J G6 COURIER COUIUER f Advertising Column J ', Leads irCBoth News and Bring RMults. Circulation. Issued Weekly. VOL. XXX. The Great Blessing to Homes Save- We often and is the Doctor ever at hand, VIck'S Grip and Pneumonia Cure, (Externally applied.) Preventa nd Kelievm these ud(len and H.nn.iniii niaaiiipi like manic. You can have vonr mnnnv hack if not true. Alao enna aora thrnal, chest and head t aide, borne and awellinga, and is a Comfort to Constipation Sufferers. 25 da at Drag Stores and Dealers or sent by mail for 30 eta L Richardson, Manufacturing Chemist. Greensboro. N C. , Dr. S. A. HENLEY. Physician - and - Surgeon. ASHEBORO. N. C. Office orer Spoon 4 Redding', a tore near standard Drug Lo. DR. D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. -O. UVXB TBI BANK. i I djeatlstrj In lie l L. M. FOX, M. D. AtHEBORO, N.C. (Mara his prolesalcual aenrioa to the , Utuena ofjAhaborond surroundlna Cjosuaanlty. OIBom: At Rsddence' J. V. HUNTER, M. D., Asheboro, N. a Da; ealla answer! from either Drug Nioht calls from residence in front of Bonk Fox's residence. DR. F. A. HENLEY. AtHEBORO. N. C. Nitrons Oxi and Oxygen for painless Ex traction, Offices First Rooms Over the Bank of Randolph. A O M0ALI8TER & CO. Asheboro, N. C. Fire, Life and Accident Insur ance. beat oompanies represented. Offices orer the Bank of Randolph. S Bryant. Presldeat J. I. Cole Cat kit E6 ' Dsvnk of RandlemoLn. :' Randleman, N. C Capital $12,000. Surplus, $2,000. AocoanU received n favorable tertni. Interest paid on saving de posit. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, 8 G Newlio, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, H 0 Barker and J H Cole. OBeoX.Pnllent. w J ARMFIELP, V-Pree W i ABM riKLD. Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, JkJilxofeoxo, 2T. O. - Capital and Surplus, i Total Assets, over 136,000.00 fl60.000.00 -VIA tmnU watts, axnertanm fl Wt (eMail um baatnwot lb. banking public and tw aafs In aariuc w. are prepared a4 wllllnc sox4sn4toonrciiloBiensrwy farllltf en4ao conaiMSU, wita mn bmiihu. DIRECTOUSi Parka, Sr.. W J Armneld.W P Wood, T M C OMcAlWer. B M Annfleld, O B Cos. ' Storr w Beading , Bent Moffitt, Thoa J Reading, 4 W Cpl. A i fuuiVlD, Too, H Reddlug. IX asbury.C JOoi. My Work Pleases! Wkea jam wish sa eeayeVer) As atxd as barber ever gave, Just call oa me at mj saloon, At laorsina-, ere or noon, X I cat and dress the kair with ssoW To suit the contour a Ike face. kty rooaa is neat sad towel, oleaa, N, Hoissora sharp and raaora keen, N. and ererjlkiaji I think you'll Sod, To eait th. DM. and l(ea the mind. And all my art and skill can do, 11 joa jo call 1 11 do for you. TOM CARTER. Vest door to Pcstoiooe, rfetotj Hotel Main Street (Near Court House. ) Thoroughly rtxmtJ and lUfarnubsd' TeMe npplied with the best tke nwket aids, Bates ReaaonabM, U.". NEWSY, Prop. A FEW STRAIGHT SHOTS. "Mike" Is Studying the Waiters at Federal Pit Counters- Eyes of Outside World are on Randolph's Court House. Greensburrow, N C, December, 13, 1905. Dear Pat: We've got another bi sensashun on hand here now. The The drummer boy who lives over in the "Ate," am here tco, and Rollings, the man who-bosses the republican party in this Stait, is a having much sorrow an trials an tribulashuns as to which one of 'em is goin to be bead waiter at the f ederal pie coun ter in this Stait, where tbete s nolh in to do in the republican party rx cept handin' out the p e. Since the niggers has been disfranchized, and the licker business in the country bas been killed out by the Watts law, the republicans cant do aov things but take caie of the pie an long as there s a republican presi dent. Blackbern, the drummer boy, wants a wagoner appointed; an Rollings, the Stait Boss, wants BIG BOSS JEEMES re-appointed. The mai soars ship is is a mity bin peace of pie, and they both think that the one that gits to hand it over the pie counter win be bead waiter after wards. The one that Bets to hand over this big peace will have every little republican pie-nun term North uariiny a trottin at at his heels a cryin for pie. Sich a proseshia bamt been since Fario s armv got drownded in the sea. A "PRINT SHOP SCBAP." Yon no they've srot two papers here in Greensburrow the Indus trial Nues, an the Weakly Tar Heel. One of 'em is run bv the INS. an the other'n by the OUTS. The way they slash at each other is terrible. If a feller dident no thev wouldent tre ne'd be expectin' another Uettis- kerg, or a waterlew, or a Yorktouu. or a cat Ute, or sumthm , for its aw ful tbe way they yap at each other. But its been given out from "Higher Up" that these appointments will ant be made till after the biff term of Federal court. I don't no why, unless they want to see who'll es cape the district aUrney's vigilance, or the Federal grand jury, or sura min', lott know its bard to and good timber in the republican party in this Stait timber for good offisers an if they indite many revenuers they wont hare enough left to Oil tbe revenue offlses. Sum of em think the bosses "Higher Up" is a wattin tor tbe f ederal come to git over, an see who escapes, but I think they're a waiten for Mary Ann to O K one of the candidates before appoint in a new marshal, for when she places her 0 K mark on a candi date be gits a seat at the pie counter in tnis stait. 