BETTERING OF TOWNS TO START WOMAN TELLS HOW THE WORK. Practical uacsrestlons About the Be ginning" of a CI Tic Beauty Motc ntent Firat Stepa Simple How to Slake Firat Meeting Successful. Mrs. Francis Copley Seavey, an ac tive member of the American Civic as sociation, recently contributed an arti cle to a Chicago paper on the way to organize a clvle Improvement associa tion. Tortions of Mrs. Seavey's article, "the whole of which was "Leave the World a Tleasanter Tlaee Than You Found It," are herewith reproduced. Mrs. Seavey said: 'Tleasautor is In this application equivalent to better. Environment is coming more and more to be considered a pronounced factor of education the education that makes for character. If towns, villages and Individual homes have an unkempt, 6hiftless, down at the heel air the pass erby Is justified in setting down the In habitants as shiftless, and the genera tion that grows up amid such surround ings is more than likely to bear their characteristic imprint. Then, too, there Is a material side to the question. The value of real estate increases in direct proportion to its possibilities for home making. And every local business and calling as well as all churches and schools thrive as the ratio of desirable population Increases. "When n few members of a commu nity feel that an Improvement society is needed let them learn the feeling of the better class of residents by a per sonal canvass or by circulating printed slips similar to the following, which is a copy of one issued by the promoters of an eastern organization: "To Our Fellow Citizens of : "The board of directors of the village Improvement association earnestly invite your co-operation in the work of beauti fying: our town a work in which all are mutually interested. To this end we re quest you to Join the society by giving" your name to the bearer of this note and paj'Jns at your earliest convenience either to said bearer or to the treasurer cents, which is the entire expense of membership for the year. "We further Invite your assistance in creating a public sentiment that will se cure tidiness on all public and private property In the village. "BOARD OP DIRECTORS, ' "Improvement Association. "Or let a meeting be called without such, preliminaries. This meeting will often prove more successful if made attractive by a short and appropriate programme. Probably the most effec tive Incentive, both to attendance and to membership, is a short, pointed talk on tho possibilities of Improvement bo cltles, Illustrated by the stereoptlcon with lantern slides made from 'before' and 'after' views of door yards that have been 'treated.' A good lantern slide of a barren back yard, littered with tin cans, ash barrels, etc., fol lowed by another showing the same yard carpeted with grass, lined with vines and outlined by tasteful bordered planting, speaks for itself and for the cause tis no tongue can speak. Tho fol lowing copy of the constitution of a prominent society gives an Idea of what is needed; "1. This association shall bo called the Improvement association. "2. The objects of this association shall be to cultivate public sentiment in favor of Improving and beautifying the homes, streets and surroundings of und to endeavor to promote In every legitimate manner the best development of the whole community. "3. The payment of shall constitute membership during the then current year of the association. "i. A board of directors of three from each ward shall be elected by ballot at this meeting and at each annual meeting thereafter. They shall constitute an exec utive committee, who shall have the gen eral control und management of the af fairs of the association. They shall elect by ballot a president, three vice presi dents, a secretary and a treasurer, and the appointment of all committees by the president shall be subject to their ap proval. The president, vice president, sec retary and treasurer shall be ex officio members of the board of directors. "6. No debt shall be contracted by the board of directors beyond the amount of available means within their control, and no member of the association shall be liable for any debt of the association be yond the amount of his or her subscrip tion. "C. This section specifies the date of the annunl meeting, rules for called meetings and of quorums. "7. This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the association, pro vided said amendment shall have been In cluded in the published call for the meet ing. "The question of membership fees is one for local settlement. Some of the societies charge none, relying for sup port on subscriptions, entertainments, etc. The majority of organizations beard from, however, report fees rang ing from 25 cents to $2. In every case members may work out the fee if they choose. A fee should be charged if possible, for some money is essential, and this is a simple and legitimate way to secure it. The officers, directors and executive committee should include capable, influential, tactful and taste ful people, for on them will largely de pend the success or failure of the un dertaking. "As to objects, it Is wise to begin modestly, then, as strength and num bers increase, gradually widen the cope and extend the work. At no time undertake too much. What is ' done should be well done. The aims of established organizations range from having weeds rut to having water works built and parks made. They paint telephone poles and protect nat ural scenery and wild birds. 