The Asheboro Courier. Asheboro, N. 0. March 15, 1906. Local and Personal. Mr A. J. Rush was here Monday. Have you read our premium of fer? D. G. McMasters waa in town Monday. J. G. York and son was in Aahe- hoTO Monday. A mercantile agency has been in corporated at High Point. Misa Fleta King, of Why Not, is visiting Mrs. J. P. Boroughs. W. H. Moring returned last week from a business trip North. Harris Kearns, of Concord town ship, spent Monday in Asheboro. Ex-Sheriff Lassiter and Mr Julian . Earner visited Asheboro Tuesday. E. L. York, of Central Falls, gave .us a pleasant call one day last week. Three horses and two mules were burned in a fire at Raleigh last week. Messrs A. A. Williams, A. Ward and Madison York were here Tues day. Mr Chas Maxwell, of Knoxville, Tenn, visited his little son, Earl, last week. G. G. Hendricks returned Thurs- 'day of last week from the Northern .markets. S. N. Allen, of Aconite, and Alfred Richardson, of Dewey, Bpent ' Tuesday in town. Messrs J. H. Redding and W. J. ' Moffitt were visitors in Asheboro Monday of this week. Claude Hinshaw, of Liberty, has accepted a position with the Petty Ueid Co. at Greensboro. J. A. Spence was in Salisbury last Saturday and remained over Satur day night to hear Madame Bern hardt. Mrs W J Teague, Mr Chas Max well and son, Master Earl, are visit ing Mr Maxwell's parents in Char lotte this week. Miss Nannie Ballinger returned . Monday night from a visit North where she purchased a select stock of Spring millinery. The Courier has no agents now except the ladies and gentlemen, who begin work on clubs this week ia our premium contest. "Mrs MkA Moffitt and daughter, Miss Lela, went to Elon College Tuesday to visit President E L Moffitt, whospent Sunday here. Guy E. Miller, of Colorado, will apeak at the court house on the evenings of March 20th and 21st, at 8 o'clock. His subject will be "So cialism." Rev. E. L. Siler, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at High Point, will preach at the Presbyter ian church here next Sunday morn ing and evening. The gardening season is begining, Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co., are aotifiying those interested that their store "is headquarters for seeds and Potapsco Tucker Fertilizer. A number of pupils of the graded school are preparing to give an en tertainment for the benefit of the school base ball team. The rehears . sals give promise of an interesting event. We do not furnish receipt books to our workers. We mail receipts from this office to every one who pays. Our workers should give re ceips, but we also mail receipts as an acknowledgment from this of . See. The ministers of the city are pre paring to hold a union protracted meeting m the near future. A com. mittee embracing all denominations nas been appointed to decide upon ' the date and place for holding the meetings. W B Webster, formerly of Web ster is Allreu, merchants, at central Falls, visited The Cochier Satur day. Mr Webster has accepted a position With the .Lexington Grocery Company. He will remain at the main office in Lexington for a few weeks, after which he will make Asheboro his headquarters. He ex pects soon to move his family to this city from Central Falls. Mat McCollum was arrested near 'Eandleman again by Policeman 0. R, Fox and A. S. Barker after mid night Monday night of this week, and was cdmmitted to jail for selling liquor contrary to law, failing- to give bond. When arrested McCollum and his wife were in an old pine field. He and his wife had left home and Lad taken up their abode in the woods. j Thos Cox, of Elise, visited Ashe boro Monday. Mr J 0 Ridge, of Corleto, wa9 here Monday. Mr W J Page, of Hemp, was in the city Tuesday. Miss Laura Stimson visited Ran- dleman last Sunday. Arthur Ross spent yesterday in Greensboro on business. W A Underwood, of Randleman, was here Tuesday. Mr. C. C. Garrett, of the Liberty Normal, was here Friday. McDowell Bros received a car of horses and mules yesterday. Pearlie Hayes, of Randleman, was among the. business visitors here Monday. Miss Maude Gainey, of Guilford College, is a guest of Misses Etta and Annie Blair. The Randolph Book Club will Meet with Mrs J D Simpson Fri day afternoon. Dr J 0 Walker, who has been spending several days in Asheboro with relatives, returned home yester day. Miss Etta Auman spent Tuesday night with Mrs. J. P. Boroughs en- route to her home at Why JNot from Elon College, where she spent several weeks with her aunt. Rev J W Rowell. of Wax haw. oc cupied the pulpit at the M P church Sunday morning anu the unristian church Sunday evening. His ser mons were well received by all. His