The Asheboro Cornier TttOB ONE DOLLAR X YKAK Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. NEWS ITEMS. Mtny Items that Are Sure to Interest You. Th next linptiat state :ouveliliuu will be held in Greensboro. Six Gieensboro sporting men re fined $1,700 und c.ts by Judyu Waid tbi week. Guilford Cuuuty'special laxdit-ti-icta paid $11,500,00 tuxes tliis year in idditiun to the regulur taxes. The lust issue of the Merchants Journal bun splendid cuta of Mr J D Dot sett ud Mr W L liay two prom inent citizens of Spencer. The North Carolina Oil Co of High Point ba applied for a charter. The capital stock is $10,000 with W X Kglestou and other us stock nolders. Addi'ions are Mng built to the Huh J'uint silk mill which will nil I e it of tLe largest in the country It will work about SOO hands and will hare cost about half n million. A wreck of an overland limited ussenger traiu on the Union Pacific l; ail road near Rock Springs, Wyo ming, killed ten and wounded nine teen. Tbegunie warden at Mt Airy re cently seized a shipment of four hundred birds, at that place, packed in all kinds of shapes and billed to Washington, D V. Mr J L Burgess, who is connected with the Bureau of Soil, Depart ment of Agriculture, Washington, is in uuilford and Randolph enjoy ii)2 a brief vacation. His home was formerly at Liberty. Miss Myrtle Gilbert, of Siler City, died in the Greensboro Hospital Sun day morning of cerebo spiual nieniii gitis aud ber remains were shipped to Uoldston that afternoon fori uter men t beside those of herparei.ts. Greens boro Patriot. Messrs 11 U 1'itts, Ueo I'euny und W (i Rogers have applied for a charier tor the Jamestown Concrete Works with an authorized capital stock of $125,000. The plant will oe located midway between Jnnie lu vn and High Point. Gov Glenn recently advocated, 1 efuie a session of the Stu'e liouid of Agriculture, the sending of an exhibit illustrative of the State's re to the fairs held iu the New Kngland States next tall and it is lil.cly that it will be done, The taxable property of Guilford louuty has increased $3,000,000 dur ing the past year. Guilford is uoin: more work and spending more mom y lor goo i loads than any county in 111 elute except Mecklenburg und llii itiuieaxe is one of the lesults. An appropriation of $11,000,000 -is luted, by congress, last luur d.t toward. the n n-tructioo of the Panama canal and the bill carrying Hint amount embodies provisions lor a closer scrutiny into the peudiiuns on the construction work Seuator Chaiincey M Depew has resigned Irom the directorate of the Kiiuitable Assurance Company, and it is said that John A McCall will resign as President of the New York Life und that J li n ' Villiu, the big JNew lork Merchant will be elected in mcceed him. Mr W A Cross of the U S Arm who has been stationed at Ft Cas well in this state, in renewing his sub fcription writes us that he has beeu transferred to tort Logan H Roots, Arkansas. His many friends will be jjad to learn that be has been pro moted and is now Quartermaster .Vrgeant of bis post Andrer Carnegie agrees to donate ! iu,"00 for a library for colored people, at Greensboro, ou condition that they would raise annually $1,000 for the maintenance of the institution. The colored A & M college agrees to pay hall this i mount, leaving only $500 per year io come iromotner sou ices. Mrs M B Brown who is the owner of some property near Jackson Springs, is contemplating building a hand Home hotel tbis spring. The hotel w ill be oo the 8 B L 4 Ab rdeen Railroad and will be one half mile irom Jackson Springs. Mrs Brow will remain here as propiietor of the Mann notel. north State. Be b F Fincher, of Farmer, rpent last Friday and Saturday here with his daughter, Mrs Fulton Aus tin. Mr Fincher is a native of this . funty and is now pastor of the l'whanie circuit in Randolph coun- iv. no m very popular