1 wish suuibody could Bit Marv Ann to tell, through her paper, the Industrie! Nues, how she stands on railroad rate legislashuu an repu diated bonds an i.igger an pie. If Mary Ann would speak out sooner tbe little fellers who have to do what she says would shut their months and git quiet, and stop their ppm at each other. Hut then the eakly Tar Heel an the Industrial Noes has got to have sumlhin to till np their editorial colums with. DEMOCRATIC BBOORDS VALUABLE. Say, Pat, what are the republicans a doin in Randolph? AH tbe orders for Randolph republicans is sent out from tbe BIG BOSS, who lives here Greensburrow. Tbe orders bas been sent out fiom here for the Ran dolph republicans to be gittin after the democrats about buildin vaults in the court house, an they've been a yappin about it already. While the republicans, or confusioniets, were in power they wouldent talk about it, but now they'll jap about it to try to git tbe democrats into it, an then thev'll take the other side. Most the people dont want vaults in the court house. They say if vaults are to be built, build tnem in new couit house. Its aw ful bow axoious republicans git to be about the records in the otlises when the democrats are in power, especial ly after they did nothing for the several years' they had the otfisea dunn tbe days of confusion. Bnt they oouldentpay the niggers around tbe court bouse, and let every doubt- voter be returned on the insolvent list to git him to vote for his taxes, an have money enough to build vaults. They tbink because the democrats dont do these things that they've got money for anything that they yap about. A HABIT THK CURE. Bnt back to our own sensashuo bete in Greensburrow. I no why sum of em dont want the old offlsers re-appointed. They've been in so long that they think the offisea be long to em, and they've got moss six inohes long on their backs now. Its awful hard to break feller from eatin good, rich pie when he's been at it to long that he dont think there's anything else to eat. But I thick that tbe same old crowd has got tb.e bosses on their side, and if that's So, they'll go .in. The people of Pennsylvany an Ohio had to vote the democrat ticket to git the bosses an grafters out of their way, an the people of flortfe Uotliny Has been a doin that way for a long time, an ik..U . L ...It ioar biother, MlKK DOOOLNHUIILD. At a meeting of the truatees of Guilford College it was announoed that the endowment fond has reach' ed 150,000. Stock Law Funds Is TarrKorlss Whir all Dsbto Hav Basa Paid. t.SrTe.weri?:, where all debts have been paid and u h.l.niA in nn hand County Treasurer, W J Miller gives ns the following statement of amounts due various stock law a is- fru.ta aiViifh mn fur its tiA nnnlft ... certain have paid all outstanding; OOMguuoriB. nr oiuirr rcquesia that any one who has a claim against any of these territories, pre - sent the same without delay for payment: Ceti tnil Falls, Randolph Strieby Shady Grove, Trinity, Piiisuii ('uncord, Providence, Sidy Cieek, l.i'tli' River, Nhw Hope, 18.17 b.io v.ot 15.72 128.18 93-76 4.49 1 1603 Total $53f28 If any one has a stock law order against any one of the foregoing districts not exceeding the amounts given can get the money therefore if presented to Mr Miller promptly will be paid There is an act of tbe legislature in acts of 1901, chapters 570 au thorizing and emoowerinir the coun ty commissioners of Randolph when petitioned by a majority of tbe qualified voters in any stock law territory in Randolph county, to whose oredlt there has accrued by the special taxes levied an amount ef money over and above that which was necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was limited to order tbe treasurer of the county to nav out such monev to whatever purpose said petitioners may demand. Provided that nstice of such peti tion shall have been posted in four (4) publio places at least thirty days prior to tbe pr sentation of suoh petition to the commissioners un der this act tbe foregoing