many friends will be glad to know that Uapt A & liurns, wno was iniured in the wreck near Glenola on March 5th, is rapidly improving, ne was aoie 10 su up last week. The Courier has received a letter from Mr II C Redding, of High River, Alta., Canada, enclosing a Canadian postal money order and re quests his name added to our sub scription list. J H Vestal has purchased the Humble mill property, 5 miles east of Asheboro on Richland Creek and will operate a gnat mill. He ex pects to take charge of the property and begin operation in a few days. Mr A W Curtis, manager of the Liberty Mercantile Co, at Liberty has returned from a trip North. while away he purchased a large stock of goods for his firm. They are arriving daily and his advertise ment in another column he invites all Courier readers to inspect thes Mr Alson Auman, after spending several days here with his family, left Monday for Richmond, Va, where he will secure his new hue of samples before making another trip through Eastern North aud South Carolina. Mr Auman represents Fleishman-Morris & Company, the oldest shoe house in Virginia. It was established' in 1874. The Asheboro School Board was in session yesterday afternoon for the purpose of finally deciding up on the plans for the new school building preparatory to letting the con ti act for the work of construc tion. Mr Leonard L Hunter, the Charlotte architect, who is to furnish the plans, arrived yesterday morn ing and was in conference with the Board. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA CAN B3 CURED IF ONE WILL TRY THE RIGHT THING. I was down with nervous dys pepsia for eight years. When was taken I weighed 185 pounds, and it reduced me to 118. I could not touch solid food. I believe if I had taken solid food it would have killed me, and I had to live on sweets and lightest kind of diet. I had severe nervous spells nearly every day and vould have doctors to treat me, but they did not do me one particle of good not even to relieve me. I was so weak that for thiee months I was not able to walk across the room. I had rather die than to suffer it over again, and I felt that I was in a worse condition than any one who ever lived. Mrs Joe Person and my wire persuaded me to use Mis Joe Per son's Remedy. 1 bought a dozen bottles and it was three months months before 1 felt any relief at all. Then I com menced to improve right along. I took thirty-hva bottles and it cured me. It has been two years since I was cured, and 1 have never had a touch of the trouble since, and can eat anything under the sun, and as much of it as I want. If any one will stick to Mrs Joe Person's Remedy long enough to build up the system. I know it will cure the most aggravated cases of dyspepsia or nervousness that can be found. B M Mediin, Creedmore, Granville County, N C R F D No. 1 August 1 1904. The Providence Graded School commencement will begin Thurs day night, April 6th, lasting through Friday, on which day Prof Z H Dixon, of Yadkinville, will deliver the address. Dr W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, will be in Asheboro at the Central Hotel on Friday, March 30th for one day. The doctor limits his practice to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat and Fitting Glasses. IT'S A ommon. Thing for a dealer to tell you his piano is just as good as a Stieff. These comparisons speak more for the Stieff piano than any thing we can say but you may save your self remorse for having bought a cheap piano by writing Stieff before you make a purchase, and get the piano that the REST are compared with. It must be a great piano to be compared by every dealer over the country. Write Stieff before you buy. To Advertisers. The Courier has spent large sums of money in working up its circulation and to-day it thorough ly covers Randolph and adjoining counties besides having a large list throughout this and other states. But we are working to build up Randolph county and the Piedmont section of North Carolina. To this end we have built our cir culation, that our advertisers and the community might secure the greater publicity. We have improved our plant and enlarged our paper all of which necessarily increases expenses. Hence this article notifying our advertisers that after March 1st, 1906, the advertising rate is as fol lows: Per inch onetime 2."c " " " month per issue 0e " " two months " " 7c " " six " and over " " LV- Reading notices will le charged at tlie rate of one cent per word. No reader ae cepted for less than 2.V. iUl bills payable monthly. Our circulation is not made up' of dead heads and exchanges, but paying subscribers, who send us