The Asheboro Courier. ..Asheboro, N. C. March 1, 1906, Local and Personal. A J Macon, of Farmer, was here 'Tuesday. Mrs 0 B Ingram, of Mt Gilead is visiting Mr W P Wood. Mi3 Annie Henley of Randleman was in Asheboro Monday. Mr H H Delk, of Tabernacle town . ship spent Friday nig t in town. Mr E C Poteet, of Why Not was :in Asheboro Monday aud Tuesday. Messes J 0 and T II Redding spent .Sunday with their parents at Maud. Mrs L II Worth is'spending sever--al days in Greensboro with friends. Misses Etta Blair and Laura Stiin ison spent Thursday nigluin Randle man. Mr W L Stutts of Seagrove is attending the Masonic lectures here this week. Miss Lulu Steed, of Steeds, is .spending a few days with friends in Asheboro. The Randolph Book Club meets with Mrs II E Moffitt on Sunset Ave. .-at 3.30 p. m. Friday. Missus Kathleen Hall and Salhe Phillips, of High Point, are isiting relatives and friends here. The contract has been let for wiring the M E church preparatory to installing electric lights. Miss Rosa Spencer leturned Tues day from Biscoe and Pinehurst where she visited frieuda for several days. The Graded School pupils were given half-holiday on Thursday last, it being George Washington's birth day. Miaa Jennie Herndon. of Greens boro, visited Mrs J T Moffitt here last wek, returning to her home Monday. A larce and nleased audience at tended the Clifford Family Concert at the Academy unapei inesuay nignt. Misses Fleta York, Bessie Siler ;and Mr Roy Reitzell, of Liberty, visited Misses Beulah and Ruth Fox Saturday and Sunday. - W H Moring, of the 6rm of Wood & Morinjr, left Tuesday for New York to complete the purchase of their spring stock. F T Macon, of Cordele, Ga, spent Tuesday with his uncle, B F Newby at the Asheboro Hotel, leaving yes terday morning for his home. W C Armstrong returned Thurs day from Salisbury where he attend ed the meeting of the Juniors. Mr Armstrong represented Central Falls -Council, No. 186. The members of the colord Meth odist church here are pieparing to move their church building to North Asheboro where it will be more con venient for the colord population. Mr Alex Underwood, who married Miss Lillie Burnn, a daughter of Mr and Mrs W M Burns, all of Ashe boro township, have gone to High Point where they will make their future home. , Miss Nannie Ballinger went to her former home at Guilford College last Fridar, to remain two weeks. During her absence, her sister, Miss 1 earl, will ave charge of the mil linery store. J A Gorman, who has, with J A Hammer, of this city, represented the Gieensboro Life Insurance Com pany, at Columbia, S C, has accept ed the management of Bradstreet's agency, at Saviunah, Ga. Mr R R Ross haa begun the work of remodeling the building recently purchased by him on Depot street adjoining Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. The house is bejng raised and the interior will be renorated and remodled for offices. Mr L E Teague, of Chapel Hill, was here Saturday en route to Far mer to spend Sunday. Mr Teague f anrerly held a position with the Southern railaway at Ramsenr, but is now assistant agent at Chapel Hill. His old Randolph home is near Erect. Mrs Nnma Thornburg, of Lassi ter, who has been ill at the sani tonum of Dr Long at Greensboro has recovered and visited friends at High Point last week. She will re turn to her home at Lassiter this week. Mrs Kephart pleased the large audience at the M E chnrch Sunday evening in the rendition of a vocal selection just before the sermon by Dr S B Turrentine. Mrs Kepheart possesses a voice of rare qualities and is a great addition to the choir in that church. Mr Withers, of Worthville, was here Monday. T G McAlister, of Spray, visited relatives here Sunday. H B Presnell, of Seagrove, was in Asheboro Monday. Mise Annie Blair was a guest of friends at High Point Sunday. N C English, of Trinity, visited Asheboro Monday on business. Miss Bessie Coffin has returned froni Troy where she visited friends. Attorney 0 L Sapp visited High Point and Greensboro Tuesday. Mr Tom Green, of Coleridge township visited Asheboro on busi ness Monday. Mr and Mrs J