Utii v Sun. m-f--.:: I HE above picture of tho man and hush is the trade mark of Scott's Emulsion, and in tlift syiionvm for (strength ami purity. It is sold in nlinoHt ull the civilized coun tries of the globe. If the coil fish became extinct it would lie a world-wide calam ity, liecuime the oil that comes from its liver purptisw-K nil other fiitsiu noiirisliiiifT and life-giving properties. Thirty yems njo the proprietors of Scott's Emul sion found ri way of preparing cod liver oil ho t hut everyone can take it find get the full value of tho oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Kmulsi:n is tho liest thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate neotile. and nil conditions of . " .i i0t o(mrfi, WBHtmS and lmt etrength- Send Jbr teem tmp0. SCOTT & BOWJTE, CHEMISTS SOS-41S BAIi STSnST, IW TOFSC me. tnd tt OO. All druxtctMU. PHYSICIAN POISONS WfFE. Dope Fiend s Terrible Dee.1. Mrs .1 P Matthews. Wife of Well Knows Greensboro Doc tor, Dies o Convulsions Re sulting from injection of Siryci'.ninc. . M r.f J !' Man of one of ysici.uis, ! rotn i j- mm . -,v li-r :ni' (lied 1m lii" fir , iW-Ul o! of i ic a i ni - jf i, llll.slianii. I'r.r. iih'l f .'. ith iniii'i A von it I mm:; rr I io j.iil clmrg'd al the Mi.tPienS ho hear I l)e .v iii fin liiiiLt iii Mr Maithen-'s imuiii is he was preparing to leavi the houre. Starting into the ro nn h - was con fronted bv Ihe hll-hai.ii who told h 1 in ins wife was ill and Weill I he alright in a few minutes. The voung ill.: ii, Iioai enspicioiis ui, (I brushed tne p-cy He f I Mis Manl COOM IOIH Mil I ill-pUM llilloli. He at (iliCe J 1' Turner, who coroner. Dr Turner liniling Mrs Mat'hew morphine po;.-..,iiing, lens III Htl.V ill s'.linin is ihe i ir :. " J 1 ,r called in olheiH, s suffering from ippi I heroic Ire.itinenls. I be thro iv.nained at the bedsidi physici lllellgd the day and the patient, to ihe t.ieatni-ht and hop t- rtained I hat ehe would r sciollsne.-s null recover. About "i o'c!oi:k i-'rid.iv Ull COll- ill '" Matthews ivmiesle.l' hV;l t-iatis to leave Ihe room, - ivin tin he Wislied lo pi ay v. itii bis if. This tln-y refiist.i io do. The bus l and went t ) hi.,' v.ite'.s bedside fo ihe ostensible purposi- of i'eeiiui; l.er I'll!.-'-. li Turner, who had rown Sili pici'ilis. iletecied I Inn lie had in his iiiilid 'i syi in an-l iiiiim ,!i.iv-ly look it, nol, ho-.v. ".vr. iintil tin- bus hand had sinwded in ; mg Ins wile a livpiideriini: iniect An examination of t lie svnnue ren-a enough t-trvellllilie !efl in it lo kill thive peisoiis, T.vo hour; later Mr.-Miitthew-: die i wuh colivnl-Miis .Mayor Murphy sic s a .v inn it for I r Matthews uud was ar rest ed at his home and nl-i i in i ii1, ehuigid with in ii'iier. When ijn . tioind as lo the iiir.-iir be -.id thai his wife bad taken morphine ami he had inluiini.'-bT, ,i ,!nehniae to conn- ict ihe drug. lb Matihi'ws has h for ,-ome tine with I lie l-'et that i, lieiiev,,! to he teiril.l" lie d. as about '.;."i yeiir.; ws was about ."'U. been in poor Ilea mid this, tojethei In- is a dope li- ie!, responsible for t h Mrs Mill t hew, - old and Dr Malt! 1'hey moved to (Ireeti-b. m four vears alio ll'olii !;;ili:iin ai.il h.ul P.. Ill l.iiiii- built up ; beloii" to ve pi .lie. prniiiii little i cut I Mir A llic olllv Clubliir j Proi.-o-aiii,! an I Cash. 'e have ill the pa-t, before udnpt I be ca.-ii .-V -o in pel united t he uli.-ci ipl ions o Ull past ibte, lew S'lb. ellliel's to how n e I bat I heir failuiv to 1 :i V W is the ivs-il! of il'ele isness ami ti i! a ' -il.