1 They erect drinking fountains for dogs, horses and men. They form children's street cleaning leagues, distribute flow er seeds, improve cemeteries and rail way station grounds, transform local damping grounds into bits of refresh ing greenery, establish free libraries and, in short, tackle anything their bands find to do and do it with win." I ANNUAL EXHIBIT STOCK LAW. Auuual Statement of receipts and disbursements of Stock Law Terri tories of Randolph County from 1st Monday in December 1904, to the 1st Monday in December 1905. BACK CREEK TERRITORY. Wood & Morlng lnt on Judgment W H Barker Reg of Heeds 1st & Slid Copy Taxes The Courier l'ub Anmiul Kxhlbit W D Kitrlow Tux Refunded J C Fuller on Judgment Moses Hill Tax Kefuudud L A Kiuch List Taker 83 51 II. '.9 II Ik) i;so Ttt com 1 00 sum Bui Indebtedness Dec 11W4 CR. By Taxes Levied woa Bui Indebtedness Dee. 11W3 LONH BRANCH. Reg of Deeds 1st & 2nd Copy Tuxes The Courier l'ub Exhibit Bui Indebtedness December W4 7: mis so ! 31U35 By l uxes Levied im'5 Bnl Indebtedness 1)D PARKS X ROADS. Keg of Deeds 1st A Slid Copy Tuxes J K Fin ks KuilsA: Work The Courier l'ub Exhibit Bui Indebtedness 1004 CR. By Tuxes Levied W05 Kill Indebtedness lee VMS DAVIS MT. The Courier Pub Exhibit Kill Indebtedness Ic 1904 til IT !U 13 si us MT PLEASANT. The Courier Pub Annual Exhibit Amt Tuxes Levied 190b Bui on Hand Dec 1905 RANDOLPH. The Courier Pub Exhibit M A Cuiile SlI'sSL Com'r Bal on nand Dec 1U04 1U05 WEST BROWER TERRITORY. XV M Asbill Rail for Fence Ke of Deeds 1st & and Copy Taxes The Courier Pub Annual Exhibit E B Leuoh List Taker Bu' Indebtedness 1MM CR. Tuxes Levied 1(105 Bal Indebtedness 1905 RICHLAND. lies of Deeds 1st A Snd Copy Taxes Tho Courier Pub Exhibit E B Leueh List Taker Indebtedness 1904 ri0 50 37 4u s7 irj 4 SO 0 30 1 50 sou -rr Sao s s-mmj! ; oo ! i oo . (ioo 1VW mo'.hi: CR. Amt Taxes Levied 1005 Bid Indebtedness Dec 1905 BRUSH CREEK TERRITORY. Re of Deeds 1st & Slid Copy Taxes 11 B I.uiiiluTt Work Ac The Courier Pub Annuul Exhibit I, H Brady BuildhiK Fences C " t'uveness Wire for Fence L K Cox W ork oil Fence B U Indebtedness VM 1 00 11 00 Sfi 00 4 50 CR. ed HI 1905 Amt Taxes Lei Indebtedness 1!HI5 CEDAR GROVE TERRITORY. Rck of Deeds 1st & 2nd Copy Taxes The Courier pub Annual Exhibit Bui on Hand Dec 1904 Indebtedness IKnTjws DEEP RIVER TERRITORY. Res of Deeds 1st & 2nd Copy Tuxes l'lie Courier Pub Annual Exhibit E B Leach List Taker Amt Tuxes Levied 1986 M Bal on Hand Dec 1905 4 94 SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX 1005. FRAN KLIN" VILLE DISTRICT NO 6. By Taxes Levied 1903 701 TO PROVIDENCE DISTRICT. By Taxes Levied 1905 181 87 I. -i P Boroughs, lieu of Deeds and ex- officio clerk to Board of. County Commission ers ot Randolph County, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true exhibit ot the re ceipts and (lisburBements ot the Stock Funds of the various Stock Law Territories, and the receipts of the Special School Tax Hinds for the year ending Uec I, IUUO. J F UuROCGDS, Clk to B'd Co Coinmrs. Reduced Rates. The SEA HOARD begs to announce that on account of the oecatuonB mentioned below the rates and conditions named will apply. l'ensacola, Ha; ew Orleans, La; Mobile, Ala. Account Mardi Graa, February 22nd 27th, one fare plus 25c round tiip; tickets sold February 24th-20th inclusive, final limit March 3rd. Tickets ran he extended until March 17th. Louisville, Ky: Account Department of Superintendent's National Educational As sociation, February 27th-March 1st, one fare plus 25c round trip; tickets sold february 24th-25th-2Cth, final limit March 4th. Chattanooffa, Tenn: Southern Baptist Convention and Auxiliary Societies.May 10th- I5th,-1UIH. Rate, one brst class tare plus 25c for the round trip, (minimum rate) 60 cents, tickets sold Way 8th, Uth and 10th, final limit ten day in addition to date of eale. Tickets may be extended. Fer further information as to rates from any point or schedules apply to your nearest Agent or address the undersigned. U H Uattis Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N C. Thev never gripe or sicken, but cleanse and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels. This is the uni versal verdict of the many thou sands who use De Witt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills relieve headache, constipation, billioasnesB, jaundice, torpid liver, sallow complexion, etc Try Little Montgomery Newt. From the Montgomerian. Among those who are burning tai kilns in lower Montgomery, W D Thomas takes tho lead in obtaining the greatest number of barrels from kiln. He has collected 32 barrels from a single kiln. Dr W P Lewis