CEDAR FALLS. Mr. U'lnnln;hKm Injured In Runa way Wedding An Order of Son of Rett Organised Other Items of Interest. Mr. A. R. Winningham's horse be' came frightened at the train here bunday evening and ran away, throwing Mr. Winningham from his buggy and hurting him right badlv, but it is hoped not seriously, The buggy was almost a complete wreck. Mr. Patterson and Miss Shields were married here Sunday, Mr. A. F. Cox, J. P. Officiating. Miss Shields is daughter of our jolly townsman, Mr. Ervin Shields. Miss Reader, of Lower Mill town, died Sunday night. The family have the sympathy of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Baines, of Graham, visited in town Sunday returning to Graham on early train Monday morning. Mr. A. F. Cox went to Greensboro Monday. Mr. Walter Craven had music practice at Mr. Bowman's Saturday night, and although the players were not all present, the practice gives promise of some excellent music Saturday 14th. Mr. Jas. I. Coward has moved to Winston-Salem. Mr. Coward was an excellent citizen aud a faithful Sunday school worker. We hate very much to lose him. Bicycling is the sport of the hour here now. The pretty spring weatehr has brought to life about all the old wheels in town. We have some good bicyclists but Mr. Melford Free seems to be the cham pion "'trick" rider having learned to "loop the loop" and many other in teiesting tricks. The wheel he was riding Sunday evening seemed to be be very fond of race water. For further particulars call on Mr. Claud Brady. There is some talk of Mr. Erviu Shields, assistant Grand Organizer Sons of Rest, organizing a branch S. 0. R. Lodge here. M. Shields I comes well reccommended and is thoroughly competent having been drilled by president G. H. Kinney, of Franklinville. Lazy Bone Lodge No. 1 the brightest in the State. The Lodge here will be styled Rip Van Winkle, Lodge No. 0. Mr. Shields has received his chair. In vitations extended Mr. Kinney's Lodge. R. T. G. PROVIDENCE GRADED SCHOOL. Interesting Exercises Held Friday, April 6tlt-Prof. J. M. Way Delivered the Address. The attendance at the commence ment exercises of the Providence Graded School on Friday, April 6th, was as usual, very large, and the program was enjoyed by all. Those who participated in the exercises, which lasted all day, acquitted them selves admirably, and evidence of a successful term were visible on all sides. The unavoidable absence of Prof. Z. H. Dixon, who was to have de livered the annual address, was very much regretted. However, the County Supt. J. M. Way, was pres ent, and for over an hour held the large assembly in rapt attention. His address was very instructive, and was the topic of much favorable comment. The program as carried out is as follows: PROGRAM. MOUSING. Opening Exercises A Chant Chorus Declamation Get Acquainted with Yourself Hubert Cranford. Declamation The New South Lester Hockett. Recitation Becalmed Ruby Ju lian. Reading Bobby Shaftoe F 1 o r a White FRANKLINSVILLE ITEMS. Easter Entertainment. Married at Cedar Falls. Snake Colls Itself About a Dynamo. An Easter entertainment will be given at the academy next Saturday night, April 14. Prof C. H. Julian has prepared a nice program and a good thing u in jjstore for every one that attends. Many of our people attended the funeiafof Mr. Joseph Sumner at Concord church Sunday. Mrs Hugh Parks, jr. and master Russel, went to Sanford one day last wer k to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Mr. Harvel, who recently moved his family from Montgomery to this place, lost a fine mule last week. Mrs. W. D. Maner, Mrs. M. G. Buie, Hugh Buie and Lettie Buie went to Greensboro on a shopping tour one day last week. Mr. Isham Jones went to Liberty hut Friday to visit his son, Jesse. Chnfee Cox, lately of Proximity has accepted a position with the Franklinsville Mfg. Company as boss dyer and oversetr of oiling and sweepingin the card room. Henry Patterson, of this city and Miss Shields, of Cedar Falls, were quietly manied at Cedar Falls Sun day. We learn that they will make their future home there. The dynamo which furnishes lights for the Franklinville Mf:,' Co. VETERAN'S REUNION. Doll Drill and Burlesque Sixteen to be stopped for quite a novel BIG ELECTRIC COMPANY. Propose to C'ontttrnvt Inter-Vrbau Elec trie Hallway within 50 Miles of High Point. A charter was issued last week for the North Carolina Electric Com pany of High Point with one mil ion dollars authorized capital for the purpose of constructing inter urban electric railways within a ra dius of fifty miles of High Point. There are 'three iucorporators, Dee Allen of Candor, Montgomery county, subscribing to 250 shares; Daniel G. Griswald of Candor, 100 shares, and Melvin C. Hard of Philadelphia, 