MIKE WRITES PAT. Greensburrow, N C, March 12, 1906. Deer Tat: I've jist returned from Randolph where I spent several days on husiness. I've been hearin some of the republicans brag about how they are a goin to carry Ran dolph at the next election, but if a man will go down there and talk with the Randolph people he .will get to thinkin the .republicans will carry the county mity heavily on their left shoulders. I found the people awfully afraid to balk to the conditions that existed under Re Pop-Li-Can-Ring-A be-Jeemei Young rule, and they are in no no tion of trying the "same old crowd" either in the county or state. They dont want any more 2 thousand dollar insolvent tax lists, an you cant make em believe that there wasent sumthiu roug that year wheu the Re-Pop-lican county commis sioners accepted an insolvent list with more than a thousand poll taxes on it, thereby cuttin over $15 hundred dollers out of the public school fund. The fokes dont want the county in debt again. They say the democrats are running things alright an they ar not for turnin out the party, for a party that has been wade an tound wan tin wantin offis without lookin out for the peo ple's interests. The Re-Pop-lican pie counter scrap has culminated in the indite ment of E Spenser Blackbern, Squire, the drummer bov who hails from "de Ate, but dont know wheth er he lives in de Ate or in Greens burrow. They've got him indited for tryin to sell federal offises or federal franchizes or sumthin. The trouble with the drummer boy is he dont behave to suit the bosses, and they've tried and tried to make him swear by Mary Ann, Rollings an de organization, but he wont bow his nee to anything except Teddy an Bum of them stillers up in de Ate. People is a talkin a site about it, and most of em think that Holton indited Spenser because Spenser tried to keep the United Staits Senate from confirmin Holton's nomination for reappointement as deestrict atturney again. Holton has been a say in that he knowed a year or more ago that Spenser had been practisio before the depart ments at Washington an acceptin fees for his servises, and people dont understand why he waited till Spen ser got to fightin his confirmation as deestrict atturney to indite him. If Spenser has did rong Holton ought to have indited him when he first found it out instead of wainin till SpeDser was makin it warm on his confirmation at Washington. We haint got a thing to do with this radical row, but we dont think that Uncle Sammy ought to have to pay me expenses oi courts wnen ine ili'PRtrint jithirnev inriitpa fnkfs for uteeinci auuuity mums iots ior pure Spite an nothin else. 1 UOIlt ! f ii 1,1 i i i knOW whether Wackberil IS gllty or ; not- niltc hut it lixiU-a lik-fl Tlnlrnn i 1 not guty, nut it iooks iikr noitou i3: a COin the Whole thlllg for Sl)lte. , T T,l.-, T (.,.,; f TJ..;-V....1 I 1 think Judge Jeter L I lltcniru 1 ia tVio man in irv lllnnlrliorn If I experience counts for anything in a man's work Judge Pritchard, ac cordin to reports, is well up on the gravity of the offense of practisin before the departments at Washing ton while a member ot Congress, for they do say he acknowledges that he done the same thing w hen he was in the United Staits Seuit. I dont care nothin for Blackbern, but if they dont let Judge Pritchard try his case I'm a goin to stand up for Blackbern hereafter. I believe in gettin men who are best qualified to do a thing, especially ought we to get experienced judges for big trials like Black hern's will be, and as they say Pritchard has had experience in practisin before the departments at Washington while he was a United Staits Sena tor, I think he is specially qualified for tryin Blackbern's case. No wonder Teddy holds his nose when he gets to tryin to break up this radical row in North Carliny! Its enuff to drive all the buzzards out of de Atel When the row gets over he'll haft to send men to North Carliny to bury the putrid corps of what they said had started out to be "a respectable, lilly-white" (Geo H White) republican party, for already the thins; stinketh. Pre about closed a trade with a feller down in Randolph, an if I do I'm a goin to move down there. Your brother, Mike. One would think the Laxative idea in a cough syrup should have been advanced long before it was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds would be to move the bowels and clean the mucous membranes of the throat and lungs at the same time. Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It is the Original Lax a tive Cough Sprup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Coujjh, etc. Tastes good and harmless. Sold by Stand ard Drug Co, and Asheboro Drug Co, Asheboro, NO, Legal Advertisements. LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of salo maile by the niperior Court of IvandolpU Ceunty, North Sune Carolina, in a Special .Proceeding entitled T W Johnson et ul Vs J II Johnson pt al, 1 will sell, on the premises of the hereinafter described land on March I'illli I'.tOli, at 12 o'clock M, at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described tracts of land, lying in the County of Knmlolph, State of North Carolina, and de eribed as follows, viz: Tract No 1. A one-half undivided in terest in a tract of laud lying and Lteing in liandolph County, State of North Carolina, in Concord Township, on tho waters of Tom's Creek, adjoining the lands of T W Johnson and others, and beginning at a black stump on the North side of Tom's Creek just below the Hill near the lord, th nee South 37 poles to a stone ia the old held, thonce West (JO poles to a white oak on the South side of of the Creek at high-water mark, iheKce up the various courses of the Creek 72 poles to a stake, formerly Jones H Wood, Jr, corner, thence in u North-west direction to a stone on the West side of the Creek in T W John son's line at high-water mark, thence down the various courses of the Creek at higb water mark to the beginuing, containing 10 acres more or leas. Tract No i. Lying and lieing in the County of Kandolph, State of North Carolina, known as the Copper Hill tract, adjoining the lands of T W Johnson and others and I be ginning at a turkey oak, thonce North 8 chs and Ii5 links to a hlack gum on Jones H Wood's line, thence West 11 chs to an iron wood on the branch, thence down the various courses to the branch 13 ehs and 50 links to a dog wood, thence East 50 links to a white oak on the Bank of the Creek at high water mark, thence down the Oeek to the begin ning, at high-water mark, containing 10 acres more or less. Tract No 3. Lying and being in the Coun ty and State aforesaid, situated on tho South side of Tom's Creek, and beginning at a Btone, Johnson's and Sexton's corner by the side of the mill road, thence West with their line 28 poles to a Btone, thence South-west course, degrees unknown, 11 poles and 0 ft to the beginning, containing 2 and one half acres. On tract No 1 is a Holler Mill, and with said tract will be sold, at same time and place, a sixty horse power engine and boiler. There is situated also on said tract a five room cottage and a barn. Tract No. 2 adjoins Tract No 1 and is valuable for mineral. Tract No. 3 adjoins Tract No 1. It is attractive and valuable proertv. TEltMS OF SALE, one half cash, one half on a c edit of six months, purchaser to give bond with approved security for deferr ed payment, and same to bear interest from date of conlinnation of salo until paid. lam requested to stato in this cireula. that at the fore said time and place, the other one half interest in tract No. 1 not herein advertised, and owned by T W John son, will le sold at public auction, thus giv ing the purchaser an opportunity to liecome sole owner of the valuable lioller Mill and tract of land on which-- is located. ELIJAH MOFFLTT, Commissioner This February L'4th llllMi. O L Sapp, Attorney. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina Randolph County j In the Superior Court. T H Wilson, executor of Thomas MutiKum Wil (Kin, deceased, phiintlir vs. Win Hranson and wife, Lucv June Branson, Alfred McNeill and wife. Artimitla McNeill, Robert Wilson and Samuel Blulock and wife Almaiia Hlulock, heirs-at-law, and devisees of Thomas Mauguiu Wil son, deceased, defendants. NOTICE The defendants Fnnnid Hlaloek and w ife, Al mada fchiloc k and Alfred McNeil ubovu named will take notice that a proccedim; entitled as almvo has been commenced in the Superior Court ot Kaniloipn ,-ountv. i. si-n th lauds oi i nomas juuiiKiitu Wilson, deed., lying in Brower township, Kan Kck Town.hin. chat hum County, to make assets to pay debts of said estate, etc. and in which lands said defend- antsaio interested as devisees of said Thomas Manguni Wilson; anil the suiil defendants will ,llrtl.Muki;1I,,uTOt,iaUht,ylirt,reill,lri,ll ton,,. pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County at his office in the courthouse Asheljoro. N 0. on the mil day ol March 1906, anil irawer or demur to th netltion in said nroeeedlnc. or the petition will apply to the court for the relief demanded in netitimi. WC HAMMOND. C. S. C. Thii bruary U. lfloti. NOTICE OF SALE. On April 7th I will sell at public auction the old liethany I'ubiin school house m f rnnklin- ville township, to the highest bidder, for cash Sale will lie held on the grounds where the property is situated. I lie right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Ifthe weather should be rainy tho sale will not take place on the above dale, and if tor any reason the property should not be sold at the aliove named timo persons desir ing to hid can do so hv writing or seeing me at my ollice. My ollice days are Mondays. Bv order of the Count y Board of Education J M WAY, Clerk to Board of Education. NOTICE. W 8 Gatlin and Uriah Presnell have this day entered the following land in Randolph County to-wit: A tract of 50 acres in Cedar drove Town ship on the waters of Richland Creek and Little River adjoining