The Asheboro Cornier PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. -Entcre.l at the Post Offlce at Asheboro as 'ecomi Class Matter. THURSDAY, January 11, 1000. AROUND THE STATE. Many Items That Are Sure to (Merest TOU. Percy F N ilsou, city editor of the Xews-bcnnnter, of Memphis, J.CUU., ur-u i-iiuaj wo.; A mantel factorv has been organ-1 iml at Albemarle, X C, with a cao- ital stock of $0,000 to be paid in installments as needed. . . . An , , Miss Annie Altaian was burned to death in Concord one day last week. Hei dress caught from the llames while sitting in front of the a! i , I. .... ., i : iiuiuu twt nits hciu uji uuu : lobbed of a small amount of money , one night last week in Labarus t-ountv, within three miles of Con- cord." I ! The Siler City Grit savs that Mr J George Hannah will be u candi-1 date before the next Democratic countv convention, of Chatham j county, for sheriff. Robert Erwiu formerly president of the Atlantic Coast Line, dropped doad in the woods, Saturday, while ! going over his vast game preserves. at Seybrook, Conn. j Mr Eugene V Debs, who was the Socialist candidate for President and an eloiUeut exponent of that , . i . party s principles, will speak Salisbury, the 2-tth. insi. Capt John L Tull has been made superintendent of the Durham aud Charlotte railroad, to succeed Mr Frank D Jones. Capt Tull will have headquarters at Eliza. The Pomona Cotton Manufactur mg Company near dreensboro, ac cording to its secietary, treasurer anil manager, Albert L liain, will be ready to dojbusiuess by the mid dle of March. A dispatch from Warreuton, X' C tells of the death there of Mrs Lucia Polk, the venerable widow of Col. William II Polk, and sister-in-law President Polk. She was buried in Warreuton Sunday. The last legislature changed the laws so that the county Superin tendent and the Board of Education are in the future to be elected by the people in Mecklenburg, Cleve land, Rutherford and Irdell coun ties. Some unknown person threw a bomb into the front poarch of May or Joseph A Harris, at Hillsboro, one night last week the explosion wrecking a part of the poarch and shattering every window in the house. The State of North Carolina has won in the case against the Armour Packing Company, in the United Stat PS Supreme Court, upholding the State Treasurer in collecting license taxes on meat packing houses. Burlington, N. C. Jan. 13. The North State Council No, 34 Jr, O U. A. M., at Burlington haa offer ed a site and $10,000 for the pro posed Junior Orphan's Home. Other towns are competing for this institution. ene O Stallings, son of Rev Dr Stallings, of Salisbury was struck by an electric car between Salisbury and Spencer Saturday and is seriously if not fatally injured. He was Bitting on the track sleep ing near a curve. Efforts to stop the car proved futile. By the will of Andrew Dotger, of South Orange, N J., at the death of testator's wife, Clara L Dotger, the entire residuary estate, said to be about half a million dollars, will go to the endowment fund of Book er T Washington's negro school. The present endowment is a little over $1,000,000. A female Principal of a colored school in New York, has entered suit for ten thousand dollars dam ages because she was excluded from a European vacation tour. The ex cursion was open to all nationalities On application she gava notice that she was colored, whereupon she was refused admisien to the party and taid her fair and tagged along be ind and played second peddler the entire trip. The Southern Eailway Company has awarded a contract to W J Oli ver & Co, in Knoxville, Tenn, to build a coal road from Embreeville, Teun, to Marion, X G. The road will be about ninety miles long and will have a number of tunnels. The famous Mrs Cussie Chad-: wick, alias Madam De Yere, is bend- ing over a wash tub in the Ohio! penitentiary, serving t seutenee for conspiring bank. ten years! to wreck a ' ! Asheville, X C, Jan. 13. J M ; i Powers, a railroad contractor of: lAshville. was blown to peices bv ! dvuamite this morning while Joins: construction work near Bushuell. Mr W E Snow, recently appoint- ed postmaster at High Point, was married Wednesday evening to Miss I Llllie Hastings, also of Ilisrll Point. The mariiage, solemi.ed at the Pres- i bvteriaii Manse, was a surprise to tne flieiKlS ot OOtll. The announcement of Colonel J, IT Vofilt nf S.ii- il. ,,,, I.,,, : "i !. 