IF WE COULD ONLY KNOW! Stomach Trouble and Nervousness Cured. Four years ago my general health ;gave way. I was afflicted with a distressing stomach trouble, and could not touch solid food of any kind. For one year I would vomit everything I would swallow, even dowu to medicine aud water. My stomach would not retain a thing. No one cau know what 1 suffered from weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath and nervousness. I often felt like it would be so much better could I die and get out of my suf fering. Uti and on I was under doctors' treatment for three years, and I can only say that doctors' medicine did me uo good. Then some good fate put one of Mrs Joe! i lersons pamphlets in my nanus, aud I read where so many had been cured that were as bad oil' as I was. I got uvj a bottle of the Kemedy, and from the very first dose I took I knew I had struck the right thing It was the first medicine I ever took that the first dose did ma good. For the first time in a long time, I ' was not nauseated after taking it. I J continued it, and continued tfl im prove until I took thirteen Lotties, and I trk's of the irlobe it made a perfect cure of me. It has j jf tie (.f;j fi bocanie extinct been a year since I was cured, audi . ,..,,,,1.1 i10 ., vrl.1.-iilo ,.nl.im. ! USte?P if k m LEXINGTON'S GROWTH. IIIE above picture of the man ami fish is the trade mark of Scott's Emulsion, ami is the svnonrm foi strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized conn- J. know I am well. I recommend it t o everyone who has stoiiuch trouble iiind to all who have rheum itisui, as Lt cured my brother of rheumitism. He tried t j get me to take it long before I did, but I thought, because it will cure rheumatism was no reason it would cure stomach trouble. I haJ no faith in .tuvthiu it was as a last resort I tried it. How much suffering it would have saved cue from had I tried it three years before. w (Miss) Ueuecta Tkoluxueu .Newton, N. C, Nov. ll.jimu. MR BROWER TRAINMASTER. Franklin ville Boy Appointed to High Position In Railway Service. Mr C Brower, son of Mr M N Brower, of Frauklinville, has been appointed trainmaster of the second division of the Atlantic and Bir mingham Kailway, with headnuar lers at Fitzgerald, Ga. Mr Brower began his railroad career fifteen years ago with the old C F and Y V 11. R. By close application to business he has been rewarded by steady promotion in the service. His many friends in Randolph will b.? glad to learn of his success. HOUSEHOLD TOPICS. Items of interest to Women. House-cleaning time is approach ing, when winter garments must be packed away, and sometimes the most careful of housewives fail to make sufficient provisions against moths. Here is an old-time house keepings plan: Be sure everything that is to be packed away is thor oughly brushed in every seam, bits of trimming, fold and gather, so that uo possible moth eggs remain. Have furs combed, aud beaten with . a switch. Then pack them in perfectly clean trunks, boxes or chests that have been lined with stsan newspapers three thick. Sat uatebits of absorbent cotton with turpentine, and place between the receptacles and the papers. Cover very closely with three thicknesses of papers, and you will have no trouble with moths; for there is nothing they detest like the odor of printers' ink and turpentine. Oil paintings should be cleaaed with oli ye oil. Take a very soft, aHjall brush, dip it lightly into the oil and brush over a few inches at a time, then wipe gently and thor oughly with a very soft cloth. HOT CROSS BUS'S. ilere is a receipt for the genuins English Good i nday hot cross buno. Dissolve in a generous half-pint ef warm milk a quarter of a cupful of butter. Add this to a quart of sifted flour, half a cupful of sugar, half a teaspoon ful of salt, half a grated nutmeg, half a yeast cake, dissolved in a little water, and two eggs, the whites and yolks beaten separately. Mix into a soft dough, nlace where it will not become chilled, and let it rise o?er night. Take pieces of the dough the size of an egg and, with flour on your hands, mold them into round cakes an inch in thickness; put in a bak ing pan with a little space between, then cover and place where they twill keep warm. When swollen to double their size, cut a cross in the center of each with u Bharp knife, and bake for half an hour in a moderate oven. When baked, brush with a syrup made of sugar and water. IK THE KITCHEN. Housekeepers who are sometimes obliged to do their own rough kitchen work will be pleased to hear if they do not already know it that a bib apron of white table oilcloth is a great comfort Try it, and you will never be without one it y, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years nso the proprietors of Scott's Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best tiling in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Srml Ar IT. ' .im;. SCOTT A UOWNK, CHEMISTS o-it rui v mm, uuw tobk tor. ntl $100. All JruKgllf. 