call Tor courier club raisers. The Asheboro Cornier Spring:- PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. VKutered at the Pont Office at Asheboro a ooud C.M Matter. THURSDAY. March 1, 1906. It is understood that Deputy Marshal Jo a Millikan, the wag of the Federal building, wishes it dis tinctly understood that if, as is currently predicted, the next repub lican state convention is to be held in the penitentiary, he is in uo sense a candidate for the place of delegate and that if chosen he will positively refuse to serve. Greensboro Tele gram. To Advertiser. The Courier has spent large sums of money in working up its circulation and to-ilay it thoroughly covers Randolph and adjoining counties besides having a large list throughout this and other states. But we are working to build up Randolph county and the Piedmont section of North Carolina. To this end we have built our circulation, that our advertisers and the community might secure the greater publicity. We improved our plant and enlarged xut paper all of which necessarily increEBM expenses. Hence this article notifying cur advertisers that after March let, 1906, the advertising rate is as iol low8: Per inch one time 25c " " month 20c " " two months 17c " " three " and over 15c Reading notices will be charged at the rate of one cent per word. All bills payable monthly. Our circulation is not made up of dead heads and exchanges, but pay ing subscribers, who send us the cash for their subscription. Few are more than six months in arrears and many are paid in advance. This shows that we circulate among a prosperous people the class that advertisers desire to reach. The Courier appreciates the pa tronage accorded it in the past and nledges every effort, to give value i received for future busines placed ' with us. Our Big Clubbing Offer. By special arrangement with The Southern Agriculturist, the pjpular semi-monthly farm paper of Nash ville, Tenn., we are able to give our readers the advantage of a clubbing offer which we believe is the most liberal ever made by any newspaper in the South. In the first place, we will send the Douiiieru aKiicuhuii a wuuJe ,r , free to any new or old subscriber wno pays us ror a year s suuscnpuoii to our own naner. This great semi-monthly farm pa-1 r rmna fwiop pvpi-v month into ! 50,000 southern homes, and the reg-1 ular price i 50 cent a year. It is ! edited by southern men and women to suit southern conditions, and is just what our farmers need. It answers free of charge any question a subscriber may ask, and its advice is given in a plain, practical way wnich any farmer can understand. All departments of farm life are covered, including delightful home and children's pages. Sample copies free at our office. HERE IS OUK BIG ALL-SOCTHIRK BARGAIN. (The Courier) $1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 Southern Agriculturist Nashville Weekly American Industrious Hen (poultry) Southern Fruit Grower Total regular price 3.00 We will send you all five of the above papers a whole year for only $1.50. gy These papers are all southern publications and each is a leader in its particular field. Order this club and you will get a big year's read ing at nominal cost. Addresir The Courier, Asheboro, C. Victor to Victor. Frank D .Woollen in,"Success Magazine." I am so worn and weary with this life; Take, thou, my shield. Defeat is better than unending strife; Come, thou, I yield. Victorious wreaths, upon your panting breast You may unroll; For me, the vanquissd, life hath lost its zest, And seeks no goal But, hold! I shall net so in battle fail. Once more the helm I firmly grasp and furl defiant sail! Unto that realm Where heroes bide I point my vessel's prow; And though I fall Before I win the coast, I yield not now, Nor yield at all! : A Oaarioteed Care for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Kles. I'm prist are authorized to refund monry if Pa20 OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 60c. NEWS ITEMS. Brief Review of Happenings of the Past Week. Forsyth county is constructing a $21,000 home for the county poor. The North Carolina fire Insurance Company of High l'oiut, formally began business Friday. Sarah liarnhardt will play Camille at Salesbury March 10th, for which she will receive $2,000. Mr Clay Armiield, of Greensboro, just installed a 100-drop switch board at Randleman. Mrs George R Belle, daughter of Rev C M Campbell, of Randleman, died at her home in Charlott last week. Walter Burton had one side of his facebadly cut by a loose belt at the Lambeth Furniture tactorv Tuesday afternoon. - J Postmaster Patterson, of Coucord has been arrested and is under $1,000 charged with abstracting letters from the mail. mi T.r- u r, L r, ti ii The High Point Cornet Band has been re-organ ized and a competent tusci uccor win oe empioyeu anu