of Miss, made a business trip here last week. His bro ther Stimback joined him at Ashe- boro. These successtul sons, as well as the Ewiugs, do not forget their imrenta. Mnnr.tromprv count.? shnnlil i- J . feel very proud of them, not only I because they have grown wealthy, I but because of their tine qualities ' Can we not induce them to invest their money hen.? There are only a i very few out of a hundred who sue- I ceed, as these men have. 1 On We(Wsh.v. .Tunmirv 10 i oiii; Mr John Jenkins and Miss Sarah I Bennet were married at the bride's j home in lower Montgomery, Rev. W i A Jenkins otlicia in MrOnro-o a Mniinffo o.ii Midland, iauuiii to notice a uarueu wire Maggie McCaskill weir married tit the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs W F McCaskill, ou Feb. 14, idfifi 'Koiiiro I V. K.iiiiulra nfliniut. ing. JMr McUufliie is a son ot sir Maloni Me Puttie, of Moore county, and Mrs McDuflie is a daughter of Mr W F McCaskill of Troy. Messrs A M Vainer and J C Hur ley returned lst weeiv from the West where i hey went to purchase stock. Mr Hurley savs the price of mules ''' I there is as high as in North Carolina. wiMjMr Varuer purchased a car load, ibit Mr Hurley returned without making any purchases Mr E A Holt, who has been over 50 seer in the carding and spinning 1 room of the Smitherman Cotton 1 Mill for the past three years has 1 accepted a better paying positiou with a mill at Kockinghara. 75 i Mr L R Lisk, superintendent of 1 the Iroy lelephone Company s lines, has had a force of hands at j work in town this week arranging to equip the system with several additional pnones in the near future. Wires will be erected to reach those points where the new 'phones aie to be located. The i Troy system in connection with the Mt Gilead and the general out 3(Mr!let systems, renders it possible to reacu nearly every place ot Dromin "lencein the county, and a large number of private houses. 1 Short Sentimental Sermonetts. Great truths are often told m fewest words. Sublimest eloquence is some times couched in simplest language, signs and tears will never pay arrears tor neglected duties. We find ieal joy in thinking well and kindly of others. A pleaseut tone and a sweet smile costs nothing, and oh what brightness they scatter. The saddest thing in all this world is tkat heart which is incapa ble of nursing feelings of saduess. Many who wear upon earth a crown of thorns, will wear in Heav en a radiant crown of eternal glory. A smile in sleep is the noiseless ripple in the peaceful current of a pleasant dream. Love is the golden key which opens the door to the temple of the purest raptures and most thrilling ecstacies we find ou eurth. Respect for woman is the golden and attractive badge of a true gentleman. Reveals that chivalry and gallanlry which gires to man hood its highest Lobility.and kindli est royalty. The most winning smiles are those which play around a glisten ing eye. and tells of sorrowing thoughts beneath; and the saddest face sometimes wears a gleam of fondly remembered joys which plays amid the shaddows that darken the inner courts of the scul. We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern we are weaving when we went to sleep will be weaving when we awake in the morning, and all the blurs and olemishes made will be seen in eternity. The ministry of a pure, good woman is like a blessing from Heaven. It angelizes humanity, and shows that God in his goodness placed in woman a germ of the higher and purer and sweetest life to draw our thoughts to Heaven. Wifehood is woman's noblest realm of glory and of witchery, of splendor and enchantment; and motherhood is the sacred throne upon which she reigns most royally, and shows the richest and purest and sweetsst treasures of her heart. All prayers however sincere and earnest are not auswerd. We know what we want, God knows what we need, and in his wisdom and good ness he gives as that which will prove a comfort and a blessing, an. not a hnrt and a curse. 80 let us trust Him implicitly, and rely upon His wisdom and His mercv, and then all will be well, for in His gifts the sweetest blessings dwell. The glory of love is like the glory of the snn, and both are ever gushing ' fountains of enter and beauty and splendor. What the sunbeams re to inanimate creation love is to the human, for as the former gilds the earth with ulorv and with brightness, the latter tills with beauty and with fragiance, and makes every land scape a picture of enchantment and every sound a poem of rapture. And when this love reigns in our home circle there is Heaven upon earth with all of its glories and it's beauties, its flowers and its odors, its songs and its harmonies, its joys and its raptures, for love is Heaven i ii ....;.. : l a,m ",cu 10 Henry ISLOL'sr j - js fhe Timo t0 subscrib.. i I A man who was too economical to subscribe for his home paper sent his little boy to borrow the copy taken i by ins neignoor. m nasie me uuv ran over a $4 stand of bees and in ten minutes looked hke a warty summer squash. His cries reached his