1 Iew phase oi- work. How Agricultural Department Will I'se Collection of Lantern Slides. There Is a phase of the roiul work of the department of agriculture that from now ou will receive more attention thai ever and will be of the greatest interest to every community In the United States that expects to build a road, and especially to the agricultural colleges that are helping in this work, :eays the Washington Star. It 'is thp lantern slide department of object lea fcous and missionary work. The road fcfflce since its establishment has ac cumulated one of the most unique col lections of lantern slides on the road fquestion that have ever come together. jThere are pictures from all over the United States, und many from abroad, showing roads of all sorts, good, bad md indifferent. Some of th bad roads at the United States, by the way, are about the worst In the world. There are pictures of roads In all stages of construction, showing the material used find how it is put togetlKr and the ma chinery used in the work. There is ev ery phase of material getting, from the ,work of the convicts blasting out rock 'at the Folsam pcnltpravry to the lat jest Improvement of rock crushing ma chinery. f There are enough of these slides to furnish a dozen series of pictures, each a lecture in itself on road building, the Seed of roads, the difference in trans portation that the coming of good roads las made and the history of roads and transportation all over the country, fliese pictures are being arranged in series and will form an illustrated circulating- library for the agricultural col leges of the country that want them. They nre to be loaned out to the col- A BAD EOAD IN VEBMONT. Jeges, with or without lectures accom 'panying them, and will form a valu able auxiliary to any school that Is teaching roadmnklng, besides making an interesting lecture for the communi ty at large, and the smaller towns espe cially are very much alive to this sort of entertainment and education. The set of slides Is a collection that none ( of the smaller colleges could ever get for themselves, both on account of the prohibitive cost and the difficulty of finding just what they wanted to illus trate a particular phase of the work at a given time. It is the sort of thing that the government, with agents ev erywhere, can get together at compara tively little trouble and expense, and it will be made available for use in a score of colleges year after year at practically no expense to the govern ment and none at all to the school. Value of Good Roads to Property. The question "Do good roads pay?" Is being continually demonstrated by such facta as this, taken from a Flori da paper: J. C. Sloth, the real estate broker, could have bought a certain tract of land a few months ago at 1000. An "object lesson" road was bnflt In the locality, and he was authorized by a client to pay $3,200 for It, but found when be made his tender that It had Jost been sold for $2,700. The value had been enhanced by an amount suffi cient to pay for half a mile of im proved road, and the gain on value of half a mile of abutting property at the same rate would pay for ten miles of good roads at the same cost. Rural Delivery Notes England has a rural mall delivery daily except to very distant farm houses, which are served triweekly. The states in the northern part of the Mississippi valley are the ones In which the rural free delivery business has been extended the most Illinois leads all other states with 2,003 routes in operation. Ohio Is second with 2,392. "Rural free delivery has made a considerable difference In the amount of memorizing that postal clerks on Indiana routes hav to do," said one of the number, according to the In- fdlanapolls News. "Five years ago 'there were 2,202 poatofflces In Indiana Iwhose names we had to remember, land now there are only 1,604. The re duction of over 500 offices Is due to Ithe rural free delivery." Miss Susie M. Stoltz Is the only wo ,man rural mall carrier In Illinois or In iWabash county, says the St Louis Post-Dispatch. Miss Stoltz is nineteen "years old. Her borne is at Card's Point, ten miles northwest of Mount .Carmel, in Wabash county. She has had a route out of Mount Carmel for the past eighteen months and In all that time has only missed one day. That was when she went to a convention of rural carriers at Olney. Miss Stoltz's route Is twenty-six miles long. She drives that distance In a buggy every weekday of the year, in sunshine and rain, through flood and nnd and snow and let. 1 ' Leal Advertisements. STATE OF KOHTH CAIiOLINA, Department of Stuie. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all hom these Fresenta may come GREETING: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of, the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of alt the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Asheboro Wood & Iron Works, u corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at in the town of Asheboro County'of Randolph, State of North Carolina (E L Moffitt, lieing the agent therein and in charge thereof, up on whom process may be Berved), has com plied with the requirements of an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina (Ses sion 1001), entitled "Au act to revise the Corporation Law of North Carolina," per iiininary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution, Now, therefore, I, J. Brynn Grimes, Secre tary of State, of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify tliat the said corporation dil, on the 25th day of July, 11I04, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in wrtting to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Hnleigh, this 25th day of July, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and four, J.BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage deed executed by E It Hobbins and wife, Janie liobliins, to the undersigned on the 1-1 th day of April 1890, which mort gage deed is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Randolph County in Book 89 page 580. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for casli at the courth house door in Asheboro, N C, on Saturday the 17th dav of March 1900, at 12 o'clock i the following described lands in Back Creek township, said County. 1st Tract beginning at a beach in the forks of tlio branch corner f the county home tract, thence north 35 chs to a dog wood, King's line, thence east on said line 13 chs to a white oak on McCrary's corner, thence south on McCrary's line 35 chains to a small post onu, thence west 13 chs the beginning, containing 45 and one half ucres more or less. 2nd Tract beginning at a pine now two sycamores, Bunting's corner, thence east on fobbing' and McCrary's line 12 chs to a stone in McCrary's line, thenco uorth 21 degrees, east 0 chs and 50 II, s in n stone in a hollow, thence north 15 and rvip half de grees, west 0 chs to a stone, the.n n north 8(i deurees. west 10 cli and 73 II. to u -mall persimmon in Hunting's line, iliei.ee south on his line 14 chs utid 50 Iks to the beginning, containing 17 and two-third ucres more or less Said sale is made to satisfy the debt se cured by said mortgage. Joan B Ward, Mortgagee. This Feb. 12th, 1006. LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of sale granted by the Superior Court of Randolph County ou the peti tion of M L Wrenn admr of T J Wrenn dqcd attutnst Win Spoon and wife, Cynthia Spoon, et al, heirs-at-law, I shall sell at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C, at 18 o'clock M. on the Btli day of March 11HK1, the following real estate, to-wit,' Two tracts of land in Brower township In said county. Tract No. l. Beginning at a hickory, John Hayes lino and running thence North 6 chs and 8 Iks to a red oak, thence West 8 chs and 75 Iks to a white oak, thence North 34 ehs and 85 Iks to a pime knot in Lewis Ncedham's line, thence East on his line 48 chs to a hickory, thence South 42 uhs to a pine, thence West 89 chs and Si Iks to the beginning containing; 177 acres more or less, except however 60 acres sold ert. Tract No. 2. Beginning at a hickory In John Hayes' line and running North 6 chs and 80 Iks to a red oak, thence West !1 chs and 75 Iks to a write oalt, thence South 8 chs and So Iks to a rock corner in Frame's line, thence East to the beginning containing 20 acres more or less. Said land is sold subject to the right of dower of Mary F Wrenn, widow. Terms One-third cash, the remaining two thirds on a credit of 12 mouths, the purchaser giving bond and approved security therefor, and the title reserved till the further order of the court. M F WRENN, adinr. and Comr. This 24th day of Junuury lttuu. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. KdolXunry l Suparior Court. T H Wilson, executor of Thomas Mnngum Wil son, deceased, plaintiff vs. Wm Branson and wife, Lucy Jane Branson, Alfred McNeill and wife, Artimltla McNeill, Robert Wilson and Samuel Blalock and wife Almada Blalock, Beirs-at-law, and devisees of Thomas Mangum Wil son, deceased, defendants. NOTICE The defendants Samuel Blalock and wife, Al mada Blaloc k and Alfred McNeil above named will take not i eve that a proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Randolph county, to sell the lands of Thomas Mangum Wilson, deed., lying in Brower township, Kan. dolph county, and Bear Creek Township, Chat ham County, to make assets to pay debts of said estate, etc. and in which lunds wild defend ants ate interested as devisees of suid Thomas Mangum Wilmn: and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County at his offlc in the court house in Asheboro, N C, on the 17th day of March 1908, and answeror demur to the petition in said proceeding, or the petition will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the petitlBn. W C HAMMOND, C. 8. C. This February 14. 1(W1. K0TICE OF SALE. By virtue of an older of the clerk of the c. ...;.:. rv,,-, n rtnniinlnti pniintr in thfl special proceeding entitled Lewis P York admr et al vs J fll J ora et ai, i win on me n.k A f Marh lnilfl at 12 nVlork M. at the court house door in Asheboro, N C, sell at public auction, to tlie nignesi Biaaer, on terms to be announced at said sale the follow ing described lands, to-wit: A tract adjoining the lands of Alfred Williams and others, beginning at a post oak, unup tl,nrv F.nst 28 chains to a stone, Tabitha Williams' corner; thence North with her line 34.30 chains 10 a Biaae : ti, nf nraak wild Williams corner: thence down the various ceurses of creek to a stake, original corner; thence South 4.50 chains to stake; thence East 7.50 chains . . iliuoa Rniith 23 50 chains to the beginning' containing 03 acres more or less. fcLUAH Mornrr, omnussioner. This Feb 10th, 1006. EXECUTORS NOTICE. tste of Henry Hammond deed, before W C Hammond C S C ol Kanaoipa uouuiy. n v this la to notify all persons having claims signed, on or before the 1st day of February 1807 or this notice win oe pieaucu m ur u, re covery: And all persons owing sid estate will please come and make Immediate settlement. This Wnd day of January Iflofl. SABINA HAMMOND, MARY J SMITH. WALTER L SMITH, " Executor. LAND SALE! By virtue of on order of sale granted by the Superior Court of Randolph County ou the petition of Bertha Bell Cox Luther against Grover C Ludier et al, I shall sell at the I'ostoflice in Raniseur, N C, at 12 o'clock M, on 31st day of March 190(1, the following Reul Estate, to-wit: Seven tracts of land in Columbia township, town of Ifam seur in said county. Tract No 1: Being a lot in Ramseur, N C, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the Liberty road and running East 504 feet to a stake, thence North 80 nnd one half feet to a stake, thence VI est 504 feet to a stake in said Liberty road, thence with said road South 80 and one half-feet to the beginning, containing one acre more or less, and being lot No 0 in the John W Sta ley survey of August 7th, 1891. Second tract: Being a lot in Ramseur, beginning nt a stake in Lilierty road. North west corner of Laura Martin's lot and runs thence East with her line 504 feet to a stake, thence North 80 and one-half feet to a stake in the eld Burgess line, thence West 504 feet to suid Liberty road, thence with said road KG.und one-half feet to the lieginning, containing one acre, more or less, and being lot No 13 of J W Staley survey of August Third Tract: Beginning at n small black J gum, John 11 Jones corner and runs North 28 degrees, East with said Jones' line one chain to a stone, thence South 58 deurees, East J chs und 08 Iks to a stone, Hence South 40 degrees, West one chnin to a stone, thence North 58 degrees, West 2 chs and 58 Iks to the beginning, containing one fourth acre, more or less. Fourth Tract: Adjoining the lands of J M Steele, J M Whitehead and others, Be ginning at a stake in the Liberty road and runs nearly East to a stake on a branch op posite a cedar tree on J M Steel's land, thence down the branch to a stake in the line of the Columbia Mfg Co, thence with the line of said Company to a stake in the Liberty road, thence with said road nearly North to the beginning. Fifth Traot: Adjoining the lands of J W All red, J M Whitehead aud others, Begin ning at Hicks' corner and runs with his line to J W AUred's line, thence with AllredB line to Hick's corner, thence with Hick's liue about North to the public road, thence with said road to the begining, containing about one fourth of an acre. Sixth Tract: Beginning at J W AUred's cor ner on the side of the public road and runs thence with said road to Hick's corner, thence