with his people, as it tbown by the fact that itiey laised beir pastors salary last vear from five hundred to six hun dred dollars and in addition to this .laise in stated salary they give him ibis year when be went op to con ference, one Hundred dollars. M on roe Enquirer. Representative Webb recently had conference with Mr North, Direc tor of the Cenms, in regard to the publication ol the gtnneri report, and Director North ptonised to publish dai.j report instead of every two weeks as heretofore. This, it m hoped, will atop the violent flufttaatioa it the cotton market and. in 3 ntttasare, knock the props from uodor the apecnlta.- who have Iwea luanipaieticjr the market to i bf detriment of the cotton grower and h-r. iiaate dealer. , u i ETpenepced traveMen hare found prrrtun-'lt by tkkia, with tfcefflgs U.U.a of Dr fcah Arnold's Britain, ltenrva liltn- canard by impnre t t Int. i c t, tngn of climate. - tru ry fttntlrd Drug Make Your Grocer Give Yoa Guaranteed Cream oi Tartar Bakinfl Powder Alum Baking Pow ders interfere with digestion and are un heal i.Mul. Avoid the alum. Salisbury is to have a whole-s-ile grocery with a capital stock of $50, 000. Mr W F Jackson of Salisbury, has bought the Mt Vernon Hotel at that place and will greatly enlarge and m prove it. The new census of Salisbury shows a population of 11,391 aud .hast and West spencer ,SbO, giving a popu lation of Salisbury and suburban sec tions of 20,000 inhabitants. Dr J R Reitzel was called to Bur lingtou to the sick bed of his broth er, who died or meningitis. Mrs Keitzel went down to uttend the funeral. High Poiut Ledger. The Spencer Water Company, at Spencer, N C, has just completed an artisan well with a capacity of 0,000 gallons of water per hour and he water has been pronounced ex cellent for all purposes. High Poiut comes to the front again with a new manufacturing litnt. The Kearns Upholstering factory has ben organized with J W Keurns us Sec & Treas. Thel contract bos been let for the build- ng Ld they expect to be at work some time in January. A local company bos recently Lough" the Salisbury Post. The corn- has applied for a charter with a paid up capital of $1(1.000. New material II be added making t u complete and up to date outfit. Mr John M Julian will be editor while Messrs Joe Iloucbe and II M Blown will have charge of the business depart ment. Postmaster Best, of Fremont, Wayne county, is in u peck of trou ble. It seems he drank so much liMor that an inspector relieved hi in of his job and placed his bonds men iu charge of the ollice. His clerks hud already resigned and be tried to run the ollice una whiskey by himself. No report of the money older funds had been inac for .several wteks and a shortage has been discovered which is fully pro tected by indemnity bond. Mr Thos II Stewart, chairman of the republican executive committee iu Rowan county, recently resigned us a protest against the appointment ot Mr J v Uorsett us postmaster at Spencer. A prominent member of the committee is quoted as saying Mr Stewart s resignation will not be accepted. It appears that the com mittee fully agrees with its chair man and feels very much 'igrieved at the action of Congressman Black burn in naming Mr Dorsett over the protest of the organization. According to Secretary Wilson, the crops ot the county have a com bined value of $6,415,000,000, These figures show that the Ameii- can farmer is laising more stuff and making moie money than any other class of people in the world. While these figures look large, and totals of tbis size leave mujh to be desired iu the way of accurate information, perhaps they are as near right us the largeness of the subject permits. When we think of the corn, cotton and wheat crops; the pork, beef and dairy products; the poultry und epga, we are dealing with interests that call for laige figures and we need