CALL FOR COURIER Enter Your Name On Our List at Once and Win One of the Premiums Offered. Hundreds of Dollars will be Distrib uted in Presents During the Next Few Weeks. In arranging this contest we have endeavored to offer a reward to workers sufficient to make them en , thusiastio and at the same time make the work of securing subscribers easy, so they could not fail to win prizes Every one who pays one dol ar IN ADVANCE will get free with Thb Courier one of these papers one year, the Woman's Magazine, The Metropolitan and Rural Home, The Southern Agriculturist, or the Farm and Fireside for one year. This contest begins NOW and will close July 1, 1906. The person who sends us the largest number of subscriptions during that time will receive as a prize a handsome Na tional Sewing Machine, which sells for $65.00. To the person who sends in the second largest list of subscribers we will give a Champion New Home Sewing Machine, price $65.00. To the person who obtainB for us the third largest list of subscribers we will give one Carolina Cook Steve with "B" list with pipe, including full and complete cooking outfit which sells everywhere for $18.00. This stove is on exhibition at the Lewis & Winslow Hardware Com pany. To the person sending us the fourth largest list we will give a genuine American movement ladies' vatch made by the New York Stan dard Watch Company, fitted in a gold filled hunting case, warranted for 20 years. It is 4t stem-windei and stem-setter, and in every way a reliable time keeper. Each case is handsomely engraved. To the worker who sends us the fifth largest list we will give a watch with movement like the foregoing description except a ten year guaran teed case. To the person sending us the sixth largest list we will give a pair of Queen Quality Shoes worth $3.50. These shoes are on exhibition at MesBis Wood & Mor ing's Store. The person sending us the seventh largest list will receive a pair of the celebrated White House Patent Leather Blucher Ladies' Shoes worth 3.50. These shoes can be seen at anytime at the Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co's Store. The person sending ns the eigth largest list will receive a pair of the popular Woman's College Walking Shoes, worth 3.50. It can be seen at Mr W J Miller's store. The worker sending us the ninth largest subscription list we will give free a beautiful 52-piece porcelain breakfast set. To the person sending- us the tenth largest subscriptions we will give a handsome water set worth $6.50. The person sending us the eleventh largest list of subscribers will re ceive a 14-piece combination Ameri can -Beauy Rose silvjr set, consist ing of 1 dozen Tea Spoons, Sugar Shell and Butter Knife to match, pure coin silver plated over nickel plate on hard metal base, packed in fancy box. - Every dollar sent we count one subscription. It will take two fifty HIGH POINT LABOR TROUBLE. Msmafactnrer's Firm Agaiast the Em ployment mf UmIom Labor Com mittee Will Canvas State In Interest Unionism. The labor agitation at High Point seems to be notable for the absence of strife and riot. The manufacturers are firmly standing by their manifesto issued a few days ago, declaring against union labor, once and forever. The leaderB of organizations effected by the mani festo are on the scene and all effort to secure a conference with the manufacturers has proven futile. The latter claims to have nothing to discuss with a view to arbitration. The High Point Unions have ap pointed sub-committees to visit the cities and towns in the State to ac nnaint them with the condition ex isting between the manufacture ers and the Unionists at uign Point, and to secure the support and financial aid of sister unions and sympathizers. Samuel P. Gompers, president of Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local applicatiens, as they cannot reach the A seased portion ol the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Dealness is caused by an in flamed condition ol the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When tuis tube is inflamed von have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deaf ness is (be result, and unless the inflama. tion can by Jaken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in. flamed conditon of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Oatarrh Cure. Send for circu lars free. VI CHINBY A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Dnigjrists. 76c. Take Hail's Family Pills for constl atlon, CLUB RAISERS.! cent subscribers to count one sub scription in the contest. Now here are the "sure things" prizes those you KNOW you can get whether you win one of the oth er prizes or not. To every person sending us twelve subscribers at one time with twelve dollars, we will give, a handsome water set the best made, or, if you E refer, a set of genuine Eodgers nives and forks, either of these sell anywhere for $5.00 to $6.00. Or to any person, who will send us 18 sub scriptions with $18.00, we will send both these premiums. But that is not all, we make another offer that every body can get and that is that every worker, who will send us eix subscription at one time accompani ed by $6.00, we will give a fine porcelain, 30 piece breakfast set or for five subscriptions we will give a handsome stereoscope and 48' colored scenes from all parts of of the world. This