150 shares. Empire Personal. Mr. J. A. Craven closed his school al Fair Grove Saturday. Among the visitois at the school closing were Messrs. Dan White, Alfred Henson, Weley Williams and De Witt Wright. Misses Mary and Elna Cox, of Ralph, visited Miss Ollie Spoon Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. John Woodell and Miss Daisy Jones, of Ramseur attended the school closing at Fair Grove Satur day. Mr Luther Allen, of Ramseur, spent Saturday night with Mr. John Davis. Mr. Henry Cox and family visited the family of Mr Monroe Cox Sun day. Fair Grove Sunday school was or ganized Sunday with Mr Isaac Pugh as superintendent. Mr. Gurney Pugh, of Ramseur, spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents. Miss Ida Allen, of Ramseur, visit ed Miss Mary Woodell Saturday and bunday. Miss Mary Burrow, of Franklin ville, spent Snnday with her parents. Mr. Alex Blair and family, of Nashville, Tennessee, are visiting the family of Mr. Charley Allen. Mr. Rufus Craven and Mr. De Witt Wiight were welcome visitors at Mr. Stephen Woodell 8 Saturday night M. E. W. Girls and Boys Newsboys Twelve Boys. Address Prof. J. M. Way. AFTERNOON. Chorus. Declamation First View of Heavens Claude Barker. Declamation Stay in the South Alpheus White. Pantomime I's Bad Lota Gray. Reading The Curtain 3 1 a d y s Teague. SONG. Recitation More Cruel than War Mvrtle Cox. Declamation Our True Ideal Floyd Wilson. Recitation Unfinished Music Mary Skeen. Recitation Beautiful Land by the Spoiler Untrod Grace Neece. Drill Come Play with Me Four Boys and Four Girls. Play No Cure no pay. MARSHALS. Alleeii White, Chief Alma Barker Carrie Gray Dewey Wilson Bynum Field In the afternoon the Providence ball team crossed bats with the Ran- dleman team. At the end of nine innings the score stood 17 to 8 in fa vor of Pro idence. The Randletnan boys were somewhat surprised. FAIR VIEW incident one day last week. G. C. Russell, who has charge of the plant, noticed a snake coiling itself about some of the main wires of the machine and but for his prompt actiou in stoning the machinery might have resulted in quite a seri ous accident but it was closed time to save both the snake and machine. Ia Mamorlam. Died April 2nd, 1906, of menin gitis, Earl, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Barrow, aged 6 months and 9 days. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Brower's Chapel, M. P. church, April 3rd. The rose bad plucked by the loving band; Untarnished yet by time. To blow or bloom ia btirer land v Some fairer and brighter chime. The little crib ia empty' bow, And the little clothes are laid by, And a mother's hope and a father joy. In death's cold arm doth lie. j , - Nrrris. I Mr liroknw and Party tiuests at Ills Game Preserve. Other Interest ing Notes. Mr. W. G. Brokaw and guests arrived here last Wednesday where they expect to spend a part of the spring and summer. Mr. Fred Blair returned last erening from Charlotte where he has been visiting hie sister. A telegram received this Morning brings the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Willie Lewis, at Mt Gilead. John Elder left last monday for JNew lork to take a business course. Mre. E. C. Cranford and Mrs. W. N. Elder attended the State -Con vention held in Charlotte last week reports a profitable time and they also spent one day and night with Uncle Zebedee Rush at Concord, who is m very feeble health. Mr. Hargett filled b;i regular ap pointment here last Sunday. He preached one of his plain and prac tide sermoBs. Allen Blair ia at home on a visit to his parents. Some of our people attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hargett on the evening of the 7th. Mr. Brokaw is having additional buildings erected at this place. Mrs. Carrie Gray is visiting her parents tnis week. SCHOOL NOTES. Work of Year Most Satisfactory At tendance Better Than Any Spring m Term of Past Years. The graded schools will close May 2. On the evening of May 1, there will be exercises Or the pupils of the primary and intermediate grades. and on the evening of May 2 there will be exercises by the pupils of the high school department. The work of the year now closing has been very satisfactory. The total enrollment has reached 315, and the average daily attendance has been more than 225. One very gratifying feature of the attendance has been that there has been no appreciable falling off -in the at tendance daring the spring term. The final examinations for promo tion will begin April 23, and con tinue for a week. The crowded condition of the pri mary grades makes necessary the addition of another teacher to that dep rtment. , Why Not Items. Rev. Martin Leach, of Lassiter, spent Saturday night at Mrs. Sarah Yow's. Mr. and Mrs. B. Vandiford, of