not be surprised if wc get them The man with the hoe seems to be doing fairly well in this year of grace. Talk of C Watson for District Attorney That's an interesting story which comes to us by way of the Charlotte News to the effect that the "in and "out" republicans will meet in Char lotte this week to straighten out the party tangles. ft incidentally throws considerable light on the row between Blackburn and Holton and contains the astonishing declara tion that there is a possibility of the Hon Cy Watson being appointed district attorney and farther that under certain contingencies Holton will lend his influence to that eud. VMafcey Mm toot to the Roao. Judge Ward hit the blind tigers hard lick at LHirtiam last week, There were several convictions and the Judge, much to their surprise sent the last one of them to the roads, It looks lke there is rough sledding ahead of the people who deal io whiskey. Ciagraaamao KRofceo 0S tmoH lotroaloeo Ms. Representative W W Kitchen baa introduced, a joiat resolution pro poo iag an amendment to the const itu tion which declares tluu Dei t ber con gress nor any state iball pass any law respecting ao establishment of relig ion or prohibiting the free exercise there of etc Also a resolution for the repeal of the 18th amendment to the Constitution. Bprennttive Thomas has in trodooei a hill nthcria- the retirement at Light Hons TLmmn at th aire of CO sad the Nsw from Rindltnts Times. Miss Blanche Asburv, daughter of Dr V JS Asbury, of Asbury, is visiting Miss Norah Hughes. Mr J P Whisnant has come to Ranuleman to install a steam heat ing system iu the Chair Factory. Miss Titiu Robbins is visiting in Aaheboro this week. Miss Clara Wall visited Asheboro Thursday. Mr C W Slack killed a bog on Tuesday, which dressed 350. We believe that Mr J T Council .intends, in the near future, to open business in Kuleigh. Ibis, we egret to euy, will involve the loss of one of Raudlemun's most gentleman ly merchants. Max Stalker and koss mesne.-, on Wednesduv. started for Cannon's saw mill, below Worthvill", taking a repeating rille along. Koss len the WHgoii to shoot a rabbit, and in ueUititr into the wairou again acci dentally discharged the gun and wounded Max iu iiiite a precarious part of his anatomy. Young "Bill" Uudeiwood took his mother to Aobel oro a week ago, We suppose the young gentleman vas feeling good, und got to "eavor- tiu' around" gome; however, he be came caute ill, and caused sour anxiety. We are pleased to see that he bad improved sufficiently to bring his mother home, rejoicing the old man" in their elegaut suite at the Central on Wednesday, but he is not jet quite himself. For Crocked Hands. Rough skin aud cracked hands are not only cured by Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve, but an occasional appli cation will keep the skin soft and smooth. Best for Eczema, Cuts, Burns, Boils, etc. The genuine De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve affords im mediate relief in al! forms of Blind, Bleeding, Itchiug, aud Protruding Piles. Sold by Standard Drug Co, and J T I nderwood. Asheboro JN Kj. Representative Kitchen has intro duced a bill for establishment of a National Military Park ut Guilford Buttle Ground. Clear The Way. The mission of " Early Risers" is to clear the way and give Natuw full sway. These famous little pills rid '.be stomach and bowels of all mitrid mutter, thus removing the causes or lieauache, couss.ipat.ion sallow complexion, etc. DeWitt Little fcurlv Risers nevor gripe or sicken. A wife, pleasant, perfect, nill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk it Valley City. X D. Says "Two bottles of these Famous Little Pills cured me of chronic constipation.'1 Sold by Standard Drug Co mid J I nderwood, Asheboro J U. O) County Correspondence. g Hogs and Other News Irom Ralph. Mr A (' Cox and sun, Freddie, went