breakfast set never Bold for less than $4.00 and it is worth $6.00 anywhere and the stereoscope and views are worth fully as much as the breakfast Bet, or if any worker will 6end us 10 subscriptions accom panied by $10, we will sei d both these handsome premiums. We know you will wonder how we can make such a remarkable offer. To bev frank with you we couldn't if we did not know from experience that three-fourths of the new subscribers obtained in this way will be turned into regular subscribers at the end of the year. We are paying you handsomely simply to get them started for ns. The merit of the paper itself will do the rest and in the long run we will make a profit and you will be doing your community a good turn by inducing the people to read a paper which teaches them how to make more money from their farms and in various occupation. To everyone who sends us as much $100.00 for subscriptions and job work together we will give a Cham pion New Home Sewing Machine. Any young man who wants a pair of "Keiths Konqueror" shoes, or a pair of celebrated King J3ee shoe, or a pair of Crossett's best shoes, each and every pair Bells for $5.00 the world over, or if you want free the best railroad watch ever made you can learn how to get them free by getting subscriptions or job work for The Coubier. Now the facts are all before you and the contest is on. DON'T WAIT UNTIL TO-MORROW TO BEGIN WORK. Start now and keep it up, if you want one of the big prizes. We will send you sam ple copies, if you ask for them, but we do not furnish receipts and sub scription blanks except direct to the subscribers upon receipt of the list and amount enclosed. An ordinary peice of paper will do. Don't send stamps. Put the silver dimes in an envelope and fold it np and put in another envelope which bears the stamp and address and they will not be lost. Address all letters to Thb Courier, Asheboro, N C. the Americai Federation of labor Trill be asked to levy a general as sessment from the Unionists of America for the benefit of High Point workmen. The strike managers art' still hop ing to secure a moderation of the manufacturers decree, despite their indifference to every appeal made by the Unionists since the "lock-out went into effect. A Strange Dream. Mr. Wesley Brogden, a prominent citizen and a confederate teteran died in Davie county last week. His daughter, Miss Irene Brogden, was in Salisbury and the night pre ceding the death dreamed that her relatives in Davie county came to take her back in a carriage and that one of the occupants was a deceased brother. While relating the dream the next morning a brother came to notify her of her father's death and had brought a carriage t convey her to their home in Davie. If our subscribers fail to receive the paper on time each week, the manager urges all to notify us at once, that we may investigate and correct the trouble. We have re ceived letters this week showing that the entire list or snDscrioers at one post office, have failed to re ceive the naDer for two or three weeks in succession. Don't wait to see if it comes npxt week, but write us at once. Col. G. Foster Hankins. of Lex. ington. announces that he will be a candidate for Legislative honors. To Advsrlier. The Courier has spent large sums of money in working up its circulation and to-day it thorough ly covers Randolph and adjoining counties besides having a large list throughout this and other states. But we are working to build up Randolph county and the Piedmont section of North Carolina. To this end we have built our cir culation, that our advertisers and the community might secure the greater publicity. We have improved our plant and enlarged our paper all of which necessarily increases expenses. Hence this article notifying our advertisers that after March 1st, 1906, the advertising rate is as fol lows: Per inch one time 25c " " " month per issue 20c " " two months " " 17c " " six " and over " " 15c Reading notices will be charged at the rate of one cent per word. No reader ac cepted for less than 25c. All bills payable monthly. , Our circulation is not made up of dead heads and exchanges, tut paying subscribers, who send us the cash for their subscription. Few are more than six months in arrears and many are paid in advance. This shows that we circulate among a prosperous people the class that advertisers desire to reach. The Courier appreciates the patronage accorded it in the past and pledges every effort to give value received for future business placed with it. Legal Advertisements. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed January 1, 1904, by U-. K. Ulasgow and it. Koumns and their wives to A. P. Richardson, and recorded in Book 107. Pace 308. Register's office Ran dolph county, I will, on the 30th day of April, 1906, Bell to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse in Asheboro, JN. u., at 12 o'clock M. the following described real property. Beginning at a stone in the middle of Moore road, thence North 40 degrees, West 12 chains to a persimmon; thence East 9.36 links to a stone in said Linda Bulla line; thence South on Baid line 7.35 chains to a stone Moore road; thence along said road 35 3-4 degrees West to the beginning, con taining 50 acres more or less. A P Richardson, Mortgagee. This Mar 28, 1906. SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a mo rt trace deed executed Ana. 22. 