oo rou cur ns WITH A BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news paper is in re to know of the wonderful a. euro nwifl vj ar. Ill Kilmer' teamp- i It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century : IdiscoTcred af teryeara of acientific research bv Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful, in promptly curing lame back, trie acid, catarrh, of the bladder, and Bright' Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital woik; and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who bava not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if vouhavekidneyor bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. K'lmer & o-, Binghamton, N. "Y. The regular fifty-cent and one rlnllar size bottles are sold bv all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. i .THE CAROLINA jjCOOK 5T0VE( S-r: Guaranteed to give Entire Satisfaction in every way. This Htovi) luu evi'i-v Modern improvr ment im-lmluiii ciieminn tup hh.'lf. sidi shi-lf, kii kcr, iiiokle towel mil, nickel ktiolia, oriumeutl hvrry move nicely polish cd. If your merchant' dues nut sell them stoves, write us anil we will ijimte. j-pviallt low prices delivered von r railruail station Lvery stove iiaranteeil. Manufactured liv G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Greensboro, N. C. 1-'t side bv Lewis , Winsloiv flilu- Co AshelK.ro, '. C. HOLLISTER'S :':y Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bust MoJioioa for Bui; People. F.-lnp Golden Health and Rratstd Visor. 'eeitlc for Constipation. Inillfrmtlon. I.Its i.tney TronMes. I'inipl-'-t. I-V.-oms, Impure I. Ha l Hrealh. Kltnrcir-li Mo v.-u. Heailachf 'Weknehs. It's Itocky Mintnin Tea In tab-'..r-ii. s." cent it b... i. -inline mada by i NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE A. M. PRESNELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses and do a general repair btts-inea-s. Second hand buggies always on hund at bargains. When in Asheboro see nie. Shop buck of McDowell's livery stables. Yours truly, A. M. rUKSNELL. TIRES SET Quicker and better ami will run longer without loosening than is possible when set the old war. U ill giw juat the desired amount of dish lothewrwel. No gneea work about it. N burnt or charred felloe surfaces to was way and loosen the tire We tet Them Cold. No "team sad water soaked felloe surfaces to shrink away and loosen the tire, no burnt punt to nolnoe. We do not OVER DISH or UNDER DISH. ., We guaranty work and refund jour money if rot aatiaiaokory. Come and see the n. hiHS m operation. : HUGH J. BUBNS, The Elackairh. Fruit Paper Frea I yea ported ea Kw:;, fjltare. eras ...mi- itosa, Mm i - - Piwamna In tkc iifefert aiafketa. - 1 aa4 r ' aaii Tn-niwit ' - na- .,w-k V WhArt f-f tM Mfewaeatia urn, mmnwin lot m i WfesfFr-r-il V THE DRINK HABIT. Joe Reece Describes the Won derful Effect of Prohibition in the State Generally and Greensboro Especially The Old Nkk. Williams Company is in a bad way, even with an appeal and a new trial granted. Cder the Wat is law it must go out of bust ness on January 1st. Of ronrse the plant could be moved to some point io Virginia or elsewhere, b'Jrt if the judgment given in1 "the reiietal Court stands there will belittle to move. The nav of lawyers and wit' oca fees for the Old Nick side will also 1 considerable, while the cost of appeal, brief, etc, will make,-a snug little gum, Surely law cants come hgh, especially one or tnig kind. It looks I'ke the days of whiskey making in North Carolina me end ed. The blockader can of course lo business, but it is risky. Pub lic sentiment is not what it used to be and there are few localities where it is safe to try it. Years ago there was a feeling that ones personal liberty was being interferred with by the government and instead of reporting a blockader those living near did all they rould to shield him. Those who