- to ;;et he Couri-r foi mi'i'i';, ,-oid we hive ill tha! wnv lei-ii.ml tlie 'ncmes a few on i;'ui li-o i -1 r 1 1 ti-ev had opponiiiiity t r- :i.--.v, W e must insist ii:-e!: ;wm nt bv iheln at t f si- time, as we com pelled lo drp nil n.'ii- ivi-e; . '--cri In is fiom ccr li.-t-, ioe! :hi. vill he their opportciiily. He do i ot like to rtldetv s.iv, 1 iiai w Ml ! ontimie saeh so b-et i:iti n s, hut nil-heavy cpel!-e iiei-eiiii fones us o say that we cannot nllor.1 to do o and we kindly itsl; thein'to give the matter their a'teii'ioii ::t once. Ir is not t he polii-v of lie t'ouri.-r f'-rcc itself on any one, and w here -ttive oiileis .ire ei( ii io .-top t he j-i-r at the i xpiraiion el the time paid for, I h" I i . r v. i!i I e stopi d i n less renew ed. See otic piopi.sitioi: iiiblisbed lsewhere. We have reeeiiilv sent :, t a iiini.- her ot bills for sub.-ci ipl :ons. In Hue cases I dure ire errors. Wlieiv liven are mistakes, ail villi do us a kii.!iii-.-H t i write promptly sla-.nsr eii iii-ly I lie i nor mi l vv,- g!.:-lj nn- ke lb- p:"-ji o con- - -oi.-. The act inic'ii i code ,-.ec titioii o of lie h( ' eull. that i this 1 i-fliier of lilU It -"i of l'.IOl O l .-bum requniuj' "every lt the c'ties. wns o cl ' ' State to iniili.- dil iiidi' tU l-Xen-ise "OJIStaet difi-over vi bethel . eiiuiuerated in Miiil ing colmnitled, ai.o ,o week under onto. I , i otter i I Hi i town or vilh j. , all llt.-i know b-lle o" 1 -infoiiiiiitioii '' HI:ee -this are uiiilly of a mi upon -conviction i a ' liiiiii'iMi- :! urol ,h;,! oflici-. niretoi'oi-e t' i ; : poM il to iinplv otilv 1 Charlotte.' firs In v cioe us it applies to state. . i..c t i i-lli -ano- a i.,. ip el it v ii i noi lb Feautifving wt ' the skin ai d I call Be b.-amiful with ' . taking Hollisti r'e lb ! Tea. Sunny fins cents Asheboio Drug i. i,v ; :!5 Co. CHAIR FACTORY BURNED. $20,000, Fire at Lexington. Plant of the Central Manu facturing Company at Lex ington Completely Destroyed. Only $10,000 Insurance. Fire Originated In Engine Room. Fire completely destroyed the plane ami contents ot the Central .Manufacturing Company at Lexintr ton on the morning of Dec 1st l lie loss is estimated ut from $15, (Mid tn!jai),000, with insurance only .-iiymu. it 's not known exactly how tlie lire originated, but it came iron tne direction or the engine room, ami when discovered, had made such headway that it was a mutter ot impossibility for the build nig or contents to be saved. The new lire department of Lexington did noble work, and but for its ant , hi, , great loss would have entailed to properly owners nearby. KeEcue 111(.onipnny No 1 was first on hand, an I in a short time bad the hose il'liiying a big stream of water on the coiiniv,.,,,, i;,,,, LniMi,,, 0 n f i hi hi. It is estinmted that the two j;,, coin panics saved enough proper l j.. ly a! 1 Ins lire to pay foi the new sys tem ot water works. The company whose plant and -l-'- k is entirely destroyed, has been manufacturing chairs for a loug time, and the present disaster has severely crippled the concern. Mr O K .Meiidenhall, manager for the coiiipaiiv, is among the heaviest The Lowry Cotton Picksr. The I.owry cotton picker, the in vetiliou of ;i northern man, as was ihe cotton u'in, exhibited at the last fair bids fair to be a success, Ijct-eiiily a correspomlent in one of j Southern railway, a position which ! successful Conference. The Confer tiie , .ii.e oicn-rs, wliiie speaking ,he resigned to go into private busi-j ence paid in full the home and for-lnvi-rablv of it, paid it being a sue- ness ,, 'in, tion iiiuchine it would necessarily lake trash as well us cotton. The inventor, Mr (i A Lowiy, in a re- nt letter to the Wilmington Star -an the machine is not worked by s-iction and that it discards tbe hulls, lie claims the machine will no' touch green boll and that it w ill pick cotton foiu and one half h ot high un-l that eiglity-hve per cent of the cotton does not grow higher than that. He also claims it will pick 1,400 pounds per day as compared to from 40 to 60 pounds per day by hands. If this machine is iill that is claimed for it, it will the labor question so fur us the cotton fields are con- Subscriptions Paid. A !' ('oilier, V S Williams, fi A l.oiiin. , R Hughes, It I'ressnell, W F Norman, R C Yow, W T Smith, T I! Richardson, J A Par- Kins. I T Thoniae, T D Mcniiieter, K ii Colo, K A Wiles, E N Howard, N A llmsliaw, W T Smith. T A l.nther, T K Bulla, ,J M Rhodes, (.' Ii Aiinian, H W Williams, J K C ui jiT f! I , ) I Dunn, Miss Annie .Ionian. .1 (J Stout. Mrs J li Brook- i'e, K X Brown, J S McCowan, V Ncl.-on, J V Cranford, Jonah e. V S Stuley, Eli Lawrence, W (' llolniaii A Co, W A Grimes. V K Lewis, J N Laughl n, K R '.iiii -s. J A lirower, Mrs M Sex on. C II Lowe, W 1) Clark, 1' F -linen, .1 F Harper, E II Woolly, J - Norton, (.' Ciigle. J E Kearns, Maiiba Johnson, K E Luck. David Ni .,.. T II Fuller. Mrs J M Cox. M Hei.rv, W B Lnsnter, T W Mil! r. A Swede Farming In Randolph. I.'aiidolph county, near Spero, In i he h -me of Mr Nelson, a Swede, bo set: kd there just live years ago. v his business nielhods and thrift has iiiiide bis farms blossom as a The laud he paid a nominal sum foi, is now valuable aud he .-i vt-ragos l'J bushels t-f wheat to the in iv. lie sold lust -.- tek a farm, for chicii he paid JC110 for $1,400. We give tlit-. lo fiio" bow tht9 class of !-wede i.ild.i to Ihe wealth of the country. Tiny itml-e good citizens. V. i ar." glad to'knoiv that Mr Nel son will mid. rt.iki- to persuade 500 or l.iinii of his countrymen to settle in tins seeUoii. They make good ' I'umi-Ts and factory bunds, and will ::oo.l luigbboi-a to our people. Mr Nebon is meeting with some of j of the (iret'iisburn citizens ton'ght, I to fiive information of big bre hrin iierosss me vvau-rs. uin loint Kuteiprio. S 2.0)3- JDJTmbsr Dsil. tie jrg i W Vanderbilt has sold to W S and W L Alexander, of Char lotte. and ivsociates from other points t be standinir timber on his famous , I ih forest reserve. The veserye 1 1 coiit mis 81,n0!)a-iv4 of vi rein forest. I wiih 3.000,000 feet of marketable I limber. The consideration will ag- lliegate nearly iji'2,000,000 in the : : ti ml con-iimination. It is said that ! t wo vears will be required to remove (be timber. In addition to the tlM-jc million feet of lumber, the li iiniilHry contains one million feet of t.iijuio acid, and pulp tvocd, and 40,000 cords of tan-bark Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea : is simply liquid electricity. It goes J to every part of your body, brineine .i cw blood, strength and new vigor. j M inahes yon well aud keeps you j el 1. oa cents. Aslieuoro lirng uo. news items: Many Items that Are Sure to Interest You. H 0 Squires U S minister to Cnba bs.8 resigned under fire. R W Frazier and daughter Miss Bettie, of Troy, are visiting Mr Frazier's brother, C P Frazier. Greensboro News. Mr B Frank Mebane will build fifty ne houses at Spray, twenty "'-'6 - v live oemg lour room nouses. Postmaster Patterson, nf Concord. h Wn rPmnve,l , h i i j i t . Ii . mil TTi' ii t will have the naming of his no - Mr E II Coapman, supt. of Dan-! h,,s b""8'nS together one of the ville division of Southern railwuv I l,,reet RtlS of Christian wo has been piomoted to the positioii j T " WOrhf,ra eVe.'o a8,8embled, " ui oHsisutui general ouperiiiieiKienc of Eastern Department, succeeding -i -i. , o ! , . wr Horace tsaker, resigned. 