The Asheboro Couiier IttCI&ONiS DOLLAR A KAK i Wirt. C. HAMMER, Editor. Foot Ml fiSNcotiilucted these da)8 id a form of prize ligting and should be suppi eased,. . . . ...... The Wiul-loo Meviiger In talligeoi'fr'BlwnVg bright arftl uphbj has enllirgt-U Utau eight yage pa)er. The -expense of inti.ugii.g the New York Life Iiimiiuiic" Gouipui.y lut year exceeded by two million dollars its investment income. The Courier recently received a a remaikable offer from a Ciiicin niti liou. It was an offer to send twelve quarts of whisky if we would insert a certain amount of alvertisiug ojtupying a certain space. We figured to see just what the space would amount in cash at the lowest price we charge anybody. The amount was $187.50 As this paper does not no.v and never has inserted a liieky ad at any price we have had i.o further correspondence. There is a spirit of brutality pre vailing in many sections, many might say through the country. The sppreseiou of hazing at the I mted States Naval Academv at Annapolis did not stop all cruelty, for it has developed that duels by list-fighting have been countenance d and tolerated by the faculty; and recently a midship-man, Merri wether was killed in a list right. At one of the northern colleges a student was tied to the railroad tracks and afterwards killed by a train. Senator Tillman is out in an inter view iu which he favors regulation of railroad rates by law giving the power to the Inter-State commerce Commission to fix rates when com plaint is made, securing the right to appeal to any district, circuit or appellate cours, or ultimately to the I'nited States Supreme court, if inTessary, but he favors a provision that the rate fixed by the Com mis- hou shall go into effect during tiie I riulency of the appeal. Senator Tillman sats that the opponents of tne measure. Among other things Senator Tillman ants: "The wvs i f the cuttlefish aie dark and inkv Si are those of the railroad cuttle- i-li. Whenever the former is pur Mied it fin Is a black fluid to be cloud the waters and enable it to i s cape. Kailroud opposition to rate ieyislatioii lias lieen elliplovmg cut t Irtish luetics to escape legislation, out this endeavor is, in mv opinion a tain oue, bei iiiidtf I believe an ade quate legitlmive P iiietly will be pro- Hied as nire us fate. I'ublicity will be the strongest protection and guarantee against mistakes liy the commission. I hi linn-light will be (reused upon it for some years to come, parliculaily the gleut railroad luteiests. A tne railroad interests have expert counsel who w ill try to pick llawg in the decisions of the commission, and they will also enjoy the advantage of certain mujua which ad vocate their policies. The shipere il , howevi r, have no access lo the public ear. "In the face of these facts, any wrong that may be done any railroad tnrougli any chance defective lt' cisiou will be speedily righted, whil the wrongs now endured by shippers have virtually no means of redress, Senator Overman will shortly in troduce a bill in Congress to provide fur a commission of five members who shall employ expert assistance at a cost of, not more than $500,000 to investigate the market condi tion throughout the world and make such recommendations as will aid and promote the export of American manufactured products; to "consider ways and means for the enlarging of the export trade in cotton products and other manufactures.' It is not intended that the commis siou shall go into the question of high or low tariff as it is expected to be strictly non-partisan. The South exports seven million bales of cotton every year which are man a factored icto cotton goods in En rope aud sent back mostly to South American countries and one of the objects of the commission will b to enquire into why" we should not do this onrielvee, instead of Europe. The necessity for such a commis- s;on is generally recognised and it is hoped the congress will act favor ably oo the bill. ftfcoa ran Mays Paew. For several weeks tha CnnrUr has been late a dav or two. ilmint week dne to