The Asheboro Courier. Ahe or , N. C, Deo. 14, 1905, Local and Personal. f W.v Ki..l, H Morris lias a ten pound bi t bi nouee- Tbe trustees are having the Holi nes church painted. ' Mr IT B Slack returned from New York Friday. Mr b a'Painplin, of Thomasville, spent Sundav here. Mr M L Davis will goon complete bM new bouse on richer Avenue. Mis C O McAllister lnm returnc from a visit to frieuds iu New York City. ; Mr W L Curry, of Sninpter, S C, was in Aflheboro Tuesday purchas' ins; tan let. There sre amouK thd children in Asheboro -quite a number of emeu ot meaeleft, Clements, of town Monday Lawyer' Bayden Salisbury, was in on legal business. Miss TJlah Hayes who visited MisB Louise mack lust week, hus return' cd"tg Bandleman Little Eugene Morris who has been quite ill with rotables is able to be up "gain. Rev Nixoo Rush aud wife of Indianna preached in the Presby' terian church Tuesday nignt. Mr J 8 Lewis came home Mon day from the South and will re main bent several montns, Wmslow purchased a dressed beef weighing 606 pounds of Z S Momtt Tuesday of tnis week. Messrs R Cameron and P L Childers, of Jones Mine, were in Asheboro yesterday. Percy Mendenball, our clever depot agent, is out again after an illness of a week witn tonsilitis. Mr Will Armstrong of Central Falls, has a position until after Christmas witb Morrn-ocarooio- MoffittCo, Brooks Parks of Union Township accompanied by lit a A lien lev went to Greensboro yesterday to see specialist. Mr Frank Phillips hus moved in to his new house on North Fayette ville street recently purchased from Arthur Ross. . Mr 0 A Pampliu, of Thomasville, formerly agent of the Southern Railway at this place, has been quite ill, but is improving. Mr .? B Vii'.naimn, i was in town Siiturtl-iy. Ex-shpriff K f! T.fwit.'i- v.ih in town luct Sin in ilnv li'ti-.i ii , 'v. Mr WO Stratford, of Ol mlmm, was in Asheboro Sundiiy iiitc ulin;! the funerul of his brother. Mrs Cynthia Blair has rctiir"c"l tn Asheboro from a three months' vWl to Spencer tmd Ashcville. Mrs John Pritnhett, of ltk'li Point and Mis Charles Pritchett. of Thomasville are vi?itiiiff tn and near Asheboro. Mr I M Luther, of Union town ship, was in town vestenlav return from ltiimsenr where lie sl'l Iiik crop of cotton at 12 cents a pound. Mr Frank Cameron, who wus cilli d away from here last week, while attending court, to tho brdsidi- of bis sick son, reports that, he i! innch better. Mi , 1 ah in1 :t v. died at the M - T V "I, , Mr E N Stout, who at one lime lived here, has moved from f.exiii; ton to Sanford where he hus accent ed a position with the Cole Print, ii;j UO. Mrs Thud S Troy, of Atlanta, who has been visiting Mrs 1) II Col- left for Atlanta hint i ' i -1 1 1 Colllllllllleil In- Jll'H lOMlllS, wio Mil tie Mrs I rov s guest lor a tune. urecnuboro Telegram. Mr C C Kaiidleinan, well known n this county, has recently moved from Clinton, SC, where he wan Siii.t of a Cotton Mill, to Anderson, is (', where he has accepted a similar positiou with The Brogan Cotton Mills. Dr S A Henley went down t' Holly las'. Monday tn uttenil in 70th birthday anniversary ol Mrs McDaniel, the widow Of (lie late A H McDaniel aud mother of Mr John McDaniel with whom lie ives. Dr Henley guvs there wer about 40 present and altogether tl. gathering was a very pleasant ulTair Mr 0 J Denny district mannce1' for tbe dinger sowing Muchine Co' eave the Courier a pleasant call the other day aud informed us ho has opened a branch oflici? here with Mr W H Langston in charge. Mr Denny is it Kandolpti man ns well Mr Lungston and are both w ide wake business men. They will no doubt do a good business here .1 K Xi.V! ta!, Tin IVir.v. W I! .M -: :i I . V "tr.ilford. '.uchsis' Special Rsporte. I) Welwter Stratford, jed ! I have mailed blanks to public home of j school teachers with the following (Hi.