1 . . ... L' 1 Z "', . " : Tr i Ti V p l- i it -, e?ir of ' a Hi nf i-I fn L S m ; m, If j Howell, of Atlanta; Hoke Smith of j Atlanta; James II Smith, of Ogle- thorpe county and Judge Richard , Russell, of Winder, ' linen i tuciai vuiiit ilucucu rP.. , : ,1 .... xueaaii uiuiuiu ut meeiisuuiu uic case agaiust G W Samuels, ex-reve- nue orlicer, cnargeu with making false reports of the distinction of . "ef13 "r'"-1 om Asiieooro, distilleries was called. Nearly 150 1 s elj, of Gulf, and II witnesses have been summoned and Jackson, of Raleigh attended a it U thought the trial will consume 'meeting of stock-holders of the three weeks. i Frankiinsville aud Randolph Manu- i facturing Companies last week, Judge Moore, of Asheville, has; Mr Rufua Frazier, of Richmoud, ; presented President Roosevelt with ! Iowa was in the citv one day last ; an application for the pardon of!..i- Mr FmW i snn nf V. Lawrence Pulliam, who, as cashier of the old National Rank In Ashe - Vllle wa3 convicted of embezzle - eut and is now serving six years in the Atlanta prison. The Presi-1 dent indicated that he would not pardon Pulliam. In fact, he said he was opposed to pardons in cases . . . . ! of bank wreckes. Talk of electing President Roose-I velt as successor of the late Presi-; dent Harper at the head of Chicago i university, has become strong in ! university circles. I It is declared to have been one of ; the hopes of Dr Harper, during the111 lotion w:tn tne t rankiiusviue last months of his life. To bring Manufacturing Co and will proba this about it would be necessary to locate in Asheboro. alter the constitution of the l.'uiver-1 n JIf srs J c !ul Joh" tyx f sity which declares that onlv, a Rap- Raudleinan, spent Saturday and tist may be the president. President Su'idav with Dr and Mrs 1 I lox. Roosevelt worships in the Dutch re- Mr 1IuSh Buie w,'ar3 a bro:iJ De formed church. , Its a n'u bo.v- All our people are highly pleased ; with the improvements inaile in The Wl,y Nt Miss Louie Spencer left Saturday : for Trinity where she goes to tea'.'h. ; Miss Mamie Lawrence, of Albe-! TEMPERANCE MEETING. marie, is at home for a few weeks. ' MrJ B Slack has excepted a ! interestina A ddresses bv Prom, position with McCrary and Redding I ,niere5im9 "aaresses DJ rrom as tie and lumber agent. His work j Went Citizens. Re-0rgatl-will be principally on the D & C R. ; ZHtiOfl. Master Emery Slack and little ; Ou Friday night last Uere was a Annie Stutts, who have been yery'mteting held in the Academy in sick aie out agaii . j the interest of temperance, and law The health, at present, iu this ! J1 order. Dispite the inclenency community is very rood. I of the weatlier there was a lare at- r a " tendance. Interesting addresses f,E tl. a.f!,m 13Paw,ay 0Uaulweremadebv many prominent cit extended visit to Elon College. ; izeng- Mu8Ic WM talraiehod bv the The A & A R R have done the Citizeus Baud. The enthusiasm public a great favor by making the j manifested in the re-organization of side track longer at Seajrrove, MessrsJ H Redding and G II Bean, have both purchased new machinery for manufacturing lum ber. Mr Eli Beck has moved to Ashe-i bOrO. Among the new students we no tice Messrs H L Brown, from near Asheboro, J A Hulin, of Mont gomery, Baxter Presnell, of Aconite, narne itusseii, miss Lauie, of SSea- grove. Most of the boarding stu- dents that were here before Christ- mas are back again. Mr J J Harper, R F D Carrier is i off on a vacation for a few days. C l -c Cl i. . . Omar; is cairying me man. i Mrs row, from near Asheboro. is visiting her daughter, Mrs Nancy Il.l... i o J xxonn, n oeagrove. To Examine Tract. F A Silver left on No 29 last night for Jacksonville, Fla, to meet a party of capitalists from 3Iinneso ta, who are interested in a timber deal. A tract of 413,000 acres is under option. It has had a prelimi nary inspection and Mr Silver and his party intend making a more careful examination, and if all' is as expected a large deal will be con summated. Industrial Xews. Mr Silver formerly lived in this county. To Corretpondeott The Courier boasts of the best corps of correspondents in the State and the management appre ciates the value of their efforts, but is often compelled to exclude them from these columns because they ar rive too late to appear in the current issue and would be toe old for the next All correspondents are urged to mail their articles so they will be in this office not later than Tuesday. DEATH OF MR STOUT. Interment at Frankiinsville Friday Personals Other News Notes. Mr J S Stout, who died at