D Ross have return ed from an extended Southern tour. They arrived Tuesday. MesHrs E G Morris and S Laugh lin attended the Penny Bros Horse Sale a Greensboro Saturday. The receipts from the sale aggregated over $10,000. Isaac P Frazier, railway postal clerk between Asheboro and High Point has returned to his run after au absence of several daya with relatives at Staley. During his absence Frank Iielaml, of Winston Salem, supplied for him. Mr W I Myrick, county organizer of Baraca classes, will be at the Methodist Protestant church Sun day, March 4th. All young men who do not attend Sunday school are requested to be present. FLAG A DIRTY RAG. Hell an Improvement on the United States Bishop Turner, Negro Says so. Recent press dispatch from Ma con, Ga., says: In an address before the five hundred delegates, attend ing the convention of negroes in this citv, to discuss radical problems, Bishop H M Turner declared the American flag to be a dirty and con temptible rag. He fuither said that hell was an improvement on the United States when the negro was invohed. Id closing he said: "If a little ignorant and stupid white man who was never heard of and never would be heard of until ten thousand years after the resur rection trumpet, wishes a little notoriety hej begin3 to belie and slander the negro and bounds into popularity. And I challenge any one or all of them to meet me in public discussion and I will show that the negro is a far better man than they are." TRINITY ITEMS. Rev F H Wood Lectures on Indian Te'rltory and Texas. Rev Frank H Wood delivered a very interesting lecture od Sunday afternoon, lie has oeen in Indian Territory and Texas for three months, and he talked about his travels. He lectured in the Chapel. Mrs Irene and Miss Kate Craven, who have been visiting Prof Pe gram's family in Durham for the past two months, returned home last week. Mr Fred Dominie, of Long Island, who has been boarding at Mr Par ker's for a few weeks, left for his home on Friday. He made many friends during his tay here. Miss Amanda Leach, the efficient postmistress, has been sick a week. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Miss Maggie Miller, of Millet's Mill, who is a student in the High School, is very ill with pneumonia. Her father and grandmother are at her bedside. Mr Bullard and family, of San ford, are visiting at Mr Benson Par ker's. Mrs Herbert Ballance, of Greens boro, spent a week at the home of Mr J W Ballance, returning home on Thursday. Mr and Mrs Earl Scarborough, who have been in Shelby all the win ter, came home on Saturday. Mr and Mrs J J Fariiss, and little James, of High Point, spent Tues day afternoon here with Mrs Farriss' father and mother, Mr Mrs Frank Wood. Mrs Frank Wood is visiting rela tives in Durham this week. Mr Malcom, an old, and very highly esteemed citizen of this place, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs June Johnson, at High Point, on Monday, lie h?.s made his home in High Point for several years. Masonic Lectures. Rev J W Rowell, Assistant Grand Lecturer, of the Grand Lodge of Masons, is in the city riving a course of lectures before the members of the local lodge. He is a guest of Rev W E Swain, pastor of the M P Church. To Core a Cold in One Dav. Take LA.XATITIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E W UHUVts signature is on each box. 25c. PISGAH NEWS. Mr Charlie Ragsdale Critically III School Closing Personals. Mr and Mrs D J Bell, of Greens boro, are visiting Mrs Bell's father Mr C O Bean, near here. Mr Alfred Lawrence moved his family to Mr S E Tiogdon's place Tuesday. Misses Vina and Effie Harvel and Mr Rufus Williams visited at S A Cox's Saturday night and Sunday. Mr Charlie Ragsdale, who has been sick several months with pulmonary trouble is not expected to live many days. Mr J B Parks, who is still at Gieensboro is inproving they think he will be able to come home in two week. Mr S A Cox's school at Welch's school house will close March 17th with a public exhibition. Ramseur Personal. Mr and Mrs Chas Hurley, of Cedar r alls, visited Mrs Joe Hurley Sunday. Mrs Sol Caveness, of