-tuu..- o IV iirxweri-di 1' ou 'i eei'iilicate to teach in Uni.doliih county? Have you filed a written contract with the f'o Snpt? What in your monthly salary? What is the total cost of fuel far the term? What, is the amount of other in cidental expenses? Total number of pupils enrolled to dure (Deo 15th). Males ; Females Average daily attendance If any teuchers have not reeeived the blanks they will please make out the report without waiting for bliinkn, as indicated above and send it to me promptly on tho 15th of this month, as this information is necessary in making application for "State aid". Making this report does not insure any district a four months' school, hut it furnishes the information necessary to get money for Mint purpose. i ma report will be expected on the 15th, and teachers are urged to I act promptly m making it. I 1 have mailed Worth Carolina Day j prut;! limine to all the teachers. 1 he l;tw require!) eiichers to observe i as a day ml apait for the; ,1 i. ... . , ... v,j n nifhr Dee Sih Mr M' tf..Hl bed been blind fir tli.' ivii' year, but bad been in ir..,l l.,.;illi mi to :i few hour prior ,, Ii.- 1 -i'b. m ii. i. he w-rt stricl.en itlip Iv-fis. "isd"itli r.nme u u ilistincl. sboe to his friends, who h id i.o yet li Mi'ned of bis illness. Th" fiipeiiil services were held from the M K church. Rev N R Uichiinlsiin ollieiiitinir, u d tho re mains were interred in the Metho dist, church cemetery on Sunday Dee loth. Mr SMa'fui'il is survived by six brothers Messrs W O, A S. Roliert. V. W. Wiilcntl ami Henry Stratford, -ol -iv children, Mis O S Donnel Mis 1' A Men lenh-ill. Miss Minnie Stratford mid Messrs J W, R L and !; Sir.itford. Mmrcrthiions Paid. W Mi: lei, I! M llulla, 11 V The following invitation has been received by frieuds in Asheboro: Mr and Mrs Joseph W Steel announce the approaching niiirriue v-l''ir liolicrtu lo Mr linlph Oil':;..-. :tl,i:m TiipimIuv, lieeonilicr die twen!;.--.-.i.ili nineteen hiimlrcil unit live' nt their home SteeiU, North Carolina. Mr Charles Ross went to Lilling- ton last Friday wheie he will have ohanre of the Asheboro Lumber Company's plant at that place. Mr T H Redding has completed bis new home on Fayettcville street. The painters are putting on the fi&jahiog touches. Mr Thaddeus Fence attended M Randolph Superior court lust week and was sworn in before J udgc Pee bles as a practicing attorney. Mr C M roi, who has been at the University taking a course in pharmacy was iu Asheboio yester day visiting friends. Rev Sam Jones, of Cartersvillc, Ga., was on yesterday morning's train going to Troy where be lectur ed last niglit to the Trojans. Mr F Redding, who has been in Salisbury since obtaining bis state license in pharmacy is at home for few days. Mr 8 R Styres and family who left Asheboro eleven years ago and went to Arkansas, have re returned and located at Asheboro. Major George Leach, of High Point went down to West End on his annual fox hunt yesterday, be carried some fine specimens of fox hounds with him. . Dr Bonner an eye, nose and ear specialist of Greensboro came down to Asheboro Tuesday and drove over to Cedar Falls to see Mr O R Cox Mr G H Frazier is completing the concrete sidewalk in the block occupied by MoCrary-Redding Hard ware Co, W J Miller, Fox & Kearns Ridge, Fox 4 Co and Dr Mooore's office. Mr P A Mendenball, the South ern's agent at Asheboro, has been confined for more than