were opposed to not only the making of liiiuor, but of violating the law, were afraid t sav anything. In this day it is different; publio sentiment has changed and by degrees the traffic is growing smaller. The business world has had much to do with this. For a long time the railway com panies of the country have said that no man could work for them and make a practice of drinking, no matter if he was one of the nev get-drunk kind. Every large cor poration has adopted practically the same plan; the danger of alco holic stimulants as a beverage has been taught in the schools, publfc and private, and the rising genera tion bits been taught to shun liquor, And thus year by year the drink tmlt has been growing smaller. 't may not be generally known, but in 18U5 on to 1H,G when the population of Greensboro was less chan 2,U0U, there were thirteen sa loons in the place nnd they thrived. With a population ten times great there wore only twelve when they were closed last January. It was a subject of remark that for the size of the city and the number or saloons, we had a most sober lot of people. Public opinion hud much to do with this. If as manv people drank liiiuor a year ago as di I in the seventies, the town would not have held the drunks. The evidence is conclusive on this point. 1 tacts cannot be disputed, What is better, there bids fair to be n loss drinking in the future. littensboro Kecord. tleai thinkiu', decisive action vim and vigor of bodv and mind, th nurklcof life, conies to all who use Ilolhater s Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. Asheboro Drug Co. The latest sensation here was the attempt last night by Mr and Mrs .Miirion Cobb s big ot liernard dog. Sampson, to commit suicide, and bis sad death this mormng. Sampson whs a great favorite mound the Benbow Hotel. Intelligent, hand some, friendly and kind to all, he hud all mentis am! no enemies. Die regret at his death is universal. List night be laid down oa the street car track. Seeiug the huge obstruction, the conductor slowed up and sounded his alarm, but to no purpose, as the object refused to move lne car was stopped, and discovering it to be Sampson, he was bodily lifted from the track, and he slowly walked away. 1 Ater another car bad the same experience with him. His master being notified of his actions sent and hud the dog placed in a comfortable room, where be seemed restless and discontented all night. This morning Mr Cobb gave him a small dose of whiskey, and in ten minutes Sattin- son had given up the ghoet. ' three weeks ago the uuilrord Benbow steward, Mr Henry Cobb, to whom Saapson was peculiarly devoted, left Greensboro and the dog has been inconsolable ever since, finding rest only to-day. Greens boro Cor News and Observer. Ths Vain tl Quail to LaaS Owasra. The Department of Agriculture has issued an interesting bulletin on the quails of the United States that tends to correct some popular errors regarding "bob white," and is strong plea for his preservation as an ally ot tbe farmer. A thorough study of the bird has been made by tbe department with out finding; any evidence that it is harmful to crops. It does not trouble and eats weed seeds and bugs miun oai to crops. It prefers weed and don not eat wheat and corn if it can get sumach, ragweed and bay berries. A clow calculation was made bv the department of the number of bob whites in Virginia and North Carolina, the total approximating 324,820. it is stated that from s long series of experiments that the craw of lac bird Hold about one naif an oonoe, of which fully ftODer cent it weed seed. At this rate, irom Sep tember 1st to April 30th in Virgin ia sad North Carolina sJom the birds eat 8,341 tons of weed seeds. Ths department urges) all land owner: to realise the valoa of tbe quail. It ssys that witk proper MuageMot some farms of 600 to 1,000 acres wouid ywld more rev