the cash for their subscription. Few are more than six months in arrears d manv are paid in advance. This shows that we circulate among a prosperous people the class that advertisers desire to reach. The Courikii appreciates the patronage accorded it in the past and pledges every effort to give value received tor tuture business placed with it. Southern Wareroom, No. 5 West Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, NC, C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. Business Locals. Notices Inserted under this head t one oervt word each Insertion. WANTED To lease a small engine and boiler; 10 or 12 H. P. VVill pay good rent for it. Address, J M Lvsdon-, Sophia, X C. 3-8-2t. There will he an adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association of Randolph county held in Asheboro Thursday March 22J 190C, in the office of the Secretory & Treasurer in the Lexington Grocery Oo. building at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of electing officers, and transacting such other business as may come, before the meeting. 0. ft. COX, Pres. SETH W LAUGH LIS, Sec. & Treas. ROM ROSS wants everybody to see his new horses and mules. WANTED STAVES Highest prices paid for all kinds of staves for Xi-rfolk mar ket. Apply to E A Hammer. Asiiehoro, X C. WASTED: District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. Sal ry .fl.S.00 weekly, S.'i.Ol) per day for expanses. State aire awl present employ ment. IDEAL MlAliE CO,, 3'.) Kasidolph St.. Chicago. HI. A FINE lot of seod'lrisli potatoes consist ing of Early liliss, Early Hum.-. Peerless and liurhanks for sale at ASllElS()i;o DEPARMMENTMiilIE CO. FANCY Combination luu-ses or cheap plww horses or mules are ready i'r sale or exchange at the lioss Stables. MORRIS Livery Stable want a good livery ' h'l sa or two during e mrt week. If yon liiVd fur s-ile g'i to s.-e il-oui. Meeting of High School Teachers. The Randolph County Association of High Schools will mjefc in the graded school building at Asheboro on Saturday March 31, 1906, at 10:30 a m. At this meeting the committee on a uniform course of study will make its report, and that will be the subject of discussion. It is hoped that every High school in the county will be represented at this meeting as it is of vital impor tance that the work of the different schools shall be uniform in character. Chas M Stalev, Tres. Charged with Infanticide. Nin Thompson, to whom the coronor's failed to attach any blame tor the death of her child, was ar rested yesterday on a warrant charg ing her with the death of the child which was less than a week old, The evidence shows that the child's neck was broken and there were bruises about the body. She was brought here and placed m jail. $100 Reward, $10. The readers of this naner will tw nlivtooil tn learn that there is at feast one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh . Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, actinic directly unon the blond and mucous surfaces of the system, therebv destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and "giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pp- wietora nave somucn limn in its curative powers hat they oiler One Hundred Dollars f. r am- case that it fails to cure- Send for list of testi monials. Address; F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo. O. Our Big Clubbing Offer. Bv special arrangement with the Southern Agriculturist, the popular semi-monthly farm paper of Nii.-li-. yille Tenu, we are able to jve vur. readers the advantage of a clubbing offer which we believe is the most liberal ever made by any newspaper in the South. In the first place, we will send the Southern Agriculturist a whole year free to any new or old subscriber who pays us for a years subscription to our own paper. This great semi-monthly farm pa per goes twice every month into 50,000 southern homes, and the regu lar ptice is 50 cents a year. It is edited by southern men and woaien to suit southern conditions, and is just what our farmers need. It answers free of charge any question a subscriber may ask, and its advice is given in a plain, practical way which any tarmer can understand. All departments of farm life are covered, including delightful home anu children s pages. Sample copies free at our office. HERE 13 OUK l.IG ALL-SOUTH ERX JtARGAIIT. (The Courier) . $1.00 LL: . I,. r - ) beaut ifid and well Sunset Ave inijuira - Co. T LU"T fail to see those second-hand buy Cries that .Morris Livery Stable have for sale liming court week. LOVERS of fine hr-es should stables of Horn, l.o-s. at Ashtborj. lit tin SEE V D Spoon f.T