tne fact, that oar power press is pro rn ana tne paper tipMa rati nff nn a hanii nave recently ooncpleted new ynm room ioiao ion ana are now installing a new prem, which when in operatioa will ma off oar entire edition In s few kotra. - , With the installation of our new press within the next few days, wo nope to ooBsplete amuigements with one of the atatea best newspaper men tor a position on the paper, who will givotha paper th bttusH nf his practical knowledge upecially fa tba ine Jwnical aud bniasets L ""at and in the depart- The annual report of the Com missioner of Internal Revenue for the fiscal year ending Jnne 30 1905 shows that during the past year there were only 724 saloons in operation as against 1,185 for two years ago when the Watts law weut into effect Only 817 retail liquor dealers license were issued, nearly 100 less thau the year before. Forty rectifiers were doing business in the State as against T ' now The number of wholesale liquor dealers has fallen from 52 to 39. Up to two years ago North Carolina stood first in the number ot grain listilleries having 425 while it only has f6 now. The fruit distilleries numbe1- 326 as agaiast 442, two years ago, and only 298 of them iu operation. When the Watts law went into effect the total number f distilleries of all kinds in the tate was 869 as compared with 392 at the present time. Counting the fruit distilleries wc still have the largest number of any state though the output is much smaller than some other states. In tobac co manufacturing, North Carolina also takes the lead. There are 3 cigar 4 cigarettes and 86 lo- b.icc factories in the State using 3 million pounds of tobacco, 2 1-2 million pounds of sugar and 3 1-2 million pounds of licorice and turn ing out 34 million pounds of smok ing tobacco and about 34 million pounds of chewing tobacco in ad- lition to 61 million cigarettes and a large number of cigars. The State paid into the United States treasury, 11 told, the sum of $4,994,968. It is rumored that Hon Cba.incey M JJepew has resigned as United States Senator from the state of New York. There was a freight wreck on the North Carolina Midland Railroad near Mocksville Thursday. Nine cars were turned over and eight more derailed. No lives were lost. A sheboro otters unexcelled opnni tunities for manufactures and mrr can t' lo pursuits. The excellent school facilitcs, low tax rate, and many superior advantages are and will in the near future make the town one or the mos. prosperous towns in the state. A number of dwelling houses are being erected in A sheboro and iu a few months there will be enough houses tosupplvthe great demand for homes. Asheboro never grown so rapidly as with in the past year. Tne school popn lation shows an increase in the pop' illation of 50 per cent in a year. Toe Goad to List Long. You waut seven papers for $1.50? If so clip proposition No 2 blank from this issue and seud us $1.50. Do you want five papeis for the price ot one; if so clip proposition No.l blank anil send us $1.0(1, if a new subscriber; or an old subset iber pay up and one year in advance and you will get all five papers one whole year for one dollar. Latter from Kansas. Editor Courier: We are glad to get the Courier once a week. It is a welcome visitor in our Westvrn home every Monday morning, de livered hy Mr Cox a' native of Ran dolph and a brothei of the late Cy rus Cox, mail agent on the H P & A Railroad, who is carrier on Eudora route No 3. As some of our friends write us like they thought we lived a little lust the outside of civilization, 1 will give yon an idea as to how the people observe Thanksgiving here. When its convenient the people gather at their places of worship and hold Thanksgiving services, but as the mercury was within 10 degrees of zero, we preferred spending the uay wiiu a ueignoor. At 1 1 o clock we were comfortably wrapped and seated in our carriage drawn by two opinu-u cansas sieeas, and in ten minutes we were at the beautiful home of our neighbor, John U Gar rett, wno has a most excellent wife, and three interesting