111 11. Make two or three plaits, on either side, at the waist line, in botli bib and apron, to make it ht comfortably. THINGS TO KNOW. When ivory becomes vellow, set it in the sun to bleach. 10 clean it wash with alcohol and a soft brush then polish with a dry, soft brush. A mirror, when intended to be decorative, should always be placed where it will retlect something which will add to the appearance of the room, such as the window with a view bevond, or the open door leading to another 'roonc; an effect of space is thus gained. Xever hang it where the sun's rays will fall upon it or it will become dull and its power of reflection in jured. More Employed In Mills than the Entire Popu latinn In 1900. Mr II B Varuer, while in Wash ington last week in the interest of an appropriation for a public build ing at Lexington had the following to say of his towu: "Lexington, in the past five years, has made greater progress than it did during the eutirff sixy-two years of its existence prior to 1900. In that year the population was 1,234; there were live manufacturing industries with a capital of $200, 000; there were no public improve ments whatever, and iu short, the the community was a small, sleepy, insignificant village. Since 19001 I the number of inhabitants have in creased to 5,017, by uctual count. The number of mills and factories has increased from five to thirty, and the capital invested in them has grown from 200,000 in 1900 to $2,000,000 in 1906. More people are employed iu the manufactories or .Lexington than the total popula tion in 1900." It is passing strange that Miss Kinie, jtlte indicted postoflice clerk at Concord was allowed to remain unmolested until her relative, J M Milhkan, was ie-appointed Marshal when the fact': that the indictment of Wagner's relative debarred him from holding a Federal ofiice. Tnese are some thoughts worthy of consideration, one desires to be con sisteut. Mt Airv Ledger. We are informed that there is 1 letter in existence that will fully vindicate Judge I ricuaru of the charge of having done what Con gressman Blackburn is indicted for. In justice to the Judge, the public should be given the contents f that letter, so that the people can know the true stata of affairs. Mt A.'ry Ledger. Our Big Clubbing Offer. By special arrangement with the Southern Agriculturist, the popular semi-monthly farm paper of Nash ville Tenn, we are able to give our readers the advantage of a clubbing offer which we believe is the most liberal ever made by any newspaper in the South. In the first place, we will send the Southern Agriculturist a whole year free to any new or old subscriber who pays us for a years subscription to our own paper. This great semi-monthly farm pa per goes twice every month into 50,000 southern homes, and the regu lar pi ice is 50 cents a year. It is edited by southern men and woaien to suit southern conditions, and is just what our farmers need. It answers free of charge any question a subscriber may ask, and its advice is given in a plain, practical way which any farmer can understand. All departments of farm life are covered, including delightful home and children s pages. Sample copies free at our office. HERE 13 OUh I1IO ALL-SOUTHERN BARGAIN. (The Courier) $1.00 Southern Agriculturist .50 Nashville Weekly American .50 Industrious Hen (poultry) .50 Southern Fruit Grower .50 Total regular price 3.00 We will send you all five of the above papers a whole year for only $1.50. These papers are all southern publications and each is a leader in its particular field. Order this club and you will get a big year's read ing at nominal cost. Address, The Courier, Asheboro.N C. Indigestion is much of a habit. Don't get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure after eating and you will quit belching, puffing, palpatating and frowning. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Soldjby. Standard Drug Co and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, N C. Senator Simmons spoke iu behalf of the railway rate bill Thursday of last week. Chairman Millard and Senator Kuox, former attorney general, spoke in highest praise of the deliverance. The best way to rid the system of a cold is to evacuate the bowles. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar acts as a pleasant, yet effectual cathartic on the bowels. It clears the head, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strengthens the bronchial tubes, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough etc. Sold by. Standard Drug Co, and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, N C The best safeguard against head ache, constipation and liver trouble is De Witt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills in the house and take a dose at bed time when you feel that the the stomach and bowles need cleans ing. They don't gripe. Sold by. Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, N C. Spirng Planted Trees. Just before the spring growth starts is one of the best seasons to plant fresh dug Fruit, Shade and Orna mental trees. They start to grow at once, and do not lose vitality as they do when dug in the fall and kept over five or six months before growth can start. This is common sense. We have a large stock that can be dug and shipped on short notice. JOHN A. VOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. 'CAT ARRI FOUL BREATH Is your breath foul? Is your voice hnsliy? yt-ur n suHtnppcU? Do you snoro ftt nllil? 1 10 you sntvzH ttirruatoVui? Do you unvo iro-t.u.-iit p:ilu In 1 ho liM-ohi ftil? Vo you huvo V'iI is noross the eyrs? A 10 you loalii) your b' us" ol P'noil? Is thoron dropping in lli i .1 : -l' Art? you losing yo-.ir poiiso of utsu? r- '"'t i-.i'lu." I!y net ting linf? Do you h-::r . I.i .: s junij- D juu !i:i 1 luring la t !:. 0,.wi y01l gujf .f v;tr tiau.Ti of tlto FdiiiwichV in t hero Ik COilolUfU li d tiisto 111 r.i i.:!-? 1) m '.- vc ft li.:V.liii ton ; lv r cv'irli nt n1 !.!? Do you u. :o colli Cfil:tirh. . you K -! -!l 11 C."tlK d, ill us 1n this vv. b mt. I ili'i'uy oi -ouln i poi i r. v, oitfn causos io-si i, dynpepslu. ruw iralilfblllty.iclhKy uttontl'-n at- onca. Uloott Balm ofll in that cause catarrh. Blood Bnlm (H. H.H). purities the blood, does away with every yuiptoui.gi Ingmrouyili tolhueutlro their I:. i:...i. ( r-.-.-n n ir i-ntarrh v 11 B nil womnn uu null !'ti'ly r'Mr"1. li. r. 1 1 p'n l.-ll'i (Mi.hHion rind Piioi-appi-tlte, liidlL't'slh t'.iri .Utti.'l rruches Ioroi r.tiil lnianlty. It nti la Cure lt by talclnu Bo (ll.lt H ), lt Is a qult-ic, radical, permanent iro in-oiuiHu n nils tno b.-?iui or mo poison K--l.it I :,0 yr-i. Cni i -i! ut V.' lliilnnl'- III- T'lic ' . ! '-.. . ..'iik : tunc n. r'nrun '.' , -.. c, . ;-l.v ;t r liirnti !)ut- tlc. '. ilk indli-iTt.-.t. If not curiMl wlirn riRli! i.i:'lhv 1 t.."..-i, "iiHii-y rrliinilfil. S:n:ij!" Sent !'. o lv u rlllnif Blood Bnl::i Co.. Ai!nnl.-i. .'a. rllm your Iriiulilo, anil spi-ciul ir -o liii'.IIi-iil nilvlco '. suit your citMo, also smit iu kealotl letter. Sold by Standard Drug Oo. gucmg All size built. Have the moat accurate Set Works and best Variable Peed Works, Saws. Edgers, Trimmers, Swine Saws, Lath and Shingle Ma chinery, Planers, Kesaws, Engine, etc aaaftMUns kf Writs ftar Vns 0liln SALE II IRON WOAKS. Wottoa-Sttem, M. O. M. L. ALLRED, Breeder of Barred Plymoth Rocks Eggs per setting of 13, $1.00. Climax, N. C. To Core a Cold in One Dav. Take LAXATITIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money it it fails to cure. IS W UKUYL 3 signature is on each box. 25c NEW "RAILROAD SPECIAL" WATCH. An Extra Good One for Men. and Boys on the Farm. Reliable and Durable Stem Winding and Setting. (1 LARGE HEAVY DUST-PROOF CASE, RAILROAD STYLE HANDSOME AND GOOD AS IT LOOKS. TIis watch lias proved to be ill reasonable price, and has pi von oxci ode case is solid metal, and will ih' Imck and a.- reiv-bczel, which rendpn White Glass Enamel Dial anil exlra ' most popular one ever made Hi nt Kitif.r,iclinii, The law r tarnish or cliaiiLre color. It bus il thiHt-prool. Kach one lias n-avy crystal, l'cgiilar men's 18 i sell for a envy Silver- it screw superior ize. 3 o.. THE MOVEMENT. NEW KliA. Seven Jewel, Train Bearing in Metal Setting, (ini-ii-;iliiin lulancn, Quick Train, Safety riniiin. Made by the New York Standard Watch Co- READ THIS OFFER For 3.75 only we will send the alove ileserilied watch, by registered mail, postaye paid by us, to any address. We include u vear's subscription to tho Courier with each watch without additional charge. Watch may lie sent to one address and the paper to another, if desired. We