FROM CRAY'S CHAPEL. Young People Wedded Lett Thursday Pur. chased Mill. Some of our farmers are breaking corn land. Mr Jade Patterson has sold his farm two miles south of here and has bought the John Wrightsell Mills on Sandy Creek. Mr Eugene Routh, and Miss Maggie Jennings, of Franklinsville, were married on last Thursday the 22 inst. After spending a day or two with Mr Rouths grandparents here, they left for Greensboro where they will make their fnture home We wish for this voung couple a long and happy lite. Rev 0 P Routh filled his regular appointment here on last Sunday. No One Starved. Editor Courier: Four years ago, February 15th, the people in the Raudolph stock law territory took upon themselves the great burden, as it was termed by some, the stock law. At that time there was a great cry that the present generation would not live to see the great debt paid which would be incurred in carrying ont the provisions of the law. .uespite tne cry tne law was enacted and carried out. Then it was predicted that many deaths would occur fiom starvation and all would die in the poor-house. The writer ha9 watched very closely the effect and has yet to find a single death from this cause. The expeuse incurred has been liquidated and the territory uow has to its credit $170.53. Everybody is better off and no one worsted. The writer has been traveling in the upper part of Moore county for the past few weeks where there is no stock law, aud what a difference! Take pigs, for instance. Here, regulated by stock law, they are im proved, aud a pig at six weeks old is worth $2.50 while the average pig out of the stock law territory is hardly large enough to be worn as a watch charm. So much for the stock law. Now any community, county or state is just what the people make it. If we want our community, county, or state to be great we must all work I together to that end, and we are sure to win. The people of Randolph have a county to be proud of, but there is one disgiace resting upon her that will impede her progress through all yeais to come unless something is done to redeem her the deplora ble condition of her public roads. I hope the day is not far distant when our people will awake to the importance of permanently improved roads, and take steps to better this condition. And when they do that fellow, who is opposed to modern improvements, need not begin to I yell taxes and starvation, for the good roads will surely come. I Talk it gentlemen, and write it, ! until we get them. Why Not Items. O'is, the little sou of Mr and Mrs Henry btutts, is quite sick with bronchitis. Mr and Mrs King spent several days visiting at Kamueur last week. Mrs Louzina Ljwallen, of High Point, is visiting relatives here. Mr J L Stuart, of Star, epent a night in this neighborhood last week. Mr and Mrs 0 D Lawrence aud little daughter Delphina, frm near Erect, spent baturday night at J tl Spencers. Miss Conie Spencer, who is teaching in Trinity township, visit ed at home recently, she was ac companied by one of her pupils, Miss Virgie Sawyer. Mr J B Slack is sick with measles. Mr M A Cagle is able to be out again we are glad to say. Miss Daisy Ellis, who is teaching at Dunns Cross Roads was here Saturday. Franklinsville Items. Mr Fred N Day, of Winston, till ed the pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday morning and at night, preaching two very in teresting ser mons. Miss Isa Fentriss attended the wedding of her brother, L W Fen triss, to Miss Pearl Dicks, near So phia, last week. 6ick list for a few days, but proving at this writing. Mr Lonnie Welch has rented the Buie place where he will have better quarters for his dairy business. Mr Wm II Allied says he feels the best in his life. There is a fine boy at his home. Messrs Hugh Parks, Sr, and Hugh Parks, Jr spent Suuday with friends near Parks X Roads. Dr T I Fox left Monday for White Springs, S C, to attend the State Medical Association. Mrs Hugh Parks, Jr, D L Cul bertson and G C Russell attended a meeting of K of P at Raniseur Saturday night. Mr Braxton Presnell and Miss j Deemie Cheek were married last ' Thursday evening at the bride's I home, Mr B! K TCheek, Rev J F Allred, officiating. The bride is ' one of our popular young ladies and the groom is a prominent young farmer, whojlives near here" We wish them a loLg and prosperous life. Mr Rufus Chandler is criticnll. ill, and is not expected to live. Moffitt Dots. Mr H B Murrj will soon have his new residence completed. Miss Cora Craven visited friends and relatives near Why Not last week. Miss Eula Bray, of Chatham, who has been at school at Shiloh, re turned to her home last Saturday. The young people enjoyed a candy pulling at D S Cravens Saturday night. Miss Strandie Brown visited at B S Moffitts last Saturday and Sun day. Mr Joe Lambet and family visit ed friends in Coleridge last Sunday. Miss Fleta Haywortb, of Cole ridge, who has been teaching near Waddles Ferry, has stopped her school on account of measles and is now at home. Miss Macy Cox visited her cousin Miss Donza Cox, last Friday night. Messrs Pugh and Brown, of near Asheboro, visited friends here last Saturday night. Mis E E Lewallen