children. In a few minutes the guests began to arrive. We were all welcomed in the parlor, around the cheering fire, where all joined in conversation, mingled with the prattle and laugh- ici vi uoi'i'j uiniureu. About three o'clock in the after nooa we were invited into the dining room to partake of the many good things spread before ns. Then the remainder of the day was spent in conversation, music and pailor games. As the last rays of the sun were sinking behind the western horizon the merry party joined in a hymn of Thanksgiving, accompanied h th. sweet tones of the organ and as the last tone died away on the stillness or the evening we parted with our friends and wended onr wav home. Thnseloaed another hmg to be rememoerta inaDigiving day. Mrs. K. C. W aXBORN. Eudora, Kansas. Counly Correspondence. TIM auaoaa an pragraan w aioelr oa the Baaux and drag store bnildiaar. Wo wuT havo buk ana a drag Hon tbat m a emtit lo oor utue texra. Mr C B Caitie kaa juet noved into hie ww m man eeaMng. Mr J A okaraa eee. ami Ireaennr of Liberty Caeir Co ia boilding a oioa resideaoe io oaat Liberty. Est Mr t nak wbe ko beea a aaieeioaarf io Japan few osroral Toan kao beea aeoigned o lao Liborty Mr frank io aa aUo aiiaiaoar oad wo gin kiaa a bevvy woiome. Ba vest to kia f rat oppoiataaoot kaa Soadey a Mt Floaial dnrcfc a lew aoiloo aorta ol Liberty, Mr Fraak oaa kaa faaulr an boorttinx witk MraJ BCaoaiaSeti Mr W 0 HxMjok, of Otoaawboro Om "H ifu" wa ia fcnra Monaar oight east eofcd dw tiuartr Mmnalilo Co 0 aaeo Hdo of ksaa Oo tM yoo a Ma B gtaiaoa kot, now knya. j A MATTER CF HEALTH Absolutely Fare HAS E0 SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from slum or phoe phatio acid ROYAL BAKING POWOCR CO., NIW YORK. Dsep Rlvtr llama. Mr Marion Osborne, a well known eitifn near Coltranea mills, had stolen from his place of ImHiiu'ss some valuable tool. We ish nun success in ins courts to capture tke thiaf. llev V. illte Itevnolds preached an excel lent sermen at 1'edar Njuare last Sunday. Miss random Mnnet's, killed a Innrteen ild pig weighing 43")lbs. M Mo ot lllgn toml, eil her pa t-iit last Trinity llama. Mrs Irene ami Xlis" Kate Craven siient last week in ISalislmrv, visiting at Capt rthur t railer's. A verv impressive Thaiikuffivinc service nas held in the Chawl, on Thursday at eleveu o clink, hv Hev a r ll.irpatt. A ilection was taken, for the Orphans at Oxford. J A Cariienter of Hixcoe. spi'M Thanksgiving with her sister, Sirs J ttallance. Mr llines, of Kaison, is visiting his daugh ter Mrs l'upl 1'arkni. Mr llines will rob ahlv speutl the winter here. fir anil Mrs Peacock and children have returned from Jackson Springs, where they have lieen sjiending a mouth. Thry are go ing to live in High Point and will lioard at the "Elwood." Hev .lames Wijsoti, wite and daughter arrived on r relay, anil are now at Ii the West llanilelph Parsonage. to mh die genial face of Mr Kilgai I'oppei Sundav. Mr k li fair v .if Tliomasville, here, cut lo Orcenslsiru on Sun 'Klk.i Memorial service. " -r was a meiulier of that order. Mr Thomas P. horse a few days hurt, thoiiuh now i Little Mis, Klii lege is visiting In Mrs J K Harris, doing Parks X Roads Items. The fi tli rough sowing wheat in tli Several people. il tending court this Mrs M V I'r.s lianville, Va. whor the ImUiile of her with fever .died to attend it;is uuile sick Miss lies ig relative .Ionia ii Slier other .'ire v reek, is a Mr ( leve Kllis of llnish ( ing his I' oiher. Mr. Mm Kill. Miss I 'ill ing this m Parks. Mr (ieon sjienil . Nina th her friend Mi William. last week 1 relate Moore i We r gret er u h to I,. neigh expeel lir. Mr M V llr. nnd faiuilv uhi to move to llamseiir a Sehool ut this plui-e is in a prosjiei rendition. There is a hirge attenilance and more student a rw expected alter X 1 think we have the right man in the right phiee for a teiieher. Mr I'el t'oivanl and wife are visiting rela tives ill .Moore eouiity this week. Miss Kmun Brown of Chatham euuty i teaehing the pnlilie se'iioo) at Kiklee th; year. and"Mr' Itnfus llurgess is u reuula