enue xrom bm w bites tban from poultry. It ta estimated that be- taren SOO.000 and 400,000 norts- mea go eat rota the citiea tmh fall to boat the bob whitauuid thin, of course, tr-gs a nf -mwa, Mt of wbioh gat to tbe farmer. Nortb O-oHo it Ve favorite resort of a --ii vuusj fef the sportsmen. W 'srtrt "penal t Now to Plant a Tree. 1. Many persons plant a tree as they would a post. The novice in planting must consider that a tree is a living, nicely organized produc tion, as certainly effected by good treatment as au animal. Many au orchard of trees rudely thrust into the ground, struggles half a dozen years against the adverse condition before it recovers. 2. In planting au orchard, let the ground be made mellow by repeated plowing. For a tree of moderate size, the hole should be dug three feet in diameter and twelve to twenty inches deep. 1 urn over the soil sev eral times. In every instance the hole must be large enough to admit all the roots easily without bending. and the roots should go in the hole us they grew in the nursery. They should all be straight and not cramp ed in masses. Shorten- aud pare smoothly with a knife any bruised or broken roots. Uold the tree up right while another perron, nutkiig the soil tine gradually distributes it among the root. Shuke the tree gently while the tilling is goiug on. Hie main secret lies m caretully filliug the mold, so that every root, and even the smallest ii lire, may meet the soil; and to secure this, let the operator, with his hand spread out the small roots and till in the earth uicelv every one Nine tenths of the deaths by transplanting arise from the hollows left among the roots of the trees bv a rapid and careless mode of shoveling the earth among the roots. 3. When the hole is two thirds full pour a pail or two of water. This will settle the soil and till up vacancies that remain. Wait until the water has sunk away and then till up the hole, pressing the earth moderately around the tree with the foot. The moist earth, being coveicd bv the loose surface soil, will retaiu its humidity for a long time. Indeed, we rarely ever find it necessary to water again after planting in this way, aud a little muck or litter placed around the tree upon the newly moved soil will reuder it oiiite unnecessary. Fre quently surface watering is Lightly injurious, as it causes the top of the soil to bake so hard us to pre vent the access of light and air. both of which, in a certain degree, are absolutely necessary. 4. Pbint same depth that the tree grew in nursery. 5. If vour soil is positively bad remove it from the hole and substi tute a cart load or two of good gar den mould or similar rich soil and manure. Po not forget that plant must have food. Do not plant in soils that stay et during a large portion of the year, trees will not grow in sous under-la.'il with pipe clay. J an Livdi.ey in Progressive Farmer. Mixico Learning from tht United Stilti. Tbe studv of English is compul sory in the Mexican public schools, Every year Mxico sends to the tutted states a nmuber of scnool teachers to study American peda gogic methods. A great mauy Mexican children are being educated in the schools and colleges of this couutry, where formerly tliey were sent to Europe. The number of Mexican visitots to tbe lulled States aud the number of American visitors to Mexico is increasing every year. It is said that i ucatecaus know Aew lork better than Ihecity of Mexico, and that west const Mexi cans are more at home in San Fran cisco than in their own capital city. I bus, each vear the American way of living is taking a deeper bold on the Mexican people. 