me ueoii lilicnu mi tuc uiiy una oc- cured. Ledger. An election on a $1 25,000 issue has been called at Salem, Forsyth county, for the purpose of buying water works, paying indebtedness and street improvements. Mr Malcom Shaw, one of High Point's oldest and best citizens, died Tuesday at that place, aged 79 years. The burial was at Liberty, his old home, yesterday morning. By ' fall at the home of her sister, Mrs E O Staghorn, at Thom- asville E:iday Mrs 11 G Harris suffered the dislocation and fracture of her hip. Mrs Harris is 96 years old. David B Henderson, formerly speaker of the national house of representatives, died Monday after noon at Mercy Hospital. Dubuque, Iowa, of paresis, which attacked him nine months ago. The trial of Dr Matthews s to Tho be called at Greensboro to-day. defense claim to have made scientific discoveries which will save their j client. The case promises to be a most interesting one. wero absent from the Old State three months. At the meeting Sunday at the First Baptist church, $1400 was raised to complete the work on said church and O A Kichardson, chair maQ of tfae building committee will have the work commenced at once. Hl . poiQt The building committee of the M P Conference visited Pinacle Mondoy in the interest of the loca- tion lor their new college. Liberty has offered $5,000, while it is an nounced that Pinacle, in Surry county, has assured the committee of $10,000. Bills are pending in Congress firoviding for public buildings at iigh Point, Burlington, Fayette ville, Henderson, Kinston, Washing ton and Salisbury. Increased ap propriations are sought 'or the buildings heretofore provided for Asheville 'and Winston-Salem and will probably be allowed. Thousands of American beauty sil ver sets are to be given our subscrib ers, and to your friends and neigh bors. Every body can have a set. The quality ofthe ware is the best and ia extremely handsome. Send to the Courier and get descriptions of this beau ti jul ware. You can secure one of these sets for your self, your relatives, and your friends. You can take a trip around the world in sixty minutes at a mere trifle, this trip can be made for al most no cost. The most beautiful scenes from every land can be seen with the stereoscope with forty eight illustrations. You can get this stereoscope and forty-eight il. lustrations for five dollars worth of subscriptions to the Courier. The second quarterly conference will be held at Behobeth Saturday and Sunday, March 3rd and 4th instead of the 30th and 31st as an nounced last week. For Sale. One hundred and forty acres of land on the waters of Basket's Creek, within 200 yards of Spero, one good dwelling house with four rooms and out buildings. Twenty acres of bottom land. Will sell for part on time of fire years or will rent to responsible parties for a period of five years. Anyone wanting to boy will find me on my farm for the next 90 days. J A Neiotsoes. Randleman, R F D, Ho 2. t i- it ii i tv r it e he seen at anytime at the Morris- or a pair or Lrossett s best shewn, Key I H ood, D D and wife, of - Scarhoro.Moffit,t tVs y tore each and every pair sells for $5.00 Trinity, have returned from a visit Th KnJ. h h , the worJd ov- or if you t f to the later s brother Mr Frank j -,. m pair of .the lest nil road watch ever made Pierce, in Indian Territory. They ,v u, u i Enter Your Name On Our List at Once and Win One of the Premiums Offered. Hundreds of Dollars will be Distrib uted in Presents During the Next Few Weeks. In arranging this contest we have cent subscribers to count ouo sub- endeavored to offer a reward to workers sufficient to make them en thusiastic and at the same time make the work of securing subscribers easy, so they could not fail to win prizes if they half tried. Every one who pays one dollar IN ADVANCE will get free with The Courier for oneyear, the V oman s Magazine, 1 he Metropolitan and Rural Home, The Southern Agriculturist, or the Farm and Fireside for one year. This contest begins NOWaud will C,08C ' . ,iUO i wl' 8e.nJ? 113 1 ie Jgest number of j subscr.ptious during that time w.ll receive as a prize a handsome Aa- j tional Sewiog Machine, which st lis j for $05.00. To the person who sends in : the second largest list of subscribers ! we will gi ve a Champion New Home i gewi Mileh:IMf. rrice $65.00. To the w ho obtains for us The , the third argest , jafc of subscriber8 re will give one Carolina Cook Stave witu "B" list with pipe, including full and complete cooking outfit which sells everywhere for $18.00. This stove is on exhibition at the Lewis & Wmslow Hardware Com pany. To the person sending us the fourth largest list we will give a genuine American movement ladies' vatch made by the New Y'ork Stan dard Watch Company, ritud in a gold rilled hunting case, warranted for 20 yeais. It is a stem-wiudei and stem