Greensboro, after spending a week with parents returned home Tuesday. Mr W H Watkius visited Troy and other points lasr. week. The Clifford family, of Granville county gave a very enjoyable musi cal Concert at the Academy on the 22ond. The young ladies" of the family are truly talented in music and our people will always be glad, to see them return. Mrs Elizabath Bray, of Coleridge, is visiting her daughter Mrs W H Marley. Miss Carrie Freeman, one of Franklin8ville's most charming and popular young ladies, visited Miss Alice Burgess Saturday and Sunapy last. Mr J A Marsh Bpent Sunday and several days last week yith Mrs Marsh. Mr Gurney Burgess, of High Point, spent Sunday here with his parents. Mr Henry Hacknoy, of Charlotte, called on Ramseur friends last week. The Crescent Furniture Co. is selling lots of furniture these days. Mr Walter Johnson had the mis fortune to have his left hand badly injured by a belt at the Novelty Wood Works last week. Rev C A Wood filled his pulpit in the M E Church last Sunday preaching a very powerful ser mon. Mrs I F Craven pre sided at the organ and Prof. McCanless with violin. A Beautiful Wedding. At the residence of the rid's mother, Mrs Rebecca Dicks, at Sophia, on Wednesday evening, February 21 1906, by Mr J A Wall, Esq. Mr L W Fentriss and Miss Pearl Dicks, were united in the Holy bonds of matrimony. A num ber of relatives and friends were present to witness the ceremony. Mr J T Wall aud Mus Nana Dicks, and Mr Calvin Dicks and Miss Vivian Dicks, were the bridal at tendants. The estimation of their friends was shown by many beautiful and valuable presents. This community has lost a most popular and accomplished young lady. The lovely couple boarded the train to-day for Hartoville, S C. where they will make their home for a while. We extend best wishes for a long and happy life. The Secretary of -tate has chartered the Southern Timber Company, Ashboro with privileges to manufacture iron and steel goods, together with th? timber business, authorized capital stock $100,000, of which amount $40,000 is paid in by C C McAlister, Asheboro, T G McAlister and E P Wharton, of Greensboro. "It is The Only I have found whir-h is permanent in its effects." "It is the best medicine I ever tiok in my life." "It is the fitii-st medicina I ever took for indigestion." "It cured uie after doctor's treat ment and many other medicines failed." "It is the finest tonic I ever tiitd." These are the expressions which grKtedme when I called on Mrs Q II Anderson, Cleveland, N C, March 15, 1905. She had been a severe sufferer from indigestion, which fiequently produced nervousness. One dozen bottles of my Iiemedy made a perfect cure of her. It cured her at the same time of a troublesome case of tetter on the hand. Mrs Joe Person', Charlotte, N. C. Caraway Telephone Grows. Mr James M Walker has placed a telephone in his residence, with connection from Caraway Telephone Exchange. J F Jarrell, the manager, has or ders for six new phones which will be connected with the Caraway Tele phone Exchange at once. Miss Ida M JarrelPs school will close March 10th, with an exhibi tion. Prof J M Way, of Asheboio, has been invited to make the ad dress. Mauley Miller is ill with pneu mouia. J F Jarrell & Co is receiving spring goods. They get better every season . Call and see them. Farmer Briefs. F T Macon, of Cordele, Ga, left for his home Tuesday. &f ter spend ing several days here with his fath er Mr Gideon Macon. The 2nd of a ser es of orations be ing given by the pupils of Farmer Institute will be held in the school building Friday evening. The pub lic is invited. E J Kerns was presented with a Hue boy Monday. Miss Clay Uedrick, of Fairmount, entered the institute as a pupil Mon day. From Ralph. Miss Jane Henley, who has been t.pHrnincr aormnl ir. Proat hua p.lnsn.l hpr sfhnnl n.l rotnrne.1 hnm Mr and Mrs A C Cox, epent Saturdav niirht and Sundav at Mr G W Spoon's. Rev J H Stowe preached an able sermon at Browei's Chapel last Sunday. Mr Alfred Staley, who has been sick , does aot improve. Misses Ida Henley and Birdie Miller, of Asheboro, spent