'phe Sothern Railway has com - pleted the double tracking of' its! line between Stokesland and Dun-; ti lie, and the force of hands has been lemoved to Liu wood where there is much construction -work to do. members thereof, and it is announc United States Senator, J R Bur-. ed by officials that the Convention ton, ol Kansas, who was recently convicted of improperly accepting lees lor appearing Oetorc the' tie-1 bly provide homes for all these visit partments at Washington, has been I ors, but it is stated that homes have sentenced to six months in jail and to pay a line of $2,500. Capt W B Ryder, a prominent citizen of Charlotte, died at a sana-; tarinm at Battle Creek, Michigan, Capt Ryder was for many vears sunt! of the Charlotte division of the j Rev T E Winecoff a prominent minister of the M E church h,is X u ull "'u"' 1 1 IninJ tk srti...i:i n.-ii..-.! nw !n.flT -Z 1 V- , , I aPZingVhem Z pS ! . . ,. .T ft ' i re?ardle88 of hia or the contrreen- tion's wishes. - Ti' otti trii. ! lotte will sail from New York today ! for Liverpool. From Liverpool she will eo to Tendon to visit lior sister. ! Miss Flossie Settle, who aa Miss! rir.iiirl.an l,n mo,l success on the stage. Gieenshorr, ! nM '"" sntisfactioii was express p.f,j.i 1 cd over the ending of tbe famous i uauis-iviigo case, men was ueciu Chief of Folic. Xeellev and 3 on-! ed by '.lis Supreme Court refusing to linemen nf Greensboro have institu-1 ted four suits sc-iinst tbe Dailv In- dnstrial N-ws for n nrpiit(. 'ioi Court who non-suited tbe plamt sum of fortv thousand dollars for! iff- Jlr Guttis' tlniracter was passed alletred libelous publication rnn-1 by the Conference after a statement oermng chHrtrca of brntnl trent-1 mt-ntof prisoners bv the plninh.T u,e recipient or niiiny congrauiia policemen. itionson the part of his clerical and j Marshall K Bonsall, who for two issues was assoninte manager of the Weekly Tar Heel, and who alleirps he was discharged without notice or explanation has sued that paper tor Dreacu 01 contract anil been awarded judgement for one hund- red and ninety dollars and the de- i fendant newspaper has appealed. j I Senator Simmons addressed the I liaiirax county ooaru or t tic t,onth- em uotton Associiiion at tiuiitax last Tuesday, Nov 28th. He dis cussed theagri'Miltttral interests of the South and declared that of nil secular vocations the farm offers the greatest opportunity for heart cul ture and soul expansion. The Insurance scandal con tinues to develop ai:d ei mv : tions have been cluttered. McCall secre' iry of th York Life has g eto Paris to in- j duce Andrew Hamilton to return ' Conference, and that he was n.-.er to New York and testify. It is i so 6tlog m the confidence and af cbiimed the New lork Life illet-ally tactions of the Methodivt ju-oplc of p..id Hamilton many ibousauds of Xorth Carolina as he ia today. ""rB I'l... u , u V.liiniition .l It.m.-.l ,,f i lrvlioi.l rm.no.ier In in-iinriir ile h system of compnls.iy attendance at school bv all children between the f i.,lil ,onl luvlr.i v. ara The theory of th - measure is that every child should attend some , di-i.iuil till hi IP IH I Villi. llHlllllIslHU.