setter, and in every way a reliable time keeper. Each case is handsomely engraved. To the worker who sends us the fifth largest list we will give a watch with movemeut like the foregoing description except a ten year guaran tee! case. To the per sou sending us ti e sixth largest list we will give a pair of Queen Quality Shoes worth $3.50. These shoes are on exhibition at Messrs Wood & Mor- mg s More. The person sending us the seventh largest list w ill receive a pair of the celebrated White House Patent Leather Blucher Ladies' Shoes worth 3.50 These shoes can Walking Shoes, worth 3.50. It cau be seen at Mr W J Miller's store. The worker sending us the ninth largest subscription list we will give free a beautiful 45-piece porcelain breakfast set. To the person sending us the tenth largest subscriptions we will give a handsone water set worth anywhere $6.50. The person sending us the eleventh largest list of subscribers will re ceive a 14-piece combination Ameri can Beauy Kose silver set, consist ing of 1 dozen Tea Spoons, Sugar Shell aud Butter Knife to match, pure coin silver plated over nickel plate on hard metal base, packed in fancy box. Every dolla. sent we count one subscription. It will take two fifty Quiz Book on Correct English. Though you are well educated you must fel how imperfect you are in English do you always know just how to pronouncj a word, just how another word ought to be used to be correct? Do you never slip on your spelling in spite of constant watchfulness? Would you like a quiz book that would first help you to brush up on all the little points of every-day grammer, letter writing pronunciation, spell ing and the use of words? The book you want is Sherwin Cody's "Art of Writing and Speak ing the English Language Diction ary of Errors." It is the most practical condenced, simple, com plete, and stimulating little volume ever compiled, and it is by a man who has a reputation as the most practical teacher of English in the United States. Says Mr Ernest Bross, editor of the Indianapolis Star. "It is excellent I Mind points on every page, and practical ones too, that I never saw in print before." Price 50c (regulari 75c) postage prepaid if you also enclose 10c for six months' subscription to Mr Cody's new humorous magazine. The Touchftone. Send your address to, , The Courier Asheboro, N C. Subscriptions Paid. J C Newsom, J A Craven, M F Snyder, Mrs C C Moffitt, II II Delk.SFLowdermilk, J W Moore, J E Lowkermilk. It takes three days of experiment ing in cold weather to get the fur nace to burn like blazes when the X .V. I iwifuiui iwuiaiio uvui-vc J"" "-" nitiil lire arm -wars strikes us. scription in the contest. Now here are the "sure things" prizes those you KNOW you can get whether you win one of the oth er prizes or not. To every person sending us twelve subscribers at one time with twelve dollars, we will give a handsome water set the best made, or, if yon prefer, a set of genuine Uodgers knives and forks, either of these sell anywhere for $5.00 to $0.00. Or to any person, who will send us 18 sub scriptions with $18.00, we will send both there premiums. But that is not all, we make another offer that every body can get and that is that every worker, who will send us six subscription at one time accompani ed Itv $0.00. we will give a fine porcelain, 30 piece breakfast set or for five subscriptions we wil give a handsome sfereoctpe und 48 oolorsd scenes 'rom all p.iris of of the world. This breakfast set never sold for less than $4.00 and it is woith $(5.00 anywhere and the stereoscope and views are worth fully as much as the brei'kfast set, or if any worker will send us 10 subscriptions accom panied by $10. e will sei d both these handseme premiums. We know you will wonder how ve can make such a remarkable offir To be frank with you we couldn't if we did not know from expedience that three-fourths of the new subscribers obtained in this whv will be turned into regular subscribers at the end of the year. We are paving vou handsomely simply to get them started for us. The merit of the paper itself will do the rest and in the long run we will make a profit and you will be doing your community a good turn by inducing the people to read a paper which teaches them how to make more money from their farms and if various occupation. To everyone who sends us as much $100.00 for subscriptions and job ! wor'v' tgpther we WH give a Chtm- Plon Ni w "Omebewing Machine. Any young man who wants a pair of "Keiths Konoueror'1 8 noes, or a ; pair of celebrated Ki Bee shoe, by getting subscriptions or iob work for The Courier. Now the facts are all before vou and the contest is on. DON'T WAIT UNTIL TO-MORROW TO BEGIN WORK. Start now and keep it up, if you want one of the bi s prizes. We will send vou sam p'e copies, if you ask for them, but we do not furnish