Cum- L- U'a, r,lrrh ,. "" ""I1 . , ' bronont t0 this place Ihursday even- and interred in the M E Church cenieterv Friday evening. Funeral was conducted by Rev C A ood, assisted by Rev James Jordan. Mr Stout was a son of A D Stout ! and was raised here. He was about j27 vears old. He was for many ; vears one of Franklinsv j taring CVs most trusted employees; ! when about four years ago he resign - ville Manufac - ed his position and entered school at T.iliprr.v. ( In Wvinor sphool. hn no- cepted a position with the Southern Railroad Co, aud has been depot agent at Cumnock for nearly two years. Mr Stout was one of the best vnnnir imn thut lisis pvpr lipn ""s. . at Uns l,laee- aml "as always been notei1 for his truthtuleS3 alul TO strong and forciful sennons. It is aml WM Ioved aml ies?ecteiX h M a treat to anv one to hear him. who knew him. He leaves a wife1 ,,,. o,,,,,,' c,,,, nm,.M,a aml infaut vhM t0 m0lirn their loss, i ?a,fL? IT, 1 , i anJ who have the aymi)ttthy of our I1",, '? f'i if nT. .H.opkl. " 1 weather mid muddy roads. 1 he . ., e. ,1 . i iw m-ess 1 ,1 . i 'through vour columns ller sincere; thanks to the people of Frankiins ville for their many kindnesses. , . , , ' j tou j.'1.a2ier and has been away about , four years 1 Mr Tho3 GroS3 anj daughter, , jjiss gtellu, of Cumnock, attended the tuuei-al of Mr J S Stout last i prjjav Mr"V C Jones is building a very L i.. i ..i i i;uuiiuuuiuua ui v .kj mo uii'uu well equipped plaut. Six inch pip ing will be used to convey t e heat. Mi Chas Parsons has purchased the Allred building on Railroad Avenue where he will make his fu ture home. Mr Chas II Craven has resigned CoiiUKU aud we consider it one of tlu' ,,est Pul)ers in circulation. the Anti-Saloon League gave prom ise of much good resulting from the movement. There will be a meeting held in the Academy Friday night, January massed an act tavine- narkinir houses ' ?. "P")(ltl1 n,ay ' served), has com 10th t whih OM tr!-n nUf. SV"." S,1' mK no"8e8 i plied with the requirements of an act of the I9rb tn whifVi Pm hrlation ti , on ia Inriforl bo nroaonf anA unite in and consult, as to the best means of putting down the evils of intemperance and riding as far as possible, the town of its mighty soul destroying influences. This will be a meeting of the Anti-Saloon League for the purpose of perfecting organization and the reception of new mmilip. - Kinoy m, ..... .. ... "eneaitnoi ?ne community is VPTV orrtnil UTOtlif a four it ZiirVT. lUCiWICO, -iJAl V11CUUU VUilOLU lie has three or four cases at his house Miss Mattie Beck has been visit ing her sister. Mrs R J Lawrence near Whv Not. Mr G W Owen has killed the larg est hog in the community this year. There has been the most pork rais ed here this year than has been rais ed in several years. Mr W D Mof Ctt has killed between three and four thousand pounds. Miss Swanna Lowdermilk spent last Saturday and Sunday at her home. She was accompanied by one of her pupils, Miss Fleta Owen. Misses Dora and Lillie McLeod, Montgomery, apent several days visiting their sister, Mra Madison Asbill and friends. Mr Joe Ritter, our clever mer chant at Browers Mills, made a business trip to Concord last week. Messrs G F Gatlin, W H Wrenn and W J Moffitt are airay on busi ness trips South. Mr W S Gardner has prepared nice comfortable quarters for the convicts, that are to build the bridge across Deep River. MT OLIVET ITEMS. i Personal Mention School Suspended - Dr 1 Turrenline Preaches. i ,, . ... , heat is not looking much through this section. ! W IT n Ml t l- 1 iUr . V011', irom , 1 'S1""' Speut a few davs last week visiting his daughter. Mrs L O Suez. lie was accompanied by his son, j E M Tyson, from Rockingham, who ; was on "his way to visit his father. Miss Dora Maie Lassiter has gone ; , J, , i J, . .1 i , i home to see her motrcr who is ill ! uc ru;u "J" ?n tImt ccouut. We hoP' ! La,iSltHr a speedy reeoven. ve nope lor Mrs Mr L 0 Sugg, who attended tin ft run I.nilo-e of Miisnnri. lit. Haleio-b last week, has returned home. lie i reports a good meeting and tlx- lodge on a boom. : D,. Turrentine, from Greensboro ...... .... ..:.!:.,.. i.i.. ...... ...:u .. ... uul ini-oiuiug t?i'ti-i, niu nnu u; iu ; davs llst week and gave us two I'lUBJ't-Ut llll 11IC UCW H'UI 13 UllgUl v-vt s...i.,. ... .du i,. 