undertake to deliver each watch in good running order, and guarantee name lo lie as represented, or we will give this watch prepaid for 1- subscriptions at 1.00 each. Address all orders to THE COURIER. Box 154 Asheboro. N. C. New Goods in Quan tities. If you want to see lots of new good3 right up with all the style that can be found anywhere come and see us. Our buyer has just returned home and the new goods are rolling in daily. We have as nice a stock, and as low prices as any one in Randolph county. We guarantee quantity and quality, otherwise your money refunded. LIBERTY (N. C.) MERCANTILE CO.. A. W. CURTIS. Manager. New Goods. We have just received a lot of Spring Goods, Suit ings, Waist and Skirt Goods, Shoes, Oxfords white and black for ladies and children. A lot of old stock of Shoes at cost. We can please you in most any thing. Come in and take a loek. Ridge, Fox lit Company. J. If You Continually K'hawk and Spit and There is a Constant Dripping From the Nose Into the Throat, If You Have Foul, Sickening Breath, That is Catarrh. CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B. B. B. Tnt.cus membrane, nnd B.lt.n. sen-lsarleh. llimllni: lltMHlofWiiria.rioh.puroulooiidlrHc' to tho lmrnlyzed norves, mucus niembniiiu bones and J-!nti, B'vlnit wariinli an I strength Jut wfcti'e il H uueiiml, ntid In tliM vrr.v inn'.lnir ft pprfeuc, iusllutf curu of ciuari-i Ju ul lt3 forms. L ZAFNCSS If vm- are ri ii:i ll",-",o,vin?rtr.rornr-')nl. rrju'.v c;.-n for ,. i- : i.e!rlii(i, try 1 ivanio lilooil Jinlm ( !'.. li. J i. Most lo.-i.is efii af- l-.ets or i-nri ...l 0 aiuess aro cnumin uy r.i tarrh. a il tn Worth, Sherwood Shuttle Block Co., 7oo E. Washington St.. Greensboro. Highest cash price paid for DOGWOOD, PERSIMMON, MAPLE and BIRCH. M. S. Sherwood. Pres. Hiram B. Worth. Treas. The Three Dependa ble IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD Their value can't be toldjin money Ylck's Croup and Pneumonia Cure Prevents and cures in every case-applied externally, 25. Vick's Yellow Pine Tar Cough Syrup Prevents consumption and cures worst cough, 25c. Vick's Turtle Oil Liniment Largest and best for man and beast, 25c. These are money and life savers and no wise household will be without them. Take no substi tutes at your dealer's or send direct to L. Richardson, Manufacturing Chemist, Greensboro, N C. Asheboro Hotel Main Street (Near Court House.) TliorouglJy renovated and Refurnished rable supplied with the best the market Hords. Rates Reasonable, B. F. NEWBY, Prop. S Bryant, President J. H.Cole, Cashier U?e Ba.uk of Randlema.n, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received on favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S O Newlin, W T Bryant, O L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, H O Barker and J H Cole. O B COX, President. W J ARM FIELD, V-Prea W J ARMFIELD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, A-sli-ebox, T. C. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 . J " inuuig iuDiie ana feel safe in saying we are prepared aud willing jommodation consistent with safe banking. DIRECTOR.S1 Hugh Parks, Sr., W 3 Armfleld, W P Wood, P H Morrii, C C McAliater, E H Armfleld, O R Oox, W F Redding, BeuJ Hoffltt, Thoa J Redding, A W K Capel, A M Rankin, Thoe U Redding. Dr F E . Asburr. C J Cox. .klAMi, 60 YEAR8 vKL- EXPERIENCE 11 'fmT CovmoHT Ac. Anrone sending t sketch and daaertptlnn may qnlcklr ascertain our opinion free whether ao InTentlnn Is prohnbl, patentable. Communlca. lions strictly confldentliU. HANDBOOK on Patent! sent free. Oldest auency fur securing patents. Patents taken throuKb Munu A Co. receira $ptdat notice, without cbsrta, in the Scientific Jtocrlcaii, A handsometf lllnitratsMl weekly. I.snrest dr. eulation of any sclentlOo tnurnal. Terms, t a (ear : four months, U eold by ail newsdealers. HINN&Co.3"B""-. New York Branch OOce, 63t F St, WaahlMtou. D. C. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bo.it Medlolne for Busy People. Brings Golden Btalth and Renewed Vigor. A mpeciflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live and Kidney IVoubles, rimplcs. Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Hlusrgiah Bowels, Headache and Backache. It'a Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by BoLLisma Druo CosPinT, Msulison, Wis. COLD EN NUGGETS OR SALLOW PEOPLE DK D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST. Asheboro, N. O. nn8a. faratol pm HOURS: jgpmtoSpm I am now In ray office prepared to practics dentistry in its various b ram lies.