stock law funds may be used for the extention of schools, to repair school houses. to improve the public roads or for any other lawful purpose. How ts Bs Passlar, In either accepting or bestowing an attention, manage aWays to make tbe "party of tbe second part feel that yonr act is a peauliar tribute to himself. Don't remark to the woman yon are calling upon that you've been on the war path all afternoon, and that hers is the fifteenth call yon have made. When a service has been rendered vou don't gushingly exclaim to the individual, "Oh, thank you; every body has been so kind! I had no idea before that I bad so many loyal friends." In answering letters, avoid men tioning the weary magnitude of your epistolary arrears. Itisn.t pleasant for your correspondent, even oy im plication to be included among bug bears. Ho woman is llattered by the en thusiastic annoancetnent 6f a man that he "would do anything for the Indies," says an Exchange. Every thing for the "lady" would be more to bei taste. Don't acknowledge the acknowl edgement of a favor with the com mon place generality: "It is my great est pleasure to serve my friends." Kind something personal to say. Receive a compliment, however trite, to yourself or those of your family as though tbe thing extoll ed was a very gracious and neigh borly discovery. Have your verbs of social n t -r- course at least as far as tbe spirit of them goes in the second persou mstead of the third. There is a good deal of huniau nature inmost people, and nothing is more sooth ing to even the wisest of ns than to be considere l individually. Ex change. . MR MILLIKAN REBELLIOUS. Informs Boss that He Desires to Retire at Once Unless Re appointed. The Washington correspondent of the News and Observer, iii speaking of the tight over the matshalship in the' Western district says: Mr Millikan tnld the Atiorney General that be did not cat e to con tinue as marshal unless given an appointment for another Wrm. Mr Bioouy iook me position uiai mas much as he had drawn a salary from the Eoverument for a term of eight years, he owed it to the department to continue in orace nntu nis succes sor is named. While his term expires Saturday, it is probable that bis reappoint ment will be announoed in a few davs with the understanding that be is to continue in office only until the expiration of the special term of of court which convenes in Greens boro in January. There was a story fan th effect that Millikan is tvaued over his turn-down and will decline to serve for two more months. The Telegram says "meantime Mr Butler is saying nothing. Will the final outcome show bim to bare Wa bnsv sawinff woodf and "the visit of the Blackburn republicans to the White Honse will probablv have one result, if no other, and that will be the convincing of the presi dent that Mr Marion Better doesn't carry North Carolina around in bis pocket. . i as, n 1 NOTES AK9 COKKENTS. By the E-itor. Original Say iflQS Us Otherwise. ! I Bad roads are an extravagance and contribute to the isolation of frm life. Muddy roads are enemies to the genu wuer ui ueiiin inc m im ui nccsful. 1 . '- This is day of fast mail service. ASHEB(tffifrC: THURSDAY, DEC. 21, l90SFv j Good roads facilitate tbe ever in $121.97 creasing rural delivery. 88.35 8 12.08 Good roads not only add wealtk, . but improve the social and inW leotnai condition of the people. One of the elements of waste it bad roads is the wear and tear of the horses, wagons and harness, Where there are permanent good roads there are better schools and they are more generally attended. The waste of time in hauling through mud i often overlooked when considering tbe value of good roads. It is a short-sighted and erroneous policy to refuse to spend money for permanent improvement of public roads. Isolation is said to be one of the chief cbjections to farm life. This can be greatly relieved by improve ment of roads. Dirt and shiftlessness has a ten dency to get together. Take' the farmer whose wagon is covered with clay, he does not feel the pride in keeping np his place that p would if hii vehicles came in from trips in better shape. There is no reason why a farmer's faasily should suffer solitary con finement for several weeks of the year, i be remedy is in tne isrmer s own hands. By united action on their part they could enlist help that would bring widespread relief within a few years. Where there is permanant good roads the people in town visit the oountry of tener and the people in tbe country go to town and mingle with each other more. In (s,Qoanty where there are good roads the peo ple are in better condition every way. They become better informed