1 ,' : '..i. lilg M.l uct CCl UUlJf UUlilU uuu Ramseur Items. j Messrs A W E Capel, of Troy, T L Chisholm, of Sauford, and V II nderson, of Charlotte, attended the meeting of the stockholders of the Columbia Manufacturing Co here the past week. Mr W II Watkins received a beautiful pair of pheasants from Brokaw's Stock Farm last week. They were admired by every one. MrE F Cot, of Cedar Falls, at tended the meeting of the Knights of Pythias here Saturday night. Messrs Oliver York and A K Wil son, who were seriously ill last week, are greatly improved. Mr J C Reese and family, of Ce dar Falls, visited friends in our town Sunday. Mr and Mrs William Pool have a h'ue new daughter in their home. We congratulate The Coi niKit up on its new and handsome appearance. Long may it live and prosper. The many friends of Miss Vernie Zerkee, a former resident of Ram seur, and a most estimable young lady, were deeply pained and grieved to leara of her death at Burlington Jamuvv 10th Mr and Mrs Solomon options are limited to relatives, near - Greensboro, after spending several ! hy neighbors and friends of Ye davs in town left for their home I olden times". 'Monday last A Novel Verdict. The children of a Chicago drunk- ard have been awarded a verdict of, 5il,, 500 as damages agaiust saloon: keeners alleged to have made druukard of their father, The soothing and comforting ef fects of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, when applied to piles, sores, cuts, boils etc., subdues pain almost instantly. This Salve draws out the 1 n tl a m m a t. io n, re duces swelling and acts as a mbefacient, thus circulating the blood through the diseased parts, permitting or aiding Xature to permanently re move the trouble entirely. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Ashe boro Drug Company, Asheboro Nr C Some years ago the Legislature aoing DUBiness in .norm Carolina, i Armour & UOmpanY, tne Die Unica- go packers, fought the matter 8tep I t'orPortn '-a of North Carolina," per hv aten. throntrh all the onnrtu and I !'nD'7to the issuing of this Certificate of it was only last week the Supreme . r" , . , 7, ! Oourt or tne L mteu states declared that the State had a right to levy and collect the tax. ABSOLUTELY A CHANGE. About seven years ago my health began to fail, I was completely "run down," and my blood got in a bad condition, I suffered with severe pains in different parts of my body, so severe that I could not lie in any position long at a time, and in con sequence ot this I did not know what it was to get a good night's rest. I had been taking different mediciLes for the trouble for three years, but got no relief. Then I thought I would try Mrs Joe Per son's Remedy. I had no faith in it or anything else for my case, but I thought it would be a change. The third night after I started on it I got the first good night's sleep I had had in many months. I became hopeful. The Remedy relieved the terriible pains I had been Buffering from so long, and being able to sleep well at night, I soon began to feel like a new man. My appetite began to improve, I began to build up in every respect. I continued its use until I took about three doz en bottles, when I knew I was a well man. I have been cured four years, have never felt those pains since, and am now a perfectly healthy man4 nor have I ever needed any of the Remedy since. " W E Okiffik. Does your baking powder contain alum ? Look upon the label. Use only a powder whose label shows it to be made with cream of tartar. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only the Royal Baking Powder, which is the best cream of tartar baking powder that can behad. TRINITY ITEMS. Mrs Brame Entertain Aid Society Move ments of People. The ladies Aid Society held the usual monthly meeting at the home of Mrs J D Brame on Tuesday. After the business was at tended to, Mrs Brame, in her always gracious manner, served dainty re freshments, consisting of coffee, chocolate, cake and cheese sand wiches. Mr E R Carr, w ith his wife ar.d little daughter, Lucy Neal, will leave this week for High Point, where they will make their home. Mr Carr is building a haudsome resi dence in High Point but it is not yet finished. Mr Caar is secretary of the Sunday school here and he and his wife will be greatly missed in the church, and elsewhere. Mrs Alva English aud children have gone to Edgefield, S. C, to be with Mr English, who is station agent at that place. Mr George T M Lamb, of Greens-1 boro, was in town Friday visiting at Mr Benson Parkers. MrJParker also has a gentleman from one of j the northern States, boarding at his house, who has come South ou a hunting