Spero, and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Vuncannon, of Star, have been visit ing at Mr. J. A. King's. Mrs. Mary A. Spencer, wife of Lemuel Spencer, died March 26, 1906, she was 62 years old. She leaves a husband, 8 children, and 20 grandchildren to mourn their loss. She had been a member of Pleasant Hill church for 47 years. Her funeral was conducted by Rev. Geo. H. Biggs. Among the new boarding students recently entering school are Misses Ina Beau, Hazel Cox, Justo and Ulah Yow, Minnie Williams and Mr. Carson McNeill. Mrs. E. C. Poteet is recovering from her recent illness. Attempted Criminal Assault. Henry Eller, a 17-year-old negro, has been placed in mil at Lexington to answer the charge of attempting criminal assault, it is alleged that he forced an entrance into the home of a widow lady and daughter in Davidson county one day last week, where he spent the night. The women say they commanded him to leave in vain and that he attempted to assault them. The negro claims that he was! drunk and did not know where he was; and that the next morning where he awoke he quietly left the bouse. Confederate Veteran's Rennlon Will Meet In Hew Orleans, La., April asth-TUt, 190. For the above occasion the Southern Bail way will sell tickets to New Orle ana, La and return at rates named below: Qoldsboro, f 20 00 Selma, 19 55 Raleigh, 1800 Durham, 18 50 Greensboro, 17 40 Winston Salem. 17 20 Salisbury, 16 45 Hickory, 15 75 Charlotte, 15 55 Approximately low rates from other points. Tickets on sale April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, with final limit April 30th. The original purchaser may secure extension of final limit until May 2 let by personally depositing ticket with Joseph Richardson, Special Agent, Theater Arcade, New Orleans, La, not earlier then April 26th nor later than April 30th, and paying fee of fifty cents. General J S Carr has selected the South ern Railway via Atlanta, Montgomery and Mobile as the official route for 'his "Annual Confederate Veterans' Special," which will consist of first class day coaches, and Stand ard Pullman Cars to be handled through to New Orleans without change. This special train will leave Raleigh, N C, at 3 30 p m, Monday April 23rd, and will reach .New Orleans about o JU p m, lueaduy April iMth. Anyone may use this special train. Jiertii rate from Kaleighmul Durham $t 00, Greensboro $5 50, Salisbury and Charlotte $5 00. Two persons mav occupy a berth without additional cost. Excellent service on regular train in either direction. Ask your Agent for rates from your station. For further information and Pnllman reserva tions write, R L Versos, Trav Tass Agt.. Charlotte, N C Notlcete the Public. We hereby give notice that no lumber will be paid for by the coun ty Commissioners until put in use by the overseer on the public roads, and such use must be so stated and certified to by said overseer when the claim is presented to the Board. H T Caveness, Chairman. J. D. Marshal claiming to operate a cold storage at Greensboro traveled this and Chatham county recently buying eggs, placing orders for fu ture delivery at 17c a dozen. Citi zens along Page's road shipped to him at Greensboro hundreds of dozens. An accomplice of the swind ler was at the depot at Greensboro and aa fast as the eggs arrived he would ship them to the North These eggs were never paid for by Marshall and it is estimated that citizens have been swindled out of $6,000 or more. $300 reward has been offered for his arrest. The Busy Store. Our Messrs Carter and Craven have just return ed from the Northern markets where they bought one of the largest and handsomest stocks of goods ever shown in Ramseur. All up-to-date and prices right. A fine line of silks from 50 cents to $1.50 per yard Millinery Department. Our Millinery Department will be in charge of Mi-s OiaMay Cox, the accom plished and clever milliner from High Point. The ladies hats are beautiful this spring, Come and see them Clothing Department Our clothing department is complete and we can fit all from the four-year-old boy to the large man. We have a nice line of Shirts and Neckwear right from the manufacturer. House Furnishings Mattings, Rugs, &c. A full line of Groceries al ways on hand. Guano and Acids. Come and see us and we will do you good. Ramseur Store Company, H. B. CARTER. Ma.na.ger. GOOD STOCK IS NECESSARY. Miss Sallie Bostick who spent Sat urday and Sunday at Asheboro a guest of Mrs. G. W. Hunsucker, returned Monday morning to Rau- dlernan Ralph Birwi. Mr. J. H. Vestal went to High romt and Greensboro last week to purchase goods for his store. Air. u. M. llenry and cousin, Miss Lillie Henry, of Asheboro, spent bunday evening with Misses Caroline and Mary Ann Henry. Miss Jane Smith has commenced a subscription school at Brower's . Master Frank and Ernest Smith, of Asheboro, spent Sunday with their uncle, Mr. S. F. Lowdermilk The six months' old child of Mr anu Mrs. William Jourrow was buried at Brower's Chapel last Tues day. LAND SALK. Ky virtue of an order of sale made liy the Su- nerior Court of KaudolDh countv. in u sueoinl pmcecuiug, mi'rein pending, euuueu vena M Allen, Infant, by her Next Friend. J. L. biles. et al, ex parte. 