up to liandleiuun Inst Fritkiy on Im-isess. Mi John Humble, of Axheboro, spent Sun iv wilh his father .Mr A I noli Humble. There will ! a Christmas tree at Brewer's Chapel on Saturday night lefore Christmas. Mr'Alsim Humble, who wat burned out ome time ago is relmiling his hattKe. Mr and Mrs M II Muffin, of Asheboro. pent Mondnv night wilh their sister, Mrs K I. Winninghuin. Mr Thomas Jortlan, nf Hiah Point, vitiited her sister, Mrs J L Henrv Inst week. Mr K 1. WitmiiiL'ham killed two large hogs last week, oue weighing 427, the other Mr r lwilermilk went down to r.nter- pric Monday on business. Lovol Crew Item,. Wheat is looking very nice in this section, Mr l M ltouth, of this plnee, tins ac cepted a position with the Julian Holler Mill Co. MrJC Daniel, of Randleman, vjnited his jurents, Mr and Mrs II M Daniel, last Sunday. Mr S M Stanton, went to i.ireensbnrii last IhtirHdav on business. Messrs Thaddeus and Clarence Adams and Holiert Clark visited at the home of Mm Martha Fraier last Sunday. Messrs George and Thomas Lamb and r ielda Hicks caught a large raccoon near here a few nigina ago. Mr Thomas Steele attended court at Asheboro lsat week. Our boyi crossed huts with Providence baHe-boll team last Friday. The score stood eight to twenty-eight in favor ol Level Uros. Ramuur Items. Mr J W McAlister, of Greensboro, was ia town rriday and Saturday last. Mr B L Davia, a very clever gentleman of tne grip waa cnnlineil to ma room at Hotel Ramseur with sickness two daya last week Miss Mary Matthews, of Ureensboro, visit ed airs II B Carter lost week. Mr Henry Murley, ef Greenslroro, visited Mr and Mrs Carter last Wednesday. The young folks apent a very delightful eveuing at tapt l.ane a last week. Mr W C Stout killed two hog last week that week that weighed i'M and 4(i3. Mr Rankin Burgess killed two that weigh ed 470 aud 476. They are two good farmers aud know that it paya to raise your own meat aan oreau. Mr W 11 Steel and daughter, Miss Victoria McMnlh, attended the OOth birthday celebra tion of Mr Oliver McMath, ef Chatham conn ty, but Tuesday the 4th. They report a large crowd and a very pleasant aocaaton. Mr Archie Jones and sister of Chatham county visited relative here last Friday and Saturday. Messrs Waatoner and Bagan were in town with a drove of mules and horses tbio week. Mr A L Jenoa ia displaying a handsome line nf crockery aud Christmas glassware. Mrs Jeaae Copeland went to tireensboro Monday. Mr Mike York, one of the most successful young farmers living sear Ramseur has a Sao brand new son in his home. Mrs W H Watkins left Tuesday for Troy to near Key bam jonea deliver on ol bis fa mom lecture. TWO BOTTLES OF MBS JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CUBES BAD CASE OF ECZEMA. Mrs O P Shell, Dunn, N C, nader dt of June 80, 1903, mtk "Oar little boy bavt had eczema from hi infancy tod after taking two bottle of Mil Joa Penon'i Remedy wao'oompletely cured. It ia a wonderful meUiciDe, and cannot be two highly reojni mended." There ia oo medicine oo the siar ket to-day that will effect ear a quickly a Mr oe Penon'i Reme NEWS FROM RAMSEUR. Columbia Maouloctorlno, Co to Psy 0 5Ui ant 201 ! Each Month. Nlnttlttk Birth sty Dhwor Extreme View o Tobacco Advocated at Nollnoaa Matting. Christmas oaty a 'few daya off and hen fruit 22 cents a dozen. What a great wave of prosperity for poultrvinen, but woe unto the poor town people wbo want a little egg nog and no mouoUun dew. Hie Columbia ManufantunuH Co, we un derstand will change their program somewhat after Jan 1st 190U, by paying off their opera tives twice a month, the 5th and 29lh, in stead of onoe a month as heretofore. This chaitgat.rtll suit the operatives niurh better. Strand Mrs J M King and two daughter, Misses Beulah and Alline, of Mitrhneld and Mr Archibald Jones and sister Miss flora, of Fail Creek, Chatham county, who