IN MEMORIAM. Consumption There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil lions of people throughout die world are living and in good health on one lung. From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. send you a A Tribute to tha Mtmory of Mr H C Ingram, of Star, N C. Soma four years a) I first wont to Star, u comparative strauger to the p -ople oi that place. It was there I mit for the first time lira Klora Ingram wife of Mr II C Ingram. It ii hard for me to realize that she is gone from her homo and friends. For about a year she was my kind friend atidadviser, ever ready to give sympathy, and aid when called upon. We miss tier face in the cnurcn ana un dav School at Star. We all miss lira Insrram, her friends, her Dastor. her husband and her children. She loved her church and her preacher; and her door stood cpmi to the stranger. Hers was a rare beautiful character: a-id to know her was to love her. I wish I were able to do her justice. Mrs Ingram was born in Randolph county near Concord church, and was in her 55t!i year, she had been married to Mr Ingram 30 years. She had been a member of the Methodist church -10 years. During the I J year that I knew her I loa rued to love her i j more anil more as tlie nays went iy, ana ur lovely disposition unfolded itself to in a. It was an inspiration to higher and nobler things to talk with Mrs Ingram. She always manasred to keep the conversation in the right channel; and she could tin.l good and j i point it out, in every one ue une ui. , When I looked around in church last Sunday j I missed the beautiful, bright, happy face; ! her place was not filled, nor will it be soon, i if ever. ! On the 23th of Dae 190-j, Christmas day, i while the glad anthem of praises were Iwing j sung over all this laud of ours, the beautiful spirit of Mrs Flora Ingram passed quietly ! and peacefully away. We shall see iier no ! more upon earth, b it we know "all is well." i It is with a sorrowiul heart tuat l lay this little wreath all wet with my tears upon the new made grave of my dear and valued friend. Judge Bynum's Hot Blast. it I n his argument before thu Jury in the United States Court in Greensboro hist week hi the trial of G W Samuels for corruption and collusion with blockaders while act ing as a revenue officer Judge W P Bynum used the followiug strong language about conditions in Wilkes county: "This is the outcome of an in fernal political row in Wilkes coun ty, something that seems to actua'e many Republicans in this State, who in their infernal lust for office, turned demons in their efforts to damn and blacken good men's character. Hre you find in Wilkes county the hottest contest in the primaries between Linnev and Blackburn for Congress. In the' convention Blackburn trin liphed- Discoveries at Winston-Salem Lead to Many j and immediately began the uuparals Prosecutions. j leled systematic vituperation of this The government has several clerks : man Samuel, oue of Blackburn', j at Winston-Salem, whose duty it is strong supporters, by Liarvey's sup-1 to examine the packages of tobacco1 porters, which never stopped when i coupons that arrive there through ! it reached the portals of this court. ! the mails from all parts of the ! It was also a fight of old ex -revenue country. These coupons are col-1 officers who were out against revenue beted, for which the tobacco com j officers who were in. Followiug J panies offer presen',8. 1 the lead of higher officials these A large number of people have revenue outs, depended on getting i been forwarding these coupons, and office again by slandering those that ; those who unfortunately enclosed a were in. Look at it. Here is the letter in the same package and mail United Sates District Attorney IIol-' ing them as second class matter ton. His name has been sent in for ; have been detected by the clerks at1 le-appointment, and here we have Winston-Salem and" their names: seen charges filed against him, and and addresses promptly sent to thej efforts made to blacken his charac- Postoffice Department at Washing ter. It is the most relentless in- j ton, and in turn forwarded to Post-j human damnable state of affairs office Inspectors in their respective that ever existed or was permitted I districts, who impose a fine of $10 in any civilized country. Just let a ! for each offense. man have the temerity or the capaci-1 i ty to seek or properly to fill a posi- i Subsidy Shipping Bill. I tion, and here Hon down a black tm , -, . . . . ... , brood of scavenger haipies and tear , LtT tJT his heart out "Here is SamueL i wd the Senate by a vote of 38 to They all say that the prosecution in! A d fa bi egtablUhe8 ite opening argument admitted tha hirteela nfjW' ., he was one of the best men and best A - , . . IV , uuu luuieasea iuc euuteuuuu LO me RULES FOR IMPROVING AND REPAIR ING HIGHWAYS. Caaadlan Commissioner's Adylce For Keeping I'D Good Hoart ways All Work to Be Done With a View to Permanence and Durability. THE SUN (.Baltimore, j lJU toZv A. W. Campbell, provincial highway . , , commissioner of Ontario and one