week witb tonsilitis. His condition is now much improved and his speedy re covery is ei pec tea. - Little Miss Mary Hanner, of West Virginia, is here to spend thu wiu ter with her aunt, Mrs Allie H Worth. She made a great many friends hers last winter who are glad to see her back again. X Morris will open up a five, ten and twenty-five cent stole on Depot stmt miW in the spring, - or sooner if be gets a manager for Morris Livery stables. His advertisement is in wis issue, iwi ii up. Mr A R Hicks, who has been with the McOrary.Redding Hdw Com pany for several months moves this week to tne ioia Mine near uanaor, where be goes to take charge of a bu-fe-rttail store in which a nnm- ber ot Asheboro people arc interested. Arthur Ross, D B McCrary and Tom Redding bve bought out the Company's store at the Iola Mine in Montgomery oouoty and will continue to ran same at the old stand. Alton Hicks who has been clerking for McCrarr-Redding Hdw Co will be manager of the store for Hol.'ister's Rocky Mountain Tta simply liquid electricity. 1' jjocs every part of your body, l.rmmiig new blood, strength and new vigor makes you well mid ke. iis von ell. 35 cents. Asheboro Dru Co. MARRIAGES. Mr J i Marsh, of Ili,'h Point, it IBS Annie ( alter of Ke;ittn k On November 2ilth 11)05, at tin residence of Chas W Reddiii'', J I' Miss Lnla (loins, of Trinity, X O, ti rhomas Skeen, of Trinity, N C, 1! K D, No 4. lo .:!', I ! lieevis A O Sated, T : n Amnio:. ,J I; Skeen. n. 11 i l.t!s.-iter. A W i!eli, 1 I) C.hriscn, Geo ..b-i.ih l-'raziei, B F ' i .-e, Manly V vin.-v, A .1 Kii-h, II C !!:.!, W B Scott, , W A J .Mies, Monroe 1' ov, I'h.i 1 1 H.ivne, .1 ( Birkhcid, A M Fugleman, W M Parks, O J Hei'iiv, W !! LuiLvton, J C Trotter, ft L t' e. Isaiah Rich, J M Bt.-iwii. .1 Siniili, .las T Turnei', John .1 i'urn.-i, J W Vestal. T F Millikiiii, II f .Mollilt, Jacob Au- maii, A I! MiHikah. Miss S 1 im, X Y Kearns, II C Cox, i on Crauford. V I) Fox, Ibiiuc H'lioii.-.M, Saimi'l luimpuHS, A l Spo.n, M Henry, Mrs J M Cox, T II l'"u I In-, D.ivid Nixon, E E r.iH'k. Mal tha J.jlin.-oti, . I E Keurus, V B l.a.-:sil-r. ravm m t a Nev $ Discovery FOR STOMACH, BOWKI.S, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. $1.00 per bottle, thre for $2.30. aix for $5.00. Payne's Quick Relief Oil, 25 cents. Pavne's riedlcal 5oap, 10c. All sold by ASHEBORO DRUG 00. W. A. UNDERWOOD, Randleman, N. O. I Ti e Ut'ics' Eazaar. 'i'he Bazaar nt the Arudeinv lust Friday m'glil was a jiroiioiinced sue eeirt. 'i In- ju lueijial a'tiactiins were the f.:iic v work booth in which all kinds of lam I Hurl; was for sale. The Ladies' Home Journal Booth decorated with special deoora- tioiib .H'nt cut by the Curtis Publish- CoiMpauy. Several subscriptions were givcti tor this lnairazine anil pictures were sold. The Jack Horn- ! lie was an attractive feature. It va, tuviKtreil ill a wash tub. iriu-li-s j roil i lovs to tin ware were in l In- pic and for leu cents tine had chain- i i--.' : study of Vorlh Carolina history. J M WAY, County Supt of Schools. ;e pie. :.d was lief popil n..llv tor the children. i ami for live cents v bis li;c!. Oysters, 'ilt'ee it 11 it camly were itliioiiti'eil f'Jtl.l tl llok- , about which will paving for uli.-l. Kpiscopul paooimge. expenses, il toward Utile Drops t Tar. ple versus the Office e fiiokcrs" are now last desperate deal. Ii- name opens rit- r week. i'l;e1'i)itrlli ( lass Postmaster is ilependaiit of graft and grafters. !)