1902. by B S Kearns and wife to Josiah Luther and recorded in book U 7, page 4 as, Kegister s otlice, Randolph county, I will on the 30th day oi April 1906 at 12 o'clock M. sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Asheboro, H. u., the following ue scribed real estate: 1st tract: Begfnning at A II Johnson's corner South of P. road going South 16 1-2 degrees W. 5 chs. and 34 Iks. to a pine knot, Jackson s corner; thence & chs. and bl Iks. to a stone; thence N. 11 chs. and 60 Iks. to a stone on South side of P road;!thence V. along said road 5 chs. to a stone on N side of said road; thence N. 41 1-2 rods to a white oak; thence W 62 3-4 rods to a pine, B. K, Steed's corner; thence S. on Cranfori's line 7 1-2 rods to a stone in Johnson's line; thence E. 3 rods to the beginning containining 45 acres more or less. 2nd tract Subject to Mary Kearn's lifetime richt. Becinninir at a stone running W. about 15 degrees N. by supposition 140 rods to a stone in Cranford's line; thence South 10 rods to 8 stone N. side of P. read; thence West along said road 50 rods to a stone; thence South 43 chs. by supposition to stone in the branch, H. L. kearns corner; thence East 20 1-2 chs. to a stone on W side of road; thence N. 5 1-2 degrees East 15 chs, to fork of public road; thenee East 15 de grees S alone public road 27 ehs. to a stone, A. H. Johnson s corner; thence North to the beginning, containing 57 acres more or less, Josiau Lcther, Mortgagee. This Mar 28, 1900. NOTICE! Having qualified as executor on the es tate of Horace Lineberry, deceased, before of Randolph county, I shall ' sell at public auction, to the nignest muuer tor aan, on the premises, on the 26th day of April, 1906, the following personal property, to-wit: household and kitchen furniture, lot of wheat, l 1 1 A kJ nt ,1 11 rtt sheep, 15 head of hogs, set of blacksmith tools, 1 buggy and harness, 1 one-horse wagon ana other articles to tedious to men tion. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or befoie the 6th day of April, 1900, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. J. V . Peon, Executor. This 4th day of April, 1900. NOTICE! A. C Cox, S. F. Lowdermilk and J. M. Allen, have this day entered the following land in Randolph county to-wit; a tract of ten acres, more or less, in Grant township, in the waters of Richland creek, and known as Humble's mill pond, adjoinining the lands of A. C. Cox, M. H. Moffitt, J. H. Vestal, Mrs. G. M. Moon and others, for which with out objection filed, within 30 days from this date, they will ask for a warrant of survey, to the county surveyor of Randolph. J. P. Boroughs, Entry Taker. This, March 31st, 1906. NOTICE. W 8 Gall ill and Uriah Presnell have this day entered the following land iu Randolph County to-wit: A tract of 6o acres In Cedar Grove Town ship on the waters of Kichlaud Creek and Little River adjoining the lands of Uriah Pnne1l, W S Gatlin, M H Moflitt, A 8 Williams. P A Williams and others, for which without objection filed within thirty days from this date, they will ask for a warrant of survey to the County Surveyor of Randolph County. Entry Taker. This March 9th, 1006. 8-15-00. LAND SALE By virtue of an order of the superior court of Randolph county in the special proceeding entitled Lewis P York Admr, et al Vs J M York, et a), I will on the 23rd day of April 1906, at 12 o'clock M, at the court house door in Asheboro, N C, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder on the following terms, viz one third cash, one third in three months, and one third in six months, the deferred payments to be made with approved security, the following described tract of land. A tract adjoining the lands of Alfred Williams and others, Beginning at a post oak, original corner, thence East 28 chains to a stone, Mabitha William's corner; thence North with her line 34 45 chains to a stake in the middle of the creek, Baid William's corner;' thence down the various courses of the creek to a stake; thence East 7:50 chains to a stake; thence South 23.50 chains to the beginning, containing 93 acres more er less. Elijah Mokfitt, Commissionei. This 13th day of March, 1906. " CUT IT OUT " says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women, in thousands of cases, by iyme tOF j IT CURES WOMB DISEASE. It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and has rescued thousands of others from a' melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. . It will cure you, if you will only give it a chance. Tiy it.j Sold at every drug store in $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER Put aside all timidity and writ ns freely and frankly, la strictest conn denos, telling ns aU your symptom and trouble. We will send free advie (in plain, waled envelope), how to ear them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga, Tans. 