1 he vice-president of Mexico and announced successor of President Diaz is very much Americanized in his ideas. In fact, he might easily be mistaken for a plain, shrewd Ameri can business man for his appearance, manner, and methods. He has always been exceedingly friendly toward Ameiicans. As governor of the state of Sonora, he en sou raged them to invest in enterprises in bis stale and to settle therein. lie spared no effart in seeing that their lives, property, and civil rights were pro tected. He is well informed about the United States, and is a student of English. He has three daught ers in school at San . Francisco, nnd is educating all of his children in I he United States. From "The Americanization of Mexico," by Edwaid M Conley, in the American Monthly Iteview of Reviews for December The dry goods store of Mrs L r ink. at ftuliabury, was practically destroyed by fire last Wednesday, causing a loss of $13,000 to the stock of goods uml about 4.000 to the building. There was $8,000 in surance on the stock of goods. The Southern Railway is progress ing rapidly with the work of doable tracking. Grading between Pomona and High 1 oint has just been finish ed and bids am advertised for s part of the High Point Linwood link, a part of which contract has already been let. This work when completed will relieve the freight congestion which has been very great on the Danville division which extends from Monroe, Va, to Spencer, N C. The seventy-fifth Baptist State (Convention -was in session at Kaleiga last week. Xoe convention was largely attended and the showing male by the different reports very gratifying.' Corresponding Secreta ry Linngston Johnson in bis report Said that where the convention mot in Raleigh in 1844 there were fifty one delegate, twenty-three chnrches and $1,323 raised for missions. To day there are 600 delegates, 1,16 churches with 184.333 members and $94,095 raised for State, Uoose and Foreign ' Miswioas. Jr or ta- first time' in ten years, The State Mission Board "begins the Mew Year' with out a ceut of debt." Mocrt Mosey was raited for-1 ft different works of of the ehweh which are prospering and grew in as never' before. W S Jintem. of fcalejgh, was lfct4 presi- di-aL- ' . - -" . : Grip Qakkly knocked Oat. , ''Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather- both my wife and myself contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst kind of lagrippe with all its misera ble symptoms, says Mr J S Egleston of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose rutning, With alternate spells of chills and fever.- We began using Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, aidintr the 'same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely, knocked gut the gripp." These Tablets pro mote a healthy action of the bowls, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system is con gested by a-old or attack of the grip. For side" by Standard Drug Co, Ash boro Drug Co and W A Underwood, Itandlemau N C The road overseers should imme diately put the roads in good condi tion before the hard winter begins. Rates via Seaboard account of Christ mas Holidays. The SEABOAKI) bsgs to announce that during die Christmas Holiday they will par ticipate iu the wile of tickets fit reduced rates under the following rules and regulationa. FOR THE rUBLIC. Hate of one and one-third first class tares, plus twenty-live (25) cents, (minimum rate tifty (.50) centH) to all poiota cast of the Mississippi and .South of the Ohio and .rot0 niuc Kivers, including Washington, 1 0 aud to St Louis, Mo and intermediate points on the Frisco System, Louisville and Nashville It ft Illinois Central It It, Mobile and Ohio It It and the Southern Kailnav. Ihites of sale: Ieceinber 2Sr, MtIi,25th. :S0t!i and 31st 1905 and Januurr 1st, l'J0C, Final Limit: Continuous passage in each direction huul limit January 4th, I'.nm. FUlt STC DENTS AND TEACHERS, For teachers and students of schools aud collects, same rales will apply as sli alwve, to points in the territory of tl.e South eastern raasengcr Association, ou presenta tion ami surrender of certificates signed