-, heir Cstarrh Cannot be Cured they cunii'.l Ti lth APPLICATION I lhf.lliHiii'. i aim.. mil .lix-.w . no l ii tiik ti.ii-ruul it-m it taken liitvriutllv. hi hliuil mill mucins stn Oua U not a ntiuok hkhIU-i . Of III) lKt l.llV.U-lu utid Is m n-ioilur iit i nurlncin. I ho twri-ct dm hiertHlientN In what imxluc rtwultii In curiiiK Cutiirrh. i K.I CHKNfY A CO. I r. SiiM l.y HniK.'l-i. prlre i5c. Tiiku Hill-. Kumlly 1'lllofor i Henry Hammond, oue of the old- eets citizens of the county, who liv ed eight miles from Asheboro, o-. the Troy road in Cedar Grove slnp, died last Friday Deo (i, and was buried at liopeweii meeting house Saturday 7th. Mr Hammond was aboat 70 years of age and dur ing his lone life of strict integrity bad made many trienus wlio win regret very much lo hear of his death. Mrs Karl Brooks, in High Point, Dec 9tb, aged 26 years. Mr John Bisher of Concord town ship died suddenly lost Tuesday. Julius Pirdue, a grandson of Mr R Cameron and son of Alex l'enlue, died in Tabernacle township on Deo 9th 1905, aged 22 years. The deceased was a bright young man and died the death of a triumphant christian. Jonathan Parker, father of W II Parker of Gray's X lloads died at his borne on the moruirg ot tne 12tb. s no ton Mr Cot a part of the spoils, hi. "his bait If of th Bossism cannot be - nr. nsscs are organized the not. It is on aud hot. people against iu one day. pco- WAS. M. STIEFF P4AN0 of today is a surprise even to those who know its well earned reputation, This is because we are producing an . instrument which, in every point of piano excellence, surpasses even the best of our former achievements. We court investigation, criticism and comparison with any of the world's best pianos. Write for booklet. CHAS. M. STIEFF. Manufacturer of the piano witri the sweet tone Southern Wareroom. No 5 West Trade St., Charlotte. C. H. Wilmoth, Mgr. Factory, Baltimore, Md. founded 184Z. If the del by denial :d for decency and Mil iiieiit of Itossis'il head-I'opiili-an in our tanks be !!:. let us be traitors, diiuintsliri! and shriveled remnant, ot the little sheet called ,e (' asian :'iid still m tiled from .,' -ieii is Un king at the heel of ai: I'm; !Ii-:ki.. Has your post-1,1.-1. t li.t...i.-.S y.e.i a copy yet'. It. r il t.i.itiaini ami lor of i i" '' r. elm. lb. fame.' It a new Ivare Ilakola J iHi-liiellt Hi I the proceeds divided lil gush o bavi the i paid ill. lie Season ui InJijrcsliori. asoii ot itiiligestion is upon us. Ki-di.i l!'..-iicp.-ia Cure for iii:i'.'.--'io - Mi l .'v:pepsi:i wiil do ev rvtl.iu . for I tie stomach that an over-loai! .1 or o er worked stomach can not oo for in . If. Kudo! Digests what yi ;i gives th.- sloaiach a list rclfves sou i toiiiatdt,. belch in. Iie.-it-b'ti'ii. tiidigi'Siioii, etc. Sold I v fSta- diin; Uiog Co, and J T rn, .-r'iebon. N C. AN OLD ADAGE SAYS n A light purse U a heavy curse" . Sickness makes a light purse. , The. LIVER Is the seat ol nine tenths ol all disease. Tuii'sPills go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely ad restore the actio of the LIVER to normal condition. Ch e tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. .T-.vo Niiw nii.:pes. The convict force has just com plt tnl the 1-1. bridge ever built ii the county Ivvonil Caraway niouti Him on Hi'' r. tei leading f rum th. (.'oiinty Home. 'J lie using of u part tt! least- of tn- convict force uiiter o l.titbl l.iidms is, in our oi.inioii. .-, -it,.