on current events and take more in terest in each other and give more attention to the education of their own and their neighbors childrso. When President Roosevelt cane South a gang of thieves and pick pockets followed him" to almost every place, because they knew there would be large crowds. Sometimes these oily fingered "gentry" were caught and permitted to cough Hp and give a cash bond for appearance at trul. And herein is the mistake made by our officials. A long term in tbe penitentiary is mild enough treatment for the disease of finger ing other people's pockets. The publio schools are open in almost every district and the chil dren have an opportunity to attend school. It might be well to remind them ef the importance of learning few things well, a few books thoroughly understood, s few arts or one art thoroughly mastered, are, rule, wotth more than all the wisdom of all the ages and philosophers crowded Into one brain. In France, Germany, ' England and many other countries of Europe the roads are kept so that the products of farms and gardens can be easily and profitably marketed any day in the year. North Carol. na is now engaged in an effort to get the better class of immigrants from European countries. It may be that these immigrants we are now endeawrjoff to get into the rale will go to those conn trie, when. there are the best roods. This ll reason sufficient to put our people to work to improve the roads. A few years ago the three gold brick men who came to North Caro lina to have easy work with our unsophisticated citisenship came to grief in their effort to tell bogus gold bricks in exchange for good current coin of the realnV These men were on vie ted and sen-, fenced to long terms in the peniten tiary. 8inoe then the gold brick swindlers have gives North Caro lina a wide berth. If the gamblers and thieves who visit the stale an nually at the various fairs and who are with practically nearly every circus that visits the state were oaught and punished in one instance as were the gold . brick swindlers there would he an end to the shame-'! less condition of affairs which H vaiU at so many places every fall. A little activity en the part of pub lie officials whose duty it is to look after such matters would be keelth- jfnl for public morals. MOT MEN. rWf Nmsss. The rural daily mail route from Asheboro to- Hill's Store and from Asheboro to Brown, on last Saturday did not make the trip. BichUiti Creek was too high to cross- on the rout to Brown's and Taylor's dieek was passed fording on the route td Ililla Store. This failure of the snail to go on these two routes o cars often In the winter and spring months, and sometimes for several days the mail cannot go. Bridges should be built across these streams. The ford in Richland Creek is near the head of Humble's tnil pond and is a deep ford at low water it is s very narrow lord, nowever and s bridge with proper abutment can be built for near $100. A bridge with proper abutments across Taylor's creek just below the lord would cost probably $3UU, not more than that if built open.' The county has no money to build cover ed bridges across small streams, and. it is doubtful whether covered bridges should be built across any stream. More bridges and cheaper bridges is what is necessary now. In a few years the county will be better able to build better bridges. Let ns have no rr-orc so called iron bridges, they cost too much. A part of the convicts can be more profit ably used in building bridges in winter, tbau in making roads. Would it not be well to use all tbe conuct in winter in building bridges!' Real Estate Transfer,. Since our last issue The A'.uilk'ld Laughliu Realty Company ' bas sold the following lots on the Iloover property: One business lot on north side of Depot street, 20x100 ft., to W D Spoon and C T Laughlin $600.00. Business lot 20x100 ft, to J B Ward on north side of Depot street $600.00. Business lot, on north side of Depot street 24x100 f t to W F and J H McDowell, $720.00. Lot on Favettoville street 100x140 ft, $3,000.00, to W J Armfleld. Lot ou Market street 45100 ft to W F and J H McDowell, $450.00. Lot, corner North and Market streets, 20x80 ft, to Pugh and Brown. $360.00. 