trip. Mrs Nannie Craven will celebrate her liftieth birthday Saturday eve I uing, January :20th. The invita Mr Herbert Ballance, of Greens boro; was in town a few days this i week visitinshis father. Mr J Wl Ballance. Miss Melita Parkin .nnnmn,,iMl her grandfather, Mr Hines, home, on Wednesday. Mr Hines has a been here for several home is at Faison. months. His STATE OF XURTH CAROLINA, Department of State. CEKTIK1CATE OF DISSOUTIOX. To all wliom these 1'resenU may come GREETING: Whereaa, It appears to my Hatiafactien, by duly authenticated record of.tlic proceedings for tlie voluntary dissolution thereof Ijy the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, thut the Asheboro Wood & Iron Works, a corporation ol this State, whoso principal oftice is situated at in the town of Asheboro Countyjof Randolph, State of North Carolina (E L iloflitt, being me agem mere in anu in cnarge thereof, up- General Assembly of North Carolina (Ses- 'on lUUl), entitled "An act to revise the Bnnl!HI11 o.,lllllAn . : .u- UlHBOlUtll Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes. Secre tary of State, of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, oa the 20th day of July, 1904, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 25th day of July, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and four. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. 1 Shoe Bargains. A complete line of Shoes which guarantee comfort and protection for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children will be offered for sale for the next 30 days at 10 Per Cent Off on Each Pair. This is not a closing out or humbug sale but a straight forward New Year's attraction for Randolph's trading Public. W. W. Jones. tg Asheboro, N. C. MARRIED. Mr W E Johnson and Miss Min nie Bowden, of Randleman were married ou the 7th inst by Mr Y M C Johnson, J P. Cards are out announcing the approaching marriage of Mr Clay Bullard and Miss Lizzie IVker Mr Bullard is well known here and is an excellent young man. He is a son of Mrs Benson Parker. Miss Ida Morris returned from Mt Gilead Friday, where she went to attend the Christian-Blalock wedding. How's This? "I5 .fum,"t Dollars Reward for any case of tutarrh thut cannot be cuiv.l bv Hallv Catarrh Cure. 1 F J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio. V, the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the lust lifteen years, and believe Mn per fectly honorable In all business transact oub ,de,by,his,"rn1?ble Ut '""'io WALDIXC, KINXAN A MARXIX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, actlue i.lryctly uiuu the blood and uiuioussur'aces of -"""Ui van umii in is Pelll IlVfi FriP v'S cents per bottle. Sold bv all Druxzim lake Hall's Family pfs for constipation.' Business Locals. Notices Inserted under this head at one oerxt a word each Insertion. 1 ordeffiUWaY 2SBrS SrwmaS) i rit'.'.a VJ.nLT aJ,,0,,,,.".w t'r""-y niary in No SJlTnwh Si' V"" ' ."clelf.add cl eneloiie. COOPKR A Co., l-'tt Lake St., Chii-ago, 111. iv ivrni ! I ! L, .l."" f 'or ,'",fe"l"lf.fir e- Klury 9l.o:ir ar7irwkW KxPees advanced. ' AddiW, Geo G Clows, Asheboro, N C. Hit. J. I). TALKIN. Eve Socialist, of Ijaltimore, Md, will lie in Asheboro in Dr Henley's ollice on Saturday, January 27th, and will remain one day only. Those wish ing to consult him regarding their eyes will do well to call earlv. St-l-IS-OO WANTED. Men in each Stntn in tmv.l post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods. Salary f 75.00 per month. 3. jjrr uay anu expenses. KCHLMAN CO., Dept. S. Atlas Block, Chicago. 3mo-l-18-00, Saw Mill Men Wanted. I have 3 to 4 million feet standing pine timber that I will pay f 0.00 to $7.00 per m ft for sawing and putting on skids at mill. Will also want teams to haul this lumbes asd will pay f 4.00 per m for hauling. Thir price based on a one trip per day haul. J B Vl'Nf'AXON. West End, N C. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. This is to say that the firm of W A Under wood and Wm C Hammer trading and doing business under the name and style of The Standard Drug Co, at Asheboro, N C, has this day been dissolved, the said WmC Ham mer having sold all his interest to the Baid W A Underwood, who will continue the busi ness and assumes all responsibility for the payment of any and all debts and obligations due or owing by said firm. W A Usiiebwood, Wm C Hammer. This Dec 27th, 1905. Next to Postoffice. t

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