-. ::, the proper direr Ho ii bus wcjkeil well in coun- !i, - -el;,-!,, if -:IH l-eell dell-;. Give Your Stomach Rest. Nothing will cure indigestion tha doesn't digest the food, itself, and give the stomach rest. You can't expect that a weak stomach will re gain its strength and get well when it is compelled to do the full work Miat a sound stomach should do. You wouldn't expect a sick horse to get well wben it is,compclleu to do a full day's work every day of the week, tvoilol Dyspepsia (Jure is a perfect digc-stant and digests the fooj regardless of the condition of yojjr stomach. Relieves Indigestion, Helcliintr, Sour Stomach, and all stomach disorders. Sold by Stand ard Drug Co and J T Underwood, Asheboro N C. Business Manager Wanted. On account of my health I want to retire from the management of the Morris Livery Stable and go into the mercantile business where I will not be exposed to the weather so much, and in order to do so want to sell half in terest to some active man that is not afraid of work, who can take full management of the stable and continue to run it at our same old stand where we have been doing a suc cessful business for five years. We have the most Complete Livery Outfit In Randolph County and this fact together with our close application to business, and square dealings with our customers has caused us to get the majority of the best trade of the town, therefore we would prefer to retain half interest in the business but retire from the management. This is a grand opportunity for some one to get an in terest in a good paying business, together with position as manager of the same. Will sell on a credit of six months with notes well secured, either personal or real estate se curity. For further information apply to E. G. MORRIS. Manager. Morris Livery Stable, Asheboro, N. C. Ml X" 8 Wood (Si Moring s'8 rBig Shoe'Sale. " : - . - - "We have just completed our line'of'Shoes and willlsliow the besfand ftneaHine ever nhwn hv tha very lowpsfprlceg.l Q 5aO 19 o - h!nh will BiirnlvVome before lone O Jollnwincr makes: A Hamilton Brown's American Gentleman,$3.50 to $5.00. Q 0 Lady, $3.00; one of the liest on 0 ft earth. Try a pair. Also full line other styles. Queen Quality for ladies at $2.50, '3.00 and 3.50. Yon ?Z . can't fail to be pleased with style and quality of this brand. . Full line of flodnian Shoes. Every pair warranted 'to"'haye 3 O solid conn 'and soles. O 0 New" of King Bee Shoes in vie! and patent finish, $3.00 0 ( to$4.ou. f un line KiKin nnoes, nuooers, etc., win oe snown. 0 Come at once and get well shod'f or'winter.p 0 O WOOD & MORING. O o o rSPECIAL"SALE FOR TEN DAYS; 'COME BEFORE THE 10'per'cent ADVANCE Our line.j'consists "ofthe 1 N. P. COX, Rich &, Moffitt, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. (New Store) Dealers in Rav Edmundson Has refitted and refurnished i his BARBER SHOP and now has one of the nicest, cleanest and best fitted shops in the county. (Opposite Wood & Moring's.) Groceries. Notions. . . . . .and Country Produc. South Fayetteville Street WANTED FURS. 5000 Minks Wanted by January lat. Mink, small, No 1. $3, Medium No 1, $3.50; Large, No 1, $4- I don't sort ac cording to color. Just so they are No 1. Send small lots by mail, large lots by express. Watch this ad for change of prices. J D Payne, Burlington, N C. Business Local. Notices Inserted under IKIe Ke4 t em oent word uth Ineertton. AGENTS WANTED teWart's 1 IRON FENCI Ad exceptional op poriuaiiy m ot to number of ffetits to repirw?tit ns In all jwru of iho Fence whl h It 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE .9" 5 n mm rWrr COPVRIOHTS C AnTniirn!'ii uWetrh and dwertpilon nay fiiitcklr it- i - i'ii our oplnmn free whether an tloiisiJiM. tt, .-iMfiit fill. HANDBOOK on PateuU out friMt .'t RitoiirT for nccQrin patent. i-nKMii" f -r..'ii tlirtmirh Munn st Co. recetee tpfriat fioflff. wtiitoutchnrae, tnthe Scientific American. A hniHomol lllnMmtwl wmUt. lrowt nr. rtil.tloil t aiif m-tetition lournal. Term. 1.1 Jmr. I,.