isited Mrs Robert Ward last Sunday evening. Mission Moffitt, of Greensboro, is visiting her parents. Mr Elmer Bird and sister, Mrs C A lla worth, of Asheboro, visited at S L liayworth's last Sunday. Mr Joe Lewallen, of near Ashe boro, visited at Bud Brown's last week, returning home Sunday, ac Want A 'Phone Line. Pleasant Garden, Feb. 26 Some of our citizens are getting interested in a 'phone line into Greensboro, connecting with the North S ate system. The contemplated line will start from Liberty and will ?ass through Julian, Climax and leasant Garden. Branch lines Will then connect this main line "vith surrounding territory thereby giving this whole country good con nection with Greensboro, High Point, and other nearby towns. W E Fearrington, formerly of Randleman, has been sent to the New England States by the German American Company, of Spray, to purchase machinery for their cotton mill. . Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for ua when we meet them with a clean Bmilling face, bright eyes sparkling with health, which comes by taking Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Asheboro Drug Company. A 0 Hancock of Brown, was here' en Monday. W. W. JONES X5he Groce can furnish you the best in sea sonable edibles. If it is for din ner, supper or breakfast consult, him. He always has fine flour,, fresh butter, as well as variety of delicacies. Miss Alice Slack has been on the coinpauied bv his brother, Mr Robt Len' alien The people of this commuuity are well pleased with the prospects of a new bridge accrots Richland at Moflitt Mills. Rev R L Williamson visited Mr J C Moflitt Sunday night. Mrs John Stout, of Coleritlge, was bunied at Holly springs last Tuesday. Mr Pearle Barnes visited Mr T A Cox last Sunday. Mr Willie Craven is building a new residence. The public school at Shiloh will close next Wednesday. We are sorry to note the illness of Mr John Craven. A mob of live hundred men 6hot j to death Wiltz Page, a negro, and afterwards burned the body near the j town of Bleanville, near Shreveport, L i., Saturday afternoon. The negro was captured during last night suspected of being the one i who attacked Sarah Gant, a 11-year- old school girl Friday afternoon. I fer Tuoiity-oiiQ M I Voars TT a o tl er s reniM zers TRADE MARK REGISTERED have been the standard because they are made from honest materials. See that the trade mark is on every bag. None genuine without it. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO Norfolk, Va. DO YOU LEND MOHETO Seagrove, N C. 'Voter Aconite Items. Rev Geo Biggs preached at New Hope Sunday. There was a very large crowd out to" hear hin. Miss Jewel Allen, of Asheboro, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, at Aconite. Miss Vellie Vuncannon is visiting her sister, Mrs John Presnell, in Asheboro. Mr S N Allen made a business trip to Montgomery last week. Mrs Clara Presnell, who has been sick, is improving. Mr Henry Bean is Kick we are sorry to say. Holly Springs Items. Miss Elna Cox visited Miss May Hodgin Sunday. Prayer meeting was conducted at Mr James Mofhtr.s home last Sunday evening. Miss Lillie Cox was the guest of Misa Ada and Caudis Cox Sunday. Misses Clio and Victoria Brown spent a few days with their cousins, Wiley and Roasie Cox, this week. Miss Nellie, the little daughter of Bud Bird is quite sick. Mr Causey Pugh, of near Ashe boro, spent Saturday night and Sun day with W C Cox. X. RANDLEMAN NEWS. Miss Alice Hilliard, of High Point, is now in charge of tbe fifth and sixth grades at Bchool. Miss Hilliard taught in Randleman last year, and is most favorably known to the Board of Trustees. Misa Annie Johnson, one of the primary teacher in the Graded School, is ill with measles at the residence of L D Mendenhall. Mr J T Council, who managed the Ran dleman Bargain House during the past four Tears, left for his home in Blad en county last week. Randleman Times. Te Public School Teachers. I cannot be at my office during the month of March. Those having vouchers to be countersigned may call on Mondays, or mail them to me. Befare mailing vouchers be sure that they are filled out correctly and receipted. Every question called for in the reports must be answered. Otherwise the vouchers will be held until correct reports are sent in. 3. M. WAY, Co. Supt. of Schools. When you lend to an individual you are careful as re gards the safety of the loan. For instance, should you have a sum of money to lend with two parties desirous of securing same, one worth $5,000.00 and the other $10, 000.00; both being equally honest and upright men, you . would lend to the one with the best security. This bank protects you with $700,000.00 Capital and Profits. Do You Know of an Individual who Can Offer as Much? Why Not Transact jour Business With Us? Cut Out fend Mail the Following: The yVachovia Loan and Trust Co, High Point, N. Gentlemen: Kindly send us booklet "Value and Investment" setting forth your rates of interest, together with your methods of iransacting business and explaining the tecurity offered. Name '. Add ress WLchovl Loan . Trust Company, igh Point, N. C.

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