attendant, thougli he is not a sehont auhjeet. Ittmt From Mt Olivet. .1 K t'pton has returtird fiom visit nt High I nt. We learn that he 'il w ith the city that he familv there in the issn favorahly iiiipre is going to move I near future. Little Floy, the infant of Mr and Mm Iten Ileck. who lias lieen ill is eonvuleaciHg are glad to note. Mr and Mrs Will ileek spent a fen davs iu ffigh Point lat Keek purchasing furni tun? for their new home. Mr Job Hayes is slowly recovering from his recent illness. We ore pained to note the illness of M ljuincv Ashili and that his condition doe not seem to improve. Mr Asbill has typhoid lever, ins oioest aungnier who has all lieen ill is improving. Mr Nelson Huves will move his fumilv hia wife's father's, Mr Mean's in the near future. Mr Hayes is an excellent citizen a goad neighbor and an enthusiastic worker in tne cnurcn ami we regret very much to loose hira from our midst. Mr Eli I.each in one of the jurors for this week and Mr 1. 1) Sugg for next. Mr Daniel Ijarh an aged citizen of this conmitinitv who bas lieen blind for several mnnthe still continues active for a man of hie years. Some two or three yeen ago all hie hair and beard fell out and up until a few montha ago he had not s hair on hia head nor beard on his face, now he baa a tine bead of hair, also of Iwurd. Mr Leach ia eighty-seven years old and nightly respect ed by ail who know hint. West Ramtour Nowt. The Columliia Mfg Co have juat built them a large coal shed which will be a great convenience to their business Rer W C Frazier preached to a large congregation at the Holiness church Hun day night. Meawrs D W Kivett andlLee Iteece are attending a protracted meeting at Flint Springs in the western psrt of the county. The scarlet fever excitement which was at fever beat last Sunday, on account of the premises of Mr C A Blair being flagnd and roped off by the town authoritieonaa cooled off. It waa only a case of the measles which one of the chrMren was expecting to nave, ana uia nan. While riiiung at Greensboro last week the doctors wen, we understand, pronounced it scarlet fever, bat allowed the child brought home. That little hoy who invented ike nVaihle. barrelled breach loading rabbit trap is oa- uura to a Mr David Allen, of Bockingham, naaaed through towa Hnatlaroa kia way to Asheboro Com. Bogs an dying aero almost every day. tost of them bloadiog to dmth. Sheriff Brewer, who doa't like to cat wood has boaght him a coal Mora. He wants to exchange tat remnants ot wood tor asptttooa as he baa no fire place to seat into. Canon Alton reports killing a wild dock oa the river has week Which he says woakl kan weighed 15 pntfnda. Long Shanks wante lo a now a, when you out of neat and kon a iek not eetti it is any an kana to bait it, than it is to and nttonag hogs oa Ssnday. that then will be Breaching at tho Apoatulie Hoiiaeao ehamb a fatnaew. Chistmas day at 11 o'eiook A. M and at twoo'elook P M then ohO kaa nica Then will aioe be pre wiling at 7 o'clock. Willow Brook News. Mr Will Brown and fsrnilv have moved to Willow Brook farm. Will ia full of energy and a good citizen. Uapt 2 Linebernr and son, W L, of ilillbbro, visitod relatives at Willow BruoV farm Sunday. The captain's genial face wa wreathed in smiles as in the days of yore when he courted the pretty girls and firs' voted the democratic ticket. Mr A W Vickorv and son, Joe, made a fly ing trip to Willow Brook farm thanksgiving lay on a hunting expedition. Mr Jim Barker returned a few daye ago from Manchester where he went to rev-1 i the sweetest pleasure of his life a fox huie Mr A IS Callicutt's sehool ia progressing nicely and there will be a tree at the sehool house Saturday evening before Christinas, Miss Alice Presnell entered school st tl,; place Monday morning. Messrs Hiram anil Jonah Craves paid a flying visit to Mr Russell Williams last Sun dav. Mr Ernest Prcasnell visited Mr Jatixu Viincanon Sundav. Mr John Kearns ami aister, Misa Cora isiled the Mlssea (iatlin Satiinlnv vro Mr C II Sheffield was the the mm.t f l Zono King Sunday. mere