'Lundstrom" Sectional Bookcase Pronounced the Best by its Thousands of Users The l.nnriatmm mm am mills under our own nntents. in our own factory, and the entire Pro duction is sold direct to the borne and office. That is the reason we can offer them at such rea sonable prices. In purchasing a Lundstrom Sectional Bookcase you are not helping to test a doubt iu experiment, but are getting an article which time and experience have proven a wonderful success. Our sectional bookcases are the product of years of undivided attention to this one line of manufacture. Every book section has a non-binding, disappearing glass door and is highly nnlsneo in solid uoiaeu uaic. Tops ana oases, ii.uu eacu. write tor iiiiutrawu csuusguc ou jvi All goods shipped direct from factory The C. J. LUNDSTROM MFG. Co-. Little Falls, N. Y. Mfrs. of Sectional Bookcases and Filing Cabinets. I Oxydonor, Oxydonor builds up the system by natural means. It causes the absorbtlon of oxygen through the pores oi the skin, membranes and lungs, thus strengthen ing the entire system and making it naturally healthy. Oxygen la Life's Necessity without it man dies; but when the blood Is well tilled with t, man lives in the enjoyment of health. Oxydonor will benefit or cause the cure of any disease at any reasonable stage. Rheumatism, Sciatica. Neuralgia, Asthma, Catarrn, Hay Fever, Indigestion, Kyxpepsia. all nervous Diseases, Blood, Skin, Liver and Kidney diseases. Fe male Complaints, etc. Dr. H. Ban che A Co.. Nni York. So many of our family have been sick. I have badly needed another Oxydonor. Those on whom I used the Oxydonor got along tine, others had to resort to medical aid having bnt one Oxydonor. The consequences were the loss of one of our babies. I shall always regret the use of medicines. I hope I shall never be forced to call another doctor. I have found great benefit from the nse of Oxydonor. I was cured of a severe case of Rheumatism which has never returned. Oxydonor has been a general benefit in our family. Respectfully. MRS. J. W. GILLIAM. Our claims are reinforced by many reliable letters from all parts of the world. Call or send for our book "Grateful Reports" giving prices and much valuable informa tion. Beware of fraudulent Imitations. The genuine Is stamped with the name of the Inventor OR. H. 6ANCHK. DR. H SANCHE & CO. 261 Fifth Ave . near 29th St.. New York City. Mailed FREE to all who want This Thirtieth Anniversary Edition is a bright book of 168 pages and tells the plain truth. With Cover and Colored Plates it shows, paintedtorn nature. Seven Superb Specialties in Vegetables of aneqoaled merit and Six Novelties in Flowers, including Luther Burbank's Kew Floral Wonder. WRITE TO-DAY I the very day you read this advertisement. Mention this paper and address W. ATLCE BURPEE CO- Seed Growers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The new Carnegie Library at Greensboro will be opened for dis tribution of books Easter Monday. My Work Pleases! When you wish an easy shave As good as barber ever gave, Just call on me at my saloon, At morning, eve or noon, cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, Aid everything I think you'll find, To suit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do, J If you just call I'll do for you. TOM CARTER.. Next door to Postoffioe. GAVE UP SUPPORTER. "I wore a supuwUt for four yssis. to tssp Bp my womb, which had crowded TcryUilns flown baton it" wtUm Mrs. 8. J. ChrWin, o(MsnnsTUlstlf.T. "My doctor tola ns no tnsdk&ns woala help ma. I soffersd untold mlMrr.sod eoold bardlr walk. After taking IMlln bslf a dsy at a ttma. I stronsly noommsad Caidnl to srsry suffering woman." Gillisms Academy, Norton's Store, Alamance Co.. N. C, April 11th, 1005. ?S Farm Annual for 1906 I w "Th Leading American Seed Catalogue." the BEST SEEDS that Growl TIRES SET Quicker and better and will run longer without loosening than is poesiole wnen set the old way. Will cive iust the desired amount of dish to the wheel. No guess work about it. No burnt or charred felloe surfaces to wear way and loosen the tire We Set Vhem Cold. No steam and water soaked felloe surface to shrink away and loosen the tire, no burnt paint to replace. We do not OVER DISH nor UNDER DISH. We guarantee work and refund your money if not satisfactory. Come and see the ma chine in operation. HUGH J. BURNS, The Blacksmith. V-ixC-m Tirf- ,';j.-oli'i tor both VI-..'.;. - Ti . f.i-,.J . lacftine CCS.D ONLY E.Y ecwtwc; &iACKt?iE co. BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived hy tlmso vlio ad vertise a $60.00 Hewing Mm-liine for 20.00. This kind of a machine risa be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to 1S.00. WC MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the Btrcnelh or weakness of Hewing Machine. The Double Tcod combined with othef strong points makes the ew Homo ttie best eewmg JUaetiliie to buy. Write for CIRCULARS We manufacture and prices before purchasing THE NEW HOME SEWINC MACHINE CO. OSSNCC, MASS 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, III., Atlanta, (ia Bt. Louls.Mo., Dallas.Tex., San Francisco, Oat S-OR SALE BV A. m. PRESNELL Blacksmith and General Repair Shops. I manufacture Timber Wheels, repair Buggies and Wagons, Shoe Horses and do a general repair bus iness. Second hand buggies always on hand at bargains. When in Asheboro see me. bhop back of McDowell's livery stables. Yours truly, A. M. PRESNELL. N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer. Asheboro, N. C. Undertaking Establishment. New and complete line of Coffins and Caskets, ami prices reasonable. New Hearse, Gentle i-iook and careful drivers. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. J. W JOLLY, Store opposite Lewis-WInslow Bdw. Store, A&hs boro, N.C,

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