the lauds of Uriuh Presnell. W S Uatlin, M R Moflitt, A S Williams, P A Williams and others, for which without objection filed within thirty days from this date, they will ask for a warrant of survey to the County Surveyor of Randolph County. J P BOROUGHS, Entry Taker. WANTED: by 'Chicago wholesale and mal order house, assistant manager (man or wman) for this county and adjoining territory alary f&) and expenses paid weekly: expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No Investment or experience required Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. COOPER Si CO., 133 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Stroud Ausley Nuptial. Married at the residence of the brides' father, Mr John F Ausley, on March 8th Mr J Eugene Stroud and Miss Irene Ausley, Rev C O DuRant officiating. It was a quiet home affair only a few relatives and friends being present to witness the ceremony. Immediately after congratulations had been tendered the bridal party boarded the northbound train at Goldston for Liberty Mr Stroud is a son of the late II M C Stroud, Oakdale, and business man. He is also one of Alamance's most prominent school t-arliers. Miss Ausley is an atiractivi- and most highly accompli-dp d oun lady of Oohlston. Siler City (int. LAND SALE! By virtue of an order of sale granted by die Superior Court of liandolph County on the petition of Bertha Bell Cox Luther against G rover C Luther et al, I shall sell at the Fostollioe in Hamseur, N C, nt 12 o'clock M, on 31st day of March I'JOO, the following Ileal Estate, to-wit: Seven tracts of land in Columbia township, town ot Ham seur in said county. Tract No 1: Being a lot in Ramseur, X C, and bounded as follows: Beginning nt a stake in the Liberty road and running East 001 feet to a stake, thence North 80 nnil one half feet to a Btake, thenco West 501 feet to a stake in said Liberty road, thonce with said road South 8li and one half-feet to the beginning, containing one acre mure or less, and l)eing lot No !) in the John W Sta ley survey of August 7th, 1801. Second tract: Being a lot in Ihimseur, beginning at a stake in Liberty road. North west corner of Laura Martin's lot and runs thence East with her line 504 feet to a stake, thence North 80 and one-half feet to a stake in the eld Burgess line, thence West 504 feet to said Lilierty road, thence with said road 8G.and one-half feet to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less, and being lot No 13 of J W Staley survey of Autrust 7th 1801. Third Tract: Beginning at a small black gum, John II Jones' corner and runs North 28 degrees, East with said Jones' line one chain to a stone, thence South 58 degrees, East 2 chs and 08 Iks to a stone, thence South 40 degrees, West one chain to a stone, thence North 58 degrees, West 2 chs and .08 Iks to the beginning, containing one fourth acre, more or less. . Fourth Tract: Adjoining tho lands of J Mi Steele, J M Whitehead and others, Be ginuing at a stake in the Liberty road anil runs nearly East to a stake on a branch op posite a cedar tree on J M Steel's land, thence down tho branch to a stake in the line of tho Columbia Mfg Co, thence with the line of said Company to a stake in the Lilierty road, thence with said road nearly North to the beginning. Fifth Tract: Adjoining the lands of J W Allred, J M Whitehead and others, Begin ning at Hicks' corner and runs with his line to J W Allred's line, thence with Allreds line to Hick's corner, thence with Hick's liue about North to the public road, thence with said road to the begining, containing about one fourth of an acre. Sixth Tract: Beginuingat J W Allred's cor ner on the side of the public road and runs thence with said road to Hick's corner, thenco with his line to Allred's line, thence with Allred's line to a stake, Allred's corner, thence with the Allred line to the beginning, containing one fourth acre, more or less. Seventh Tract: Beginning at Chisholm's corner in the F'nyetteville road, and runs 23 decrees West of South 8 rods to a stone, Chisholm's line, thence 43 degrees South of East 5 rods to a stone, thenco 23 degrees East of North 8 rods to a stone nt tho Fay etteville road, thonce 43 degrees West of North to tho beginning, containing one fourth acre, more or less. TERMS: One-third cash, the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving lmnd and approved security therefor, and the title reserved till the fur ther order of the court. Jons T Biiittais, Commissioner This 20th day of February, 1000. LAND SALE. By virtuo of nn order of sale made by the Suerior Court of Randolph county, in a Special I rocoedinp, therein pending, entitled Vena M Allen, Infant, by her Next Friend, J Is lilies, et al, ex pane, 1 will sell ut public auction to the highest bidder, nt li o'clock m., on Saturday March 24th, l!)0(i, nt the Court houso door, in Asheboro, North Carolina, the following descrilied tract of land, Iving and being in i rankbnsville Township, adjoining the lands of