100x260 ft to A Ross $750,00 Another lot to Arthur Ross, ad joining Thomas Redding, considera tion $900. A new street opened by tbe Arm- fleld-Laughlm Realty Company from Depot street to Salisbury street. through the Hoover property bas been named North street, and tbe street from Fayetteville to North street laid out aoross the same property has been named Market street. ' Improvsmsnti IThe purchase of a piess, a folder and a mailer are among the things which have become necessary in or der to get tbe Courier out on time and so that the paper may be en larged, In order that our subscribers may always know just how we stand we are going to install along wun our new news paperpress, a nrsi class mailing machine and tbe date of expiration of each subscription will be printed on tne paper rignr after the subscribers name each week. This will be a great con veuence to the subscriber and will serve as a receipt' for money paid en the paper. These will be pnt in by the first of the year or soon after. tiikserlBtloss Paid. A E Poston, D W Bulla, TL ChWholm, O C Brewer, J K Morris, M E Hammer. Addie fctone Ui amp- ton, J W Black. H M Robins. Wm A Cross. Rev T S Ellington, T w Lawrence, Samuel 5poou, W H Glasgow. Oscar Henley, Mrs J B Allred, M a lirown. INSURANCE INVESTIGATION. Harriman, Railway Magnate Before the Committee. Mr Harriman, the New Yoik Railway Magnate, in his testimony before the insurance committee said he offered to take half the stock if sltistied of ihe purity of Mr Ryan's in tives. That Mr Rvau failed to do this and he notified hint that he would use his influence agint him. It will be remembered that Mr Ryan testified last week that Mr Itntri- man, iu a very trenttons interview. insisted that he have a part of the Hyde stock, winch carried control of the EquitaMe As urai.es Society, and virtually made threats or wn t he would do when refused. Iced ts Prevent FrMilas,. Aoooiding to a bulletin recently itsaed by the Weather Bureau, tbe same means are used in winter to keep perishable goods from freexing that are need in summer to keep them from spoiling by heat. Ice and salt will keep the car coo in summer and in winter it keeps the i-oar about 32 degrees at which lem rture the average goods will not materially damaged. Another method is to sptay water over lbs ear fcnd let it f reete, making the car air-tight which stops radiation, mak ing it o mparstively immune from cold. Mr David Thomas of Tabernacle township was in Asheboro v oa business. day NEWS'ITEMI " Many Items that Are Sure te Interest You. The Secretary of State says that 697 corporations were chartered is tbe State last ear. - Luther B Bynum, a Chatham county merchant, died suddenly in tbe Federal court room at Raleigh last week. ' Large quantities of of mistletoe, holly and other evergreens are being snipped xrom tnis state to tne norm ... nilia. Last Thursday night four convicts escaped from the Moore county stockade located about four miles north of Carthage. ' The Lexington Mercantile Com pany's store was burned t Lexing ton last rndsy entailing a loss of about $7,000 with $4,000 insurance. Guilford county's new work house is about complete except the beat- ine. It is expected that prisoners from this term of court will be sent there. The Siler City Grit has sus pended only temporarily owing to tne illness or the editor, Mr K H Vestal, fublication will be re snmed. , A Kansas City grand jury has re turned tourteen bills of indict ment BgainBt railway officials, ship pers and imgut agents cbarging the giving of rebates. According to State Superintend entJoyner's figuies, the number of illiterates in North Carolina has been reduced from 166 per thousand in ivuu to so per thousand. Fire broke out under the picker room or tne raicassett uotton Mill, at Albemarle, last Friday where mere was about uu bales of cotton doing about $10,000 damage. Mrs Mary C Lassiter, who lived near ivernersvillc died Inst Suuday, Deo 10. Mrs Lassiter was the mother of Re' W C Lassiter, pastor oj.mc ai r cnurcnat Liberty last year. Hugh McDonald, sn Englishman, who had a claim against the United Stages government for $2,600,000 for cotton confiscated during the war committed suicide in Statesville recently, '. Geo Hasty, ' proprietor of the Piedmont Inn at Oafnev. S C. nhnt. alia killed Milan llennctt, an actor, iu dangerously wounded Abbott avidson, also a member of the Same company of actors. .0 T Bowmonil, who looks so much like Tom I.ihsoii ilut he is frequent ly taken for him, aud who has made and lost several fortunes following tne au vice ot Mic Irenzied uiiuucc1, has again lot a very large amount' by speculation and has Income a laving maniac. i'Mr Tillman sneakiuirin the senate the other duv of President KooHevelt said "when he sets his heart on any thing he is absolutely blind to the law tnd so determined to have his owu way that he ruthlessly trampl's under feet tbe constitution of the United States." Mr Hariiman in bis testimony before tbe insurance committee last ThuiiHluy declared the Gov Odell got hid political influence through his relations with nun. When he explained certain things between himself, Gov Higgins and Speaker Nixonhe asked "the pess ti spare them and not bring their mimes into headlines. 