MOORE COUNTY NEWS. Special School Tax Election Ordered Juror for April Term of Moore Coaatr Coart.l The Board of County Commis sioners of Moore county have or dered a special School tax election to be held in District No. 7. Mc Neill's township, on Friday, May 18th 1906. E. A. Smith is regis ter; D. P. McDonald and D. I. McDonald poll holders. , . UST TAKERS. Carthage Lacy Blackman Bensalem D. C. McKinnon. Sheffield C. McNeill. Ritters Geo. L. Finison. Deep Hirer W. J. Wadsworth. Pocket W. A. Wadsworth. . Sanford F. M. Sinclair. Jonesboro Redin Bryant. Cape Fear R. W. Dalryniple. Greenwood D. Cole. McNeills D. A. Blue. Sand Hills Levi Packard. Mineral Springs M. D. Mc Crimmen. JUKY FOR APRIL COURT. First Week Levi Williams, 0. D.Wallace, J. M. Spivey, J. B, Sullivan, W. L. Ritter, sr., W. J. Callicutt, U. L. Foster, D. W. Mc Duffie, S. H. Garner, D. A. Camer on, A. F. McPhail, J. M. Ray, E, S. Maness, Jas. Fry, Z. V. Hunter, D. J. Monroe, Milton McNeill, W. A. Kelly. Second Week. Hugh Jackson, E. B Harrington, Jas. A. Kelly, W. R. Myrick. W. S. Bailey, J. A. Mc Farland, J. W. Thomas, J. 0. Fry, M. Bryant, N. M. Williams, W. D. Hunter, D. A. MeNeill, D. J. Thom as, D. M. Sincliar, L. W. Dupree, Geo. H. Pickard, Addison Hussey, Ralph Monger. Moore County News. Obituary. William M. Moaer was born January 8th, 1851; died February 23rd, 1906, aged 55 years, 1 month, and 15 days. He was mar ried to Miss Mary R. Kime on February 2, 1872. To this union there was added 11 children seven boys and four girls one girl and one boy preceded their lather to the glory world. He is survived by his father, three sisters, three brothers, wife, nine chil dren and a host of friend and relatives to mourn their great loss. He professed faith in Ubrist thirty years ago and joined tne Lutheran church at Melanchthon and lived a consistent member until Qod called them to On Breeie Acquittal. Dear Editor I read in the Pro ressive Farmer (Editorial) the action of the United States circuit court in Richmond some weeks past, in quashing the conviction of Breese Dickerson, and Penland, the Ash ville bank wreckers, I think such a disgrace to the Judiciary, Indicted ten years ago for stealing $100,000; getting new trial, one after another on some mere technicality until the court of the United States, turns them loose upon the public, because of one of the grand jurors involved had not paid his poll tax. Such fantastic tricks as this play ed before high heaven, in the face of justice produce hot beds of an archy and disrespect for law among our people, and should it self be punished. Crimes, indeed, are committed, not only in the name of Liberty, but in the name of the law, and the old conception of law as a web which catches the weak of fender, but lets the strong one through, widens alarmingly with such miscairiages of justice as that in the Breece c-tse. Let our jurists and law makers address themselves to the reforms so clearly needed, and do something to at least show that all men are not dishonest, but trying to raise man- Jcinu to a higher level. Respectfully, J. F..Hamiltox better world. He was quiet, dignified J Protestant minister, of Liberty, will preach every every hrst sunuay night in each month in the graded school building. strong and unassuming in character; loved hia church and could always be counted upon to stand upon the side of right. His devo tion to his family was beautiful, being at all times exceeding kind and thoughtful, end considerate of Lis wife and children. He was firm, yet gentle with his children, and with the aid of his wife, gave them that ear ly training that has made them all useful men and women. He was a kind neighlor, beloved by the poor and the wealthy alike, and was always ready with a helping hand for the needy. He was sick for about three months with heart trouble, during which time he was perfectly conscious that he had not long in this world. Often said he was ready and willing to go. The burial service was conducted by Rev. W. M. Fike, after which his remains were laid to rest in Moriah church yard to await the general ressurrection of the dead. May the Lord of all grace bless the family by comforting their sad and broken hearts and may this dispensation of righteous Frovi dence be a means to lead them in the paths of rectitude and finally to that blest and hap py reunion of father on the Beautiful Shores , of sweet deliverance. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love, The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. When we asunder part, It gives us mwaru pain, But we shall still be joined in heart And hope to meet again. A. . Kwkmas, Yandalia, N. O. Apiil 2, 1900. Slier City Catting. Mr; W. E. Lawson, fonnder and formerly editor of the Siler City Grit,' has accepted a position with the Greensboro Telegram as City editor. Miss Sankie Gilbert has finished her school near Harper's X Roads and is uisitidg mends at Ore Hill and Goldston. Rev. W. C. Lassiter, a Methodist Nothing will relieve indigestion that is not a ' thorough uigestant. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat, and allows the stomach to rest recuperate grow strong again. A few doses of Kodol after meals will soon restore the stomach and digestive organs to a full perform ance of their functions naturally. Bold by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Miss Sallie Boatick who spent Sat urday and Snnday at Asheboro a guest of Mrs. G. W. Hunsucker, returned Monday morning to Ran-dlemau. The most rational remedy for Coughs and Colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It acts on the bowels as a mild cathartic expels all cold from the system. Cuts all phlegm out of the throat, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whoop jng cough, etc. An ideal remedy for children equally good for adult. Sold by Standard Drug Co and Aibeboro Drag Co. The Thomas vilie Telephone Com pany baa declared a 50 per cent, dividend. Don't tie a cough or a cold up in your system by taking a remedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It is different from all other cough syrups. It is better. It epens the bowels xpels all cold from the sys tem, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. An ideal remedy for young and old. Chil dren like it. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. A Guaranteed Core for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in Clto 14 days. 50c. Blackburn's "Psalm of Life.1 (Rharokatte Roaster.) Tell me not in mournful numbers Holton has another term, Nor that Holton seeing, slumbers hue indictments make me squirm Thev are real, they are earnest cnd the court is not Ins coal, But I'll put him in the furnace lie lias spoken ol my soul. In Carolina's field of battle In the whiskey frauds and strife He shakes not a baby's rattle But a great big butcher knife. Lives of others oft remind us We can pay a heavy fine Or departing leave Miind us Brickbats made of mud and slime. Let us then be up and doing With a heart for any fate For we've done our liest inooing Trying to scare him ff the State For ItOHtla and Public Building. The Courier has received the following communication: Now the grand juiy has recom mended a new court house and new jail, we hope our able commissioners will go to work and build them, but that does not end the road question. We want to keep talking good roads and when we go to the legislature we expect to give the public a chance to vote for issuing bonds for good roads (but we forgot) the old lady says we can't go until we put up the wire around the garden, make a calf pasture and fix to keep the hogs ont of the cow barn lot so we will let some one else go in our place. Citizen. Lining indoors so much during the winter months creates a sort of a stuffy, want-of-ozone condition in the blood and sytem generally. Clean up and get ready for spring. Take a few Early Risers. These fa mous little pills cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels and giye the blood a chance to purify itself. They relieve headache, sallow com-, E lesion, etc. Sold by Standard rug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. The people of Statesville are signing: contracts to exclude the Bell Telephone and use phones or an Independent Home Company be ing organized there with a capital stock of $10,000. Long distance lines will unite with the home Com pany. Reduced Rat. The SEABOARD announces account of the Southern Baptist Convention, Chattanoo ga, Tenn, rate of one fare plus 25c for round trip, from all points in North Carolina; tick ets to be sold May 8th, 9th, and 10th, with final limit ten days from date of sale. THE SEABOARD has DOUBLE DAILY service from principal points to Atlanta. The SEABOARDannounces account Quar to Centennial Exercises they will all round trip tickets from all points in the State of North Carolina, to Tuskegee, Ala and re rum at rate of one first class fare plus twenty-five cents for the round trip. Tickets to be sold April 14th and 15th, with final re turn limit of April 20th, tickets being limit ed to continuous passage in each direction. 1M. ROVKO FASSENGER SERVICC. The SEABOARD announces effective with the inauguration of theNEW YORK SI.EEP- INO CAR I.INh between New lork and hemphis and vice-versa via the SEABOARD AND FRISCO SYSTEMS IMPROVED THROUGH PASSENGER SERVICE to Memphis, Tenn, without change, making connections at this point for all points in Texas, The West and North West. Unex celled dining car service between Washing ton and Richmond and Hamlet and Birming ham, serving all meal9. The SEABOARD announces account of Wheeler Memorial Day, March 27th, and the Second Annual Re-Union of the Blue and Gray, March 28th 2!)th,-190G. Atlanta, Ga. I I hey will sell round trip tickets from all points in the State of North, Carolina, to Atlanta Ga, and return at rate of one first class fare plus 25c for the round trip, tickets to be sold March 25th and 2t!th, and for trains scheduled to reach Atlanta before noon of March 27th, final limit, (prior to which passenger must reach original destina tion before mid night returning.) fifteen days in addition to date of sale. The SEABOARD begs to announce that on account of the occasions mentioned lielow the rates and conditions named will apply. Chattanooga, Tenn: Southern Baptist Convention and Auxiliary Societies.May 10th-15th,-100G. Rate, one first class fare plug 25c for the round trip, (minin-um rate) 50 cents, tickets sold fllay 8th, Uth and 10th, DO YOU GUT UP WITH A BACK? Kidney Trouble Hake You Miserable. Almost evervbodv who reads the new papers is snre to know of the wonderful cures mauc vy mji. It Kilmer's Swarap I Root, the, great kid l ney, liver and blad der remeuy. It is the (treat rued ical triumph of the nineteenth century; discovered after year of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and h1MW snefcialist. and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, aric acid, catarrn or me Diaaaer ina