J L (Jiles, and others, and containing l.'ill acres, ami known as tho farm of the Daniel Allred, deceased. This land is three miles from Asheboro 2 miles from Central Fall- and 2 miles from Cedar Kails; has good buildings, an 8 room house, large barn, cm cribs, wagon shelters, tool shelters, and is well improved and well watered; about 05 acres of wood land, about 40 acres under cultivati n, and a good pasture under fence. Terms of sale, one-half cash and one-half on a credit of six months, the purchaser to give bond and approved security for deferr ed paoinents, and same to bear interest until paid. E MOFFITT, Commissioner. This 10th day of February, 11100. NOTICE! Having qualified as Extrs on the estate of John f Ueschcr, deceased, before W fj Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of liandolph county. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or before the 15th day of Feb, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all per sons owing said estate will como forward and make immediate settlement. A S Miller, D T Andrews, N J Rescuer, Extrs This 15th day of Feb 1900. Notice. Land sale I will sell at public auction, on Thursday, March 22, 1900, at one o'clock p m, on the premises to the highest bidder on most reasonable terms to be announced on the day of sale my farm in Asheboro town ship and one mile of Central Falls and known as the Reuben Giles place, consisting of 102 acres of valuable farming and timber land. This farm is on Gabriel's creek and is one of the best farms in this section. Daniel Smith. This FeVy 19, 1900. NOTICE! Having qualified as Administrator on the estnte of J It Haywood, deceased, liefore W C Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, all persons bavingclaims are notified to present them to the under signed, duly verified, on or before the 8th day of March, 1007, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and nil persons owing said estate will come forward ami make immediate settlement. J W LrniEn, Admr. This 3rd day of March, 19lMi. For Sale. One hundred and fortv acres of land on the waters of Haskct's Creek, within 200 yards ol Spero, one good dwelling house with four rooms and out buildings. Twenty acres of bottom land. Will sell for part on timo of five years or will rent to responsible p.-.rties for n perio'd of live years. Anyone wauling to buy w ill find me nil my farm for the next i)0 days. J A Ni:kuii!ii;p. Ramllcmnn, It F D,o,2. To Advertisers. The Courier has spent large sums of money in working up its circulation and to-day it thorough ly covers Kandolph and adjoining! counties besides having a large list i Llliuugliuui 11113 ilUU UI.IJC1 But we are working to build up Randolph county and the Piedmont section of North Carolina. To this end we have built our cir culation, that our advertisers and the community might secure the greater publicity. We have improved our plant and enlarged our paper all of which necessarily increases expenses. Hence this article notifying our advertisers that after March 1st, 1906, the advertising rate is as fol lows: Tcr inch one time 2-")c " " " month per issue 20c " " two months " " "e " " six " and over " " l.'ic. Reading notices will be charged nt the rate of one cent per word. No reader ac cepted for less than 25c. All bills payable monthly. Our circulation is not made up of dead heads and exchanges, but paying subscribers, who send us the cash for their subscription. Few are more than six months in arrears uni many are paid in advance. This shows that we circulate among a prosperous people the class that advertisers desire to reach. The Courier appreciates the patronage accorded it in the past mm yieugeo every euui u iu give value received for future business placed with it. Moore County News. A Miss llilliard was struck by a train on the D & C. K. II. at Car bonton last Tuesday, from the ef fects of which she died shortly afterwards. Supt R 13 White, of Franklinton, spoke Saturday at Jackson Springs, at an tducational rally. Mr OW Stout, of Stout & Graves, has bought out Mr Graves' interest in the mill and is cutting -m haul ing lumber in a hurry. George makes things move. " CUT IT OUT" says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women, in thousands of cases, by IT CURES WOMB DISEASE. It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and has rescued thousands of others from a melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will cure you, if you will only give it a chance. Try it. Sold at every drug store in 1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER Pat aside all timidity and write Qt freely and frankly, in strictest confi dence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain, sealed envelope)) bow to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co, Chattanooga, Term. Oxydonor. Oxydonor builds up the systom by nntunil menus. It e iuses the nlisnrbtlon of oxKcn throtiKh the poresoi the kin, membrane and lungs, thus strengthen. inff