by the cMiiienntcmtent, 1 'ruin pal or 1'resiucnt of the School or College. For teachers and students rate of one fare anil one-third for the rouud trip will also aiv ply to jninta in ihe territory of the Southwest ern Excursion Bureau and Western l'asseoger Association i e.all pointsin I exas, Arkansas, Indiuii Territory, Iklahoma Territory, Kan sas and t -oloratlo, east of anu including len ver. Col and Cheyenne, Wvo up to Chicago, I'eoria aud St 1 jmis, .Mo, and to all points in the territory of Ihe Central t'assenger Associ ation, i e. all points North of the Ohio and lVtoimic Rivers la-tween a line drawn from St i .onis to Chicago on the West, and from Hulhilo through Salamanca, N 1 I'lttsliurg, I'a Wheeling and l'arkersburg, W Va on the Eust.) RATES TO THESE POINTS WILL NOT AIT1.Y TO TEACHERS OR STU- HF.XTSOF PIIEl'ARATORY, I'l'HI.IC OR lilt; I SCHOOLS. Pates of sale: liccemlier l'lh to 2ltb Filial Limit: Continuous nassago in each direction final limit January 8th, ItKKI, I 11 liAt 1 1, i r A. Raleigh, N C. BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be deoolverl bv those who ad vertise a $60.00 tawing Machine for 120.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to (18.00. Wf MARC A VB It TV THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determine the strpusrth or weakness of rawing Machines. The Double Feed combine)! with other strong uoinu makes the cr Heme me Dent ocwing jtiaciiiue to buy. MNnoiiQaStigS WO manufacture aud prices before purchasing THE HEW BORE SEWIKE liSHIHE CO. OSaNOK. MASS. S Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, 111, Atlanta, Oa, HI. Ioul,Ma., Dallas,Tez.,8an Kraneloo,CM roa alc v Lejjal Advertisements. KXKCt'TORS NOTICE. W C Hammond C 8 C of Randolph Couuty, N C tills ta to notifr all pemnna havliis claim affalrut aald estate to present ihm to the under- NOTICE. r nuallfinl J 1. Lull Clnrk of (he 8ti wrtor )ourt ot Randolph countv. Ail peraona navina ciaima aaaiosi aaia aw T notlned to present tliora to the undenlaiisd. iluty verified, on or before the oth day of Decem ber IMS or IhU notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery and all persons owl us aaM estate are hereby uotihed lomake Immediate settlement. Having qualified ai admin intra tor u the eatsw of T J Wreun. deceawd. before W C Hammond, Clerk of the Hupcrior Court of Randolph county. All perwma having claim, aiolnst said estate are her ltoa, or thli uotice will be pleaded In bar of This Uth day of Nsrwmbar ISSi iSn'dolS'Siilat,''' tk.Surlor Court. L X amlth, widow of J B Smith, dee'd. ORDKl OF rUBMCATION. o nusmv i bo aie 10 uic vbsob of me iiera cl th Sopertor Court of Randolph county, that Oolnaious galtfe, TIMen fttnith Kmnte Smith, Anna nlth; IMla Sails ana tary Valla, deleav sajasi m taa aners entttieai spectat procttdto. s( tbe Ooart that frtleatotMa meet ot dower ta laufl. iTltia la tnis connty, la whtok laid aefeadiwla have an Interna as Win at mw of i B Hmita. deceased, who died la said Oooaty tn the month of September m, l H Unrefoiia ardetwl. Utat anclee ti atiU acnoa an pnmsnea oooa a tst sir soar week hi toe Asneboio courier, a e"Mm subtlaned ht RaednJiM eounty. sreti nr farth she titla of wmncAiim.tMsurBomaf thsaaaae, sad reqofe- "m Mia weifiiavna K appear as me tim-Rt of ttm Merk of Ut Superior Court ear Randolpk emii.ty on iaaaary 6h lags, and answer sr de mar to Mm newuoa of ths ptontia; as Mas ml Mi wUlksnaaSKd. - W C HJtVKOrm. Clerk Sgperlor Own Ssndqfrisi Omavty, IMs Horeaatiet SMiiSis, ntrlnc naf'fint aa aSiiilirlil.iilin m tatefltJona Crsea lleuml, Meed W f! Hmrnt. Ctot of Ue tiperiac C mrl n( Raa ("Xtntr. ,iHto BMlfj all Mnewa kar. ins: eHga scan ths mil enuiie e preaefrt ben a or twh.re U SS l-v of 2Mvhef. lu,a or tits. toTUoe will h piean ta bar of maorerT ferwat'ti sad &,.. a f Oxydonor. Oxydonor builds up the stysk'm b oxygen through the prvu 01 thv k' i Id i the entire syntem and nmk tu Oxygen la Life's Noes( y well fflM with t, mn live- tn I . nxrdonor will benefltor chukp 'Ii. Kheumvtln, Sciatic NnuruU DyHpereila. all nervouii Dluwn b male Complaint, etc. Uilth NorhJi Dr. U. BancheACo., Nowr'Vork. 80 many of our family have been -irk Thrwe on whom I usivl the, Oxydim r i having but one Ozydon tr. Tue to q Khali always regret the use of roeditin- I doctor. 