-. il... L SaMbjdlneweoealera. M":; :o,3ib . New York j .m, .s OS V St. WubMwlon, I). U. ifeNo Limlt'l $C . I WAXTKI): Liul.v ethuation to travci fi capital. Salary 11,07 payable w.wkly. F.xponses AddrcM, tioorHe li I low ltlemau of fair ii of $250,000 ' ailvncol. Aslieboro, N C. Wanted. A Mliiatinu as miller in a l)urt and coro mill. -0 years experience. Water power preferred. Good reference. To find out more nddre Drawer 72, W. Sanlord, N (.'. ,100,000 So 2 ap sawed shinglr for sale at 1,50 per thousand. Apply to J C and E Xewsom, Pinchurst, N C. A Sii'e Lure Ut Cronr, , Wllfll Uflilill bIhihB SVI11iI0!1IS 'f ciMi tlifii is no nine to experiment with iit-w Hiiiri'.iie, no imiltpr hoiv highly the n hv ho rwniiiin. ;n!ed. ! i i- in one juvpanition ilmt ran 1 ays be ilfpt'udoil nH)u. It bus bei'ii in iwe for mnnv vtr and has never Urn km l-f.iil, iz: Chain- berlain's Ooiiirb K.t:-Mr M F Coinpton of iMarket, '!Vus. suvs of it, "1 have n-el ('tii'iiilKTliii's Cough Ke i" l v. in M-vere isiM'i of croup with i.t i hihlriMi. a:nl cm truthfully my 'it alwt.yx citi-s pnmipr relief." F r pale lv MhiuIihiI Ping Co, A-hiW. I'ntg C, h ii tl W A Underwood, l(unilkinn N O WAXTKI' Apply to, Yon too wouM have to build ,nwr DalLS it jou wouia ;lr tlstun toresM.nsnd "in- crouse your xwius per acre'1 by enrlchroir your sot: sr d t'eeclinr your plants wuu lbt oiaiei-VLrkc Virgujia-Carolina Fertilizer. It hus betn tho trcmeritfits tuecess of many luiners ail ovtr the houlb, whosutrtvd nl wllb only s 1. w seres andaonc-horneilow. ru.lnv these fortliiyors lor many years, these farmers sro rich. Head 'hut they say In ourslrusnac. ft jouretolerlorltor send no. to f snips to 1-ny ccstof wri plnir snd poetuiro n copy. Ue sure ad ui for V lrglnia- srolins IsiUU zera, aud aooopt do substltuto. , Virjlnla-Carollna Chemical Co., Itlc-hmoud. Va. Atlanta, Os. Norl.ilk, Vs. Bsvannah, Os. llurtsrn, N. C. Hontgomory. Ala. hark-3ton, 8. C. Womphls. 'lenn. Uoliimoro, Md. bhroveport. La. Increase bar Yields Per Acr A two Morv 0 m,ni dwollinji lwuo with I3S acres of land for n ut in two miles of AslieUiro. .1 T Itritiani. I PA'.JTIKS liuving idle mouey sbould j .;t. fnr IwitleL "A Mioniaii Inveslnient" i protecleil liy jf700,0tl0, funds available when needed. A.Wkw, J Hnx 377, High 1'oinl. N C. Notice I will Bell al public Auciiull tit Aconite X d on Thursday the 21-U day of. December 1905 a lot of nooda, wan s snil inenliamliso, belonging to the linn of J A Spencer A Co. All persona having claims against said firm are notilicii to present them on or before the shore dale. All (lemona owing said firm will please make immediate payment. This the 28lh day ot Nov. I'.Hiu. Male to be opened at 10 o'clock. ' IIkniiv UtAN, uri ner of J A Sie:icer ft Co. S rviung I Xtieny Wanted. Chickens, eggs and turkeys and will pay the hifvst cash prices, j Also for furs a'd h es. I T U .tlcl'HKhtiOK. Asheboro, N C ; W. D. 8TEDMAN CO. Heavy and Ncy Groceries De Mil .St. Wiwl Side Railroad F A MILLINERY. We now have in stock an as sortment of the NEWEST AND MOST ! STYLISH MILLINERY. Will be glad to have all our ti customers as well as new ones call in. You will find that it will be greatly to your interest t buy your Millinery from us. Mrs. E: T. Blah-. oountrr arltcit(nf ardera for Iron il chefttw than wood Mid will lutalifetl profltalrleandpermanpat work. We haveinvitv ining iiisucan not Mequaiea ma money ma With our man r detail and low Dricea rou replueoewry old wood fence In your city. Write at once. No capital reqaired. Send jour app'i- cuuun muu rcierenoe