father, who ran to his assistance, - fenc-, rati into it, breaking it down, cutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining a $5 pair of trousers. The old cow took ad- vantage of the gap in the fence and trot into the cornfield and killed ln-i'M-lf eating green corn. Heariug the racket the wife ran, upset a four-gallon churn of rich cream into a basket of kittens, drowning tlie whole ilock. In her hurry she dropped a $25 set of false teeth. The baby, left alone, crawled through the spilled cream and into the parlor, ruining a $2 carpet. During the excitement the oldest daughter ran away with the hired man, the dog broke np eleven set ting hens, and the calves got out and chewed the tails off four fine shirts, Kansas City Journ il. Just a little Kf'ol after meals will relieve that fulness, belching, gas on stomach, and all other sym ton.s of indigestion. Kodol digests what you eat, and enables the stomach and digestive organs to perform their functions naturally. Methusala was all right, you bet For a good old soul was h", They say he would be living yet, Had he taken Rocrkv Mountain Tea. Asheboro Drug Com pany. Reflections of a Bachelor. The simple life is the kind no body wants to lead because it has such a good reputation. When a woman suspects some one she knows of leading a double, she has more fun than if she was sure of it. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the tniml. discourages and lessensambition; beauty, vigor and clieertul licss soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinatestoooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, 11 is yei wuu ucu-wci-tin p. derjend upon it, the cause of the di ffi- culty is kidnev trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder aud not to a uabit a9 most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamo-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in nfty- uze bottles. You mav i;-r$W have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Home of Swamp-Rocc pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received front sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghaniton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghaniton, N. Y.- on every bot. THE IMPLEMENT GO. RICHMOND, VA, ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Fencing, ftoofinst. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting. Write for prices and catalogue. We carry one of the largest and beat stocks of Farm Implements in the South, and can aave yon money on your purchases. What ever yon need, get our prices be fore purchasing. Special bargains in Farm Wafons and Buggies. Eest makes. Low Prices. The Implement Co., 1312 laia SI., Richmond, It. . mT If IL ifVuS.','.Ea n It Pays Others; I 1 A 1 1 The roads will soon be in conition for driving either long . or short distances. A buggy will soon be in demand. Why not J secure the best? Rock Hill Buggies. Sold by McCraLry Redding Hrdwre Company. Publishers and- We Manufacture the Type Brass Rule in Strips Brass Labor Saving Rule Brass Column Rules Brass Circles Brass Leaders Brass Round Corners Brass Leads and Slugs Old Column Rules refaced and made as good as new at a small cost. Please remember that we are not in any Trust or Combination and are sure that we can make it greatly to your advantage to deal with us. . A copy of our Catalogue will be cheerfully furnished on application. Philadcphia' Printers' Sjpply Co. Manufacturer of Type a.nd High Grade Printing Materia Proprietors 391 North Ninth Sereet PENN TYPE FOUNDRY PHILADELPHIA Oapt. J. W.'Fry, Pres. E. Caldwell, Jr., Secy. The Greensboro Life Insurance Company. Organized 1905. (Legal Reserve) $100,000 Paid Capital. $25,000 Surplus. Writes all ordinary forms of contracts. Each policy is registered and secured by Treas. Dcpt of State. .A J AAA .-v-k 4,uuu,uuu reacn irees Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. June Buds a Specialty. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from dis ease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guarantee our stock to be true to name. Largest Peach Nursery in the World. Address J. C. HALE. ' Winchester, Tenn. f7 1 1 I) 44 paret 9 njroi Tarittitifl of Fruit, Send fiOrts. for book (post-paid) Iwmk hv mail within 60 davs and TtoV.t. ih tl"1 nriW fnr payment on your order and yoa keep ttt f- weekly fcd want 6re home and traveling salesmen. UUTFTT W6 Lay VaSIlreEE. SurkBrolOllSIANXII,JUlastlt,lws,fyrttfville,Aia fU ; wny not toil rinters. Very Highest Grade of Brass Galleys Metal Borders L S Metal Furniture Leads and Slugs Metal Leaders Spaces and Quads 6 to 48 point Metal Quoins, etc. R. R. King, Vice. Pres. r IT TEQOK itxiz na?es inowuuc in natural coion x 12 inch with concise description and season of ripen- arh:U h-f tona views of Nurseries. Orchards, Paokinff Houses, etc. sad Rebate Ticket permitting return of we refund the 609. Or, mail as within 1 year. nnroerr stock and we will credit 11.00 in part thb book free. WE PAY THE FREIGHT.! Fu-'v Uisers. f

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