were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs J O Forrester last Saturday and Sunday hare returned home. Mrs W II Steele attended the With liirlb- dsv of her father-in-law. Mr Oliver Mi-Math, neur Siler City, luit Thuradar and reports i Umt itwre wss alut 31HI relatives andnriah-! uui .iT-n,. a iaiuiiiiiiu un which all enjoyed very much. was unread The editor of . . oue amonff the pleasantest birthday par- j ties in the history ol old Chatham. I lioae people who nave lieen lellina uieir confideutisl friends that they are goino; to et married liefore I'hrititnaas should bear j iniiiinuiiiaiiQere is oniyiwouiore www oe- ; fore tKe time expires. But many things happen ; between the eup ami lip. , I'nele John Umdr, aged 85 yiuir, has a home-made remedy for chapped lingers and handa which many of us are subject to these ' cold windy days diat be showed ns Saturday, j He had taken needle and thread and made a few stitches which were healing nicely. Any kind ol thread will do rieept woollen. While the wind blew rery high all day 1 Sunday, we noticed it ceased li blow at i sundown so the sun could set. ! Mr and Mrs Jas Brady, of Cheek, moved into town last week. Mr Brady has accepted a position with the liamseiir rurniture rac- j tory and nan gone to wora. .Mr Stout carries the button for the heavi est pigs killed this season, one tipping the scales at 492 and another M 470 Iks. There is a couple side-tracked for marriage n xt Sunday. If you don't know who it is, guess! Mr Klkin Jones, who lias Ik-en visiting relatives and friends at his old home at Gold.-tnn, Chatham county, for the past week, has returned home. 1 went to the Holiness prater meeting yesterday evening, and one of the leading saints who was condemning the use of to b aeco, in any form went so far as to say that lie "would not even take one Utile crumb of tobacco in his mouth for all that ihia old world contained.'' ; Marrlag and Local Nwo from Kinoy Mr W H Wrenn and family visited Mra Wrenn's parents at Hi-hfalls fast week. !iev R S Arrowood. of Kline, faiird to fill his appointment at Trogdou's the first Sun day on account of high water we suppose. Ve lind several tropic who have not no -ticeil that HHI'i has fifty three Sundays. The year came in on Sunday and goes out on Sunday. Miss Kssie Ixonard, who is in school at F.lise sjient a few days with her sister, Mrs Wrenn, recently. Miss Blanche Moffilt had thanksgiving exercises in her school at Antioch. Mr 11 G Whituker has commenced building a nice residence on his place. Wo under stand that his family will move to this neighborhood iu the near future. Messrs W H Wrenn, W P Moffat and Mr J T Beck attended commissioner's court last Monday. Miss Minnie Maness, of Kunoy, and Mr William Killer, of Moore county, were mar ried the 3rd of December. MiseSwanna Lowdermilk spent Saturday and Sunday at her home near Why Xot. Mr W J Moffitt has returned home and re- rts times lively down noutn tnis year. EMS WtgmmWW23QI3EB Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Go. Doubtless there is notbiogf that requires more oi a housekeeper's time and thought than proyidino; sooscthinf for her table. What to cat and where to get it is a question you hare to consider every day in the year, and at no other season does the truth ot this statement apply with such emphasis as during; the holiday season. We have made special efforts to supply your wants in this line and it is to this par ticular department of our business that wc desire to call your attention at this time. CEREALSs Wc keep oo hand constantly a fresh supply of Grape Nuts, Force, Vifror, Shredded Wheat Biscuit, Ralstons Breakfast Foods, Quaker, American and Premier Oat Flakes, Quaker Puffed Rice, Cream of Wheat, Heckers Pancake Flour, Hominy, Rice -the finest it is possibU for us to gt. Scc We do not sell anything- stale in this line, if we