receipts and sub scription blanks pxcept direct to the subscribers upon recaipt of the list and amount enclosed. An ordinary peice of paper will do. Don't send stamps. Put the silver dimes in an envelope and fold it up and put in another envelope which bears the stamp and address and they will not be lost. Address all letters to The Courier, Asheboro, N C. Business Locals. Notices Inserted under tKIa head at en oervt word each Insertion. Two good second hand show cases for sale at Asheboro Dept. store Company. FOR SALE: Elegant Grand Square Tia no, 7 1-3 Octaves, overstrung scales, hand some case. Mrs Blair, Asheboro, N. C. Two good as new counter scales at Ashe boro Dept. Store Company. FOR SALE; Twelve horse power tract- non engine in gooa condition. Uash or easy wrms. VA.VIU lAJHK, R. F. D. No. 2, Asheboro, N C. WANTED: District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. Sal ry ? 18.00 weekly, $3.00 per day for expenses. State age and present employ ment. IDEAL SHAKE CO,, 39 Randolph St, Chicago. 111. WANTED. Men in each State to travel post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods. Salary $ 75.00 per mouth. $3. per day and expenses. KUnXMAJJ CO., Dept. S. Atlas Block, Chicago. 3mo-l-18-06. A large assortment of tin ware consisting oi wasn Dssms, mux strainers, Hour sitters, coffee pots, buckets of all sizes, Bteasures of all sizes, pie plates and cake tins will be sold at bargain prices. Asheboro Dept Store Co FOUR room cottage with S 1-4 acres of land and two barns on same for rent f 0.00 rr month. Kent payable in advance, See D Ross, at Bank of Randolph. 2-28-2 SALESMEN WANTED: To look after our interest Randoph and adjacent counties Salary or commission. Address. y- THE HARVEY OIL CO. Cleveland, O. EGGS For hatching, from S C White Leghorn guaranteed stock. $1.00 per set ting of fifteen. P P Turker. Ramsenr, N ( . Styles Are Here. The Remnant Sale recently advertised in these columns was a greater success by far than we expected. Our customers swept our counters and shelves almost clear of all goods of this class. Believing the ladies of Asheboro and Randolph county would appreciate the opportunity to select their spring dresses and furnishings before warm weather begins we have filled our counters thirty days early with the most complete and attractive line of Dress Goods, Laces, Embr id eries, Etc, ever shown by us. They embrace all the most popular fabric and patterns. A few we mention which are popularized in fashion centres, and will be largely worn during the coming spring and summer are Taffeta Gingham, White and Brown linen for shirt waists. For more dressy suits Lansdowne, an imported fabric of wool and silk, has taken a lead; while shadow checks and printed Silk Tissu are becoming notably popular. Besides our regular line of trimmings we have just received a large shipment of laces, hamburgs and em broideries, which were imported by New York dealers, and will only be on sale here for ten days. Spring Hats for Men. Large line of Hats in straws, furs and panamas, the shapes t.i be worn during the coming season are already on sale at our store. Call and see them. Mori is-Scarboro Moffiit Co. Free Delivery. THE GROUND HOG saw his shadow last Friday, and we will still have A SEIGE OF COLD WEATHER. Wood o 0 will put on sale beginning Feb. 8th (today) at Bargain JJ OVERCOATS formerly W $16.50 now $13.50, formerly j iu.uu now .tu, also odd coats at Mew York (Jity cost. J () ALL CLOAKS for ladies and children at Manufacfurer's 0 cost FURS One lot Furs for turer's cost. SILKS formerly 50 cts, special sale price 38 cts. FLANNEL WAISTINGS-formerlv 50 cts. now 38 cts. i All heavy winter dress jroods of cost. Many other articles needed in February will be sold at great reductions. Come at once and secure the first selections. New We have just received a lot of Spring Goods, Suit ings, Waist and Skirt Goods, Shoes, Oxfords white and black for ladies and children. A lot of old stock of Shoes at cost. We can please you in most any thing. Come in and take a look. Ridge, Fox Now is the time to buy an Engine, Boilor and Saw Mill outfit. Farquhar en gine and boiler and Sergeant saw mill makes the best outfit. For sale by McCrary Redding oses and Mules. I will leave this week for the West to spend a week. When I return I will bring with me two cars of horses and mules which will be placed on sale at the old Morris Stables on Depot street Will be able to suit any fancy, and prices will be well worth your attention. My stables are permanently located at Asheboro. ROSS, 'Phone No. 7. 4) O 0 O 0 L Moring Prices $20.00 now $15.00, formerly J $12.50 now $9.50, formerly II O o o 0 I o ladies and children at Manufac will be closed out recrardless Goods. C Company. Hardware Company. Asheboro, N, C.

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