win tie another sale at .Mr Spntrer a place Dec i'l. Mr Henry Hammond does aol improve any are sorry to suy. Miss Vellie Viincanon visited the Mkse C'ole Sundav. Don't forget the Christmas tree at Mimn. tain sehool house Dec S3, in the evening. Newi from Coleridge. The health of this section is verv .,,wl .1 this writing. e had a good rain Inst Saturday night rhieh vtas ladly needed. Wheat is looking well. The Enternrise Cotton Mill is mm,;,,,, n full lime, day und night. Mr Thos Duvis lias resigned his position in the Holler Mill at Kuternrise anil has move.) to the Vestal farm. Mr Alfred Bradv takes Mr Davi.' l,o i the mill. Mr J M Caviness is exneetlnc to ...owe l Kuternrise in the near future. We ueleom Mr Cavinesa to oer town. Mr Dick Stout, the blsi-ksiiiitli l., b,,,. some doors to bis shop which lias added greatly to the appearance of his place of Mr D K Davis visited Mr W V Mrav la.t Sunday. Mr Claud Davis has neeeole,! n ,.il,,,n with Mollill A- Son in the lumber business. Mr A T Kesnnre snrained his nrl.i baillv last week, but is improving some. Mr Claud Davis and .Miss Etta Philip rent to Siler City Tuesday on business. There will lie a weiljina in V.ntamric Christmas. Listen for the wedding bells! Jlr 11 w Uanl has move.1 to a new bu d ing on Sunset Ave. Moffitt New. We had a iosl rain Salunlsv nighl. llev M I. Hurley will till hie regular ap ointment at Shiloh next Sundav. Shiloh ki 'i.siI i very full. Mr .1 .V Caule the princiial is liked very nmeli by all. Mr and -Mrs S T Mollilt visited Mr and Mrs II P Motlitt last Sunday. Mr 11 B Murray is building a uiee residence near Mr S T Moll'm's. Miss Knla llray visited her parents near tin Hill . Saturday and Sunday. Mr .1 M Caviness' sale will lie next Satur day. He exjieets to move to Coleridge soon. Miss Ida Albright lias returned home afier sjietiding some time in High Point. Miss Alice Motlitt. of Iowa, ia visiting relatives near her old home. Mrs W S Craven visited her dangl.ters in llreensluro last neck. Miss Maey Cox has just returned home from visiting sister 111 Ashelioro. Mr W A Craven has just completed a nii-e dwelling house. N'veral of the men in our community will attend Ashelioro court this week. Mi-s Daisy MoHiti visited Miss Knla Bray Sundav evenin- Christmas will soon Is' here and presents will Iv the onlei ol the da v. Frankllntvllle Ittmt. Itev C A Wisul, our new preacher at the M E church for the ensuing year, preached to an appreciative nu.liem-e Sunday night. We am glad to have Mr n ood with ns another Misses Hell, I'.iuiiv. and.losie West have gone to tlreeiislsiro where they will make their future home. Mr T A Slack moved their property Tuesday by his lightni express. Mr Thos Frazier of near Stalev has moved his family to the residence recently vacated by Mr Kt'i Hussey on Staly St. Mrs Fannie Garrison, who has len spend ing several months with Mr and Mrs A U Burgesa. returned to her home in Kayette- ville last r nday. Mr lireen Phillips has moved his familt from Cedar Falls to residence So 1 on Sta Iv street. Miss Lucie Elliott, who waa on the sick list a few davs last week has recovered. Dr Palmer, of Gulf, visited Mr and Mrs If A Hussell Saturday night aud Sunday. Mrs Harriet Moffitt and son, Will, visited Thos Moffitt near High Point last week. Misa lxmana Ellison made a business trip to iireensiioro one usv last weex. Mrs ( T l-eonard, of tireenslioro, visited her mother in the city last week. Some of our people are attending court at Asheboro this week. We are glad to see Mr A II Burse sa able to lie in his shop again after an illnes of several weeks. Mr (I C Cox killed a fine wild turkey one day last week. Mrs Sarah Craven was called to the bed side of her daughter Mra Iauto McPhtrson MonHav. Mr H A Russell went to Greensboro on Monday 011 business. Level Croat hams. Mesars Tliaddeua Adams and Robert C Clark made a business trip to Greens 00 ro last Saturday. Mr and Mrs H M Dsniels went to Ran- dlevnun last Saturdsv. Wears having a good acbool at IMval Cross this winter with Miss lira Henley ae teacner. Mr