know it, nd you are at liberty to return any package that you may purchase from uo which is not in fresh condition' COFFEEi Chase & Sanborru highest grade we can buy Seal Brand. Bonita, O. G. Mocha and Jara and Almocha, also cheaper qualities. MEATS Kin gans "Reliable" and Amours Gold Band Hams, Kingans Breakfast Bacon, Pork, Sausage our own make, and Beef- Also a full line of all kinds canned meats, including Acme chipped beef, Libby's chipped beef, sliced breakfast bacon, Lambs Tongue, Tripe. Pigi Foart, etc. . Wc lay claim to keeping as fancy line of canned goods as is kept not only " in our town but in any town. It makes your mouth water to sec our "Nabob" Peaches, Apricots, Pluiits, Cherries, Pears, etc - Gondola Peaches a little lower in price but mighty good. "King" Tomatoes, the finest you erer sa r and "Meadow Dew" Tomatoes, a shade lower in price but a credit to the packer. Our main pack of com is hard to beat. Wc are exdusirc sellers of our best brand in this town and it is the finest tnooco will buy. " Almost everything imaginable iat canned goods, including car ried celery, sweet potatoes. Van Camps Flominy the kind gTandmother used to make, Saucr Kraut. Beans, Peas, Cranberry Sauce, Plum Pudding, Strawberries, Beets, etc Wc are cxdusfTc dealers in this town tor the celebrated "Heinz 57 varieties direct from the manufacturers. In this line a included Preserves, Mince Meat, Apple and Peach Butter. Sweet Midget Pickles, sweet and sour Gherkins, Pearl Onions, Tomato Ketchup, Worcester haucc, Mustard, balad Dressing. Prepared Mustard, India Relish, Horse Radish, Celero Sauce. Tabasco Sauce, Queen Olives, Chow Cohw, Tomato Chut ney. Wc wiH have to arrive about last of this week Florida Oranges, aS i inds nice apples, Cranberries, Malaga Grapes and Celery. I Try some of our Calibrnia strained Honey also fancy Maple Syrup with prepared Buckwheat Flour. Q Uorris - Freo Delivery. - rifeta or Back Pains, Swollen Joints, Itching, Burning Skin CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B.B.B. There Is ITop--Th iton picture.,,ilriowof bsoic bioc4bho.b.b.) " JL!L!l'"g h wabnaaka. It isTUonus um blood. It uijl rkh, owios u-scmj. iiium la Un Huns'. Mlilrh must trt r--' -rr"- or abOT Haw, ' .. Tax Notice. I will attend at th following times and for the year 1905. Trinity. Afthdaic nodding A Blair's Store, j jjn, jjjij j t jimU', Store, Hini-aaw's Store, ! fine. Wood's Store, I Nonh Skeeu'a Store, A W Fuller's Store, W T Crotts', J M Floyd s, Randleman Store Co., Randleman Bargain House, Naomi, Worthville, Central Falls. J A Routh's Store, Red Cross, Julian, Level Cross, Sophia, frlgnr, Grays Cross Iloada, Mechanic, Farmer, Allen Nance's Store, Delk A Cameron'a Store, R C Johnson's " Judge Shaw's " G E Carter's " Pisgah, Sea grove. Cedar Falls, Franklinville, Ramseur, Liberty, Staley, York A Fraiier's Store. Alien 'a Store (Empire', Kemp's Mills,t. Thos Hinsuas ' Store, Coleridge, II T Caveness' " J M Tysor'a Store, Vow's Mills, Mitchfield, Wishing you a merry Christinas und a happy New Year, and desiring that you meet at the above times and places and pay your taxes promptly, 1 am very t ruly. WANTRDi by Chicago wholesale and mai j order house, assistant rnanaajer imanorwrasn) , for thU county and adjolnlruf lerrilory. alary I UOandexpcuse, paid weekly: expense money. advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. io investment or cxnerlence reqalriHl. Write at ed envelope. 2 r v2- Scafloro - HolTitt Co. Lesdlna; Symptoms Bom palaa, adaUea s hootioa pslns up acS down tbs ht; acfalnff ssck ot boukfe! bUJo, wollca Joints or swollen aiiacBa; dit fl cutty tn moving arouoc yon haw to UJ cralchest blood thla or ikta pr.le; lk.. ttchas and buratl thirtius pains; bod b.