1'he Bui nine Hn-'iei e. ot' ;iii:!i Point, were tried in Grceueboio Superior Court hist week for main taining a uuisMiice in keeping up so mucn noise during their services that-working people for half a mile around could not sleep of nights .rter part of tr.e testimony was in, Solicitor Brooks consented to a nol pros and the caie was dismissed. It is a fine showing this state has made educationally. During tne past year 440 new school houses bare been erected. For whites 386; negroes 51; Croatan Indians 3. The amount paid out for new school limits was $1 70,097. Cleveland led all the counties very far, bavins- bnili -JH new school bouses for white r.icv t'id one for uegro race, An son and 'tie or two other coui.ties each I oilt 13. Ur Uharles Uee Mnith, who was inaugurated as president of Mercer University, Georgia, a few days ago is a native of Durham, N C. He graduated at W"ke Forest College, North Carolina's stiptrior Baptist College, and subsequently took bis degree at Johns llopk'n , l.i"imnrr. Dr Smith married a daughter of lr W O Jones, of High Point Ninth Carolina seems to be tbe mother of president for big cdu cational institutions, Last Friday a fast freight struck Mrs 8usan Cavincss, a deaf mute, at Jamestown and nearly killed he". She was thrown twenty feet into a ditch landing at tbe feet of Wjlltntn H Tanderbilt and Clarrnre Mackay, the New fork millionaires, who were standing near their private car which they nse as headquarters while banting in the neighborhood. These gentlemen went to her assist ance sod had phys:oiau8 saimuooed St once. Later they sent her to tbe hospital at Hich Point with orders that everything possible be done for aer ana mey wonia pay toe diiis. 8 Wood (BL Big Shoe Sale. ' '-j"We have'jtist completed SPECUlfSALE FOR TEN DAYS. 'GOME BEFORE THE I Olpcr cent ADVANCE which will surely'come before following makes: Hamilton Brown's America? 7entleman,'$3.50 to$8.00. . ' " " " Lady, $3.00; one of the best on earth. Try a pair. Also full line other styles. Queen Quality for ladies at $2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. You can't . fail to be pleased with style and quality of this brand. Full liim nf Hodman Shoes. Every rmir warranted to huvn ( oi;,i .,., e,i 0 New of King Bee Shoes in vici and patent finish, $3.00 0 0 to $4.00. full line filkin shoes, Rubbers, etc., will bo shown. a- Come at once and get well shod for winter. 0 WOOD sfc r- we Can Interest you in a Heating Stove? We have a full line of seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and win make you attractive prioes e on any tning in mat line. I Guns, Amuuition and Sporting Goods of all kinds. j Barbour, Virginia and High I Point Bnggies. tvTi9 an, vv 1 1 1 3 ia rr argains! ilf you are in need of a good suit or a nice i over-coat it will pay you to see our stock. We ' have one of the largest and best lines in the county, and will save you money. Come to see us; we guarantee satisfaction. ,.. Liberty Mercantile Com I Liberty. We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield & Laughlin. Real Estsita Dealers. goo eoeeoeoeeoGooeeeer o so GoLme Law Out Today. 0 O Guns and ammunition 0 you wish to keep up with the procession buy ot us. fcV 0 Our trade has been very heavy on this ior the 0 Q past few weeks and will continue so as long as our 0 iu w priveo iHt, 0 and will last longer in tn ever. It will pay you to buy 0 one soon, as we are expecting an advance on them. 0 McCrary-Redding GGGG Q0GGG0000G000SS3GQ GGG0 J Bargains! f t,r ...:it -1 .t inn : lie win tiuae uut xuu iwua men a line oiiuea wuiui from $2.60 to $4.00 per pair court week. Now is your time to get a good pair of shoes cheap. We are receiving a large quantity of new shoes and must have room for them. We also have other things that we will sell you bar gains in. We will have a lot of nice Christmas goods. Come and see us and be convinced. Ridge, Fox Winter Wear for Children. Fine Shoes, Good Shoes, Lon? Wear Shoes, Fine Clothes, Good Clothes, Clothes that wear well. Dress Goods of the Latest Styles. EmSrythlng for ry body at W. J. Milter's Stora TiflSiWT,i e Wf laii'i-1. (1.00 Per Tear, No 51 Moring s o our line Jo f Shoes'and willshow tne 0 long, Our line! cousists of the 0 MORING. O naiunaiD w-wn ifjai I j. 0 will be in demand, and it Hardware ompany. Bargains! . . el - . .1. & Company. Men Women ac-i-j li ! 'ir- - ur, 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HI rjl.

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