John Adams, of Greensboro is visit ing his father Mr W L Adams this week Some of onr school children attended the Singing st Old Lmon last rndsy. Mr Talma ge Daniel viaited at the home of Mr W L Adams Sunday. Miaa Emma Job visited ia Gronsboro laet week. Mr J M rarsone visited hie sister Mra H M Daniel Sunday. Mr Webster Hudson has completed hia new Souse ana moved into it. Messrs Thadden, Clarence and Thomas Adsnu and Talnisge Daniel visited at Mr Joe Ihcka' last Sunday aught. Some of onr people are attending oourt ibis Veres. Mr B M Danude kao returned boms from Lnmberton N C, where he has beea working tor ioma time, Then will be divine service at the home of Mr Henry Anderson next Sunday. Mr A W Gray went to Aahebore oa boti noes last week. Mr Percy Siler, of Providenco towaabip Tisiiea ia too neignnornooa of walssre Hill a few sundaya am. Mr Talmage Daniel visited at Mr O W Berry o this week. Experienced travellers hava found great benefit by taking with then bottle of JUr Beta Arnold's Balsam. It cures illness caused by impure waiter ana taaaea coanges ot climata. -e-TaiTMted by Standard Dmr Co. ONE KNIFE FREE With the Greatest "OncThird-Off-Price" Clubbing Combination Ever Offered. . ETTAKE YOURCHOICE p i X - . A. TH "HICKORY V DDFMMM .7 W'X. KR1FL S Is rt.a H,nils v W OUTJ llauuic Brass Untl ' XS-.. X . " i Brass Until A BIO. STftOHO. HONESTLY MADE KHIFZ. No better eteel or g-rindlng can he produced. Every U madeol tmaterial by most .kilk-d cutk-rs, The blado. are hand lorasd S Wardlow ateek tempered neithtr too hard or too sott; Just right tn tact tor the exacting work ol tbe rrOUT OUT THe?rOTUr?eT OF TH KNOTS YOU WISH BENT ana pin 11 10 your -i nt. Send elahteente extra II you want no U Knife by registered mall. I " asni- sisf mi si 1 . Z "Farmers' Favorite" 1 rx . 1 fJtARIsdeXV" ;'..N trouna Soavlaf Blade. si ahapeof the handle .Bora; an odds tne mos yupuw. 1- ' '". XjWag Tobacco BWe.X' llEID THIS LIBERAL PREMIUM OFFEB. TBS OFFER MUST BE ACCEPTED AT 0NCK by all who desire to pot tin- combination, as it is linblo to bo withdrawn at any time. SEND TWO DOLLARS ($2.00), (The Onc-Third-OfT-Price) to the address giver, beiow, and you will receive the three papers, each one year, postatro paid, and one of the knives (your choice) will be FtEE. We send Weekly-Times-Dispatch. Inland Farmer and ,;Courier all one year and choice of knives The above is one of the offers much better as will be seen on the These are remarkable offers never paper. We want 1,500 new subscribers by January 1st, 1906. Address all orders to THE caoo DaoococDOCconnncDanaDr argains! If you are in need of a good suit or a nice over-coat it will pay you to see our stock. We have one of the largest and best lines in the county, and will save you money. Come to see us; we guarantee satisfaction. Liberty Mercantile Company, New Goods Arriving. My new goods are coming in every week. I am buy ing them to sell and not to look at. A few of my prices will convince you: 60 in. Fabyan Repellent a warm thing for 45c. per yd. 36 in. Covert Cloth will make a handsome suit 50 cts. per yd. All wool plaid waistings in up-tvnow colors at 50 cts. per yd. Broadcloth worth $1.00 and $1.25 per yard my price 80 cts and $1.00 per yard. J am headquarters for pure food groceries. High est prices paid for country produce. B. A. Yeargin. Successor to Jasper Aum&n. 1.000 Pair of $1.50 to be sold at $.50 per pair. We are giving these great bar gains to introduce our new system of fitting glasses by mail. We sell onlv one pair to a person at this special Drice. Write to-day. We send free our simple method of testing your eyes at home. THE RAPPORT OPTICAL CO., Durham, N. C. lind Headache "About a year ago," writes Mrs. Mattia Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with blind aide headache! and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried vi::z OF A Non-Intoxicating Female Tonic I immediately commenced like a new. woman, and all tick women, for 1 know that it will cure them as it did me." Cardui b a pure, medicinal extract of vegetable herbs, which relieves female pains, regulates female tones up female organs proper state of health. Try It for your trouble. Every druggist sells it in 91.00 Dotues. Jr nmsiiittiita. I Fanner and Stockman. 