promptly. THE STEWART IRON WORKS COMPANY, 'Dept. No. 1. Cincinnati. O., U.S. A. . Farmers, Orchardists and all Fruit Growers in search of money pro d u c i n g commodities, should stock their or chards with our new Prince R smark ap p 1 e trees. Thrifty, Btocky, of immense pro duction and succeeding in any soil. The finest apple in the market to day, receiving first prem- J luuis csb nis itfcii d auu cx- s positions where exhioit- ed. rne apple tnat wul make money for you, be cause of its un-equalled quality, superiority and proved reliability. Five acres of these trees will net you more money than 20 acres ot wheat or potatoes. z The)- Are gold llinmU agents Hi $2 T esch. Ws can sell to you direct, cut- X lin out the sgenu commission, we 4 paying tho freight on all orders for 1 100 trees and up as fnlloirs: 12 trees at 98., 25 at IS.. SO at $25., 100 at Uiri., MM at fWW., l,O0 at f37H., ; VMO at $1000., 5,000 at 1.700, , rajh to arconiiany all orders. 3 ' jour old and 5 to 7 ft. high. 5o J tr.' - should he set to t!ie acre. W,. sro now booking for next ' i i! '!iiuient and as soon as this enw.n's supply of graded stock is sold .iv, ive cannot furniiib nnire mi ' til iy:ir. ; This Is the Greatest Commer cial of To Av We warrant theiu and will replace any tree that dies, Free of Charge. Wo male an uuubual t.iectatty of this new rarieiy, and extra care will he given all Pi ince Uimitarrk Imvern. tinier to-dav, liefnn- our Spring 'l!)06 grading is dVileted. THE ft B. CHASE NURSERY COMPANY. The Asheboro Depratment T? tssm.1".1 Store Company, The Stoee that Keeps Everything. We beg to announce that pending the completion"of our new brick block we have opened temporary quarters in the Old Jaspei Auman Stand where we have the most complete line of Christmas Goods ever brought to the town of Asheboro. We can furnish Santa Claus with any thing in his line from a tin whistle to a complete outfit. Our line of Dolls, Tin Horns, Animals, Toys of all kinds, fancy Glass ware tin ware and every thing for the little folks. We have not forgotten the grown folks either. We have any thing they may need or want Candies! Candies!! Our line of Sweet Meats and Confections is large and there is something of all kinds and enough to go 'round. Prompt service, polite attention, free delivery. Come and see us. The Asheboro Department Store Companu, . The Store that Keeps Everything. Game Law Out Today. J n : w O Guns and ammunition will be in demand, and if O you wish to keep up with the procession buy ot us. 9 O Our trade has been very heavy on this lor the O ( past few weeks and will continue so as long as our Ofow prices last, ' rt GEORGE E NI3SEN WAGONS ara made better l JJ and will last longer than ever. It will pay you to buy J O one soon, as we are expecting an advance on them. 19 O rr (9 Q McCrary-Redding Htvrdwar c ompany. Q We Sell the Earth! O9CGOO0O00OCO4i.lOOO If you are interested in the . proposition, in br near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office m Bank B'ld'g. Armfield Lavighlin. Real Estate Dealers. Newark. New York. wt It 111 1 r,;,i:Mtt-iPfl HiitNSiM- '"'Ml l ----- Bargains! Bargains! We will close out 100 pairs of Men's fine Shoes worth from $240 to $4.00 per pair court week. Now k your time to get a good pair of shoes cheap. We are receiving a targe quantity of new shoes and must have room for them. ' We also Have other things that. we wul cell you bar gains in. We will have a lot cf nice Christmas i.'oods.. Come and see us and be convinced. - Ridge, Fox tt Oom the present Ms Ann. II W.tb, j

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