-eath; geisdea, huabBao rout, tc. BoeuUo Blood BAlm (3.B.3.) will retaovc Tery tysiEKom, Blv lot Quick relief from th, rt dose, sod B. B. B. nls t rich, Uoilina Hood of wval.tlch, purs blood dlrrrt le the panlyxcd nnrrei, boews sad Jolobu ginnr wsrrc'Ji and suensth hut won at I, Modtd. and In thh ws roskrnt a perfect, Uatlnff Cura of MituawUsai In 1' Its forms. " Weak, laaettTS Kidneys Ons of the coutef of Rheumatism la duo to laacura kkueirs and bladder. B. B. B. atreiurllieiu weak kidneys and bladder, dralnin, off sll diseased matter sod ail urlcscid, ao Ibeuiuia flows freely and naturally. otnnlo Blood llalni (B.B.B.) Is P " and mmt to toko. Thorons;hlT tested r-r SO Vrs. Composed of For. feotnnlo In iiUlenta. Btrencthena Wk Btomnehs. Suns Dyspepsia. '"f"1;0' tie. Tka directed, ir not enreJ when rlaht quantity f i takfen, monoy rided. B.mpl. Sent reo by wrltln BlofB" .nd iiHKlal frwo modlonl sdeios lo SUiS oar sMsoot stla ooat ta places Cor the pxrposo of collecting the tnxea Tuesdav, December 12 " night, 12 Wednesday forenoon, " 13 " " afternoon, " 13 Thursday forenoon, " 1 " afteruosn, Friday forenoon, ' afternoon, Saturday foi-enoon, afternoon. Monday, night, Tuesday, Wednesday foreneou, " afternoon, Thursday forenoos, " afternoon, " night, Friday afternoon, Saturday forenoon, " afternoau, Mouday forenoou, - " ufternoon. Tuesday forenoon, " afternoon, Wednesday forenoon. " afternoon, Thursday forenoon, afternoon, Friday, Saturday forenoon, Tuesday forenoou, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, Thursday; Friday foreuoon. " ufternoon. Saturday forenoon, Mouday, Tuesday Wednosday, Thurailay Friday forenoon, " afternoon, Saturday forenoon, " "afternoon, An ,iM,i)tliit Have the most accurate Set Works I and 'bei Variable Feed Worka, Saws. Bdgers, Write aw frsa Islaliasa I et(M iron wo'iii. 'Phono No 7. u ilfyo" are in need of a iJee over-coat it will pay you io .-vu t I . We ! have one of the largest and best lints in the county, and will save you money. ' ome to see us; we guarantee satisfaction . ' Liberty Mercantile Company, J Liberty, N. C. I- we Can interest you in a Heating Stove? We have a full line of seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing in that line. Guns, Amuuition and Sporting Goods of all kinds. Barbour, Virginia and High Point Bnggies. Lewis & Winslow Winter Wear for Men Women apd Children. Fine Shoes, Good Shoes, Long Wear Shoes, Fine Clothes, Good Clothes, Clothes that wear well. Dress Goods of the Latest Styles. jj Everything for every body at fl W. J. Miller's Store. Rock Hill Buggies. We were talking with a gentleman a few days ago who had used a ROOK HILL BUGGY for the past twelve years, and he states that if he were going to buy a dozen buggies be would buy a ROOK HILL, believing that he would get more for his money than in any other make of buggy. Can you not be convinced of this fact? Gall to see us and we think we can prove the above to you and sell yon s ROOK HILL BUGGY, if you are io need, made and guaran teed by the Rock Hill Buggy Co., Bock Hill, 8. 0., for sale by McCrcry-Redding HLrdweLro Company. t Life is Worth the Livino if you fit up your house from our complete stock fo House Furnishings. In our Hardware Department is found Stoves, Range,;Heatera, Stove-Piping and Mats, Cooking U tens us and ail otner necessary aajuno. In our two large Furniture Stores 1 1 shown everything from an infant rocker to the massive sideboard or suite of furniture. In our fourth store or the China and Out Glass Department is found one of the most beautiful and complete lines Been any where. An art square tliat pleases die eye A suit ol furniture that is a joy forvrer, Aa up-to-date range that makes cooking a pleaajure. 'Phone or call we are at all times awaiting your command. People's House Furnishing Company. High Point, N. C. Take The Courier One Dollar Per Hardware Company, .J and Get the News. Year in Advance. ..-J.I j fajneet to thl of s pension. dy. .t cure to tUy cured. L '3