Seed Potatoes, ami Irish of first quality. FIFTY heads of just arrived at It U 1 select vour stock. rses and mules hav ' i's. Stables. Call aiid ' YOU can buy that extra vour iatni now at the L lioro. iorse or mule for tables at Ashe- WE have some second hand single and ! d uble buggy harness fur sale at a bargain.) Come at once. MORRIS LIVERY STABLE. EGGS For hatching, from S C White; Leghorn guaranteed stock. .fl.OO per set- j ting of fifteen. V P Tcrner. ; lfatuse nr. N I . Southern Agriculturist Nashville Weekly American Industrious Hen (poultry) Southern Fruit Grower " .50 .50 .50 .50 Total regular price 3.00 We will send you all five of the above papers a whole year for only $1.50. Ihese papers are all southern publications and each is a leader in its particular field. Order this club and you will get a hig year's read ing at nominal cost. Address, the Courier, Asheboro, N C. WANTED. Men in each State to travel post signs, advertise ami leave samples of our floods. Salary "0.110 per month. per tlnv and expenses. KU1ILMAX CO., Dept. S. Atlas liiock, Chicago. Sino-MS-on. KOTICEOF SALE. On April 7th I will sell at public auction the old ISethanv Public school house inFrankliu ville township, to the highest bidder, for cash. Sale will be held on the grounds where the property is situated. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. It the weather should be rainy the sale will not take place ou the alwe date, and if for any reason the property should not be sold at the above named time persons desir ing to u;a can do so bv writing or seeing me at my office. My office davs are Mondays. P.v order of the County lioard of Education J M WAY, Clerk to Board of Education. P$JM $ Discovery FOB STOMACH, BOWELS, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. 51.00 per bottle, three for $2.50. six for $5.00. Payne's Quick Relief Oil, 25 cents. Pavne's medical Soap, 10c. All sold by ASHEBORO DRUG OO. W. A. UNDERWOOD, Randleman, N. O. NEW "RAILROAD SPECIAL" WATCH. An Extra Good 2 One for Men and Boys on the Farm. Reliable and Durable Stem Winding and Setting. LARGE HEAVY DUST-PROOF CASE, RAILROAD STYLE. HANDSOME AND GOOD AS IT LOOKS. Tlis watch has proved to be the most popular one ever made to sell for a reasonable price, and has gi ven excellent satisfaction. The large, heavy Silver ode case is solid metal, and will never tarnish or color. It has a screw back and screw-bezel, which renders it dust-proof. Each one has a superior White Glass Enamel Dial and extra heavy crystal. Regular men's 13 size, 3 oz. case. THE MOVEMENT. XEV ERA, Seven Jewel, Train Bearing in Metal Settings, Compensation balance, Quick Train, Safety Pinion. Made by the New York Standard Watch Co "T READ THIS OFFER For i3.".') only we will send the above described watch, l y registered mail, postage pakl by us, to any address. We include a year's subscription t0 the Courier with each watch without additional charge. Vntoh may l wi,t to one address and the paper to another, if desired. We undertake t) deliver each watch in good running order, and guarantee same to 1h as represeuti-d. or we will give this watch prepaid fur II' subscriptions at 1.0i) each. Address all orders to THE COURIER, Box 154 Asheboro, N. C. -Sorino;- i Styles Are Here. The Remnant Sale recently advertised in these columns was a greater success by far than we expected. Our customers swept our counters and shelves almost clear of ail goods of this class. Belie Vintr the ladies of Asheboro and Randolph county would appreciate, the opportunity to select their spring dresses and furnishings before warm weather begins we have filled our counters thirty days early with the most complete and attractive line of Dress Goods, Laces, Embroid eries, Etc, ever shown by us. They embrace all the most popular fabric and patterns. A few we mention which are popularized in fashion centres, and will be largely worn during the coming spring and summer are Taffeta Gingham, White and Drown linen for shirt waists. For more dressy suits Lansdowne, an imported fabric of wool and silk, has taken a lead; while shadow checks and printed Silk Tissu are becoming notably popular. Besides our regular line of trimmings we have just received a large shipment of laces, hamburgs and em broideries, which were imported by New York dealers, and will only be on sale here for ten days. Spring Hats for Men. Large line of Hats in straws, furs and panamas, the shapes t: be worn during the coming season are already on sale st our store. Call and see them. L Mori is-Scarboro Moffitt Co. Free Delivery. 'Phone No. 7.

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