or. The Sun tells for I cent,, and,, can be the ablest exponents of good roads oa the American continent, has formulat rd a set of rules which could be follow ed with profit by highway commission ers generally, says the Auto Advocate and Country Itoads. These rules are printed In his aunual report: First. Every good rond has two es sential features: (a) A thoroughly dry foundation. (b) A smooth, hard, waterproof surface covering. Second. The foundation Is the nat POINTS FROM CANADA I PRICE 1 CENT f r-TMV rl The Vital Point. When it comes to eating you wan some thing you like. The same applies to the necessary articles for the dining roomjwhere you do your eating. Dining Room Suites and Fine Theodore Havener DinnerSets. from $25.oo to $loo.oo per set. We are adding a full line of Mantels, Til ing and Grates that will be worth your while to inspect. 1 Mattings of all Kinds Rugs, Axminister Velvets and Burtworth Wiltons, varying in price from $2o to $65. A call will convince you. had of every dealer, agent or news C boy at that price. All siibserlliets ill District ot Columbia. Vir ginia, North ami South Carolina. Pennsylvania, Delaware ami throughout the I'uited States can get the Sun by mail at one cent a copy. THE Sl'N AT ONE CENT Is the Cheapest High-Class Paper in the United States. The Sim's 'Mieclul corrospoHilentu throughout nral anlwnll tho .1!r ,nn.l wlilf.1i m nat the I'll Hod States, as well as In h.nroc, Unim, Ural SUbSOU, tUe tlirt road, WhICU mUSI h ,, phllltiniiiL's. Porto Kieo. Cuba I mid in every other part of the worUI. make It Ihc greatest newspaper that can be printed. ItS V OSlllllgtOll BUU BCW iw iiuicuu. nic q We will sample free. J Be (tire that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap per of every bottle of Kmuhion you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York Soc. ndl;alldmggiiu THE FARMER'S PAPER. be kept dry by good drainage. Third. The surface covering is gen erally II coating of gravel or broken among the best In the I'liltod States, ami give stone, which should be put on the road mnamev In such a way that It will not In wet ciitl centers of Hie country. weather be churned up and mixed with the mirth beneath that la. it should form 11 rlltlnrr pmitlnir The Sun's market reports ami cominereial roriu a dist inct eoatlllfe. I ,,, mmwte mh reliable, ami put the Fourth. 1 1) accomplish this i farmer, the merciiant ami the broker in touch ,,.. . . ..,.! with the market of Baltimore, Norfolk, Uiurles- (a) The gravel or broken stona ahouM t()1 N),w Y()rk, Chicago. Philadelphia and all contain very little sand or clay; It should oti,er Important points in the Tutted States and : be clean. Other countries. All of which the reader gels for I (b) The roads should b crowned or one cent. rounded in the center so as to shed tha' unuiiu'c oiDrD ' water to tho open drains. i Tnt WUmAN i rArtK. c) Ruts should not be allowed to form, I T)u, is t(u, x, tVveof a iicwxaper. morul as they prevent water from passing to the i jv lml intellectually, 'in addition to the news j open drains. I of the dav, it publishes the lwst features that (d) The open drains should have a suffl-! can le presented, such as fashlou articles, and cient fall and free outlet so that the wa- miscellaneous writings from men and women of I ter will not stin.i In them hut will be 1 not0 al,,i prominence. It Is a u educator of the . ter win not stand in mem. out will ne . ,liKmt character, constantly stimulating to j carried away Immediately. J()ble ,(1oaIs ,u dividual and nat'onal life. (e) The open underdialns should be laid : The Sun is published on Suudav as well as I wherever the open drains are not suffl- every other day ot the week. dent and whore the ground has a moist R ., najv cun ti a Vear in I or wet appearance with a.tendency to ab- Bv ma" ,ne ualy :un' a year, in sorb the gravel and rut readily. By this ' eluding the Sunday Sun, $4. The Sufi ; means the foundation Is made dry. ' day Sun a0ne,'$I a year. f ittu. do not leave tne gravel or stone just as It drops from the wagon, ; but spread It so that travel will at once : pass over and consolidate It before ths fall rains commence. Sixth. Keep the road material raked or scraped into the wheel or horse tracks until consolidated. Seventh. Grade and crown the road before putting on gravel or stone. Eighth. If a grading machine Is available, grade the road which you In tend to gravel before the time of stat s' ABELL COMPANY, Publishers aud Proprietors, BALTIMORE, MD- BUY THE kv7b7LTB 5 SEWING MACHINE VIOLATED POSTAL LAWS. ute labor and use the statute labor as far as possible in drawing gravel. Ninth. A fair crown for gravel roads on level ground is one Inch of rise to each foot of width from the side to the center. Tenth. The road on hills should havi a greater crown than on level ground, I otherwise the water will follow thi , wheel tracks and create deep ruts In- Do not be decciveil bv tliowe who ad vertise a $S0.X) SSewlng Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from mm or an v of our dealers from f 15.00 to $1.3.00. Wt MAKC A VARIETY THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Hewing Machines. The Double Fee! cuinh'iH'd with uther r People's House Furnishing Co., I High Point, N. C. J We Sell the Earth! oooooooooooooooooo If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield (l Laughlin. Real Estate Dealers. r we Can interest you in a Heating Stove? atead of passing to the side drains. troug points mak.