Brieht's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended lor everyiniug uuin yuu kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It baa kn tested in so manv ways, in hospital woik and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swmp-Root, and how to findout if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading m.s generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. K'lmer & Co., Binghaniton, N. Y. The regular fiftv-cent and one- dollar size bottles are Horn, of swamp-Soot sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghaniton, N. Y., on every bottle. "Wood's Grass AND h Clover Seeds r.:e the best it:;;"ty, new crop needs, cf tested Wo csrry the large t-t bloc's in the k'ou'.it, end can supply your needs to tho very beet advantage. Specicl Cress and Clover cir cular civics best methods of prep- j aiutiqu, seeding, etc., free on re quest. Our Descriptive Catalogue fives the fullest information about Grasses, Clovers und ail Farm Seeds. Write ler Catalogue and Special Grass CirculrT. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsnen, RICHMOND, . VA. Wood's Trade Mark Brand Grass, Clover and otber Farm Seeds are the best sud cleanest qualities It Is posslole to procure much belter both in quality and germination than the f ordinary market grades. Publishers and- Printers. We Manufacture the Very Highest Grade of Type Brass Rule in Strips Brass Labor Saving Rule Brass Column Rules Brass Circles Brass Leaders Brass Round Corners Brass Leads and Slugs Brass Galleys Metal Borders L S Metal Furniture Leads and Slugs Metal Leaders Spaces and Quads 6 to 48 point Metal Quoins, etc. Old Column Rules refaced and made as good as new at a small cost. t Please remember that we are not in any Trust or Combination f and are sure that we can make it greatly to your advantage to deal' with us. i A copy of our Catalogue will be cheerfully furnished on arrolicst tion. I Philadephia Printers SxippIyCo. J Manuiexoturara of f Type a.nd High Grade Printing Material Proprietors 39 North Ninth Sereet PENN TYPE FOUNDRY 'PHILADELPHIA i i Buff VVyandottes and White Leghorns. On Wyandottes I won two first, one second and two third prizes on five entries at the Central Carolina Fair. These are some of the best strains in America. My Leghorns are headed by a final limit ten days in addition to date of ! fin cockerel from WyCoff Strain. Tickets may be extended. Fer further information as to rates from any point or schedules apply to your nearest Agent or address the undersigned. O H Gattis Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N C. Eggs $1.00 per setting of 13. Satisfaction guaranteed. GEO. W. PUGH, Box 39 Mlllboro, N. C. Per TuQiatMsao Voan Roystr Fertilizer. K M Ml 1 REGISTERED fiave been the standard because they are made from honest materials. See that the trade mark is on every bag. None genuine without it. R S. ROYSTER GUANO CO Norfolk, Va. YOUR HOUSE NEEDS PAINT. IT WILL LOOK BETTER, RENT HIGHER, v V SELL QUICKER. Semi-PoLste Pacint. We have it each gallon guaranteed to weigh 20 lbs. Mix one gallon of .linseed oil with this and it will make TWO GALLONS of standard paint, costing ready to apply LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR per gallon. QUALITY GUARANTEED. QUALITY GUARANTEED LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR. McCrary-Redding Hardware Company. A New and Handsome Watch for Ladies. Only $11.75 With One Year's Subscription to the Ashe boro Courier, Or we will give this watch for 40 subscriptions at each. ! , This is the most attractive watch we have yet offered ' ; and it is as good as it looks. A genuine American v. movement made by the New York Standard Watch Co. f, fitted in a Gold Filled hunting case, warranted for 20J ; years. A stem-winder and Stem-setter, and in every way a reliable time-keeper. Each case iB handsomely- engraved. REMEMBER, this is the regular size ladies watch, the most popular one for ladies and girls. Men and boys often prefer this size watch to the larger ones. The movement has 7 jewels, train bearing in metal setting, quick train, lever set, enameled dial and ia made by one of the best companies of America. This movement fitted in our 20 year guaranteed case makes the greatest watch bargain ever offered for the price we are making. We ex-" pect every watch sent ont to bring several more orders, ine watcnes are delivered try . ,.i :i ;... .i,..;. ,!);..., ; nnr.A A Order promptly. The watch may be sent to one address and the paper to another, i so desired. THE GOURitR. Asheboro, N. C 4,uuu,uuu reacn irees Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. June Buds a Specialty. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from dis ease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guarantee our stock to be true to name. Largest Peach Nursery in the World. Address t J. C. HALE. Winchester, Tenn. INCMMMTIO . Capital Stock $30,000 RALEIOH, N. C. Pullen Building . f CHARLOTTE, N. C Piedmont, Ins. Bid. Tim er-annj a mvx tha wnrlri1 heat in mrvtern RmrinM Education. Oldest BuslnM, College in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vcali; indiviauai lnstracvion, vteauoicaca nooi-seepiog, niwniiuiu, "-. - tor Home Study rates. Write today Xor our Catalogue. Offers and High Indorsements. Toer aft. ' RaUi.K. It. C. or Chsvrlott. K. C 3 e Sell the Earth! CX)O0OO00000O00OOO If you are interested in the v proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield (Si Laighlin. Real Estaie Dealers. N f