1 have found irreat benefit from thi 11 caw of Kheumatihin which torn never r ' r: In our family. Kerectfully, Ourclnlm aren Cut! or aend for our brnik tloit. on t 261 F.fth 4 ' H the InvenU; 1,000 Pair of $1.50 NiJde Plated Spectacles to be sold at $.50 per pair. V.: tie giving these great bar gains to introduce our new svstem of fitting glasses by mail. We sell only one pair to a per on at this special price. vVrite to-day. We send free our simple method of testing your eyes at home. THE RAPPORT OPTICAL CO., Durham, N. C. Clubbing Offer too SEVEN PAPERS ONE YEAR. All for $1.50 in Advance. I SEVEN PAPERS ONE YEAR. The Courier, regular price - - $1.00 Southern Agriculturist - - .50 Southern Fruit Grower - - .50 Southe'rn Fancier (Poultry) - .50 The Central West .... .50 National Fruit Grower - - - .50 Home Magazine - - - - 1.00 Total, $5.00 Our nrice for the seven I Five Papers all for The Courier, The Central West, The Home Magazine, The Woman's Magazine, The National Fruit Grower These two propositions are the best offers ever marlt by a North Carolina paper or by any other newspaper for ( 1 the money. ; Nothing like it was ever offered before and we give fair notice of the privilege of withdrawing this remarkable i ? offer at any time, as we only have a limited number of sub- ? scriptions to these large and popular journals and maga- i i zines. The reason that we give notice that we will withdraw ! ;: the proposition without notice is because we only have a : limited number of subscriptions of several of these maga- ? zmes at our atsposai at the prices named. Remember, by Paying Only 50 Cents Additiona.1 to our regular subscription price, paying a year in advance, you get the seven papers each a whole year or pay up all back dues and one dollar for a full year in advance and you may have the benefit of the second remarkable offer. Address or call on THE w -14 pac.'-s t 216 varintk'S el' Fruit, ing of each:'! hr.lf-tone Send SOrts. tor L-jok (pujt-paiJ) book bv vail within GO days and Rebate Ticket with $12 order for payment on your order and yuu kkep ti:k book fr-e. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. J Afrac,! weekly and want more home and trarjling salesmen. OtTtlT raj VOoIl not. Surk Bro's, lOltsaMI, ., stlastk.lsws, fiydtrvHIr, Art. Mtcossosarea Capital Stock $30,000 RALEIGH, N. C Puller) Building. TBE8B SCHOOLS OtVR the world' best In College tn North Carolina. Poalttous guaranteed, inoir lauai iDicrweiion. we ainn team r)ooiseeping, Hnoruiantl, Penmaiualp, bf mall. Head for Home study rales. Write tndar fur our Catalogue. rffera and HUcft KndoneraSBta. They are tree. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. - ' To have happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home-makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking A Building Tonic For Women. It will case away all your pain, reduce Inflammation, cure kiucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovarian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache etc, and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. At , every drug store in i.co bottles. 'WRITE liS A LETTER Pn asMe at! shaMfty sn4 write sa r wires "it iiaaarf, atrtcteM eonS- reoa, a- as ail rear avnmoms sd trmsa, Wewtlt send free ajtviea fa p.ta, Matted esTetope), bi.w ( ispMteal.' Address: Lariica' Sd'iwwy X 1 ' :.