- tion 1 or parochial for at least u0 davs, e.c'i vear, and further that it U u, le..t ,provide facilities for lucat n for children unless thev are rei ir -I to uje them. jjers One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for all affections of the throat, bron chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. t hrm mH Awf Ctirr? PftrtnnM In bit fsnil. (or .isltt ftmn. Tlir.UmilliltiK '"tmi to II farcwiKli, .nil C"W,. .-.pwl.tly rorelill- sns.- ass. w. u. HuvMu. hoibj. i ..is.,l.si. i.e. Avuitm. for iiu'i-i " Night Coughs A OUR RALEIGH LETTER. The Baptist State Convention The Methodist Conference Supt. Joyner on Illiteracy Trinity anb Vanderbilt to De bate the Tariff Question Dec 20th. Interest in Associa tion Foot- Ball. Raleigh, N O, December 4, 1905, The event in lialeighthis week is t he meotinrr nf tho Kiintmt Ktaia I'nn ; vention at wnicn tnere are som seven , hundred delegates in attendance. ! The fifteenth annnal meetirg of tM . . missionary boc.eties, : auxuiaiv to the iiaptist State Uon i vention, also tneets here this week and as there are 650 of these societies ;inU tho ,,lt thftt at )ea8t three ; hundred representatives will attend oiaie. ii ev w oet-in tneir ses- . ,,,, ,- . ... .7, B'0,,.B Thursiluy 'th which will j " ; The Baptist State Convention, which will he the seventy-fifth, will ussemble Wednesday, 6th, iustant, represents sixty associations m this ' htate, which includes over eighteen hundred churhes aud about on" hundred and eighty thousand i will not have h debt to meet. Raleigh has been taxed to hospita- been provided, principally by tbe I citizens who could do so throwing j open their pnvati homes to receive ! them. The Methodist delegates to tbe i North Carolina Conference nr.Wilsnn. which him mst mlinnrnfib evnrpao much pleasure over the in every way eign missionary assesmcnts. The Conference elecb-d un especially strong delegation to the General Conference. Of the three clerical delegates liev Dr John C Kiloo, president of Trinity College, am P . fof th Raleigh Christum Advocate, wer fi .. ....... ...n . . .'. r. aud the were elected on the first ballot, and Rev Dr J 1) Pt'grani on the next ballot. I he lay delegates elected are Joseph V Urnf Italeig h, EfOovJ 3 f"is of Grtenv illt- Hon Henry iUmK'0" ttnd J 1 niUton A visitor at the Conference states ord' tt ' triiil l,y reversing the decision ot Judge lloore ot the&upe- uj ini'iciuoito cmti. nuguaiii lay ureiiireii. ins pi uuipt election "s one of the dcle-'ati-s to the Geuer- al Conference was a manifestation of the spii it of thost composing the Confeicciie of hischurch. it is stated t'--at Dr Kilgo was never more popu- i"1 ui nis own iieiioiiiinauoii man ne is today. The Conference organ, the liuleigh Llinstian Atl'ocate. tor m- stance, says: resident Kilgo and tne trustees ot irinity v OUege have been vindicated hv the law of the hind. The ease wasstubbornlvfuti" it by both sides from beijitining to end, It excited State-wide interest. There were those who were bincerely oppos ed to l'r Kilgo and the defendent trusties. There welt- others who, moved by some conei-iiUd force, gave way to prejudice anil passion and subjected 1 resident Kiin I i as bit-con- I tt,r ,! relentless persecution useyer ri .la- assailed a man. We are glad to say John t!,ttt through all this pers-.