the entire system and making it imtunilly heiitthy. OxySer Is Life's Necessity without It mini dies; but when the blood is well 111 leti with U, man lives in the enjoyment of health. Oxydonor will benefit or eause the eure of any disease at any reasonable staee. Rheumatism, Keiutiea, Neuralgia, Atithmu. Catarrh, Hay Fevir, Indigestion, Iyspeiia. all nervous Uiscases, Hlood, Hkiu, Liver and "Kidney diseases, Fe male Complaints, ete. Olllinms Aeademv, Norton's Wore. Alamanee Co.. N. C, April 11th, 11)05. Dr. H. Bauche A Co., New York, Po many of our family have been siek. I have badly needed another Oxvdonor. Those on whom I used the Oxydonor got aloiiK tine, others had to resort to medical aid having but one Oxydonor. The eonsequeuei s were the loss of one of our babies. I shall always regret the use of medicines. 1 hope I shall never be forced to call another doctor. 1 have found great benefit from the use of Oxydonor. I was cured of a severe case of Kheumatisin which has never returned. Oxydonor has bceu a genera benciit in our family. Respectfully, MRS. J. V. (ilLLI A.M. Our claims are reinforced by many reliable letters from all purts of the world. Call or send for our book "tirateful Reports" giving prices and much valuable informa tion. Beware of fraudulent Imitations. The genuine Is stamped with the name of the inventor UK. H. BANCHE. m me inveu L. DR. H SAN HE & CO. 261 Fifth Ave . near 29th St.. New York City. INCORPORATED Capital Stock $30,000 RALEIGH, 1, N. C. . lien Building. J Pullen HOOI.S Ci I V K tin in North Carolina. I' lti'tividint instr We nl-o tench lio..k-kiv) i Write td:iy fornur iit ih'eiiM iMt-roand ifi: Buff Wyandottes -and ff lilt LGghOmS On Wyandottes I won two first, one second and two third prizes on five entries at the Central Carolina Fair. These are some of the best strains in America. My Leghorns are headed !by a fin cockerel from Wycoff strain. Eggs $1.00 per setting of 13. Satisfaction guaranteed. GEO. W. PUGH, Box 39 - - Millboro, N. C. My Work Pleases! When you wish an easy shavi As good as barber ever gave, Just call on nie at my saloon, At morning, eve or noon, I cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything I think you'll find, To suit the face and please themind, And all my art and skill can do, If you just call I'll do for you. TOM CARTER. Next door to rostoffice. SOUTHERN MACHINE lunDIC wwni We build Machinery to or der, overhaul and repair ma chinery, cut gears, make patterns, models, etc. Southern Machine Works, High Point, N- . W. W. JONES T5he Grocer can furnish you the best in sea sonable edibles. If it is for din ner, supper or breakfast consult him. He always has fine flour, fresh butter, as well as variety of delicacies. GAVE UP SUPPORTER. up my wuiiiu, tv i m-n uau rruwueu every umig down before it" writes Mrs. S. J. Clinsman, of JllantiBville.N. Y. "My doctnrtold me no medicine would help me. J suffered nntold mlaery.and could hardly walk. Afier taking two bottles of Cardui I pare up my supporter. Now I am taklnn my fifth bottle, have no bad feelings as formerly, and can be on my feet half a day at a time. I strongly recouuiieud Cardui u every sullering wonum." CHARLOTTE, N. C Piedmont, Ins Hid. KING'S UVoINSS COLLEGE, IJaleicS, N.C.. or Charlotte, IS. C. TIRES SET Quicker and better and will run longer without loosening than is possible when set the old way. Will give just the desired amount of dish to the wheel. No guess work about it. No burnt or charred felloe surfaces to wear way and loosen the tire We Set Them Cold. No steam and water soaked felloe surfaces to shrink away and loosen the tire, no burnt paint to replace. We do not UVEU DISH nor UN DE It DISH. We guarantee work and refund your money if not satisfactory. Come and see the ma chine in operation. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. THE IMPLEMENT GO. RICHMOND, VA., ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Fencing, Roofing, Barb Wire, Poxillry Netting. Write for prices and catalogue. We carry one of the largest and best stocks of Farm Implements in the South, and can save you money on your purchases. What ever you need, get our prices be fore purchasing. Special bargains in Farm Wagons and Buggies. Best makes. Low Prices. The Implement Co., 1302 Main St., Richmond, Vi. Needles, Parts 6i- Wheeler & Vibtj .-. ZZIO C.Y BY p KH ftf L! n & SEEING CO. A. m. PRESNELL, Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses and do a general repair bus iness. Second hand buggies always on hand at bargains. When in Asheboro see me. Shop back of McDowell's livery stables. Yours truly, s. A. M. PRESNELL. N. P COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. Undertaking Establishment. New and complete line of Collins and Caskets, and prices ica-otmble. New Hearse. Uentle stock and careful drivers. A share of your patronage is reset'tfullv solicited. J. W. JOLLY, f " i for both -Machinet

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