-s the Xow Iloiae adoui one auu one-iounu incues 10 ui : the best Hewing Machine to Imv. M Z M r :"' :iWrileforCIRCULAR8S:S2 ii-.i.uiu. i'ii" vii i we manufucturoiiiiJ nri. i-s Im i'oi.' onn li.miii THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. ORftNOC, MAS 28 Union Sq. X. V., I'uicHKO.IU., Atlanta, (lib, BL Loiiia.Mo., l.illas,Tex.,s.m KruncUoo,CM for sale av S Bryant, President T5he J. I. Cole, Cashier which have a hard center, but too little crown, aud which have high, square shoulders, by cutting off the shoulders, turning the material outward and plac ing new gravel or stone In the center. Do not cover the old gravel foundation with the mixture of earth, sod and Cn gravel of which the shoulders are com posed. The shoulders can be easily cut off by menus of a grading machine. Tn-olfth X n-i,1tli nf twAntr.frtm feet between ditches will meet most D8k.nk of RandlenOk.n, conditions, with the central eight feel j RandlemafY, N. C. graveled or metaled with broken stone Thirteenth. Wherever water stands on the roadway or by the roadside oi . Capital $12,000. wherever the ground remains moist oi Is swampy in the spring and fall bet ter drainage is needed. Fourteenth. Look over the roads un der your charge after heavy rains and during spring freshets. The work of a Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received on favorable terms. Interest paid on savings deposits. Directors: W K Hartsell. A N We have a full line of seasonable Hardware. We have just received a complete line of Harness, double and single, and will make you attractive prices on any thing in that line. Guns, Amuuition and Sporting Goods of all kinds. Barbour, Virginia and High Point Bnggies. Lewis & Winslow Hardware Company. Fall and Winter Remnant Clearing. To make room for Spring goods soon to arrive, I offer great bargains in Woollen Dress Goods for ladies and Fall and Winter suits, odd pants and coats, etc., for gentlemen. VALUES WITHOUT RIVAL in lao'ies shoes, odd sizes; and Hamburg embroidery, etc. Our tickets have been carefully marked and you can realize 25 per cent, discount in most of these special bargains. officers the government had ever had, and all witnesses say he bore an : "IT.!. " irreproachable name as an officer ,- 3 1. A " 5r ... t, , , I new lines three leave Atlantic coast and citizen, until the Blackbura i a , ., . ..t. ' , . j , ports, one running to Brazil, one to and Lmney row started and since i fr'u . J i,. J , .1 Uruguay and Argentina, and one to South Africa; six from ports on the few minutes in freeing drains from ob- nna o ri Kurlin W T Rrvnnt C. oceanic lines running rrom tne fa-; strucuon or airening a current omi j Lindsay N N Newlin S Bryant. tr intA fl nrnitAP pnflnnpi mn v nprome y .u A' ,.t U. U Barker and J li Uole. that time every means known to modern detective ingenuity has been brought into play to show that this man had suddenly become corrupt afterja long of honorable conduct." The New" Cough Syrup the one that acts as a mild cathartic on the bowles is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the system, cuts the phlegm out cf the throat, strengthens the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes, and relieves croup, whooping cough, etc. Children love it. Sold by Standard Drug Co and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, N C. A company has applied to the town commissioners of Albemarle for a franchise to install electric light and water systems. If the franchise is granted the company will lay a 6-inch water main along the principal streets, with 5-inch mams on so tne of those where ex posures are not so great. Have yon been betrayed by prom- ises of quacks, swallowed pills and bottled medicine without result ex cept a damaged Btomach. To thope we offer Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. 35 cents. Asheboro Drug Company. A new telephone line is to be built ; between Thomasville and Lexington. Methusala was all right, you bet For a good old soul was he, They say he would be living yet, Had he taken Rocky Mountain Tea. Asheboro Drug Com pany. . , Gulf of Mexico, embracing one to Brazil, one to Cuba, one to Mexico and three to Central America and the Isthmus of Panama; four from Pacific coast ports, embracing two to Japan, China and tne Phillip pines direct, one to Japan, China and the Philippines, via Hawaii and one to Mexico, Central America and the Isthmus of Panama. The bill also grants a subvention at the rate $5 per gross ton per yea to cargo vessels engaged in the foreign trade of the United States, and at the rate of $6.50 per ton to vessels engaged in the Phillipine trade, the Phillippine coastwise law being