-cui m New i Prpstilenr, Kilo-o hiift Void t.hp piifloryf- mput 0f the District and A nt. I Supi riiiteiidant of Public In- sti action Joy Her niak es un iiiterest- lnS Statement rclal ive to tile per ' .'V'1 , ,,n!l'ra!;' ,.lMe ' ' 'hddreii in Nirth Carolina, 1U COinillt'lltlllg Oil H recent IleWS stateuit nt appearing in some of the PI,ere 14 fl'w da?' g-. lh' .el'"' - " wvvu iiiii'iuuuiuii l'- r cei.tage since the redeial ce"8"8 V Uken' Fm th, I repoits of li e county superintend- . "u " ",a ' ' '' J'? ending June 30 1905, in eighty-six counties out of ninety-seven, there were 15,5Ua illiterate win e envdren reported between the ages of twelve aud twenty-one years, this out of a total w hite population in tbose coun ties of 422,000. The reuiaiuing eleven counties did not report tbeir illiter ates. This is a per cent of only 3.C, or 'M lo the thousand, between the ages of 12 and 24. The figures ie- fenedtocs la ing printed recently, baftd un tne U S census of 1900, showed ICG illiterates to the thou sand, between tbe ages of 10 and 14, or 1(5 2-3 percent. Quite a difference, The debate between Vanderbilt University of Nashville, Teun. and Trinity Ollege, on the tariff question has been postponed till December 20, Vanderbilt will advocate a protective tariff and Trinity will oppose. Many of Ihe Students of Trinity are macs interested in the game of Association football, which has. recently been introduced and which diffeisio some respects from the American college game, and is less dangerons. One of Trinity's Jap graduates left for his far-away borne a few days ago. viz, ,enBky iiinonara. i .,i n,i-ri.,i . i a Great Bargain with such breeding: as Gold en Lad first prize winner over all Jerseys 1890; Gold en Love first prize two year old bull at Pan-American 1901: General Merriorold sire of twenty-one heifers that sold at an average of $144 each. The breeding of these is correct; prices right for immediate acceptance, t-Address, ' ."- JOHN A. VQTJKG, H. C. MORRIS, Watchmaker, r v'Jewelei, W )' Dealer inl Watches. '"J ewelry.'ISpevt j cles. Bepairing my specialty. Work - Guaranteed. Randleman, N. C. "DOrilESTIC." Better Than Ever! THE STAR THAT LEADS THEM ALL, I'licSowlni MaenmQ lur tlie hnme: to be um1 by wife, mother, duigliler. K!iimntrei. That's our upeciany- Domestic Sewing Ma chine Company, N.wsrk. N. J. W. D. Spoon's is the place to buy your Heavy and Fancy Groceries ICandies, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. ALSO UP-TO-DATE MEAT MARKET. Phone 53 Asheboro, N. C Moved 5 5 Having bought out the grocery business of Jos. Norman I have moved to the building formerly occupied by Morris & Scarboro NEXT DOOR TO HOLLADY POOL HARDWARE CO. on Depot street, where I will be glad to see all my old customers and new ones, two. W. W. JONES. Your Photograph Opportunity! Send any Photo with 25 cents and get 28 perfect Photos made from it, your photo returned un harmed. 6 Photo Buttons 29cts. Your money refunded if not sat isfied. Potraits in all. grades, 16x20 Crayon, $1.50, Pastel or water-Color, only $2.00. Best Cabinet Photos $2. to $3. a dozen. W. R. NEAL, Photographer, Randleman, N. C. Firri tne. We have just received a large stock of Pictures and Frames, Furniture, Rockers and Dining Chairs, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Bed Steads, bed bpnngs and Mattresses at prices that will please. Also, we have a full line of un dertakers goods. Any one in need of such will do well to call on Kearns & Fox. New Cotton l!n. Uj ooUoo iris ss sjmr n4r for wet. Tbe only gut ia this ssettoa. I gwssicsi stiiicUon. 1 will bay your oottna s Ufitest srakst prio. Bring jma eottas to my nail est Polecat ooe sails ass ol Ksomi Cotton Milk. A.N. Roulh. Kandfemnn, R. F. D. No. - Knp trio bo won oo n witn ooo of Hin'i Pilla m " 'Mt ne.

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