Saturday night with Misses n;va and Hate Winningham. Gift to Eton College. On Washington's Birthday the Clio Literary Society, of Elon Col lege, presented the school with a magnanimous gift of school room furnishings valued at $838.60. This equipment includes black boards, teachers' desks, chairs, and platforms, and modern comfortable opera seats with table rests for the students. on the part of the society was made i.v r.v,uu "f" Mr C U Howell, of rloriu'i. After March 6,000 farmeis com posing the Society of Equity in the weste n wheat giowing states have agreed to withhold from niarktt auy 2Sffia5 decreed as tquitable by the officers of the society. They demand $1.00 per bushel for wheat. The cutl for the strike sets forth a miuimu u selling price on all farm products. LAND SAI.K. By virtue of an order of sale muile Ijv the Suiierior Court of KundolpU I'muitv. Xortli Curoliiui, in a Special 1'roceeilinsr entitled T W Johnson et al Vs J H Johnson et al, 1 will sell, on the premises of the hereinafter described land on Match I'uth woo, at 1 2 o'clock 4i, at public auction to the highest bidder, the following descnlied tracts of land, lying in the County of Randolph, state of North Carolina, and de cribed us follows, viz: tract 1. A one-half uulivided io-1 torest in a tract of land lying and being in Kandoiph county, s.ate of Xonh Carolina. in ConcorJ1o.rnsh:;i, mi the waters of Tom's 1 Creek, adjoining the lauds of T W Johnson and others, and l iinning at a black stuuin i on the North riu.-of '1Y m a Creek just below the Mill near the I'unl, th nee South 37 i I to u Btoiu- in the old lielu, thence est iu xmst.p u unite oak on the South side of ..i n.e t 'i-itk a' high-water mark, the:ce up t1 e . x'.o. acourses if the Creek 72 poles to a atuKe, formerly Jones K Wood, Jr, corner, thence in a North-west direction to a 6tone on the West side of the Creek in T W John sou's line at high-water mark, thence down the various course of the Creek at high wuter mark to the beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. Tract No 2. Lying and being in the County of i'taudolpb, State of North Carolina, known as the Copper Hill tract, adjoining the lands of T W Johnson and others and be ginning at a turkey oak, thence North 8 chs auu bo links to a black gum on Jones H Wood's line, thence West 11 chs to an iron wood on the branch, thence down the various coun-es to th? branch 13 chs aud 50 links to a dog noxl, tlen e East SO links to a white oak on the Bank of the Creek at high water mark, thence down the Cvek to the licgiu ning, at high-water mark, containing 1U acres more or less. Tract No 3. Lying and being in the Coun ty and Sia e aforesai J, situated on the South side of Tom's Creek, ar.d beginning at a stone, Johnson's and Sexton's corner by the side of the mill road, thence West with their line 2S poles to a stone, thence South-west course, degrees unknown, 11 jmles and (i ft to the lginning, containing 2 and one half acres. On tract No 1 is a Holler Mill, and with said tract will lie sold, at same time aud Store oi iwlte LcwU-Wlnslow Hdw. Store, Ashe place, a sixty horse power engine and boiler. noro, . . c, , There is situated also on said tract a five room cottage and a barn. Tract No. 2 adjoins Tract No 1 ami is I valuable for mineral. Tract No. .'! adjoins Tract No 1. It is attractive and valuable , propertv. i TERMS OF SALE, one half cash, one- half on a c edit of six months, purchaser to ! give bond with approved security for deferr- j ed payment, and same to bear interest from date of confirmation of sale until paid. j lam requested to stale in this circular that at the fore said time and place, the other one half intoreet in tract No. 1 noi herein advertised, and owned by T W John son, will be sold at public auction, thus giv ing the purchaser an opportunity to become sole owner of the valuable 1 toller Mill and tract of land on which it is located. EL1JAU MOFFITT, Commissioner This Fabruary 24th l'JOC. O L Sapp, Attorney. FOR STOMACH, BOWELS, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. $1.00 per bottle, three for $2.50, six for $5.00. Payne's Quick Relief Oil, 25 cents. Pavne's fledical Soap, 10c. All sold by ASHEBORO DRUG CO. W. A. UNDERWOOD, Randleman, N. 0. Back Creek Items. Farmers have been very busy during the past few days taking advantage of the weather. Rev N R Richardson, of Ashe boro, preached at the county home to a large audience Sunday. Mrs Nancy Robbins spent Sunday with Mr Drs"Bulla. Mr Herbert Bulla and Miss Mada Bulla spent Sunday at Mr Harris Redding's. Mr W R Poole made a business trip to Greensboro last week. Miss Jessie Davis closed a suc cessful school at Lena's Grove Tues day. We are soiry to see Miss Davis to leave us. Miss Mattie Bulla is improving we are glad to note. Mr Herbert Bulla left Wtdnes- day for Greensboro to work . airuurney MiniKan spent sun Uay m Kanaieman. Success to the Courier. X Y Z. Did j You ever stop to think that 99 1 out oi every 1UU piano agents don t know any more about a piano than you? We find from actual statistics not one person out of every 10,C00 can tell the difference between a good piano and a poor one unless compared side by side, and many buyer don't have this opportunity. if you write to belore hnvine- a niano. vou will run no rjsk. He has been making ! pianos for 63 years and the Stieff is me recognizea stanaaru uie world over, sold only by its ! makei direct to you. Southern Wareroom, No. 5 West Trade Street, i CHARLOTTE, N C, C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. Buff Wyandottes and White Leghorns. i xir j ai. t a . , 0n Wyandottes I WOn tWO first, j One Second and tWO third prizes : on fi ve entries at the Central Carolina Fair. These are some i u a a a , of the best strains in America, ' My Leghorns are headed Iby a ; fin cockerel from Wvcoff strain. V.crrra I1 nn nor uffmr nf 19 Cntlfll;n ,.,n,i.A : Satisfaction guaranteed. : fiF.rt W. PI IfiH : Box 39 Millboro, N. C. Furs! Furs! Furs! My advice to all trap pers is to stop catching minks this season, if you see fit to send me furs I shall pay you mar ket price for same. J D Payne, Burlington, N C. Undertaking Establishment. Tin; undcrsiirued beirs to announce that he hns iiH.-ned n lirit-ela-w Undertaking Estab lishment and is now ready to serve those in n. ed -f any tiling in his line. His stock is i- -w iii.-l complete anil his prices reason ti'.l. N- Hearse, Gentle Stock and careful drivers. A share ol your patronage is re spectiully solicited. Kespectfullv, J. W. JOLLY, D. K. LOOKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. 1 9 am to 1 pm 1 1 pm to S pm l ,m n deutwtry SOUTHERN MACHINE WORKS We build Machinery to or der, overhaul and repair ma chinery, cut gears, make patterns, models, etc. Southern Machine Works, High Point, N C. New Discovery The Three Dependa bles IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD Their value can't be toldin money Vick's Croup and Pneumonia Cure Prevents and cures in every case applied externally, 25. Vick's Yellow Pine Tar Cough Syrup Prevents consumption and cures worst cough, 25c. Vick's Turtle Oil Liniment Largest and best for man and beast, 25c. These are money and life savers and no wise household will be without them. Take no substi tutes at your dealer's or send direct to L. Richardson, Manufacturing Chemist. Greensboro, N C. Keiffer Pears: Large stock of th; reat Southern money maker. Japan Walnuts: The coming nut. Both useful and ornamental. Address, JOHN A. v0UNG, Prop, of the Greensbo Nurseries, Greensboro, N C. Little Money, But Big Money You will save money by paying cash for what you buy, and will avoid paying for goods you think you haven't bought. So call on J. L. Norman and buy cheap, where you will not be bothered with book account. Nice line Groceries, Notions, Overalls, Suspenders, Pants, Shirts, etc. Jones' Old Stand, North side Depot street. Worth, Sherwood Shuttle Block Co.. 7oo E. Washington St., Greensboro. Highest cash price paid for DOGWOOD, PERSIMMON . MAPLE and BIRCH. M. S. Sherwood, Pres. Hiram B. Worth, Treas. M. L. ALLRED, Breeder of Barred Plymotlf Rocks Eggs per setting of 13, $1.00. Climax, N. C.

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