postponed nntil 1909. Another feature of the bill is that creating a naval reserve force of 10,000 officers and men, who are to receive retainers after the British practice. Vessels receiving subsi dies are required to carry a certain proportion of naval reserve men among their crews. The aggregate compensation for mail lines is about $3,000,000 annually. No steam vessel of less than 1,000 tons is to receive aid under the bill. Fifteenth. Surface water should b disposed of In small quantities, ureal ! o R cox. President. w J armfield, v-Prea accumulations are hard to handle and j w j armfield, Jr., cashier, are destructive. Obtain outlets Into rpi Partlr nf PanrlnlnVi natural water courses as often as pot ' lilrj DdHK UI ndlillUipu, s'ble. ! .A.Ja.e-boro. IT. C Sixteenth. Instead of having deep j open ditches to underdraln the road A man who once had rough horny-hands made them soft and smooth with Witch Hazel Salve, but he used the genuine that bearing the name E C DeWitt & Co, Chica go." For sores, boils, cuts, burns, braises etc, it has no equal, and af fords almost immediate relief from blind bleeding, itching and protrud ing Piles. Sold by Standard Drug Co, and AsheborojDrug JCo,JAshe boro, N C. and dry the foundation, use tile. Seventeenth. Give culverts good fall and free outlet so that water will not freeze in them. Eighteenth. In taking gravel from pit see that precautions are taken to draw only clean material. Do not lei the face of the pit be scraped down, mixing clay, sand and turf with good gravel. Nineteenth. Gravel which retains a perpendicular face In the pit In tho spring and shows no trace of slipping la generally fit to use on the road with out treatment Dirty gravel should bo screened. Twentieth. Plan and lay oat tho work before calling out the men. Twenty-first. When preparing plani keep the work of succeeding years It ylew. Twenty-second. Call out for eact day only such number of men and teams as can be properly directed. Twenty -third. In laying out tho work esUmate on a full day's work from each man and see that It Is per formed. Specify the number of Ioadi of gravel to constitute a day's work. Every wagon box should hold a quar ter of a cord. Twenty-fourth. Make early arrange ments for having on the road when re quired aid In good repair all Imple ments nd tools to be used In perform nee of statute labor. Twenty-fifth. Do all work with tew to permanence and durability. Goo Rada Per Iallaaa. The Indians ot the Choctaw tribe, li Indian Territory, have formed a good roads association. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 With ample assets, experience and protection, we solicit the business of the banking public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customers every facility and ac commodation consistent witn sale burning. DIRECTOUSi Hugh Parks, 8r., W J Armfield, W P Wood, P H Morris, C C McAlister, E M Armfleld, O B Cox, W F Redding, Ben) Hoffltt, Thos J Redding, A W K Capel, A M Rankin, Ttaoa H Redding, Ur F I Aabury, C J Cox. v 1 14, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE "ill r'rtf!V CorvpitaHTs Ac. Anyone sending nketrh and description amy qnlcfely ascertain our ontnion free, whether all Inrentlon Is probably patentable. Communica tion! strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Pitwu sent free. Oldest afffney for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann A Co. reoeiya sperM notic. wit boat charge. IB tbe Scientific Jlntericait. A handsomely fllnstrated weekly. Ijinreet cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 98 a. !ear: four months. I L Sold by all newsdealers. Branch Office. 2 F 8t Wasbtnstoa, D.C. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A. Boty Medicine for Bnsy Fecple. Bring Qoldsa Health ami Renssed Vigor. k. Kpeclflo for Const inat ion. InrtIption. Live and Ki.iney Trouble, rininl". Kc?emt, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, l.oiv. HH.ichc and Bankarhe. It's Rocky Mnun n Tea in lab let form, 8A oents a box. -r:ti.ifl made by Hollisti Daua Cokpany, MadUm, Wis, SOLD EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE I W. J. MILLER, ASHEBORO, N. C m4 N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. Asheboro Hotel Rich & Moffitt, (N w Store) Dealers in Groceries, Notions. . . . . .and Country Produc. South Fayetteville Street Main Street (Near Court House.) Thoroughly renovated and Refurnished Table supplied with the beat the market fforda. Rates Reasonable, O. F. NEWBY, Prop. Ray Edmundson Has refitted and refurnished his BARBER SHOP and now has one of the nicest, cleanest and best fitted shops in the county. (Opposite Wood & Moring's.) We Are- Closing Out Our Heavy Woollen Dress Goods, Flannels, Outing, Flan nelettes, Fascinators, Shalls, Heavy Underwear, Heavy Over Skirts, Gloves, also a lot of shoes. We mean just what we say they must go. Come in and see for your selves. This sale will only last 60 days. ' Ridge, Fox Ci Company. Take The Courier and Get the News One Dollar Per Year in Advance.

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