-TN,.,ai at4waas U. I CS. sa lass. t ul means. It 0 Ues the abw-rbtion of n lunar, thua itrenutheu- lifitl hv. n limit but when the blood ta l of health. !iy if-t-tt e itt any n-d onuble Mage. .itirrh. Hay Ktver, liidifrethm, , Liver mid Kiduey disease, Fe- . m in .ud k i C.i. N. C. April Uth, 19U6. bnrtly needed another Oxydonor. 1 -r n i l to resort to medical aid tiieli.-nf one 01 onr haute. I iiiutl tifver be forced to call another MK8, J. W. OILLPM. 'ill p inn of the world. M '-h vtihiHhle inform- 9 of 12 cr. v i r.i Ciiy. Good to Last Long. is onlv $1.G0. or we will nonr! ft One Year for $1: 'I 1 COURIER, Asheboro, N. C, x 1 J iiicho.4; il paces sbowiim in natural colors with concise description and season of ripen views of Nurseries. Orchards. Packinc Houses. etc. and Rebate Ticket permitting! return of v.o rofur.-l ."iV. Or. mail us with Is 1 Tear, nuraon - ativi !; ui'.d we will credit 11.00 In part f CHARLOTTE, N. C Piedmont, Ins. Bid. modern Biuiuel Education. Oldest Bualnraa hacked by written contract. No vacatttai. staieim, n i or bhsvrle!. w. p. 7m appy Home "DUE TO CAROUI aad SMtbisc ataa. Is say saar irt. sw weeks oid,WTlas sits. J. Proas, of Webster Cue, towm. "Sss ta a Siml healthj bans and we sr bet doiaf ar. I aa still Ut u,( Oaedai, a 1 wwnd snl be wltboat It Is tad hot, ss it M a .wa sumass fsr wnmn." Plant Winchester Trees 33 years of fair dealing have built our Nurci-iYs from a few acres to a MAMMOTH plant of over 700 acres. We can successfully accept and fill orders from 100 to 100,000 or more trees. Our mode ef packing: insures you to get our trees in fine condition. Our specialties are Apple Peach Pear Cherry Budded and Grafted Pecan Trees, We have thousands of pleased customers. Write ;for'! Catalogue. SOUTHERN NURSEPY CO , Winchester, Tenn. Li&iLsJLr& Hair Renewei A splendid tonic for the hair, niwavs restores co nrrn vrav oiup iuiiihk nair, aiso. aoia ror GET SPECIAL CHRiSTMAS OFFER. ! HAVE A Graphophone Delivered Now! PAY FOR IT AFTER JANUARY Ul. A dozen of the fiimoui COLUMBIA RECORDS Make m ideal Chritttnu Present to jrem friend wl.o ovnt a Tatting Msctwie Columbia Phonograph Co. 231 N. Howard SL, Baltimore, Maryland gerybody sCVaru'H i Graphophone CiVE bths deslr for work or piny. ri'ItoaflMi1 brum, bright eyes und fw..-. i ;:-t;n(u iUAKB LIFE WCr:i Vv3i!L5 tv ifmu'tcntlv ponwtl!iii liver, e'lV'ta SIE VlTk by cleansing all disorders from t !icysteiu. "hoy euro Constipation, Indigestion, Pifiji.cneas, ache, Nervousness. For Sals by all Druggists lOo anci 2.5c a v ACCEPT NO Three T'mes the Value of Any Other- One Third Easier One Third Faster The only Sewing Machine that does not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings make it the light est running machine in the world. Agents wanted in un ocupied territory. Send for circulars and terms. WHEELER & WILSON MfG (4). Atlanta, Georgia. For sale by McCrary-Redding J I AAA a m m A I II If I III 111 t.VUU.UUU Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. m irBSsSsjsafsfflrj aJLC ..I'yss r No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from dis ease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guarantee our stock to be true to name. Largest Peach Nursery in the World. Address XG. KALE, Oapt. J, W. Fry, Pres. R. R. Kingt Vice. Pres. E. Caldwell, Jr., Secy. - The Greensboro Company. - - Organized 1905. (Legal Reserve) CiOO.COO raid Capital . $25,000 Surplus. Writes all ordinary forma of ! contracts. Each plicy ia registered and secured by Treas. Di'pt cf State. makes the hair grow long and heavy nair. an rnf nnrs ripn enmr orvnutv nrty years, " TViuTciTTiC; 1 'Jrirsfe- !f i; OUR war.ts the nun n i 2 VBSwffl !-33ad- BOX 8UB3TITUTCS Hardware Co., Asheboro. N. C A A -l A A A A -av a aa . r I "V ul MAirh Irnoc . - Wi I vuvll IICDO June Buds a Specialty. Wlndtester. Tenn. Life I insurance 'VVVVVVWVVV -tffttftffftf . - svt w Uaaswlta, Aassr, TalsDsc. w.

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