with his line to Alired's line, thence with AUred's line to a stake, AUred's corner, thence with the Allred line to the beginning, containing one fourth acre, more or less. Seventh Tract: Beginning at Chisholm's corner in the Fayetteville road, and runs 23 degrees West of South 8 rods to a stone, Chisholm's liue, thence 43 degrees Soutli of F.at 5 rods to a stone, thence 23 degrees East of North 8 rods to a stone at the i'av- ptteville road, thence 13 degrees West of Xoitli to the beginning, containing one fun rtli acre, more or less. TERMS: One-third rsis'i, the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond and approved security therefor, and the title reserved till the fur ther order of the court. John T Briit.ux, Comnisim.er. This 2ith day of February, I'.tOti. LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of sale made by the Superior Court of Randolph county, in a Special Proceeding, therein pending, entitled Vena M Allen, Infant, by her Next Friend, J L Giles, et al, ex parle, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday March 24th, 1900, at the Court house door, in Asheboro, North Carolina, the following described tract of land, lying and being in Franklinsville Township, adjoining the lands of J L Giles, and others, and containing 150 acres, and known as the farm of the Daniel Allred, deceased. ThiB land is three miles from Asheboro 2 miles from Central Fall- and 2 miles from Cedar Fulls; has good buildings, an 8 room house, large barn, earn cribs, wagon shelters, tool shelters, and is well improved and well watered; about 65 acres of wood land, about 40 acres under cultivati.n, and a good pasture under fence. Terms of sale, one-half cash and one-half on a credit of six months, the pnrchaser to give bond and approved security for deferr ed paoments, and same to bear interest until paid. E MOFFITT, Commissioner. This 19th day of February, 1900. North Carolina, 1 T e . . . Randolph county, In Hie Superior Court. Maiy Teague VS. William Teague. NOTICE. The defendant above named will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Randolph county to obtain an absolute divorce from the said defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the next term ef the superior court of said county on the 3d Monday of March, 1906, at the court house of said county in Asheboro, N 0, and answer or demur 'o the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. W C Hammond, Clerkof the Superior Court. This 7th day of Feb, 1006. NOTICE! Having (pinliiied as Extra on the estate of John F Bescher, deceased, before W C Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county. All persons saving claims against said estate are notified to present them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or before the 15th day of Feb, 1007, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all per sons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlemept. A 8 Miller, D T Andrews, N J Bescbeb, Extra. This 15th day of Feb 1006. Notice. Land Bale I will sell at public auction, on Thursday, March 22, 1006, at one o'clock p m, on the premises to the highest bidder on most reasonable terms to be announced on the day of sale my far in Asheboro town ship and one mile of Central Falls and known as the Reuben Giles place, consisting of 102 acres of valuable farming and timber land. This farm is on Gabriel s creek and is one of the best farms in this section. Daniel Smith. Thia Feb'y 19, 1900. WANTRD: by "Chicago wholesale and mnl order house, assistant manager (man or wmen) for this oounty and adjoining territory alaty t& and expenses paid weekly: eipenw money advanced. Work pleasant) position permanent. No investment or experience required W rite at once for lull particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. COOPfcR & CO., 1SS Lake 8t Chicago, 111. No. 2 Folding B rownie A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built on the Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple that children can use it. PICTURES 2lA3lA inches. Loads in daylight with film Cartridges. Fitted with meniscus lens, and shutter with iris diaphragm stops. Fait description in Kodak Catalog FREE at any photographic dealers cr bp mail. EASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y. A Happy LHlome To have a happy home you must hav children, as they are great happy-home-makers. If a weak woman, you can bo made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking WINE OF A Building Tonic For Women. It will ease away all your pain, reduce inflammation, cure leucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovarian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. .Try it. At every drug store in $i.co bottles. WRITE US A LETTER Put aiide all timidity and writ, ui freely and frankly, in atrictest oonfl denoe, telling n all your symptom! and trouble. W will send free advic. (in plain, sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Th Chattanooga Usdicln. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Oxydonor. Oxydonor builds up the system by natural menus. It causes the absorbtion of oxyxen through the pores ol the skin, membranes and lungs, thus strengthen ing the entire system and makintr it naturally healthy. Oxygen la Life's Necessity without it mini tiles; but when the blood Is well tilled with H, man Uvea in the enjoyment of health. Oxydonor will benefit or cause the cure of any disease at any reasonable stage. Hheumatism, 8ciatica. Neuralgia, Asthma, Caturrh, Huy Fever, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, all nervous Diseases, Blood, Sklu, Liver and Kidney diseases, Fe male Complaints, etc. Uilliams Aeadcmy, Norton's Store. Alumanee Co.. N. C, April 11th, 1805. Dr. U. Sanche & Co., New York, 8omany of our family have been siek. I have badly needed another oxydnnor Those on whom I used the Oxydnnor gotulnuir line other hint Ui resort to medical uid having but one Oxydonor. The eonsequenei s were the losof one of our babies. I shall always regret the we of medicine. I hone I shall never lie forced to call another doctor. I have found great bencHl fnm the u-e of Oxydonnr. I was cured of a severe case of Rheumatism which has never returned. Oxydonor has been a general benefit In our family. Kcsctiuliy, Our claims are reinforced by many reliable letters from all parts of the world. Call or send for our book "Grateful Relrts" giving prices aud much valuable Informa tion. Bew are of fraudulent Imitations. The genuine is stamped w ith the name of the inventor DK. H KANCHK. DR H SAN HE 6. CO. 261 Fifth Ave., near 29th St.. New York City. jay mi" "mwHMM mil, INCORPORATED Capital Stock $30,000 RALEIGH, N. C. f CHARLOTTE, N. C Pullen Building. J I Piedmont, Ins. Bid. THK4K SOUDOLS GIVE the world's best in modem Busines Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed bv a written contract. No vacation. Individual Instruction, We aho tench Book-keeptiig, Shorthand. Penmanship, by mail. Send fur Home Study rates. Write today for our Catalogue, inters and High Kndorsetneuts. They are free. Address, KING'S BVSINESS COLLEGE. KalelgK, N. C. or Chtxrlotte, N. C. MB Price, "DUE TO CARDUI and nothing else, Is my baby girl, now two weeks old," writes Mrs. J. Priest, of Webster City, Iowa. "Shaissfint, btalthy babe and ws are both doinc nicely. I am still taking Cardui, and would not bo without it in the bouss, as it is a great medioins (or women." MRS. J. W. GII.LUM. i m ui iwmet TIRES SET Quicker and better a'"' "-ill r in longer without loosening than possible when set the old way. Will give just tlie desired amount of dish to the wheel. Xo guess work alxjut it. No burnt or charred felloe surfaces to wear way and loosen the tire We Set Them .Cold. No steam and water soaked felloe surfaces to shrink away and loosen the tire, no burnt paint to replace. We do not OVEll I)ISH nor UNDER DISH. We guarantee work nnd refund your money if not satisfactory. Come and see the ma chine in operation. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. tlTHE CAROLINA COOK STOVE Guaranteed to give Entire Satisfaction in every way. This stove has every modern improve ment including extent ion top shelf, side shelf, kicker, nickle towel rod, nickel knobs, ornament! base. Every stove nicely polish ed. If your merchant does not sell these stoves, write us and we will quote specially low prices delivered at your railroad station. Every stove guaranteed. Manufactured by G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Greensboro, N. C. For sale by Lewis & Winslow Hdw Co., Asheboro, N. C. Needles, Parts and Sun. Km fof both Wheeler & Vibon L-ifcer Machine SOLD ONLY BY 8EWING MACHINE CO. A. M. PRESIMELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I nmaufaoture TirnWr Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses and do a general repair ous iness. Second hand buggies always on hand at bargains. When in Asheboro see me. bhop back of McDowell's livery stables. Yours truly, A. M. PRESNELL. N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C.