9 I sw C CTnr.trMFN and HAK.T1UO. Tnree niaom, mw an t -t f -j to '' "-"TVuVeZ handle, tour Inches long-, 1.9 lined, German Silver ing fancy, out tnoro- 1 rirt.ils. the peculiar exi.emgr.pj ... , ..- j for $2.00. we are making. We are doing fourth page of The Courier, offered before by any news' COURIER, Asheboro, N. C. a .3 a Liberty, N. C Nickle Plated Spectacles to improve, and now 1 feel wish to recommend K to WR2TX TJ3 RIOT. 1 functions, to a tavefl m wtttws. We laW etaUl at pa'V'H t llWIHI aveare. mm ri e" etH atarr ef ysar iww wm ve wr4 laarnvM ib ee am wa, Ahmn 1 iwvt -a Trtaf rx a jg .J Itching. Scabby jSkin, and pallia In bones, back and joints, ltohlna. Scabby Bkln, Blood feel a hotSwollen Glands, Klalnga and Humps on the Bkln, Mucua Patchea In Month, Bore Throat, 11 m- Slea, Copper-Colored pots, all run down. show what Botanic Blood BslmwtllaBsUni lbs bloos para ana ncs. body, Hair or Sjrebrowt tailing out, taao Bataila Bind Balm, fiuaraitetd so ears tho worst and moat deep aeated eaaea. Heals all cores, stops all aohea and oalns, rednoea all swelllnaa. niakea blood pure and rich, changing the body Into a healthy condition. 0M Rheasistlsn, Cstarrh, Ectasia, (crehili areeaueedbTPoHonlntheBlood. B.B.B stops Uawklnii sud Spltttnn, Iloblnnand fwatoalnai ourua Khenmatlvnt. Catarrh; r" we Can interest you in a Heating Stove? We have a full line of seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing In that line. Guns, Ammxition and Sporting Goods of all kinds. Barbour. Virginia and High Point Bnggies. Lewis & Winslow Hardware Company. Winter Wear for Men Women andj Children. . j Fine Shoes, Good Shoes, Long Wear Shoes, ifi Fine Clothes, Good Clothes, Clothes that jk wear well. Ai Dress Goods of the Latest Styles. Everythingfor everybody at W. J. Miller's Store. Rock Hill Buggies. We were talking with a gentleman a few days ago who had used a ROCK HILL BUGGY for the past twelve years. and he states that if he were he would buy a ROOK HILL, more for his money than in any other make of buggy. Can you not be convinced of tbii fact? Call to see us and we think we can prove the above to you and sell you a ROOK HILL BUGGY, If you are in need, made and guaran teed by the Rock Hill Buggy McCrocry-Redding Company. Life is -Worth the Living if you fit up your house from our complete stock of House Furnishings. . In our Hardware Department is found Stoves, Rangen,aHeaters, Stove-Piping and Mats, Cooking Utensils and all other necessary adjuncts. In our two large Furniture Stores re shown everything from an infant rocker to the missive sideboard or suite otf-furniture. In our fourth store or the China and Cut Glass Department is found one of the most beautiful and complete lines seen any where. Aa art aqaare that plmar the eye A suit ol furniture that ia a joy forerer, Aa tip-to-date range that make cooking a pleasure. 'Phone or call we are at all times awaiting your command. People's House Furnishing Company, High Point, n. c. 5MaOaagai imCftT-C. a Take The Courier . One Dollar Per Bona Pains, Swellings hl sti Ronhs. flealea. Brnntlon. Watery Uliitorn, by giving pure, health blood to atleoied parts. ! CANCER rnint, take Blood rUl in ud tboytvlU tiii appear before they Uovclop into Uanoftt. notttnio Flood EMn cn. n. it.) is picas nnt nud safe to take. Thoroughly leitd for B0 yean. Compound ot Pum Botanic Jncroulents. 8trenKthii3 WorU r.tonu cha, cures Pytpopala. Xrloo par lar(;o bottle. Take tM dlrered. If nnf currd when riff lit quantity U taken, money rfund'i, pnmitt unt Free by writing lllOfKt IliilmCo,,,(ia. ecrlbe tout trouhla, n -id rreclnl tree medi cal nrtvlre to voib yuil Cnft. IUm eeol u sealed letr. .J going to buy a dozen buggies believing that he would get Co.. Rock Hill, S. O., for sale by and Get the News. Year in Advance. i

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