1 will rell at public auction to ine nmnegt maner, ai i o'ciuci m.. ou Kuturday May r-'in, two, ai me uouri nouse aoor, in amis bore. North Carolina, the following; described tract of land, lying aud being in Kranklinville township, adjoining the lands of J. L. Giles, and others, and containing 150 acres, and known as the farm of Daniel Allnii. deceased. 1 his land is three miles from Asheboro, 2 miles from Centra) Falls and 2 miles from Cedar Falls. has good buildings, an 8 room house, large barn, corn cribs, wagon shelters, tool shelters, and is well improved and well watered: about 6S acres of wood li nd. about 40 acres under cultivation, and a good pasture under fence. Terms of sale, one-half cash and one-half on a credit of six months, the purchaser to give bond and approved security for deferred payments, and game to bear interest until paid. E. Murrrrx, commissioner. This 11th day of April, 1906. And this necessity can be meb by securing your horses and mules from a dealer who handles them and knows reliable stock when he sees it. I will have a car load of good team mules and good brood mares at my stables about April 9th, and also have some nice driving horses. Come and see. R. R. ROSS, Asheboro, N. Caro. . . New Goods . . Central Falls Store Co. has just received a lot of spring goods in SUITINGS, WAISTINGS, SKIRT GOODS, LACES, AND EMBROIDERY, SHOES AND OXFORDS, AND BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING. We still have a lot of goods to close out cheap. Come and let us show you through our stock. Central Falls Store Co., E. O. York, Mgr. BURPEE S SEEDS GROW! asiS that can be grown, you should lead Tb Thirtieth Anniversary Edition of- BURPEE'S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1906. SO well known as the "Leading American Seed Catalogue." It is mailed FREE to all. Better write TO DAY. W. ATLEE BVKPEE A CO- PHILADELPHIA. PA. Pleasant Ridge Items. Mr Leonard is visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. James Momtt. We saw in The Courier that the grand jurors had ordered a new court nouse ount out it tne over seers don't look after the Asheboro and Buffalo road we will never it. Among the visitors at J. L. Bray's Sunday were s. v., ana A. e. (Joi and E. L. Eeece. Mr Erneet Cox and family visited Mr. v. m. uox Sunday. Kip Van Winkle Ramblers. Entertained. Miss Esther- Anman delightfully entertained the Ramblers at her home on Sunset Ave. on Satu rdv at 4 p. m. A large number of the members were present and enjoyed a musical program, prepared bv the program committee, in which Misses Bulla and Corrinna Aumau partici- fiated. After the program came de icious refreshments which were car ried out in violet colors with aouve niers of bunches of violets for each guest. , i Easter Advice- Not a month before you will be ready for your Easter dress or your Easter Monday shirtwaist suits. The latest showing in Dress goods, embracing all of fashion's spring fancies can be found at our store. Our buyer has visited the fashion centres and has purchased the most desirable fabrics, in the most popular shades. Some Popvilar Materials: Fabrique de Paris Light Woollen dress goods in lat est shadow effects, in black, navy, sage green, and pearl gray. From 50c. to $1.50 a yard. Linens in white and brown for dresses are a great fad. Other beautiful patterns are shown in dotted swiss, mulls, and flowered and plain Persian lawns. And then for trimmings, delicate laces, and insertion will be largely worn. Our line is the most select and prices range from 25c. to $2.00 per yard- WE ask your attention to our large and most comprehen sive display of newest models in Spring and Summer Footwear for ladies, misses, children and men. The assortments embrace the richest qualities for ladies and gentlemen, in all leathers, for all occasions. Our line of spring cloth ing is without a rival. We can furnish you the best of either custom or tailor-made suits, in the latest spring cuts. In our stock can be found the best goods made by the now famous Griffon merchant and custom tailors. You should furnish your self with the most nobby articles in neck-wear hats, and other furnishings: We have them at popular prices. Wood . goring. 8 i i I ) I

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